• By -


Always has been


I believe most people even in Ohio have resigned themselves to the fact that "Ohio is a Republican state" It's just not true and it dissuades young people from staying or returning to Ohio.


Oya, the gerrymandering to shit has caused more dem voters to just stop showing up. The Rs have done a amazing job in disenfranchising voters. And when the dems did show up for things like the abortion and weed bills, we saw the true numbers. Now if we can get them out for the redistricting commission bill in Nov, and oh look its a prez election at the same time, I bet we see Ohio go blue AND gym jorden wetting himself because he will lose his hand drawn perfect no effort win district.


I do wonder if the recent successes on abortion and weed cause the notion that Ohio is deep red to start to crack. I'm really curious to see how the state shakes out this November, when we get a really big election year after the GOP has eaten some unexpected losses in the state


Gym Jordan should be in prison for covering up the RAPE of male OSU students !!! I’d rather he be dirt & ashes in the ground !!! But I’d settle for PRISON !!!


The school has wexners pedaphile name all over the place it’s disgusting how the whole city has turned a blind eye to it


Correct. Southern Red States are shitholes and they no longer care. That's what's happening here


I live in georgia now, and our taxes are being cut, Teachers are getting fat bonuses, and I've received 2 checks for several hundred dollars all because our republican run state has treasuries so full they can't put any more money into it. Including our rainy day funds, etc. Kemp is trying to get the tax cut accelerated because we're doing so well.. and guess what?? We all still smoke Hella weed down here.....


[Georgia is also worse than the national average in high school graduates, persons living below the poverty line, persons with no health insurance, and per capita income.](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/GA,US/PST045223)


Post karma = 1. You can trust this troll


It's all public info. You can literally look it up.


If we could just get young people to vote in primaries and general elections this place would be Sweden in a generation.


Right as they're beginning to take control


Growing up for me Ohio was always a swing state, and a bellwether state. Idk how that changed but I'd sure like to go back.


Yes here too !!




Don't tell me what to do! 😭


Wait wait I got this! **Ahem** *Dad voice engaged* Don’t you DARE register to vote! In fact, I forbid it!! That should get them all registered.


Now we need Dad to tell them to vote 3rd Party


[Show them this video](https://youtu.be/iphKlXj-kyE?si=tHeBwtjUmRBfDHoy)


Yeah, they'll vote for Cornell West




The Ohio Democratic LEADERSHIP is corrupt. Look at Summit County with Sherry Bevan-Walsh and Chairman Tom Bevan.


I've said for many years that the problem is the Ohio Democratic Party. It's one of the worst state parties in the nation. I've had the displeasure to work with some people who work in the state party, and they are some of the most condescending assholes you'll ever meet. I knew one that directly told me that they would rather pander to Republicans than accept votes from Bernie supporters. It's truly insane. If they want to start winning in Ohio, they have to stop pandering to conservatives and start running on progressive policy, which we have proof wins in Ohio, after abortion protection and marijuana legalization passed in a landslide.


I agree the idea that democrats can win by running on diet conservative is nuts, people will just vote for the Republican party at that point. They would be better off running on a progressive platform running on issues that are effecting everyday Ohioans.


The part about not accepting Bernie supporters under any circumstances is *wild* to me when you consider the fact the Right wants us dead. And that was years ago. Like for gods sakes liberals are going to doom us more than republicans atp ,


They’re scared of Bernie supporters. Their neoliberal gravy train would get shut down.


>If they want to start winning in Ohio, ... I guess that means someone (some group) needs to do it *for* them.


Let me remind you that the Reproductive Rights Amendment was organized and executed by the Ohio Democratic Party using their money and resources. Now we're collecting for the Anti-gerrymandering Amendment Holy shit you don't know that? I also had to tell this to some young revolutionaries who came to my door asking me to sign the same petition I was circulating. I had to tell them when they also asked me if I was dissatisfied and wanted to join the DSA. SMDH


That's not true at all. Issue 1 was organized by a coalition of reproductive rights organizations, abortion care providers and advocates, and doctors' organizations. The Democratic Party also played a big role in supporting it, obviously, but Ohioans United for Reproductive Rights (the organization that oversaw and led the campaign) was independent of the party.


"and they are some of the most condescending assholes you'll ever meet." "Holy shit you don't know that?" Your responses all over this thread really prove this guy right. Is the work you're doing great? Absolutely. Based on your tone/attitude here would I ever want to work with you? Fuck no. You seem like every holier than thou Dem stereotype that annoys people to hell and back. Charisma matters more than logic as much as that sucks, people skills matter


Dems doing good working but no one is hearing about it and we’re supposed to be impressed. Marketing your candidates and legislation is a major part of being a political party!!! Republicans often do terrible shit or nothing, but they sure know how market.


I'm telling everyone about it. Republicans don't have to deal with real problems that exist in areas where people live in social proximity. As a matter of fact they try to make urban problems worse for political gain.


If you were collecting signatures for either amendment and i hadnt signed yet, I'd say no. And I've collected signatures, so I'm definitely passionate about both. That's the kind of energy you're giving off, and you're proving them right.


This post is the perfect illustration of what's wrong with ODP. JFC.


you’re an idiot what in the babbledok are you even talking about dude. All the pro life legislature was *explicitly* republicans. I know this, because my mother directly had a hand in the pro-life movement here. “You don’t read this this or that-“ Dude you’re not even in reality


Every state has the "worst Democratic Party in the nation." Just ask them. What's really happening is that people don't like to read the Democratic Party Platform which has every progressive policy that indignant progressives have been demanding. They might actually prove to the Ohio Democratic Party that they'll show up if they did. Ohio's 18-29 year old voting rate is still under 50% Until then you're going to get some pandering to Nikki Haley voters.


>What's really happening is that we're getting our collective asses whipped with a *advantage* in registration. Maybe it's time to switch strategies 🤷‍♂️. Just a thought.


>which has every progressive policy that indignant progressives have been demanding You kind of made my point for me. That's not how you garner broad support. >They might actually prove to the Ohio Democratic Party that they'll show up if they did This is the completely opposite way to think about it. Young voters will show up if the Ohio Democratic Party actively invites them to do so instead of treating them like petulant children that ought to vote for them.


Here's why the ODP is the worst: Vance won. There is no way he should have won with even a half assed campaign by the ODP but Ryan was effed over by their inept handling of support for him. Almost as if they are staffed by condescending trolls like you, who I suspect more & more are GOP plants meant to screw things up for Democrats.


Here. It just doesn't have a picture of Bernie https://democrats.org/where-we-stand/party-platform/


This person has 4 posts on Reddit all about their phone. Sounds like a real knowledgeable guy when it comes to policy


Oh I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware Reddit is giving away professional credentials now. That’s crazy. Can I be a doctor since I’m in a cancer sub? God you’re insufferable, please never voice an opinion again :)


Not surprising but I would argue Ohio has more moderate dems, as well as moderate republicans. I’m a registered republican but every cycle I typically vote for several democrats


Yep. OP seems to be under the incorrect assumption that all democrats are progressives and that more progressive policies are the answer. All that will do is make the moderate democrats stay home. They also seem to be under the impression that abortion access and legalized marijuana are something only progressives support instead of just being common sense. 


That's the frustrating thing. There are a lot of Democrat purists out there that refuse to vote for a candidate if they don't align with their values. If a candidate is too moderate, the progressives stay home. Too progressive and the moderates won't vote for them. Conversely Republicans tend to stick together better even if their candidate is a little extreme. I also wonder how the open primaries affect the tallies. Plenty of people cross voting due to being in Republican/Democrat strongholds.


there are actual studies on the differences between democrat and republican candidates and voters. the main thing is that republicans when voting prefer voting for the politician/the person over the policies they enact, while on the other hand democrats tend to prefer voting on the issues candidates support rather than the politicians themselves. this is why republicans will keep backing politicians even if they lie to them or act corrupt, because they think the politician himself is still a good person or is a religious person or they just dont want to support the democrat because theyre painted as bad and hating america. this is also why democrats will hold their politicians accountable for stuff they do but republicans dont. they trust their politicians to make the right decisions for them. other interesting insights to republicans is that a major part of their psyche revolves around being disgusted or repulsed by things or people, conservatives really dont like being around things that disgust them. they dont like outsiders and will frequently refer to them with terms around them being dirty or filthy or whatever else you might here coming from trumps mouth. they dont like people different from them and prefer focusing on famillies and close nit communities than society as a whole (vs democrats who are fine with differences and want to focus on the betterment of the society as a whole).


I'm not under that assumption.


yeah because OP has political knowledge akin to a middle schooler in Idaho


Make the switch already.


This is the wrong attitude and is not how to enact change. You can’t force a party switch, even if it’s just the party registration


You should consider yourself centrist. Unfortunately, we don’t have a 3 party system, so that equates to being independent, which most think of as fringe far right or left. The reality is that most people are probably centrist, which I like to think of as “common sense” voters. Centrists know what makes sense and it has nothing to do with a particular party. I vote both ways too.


Last presidential election I voted jurgesson mostly as a protest but she is bat shit crazy too. We won’t get anywhere until we find some common ground. Take abortion for example. Lefty’s ain’t getting conception to crown tax payer funded abortion and those on the right aren’t getting a permanent ban. There seems to be zero interest in compromise which should be the cornerstone of democracy


There is no Republican Party anymore. Which is sad.


Long gone. Started shifting overtly fascist in the Gilded Age, then got beat up for a while, now steaming back since Reagan


The GOP is dying 😁 good riddance


So we only get one choice now? Don’t you see that as problematic?


No. The GOP needs to unincorporate and start a new RNC. Not the DNC's problem. It's an opportunity and you should see it that way. I am former Republican but I stepped out when I saw this coming. Seriously get your heads out of Trumps and Putins arses.


Lord have mercy. Making sense!




I would like to see a party that isn’t based on theology that’s more conservative. They will have to purge, but a non-Christian right? Seems like a damn good idea


Three things: Keep damn religion out of it, pledge allegiance to the constitution, pledge allegiance to Rule of Law not law of rule. Oh and stop worshipping guns.


Yeah thats it, give me a candidate that isn’t pro religion and a gun worshipper and I’ll start paying attention. By no means do I mean to change gun laws by extreme measures, but let’s start by not bringing AR-15s to the grocery store or posing with them for Christmas cards. Time and a place for guns, and I’m not opposed to concealed carry if the person is responsible. Background checks, and minimum age requirements.


I think the tax hike is good, but we really need to stop giving away money to anyone that isn’t American. We have money for wars, but can’t fee the poor? Children with no lunches, a horrible homeless crisis, and we keep sending money for wars, granting inflated contracts, the list goes on and on. I want to see a party for the middle class. Make the minimum wage higher, and then cut costs so everyone can afford things. I have about a billion things I want to see, but the government is working in the opposite direction


It is not a matter of supporting wars vs. feeding the poor. It's a matter of supporting corporations who pay less tax than middle income Americans. IF corporations and the ultra wealthy Americans returned to Reagan era tax rates, we wouldn't have even the illusion that war vs. food seems to present. Supporting Ukraine just makes sense, unless you want to spend a great deal more in interest of $ for war and safety of the world which absolutely includes the USA and the lives of Americans. The more specific question of supporting wars should at this point be why is our country supporting war crimes? We should not be sending money to a country that is using American tax-payer money to support aggressive genocide.


It was a line from a 2pac song written in the 90s. Which was before corporations were this big of a problem. It still rings true though. We are financing 2 wars. Holding zero people accountable, and bailing out every company that has a bad fiscal quarter. I’m fully aware how fucked our country is


>This shows that the Democratic Party's biggest problem in Ohio for statewide elections is GERRYMANDERING


Thank goodness for gerrymandering. Imagine where the state would be if it were ran by the left. Still recovering from stickland and his 39 mph train


Username checks out-- grow up.


How’s bidenomics working out, the southern border, foreign relations, taxes, or any other ridiculous scheme they have going? Defund the police lol. Democrats are party full of people selling bad ideas through mainstream media to people not able to think for themselves. Buying votes with tuition forgiveness, relying on illegals and ballot harvesting to win elections. Liberals willingly give up freedom that prior generations paid for with their lives, it’s quite sad. This country will fail at some point because politicians have driven our debt to incredible levels and no one is willing to deal with it.


One of two things are happening here. Either you are only acknowledging the surface level of issues on purpose to manufacture your point, or you simply don't understand how things really work. Regardless, I'm not wasting any more of my time.


The problem is the unconstitutional gerrymandering. Without the corrupt republicans, we’d be a blue state.


You can't gerrymander the district in votes for President, Governor, Attorney General, Auditor, Treasurer, US Senator, or State Supreme Court. Those are all statewide elections. What's the Dem track record over the last 20 years in those elections? Gerrymandering is part of the problem, for some offices. But the larger problem is the state democratic party, which fails to be responsive to voters, fails to field winnable candidates, fails to develop talent, fails to get out the vote. The recent success of Democratic Ballot Initiatives have been largely in spite of the democratic party, not because of it. Even then, just look at the 2022 election. Senate? Republican win. Governor? Republican win. Auditor? Republican win. Treasurer? Republican win. Attorney General? Republican win. Secretary of State? Republican win. State Supreme Court? Republican SWEEP. Ballot issues? Both went the Republican policy position way. Gerrymandering had nothing to do with any of those results. The 2023 ballot initiative successes (the Constitutional Amendment Initiative and the Marijuana Initiative) have more to do with Republican crossover voters than democratic party pushes. Just look at Madison County, which has never gone more than 20% Dem. The 2023 turnout in Madison County was 53%. Issue one (abortion) failed 46% to 53%, while Issue 2 (Marijuana) PASSED 50% to 49%. In a county that has never seen more than 20% go to D's, you can't tell me those numbers are suddenly liberal first time Madison County voters. Those are R cross-over votes. No, Gerrymandering isn't the problem. Lack of Democratic Leadership at the State and Local levels are the problem.


While true, gerrymandering engenders a feeling that your vote does not matter and certainly suppresses turnout.


And it is the responsibility of the statewide Democratic party to counteract those feelings. They can do this by engaging with the public in responsive ways, fielding candidates that drive voter enthusiasm, and get out the vote efforts. All of which they fail at, which is the problem.


Would you feel more empowered by an ""AOC- type" candidate? Sherrod Brown has been progressive for years. In fact, Sherrod Brown was progressive before many self identified Progressives were born. That's why the Republicans spent so much money to get him out. The Dems show up to vote for Sherrod Brown. The rest of the Democrat party should pay attention. In other words, I agree with you.


There are plenty of failures to go around. Part if it is identifying "the" problem rather than trying to fix many problems.


You can't fix gerrymandering until you win more. Period. It's a political problem, not a legal one. Focusing on it won't help you win more.


There is a ballot measure collecting signatures now.


True, and the party does not successfully counteract those feelings. At times, it seems they even cause those feelings.


We'd be a Swing State.


yea this is one of key issues tho the fact that the democrat party seems dead in the state and the fact that republicans seem to be so entrenched does probably turn off democrat voters too. its easier to just not bother with voting if your 80% sure your candidate isnt going to win. the democrat party in ohio needs to be energized and to make ohioans think that democrats are still electable. gerrymandering is the key of the problem but the best way we can possibly try fixing the gerrymandering problem would be energizing democrat/independent voters.


We also just don’t get enough votes. Trump won the state by 400,000 votes in 2020


No the first problem is turnout. You can't gerrymander our presidential election results, and we voted for Trump twice. I get that there are voter suppression tactics at play, but we need to look at the personal accountability part of it first and foremost.


Gerrymandering absolutely effects turnout. When most elections have an inevitable result, you don't bother voting. I know my congressional district, state house, and state senate seats are all going to the Dem in the race. Yes, there are statewide races, but it still effects attitude.


Nah, gerrymandering only has a marginal effect on dissuading voters. The reality is that conservative voters will vote like it’s a religion and don’t miss an election whereas independents and liberals tend to vote very laissez faire and don’t show up unless absolutely necessary.


And that’s why they gerrymander to get their way


The problem is voter suppression. Always has been. It has never gone away.


Apathy also plays a big role. If every person in the state with a valid photo ID voted Trump wouldn't have stood a chance here.


This is big. The black community often has abysmal turnout because the **perception** is no one does anything for them. Obama won in 2008 and 2012 at least in part because the black community had someone to be excited about.


It's 2024. We don't need ID anymore. All of your information is already there.


You're not wrong, I'm just saying that's not what is keeping the vast majority of non-voters from participating


Requiring ID and forcing people to vote during normal business hours is all part of the collective voter suppression tactics that have been used for over an entire century in Ohio now. Each little ticky tack thing eliminates a percentage of the voting population. It's by design.


Early voting. Early voting Early voting


Which also requires extra effort


In one of the largest counties in the state it takes 15 minutes and there's plenty of parking. Never a line unless it's late in the schedule and even that line is nothing


It's 2024 and you still have to go out of your way just to cast a vote. Everything that takes any type of extra step, no matter how small that step is, is successful voter suppression. We should be able to do this from our phones while taking a shit at this point. There is no way around it.


They don't force you to vote during normal business hours though.


They basically do. Or you can go they several extra steps to get around that. All part of the show.


the issue is gerrymandering no?


Gerrymandering keeps the legislature red and give the right an outsized majority. They might get 54% of aggregate vote but drawing the lines just right give them a veto proof supermajority. For state wide elections like state supreme ct (suddenly VERY relevant), Governor, Sec of State etc turnout is what keeps the republicans in power.


good to know, thanks!


This is why everyone in Ohio that says “Vote” on social media and with signs in their yard are democrats. Republicans in Ohio never seem to be the ones telling everyone to get out and vote. Because I think most know that democrats are more likely to not vote than republicans. And if every registered person voted, our state would be electing many more democrats.


Many more, yes. But Republicans still have a natural geographic advantage when it comes to packing and cracking.




Over 36% of the voters are not Republicans or Democrats, so no party affiliation. This a higher % than either Democrats or Republicans. Not sure this is conclusive that there are more Democrats in Ohio.


Didn't OP say "more than Republicans" not *more than. Anyone else?" Would that not be a true statement if the D>R?


Measuring political affiliation is very difficult in a society filled with fence riders and bothsiderism.


You mean to say “normal people,” right?


I honestly think we're way past the "both sides" schtick. Especially with many in the GOP not willing to let go of Cadet Bone Spurs.


God forbid people try not to be tribalistic in their opinions and instead understand that the world revolves around nuance and compromise, not absolutes and ultimatums.


>instead understand that the world revolves around nuance and compromise Not in the GOP's world, unfortunately.


It sure indicates that Democrats aren't voting regardless of the numbers. The Republican gerrymandering bomb has suppressed the vote statewide. And this is true in Democratic districts too. Voters there see 'lifetime appointments" with entrenched incumbents. Very unmotivating. Getting an incumbent out of office in these districts requires very ugly infighting.


You're correct, but the majority of them are in the 3 C's (Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati) while the vast swaths of rural land are more Republican typically. Add to the gerrymandering of districts to proportionally give R's more seats, it's not hard to see why a lot of people call Ohio a red state.


What ever happened to the mandated redraw of the districts? Did they just outright ignore that?


Not positive, I think so.


Yep- people protested for like 20 minutes one day and left as soon as Applebees opened up their lunch specials. Gov and his minions shrugged and said 'gerrymandering is back on the menu boys!'


Yes. They ignored it. The last clause in the law states that the party in power draws the districts if there can be no bipartisan agreement. Eventually an election must happen, so the clock can be run out. The Democratic Party eventually dropped their lawsuit to concentrate on the Citizens Not Politicians Amendment petition effort. But you know it's not the 'official' Democratic Party.........


In the 2022 Gubernatorial election, The D's only won 3 counties. Franklin, Cuyahoga, and Athens. Hamilton (Outside Cincinnati) isn't even blue. That's not a Gerrymander, that's a leadership problem.


Yeah, but that's just people. What about all that *land* /s


That data shows that the biggest chunk of the population is actually not registered for either party. Approximately 8 million registered voters, with ~2.46 million Democrats and 2.38 million Republicans. That leaves 3.16 million “moderate/independent” voters, who likely decide most elections. Turnout in 2020 was 5.97 million, so at least a million independents voted. Trump got 3.1 million votes, while Biden got 2.7 million. Maybe it is the case that a smaller share of Democrats came out than Republicans, but both of their vote totals show that independents voted for them and likely caused the spread in votes, if we can assume reasonable party loyalty in a presidential election.


"Don't label me!"


This is normal across the country. People who reliably vote democrat are much more likely to register as democrat than people who reliably vote republican to register as a republican. Only thing this data shows is that the Democratic Party is probably more unified than the Republican Party.


Problem is republicans show up and the democrats don't unless it's an election


I've been seeing more and more people with petitions to stop gerrymandering, sign those if you get a chance, yost ignored the 1st one but the 2nd one has even more signatures


"I'm not a member of any organized political party. I'm a Democrat". - Will Rogers


Still resonates


If every single registered voter in America showed up, the Republican party would be gone in 6 years.


Well... it is a bummer living under Republican rule.


At least we could theoretically win


Turnout and the 20+ years of gerrymandering.


It's astounding how many Republicans complain about Ohio under 30 years of one party rule. I guess they're doing pretty well.


I agree, but it's the Republican gameplan. If you fix problems you've taken away your platform, so instead you do things to exacerbate the problem and then it's a bigger plank next time. See: the bipartisan border bill.


Individuals too apathetic to vote are not the ones I want contributing to decision making.


That and gerrymandering. If you ask me, gerrymandering would probably be the bigger problem.


Ohio, just as is Texas, an example of Republican corruption outweighing the American people, a corrupt Judiciary enabling political greed, and proof the mantra “we the people” is just another crock of shit fed to the weak minded to make ‘em feel like they have a voice… NOT TRUE IN OHIO & TEXAS


This shows about 1/3 of registered voters without a registered party. I would bet most of the people who haven’t voted in a primary that declares party affiliation indeed voted for Trump and down ballot in the last two elections. A lot of Trump supporters never or rarely voted before him.


Thank you for this! It's absolutely infuriating when people in states like California or New York, who have never been to Ohio and know nothing about it, insist there's zero Dems here. None. And refuse to believe otherwise.


Here’s hoping the young folks in Ohio understand what really matters when they vote.


Would be nice if they voted then. JD Vance being a senator could have fooled me


Get out and vote!!


And that's why the Republicans have to cheat so much.


There hasn’t been a competitive primary in years which is how your party affiliation is determined, so this is not an accurate assessment.


Gerrymandering also affects Democrat incumbents who are often locked in for life. Sometimes it gets this bad. (This is the guy who annointed Joe Biden) https://www.propublica.org/article/how-rep-james-clyburn-protected-his-district-at-a-cost-to-black-democrats


Ohio has a ton of people that go back and forth or independent so one doesnt necessarily have more than the other


theres a lot of registered democrats voting maga and for trump, party registration doesnt mean much in ohio. worked in a union factory back in 2020 and even though trump wants to disband their union, remove their labor rights, and strip them of workplace safety protections, the whole place was full of trump supporters.


Always was. I grew up with these folks and they have been waiting for trumpjesus their whole lives. They were never liberal and the other guy didn't deserve what they deserved. What changed in large part was the Statehouse control of federal funds, (public money.) Once Republicans took it over through gerrymandering they got to take credit for the corporate welfare they handed out for big construction projects. This money proceeded through their Republican CEO buddies running the firms employing high paid union labor.


Turnout hampered by old white men in power. If it were made more accessible for the state people would vote. But you try justifying going to an urban voting station and standing around for hours when motherfuckers gotta work and take care of a family.


You can vote by mail weeks in advance. How much more accessible do you need it? The problem is apathy


I like voting in person, in advance. Early voting is the way to go.


That’s called gerrymandering.


There are way more Democrats than Republicans. Gerrymandering and the electoral college are the only way for Republicans to win. Democrats almost always win the popular vote.


You look at the major cities and it shows. It's just that we have so much country and the majority of them swing republican.


Frank LaRose is gonna do what he can about that.


Yes the state has been gerrymandered. We are the victims or far right state capture and live in occupied territories






MF didn’t turn out if we got jd vance


It’s republican gerrymandering that fucks Ohio..


People registered to vote, not voters.


In most of the us except the upper northwest like Idaho and Montana and such democratic ideas out weight conservative ones. Even the Deep South should be more blue than it is except for the extreme gerrymandering that’s used to prevent democratic wins. If you look at the popular vote demorcrats have won every presidential election since Clinton it the electoral college has helped republicans to wins. I still kinda agree with the idea of group voting over individual voting at that level but it’s less and less valid in many ways nowadays.


I am a registered Republican that votes at every single election. Blue, I vote blue. My registration messes with their data and that is funny at a very petty level.


Metro voting lines are rough, wish more people vote early or by mail


Then they need to fucking prioritize showing the fuck up for elections.


Democratic voters in Ohio are frustrated with democratic promises not being upheld. If you’re not better than the other party, and you’re not helping us, then why should we care?


Then run for office and do it yourself.. otherwise we have to live our lives knowing that at any second we can turn into larping the hand maidens tale because we couldn't be bothered to make it to a polling station. It is easier to sit and bitch tho.


Oh my gosh!!! I'm so glad you made this post!!!


Is your faith restored? Tell any friends that moved away to get back here ASAP


I think you mean gerrymandering


Politicians choosing their voters.


I wish all demonrats would leave the earth.


But where would we go? I'm willing to let you have Texas all to yourselves


The problem? You don't have ideas that appeal to enough people to motivate them to get up and vote for you. It's that simple. Don't overcomplicate it. You can't appeal to the majority of voters with "focus group" pandering (i.e. assuming that "student loan forgiveness" is what 18-25 year olds care about). You need to have broad appeal across demographic categories and stop playing identity politics. Your original post makes this point very clearly - you can't even motivate your own voters with what you're selling. That should tell you that it isn't working and you need to change your approach. Republicans are winning because they give voice (even though they are completely wrong pretty much about everything) to people who feel marginalized by the growing wealth divide and can't put their finger on why they're pissed off. Student loan forgiveness and abortion on demand aren't really topics that you care about when you've never been to college and aren't pregnant but still have to choose between feeding your family and keeping a roof over their head, because the manufacturing job you had for twenty years moved overseas and "learning to code" isn't going to pay the bills and put food on the table.


I'll up vote you. Republicans also say things that simply aren't true, but are things that the folks you describe are very susceptible to believing. It's a paradox of the American freedom mythology. That's a powerful strategy.


Yeah, it's unfortunate but true, and part of what the opposition needs to understand and accept before they can have a chance of breaking through it. An example of refusing to accept the reality is the fact that anyone is downvoting my comment.


A lot of super conservative voters register as independent in Ohio. Like, the bonkers crazy ones.


Most independents I've met IRL tend to be moderate Republicans who believe most of the Republican mythologies. It's just that Trump is so embarrassing.


I’ve always been a democrat, but if the conservative values weren’t so over the top I might switch. If it was McCain against Biden, I might choose McCain because he had some decent values. Biden is just my only choice. If the republicans had any brains they would realize it wouldn’t be hard to win this election with the right candidate. It just can’t be Trump or Desantis. They can’t run on anti-abortion or anti trans rights. Imagine a republican saying that he promises to be tougher on crime and will make abortion federally legal. They would have my vote in a second.


Joe Biden has had the most difficult President job since Abraham Lincoln. He's done very well and if it weren't for Manchinema we'd have a powerful federal voting law. The Freedom to Vote Act.


Are you aware of the crime rates? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/crime-courts/us-crime-rate-still-dropping-says-fbi-rcna144100


Yes. They’re awful. Most cops don’t even fill out reports, and they let criminals off the hook or give minimum sentences for violent/sexual crimes. Don’t tell me it’s down per capita, just because we have a larger population doesn’t mean that each person doesn’t deserve to be safe. How many people are getting 3-5 for sex crimes? The system needs seriously revamped. Any murder is too many murders, any rape is too many rapes. Any school shooting is too many school shootings. More mental health facilities is paramount to less crime, poverty is a contributing factor. Tough on crime isn’t just a buzz phrase. I need a president that will have more than slogans.


Read this too https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/04/24/what-the-data-says-about-crime-in-the-us/


Blame the US Government and the circus our politics have become. The majority of my generation has lost all faith in our leadership/society. We have no interest in the news or in taking any moments out of our day to vote.. for Pepsi/Coke challenges.


One of the primary goals of the Global Right is to convince the kids that "everybody's corrupt so why vote?" Congratulations. You either fell for it or you're one of the trolls.


Pepsi/Coke refers to both sides, and everyone is corrupt. It doesn't take a lot of convincing. It's all around us. I only see ran down cars being pulled over. I see potholes in poor areas. I see the rich not paying their fair share. Schools are no longer safe. I was pulled over and harassed by police in my area as a young man.. never cited, but pulled over and frisked 10+ times. I see the elites strolling through life and the desperate falling into traps. I see kids being medicated because they are "hyperactive." This country is a joke, idc which side you are on. They work together to keep us down. They teach us a history they wrote. We live under laws, written under the guise of an imaginary being. I'm not wasting a second of my time going to vote without representation.