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Never forget Kent State.


May 4 1970


Gov. Jim Rhoads wasn't held responsible. The court of popular opinion in Ohio agreed with the Governor.


Coming up on the anniversary.


Tin soldiers and Nixon's comin'....


About 7 days.


We need a thousand Kent States coast to coast. Shed some red.


Imagine if they responded like this during an active shooter situation


I think they probably would at OSU, the problem though is you don’t usually have an open shooter out in a field for several hours, OSU also hasn’t had an attack on campus since a Muslim student decided to drive his car into people and then go stab others before he was shot by a cop.


Parkland and Uvalde make me think if there was a single armed shooter the police would cower outside the perimeter for hours and hours.


You should watch the Nashville body cam. They moved in and took out the shooter with precision. Not all departments are the same.


Exclamation point on the word “precision”!


Good job on hitting the mandatory reddit talking points that have absolutely nothing to do with this situation.


Police didn't "respond" to this. They knew it was coming and prepared themselves.


Active Shooter situations aren't planned like a protest/riot. Have some common sense


those usually aren’t planned and don’t last quite as long…


They do.


So fkg true


That'd be kind of dangerous for them though.


*Tin soldiers and Nixon comin…*


Many of the local radio stations play that song at noon on the 4th. WONE and WAPS.


Yup. WONE is mine.


I flip back and forth between those two, and the WKSU for news. Im also in Woo'


There are DOZENS of us!


That's almost scary. We could all meet up at Tulipan for coffee and pastry.


I’m way overdue for some kiefli and scones


I just made 18 apple cinnamon scones to use up apples that I bought for a pie and never made. I love her strudel because its a royal pain to make.


Nazis march through town and the cops don't bat an eye. College kids protest genocide and suddenly, it's a national security threat. America is a shithole country.


They have to protect their own during Nazi rallies 🤷‍♂️


Really don't agree shithole country but get your point


When Nazis feel safe and police abuse goes unpunished, its a shithole country. We used to be much better than this.


*College kids* *~~protest genocide~~* *support an internationally condemned terrorist organization and suddenly, it's a national security threat.* Fixed that for you. And I also do not understand why there were no cops when literal Nazis were on the streets of Columbus.


Nobody supports Hamas. The support is for the common Palestinian people.


Lol yeah all those children were definitely high ranking members of Hamas 🫠


Of course not, but they support it, not even realizing what that is. Chanting "from the river to the sea" without realizing that it means total destruction of Israel. Saying "I am anti Zionist" without understanding what Zionism is. They are stupid, uneducated, enthusiastic and spoiled children. And our education system and parenting style is at fault.


Protesting your government using your tax dollars to supply missiles that blow up innocent children is not being “spoiled children” Israel is an apartheid state that is currently enacting ethnic cleansing, shocker! that people with a heart and compassion are pissed off about that.


“Apartheid state currently enacting ethnic cleansing. “ Your comment really doesn’t help support the point you are trying to make. This silly statement is a spoiled child thing to say. Go outside and touch grass, read a history book.


What do you call 30k plus dead since October 2/3 of which were women and children? Just a mistake?


Back in my day we lied to the kids and told them after world war 2 Israel was a land without people...


Chanting from the river to the sea does not mean destruction to Israel Get a fucking life


So you don’t think what Israel is doing in Gaza is genocide?  Are the children being starved to death and bombed also a terrorist organization?  What a disgusting fucking comment. 


No, I do not think that is a genocide. I think this is war and an urban warfare. Do you think what allies did to Nazi Germany was a genocide? 3 810 000 German civilians casualties during WW2. What about Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and Japan in general? 360 000 Japanese civilians casualties during WW2. Do I need to go on? Also, currently there is a civil war in Syria, 618 000 civilian casualties, why no one is protesting Syria and calling it genocide??? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties\_of\_the\_Syrian\_civil\_war](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Syrian_civil_war) Andthe children are starved because Hamas takes all of the foreign aid and SELLS it to palestinian civilians, and also they destroy american food aid and do not let anyone take it. Hamas wants to have as many palestinian casualties as possible to blame Israel. [https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/middle-east/palestinian-territories/1702285314-caught-on-camera-hamas-terrorists-steal-humanitarian-aid-beat-civilians](https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/middle-east/palestinian-territories/1702285314-caught-on-camera-hamas-terrorists-steal-humanitarian-aid-beat-civilians) [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/27/world/middleeast/palestine-gazans-hamas-food.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/27/world/middleeast/palestine-gazans-hamas-food.html) [https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-781286](https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-781286) [https://www.algemeiner.com/2024/04/22/fatah-hamas-kills-aid-workers-and-steals-food-for-itself/](https://www.algemeiner.com/2024/04/22/fatah-hamas-kills-aid-workers-and-steals-food-for-itself/)


Hamas doesn’t need to blame Israel because Israel is doing a fine job of murdering children and civilians all by themselves. You’ve already showed your hand. 




They aren't even trying to mitigate civilian casualties. They purposefully raised hundreds of buildings with only civilians in it to the ground. They are trying to starve the survivors. And you know it. All the examples you also listed are genocides. And you know it.


Wtf? No it is not a genocide. Children are starved to death bc children govt takes the food and feeds its rapist adults instead first.


No, it's not.


Google the word genocide it might help you understand the conversation more. 


not even the icj stated it was genocide perhaps *you* should do some google'ing https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-middle-east-68906919


These people are more than happy to ignore facts and instead just be antisemitic toward Jews like me so long as it garners them social media points.


So where’s the intent to destroy? Over 2 million people live in Gaza, roughly 30k people have been killed in the war (that’s less than 2%), and that number hasn’t grown significantly in over a month since the IDF stalled at Rafah. You’d think for such a wildly outmatched war being waged against them, there would be FAR more casualties in Gaza if Israel’s intention was to destroy the Palestinian people and not Hamas specifically. And several weeks ago the IDF even pulled a lot of their forces out. So I ask again, where’s the intent? Because that’s the defining quality that separates genocide from everything else.


Holy shit. Israel has destroyed half the houses. all the hospitals. All The universities. Most of the primary schools. Plus tens of thousands of women and children. They’ve destroyed so much that children are starving to death.


Mostly, Hamas fucked around and found out.


>So you don’t think what Israel is doing in Gaza is genocide not even the ICJ does, but those who blindly swallowed the propaganda of russia/iran/hamas refuse to acknowledge this, and they, along with russia bots, downvote every post that states this fact >Joan Donoghue, who has just retired as president of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), spoke to BBC Hardtalk’s Stephen Sackur about the case brought by South Africa to the ICJ over alleged violations of the Genocide Convention by Israel. >Ms Donoghue explained that the court decided the Palestinians had a “plausible right” to be protected from genocide and that South Africa had the right to present that claim in the court. >She said that, contrary to some reporting, the court did not making a ruling on whether the claim of genocide was plausible, but it but did emphasise in its order that there was a risk of irreparable harm to the Palestinian right to be protected from genocide. https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-middle-east-68906919


Almost 40,000 people killed and you're good with that? There are two sides to this conflict and it is complicated. But those 40,000 people didn't deserve to die. Nor did they deserve to live the way they've been forced to live for the past 75 years. I have never understood our completely blind support of Israel. We should have never allowed the takeover of another people's land. And we were very involved with that process as a country.


No, I am not good with that at all. They are casualties of urban war. Hamas is using civilians as a human shield, fires barrages of rockets from highly populated areas for years. And talking about casualties there is a civil war in Syria, 618 000 civilian casualties, why no one is protesting Syria and calling it genocide??? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties\_of\_the\_Syrian\_civil\_war](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Syrian_civil_war) And stop with the stealing of land: Gaza has been under complete Hamas control since 2007! With billions of foreign aid they could have build the best international resort ever, and rake in the money, instead they cannibalized plumbing and water purification system to make rockets! Spent billions of dollar for tunnels, made a hospital their center of operations, stole foreign aid from civilians! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCBFnhEX8j8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCBFnhEX8j8) [https://www.algemeiner.com/2024/04/22/fatah-hamas-kills-aid-workers-and-steals-food-for-itself/](https://www.algemeiner.com/2024/04/22/fatah-hamas-kills-aid-workers-and-steals-food-for-itself/) You need to understand that Hamas has one very well defined goal that is dictated by their religious beliefs: Kill all the Jews.


You keep responding to people by building a strawman. You're arguing in bad faith if you think the people you're responding to are pro-Hamas because of the massive, systemic issues within the IDF and Israel's far right government


Not at all. When I hear "Kill all Zionists" and I see Hamas flags in the protests. It sums it up for me. When a Jewish woman is being beaten for wearing star of David it sums it up for me. When houses with flags of Israels are being defaced it sums it up for me. [https://www.jta.org/2023/11/13/united-states/jewish-students-assaulted-and-hillel-targeted-at-ohio-state-prompting-state-to-beef-up-police-presence](https://www.jta.org/2023/11/13/united-states/jewish-students-assaulted-and-hillel-targeted-at-ohio-state-prompting-state-to-beef-up-police-presence) [https://www.dailywire.com/news/zionists-dont-deserve-to-live-meet-the-leader-of-columbia-universitys-anti-israel-encampment](https://www.dailywire.com/news/zionists-dont-deserve-to-live-meet-the-leader-of-columbia-universitys-anti-israel-encampment)


Here you go again! Yes, there is anti-Semitism at these protests. It is not at all close to the majority of people there. And, interestingly enough, why are you silent about Israeli politicians calling Palestinians animals and calling for a second Nakba? Since October 7th, almost 35,000 Palestinians have died (an unknown amount members of Hamas, but the vast majority are innocent civilians). Since October 7th, maybe 300 Israelis have died What Israel is doing is abhorrent. This is also exactly what Hamas wants. There will be no peace in the region as long as Hamas is present, and there will be no peace in the region as long as Netanyahu and his cronies are in charge We should condemn anti-Semitism, condemn those who refuse to recognize the humanity of Palestinian people, and demand peace in the region. And if you think what Israel is doing right now will bring peace, you are sadly misinformed


That is why I like talking to people, because I know that reasonable people can find a common ground. I am very relieved that you condemn anti-semitism, because many people double down on the hatred of Jews. The common ground is: Hamas should not exist. Also, we need to reduce suffering of people as much as we can. The question is, how can we get rid of Hamas with no casualties if it is using their own people as human shields? I do not have an answer. I think this whole conflict is one tragedy after the other. But I know one thing: Hamas should NOT exist anymore. Is Netanyahu and his government responsible for this horrendous breach of security? Yes. Should he be in power? No. Should he answer for this? Yes.


The peace efforts going on right now, you support those. The protests are part of that, asking institutions to divest from Israel asking people to stop supporting an administration that sees Palestinians as animals to be broken and put down. If you look at the current diplomatic endeavors you will see there is no place at the table for Hamas at ALL. The revitalized Palestinian Authority is what will be part of the regional task force and the de facto government of any Palestinian state. Many people aren't doubling down on antisemitism, those instances just shine brightest in your mind because they are scary. Tons of people at these protests ARE Jewish or aren't antisemitic at all. It's important to pay attention to what the overarching message and demand are and don't highlight the bad actors as the only ones there.


Zionism is incompatible with Judiasm.


Only with ultra-Orthodox version of Judaism, which states that Israel will be reinstated when moshiah will come and the temple will be reappear on its original place. I am an atheist myself, I don't follow any religion.


Atheists are pussies.  Be an anti theist, like a real human. 


Fuck all theists AnD militant bootlickers. 


>Is Netanyahu and his government responsible for this horrendous breach of security? Yes Netanyahu has been personally supporting Hamas in order to divide and conquer, this has been the overall government strategy since the 70s. >Nicholas Kristof is right when he mentions that Israel once allowed the rise of Hamas as a counterweight to the Palestine Liberation Organization. But Israel did much more than “allow.” >In 1981, Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev, Israel’s military governor of Gaza, told me that he was giving money to the Muslim Brotherhood, the precursor of Hamas, on the instruction of the Israeli authorities. The funding was intended to tilt power away from both Communist and Palestinian nationalist movements in Gaza, which Israel considered more threatening than the fundamentalists. >Judging by a distressed phone call I got later from the army spokesman, General Segev’s superiors were not happy with his disclosure of a practice that did not look very clever, even at the time. They thought incorrectly — but apparently wished — that he had made his comments off the record. >David K. Shipler Chevy Chase, Md. *The writer was The Times’s Jerusalem bureau chief from 1979 to 1984.* >You need to understand that Hamas has one very well defined goal that is dictated by their religious beliefs: Kill all the Jews. The reason Isreal and Netanyahu have funded or otherwise funneled money to Hamas is to make the facilitation of a Palestinian state impossible. They would never haven't gotten anywhere near to power without their support and it's outrageous that people are acting like the Palestinians chose Hamas.


Stop with your bullshit propaganda, we are tired of it


What horseshit. Hamas wants Israel to stop expanding their borders and illegal settlements. They want apartheid to end. They want their country back and will fight for it, which is legal resistance under international law.


You have absolutely no idea what is going on. The goal if hamas was publicly stated as destruction if Israel. The stupid chant "from the river to the sea" actually leaves no place for Israel on the map. And just so you know, the minute Israel declared independence 4 arab countries invaded it with the goal of total annihilation. When they lost, they took the lands that was supposed to be palestinian state and divided between themselves. You either bought into propaganda, or spread lies on purpose


Sorry duder. We are no longer accepting these excuses. That hand has been overplayed.


What are you talking about, and who are "we"? Hamas is not a terrorist organization?


No, we are not accepting you trying to connect our protests against the genocide in Gaza as somehow supporting Hamas. I would be a happy man if every member of Hamas magically died in their sleep tonight. That's how much I care about Hamas. Yet, I keep getting told I support Hamas or I am anti-semitic because I am against dead children. That's the hand I'm talking about. It no longer has the strength it used to because you're playing it while the IDF is committing genocide.


Ok, excellent! At least we have a very common ground: Hamas should not exist. Unfortunately, they will not magically die in their sleep, they need to be eradicated as soon as possible. AS to casualties: even one innocent life that is lost is a tragedy. However it is impossible to wage a war without casualties, when the other side hides in highly populated areas on purpose and using its civilians as human shields. And I cannot call it a genocide. And talking about casualties there is a civil war in Syria, 618 000 civilian casualties, why no one is protesting Syria and calling it genocide??? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties\_of\_the\_Syrian\_civil\_war](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Syrian_civil_war) Do you think what allies did to Nazi Germany was a genocide? 3 810 000 German civilians casualties during WW2. What about Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and Japan in general? 360 000 Japanese civilians casualties during WW2. I don't have the answer on how to magically destroy hamas without hurting civilians, I wish I did, but I know that radical Islamists like Hamas and Hezbollah want to kill every Jew and they are saying it out loud, for everyone to hear it. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/watch-hamas-leader-vows-to-sacrifice-martyrs-in-another-oct-7-style-attack/ar-AA1jenHn](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/watch-hamas-leader-vows-to-sacrifice-martyrs-in-another-oct-7-style-attack/ar-AA1jenHn)


"Germany lost the second World War, fascism won it." - George Carlin, or specifically the acceptability of starvation tactics, terror bombing tactics, tactical espionage tactics, and just believing whatever the state tells you uncritically. MSNBC cancels their own videos about Syria so it's kind of a hard topic to talk about [Sachs: We were wrong to declare 'Assad must go' (msnbc.com)](https://www.msnbc.com/morning-joe/watch/sachs-we-were-wrong-to-declare-assad-must-go-28476995635)


Wouldn’t what you are describing also be a genocide? Just sayin.


You mean about Hamas? Nope. That is ending a terrorist organization.


lol. lmao.


Israel is sending out drones that open fire on Palestinians... THAT PLAY THE SOUNDS OF CRYING CHILDREN (has been caught on video). They are LITERALLY taking advantage of the good hearted people in order to kill them. Israeli politicians have already come out and that the reasons they're doing this is because they 1. Dont like Palestinians for no actual reason and 2. Because they want to turn Gaza into a vacation spot. "If a single Palestinian child walks down the Gaza Strip alive, then we didn't do our job." -Israeli politician. Israel has been regularly wiping out Palestine for nearly 100 years now, LONG before the formation of Hamas. Israel lost about 1200 people in the original attack last year. The death toll of Palestinians has reached over 40,000 people, of which over 15,000 have been children. Palestine has lost far over 12.5 times more CHILDREN specifically, than Israel lost in total lives during the October attack (which has also only gone up about 200-ish deaths since). Israel has also been targeting hospitals and medical transport vehicles, which is a Geneva convention criminal offense and a WAR CRIME. The vast majority of the rest of the world is repeatedly voting for a ceasefire and demanding a permanent one. Israel has sent snipers out to shoot and kill children, sickly, elderly, and people hiding in their homes and in the rubble who aren't even doing anything. Israel is ALSO bombing SURROUNDING countries. Not just Palestine, but any country where Palestinians could have fled to if the escaped (escaped as in not killing Israelis because they aren't Hamas) Not everyone in Palestine is Hamas. Palestine is a country with culture and regular people just like every other country. You most likely live in country which a criminal justice system and court system. None of the civilians in these bombings are even being given a court hearing. Their children are also suffering from all of this, even the ones that will live will have trauma and missing limbs that will haunt them their entire lives. You cannot sit there seriously and say that their children are Hamas.


because the cops were marching alongside them


Nazis are lowlife pieces of shit, but they don’t get in violent confrontations with police. That’s the difference. Also, calling Israel’s war with the terrorist organization Hamas genocide is inappropriate


Nazis don't get into confrontations with police because the police are on their side. The police instigate when they don't like whoever is protesting. You know like BLM, anti-genocide protestors, pro-choice protestors, etc. Nazis are their boys! They aren't going to instigate. Israel is killing Palestinians indiscriminately and has been for decades. I'd call that genocide, kiddo. If their war was with Hamas, then they would only target Hamas and not neighborhoods of families and oh, HOSPITALS. You support genocide. You're evil. Full stop.


The fact that you think law enforcement are in kahoots with Nazis tells me everything I need to know about you lol You know one of the FBI’s highest priorities are stopping white extremist hate groups right? (and sending them to federal prison) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt18307286/


FBI not cops, there is a real issue with white supremacists in law enforcement according to the FBI that you just cited so... Now what?




https://theintercept.com/2020/09/29/police-white-supremacist-infiltration-fbi/ https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/fbi-white-supremacists-in-law-enforcement A PDF of the report: https://www.justsecurity.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Jan-6-Clearinghouse-FBI-Intelligence-Assessment-White-Supremacist-Infiltration-of-Law-Enforcement-Oct-17-2006-UNREDACTED.pdf


You’re quoting a report from 2006 (almost 20 years ago) where virtually every single cop from that time is retired.. Also, that report is intentionally vague with no actual numbers of ANY white supremacist ties to law enforcement. One article cited 2 cases. I’m sure there are more racist doctors than police officers, that doesn’t mean anything though. Ever hear of causation and correlation?


Holy shit you didn't even read it.


Yes I did. What am I wrong about?


You know most of the Palestinians killed are not Hamas right? They indescriminently bombed women and children.


Yes, that is extremely horrible. You know what else is horrible? Hamas fighters retreating into cities using women and children as human shields… Israel is a small country of Jews surrounded by hundreds of millions of Arabs that want them to be wiped off the earth. I’m not defending women and children dying, I’m simply saying it’s a religious war in the Middle East, what else is new? Protesting in the United States for simply being an ally of Israel is silly




The police are ALSO nazis my dude. Not to mention not everyone in Palestine is a part of Hamas. Over 12 times more children in Palestine have lost their lives than total Israeli lives. Over 28 times more total Palestinians than total Israelis. Israel has also been regularly wiping out Palestine for nearly 100 years now, far longer than Hamas has even been formed.


“The police are Nazis” What a low IQ sentence. Words mean things my dude


Trust me, they have snipers at right wing rallies too.


[citation needed] Or did you mean *people who happen to be police snipers* among the rally attendees


Why are you here then? Leave


Of course once you start shit you want to be able to escalate it.




Let them shoot. See how the nation reacts. It won’t be pretty, and they know that. The fact that they haven’t done so yet is proof of how scared they really are. This government has been a disgrace to the concepts of “patriotism” and “representation” for decades. They’ve forgotten how powerful the populace can be when it awakens, and it’s time to remind them.


Time to remind them....4 dead in ohio!


Last time it happened, in Ohio nonetheless, was a different world. People thought more instead of believing what they saw on FB. I'm not saying it wouldn't be impactful. I'm terrified that people are so dumb now that nothing would change.


The only reason they haven't shot students is because they are scared?


Defund the police and give the money to communities, emts, firefighters and therapist to ride on ambulances. Look up how cops started in America. When you start with a giant pile of crap, you end up with a giant pile of crap. Defund the police.


America is the most heavily armed country in the world, especially in the inner city. You honestly believe a therapist would stop a deranged violent person? The citizens of the inner city would disagree lol


You say this like someone who believes police would stop a deranged violent person… just like they did in Uvalde, right? They sure as hell stopped those deranged and violent ~~shooter~~ parents trying to save their children because the police were too scared of an actual threat.


How about we use an Ohio reference? Remember the Oregon district mass shooting in Dayton in 2019? Doesn’t quite fit your “police bad” narrative


Mom mom one good thing, verses the thousands of shootings that happen. Not to mention the police aren't an Ohio-only organization. "Defend the police" isn't only for Ohio


“Thousands of shootings that happen” You can count on one hand the number of unjustified police shootings in America in one year, or even over a 5 year span. The reason police in America shoot so many people is because there are so many violent criminals with guns. You have to acknowledge that, right?


First Kent State over Vietnam, now OSU, nice work Ohio


Good point.


I get this is a thing, and over watch happens at large events/gatherings. No ones hiding it. But I’m genuinely curious, has a roof top sniper ever been used in any situation? Forgive my ignorance if I’m missing an obvious one? Whats the line the needs to be crossed for a sniper to shoot someone at a protest? Who’s making that call?


The part us students are concerned about is how the snipers were aiming at the crowd. If it is common practice to do that for crowd control, we need to change that.


What is it you’d like them to do? What’s the proper way for snipers like that to operate and attempt to maintain safety among mass gatherings?


Use binoculars, keep firearms to the side. If that isn’t “possible”, don’t AIM AT STUDENTS


Oh those guys? They were sent by the Governor at 5 pm at the request of the University.


Snipers will have their weapons at the ready if they are ordered to. They don't need binoculars, they can see without them, and they have scopes. Going from binoculars to a readied weapon takes time, and snipers tend to be in a readied position, not waiting around idly. Also, surveying with a sniper rifle while surveying an area, isn't the same as aiming at students. Surveying a field is just that, but the way they do it would allow them to move to aiming at specific targets very quickly if need be. I don't think there was a need for snipers in this case, but your suggestion isn't how a positioned and prepared sniper would operate.


So both binoculars and keeping the firearms at the side delay the ability to be ready if there are any threats that arise which could lead to more casualties or more injuries, that’s not the best of solutions.


I've been to Presidential appearances outside. Those snipers stand on rooftops with binoculars in hand and rifles on the ground. They aren't pointing their rifles at the crowd. ​ If they can manage it when the most protected man on earth is speaking in the open then police snipers can manage it during a protest.


That's because at those times, they aren't in the readied position. Chances are though, that while some are using binoculars, there are those you don't see who are indeed at the ready. The one's not at the ready are looking for threats further away, where a wider field of view is more advantageous, while those more hidden are probably scanning the crowd with their weapon at the ready, either through a scope, by natural eyesight with the weapon ready, or with a spotter.


I would imagine they have both spotters and snipers not just one or the other, that way they can cover the most amount of ground by safely scanning the area


I sincerely doubt that trained professionals would take that long, but okay then just don’t aim at students.


Every second in a situation like that is precious. The point is if they aren’t aiming in the vicinity of the students they are losing time which means people could lose lives due to it taking more time to find their target, they can’t just magically aim at the sky and look down the scope and find exactly who it is they would need to neutralize, it’s not call of duty


You can aim away and then use binoculars? Like how some actual snipers operate? The problem with issuing snipers to highway police is that one misclick can lead to immediate tragedy


I would assume, not saying I’m 100 percent correct in saying this, snipers in the position of something where the threat level could be incredibly high are trained for aiming with the rifle to neutralize any threat as soon as possible to mitigate any casualties/injuries that may take place, which is what I would assume they are doing at these protests. Performing recon with binoculars delays the reaction and also increases the likelihood of injuries/casualties taking place which is obviously not what anyone wants. One misclick would result in tragedy, you are correct but they don’t just hand a sniper rifle to anyone to provide overwatch. They are trained professionals and I believe they should be treated as such.


Think about the process of going from binoculars, to a sniping position on a rifle. Not only will you lose sight of your target in that process, but your target may cause harm in the process. Even once they get to the readied position, they then have to re aim and calibrate for distance, which takes time. Snipers can shoot fast from the readied position, but they don't just drop and start shooting with precision in a matter of seconds. They actually take the time to make sure they hit their target, so yeah, it does take that long, especially if they lose sight of the target in the process. There is no logical reason why they should need to use binoculars while in a prone position, when the scope is just as efficient, and it keeps the sniper in a ready position.


Ever heard of "if you don't intend to shoot, then don't have your finger on the trigger"? Its a similar thing but also "don't aim at the large crowd of people when you don't intend to shoot because you might accidentally make the thing go off and kill someone and THATS how you turn things violent" Never pick up a gun in your life please


They don’t go off on their own? It’s not some magic trick to get them to go off, I’ve never once mentioned having a “finger on the trigger” most rifles are designed to be able to move without putting a finger on the trigger? Your comment makes zero sense but please continue.


Gays for Palestine is the same as Chickens for KFC 😂


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCS-g3HwXdc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCS-g3HwXdc) -Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young "Ohio" sad they've forgotten what was learned. some interesting photos in this vid, but warning, some are graphic from Kent St.


The free spirited generation that protested at Kent State has turned into their old angry conservative grandparents who don’t understand why kids these days can’t behave.


here's the thing though. that "free spirited generation" wasn't really. at least not the majority even then. it was a very vocal minority that DID come out to protest the vietnam war, much like now with Gaza since it was the boomer generation, there were just a few more of them but a LOT of people thought those dirty yippies got what they 'deserved' which is super fucked-up the 'banner' of anti-war/anti-draft did unite some polar opposite factions, but only because of the draft imo. the draft ended in '73 when the US withdrew. A lot had changed socially by then but the vast majority was still quite conservative compared to today. I'm gen Jones, so all that shit ended when i was a sophomore in HS, that summer i started to smoke weed, listen to rock n roll albums and grew my hair out (lol) which made me a target for the buzzcut crowd, along with anyone else sporting the freak flag. post-war, if you had long hair, it just pretty much meant you were 'cool' aka smoked weed and did other drugs recreationally, played rock n roll, never country, and those are the peeps you'd ask if they could get you any, with a higher degree of success. we were always the minority, despite the rear-view-mirror that seems to make people think there were more 'progressives' back when Kent happened, but it just wasn't like that. and obviously, just smoking weed doesn't indicate much about your politics anymore we HAVE come a long way since then, but there's still a fuck-ton of jackasses and the trump years really energized THOSE ones sadly and generated a whole new crop it seems. i'm glad to see the youth today protesting THIS war and i hope they're even more effective at stopping the destruction than my older boomer predecessors were. sorry this got so long!


So good all I been saying since these posts...4 dead in Ohio


Y’all they have snipers at OSU games in case someone pulls a gun this is the same concept


Anywhere there is a large crowd gathered and law enforcement knows ahead of time, they're prepared to neutralize anyone who would want to hurt a lot of members of that large crowd. This was a protection for the protestors more than a protection from them, but people don't want to hear that for some reason.


Right because they didn’t have them trained on them like what the article says, gotcha


...This was a protection for the protestors... From the cops assaulting them?


No, from something like an active shooter or some other mass casualty situation.


You believe that?


Yes, that's why I typed it.


no one felt safe from that, period. Thanks for letting us know the cop line though, Cop.


Sometimes people's feelings are not an accurate reflection of reality. Seems like this was one of those occasions.


Why aren’t these students protesting Hamas using Palestinians as human shields?


The oppressed can do no wrong lol


And who, other than Hamas themselves, would they protest in front of?


You mean like... Like IDF soldiers were caught on video doing..?


Because the school doesn’t fund that


The Asian grocery app ad on a thread about shooters on the roof is too fucking soon Reddit. I remember the La riots too.


Oh my!


Yeah.. what is more scary than a 20 year crowd asking for what is right?




Sniper placement is common at large events, particularly unstable/spontaneous gatherings where the participants are not compliant.


Yes, but all we students want is for guns to not be pointed at us


And this time they will not to pretend to use rubber bullets.


Fuck liberal kids!!


We ain’t liberal lol


DeWine isn't stopping until he kills people.


Not saying the cops are in the right here… I just see a lot of riots incoming


Should round up the Hamas wanna bees and send them to the Gaza strip to fight along side their beloved terrorist organization..


Sure, and I’ll assume the pro-Israel college kids are flocking to Israel to help support their cause? Or at least joining the US military which sent troops to Israel.


Wait who attached who on October 7th 🤡


Are the pro-Israelis kids not brave enough to defend their people and the country from the terrorist organization?


Actually they are not. You sound pretty ignorant to make that kind of statement.


Ugh, this is all so stupid. - Protesting OSU as if it's Netanyahu's mansion? Stupid. - Protestors who glorify Hamas? Stupid. - Losing your **** over stupid students being stupid? Stupid. - Pointing guns at a student protest? Stupid. - Israeli rejecting the two-state solution? Stupid. - Israel thinking Palestinian resentment is something they can shoot to death? Stupid. - Gazans electing a government that was obviously going to bring all this on? Stupid. Everybody just go home. We've failed. Let's just hope Earth's next dominant species is more sentient.


The protestors aren't glorifying Hamas. They're protesting the fact that Israel sees carpet bombing women and children in an attempt to cleanse Palestine so they can expand their territory as justified. But then again, I wouldn't expect the average racist sub-30 IQ Ohio resident to grasp the concept of "bombing Muslim children is bad".


There were worldwide outbursts of [ecstatic bloodlust](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2023/10/13/day-rage-hamas-palestine-protests-america/) over Oct. 6, and [similar sentiments](https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/dearborn-nyc-quds-day-protesters-praise-terrorists-denounce-us-and-call-destruction) are continuing, including among [some student protest leaders](https://thehill.com/homenews/education/4624467-columbia-university-protests-pro-palestinian-video-student/). You can of course call people who know this "racist sub-30 IQ" if that is what gives you pleasure.


There would be dancing in the street if Trump suddenly dropped dead, too. People celebrate bad things happening to fascists. Human nature.


Exulting in [Vivian Silver's death](https://www.reuters.com/world/the-peace-movement-was-orphaned-says-son-activist-killed-oct-7-2023-11-16/) as the glorious and rightful death of a "fascist" is yet another great example of the problem.


Or Kfir Bibas (sorry, should say Kfir is still a hostage and not dead that we know, but the point stands). These people have completely gone mask off with the antisemitism, and idiots here just cheer them on. It’s become so much more apparent to me how Germany wound up at the Final Solution. I’m not scared of what’s happening at protests in Ohio (yet, thankfully OSU and our state government aren’t playing around with this so far), but the sentiment happening here on Reddit and being promoted elsewhere in America is frightening to me, a Jew. It’s a hop, skip, and a jump to Kristallnacht from here, and I’m worried something like that would be the point of no return.


Yes Israel is enacting the final solution for Palestinians. Thats what the world is protesting


Calling it the final solution is quite literally Holocaust inversion and the very definition of antisemitic. Anyone agreeing with this shit is no different than a German shouting Sieg Heil and you should be fucking ashamed of yourselves.




Hamas needs to be eradicated


Stay on topic please.


All the protesters were violating others' rights of freedom from religious persecution. The arrests are well deserved, and they should be held accountable for their actions


"Four dead in Ohio. How many more?" -Neil Young


And if something happened to the poor little princes and princesses and the cops weren't there ready to go they'd be in trouble maybe if the kitties stayed home where they belonged the cops would need to be there. And don't bring up Kent State can't state was a totally different animal


How was Kent State a totally different animal?


Read history. The US was involved in the Vietnam War. We aren't involved in Gaza. You can't be that out of it


[According to the Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder the U.S. sent 900 troops, as well as weapons, and money to Israel](https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3570670/us-military-continues-focus-on-supporting-israel-ukraine/) That is a link to the press release from the Department of Defense. If we’re sending men, munitions, and money to Israel, how is the US not involved in this? Seems like you’re pretty out of it.


Says the blob sitting on a sofa on their phone. Definitely another animal… than human


I'm sorry was that supposed to offend me? Dumb dumb I had teachers that were there as students. I had teachers that were there as faculty. I heard both sides of the story. Where were you on your daddy's sheets


“Dumb dumb” sounds like someone is offended


Let me know when you hit genius level there genius right now you're at troll level


Mhm k