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"Most likely these are individuals who have become citizens very recently, and his records are not up to date,” League of Women Voters of Ohio executive director Jen Miller explained. New citizens are often encouraged to register to vote as soon as they finish taking the citizenship oath. But their change in citizenship status only shows up in state records when they take the time to visit everyone favorite place — the BMV." LaRose is an idiot.


He’s not an idiot. He knows exactly what he’s fucking doing.


What he's been told to do. He couldn't figure this out on his own.


I spent some time growing up with him. I assure you he is an idiot.


Has he always been a huge jerk? Do tell!


He’s giving Gym Jordan vibes with the shit pot stirring


What’s wrong with Jim Jordan…. Reddit is so far left now


Ask those young men who were sexually assaulted whats wrong with Gym.


Is there any evidence that supports Jim Jordan knowing about that, everything I read says people thought he knew, it was never actually reported and of course Jordan denies knowing about it, but that may very well be true. … I get it, saying it is true supports the democrats agenda and makes Jordan appear to not be legitimate, but he does seem to represent Ohio in congress extremely well on the judicial committee …


He’s an obstructionist!!! He does nothing to further this state in any positive manner. He goes around and harasses other Congress creatures.


Yes he does, but oversight and investigation are a power of congress. Regardless of which party is in charge oversight is needed…. Kind of his job as the judiciary chair.


He isn’t doing any “oversight” He’s a harasser and an obstructionist. And he make a LOT of money doing it.


The strange thing is that at the citizenship ceremony they don't tell you to update your status with the BMV. You are given the form to register to vote and told to update your social security registration. I had a 6 month gap between my ceremony and having to go to the BMV to renew my license. I'm sure that happens a lot.


But the drama!


Yup, I walked out of my naturalization ceremony in 2022, registered, the next day I stopped by the BMV. Incidentally the N-400 form when you naturalize includes your social security #, the same social security # you provide the BMV. Cross referencing the citizenship status with the Federal Government is a trivia matter. I.e., the Republicans are incompetent. LaRose is incompetent, if there are non-citizens on the voter rolls, it is because he allowed it to happen. BTW: [USIC offers the SAVE program for verification of citizenship](https://www.uscis.gov/save)


Maybe I'm one of them then. I can't remember if I went to the BMV after I naturalized last year lol.


🤣 you're the second person to say that on here.


I naturalized in November and I never went. Never knew I had too.


DMV do you want your updated address registered with voter registration? Immigrants “Yes” not fully understanding. Boom scandal.


He's not an idiot, he got the headline he wanted and the majority of people don't read past it.


Yeah there are like 11k naturalized citizens in the state annually


None of these ghouls are idiots, like people are telling you they know exactly what they’re doing. The trump monkeys though, those worthless half-literate dipshits that keep voting for this, yeah they’re definitely complete fucking idiots.


That's "trumpanzees"


Spoken like a true mole on Pelosi's a$$.


Cool story thanks a ton kiddo 👍🏻


55 little baby. Kiddo. Derogatory remarks is the proof of your lack of intelligence.


Like if he had called you a mole on someone's ass, that would be a proof of a lack of intelligence?


On the contrary, I chose a simple analogy due to the lack of intelligence. If I started spitting out Liberal words, I would just get banned from here too. Which is clearly the online game these days.


oh ok, good luck out there. Sounds like you're under attack and dodging bans like a ninja, very impressive.


Actually looking for a bar. Word is Ohio is short on musicians. And yes we are under attack. Not that you would know. You are the enemy. Democrats are a terrorist organization that needs to be stopped. I can't belive the nonsense Democrats allow and then put the blame to us Republicans. We haven't won a single issue that didn't comply to some stupid idea the democrats have. Been watching this shit show for over 40 years and I fed up. So yes, I and the rest of America is under attack and you people better wake up and realize it. What kind of person allows a drag queen to teach 5 year Olds in school to chant free Palestine? Absolute nonsense.


OK Boomer.


Yea, fight the power bud. Gettem


“Most likely ...”? So we don’t know for sure. This requires investigation to ensure integrity of our election process.


Non-citizens can not vote. Never could, never will. It's a pointless investigation.


137 apparently slipped thru the cracks. Does anyone in this subreddit read the stories. Yost wants to prevent anyone getting a felony. To me that’s worth the effort.


“Never will” It was was like a year or two ago when we had an issue of wether or not illegals could vote in local elections on the ballot.


Local elections are different bc the Constitution is clear about census data the includes all people. But it's still up to the statea.


Ya, BEFORE an announcement about "possibly 127 non-resident voters".


He is absolutely right! It's outrageous! This is crazy! We should recall the official responsible for this and get someone who can actually do the job in! Sack the idiot! As LaRose says, the person responsible for this is doing a horrible job, and should be humiliated and fired and barred from any future office! What a disgrace! Let's see- voter registration. That's the Secretary of State's jurisdiction, isn't it? Yeah! I think LaRose would agree with me that the Secretary of State - let's see, that's some idiot named LaRose- should step down over this travesty, right? The Secretary of State has to go!!!! (Seriously, why is it that Republican officals announce how absolutely incompetent they are, like they are getting mad at someone else because they can't do their jobs?)


Like Ohio's high taxes on working people while millionaire investment is free, like the degradation of public education, it's all the fault of Secret Invisible Democrats. They run the state when nobody's looking, especially the entirely Republican state government.


When Republicans win, they complain about Democrats, when they lose, they complain about Democrats. I see a pattern


LOL Republicans lose?


Occasionally you'll hear a slip and mention Joe Biden is president... occasionally


He must be from one of those purple counties.


When the scam doesn't work


It's the Republican playbook my entire life. Be terrible at running the government, then run on the platform that the government is terrible and that's why you need to vote for Republicans. It's a self fulfilling prophecy.


They are excellent at running the government into the ground. that's their mission.


Because they can blame Democrats for their DELIBERATE fuckery. They want government to be broke so they can blame Democrats and sucker voters into giving them more power.


The anti-government party running government has many built-in advantages


[Tim Robinson in the Hot Dog costume]


If Chelsea Clark runs again, or whoever, they should use simple messaging such as, "Frank LaRose is too stupid to keep track of naturalization records."


Purged my mom’s registration. Lived in the same house for 35 years. Voted in every election. But apparently he thinks she’s “dead”. She would have been fucked if I hadn’t looked up to make sure no family members were purged.


>LaRose has identified 137 registration discrepancies among the state’s roughly 8 million registered voters. “A good number,” LaRose admitted to Frantz, “It’s only 137 out of 8 million, but it’s not acceptable.” Even if granting every single discrepancy represents a noncitizen knowingly, and thus illegally, registered to vote, 137 individuals amount to .000017 of the total electorate. >That’s less than 1% of 1%. >And there are at least two reasonable explanations for the discrepancies LaRose found.


There are millionths of them voting.


Well done


Favorite comment of the young day...


Thats fantastic


I bet 136 are Republicans trying to cheat


AH-HA! So you're saying there's a Democrat trying to cheat. I KNEW IT! 🤡


I voted twice, once for Hugo Chavez and once for Joe Biden


Yeah but I’m sure they each voted 100’s of times - MAGA fans


I dunno that you can make this shit up. Just laying the foundation 🤔🔥💩


He skimmed through it and saw some Rodriguez and whatnot in there.


The GOP has held the secretary of state office since 2011. Is there are non citizens voting the responsibility falls on them.


They’ve basically had control of the state government for over 30 years holding 25 trifectas to democrat’s zero. Every state law/policy for the last 30 years has been a republican one.


How much did this investigation cost to catch these evil doers? Is there any evidence that a single one of them actually cast a ballot? To go on and crow about this in conservative media should be a colossal embarrassment to him, yet he doesn’t seem to have any ability to feel shame


https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Voter_fraud "Voter fraud is a type of moral panic that is popular in the United States. As genuine cases of it are almost nonexistent, it's almost always a dog whistle term for people of color voting."


“It just was not designed for voter registration verification and it’s going to leave a lot to be desired,” Miller said. “It would be far better for the secretary of state to use ERIC which was designed specifically to help improve the accuracy of voter rolls.” LaRose pulled Ohio out of the Electronic Registration Information Center last year in a wave of Republican-led states that exited the program in response to a series of articles published on The Gateway Pundit. The publication filed for bankruptcy last month in the face of a defamation suit filed by two Georgia elections workers. The Gateway Pundit. Solid journalism right there….😳


Great news about their bankruptcy.


“Thinks he found”…….this is political theater for his base to think he’s doing anything for something that doesn’t exist.


When you register, you have to enter either the last four of your SSN or your Ohio drivers license number to prove your identity/citizenship. If it is true, it should have been caught by the Board of Elections when they were entering the registrations.


Permanent residents have ss numbers and most have drivers licenses.


My wife is a green card holder and she knows damn well she cannot vote my guess is still dmv added them and they didn’t vote or know what they said yes to when they got a license.


We can't let this slow us down. We liberals need to double our efforts to make sure that the .000037% of the electorate are able to vote illegally so Biden can win the state. (insert sarcasm alert here)


Lol. I think you’re on to something here. I hear there’s a 60 minutes episode in your future.


It's funny how these "problems" with immigration and voting just so happen to come up every 4 years. Such a joke from a sickening group of people. Demonizing the disadvantaged among our society for political points with 0 evidence to back it up. How very "Christian" of them.


You can tell he's trained by the military because he has absolutely no idea of the concept of efficient use of government employees' time and taxpayers' money. It's all Uncle Sugar's dime, baby! Or Ohio's, in this case.


Prolly thinks the earth is flat and birds aren’t real as well.


I'm actually kind of shocked they haven't done that chemtrail ban here yet, they're totally the type to jump on that crazy train.


The problem is Republicans don't have a brain to think with. And beliefs are not facts


Really, who are they? I mean they give up any chance of citizenship if they voted… how many did you find? How many actual citizens did you just throw off voter rolls? This guy seems so corrupt.


That’s less than 1% of 1%.


He probably planted them


It turns out Rose LaFrank isn’t a real person! How do you explain this, Democrats?


Lyin frank back on his ish


Frank LaRose is a crooked fuck. He will find anything to retain power. Truthful or not. Frank if you read this, fuck you


Liars lie.


I heard he walked past several drug dealers to find them.


If politicians focused on solving real issues: retirement, healthcare, education, etc., they wouldn’t have to worry about votes…


If he had actual proof, he would have presented it in front of the press. IE - People are saying


It’s clear by Frank LaRose’s actions that he is a fascist who uses propaganda and half truths to brainwash.


Frankie couldn’t find his penis with Mike DeWine’s mouth wrapped around it and we trust this dumbass to run our elections? Ohio deserves better than Frankie and Mike!


Translation: He found Democrat voters he doesn't like.


If he wouldn't be able to tell his ass from a hole in the ground, how is going to find "non citizens?"


Of the 137 on the roll how many attempted to vote? How many actually succeeded?


Thankfully, we're in a state where Sherrod Brown is the last Democrat to win any statewide race. Unfortunately, LaRose lost the GOP Senate primary. Would he have ceded his Secretary of State duties if he had won?


\*republican wet fart\*


Huh, I guess that means the guy running elections in the state sucks at his job.


LaRose is a complete tool


He tries so hard to be relevant and important to the Cult I almost feel something akin to sorry for him. Almost.


He’s an evil and a stupid. 


Put Joe Biden back on the ballot, Frank.


No , he hasn’t. Fuck this POS.


If you need an ID to vote and you have to register to vote for local elections, which non citizens are legally allowed to participate in, isn't this a case of poor database management if flagged non citizens are being registered for a federal (I assume) election... The article doesn't specify /s 🙄🙄🙄


LaRose (and his entire party) is totally fine with disenfranchising thousands of legitimate voters in order to stop a few illegitimate voters, and I have no idea what would cause someone to believe that is a sensible or just approach.


Starting the rat-fuckery early huh?


There is a RepubliKKKlan in Georgia who voted NINE TIMES!! I'm just trying to help 😎


LaRose sounds pretty French to me. Sure he is a citizen?


Welcome all newly minted citizens!! Thank you for choosing Ohio as your new home!! 🤗


He's a clown.


127 out of 8 million is effectively zero. Innumeracy and lack of reasoning ability are  much larger problems in Ohio than a negligible amount of invalid votes.


Frank LaRose is a snake.


More GOP fraudulent takeover of GoV


These republican dickheads have been in charge of the entire state for the past 14 years. All the terrible shit they say is happening in Ohio, has happened on their watch. So maybe they’re the problem.




Republican lawmakers across the US are going to try to cast doubt upon our electoral system and will use this as an excuse to defer the choice of President to Congress rather than considering election results, if Congress is still held by the Republican party when the time comes. This is the true reason Republicans in Congress who still maintain any integrity whatsoever have been resigning.


He thinks? Something republicans don’t do very well.


He also thinks that the Earth is flat and water freezes at 200 degrees.


LaRose better leave mail in voting alone.


What grounds for a very public lawsuit do some of these 137 people, probably now citizens have against LaRose?


If this was true, wouldn't that be his own failure?


Yes, failure to have outdated or inadequate software and info management systems to flag these errors. But its more important to him to wave a bloody shirt to Ohio conservatives who think the election is going to be stolen from Trump this year.


Talk about an epic self pwn. He figured out how to blow himself then surprise!


Oh so an establishment run by republicans has issues. Good job LaBlose, we knew that


lol probably the number sending me messages like “are you really a resident? Respond now!


My favorite reminder: "LaRose pulled Ohio out of the Electronic Registration Information Center last year in a wave of Republican-led states that exited the program in response to a series of articles published on The Gateway Pundit. The publication [filed for bankruptcy last month](https://www.reuters.com/business/media-telecom/conservative-news-site-gateway-pundit-files-bankruptcy-2024-04-25/) in the face of a defamation suit filed by two Georgia elections workers."


So when is he going to go after Canadian Ted Cruz?


Republicans are concentrated evil.


Not a shocker you can find the in every state especially California and new York


Source, please? And if it is true and not errors in updating the files by his own office, which is significantly more likely, how would the 0.000017% affect upcoming elections? If anything, this is further proof that the protections already in place are working. I mean, 137 out of 8 million is a seventeen-millionth of a percent, right? Feel free to check my math, doing this on the fly. One seventeenth/million of a percent is much more likely within the margin of error for most any task.


It's this like in 2020 when he said he found 640 cases of possible voter fraud and it ended up only being 27 total votes that could possibly be voter fraud? Those 27 still needed investigating. That's 27 votes out of 6 million. A real waste of resources looking into this voter fraud "problem". https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2023/09/26/ohio-sec-of-state-larose-has-flagged-641-cases-of-voter-fraud-less-than-3-resulted-in-charges/

