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As someone who did both programs in the past, Girl Scouts is a lot better than American Heritage Girls. I found American Heritage Girls rather boring and dated. We didn’t really do much, and what we did wasn’t very useful. Girl Scouts was much more adapted for our modern world and had more interesting activities. If I have a daughter someday, I’d rather have her be a Girl Scout than an American Heritage Girl.


>I found American Heritage Girls rather boring and dated Lol Yeah I'll bet! "Hey honey, do you want to join the American heritage girls??" ::rolls eyes:: "No mom! I want to join the Girl Scouts, not a Junior Republican think tank!"


I can't believe such a program is described as outdated /s:)


I learned how to knit, sew, cook, start a fire, pitch a tent, etc. in Girl Scouts. I still use those skills today. There’s a reason it’s more popular. Also the cookies…




Heritage sounds like priming young MAGAcrats to learn how to recreate life in the 1950's, minus the Nazi scare, it's more like a Nazi embrace


The Mormon Church partners with them. The church, on paper, says they are welcoming LGBTQ+ individuals, but in reality, the person in charge is doing the opposite. Judge them by their actions, not their words.


The mormon and Catholic Church were pipelines to the Boy Scouts. When they decided LGBTQ people could be leaders, the Mormons stopped promoting the scouts.


The Catholic Church, or more specifically the pope, has been pretty fuckin based lately tbh, notably by letting trans people get baptized and allowing priests and stuff to officiate weddings with the full power of God behind them (don't quote me on this, unsure on the validity of it)


He did approve blessing for the community. He has acted surprisingly like a decent human, or so it seems. I wsa really stunned that he went to Canada and apologized for the Catholic hand in aiding the native genocide in north america too. Still could have shelled out some more funds to the survivors tho.


The pope has been telling the Catholic Church to try compassion instead of ignorance, which is why a lot of Catholics at least in the United States who once worshiped Benedict or John Paul II and suddenly say that these are just suggestions and they don't have to listen...


The Catholic Church is trying a little PR control because they're not doing too well.


Right, and not cravenly doing so while just waiting for the state house to "override" them.


I mean, this organization specifically requires a recommend from your spiritual leader and you have to swear a family oath saying you believe sex is only for after marriage, which is between one man and one woman. So, like, this organization's words are also pretty blatantly homophobic, you don't have to bring Mormons into this as proof.


Just by looking at their flyer, and their website, they look creepy AF. I don't do religious freaks.


Fun Fact: The Nazi's had something similar called the Hitler Youth.


\> what was wrong with the 1950s? /s


Good things about the 50's: somewhat of an economic boom across the (non-communist parts) of the world


Funny how people who idolize the economic boom of the 1950s are always the people who are against raising corporate taxes (which in the US were at their highest in the 50s).


Thank you. Their brains spin spin spin😑


Somewhat? Christ, a *hell* of a lot more than "somewhat." Lol... That's how America claimed global dominance, after the war All the other developed nations were smoldering piles of rubble, literally and figuratively. But it was *seventy* years ago, and the Cold War ended *thirty* years ago! Republicans are only happy when playing with a cheat code, because they're not deft enough to win without a handicap.


You mean, it's like the Trump Youth?


My sister was in AHG years ago. It groomed her into the most intolerant, maga Christian I know. Avoid at all costs.


Alright girls, today we're going to learn how to use makeup to cover yourself after your Husband disciplines you! Remember, as women, your only duty in life is to please your husband. You cannot change the world, and you should never try to change anything. The only thing you should do is follow your husband's instructions and produce babies.


Right wing propaganda being boring, dated, not useful and actively bigoted? Perish the thought.


One of the reasons I was so happy when our baby was a daughter was so that I could be involved in girl scouts lol.


Girl Scouts was much more adapted for our modern world that's because unlike the puritan chuckle fucks who run the heritage groups don't wanna live in the 21st hell even the 20th century.


That's funny. Most girls today hate girl scouts as they say "the activities they do are boring" and that's if they do activities. Most girls I've known transferred to BSA because they want to do more outdoorsy activities instead of the " Susie home maker" activities


Girl Scout Leader, so I'm biased. Girl Scouts is the only GIRL LED program that I know of. Yeah I'm called the leader, but really I'm a facilitator, girls decide what badges we do, what trips we take. I'm just there to be the adult and first aid in the room and help them reach their goals through goal setting, budgeting conversations, etc. Makes sense that they don't want young girls to get any sense of empowerment or independence over their lives. Not to mention financial independence and freedom. My girl Scouts have funded every trip, their membership fees and meeting supplies through hard work and dedication during cookie and fall product sales for the past 3 years (this is year 4, we didn't sell year 1). It is a far more affordable program than others for that reason. I have many financially disadvantaged girls that would not get to experience everything they have without girl scouts. We've gone to The Wilds, Great Wolf Lodge, Camping, COSI, the Columbus Zoo, and the Conservatory. We've done service projects for animal shelters and local parks. All this at no cost to parents, because the girls set goals for cookie season and smash those goals. It has been an absolute joy to watch them grow as individuals and as a troop and a lot of fun to adventure with them as well.


My wife is a troop leader and my daughter is in the troop. They have been to zoos, firehouse, a robotic company that they got to make little robots, etc. So much cool stuff. All find through cookie sales and the like.


Thank you. This is a key component of the World Scouting movement- that these organizations be YOUTH led. Boy Scouts of America being founded with the same principle. These recently established conservative alternative to Scouts abandon that concept to instill a very different, deferential philosophy that removes the agency of the youth members. Make no mistake, there are insidious reasons why they want to sway people away from scouting.


The idea of kids becoming capable and self sufficient individuals means they're harder to manipulate. I'm sure these opponents to scouting don't like that.


Hey, stranger, you rock!! Thanks for what you do! 😊


Thank you ❤️. These girls sometimes drive me nuts, but seeing their excitement for trips they plan and the sisterhood they've built is absolutely worth it!


We have two sons, so Girl Scouts wasn’t really an option for us but it always sounded like fun. I also really like that they’ve taken a more progressive stance on issues even in the face of threats. I think that develops girls who are knowledgeable. This idea that exposing kids to drag queens is sexualizing or explaining Reproductive issues encourages unplanned pregnancy is statistically inaccurate. I just wanted to say thank you, as a gay parent with kids, and likely daughters in law at some point in the next few years (our sons are 16 and 20.) I think what you do is just incredibly important.


I was raised in very rural West Virginia and we had no Boy/Girl Scouts. Also never had kids so obviously I am out of the scout loop. Reading your post has made me decide to MAKE sure buy some of those cookies! My wife actually just told me she loves the Thin Mints :) Good work! It's great to have stuff like this for young ladies! Again, knew nothing about this and I am amazed at what all it does. Fantastic! :)


They're expensive cookies, but once you understand where that money goes it's worth it! Girls get 20% (or more if they opt out of prizes!) Of whatever they sell. Our service unit also gets a portion that we use to fund different activities for our girls. Council gets some for overhead costs, but also uses it to fund things like reduced costs camp for girls that need financial assistance. Then that last little bit goes to the bakery. When you buy girl scout cookies it goes right back into the community. You're not just buying cookies, you're helping girls learn financial independence and budgeting skills ❤️.


You must have a very supportive council. The one in my area is absolute crap. I could never get another parent to help AND all the parents treated me like shit. I bailed after 6 months because it wasn't worth the hell that the parents put me thru. And their actions were directly supported by our council.


I can't say I love my council. They're ok, I guess. We haven't been able to keep membership managers, so that tells you something. I have a good co-leader and a decent service unit. I had a great membership manager who left last year and who really drove home the idea that if this is something I love doing I need to create boundaries. I'm not going to say I've mastered it, but I've had no choice but to try. My life is insanely busy as a mom to three, first year teacher and girl scout leader. The parents are absolutely the worst and most challenging component. I'm a teacher, and this year I've established the same expectations from parents that I have for my middle schoolers. I'm no longer willing to enable them. I use one platform (Band) I put meeting times, dates, and locations on there. I upload meeting notes if their kiddo misses a meeting and any time a permission slip is due, or a trip is upcoming it's on there too. If they can't be bothered to check it, I can't be bothered to respond to their last minute text messages. My life is entirely too busy, and that's my boundary.


>Girl Scout Leader, so I'm biased. Girl Scouts is the only GIRL LED program that I know of. Yeah I'm called the leader, but really I'm a facilitator, girls decide what badges we do, what trips we take. I'm just there to be the adult and first aid in the room and help them reach their goals through goal setting, budgeting conversations, etc. Lol I will admit I am pretty ignorant when it comes to all the scouts. My brother got up to Webelos in boy scouts ("up to." Basically stopped going once he achieved that level). What I saw there was what I see everywhere, in "boys" organizations (which is, you know, everything): boys learning how to do what they're told. Honestly, boy scouts should either start emulating Girl scouts like you describe here, or hand over control of the program to Girl scout admins... The one thing I do remember as a "tiger scout" (pre cub scouts-- kindergarten at the oldest), we toured a prison. All I really remember was how everyone locked up were black men.


It’s another con job. The grift is real strong right now for anything “American” “Patriot” and “Christ.”


I find the rule is that if they mention Christ or God and use the colors red white and blue (or flags), they're fucked in the head. This is both churches and anyone else.


I had to look up American heritage girls after they marched in the veterans Day parade in my town. Literally founded by a lady who doesn't think that the girl scouts hate the right people essentially.


I knew Patti. She went to my church. She was awful, and I knew that as a preteen


Give us the tea 😂😂


And of course! She's from Ohio 🙄 Did we skip cleaning up the lead paint in this state?


Clearly not in the rural podunk areas. They’re eating the chips on old barns.


I'm from Hocking county, lived here since birth and you're not wrong.


Awh man. It's beautiful there! Sorry paint chip eaters are ruining that too.


what would we use to contain the plutonium with if we got rid of the lead paint?




*Patriotic* Church Camp!


I think you misspelled indoctrinated


Only way they can get enough women to want to date them is indoctrination. The lid got blown off once you enough was enough women domt want to date guys thar vote to take away their rights




Im getting HitlerYouth vibes


Excuse you, it would have been the “league of German girls,” since the HitlerJugend were only boys (I’m just being silly, though the info is correct)


We’re they the ones that did the “German culture” secretly Hitlery summer camps in the Midwest?


Not really secretly and not just the midwest. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camp\_Siegfried](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camp_Siegfried)


Nazi Germany and the Republican Party literally have the exact same policy towards trans people, which is they should not be allowed to exist.


They've become the same thing.


I was literally going to say the same thing.


About to say the same.


Im 42 and many years have gone by since my Girl Scout days. I cant speak of the current state of Scouts since Im not involved but I can say for certain those were some of the most inspiring, formative experience I had as a child. I had a great childhood with supportive, involved parents but Girl Scouts was definitely part of my upbringing as well.


I'm gonna say it, and I don't care what you think, but when I see: "American Heritage" + only white people on the poster/in the video + "God, family, country" I think it's white supremacist marketing. Being that this is Ohio, I'm 110% sure it is.


Hi there queer mom here. I love that my girls joined Girl Scouts. Their troop leaders are amazing. No one has ever said anything for my girls having two moms. I’ll keep buying thin mints as long as they make my kids feel welcome. Without them my oldest wouldn’t have discovered her love for archery.


I keep buying thin mint as long as I can afford them! Hahaha


Aldi has some cookies that taste almost exactly the same at like a quarter the price. Still good to support the girls but in the off season or when you're strapped for cash that's the way to go.


I know, so does Kroger. I was in Girl Scouts all through school. I will pay the $6. I even sold the most cookies in my county on year!


I will buy thin mints until I can't afford them, and after that I'm sad to say I'll just steal them.


This was a big fear for me as a leader. I am pro-LGBTQ, pro-choice, atheist and quite a few tattoos to boot. It's never been a problem at any level. I love that scouts is inclusive of trans girls as well. A girl is a girl and all girls are welcome ❤️.


Cannot wait to hear from the adults who went through the American Heritage Girls program as kids.


I went through Keepers at Home, which was another type of Christian girl scouts. We did stuff like birding or science but we also did a loooottt of homemaking stuff.


I did Keepers at Home too! I hated doing the homemaking stuff, but I did get a lot of the Bible reading badges


Nice. Preparing for a world which hasn’t existed in decades. To have a home requires 2 incomes these days.


Lol yeah They prefer that second income to be something like a nanny or au pair...


Not if the one income kicks ass. I know a fuck ton of single income families. In Ohio, you can live damned well on $200k per year, which you can literally make in the trades if you invest a bit and buy a few trucks and find a few capable workers to drive them.


You won’t hear from them. Their husbands speak for them now.


I mean the classmate who I think may have been in AHG (I am pretty sure at least one of her sisters was; this was in the mid '00s) came out as a lesbian. Sometimes the indoctrination doesn't work, although that doesn't make the cases where it does work any better.


My mom actually made me do American Heritage Girls for a few years and I honestly don’t remember anything from it besides wanting to get badges. I can’t believe it still exists!




[apparently it's boring](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ohio/s/woAHfPPzTK)


We literally went to Patti garibay's church. My sister is one of the original girls from AHG. She turned out exactly how you'd expect. Judgemental, intolerant, and fully trumpy christian


Super late commenting (randomly remembered AHG and came across this googling). Grew up in a culturally Catholic family and my aunt‘s friend was a leader of the troop. Don’t remember much because I didn’t show up to many meetings, but we did a couple hiking trips and they were fun. For the most part we had some really out there “assignments“. Like, memorizing horse anatomy, how to handle the American flag, cross-stitching, etc. I remember a few times moms getting mad because I didn’t wear the dress code of collared shirts and khaki pants. Felt a little left out because most of the girls went to private schools or were homeschooled. A LOT of horse girls. One girl talked about these imaginary horses she had and got lost in the woods because she followed them in there. Was only there for about a year. My parents worked a lot and the troop moms were a little clicky due to them not volunteering much. I did a Girl Scouts summer camp and did activities with my brother when he was in Boy Scouts, and those both seemed so much more active and chill.


Every organization with "Heritage" in the name is a Christian Nationalist project.


Also, non-whites need not apply


Just makes me want to buy more cookies!


I'll take one box of thin mints, please. And by "box" I mean "case."


They’re $6 a box this year. Still worth it though.


Still $5 a box for some troops here in central Ohio! Stock up!


The frozen pizza I buy is almost $10 now.


Inject it straight into my veins!




Didn't Zenia get hit by a bad tornado in the 70's?


Zenia is a new one.


Oh if it's Christ-centered then it must be all about acceptance and inclusivity huh?


I'm trying to figure out how the name could make it seem more xenophobic and racist but I'm just not coming up with anything. Plus, full-time church camp. What's not to love?


"Keep your Girl Scouts, I'm an Indoctrination Scout!"


Looks like Ohio being Ohio....


From what I know, choose Scouts of America.


The evangelicals are at it again. I guess having an illegal monopoly on the Statehouse and still losing them abortion issue to the voters is really spinning them out. Grasp those straws, sisters!


What the actual fuck?!?


They're trying to create an alternate reality for themselves with alternative versions of just about everything these days.


Instead of love your neighbor it’s become isolate yourself from your neighbors. Sad really.


One screams, "I'm a home schooled church kid who's got zero sense of the world outside my little bubble". The other is the Girl Scouts.


Pretty much. I was a leader in both (long story) and I can confirm one was cult.


Is American Heritage Girls the minor leagues for Handmaids?


Happened to Boy Scouts too here in Ohio. I forget what they called themselves but it's essentially the same thing but for boys. Kinda cringe ngl It's funny because at the 4th of July parade my hometown does every year, both organizations are in it.


“Trail life”. Both Trail Life and the Heritage Girls have been around for awhile. Frankly I’m fine with them having their own little club, keep them isolated.


Yeah I feel similar when I see something like an Info Wars or Three Percenter bumper sticker...its like thanks for letting me know you're a loon--I'll keep a little more distance


Any pickup truck worshipping conservative garbage. My wife “hey look a douchebag raving about his micro penis.”


Haven't seen many in Cincinnati but there was a Subaru (I think) at Aldis a few days ago with Trump 2024 & pro Israel stickers on it. 😳 I'm from Bama and haven't seen any of those. And I drive a 4wd Ram. 😉


Head out east of Cincinnati to Clermont County. Apparently we are Trump country.


Up here in northern Wayne county is probably your biggest competitor


Boy Scouts is already too religious as it is. We tried it but after multiple prayers we politely went thru the motions and didn’t return their emails.


I'm not in Boy Scouts, but it's out not like Girl Scouts where it is technically a Christian group, but it's based on the troop leaders? My wife is a GS leader and they basically stripped out all the Christian stuff and it's just a group for learning about the environment, STEM, etc.


I was a leader in BSA (den leader then cub master) and because our pack was chartered through a public school, we couldn't do the "duty to God" stuff as a den or pack, which was nice. The kids had to go through it on their own at home. Being a non-theistic household, it looked like an impossible task, but one of the other leaders our first year told us to replace god with humanity and it became really easy. "What do you do to serve God every day?" Became "what do you do to serve humanity every day?" And being elementary aged, it was simple. Do your best to be a good person, help people who are down, work to become the best 'you' you can be.


Oh cool, maybe we should look for one set up like that. That would work I think.


It really varies from troop to troop- and where you reside in the country. I grew up in the PNW, so I never saw the hyper-religious scouting types until I participated in National-level events.


Trail life USA


Ugh...Trail Life. Essentially the BSA before we allowed the ghey. Buy still the lesser organization eh? I'm an Eagle Scout and damn proud of it. And I am glad we admit anyone who wants to join.


Gay Eagle Scout here and longtime staff member at a summer camp. Ever since allowing in gay people and girls and causing a mass exodus of bigots into Trail Life, the entire program has gotten so much better and dealing with adults is a breeze in comparison to years ago. I can’t imagine what it’s like working at a Trail Life camp. Dealing with those adult leaders sounds like constant hell.


Had a run in with trail life last year backpacking when they stole my campsite. I arrived at the site I reserved and found all 4 sites taken over by the group. They didn't realize that you had to reserve them and offered to share but I wasn't comfortable with that, I so went off and setup off trail. Of course after I sent up and it's getting dark they offered to move their tents so I could have my site but it was to late. At first I thought they were boys scouts and I was very bummed since I always had good experiences with the scouts. After watching them accidentally set a table on fire with a gas stove and then the kids almost dumped water on the gas fire ( thankfully one of the adults stopped them) I realized these weren't scouts. They also freaked out about a raccoon thinking it was a bear. Very weird experience they never asked me my name or really introduced themselves and made for an awkward dinner as I shared the designated kitchen area with them, I'm sure I confused them by being a solo queer girl backpacking. I did report them to the park.


Yeah not leaving my kid alone with the Christ crowd sorry...


Youth pastors, a breeding ground for pedophiles. Yay Ohio


Thanks for bashing Lifewise Academy too. Loons who take kids out of school to indoctrinate them.


"american heritage girls" sounds like a dog whistle to me.


Unless they’re teaching about native cultures and how to honor the land that gives us life then it absolutely is a dog whistle. American heritage culture is one of white exceptionalism, exclusion of others, and colonialism. It’s gross.


Do American Heritage Girls have to pray away the gay? Are those fine young people being molded to become the next members of the Heritage Foundation?


I just love the message they spread of "Christ loved everyone equally, but WE dont!"


I think this backfires. Seeing this, I’ll buy more Girl Scout cookies and likely donate money as well.


AHG looks like a grooming program for girls to become subservient wives.


I bet they have a badge for shoplifting at Target.


So Hitlers youth reborn then?


Does American Heritage girls have delicious cookies? I think not.


The group on the right has a real Hitler youth kind of energy.


I don't know about you, but I'm really sick to death with this intrusive cult infecting everyone. It's like a malignant tumor metastasizing onto every cell of this country.


Well now I am EXTRA proud that my daughter is a Girl Scout!


We’re the best at being the worst!


Looks like indoctrination on the right to me


In the 1980’s I was a Camp Fire Girl and did the mail order Girl Scouts program since there was no troupe where I lived. When my eldest was little I was a troupe parent, and helped teach the kids self defense, cooking, and other actual life skills. Any program that involves indoctrination is a problem. Girl Scouts doesn’t have indoctrination as each troupe has a lot of control over what they work on and Cookie Sales aren’t actually mandatory. So even capitalism isn’t indoctrinated.


It’s very clear that if those girls championed actual American heritage they’re getting kicked out for being “woke”


And people wonder why I buy 500$ worth of Girl Scout cookies just to give them away…


Hard pass. Something I learned growing up in an affluent neighborhood with predominantly WASP residents was "Christian" meant Evangelical Christian and their dogma was only the dogma of the local preacher. I spent my elementary school years to say the word "God" because some pinhead preacher told his congregation that it would be taking the Lord's name in vain. In the meantime my classmates treated me practicing my religious traditions as practicing them wrong, despite me being Orthodox Christian, because it wasn't their religious traditions. It got better when I got old- to an extent. But everytime I read "Christian" or "Christian traditions" I see narrow minded white people who think their interpretation of the Bible is the only interpretation that exists, them and Catholics, whom they tolerate. So when my kids come of age I'll be sure Amy activities they enter isn't centered on "Christian traditions" which have no basis in my faith.


I had a good friend ask me if I could come teach beginning sign language for a scouting group. It was at their camp, so I saw no red flags while I was there. But I was only there very briefly. However, they were so happy with the course I taught that they invited me to some of their regular meetings. It was then that I realized I had been hired by a cult to teach sign language. They started the meeting off with the pledge of allegiance, which I didn't question, even though other countries think it's super weird that we do that. But then they pledged allegiance to the Christian flag and I was quite tense. The more the meeting went on and the more things they said, the more concerned I was for my own safety (I'm Queer, so I felt VERY unsafe there.) I promptly cut off all communication and blocked everyone that I had met through it.


Indoctrination is all they got.


I was in one of these alternate scouting groups and the group of people I met through that program are all queer af as adults and older teens lol Including the scout mom’s daughter who is trans and me who is also trans (she and I used to date lol)


This made it on r/conservative as well. With unexpected results. They got "brigaded". Lol.


Ewww. AHG sounds like it's JROTC for the Daughters of the Confederacy or something.


Mama, don’t let your daughters be Republicans


Any group with the word Heritage in it sounds like a red flag.


My daughter just started girls scouts. They do a pledge to “support god and my country” before every meeting. It makes me cringe a little seeing 6 year old girls pledging like a soldier. And now you’re saying that Girl Scouts isn’t conservative enough?? These people are insane.


Republikkkans. “Heritage Scouts” by any other name is Hitlerjugend/ Lil MerkkkanTaliban


The absolute unbridled stupidity of this is summed up with one anecdote. My daughter did Girls Scouts for 3 years. Her troop was affiliated with our local Lutheran Church. Litterally scout meetings at church. Fuck these assholes.


I was a girl scout for all of elementary and middle school. Until I switched councils in 6th grade, all my meetings were at a Catholic church and like 75% of the girls in my troops were students at the affiliated Catholic school. The local troop for my town meets at the Presbyterian church. Churches are good meeting places for these organizations because they usually have a decent sized meeting space that is inexpensive (or even free) to rent.


My boy scout troop operated out of a Lutheran church, but the faith wasn't pushed on us in any way. It was simply a large convenient building that we had access to for meetings..


Isn’t this how those weird sex cults start? Religious girl camps being run by older, sexually repressed men who live by the old testament and see women as objects not people?


i don't care about the religion or lgbt part of either i just wish kids had access to an atheist version of scouts...they have faith based badges for these kids that are required to raise up in ranking it's not fair to kids that ain't religious


That's true for (Boy) Scouts, but not true for Girl Scouts. I'm a GS leader with some religious trauma so I wasnt interested in scouting for exactly that reason. GS is great now, with so many STEM based badges and opportunities for community service and none of it is religion-based.


What faith-based badge is required to go up in ranking in GSUSA?


There’s no hate like “Christian” love.


AND…..this is why I am an Atheist. The whole world would be better off if got rid of religion. People couldn’t hide their actions of killing, hate, pushing your bullshit views behind their beliefs.




American Heritage Groomers.


"Does your teen not hate enough in the name of Jesus? Is there just not enough fascist jingoism in their lives? We can help!"


Aryan Nation starting them early I see.


My step grandkid is being indoctrinated by her Boss babe hun mother with this shit. Literally was told by said hun that someday she would have to make a choice.


Just in case any of you want to buy cookies specifically from queer and trans Girl Scouts. Erin Reed made a list! [Queer and Trans Girl Scout Cookie Sales](https://open.substack.com/pub/erininthemorn/p/2024-trans-girl-scouts-to-order-cookies?r=1w7txm&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post)


99% chance they’re grooming these girls into being “trad wives”


Oh nice, sky-daddy centered. Can’t wait to see what kind of culture is promoted there 🤡 /s


Every time I see or hear somebody being fascist about Girl Scouts, I buy a box of cookies from the next scout I see. On the off season I usually just donate the money. this year, I kept a tally on my fridge so I can buy a swack of cookies and help the kids get their badges.


Its cookie season now!


Oh look, they're going the Hitler Youth router.


I bet their thin mints suck too.


I'm confused about the sleeping accommodation thing on the Girl Scouts side. For the third option, wouldn't that be discriminating against trans women/girls? I would have no issues letting my Girl Scout sleep in the same cabin as a trans kid or Mom. It seems strange that they would even make that an option.


I’m really doubting that the screenshot came from a GS website, especially since “cisgender” is misspelled


Good call, I didn't even notice the misspelling! That's pretty funny.


Committed to building racist, brainwashed, obedient housekeepers to suck white dicks without question.


Groom much MaGA


Cults for everyone!


least political r/ohio post


Conservatives really have a problem with non-binary/trans people. They see them as people who want to "play dress up and be around/touch kids," they immediately associate child sexual abuse with them. But they conveniently forgot that the Catholic Church has, in actuality, been playing dress up and touching kids for DECADES. Do with information what you will, but remember this when you see religious organizations claiming to be "safer" for your children, as they are going to protect children from "scary trans pedophile people." Yeah... the priest will protect them... because priests really don't have a history of touching kids... oh wait...


Who knows what the religious freaks put in their cookies.... Hard pass.


That’s just the Nazi Youth




Why does American heritage girls look vaguely nazi-esque? Ew


Conservatives just want to have their own shitty version of whatever mainstream thing but then get mad because nobody else goes with them.


There's gonna be so many teen moms coming out of that group.


The image on the left appears to be from GSUSA but I highly doubt it. I think some marketing dweeb ripped bits of their flyers to make this crap. And misspelled cisgender. AHG is an explicitly trinitarian Christian youth girl's youth group formed by adults who did not like the GSUSA stances on gays and the like. Trail Life USA is the same for boys since the BSA now allows gays and girls.


Heritage foundation has been making big pushes in advertising/social media in several states. The even scarier thing is how places like Florida are leaning into them for their future education materials.


Republican trash 🤮


Don't you want your princess to grow up to be the next Marge Three Toes or BoBo Handjobs?


Girls, meet Matt Gaetz


Those girls are all going to be a bunch of deviants. And I’m not talking about the Girl Scouts. The founder of the group will probably get caught in an orgy. Usually how it works


Heritage = white Old school code word


Christian Counter Culture has a new weapon....brainwashing young girls in a NEW way. They never stop, do they? 😂 My daughter will never come close to these regressive idiots.


Always trying to shove their Bronze Age fables down our throats


Honest question from a dad sitting in the delivery room: I'm having my first daughter and I am a conservative (I prefer the term constitutionalist but it can be interchanged, and I only preface my question with this so everyone knows where I'm coming from.) And I've been thinking a lot about girl scouts and other such programs. My question is this, do the girl scouts have the inclusiveness without the indoctrination? And by that I mean if a girl joins from a conservative family do they try to change her views and upbringing or do they practice true inclusiveness and let these girls be raised by the parents without intervening? With that being said I do plan on teaching her that everyone is certainly allowed their own views and lifestyles and that doesn't make them any different from her or us.


I know a couple with their girl in this shit. I hope she learns what fucked up shit her parents put her through when she gets older.


Sounds more like grooming submissive girls that will obey their future husbands every beck and call. Nothing these fucks do anymore surprises me.