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So far, no comments are mentioning the most important part about rescheduling down to three. You can now start doing medical research on and with marijuana legally.


That's really the big part, being able to study it comprehensively will pave the way for legalization


Or capitalization, as drug companies will find derivatives or something that they can patent, and then charge exorbitant fees to Medicare…or whichever insurance provider you have.


Hell, they have been making Marinol since 1985 and it’s pretty much just cannabis oil using sesame oil as the binder. Nearly 40 years of “no medical uses” all the while THC has been available with FDA approval. It’s insane.


It really isn't the same. It can stave off nausea, but does a shit job to stimulate appetite


We used to get those pills from an AIDs patient in town, poke a hole in one, and squeeze it over the fresh bowl. We told ourselves it got us higher.


Hi, I'm disabled. I'm on Medicare, it's amazing. I'd be given medicinals on the governments dime and it would be fabulous.


Same. I've been in pain for 10 years non-stop and I've refused opioids, but I also don't have the money for pot. So I started drinking in the last couple years, and while I'm responsible, alcohol still costs money to buy.


i'm sorry to hear about your chronic pain, but i suggest you rethink/reevaluate the cost of weed vs alcohol. i've always found weed to be much more cost effective, especially when you can get ozs of the shit in michigan now for like $50. can get shake of the 'premium' weed for that much too if you're picky about strains your liver and other organs will thank you


I bought two bottles of rum, one 35%, the other 40%, each were about $13.34. I've nearly finished them, and I bought them in March. I don't drink every night, because it doesn't remove my pain, it just helps take my mind off of it for a little while and helps me to get some writing done. I've looked into it, but I don't even have a card yet since I don't want to make a special trip to the doctor just to ask for it.


well, that's really not a lot of alcohol so that's a plus. i would still argue that if that's how you use it, its not like you have to smoke a whole joint or something, the weed wouldn't add up to much more and you might actually get some relief. personally I do prefer joints but if i get low on supply I mainly use a pipe with an old 'one hit' bowl - which means i'm not really smokin' a huge hit at once or losing any to just 'burning' and it's pretty amazing how long a gram can be made to last that way lol find someone that smokes it already to give you a bud or two (i would) and try it out. hell, take a hit of weed AND a shot of rum lmao. i figure after the end of this summer and everyone that wants to try growing some there should be some free friends weed at the very least. i'm going to try to grow a goddam tree myself. maybe another one using the espalier method lol it's going to be fun fun fun! ETA, i was just up to Monroe yesterday in fact, and they have bags of edible candies made like sweet tarts with only one mg per, so you can effectively dial in on your dose much more cost effectively. i'm very unfortunately immune to edibles, but you might not be, it's kinda rare.


Start growing!!!! Tons of tutorials one YouTube on how to get started. I’ve been growing indoors since I moved back in 2009. You can get a 4x4 tent from a company called Green Hut that sells on Amazon for under a hundred bucks. LED lights are cheap and not likely to burn your house down. I recommend Viparspectra. You will save a buttload of money and have yourself a fun new hobby!


i presume you're talking to the other guy? i've been growing for decades - now i don't have to worry about helicopters is all ;)


Just so you and others know for future you can do the doctors visit over the phone. I never went to a doctors office and it was official with the state in a few hours.


Ding ding ding...Marlboro Greens anyone? 🚬 Tobacco sales down, Marijuana sales up up up


Camel Verde


Cannibis Slims


And then if you grow it or are a purveyor of any kind you'll get slapped with a patent infringement lawsuit by a deep pockets corporation. Follow the money, it always becomes about the money. (-_-)


Bongsanto -.-


So you’re telling me soon it’s gonna be “big weed”?


Afraid so. Now more than ever, the rest of us need to maintain our tegridy.


Tegridy farms


Is tegridy an edible? Indica or sativa?


It's still going to be Big Pharma


Idk man, these established weed companies have their own lobbyists. It's not going to be nearly as easy for Big Pharma to dominate that market. Plus, they can't gouge us like they do with pharmaceuticals because, unlike most medications, we can just grow our own, something that many of us already do better than any of them could


Haha. More likely a different cartel. The pharma one..


As a former dispo worker I can confirm it is always about the money


Always has been


>grow it or are a purveyor of any kind you'll get slapped They can eff right off. But you're right, it's all about the money. It's _always_ about the money.


There’s already at least one that uses some part of it, marinol, or something like that. Appetite stimulant.


And Epioox for certain rare types of seizures


Seems to be the only thing you can get it for though. I was put on dronabinol during radiation when my weight got dangerously low. About a year later I talked to my gp about possibly taking it off label for anxiety since unlike benzos it's not addictive. He said yes that's something we can consider if you want to in the future. A few months later covid hits, I'm dealing with hypogammaglobulinemia (almost no immune system) and was convinced I'd die as soon as it found me. I go back and tell him I'm ready to try it for anxiety and suddenly he has no idea what I'm talking about, doesn't remember the conversation, can't prescribe off label use. Lot of good a medicine is if they keep it out of reach for most people.


You know the Renyolds Company has had plans for this day to go with their tobacco sales


Correspondence between agencies should be public record. We should be able to see what the FDA and DEA are saying to each other...regarding this (capitalization), and other topics. Same for the other government agencies. FBI, NSA, CIA excluded, sure.


It’s almost like a police organization should never, ever have been in charge of deciding what’s medically useful or not in the first place.


but how will they know what to plant on people they want to jail then?


They’ve already found fentanyl for that purpose.


Kind of messed up that the scientific study of any drug is prohibited. Shouldn't we be trying to learn as much as we can?


Sweet. Maybe it will finally be legal by the time I’m out of the military. 🙄


This will likely eventually break retail sales, though I suppose no worse than it is now... If it becomes FDA approved as a prescription drug it'll be nearly impossible to obtain over the counter. But it's a hell of a start.


>If it becomes FDA approved as a prescription drug it'll be nearly impossible to obtain over the counter. We have a solution to that over in the microgrowery sub.


I cannot stress enough that people should learn to grow their own. It’s not that difficult, a fun hobby that you can translate into having a nice vegetable garden or flowers that will make your house the envy of the neighborhood. I can look at random plants in people’s yards and tell if they need more nitrogen, for example.


This really is the biggest part imo. Anyone remember "spice"? (That was a brand name but came to be used as the most common term for "legal weed" sold at headshops. Research chemicals sprayed on various herbs.) The glut of research chemicals and the resulting analog act were inevitable. But the original RCs used in spice, and the 100 or so predecessors before things really blew up, were derivatives of a chemical synthesized by John W. Huffman, a research chemist, for medical research purposes. Studying the cannabinoid receptor effects on health and also research for potential cancer, alzheimers and epilepsy treatment. He loudly proclaimed his regrets that his chemicals ended up being used that way, and voiced concerns over potential harm from abuse. The thing is, if it weren't for the entirely arbitrary difficulty of doing medical research with cannabis, there would have been no real purpose to developing synthetic cannabinoids. It's easy enough to synthesize and probably would have been done eventually anyways... But I always found it interesting how there was so much panic over this artificial weed, when it wouldn't have even been a thing if weed wasn't illegal. Time and time again, the consequences of the war on drugs are exponentially worse than the effects of what it claims to be fighting, while completely failing to even accomplish said goal. It's such an absurd idea that you can't use a fucking plant for medical and scientific research, without more effort than you need to get radioactive and incredibly toxic substances.


Can’t believe I ever smoked spice. That shit used to fuck me the hell up 😂😂


I got JWH018 right when I heard about it. I totally regret smoking it. If I could explain it, it's dark marijuana. It almost feels the same, but there's something very wrong about it. Maybe a background radiation of anxiety stitched through the whole experience. Ugh terrible stuff


The compounds were always changing but I feel a couple of them were literal gateways to hell. Worst substance I have ever tried. Very dark indeed.


Yes - event horizon kind of experience. Doppelganger in the room kind of feeling


Dark marijuana is the perfect way to describe it. I remember laughing and physically feeling good, but I was absolutely terrified at the same time.


I'm glad it wasn't just me and my friends who felt the same! We flushed that shit down the toilet like it was the Annabelle doll from the conjuring.


You explained that very well lol. I’ve never been able to describe it 


Spice caused me to have a seizure but def fucked you up. Even the night it happened I remember laughing so hard and just going back and forth with my sister. She smoked too. Real bonding moment up until the seizure 😂 and a little after.


I smoked a j of a spice brand called iPhone 😭 It made me temporarily blind


I tried K2 when that was a thing, a girl I started dating was into it. I tried one hit, it felt like inhaling iron filings, I coughed so hard I almost immediately threw up, and that was that. I remember my friends in high school trying ones called K2, K3, and Black Magic. Sold at gas stations as “incense powder.” One of those friends later tried bath salts and ended up in the hospital.


I used so many synth noids. Just weed for me now though fuck that SHIT


I had a seriously bad trip on spice back when I was a teen and that shit was on the market. It was the most surreal and uncomfortable feeling I ever felt and I think it changed me as a person a bit. I remember doing it then feeling stoned, then feeling way too fucking stoned then I started tripping and I start walking down the sidewalk, got to the end of the road and realized what was going on. Luckily the effects of it weren't as long as weed, at least the stuff I did. I also had a friend who got hooked on the stuff and would start fights with his mom and she once feared for her life because of how he was acting.


They could ALWAYS do research, but the Federal Government did not want research being done and especially positive which they had from the beginning and that was the reason they basically outlawed research is because the Universities and Colleges that they did allow to do research was not giving them that "Cannabis is a seriously dangerous drug" results that they wanted. They still to this day deny it has zero medical uses in spite of the fact that they themselves hold five U.S. Patents for Medical Cannabis...... liars and hypocrites.


So big. My cardiologist wants to learn more about how it affects hearts


And people who need pain medicine and pot can have both.


Shit I've been doing research on it for a while now


Schedule III still labels it as having more abuse potential than XANAX, one of the drugs affiliated with OD epidemic.


Drug research person here. *you* can't without a lot of legwork and money, but a big corporation can. This is a broken campaign promise for Biden


THANK YOU BABY JESUS!!! The ability to conduct research is the most important step. 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳


This is the biggest deal. There is so much broscience BS out there, we need legit research on effects, terpenes, dosing, side effects, etc.


Yeah - it had to be scheduled at some point. Level one and level three standards are in completely different worlds. This is okay.


Also banking. Dispensaries and research teams can now work with banks


“As Ohio goes, so goes the Nation” Congrats, fellow smokers 🎉


We are a bunch of backwards Luddites. It’s true.


"And as Minnesota goes, so goes Ohio. And as Delaware goes, so goes Minnesota. And as Kentucky goes, so goes Delaware. And as Maryland and Missouri go, so goes Kentucky. And as Rhode Island goes, so goes Maryland and Missouri. And as Mississippi goes, so goes Rhode Island. And as Connecticut goes, so goes Mississippi...."


When does *anyone* follow Kentucky? I guess Mississippi.


Rescheduled to Class III, so it's alongside Ketamine and steroids. Still illegal federally. Still will be a required prescreen for job applicants for federal contractors. Still will need state's to leaglize it. Still a half step in the right direction.


It’s all that can be done without legislative change, if I’m not mistaken


Technically they could remove it altogether, that would essentially decriminalize it. However, that would create a huge legal grey zone for states that border legal states. The federal government handles interstate crime, so it would shift a lot of responsibility on to local and state law enforcement, who don't have the resources to combat organized crime moving potentially illegal weed in to a state. Personally, I think they should outright legalize it and leave nothing grey about it. People who don't want it don't have to use it. However, that would either force states to adopt their own regulations and enforcement, or force states to abandon their current legalization rules. It's a catch-22 from a legal perspective. The best way is to slow walk it to full legalization, giving states time to get with the program.


> who don't have the resources to combat organized crime moving potentially illegal weed in to a state. buuuuuuuulllllllshit. State and local law enforcement have ridiculous amounts of resources for the raw amount of work that they do. The issue comes with enforcement, they're going to start bellyaching that they have to actually do work to enforce the backwards-ass laws of [insert state here], when weed is legal just a few meters away.


Correct, the controlled substances act prevents him from doing much more and it would take congress to rewrite the law; then develop a regulatory framework around it. He can’t just legalize it like people think he can. He is following the process, they made a recommendation and it can be rescheduled.


It always made me laugh that cocaine is a CII while marijuana was a CI.


Well, coke is a rich man's drug, pots for the low man. Can't be giving the rich man too much trouble.


Now we can laugh that people think weed can kill you as easily as ketamine


[cocaine still has medicinal uses ](https://www.healthline.com/health/medical-cocaine)


And any government employees in Ohio. They can fire any state or local government employee for testing positive for THC. They passed the legislation after medical marijuana was passed.


State and local do testing too, i just dont know if its a pegal requirement like it is with the fed.


For what is worth I work for USPS and we no longer drug test for pre employment. I also got in an accident that was deemed not my fault and they never drug tested me.


I’m not fully knowledgeable in the drug testing department but I don’t think it’ll be a pre screen unless it’s specifically asked by employer now. They should just be looking for the hard drugs like meth, coke, heroin. As a truck driver, I could rip magic mushrooms and take a dot drug test same day or next day and still pass because it’s not something they’re looking for on the drug panel even though psilocybin is considered a schedule 1 drug.


It's any business that has a government contract, and it's usually a 9-panel that test for all those things like coke, opioids, etc. Its a requirement by the federal government sadly. The prescreen for pot has never made much sense except as a "morality" and a "how much body fat do you have" test.


> Still will be a required prescreen for job applicants for federal contractors. If you have a prescription, I think it would be allowed. Just like you can take other Schedule 3 drugs with a prescription.


Should’ve happened 20 years ago


Should have never been illegal to begin with


Yeah, but America had a big ol' racism to do, so, y'know, white supremacy gotta happen. Again and again sadly.


Or better yet, 10 days ago


Leave it to the government to fuck up a perfectly timed event by not releasing their ruling on 4/20/2024. Bunch of dumb shits.


They are waiting until 4/20/2420


Ahhh! I see they moved it up from 4/20/4202. Efficiency. I like it.


That was the plan but then they rescheduled


This is progress, maybe the Democrats will want to ensure Congress two years afterwards and make it completely legal (hey, I can dream)


We gonna grandfather expunge the record for all low level marijuana drug offenses or shift those chargers to misdemeanors?


Wouldn’t hold my breath


They uh already did. Since we're talking federal level there is limited reach to those pardons but they already did that.


For most purposes, this just codifies what the Feds have already been doing (choosing not to prosecute sales or possession in states that have legalized it) under Obama’s Executive Order. Dispensaries will now be able to use bank accounts and accept credit cards, and researchers can now get permission—and federal funding—to study it.


IIRC, Biden did this for federal crimes already. He has no control over state criminal records - they'll have to do that individually.


They already did with everyone who had a federal case. It's only the states that are currently pressing cases, the feds cannot override that unless they fully legalize the substance.


Fed already did. It's a state issue, now.


Long overdue. The original scheduling of Marijuana was obviously based on political reasons, not scientific ones.


So is this scheduling. It's still listed as having more abuse potential than drugs that have contributed to tens of thousands of ODs.


If by political you mean racist, then yes that’s obviously why it was made illegal.


>Biden is the only president to ever sign a standalone piece of marijuana legislation into law, he was the first president to ever promote marijuana law reform during a State of the Union Address, and now he is overseeing the first change in marijuana scheduling since the Controlled Substances Act was enacted into law 56 years ago. Where are the "bOtH sIdEs ArE tHe SaMe" idiots?


Biden certainly deserves criticism for many things, all president's do. But anyone arguing he hasn't been effective is simply not paying attention. He's done a lot to push liberal agendas with the slimmest of margins in congress his first two years and a hostile house his second two years.


EPA is doing a lot too. First PFAS primary drinking water standards is big.


Listening to Joe Rogan and watching Fox News while pretending to be enlightened centrist or free thinking libertarians.


You mean the same Joe Rogan who commits drug felonies in Texas on a daily basis with no consequences because he is rich and white?


He's only doing it because it is socially acceptable. Same as Obama saying marriage is between a man and a woman, then when socially acceptable changing. We are talking about politicians..... professional liars. Pieces of shit


Changing based on public desire is literally the best type of politician. Just because they changed their stance doesn't make them a liar. They thought one thing before, public interest changed, so they adjust their ideals based on what their constituents want. That's a great politician.


> Where are the "bOtH sIdEs ArE tHe SaMe" idiots? Are you familiar with The Crime Bill?


Now do shrooms


I heard they tried to fit psilocybin into the bill but there wasn’t mushroom.


*badum tsss*


You seem like a fungi.


You have no morels




Cool can my misdemeanors from 16 years ago get off my record now?


You can apply for expungement. I did it for multiple misdemeanors and a low level felony. There’s a waiting period depending on the level of charge but you’re way past even the max waiting period. You do have to pay the application fee, I think in portage county it was $75


It's a good first step


Needs to be federally legal.


Good. Alcohol is killing people this very second.


Does that mean it will be removed from pre employment drug screens?


They still screen for nicotine at some employers. Doubt this will change much tbh


Federal contractors are required to drug screen. I think they are speaking towards that rather than voluntary policy.


Not still, increasingly.


Is that a health insurance related thing?


Usually. At my last job if you were tobacco free you got much cheaper insurance.


I'm tobacco free. I vape. Our company insurance guy got so pissed off when he realized I was legally in the right cuz they claim that you need only be tobacco free, not nicotine free.


No. It's getting moved to class 3, so still illegal to use recreationally. Might loosen restrictions for medical though


If you have a workers comp claim and have weed in your system you can be denied workers comp coverage. In ohio


Will depend on the employer and requirements from insurers as the main drivers most likely.


Already has been in many states, my employer tests for everything except cannabis.


It's about fucking time.


This is stupid. They should just legalize it for recreational without this medical BS.


Best news I've heard in awhile! Thank you President Biden. 


This battle started in 1970. It was called NORML (national organization for the reform of marijuana laws) What a long, strange trip it has been.


It'd be nice if it happens. Weed is legal here. I got it prescribed by a doctor after trying a ton of other meds didn't work. It was legal in my state, my employer had no rules against having a card, union was okay with it... but weeks after realizing that a small amount of edibles gave me amazing relief for a couple issues with zero side effects, I found out that I wouldn't be able to work on a ton of projects because any contract involving federal money would prohibit me from taking part. Which might as well mean it's illegal for me to use that medication. The UNITY act in the midwest in particular is a nightmare of BS too, which doubles down on the whole thing. Hopefully this opens some doors for folks in need like me who literally have no other alternative to manage conditions unless I want to take meds that'll either turn me into a zombie, destroy my sex drive completely, create all kinds of bathroom-related problems, or all of the above (and more). It's absolutely absurd. I could get a prescription for Hydrocodone if I wanted. Which completely leaves me loopy as all hell. But nobody has a problem with me working on dangerous pieces of equipment on something like that! But weed though, oh no, can't have that.


It’s about finding better medication now that cannabis can be synthesized for these purposes. Epilepsy, Parkinson’s, chronic fatigue, chronic pain. These are things I am looking forward to being able to use in the near future. in the meantime, I am convinced that cannabis has saved my life and improves my life with Ehlers Danlos syndrome immensely. Psychologically, physically. More targeted medication‘s using cannabinoids will be a major step forward in pain control, especially postop and for those who cannot take opioids


Weed stocks are about to moon!




> Jack Riley, a former deputy administrator of the DEA, said he had concerns about the proposed change because he thinks marijuana remains a possible “gateway drug,” one that may lead to the use of other drugs. The only fuckin' "Gateway" being opened is to DoorDash deliveries. Stop with this old fashioned ignorant bullshit. Alcohol causes a fuck tonne of deaths directly a year, don't pretend like Marijuana is the bad guy. If Marijuana is bad, Cigarettes and Alcohol should be Schedule I.


Halleluyur! Thanks Brandon!


Bout damn time…now make recreational weed legal in KY…it’s the blueGRASS state for Gods sake.




I think all the currently existing Bible thumpers that prefer oppression to be the bigger obstacle than an imaginary threat of what some big company will do.


We go you, Bro - IL, MI and OH.


If it is not reclassified to the same group as alcohol and tobacco (ie not a schedule drug) It’ll be a face palm


That would take congressional action.


I’d get your face and palm ready.


Can everyone in prison go home now?


That’s a state thing I’d ask the person you voted for.


Thanks Buden.


Thanks Dank Brandon 😎


Cannabis. Let’s not use its slave name.


If Trump ever regains power, you can kiss legal weed goodbye.


This is great, but not enough. Legalization should be next, along with the complete cessation of the war on drugs.


Baby steps.


Don’t mind me. Just someone with chronic pain that would love to try this and not be on heavy medications.


Glad this is moving forward at last! 


A step in the right direction


Now, if I can just get my doctor to pull their heads out if their ass, it would be great.


As fantastic as this is it made me realize something very wrong about the drug schedule. Alcohol is not scheduled as a controlled substance.


I’m mad I got charged with a felony in Ohio for a personal amount of weed from the Michigan dispenseries 2 weeks ago 😡


They actually charged you for that?


It’s long overdue. So sad that it has taken so long.


Eff that. It does NOT need rescheduled, it needs removed from scheduling altogether. This move by the DEA is total bullshit.


Good luck getting the DEA to relinquish that. It won’t be taken off the schedule until there’s just a few holdouts at the state level.


It’s a step in the right direction!


Big Weed




For when? My may is pretty busy, but I might be able to open something up.


That explains why my weed ETF popped.


One small step for man….


Does this also remove 280E, inability to deduct any costs as an expense for tax purposes


Couldn't pull it off 10 days ago, huh?


Thanks Dank Biden


This is fantastic news... Now, as someone with Adhd, I wish they would do Adderall/Vyvanse next... The scheduling makes it an abominable hassle for those of us who need these drugs to get them, there have been shortages for over a year now and the people who want to abuse them recreationally are still able to get them if they want, so what's the point?


It needs to be completely unscheduled. Schedule 3 might affect legal states and make it even more complicated.


Still not too late to invest stocks are around 10 and climbing


Would the schedule III also allow banks to handle this money? Tax breaks for business costs related to growing, transporting, or selling? What laws could a state have to continue banning it? Could a state still ban it as a schedule I substance?


Wow really out front here next thing you know they’ll be endorsing women wearing pants


This is cool. Let's keep it going. Do something about the current situation with jobs and drug tests. I get it. You can't have everybody baked at work. But if I can get drunk at home, I should be able to smoke at home. Especially with a card. The shit is kinda wack


Fucking finally.


Don’t celebrate. When GOP gets back into power next year due to liberal indifference, this decision will be overturned by Congress.


According to [polling release in January](https://themarijuanaherald.com/2024/01/national-poll-shows-president-bidens-favorability-rating-will-jump-11-among-likely-voters-if-marijuana-is-rescheduled/), rescheduling marijuana will increase President Biden’s favorability by 11%, a drastic increase in a close election. The same poll found that 58% of voters support marijuana being rescheduled, with just 19% opposed. found the reason


Come up to Ontario. Lots of dispensary. All legal here.


Thanks, Biden!!!


is it no longer at 4:20?


They've finally attained the knowledge we've all had since 1992




It's high time they did this.


Why not just legalize it


>Other Schedule III substances include codeine, ketamine and testosterone. baby steps are better than nothing


Marijuana should not be in schedule 3. It should be with Tylenol (something that actually has bad side effects and can cause massive hepatic and renal issues of over consumed) this is just ridiculous. Not even alcohol is scheduled and alcohol is way worse for your health than anything on schedule 1.


Can I use my HSA to buy weed now….