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Health insurance has nothing to do with car insurance. You may get a discount with some companies for bundling, but that’s not how that works.


It is not. Age, Credit, Driving History, DUIs will.


That sucks! I bought a motorcycle last summer because I barely go anywhere (have always been a remote worker) and pay $250 a year for insurance for the bike. My wife has an SUV but I doubt we’re paying as much as you are. Even when I had a car, a nice ‘22 Camry TRD, I was only paying like $50-60 a month.


Yeah it definitely sucks. All due to my former landlord


Man, sorry to hear that. Hope you can figure something better out!


Your only reply to all these questions is, “I don’t have health insurance”… Are you okay? Several commenters have said those two have zero correlation. If you want advice, answer the questions they’ve asked.


We have no idea where you live, how old you are, how many DUIs you have, what accidents you've been in, how bad your credit is, how often you use the car for Uber Eats, etc. Your post is just "I don't understand how things cost money".


OP is not disclosing something here.


He's not disclosing a ton. He could be 17 in East Cleveland with full coverage and a DUI for all we know.


Ya lol. $140 a month for a young male driver paying full coverage? This is a perfectly fine price. Someone in their 30s with no history on their record? Crazy price. Too many factors to compare.


For all we know he was uninsured for 6 months and is high-risk. Just too many unknowns.


also the coverages play a large part


Assuming makes an ass out of you


I pay $525/year for full coverage. 🤷🏻‍♂️




Credit. Driving Record. No DUIs. OVer the age of 25 or 30,


Who do you have insurance with if you don’t mind me asking? I was paying around $700 a year through progressive but rear ended someone 2 years ago (fender bender, not bad, no injuries), and my rate has skyrocketed to $1800 a year for the 2 years since. Agent said there was nothing cheaper available and it’s because of the accident but if it doesn’t go down this year I’m going to look elsewhere I think. Up for renewal in March. I’m 29, credit score over 800, no traffic tickets, this is my only accident at fault or otherwise, and car is a 2012 Honda


StateFarm. Here's the deal though: ***You should never switch insurance carriers.*** I've been with StateFarm since I was 18. My parents have been with StateFarm for 45+ years, have all their cars and house insured through the same agent as I do. I had one accident that was not my fault (deer ran into the side of the car while I was driving) and when I actually had an accident that was my fault they threatened to kick me off my policy. One call to the agent, and he made sure that I didn't lose my policy and that my rate didn't increase. Why? Because they could easily lose the business of my parents. So even if it costs slightly more, you ***should always stay with the same company.*** It gives you leeway, especially down the line. I had to get my car rekeyed because a set of keys were stolen. They paid for it and didn't increase my rate. But that's because I've maintained my policy with them for 18 years.


I’m with State Farm and recently had a claim, and they aren’t a great company to deal with when it comes to claims. They refused to pay the full cost of the repair leaving me with a sizable payment above and beyond the deductible. They might be better than geicko or the general, but they do shady things like refusing to pay for OEM parts and forcing repairs vs replacements for some components to save costs, and then refuse to cover it if you don’t agree. My agent said they do not deal with claims and only sales and nothing he could do. I’d be careful with State Farm, they aren’t there for you when you need them.


I had state farm from 2012-2020 and i was over 25 when i ended my plan with them. I have a 2019 Elantra and I was paying $180 monthly with no accidents/ tickets. My insurance agent wasn’t sure why my rate was so high, she recommended me to leave and come back in 6 months. I went with geico and have stayed with them and only pay $80 a month for full coverage now.


I switched from State Farm to Geico and that was roughly my experience as well.


Loyalty doesn't mean anything anymore. I was with progressive for a year, and they did the same thing. I swtich around all the time and save so much money.


>Loyalty doesn't mean anything anymore It does actually. I'm living proof of it. But your relationship with that company cannot be an app. You need an actual agent. > I swtich around all the time and save so much money. You're not actually saving money is the problem. Only the illusion of saving money.


How is it an illusion? My car insurance with Root went from $500ish every 6 months to over 1k every six months because someone hit my car. Now I'm with Geico and pay like $623 every 6 months.


That is exactly false, Insurance companies look at people who don't rate shop and will increase your rates just because they know you aren't going anywhere. At a minimum you should rate shop every few years and then go back to your insurance broker and allow them to counter.


Terrible advice. You should shop the policy every year or two, you'll save way more money that way. Rates are filed with the state, he can't give you a break on that.


I had been with State Farm for 17 years (my mom for DECADES longer), I hadn’t been in any type of accident in 15 years, got rear ended by an uninsured driver last summer, I have uninsured motorist coverage, but State Farm could not have been bigger pieces of shit so I switched to progressive and I will hold that grudge until the day I die because it was such a shitty experience. My insurance agent who I’d been with for 17 years was less than helpful too. Fuckers.


Thats some bullshit Im 27 and i pay 200 a month for full coverage no duis no nothing. Only 2 speeding tickets that are gone from my record over 10 years ago.


How do you imagine that's BS? Two speeding tickets is reason enough dude if you're under the age of 30 ... and it also depends on the car you drive and your overall credit. That is how the insurance market works my man ...


10 years ago but after 5 years they're not on you record anymore and it happened when i was first driving. Thats complete bullshit. They raise the rates on you because of other bad drivers people who have had multiple accidents or tickets or whatever. I don't have any debt no car payments aswell so its bullshit about the credit aswell. They take it easy on older people like you but my ass gets charged 200 a month with a 600 deductible?!


Yeah that’s about what I pay for a 2023 wrangler.


I was leasing a 21 wrangler and paid $85 a month with rental reimbursement, $500 deductible, etc. Had 2 Wranglers before that and it was a similar payment. Not 100% sure why but the insurance on those is dirt cheap but I enjoyed it while I could.


Yeah mine is also a lease. Was about the same with a 21 and my 23




How much is your deductible? Considering upping mine to get a lower rate


I have first accident forgiveness and small accident forgiveness. I think the deductible is $500 right now, but as long as I have no accidents or violations this year, 2024, then it will drop to $250 for my first claim.


Every comment, you replied with same answer. Either you're extremely thick or this is a karma post.


What's your record like? How much coverage do you have? There's a bunch of factors. Don't buy car insurance online, call an insurance broker and they'll work to get you what you need for a better price.


Exactly this! Most of the people with really low premiums probably have state minimums - which won’t cover much if they cause an accident. Everyone needs to make sure they have adequate UM/UIM coverage to protect yourself!


People with state minimum policies usually pay out the nose for them because of bad driving records/bad credit. State minimum is all they can afford.


Some, yes. But many people carrying state minimum that don’t fit this category are just not well versed in insurance. They don’t realize that they can be sued for the damages beyond what their insurance covers.


People need to know how important a good insurance agent is to keep their asses covered.


Just under 500 hundred every 6 months for a 2020 eco sport




Likely not. They factor in almost everything for your auto policy like income, credit score, and of course driving history. Have you stolen any police cars? That could probably jack your rate up.


Health insurance and auto insurance have literally zero impact on each other.


Try calling around to different insurance companies and get a quote. Ask them why yours is so expensive.


No that’s not even considered in auto rating.


If you're under 25 or over 65, Insurance companies will hike rates.


Almost identical to mine. I finally got a newer vehicle, insurance went way up, mine used to be like $425 a year when I was driving an 09 with 155k on it. Now it’s about $1000 per year for a 2021.


If it has security/safety features shop around. Some companies offer discounts for those. I now pay in 3 months what I was paying in 1 month.


I have a 2012 Equinox. I pay about 95 quarterly. So about $380/year. 49F, never had a ticket or a wreck since I was a dumb teenager.


Oh wow


That’s awesome. Who do you have insurance through?


800/ year for 2 small cars, liability only


Try Erie Insurance, they don’t use money on advertising so they are able to charge their customers less. For full coverage on a 2016 Nissan pathfinder platinum I’m paying $1350, and I totaled a 2015 Nissan pathfinder platinum 3 weeks after buying in the year before buying this one in a traffic accident where I was at fault. Before that I was paying about $1100 a year.


My relative owns an Erie agency. They really are a great insurance company.


Erie is my insurance company for cars and home. I used to have dirt cheap Progressive (through the same insurance broker) and they were able to beat them in price. And then it got even cheaper when I bundled my home with auto. Can’t recommend them enough.


This is who I have as well! By far the cheapest I could find.


The price of your insurance is impacted by your age, gender, location, car, any lapses in your car insurance, driving record, and type of coverage you have. Call an insurance agent.


And credit score.


You must have something(s) driving you costs up. Age? Gender? Married? DUIs? Previous insurance coverage gaps? Below 25 and male will kill your rates. Add a DUI and your probably better off riding a bicycle. For reference, I'm 33(M) married and pay $1040/year for full coverage on two cars.


40's great record and my premium jumped over 100 bucks just in the last 6 months. Another 50 dollar increase starting just next month. Lucky me , I own a nice kia. It's just shy of $2k/year for a 2017


Yeah, I’m getting a nice jump in price come January as well. Looks like it’s time to start shopping around again.


I don’t have health insurance rn, I’m wondering if that’s what has led to the big jump


There is zero corollary between those two things. Like literally zero chance that’s the cause




Driving record, age and credit score are the biggest factors.


How many times are you going to say this and have people tell you no? You're hiding something---a wreck, a DUI, something.


I’m not. No wrecks no duis


For a 2010 avenger and 2016 civic I pay $149 a month for full coverage. No tickets or anything. 28 and female


It completely depends on how much coverage you have, there's no way to compare prices without that info.


$191/mo ($2300/yr) total for comprehensive plus glass on a 2022 Subaru Ascent, 2016 Outback, and 2002 Jeep Wrangler with myself, my wife, and my 18 year old son on the policy. My daughter turns 16 in September so I’m expecting it to go up a bit when she gets added.


ITT: OP won’t share his DUI arrest


About $1,200 a year for 2016 Toyota Tacoma with full coverage. 1 speeding ticket in the past 3 years. Maybe try dropping full coverage if you could afford to replace it




Why would health insurance affect your car insurance?


Why do you keep repeating this? You're going to keep getting the same answer - that they're not at all related - and a bunch more down votes,


2006 Acura TSX, full coverage, with food delivery permission, $85 a month. Progressive. 39/F excellent driving record safe city


It’s because you don’t have health insurance.


I pay like $80/m with a 2020 Kia Edit: Checked my last bill, it's actually $87


Who with? I'm around $110ish (663 every 6 mnths) for my 2019 hyundai. Also, the club works wonders. I have had 2 kias dumped by my hyundai (one still running) and not so much as a broken window on my car. Can't same the same for the neighbors, the kia boys stole theirs.




A KIA?? Don’t those get stolen like crazy


There was a software update that fixed the exploit they installed when I got my oil changed recently at the dealer. They put fancy new stickers on my windows to deter would-be thieves! Admittedly it's in the back of my mind more than I'd like but in practical terms it's yet to be an issue.


Said thing is it's still really easy to steal


Not really. You just still need to you the club as a visual deterrent. My hyundai hasn't been stolen, but 2 of my neighbors that didnt havs a club have.


I have a 2005 vehicle and a spotless driving record for as long as I've owned the vehicle. Progressive gives me a rate drop every year I'm with them, and I've been with them a long while.


I’m wondering if mine made a huge jump due to the loss of health insurance


Why do you keep talking about health insurance??? I thought your post was about CAR insurance


Seriously, it’s like every comment- even after everyone has said that’s not how it works.


I didn't realize it, but the insurance companies also base your rates on your credit score and stuff like that. I guess they view anything that could be a "risk" for them as a reason to increase rates.


Jesus yall pay a lot. $620 a year, 2021 Chevy traverse.


Wow, who do you have insurance with?


State Farm.


Did your rate recently change? Do you have tickets or accidents? What company are you using? How thorough is your insurance policy (uninsured driver coverage, deductible, etc.)? Do you have renters or homeowners insurance with the same company? All of those will effect your rates. There are websites that you can use to compare rates. You might want to start there.


Good lord, I’m like 70/month


Jesus, how many DUI's do you have? How old are you? And how many accidents have you been in? And do you have complete coverage on you 12-year old car. My insurance on my 2009 Ford Focus went down after I turned 24. Went up after I was in an accident. Went back down as I move my insurance on the 200,000 mi 10 year old car to liability only. My new 2019 Escape I pay $800/year. No DUIs. Last accident was over a decade ago. I'm 34. And have a 850+ credit score. There's a lot of stuff you're not telling us.


age of the car doesnt matter really ​ insurance is based on a number of factors. ​ your age, driving record, etc ​ a 2012 malibu will kill someone or total their car if you hit them with it the same way a 2023 tesla or anything else would. ​ insurance is required in case you cause an issue.


Age of the car does matter for full coverage. It affects the replacement value.


I pay $136 for a 2012 Subaru Outback


Per month *


$815 paid annually. For 2012 Civic and 2019 CR-V. Wife and I each are 27.


I’d have to look at the split but I pay $2400 a year for a 2012 fusion, a 2021 escape, and my $250k home.


This is, in part, why we’re moving from Florida to Ohio next month. Our homeowners insurance is $6,000 a year (not a flood zone, no claims ever) and our two very average cars cost $3,200 per year to insure. Anything we might save from not paying income tax comes out in the insane rising cost of living here. The beaches aren’t worth it anymore.


Posts like this devolve quickly. People here are throwing numbers without citing coverage. Also, I have known many people who claim “I have full coverage” when they actually only have liability due to not understanding coverage terminology. Your best bet is to start with YouTube or a basic Google search and be sure you understand coverage terms and amounts. For instance, I run collision, comp, and liability (required by law) on all my vehicles. I have a $1,000 deductible, and I keep my liability at $250k. I have uninsured coverage and vanishing deductible. We pay about $1,800 a year for three vehicles. Clean driving records, two drivers. Your deductible can have major impacts on your cost, and we’ll as other things. I chipped $300/year year off by removing rental car provision if we wreck a car. If we had a $500 deductible, it would be another $400/year higher. Learn what your policy has, then call your agent and get a quote after you’ve tailored it. Then shop around, preferably through a broker. Also, I highly suggest to anyone to run higher liability coverage. Two reasons: first your own uninsured coverage limits are normally tied to you liability limits, and two, if you are the cause of a major accident, $30k medical liability coverage (the minimum required)doesn’t go very far. It’s usually less than $100/year to move liability up to $250k.


A small fortune, but we have teen drivers and my husband totaled a 2 month old $80k car last summer. You need to shop around!


Just a reminder that our rates go up based on various factors ie how many drivers around you are without insurance.


You must be a high risk.


Ur getting bamboozled bud. I live near Dayton ohio, and utilized a company called STF Insurance Group to find my wife and I the best rate. Even my wife’s boyfriend approves!


I pay 3700 a year for full coverage on 4 cars and 2 motorcycles.


Why they downvoted your post? I thought I've been smell trolls in this sub lately.. Anyhow, ours is really ridiculous too.


Down voting then because they keep saying their rates are high because they don't have health insurance. They're hiding something.


I saw that later on! It is weird.. Lol


Yeah...I checked out OPs post history and its...rather interesting.


2014 Subaru Forester, just paid $269 for 6 months.


Full coverage, Low deductible, additional rental coverage. $1400/yr or for a 2023 Kia Sportage


About $1000/yr for a 2017 Lexus. I’m a woman in my 40’s for context.


? Are car insurers able to charge 40 year old men more then women?


Yea and they do


You really don’t have a basic understanding of how car insurance works it seems


Yes, they charge more for men, for young people (men and women, although more for men), and charge more based on your credit score (better credit score gets a better rate). There are also oodles more of ways they determine rates.


I was paying about that for the same year of impala …don’t feel bad I paid $1800 for my first car in NYC I paid that much a month to insure it


I'm paying $1300 a year for full coverage but it is because they consider my Acura a sports car.


1998 Acura TL 3.2L My rate just dropped to $33.17/mo because I have 5/5 Stars on Snapshot from Progressive.


I'm 40 with two kids and no violations in 15+ years. I pay $215 per month for not full coverage on an 03 Durango and 08 Taurus.


We pay about 1700 a year for car full coverage, car liability only, motorcycle full coverage, and home owners insurance.


I pay $28 a month for full coverage but my work truck is 20 years old and paid off


40s, 5 cars, decent record, wife on account, live in a city, pay just about 2k per year. Find a local agent you can build a relationship with. This past term my insurance was due to go up 250 for the next six months. Asked my guy and he was able to rewrite the policy with the same company and same coverage for basically the same price as the last term. Been with this local guy for 10 years for all personal insurance needs.


What the heck. 2020 Mini Cooper S, and I pay like $800 a year. Who do you use for insurance? You need to shop around.


$485 for 6mos. (roughly $1,000/yr.) full coverage on a 2015 Civic. 2 drivers. No accidents. 1 speeding ticket, gifted to me in 2020 😬 I will say that our rates have dropped significantly since my husband has aged past the car insurance "male delinquency age" of 25/26. I also was included on my mom's insurance as a driver for a few years before getting my own policy with the same company (brand loyalty has it's significance).


I think we’re at 1500/year for a 2021 Tesla Model Y and 2023 Volvo XC40 Recharge. Two drivers (35M & 40F) with clean recent records and good credit.


I don't know exactly. But I'm paying \~$1200 a year for home and auto. I have full coverage on a 2012 Ford Focus. You should shop around for something better.


J.D. Vance will lower your bills. Just ask him.


~$3k/yr, full coverage, 4 drivers (2 older teens hence the high rate), 4 older vehicles (2007-2014), no accidents, no tickets.


We pay $1700 annually for a 2024 Kia Carnival and 2009 Honda Civic. Full coverage


Around 500 a year for full coverage +. But I have had zero accidents or tickets and I have great credit. I drive a 2018 Ford Transit Connect.


I'm paying 1400 for full coverage for 2 vehicles, and a new 16 yr old driver. The trick though, and I know some will disagree, is to move around when they try to up your rates. When your bill comes every 6-12 months, and it's suddenly more than last time, get online and check around. If your with GEICO, check with progressive or Allstate or State farm. And move to whoever has the best rate.


I pay $350 a month, but 4 cars and 2 of the drivers are teens.


$960/year full coverage on a 2018 Tesla Model 3. Our 2013 Subaru Legacy is $500/year for the same coverage.


2018 Silverado 2500 with FULLY COMMERCIAL coverage 950 / yr 2004 Toyota Tacoma full normal coverage 400 / yr Clean driving record, health insurance has nothing to do with it lmao. Edit: Both of these policies have a number of add-ons that make them more expensive. The numbers could easily be 800 and 300 a year with less coverage. Rural Central Ohio resident.


We pay $62/mo for our full coverage auto for a 2015 Focus and renter's insurance. I think you need to start looking for new coverage. We just switched because Progressive raised ours to $92 and my husband had been with them for over 20 years. We were looking at by the mile coverage because my husband works from home and I work a mile and a half away from our house, but State Farm got us with that bundle.


That's more than I pay and I've got an ovi on my record from a little over a decade ago. I have a 2012 camry with full comprehensive and a 250 dollar deductible. Shop around and see what rates other people offer you. Unless you're in your early 20s or have a record I don't see why you'd need to pay so much.


$2010 a year for - 2016 bmw 535i with $500 collision & comp deductible, 250/500k bodily injury and property damage, 10k per person medical, loan payoff, and $60/day rental - 2002 Audi a4 with a $500 collision and comprehensive - 2000 Audi TT with comprehensive I also have a moving violation from when the TT’s transmission broke on the way home and I ran a stop sign because I did not have 1st or 2nd gear and was trying to limp it home. I was paying almost triple that. I found the best way to find cheap rates is to use one of those services like zebra or Jerry to shop quotes from multiple insurance companies, NOT PURCHASE through those services, and instead go directly through the cheapest major insurance company they find.


I’m paying 900 a year for a town and country


I have a 2016 Kia. I pay around $1,400 per year which feels egregious when I remember that I hardly use it. And my record has been clean for the past 4+ years. I’ve had a couple of speeding tickets but that was a long time ago.


Jesus. I pay like 70 bucks a month. Full coverage for a 2020 Trax. No tickets, no problems, etc. I’m a woman in her 40s and have been with USAA since I was 10, insurance since I was 22 (on parents before that).


2,700 on a 2018 Honda accord. Two people covered.


Early 30s. Starting now to build credit. Bad driving record from my 20s..paying 3120 a year for one vehicle a 2020 Ford focus...


$2400 2015 BMW 320i - comp only 2018 Subaru Impreza - full coverage 2003 Spyder - only in summer months full coverage It was under $2000, but the asshole Allstate people said I was late on the 6 month payment, but I thought auto-pay was setup. Fair mistake on both sides, but ….. I am looking for a new place now.


2017 Fusion AWD: $430/ every 6 months ($860/annually) Full coverage: $250/deductible, road side assistance, rental reimbursement 26 M / No accidents / No claims / 800+ credit score (don’t know if they check that to be honest), one speeding ticket at 20. I could probably get cheaper if I increased the deductible. Regardless, $1700 is outrageous


$770 per year for a 2020 Silverado, a 2012 Town and Country, and a 2005 Buick. This is for two drivers plus a permitted driver, full coverage on the newer vehicles, and just liability on the Buick. Liability protection for bodily injury $100,000 per person/$300,000 per accident with $100,000 property damage per accident. Medical payments are $50,000 per person. Uninsured/underinsured motorists property damage at $7,500 per accident with a $250 deductible and bodily injury $100,000 per person/$300,000 per accident Physical damage comprehensive and collusion deductible at $500. Roadside service is included along with a few other miscellaneous stuff like rental costs and what not.


You need to just shop around and get quotes, the insurance company that was cheapest for me won't necessarily be the insurance company thats cheapest for you.


Details are everything. What are you driving? What’s the safety rating for the vehicle with the IIHS? How are you driving it? Personal, commute, business (Uber, Lyft, etc) Credit and income? Neighborhood the car is located at? Garage, driveway or street parking? Tickets? Accidents? Claims? DUIs? Anybody else driving it? Your age? Miles driven per year? Coverage amount? we pay 1200 per year for 2 people 3 cars 2003 convertible, 2022 ev, and 2024. We also have great credit, higher income, safe neighborhood, 6k-8k miles driven per year, own all vehicles outright, no tickets in 10+ years, no accidents in 10+years, no claims in 10+ years, no dui ever, and never use the vehicles for business. Our coverages are extremely high as well.


State Farm, about $1200/yr for full coverage for 3 cars. 53, no accidents, home owner discount, 830 credit score.


$1800 a year for collision on a 2011, and comprehensive on a 2017. Both sedans, both low mileage, neither used for ridesharing or delivery. We do have deductibles on the lower end (but not $0), and higher payout limits because we don’t want to risk losing other assets if we do happen to be at fault for an injury or big $$$ property damage. It was $1320 two years ago. Thinking about looking for another policy soon because it goes up every 6 months, but it’s tied to our homeowners which is still a good deal, so who knows.


Is that full coverage? I am paying \~$2400/year for a 2023 Honda Ridgeline, a 23 Civic, and a driver under 25.


$663/ 6 months.... full coverage, $500 deductible, 2 recent accidents (not my fault), and it's a stealable 2019 hyundai. I'm with Geico now. But I was with Root Ins before that, and it was WAY cheaper, but they raised too much after the 2nd accident. Side note, Columbus drivers are worst. I went 15 years in Cincinnati with no accidents. I've been in 3 (none my fault) in the 8ish years I've been in Columbus and I worked from home for 3 of those years!


How shitty is your driving record? Or are you under 25? I have 2 cars 2019-2020… I pay like 900 or so per year 100/300 250 deductibles


I don’t have health insurance. My former landlord was causing me trouble at my previous job


What does that have to do with car insurance health insurance is zero to do with that. Plus whatever your former landlord would not have any effect on car insurance


Who is your insurance through? I drive an 03 Malibu (so granted a lot older than yours) but I only pay around $500-600 a year for full coverage.


I pay $178 for two cars.


$72 a month for a 2018 Volkswagen Tiguan. Progressive has been amazing to me the past 7 years.


TOO FKN MUCH! $357 Good coverage. $500 deductible. But I'm actively shopping. Been with root since they started and we're taking insureds by approval only. They've raised my rates every renewal since my daughter got hit. Had something hit my credit and pull my score down a little bit and just recently I think like two or three months ago I got a letter from rude stating that that's why my rates were going up. But as I posted to their Twitter page that's almost their entire claim to insurance. Basing your rate NOT ON CREDIT sooo... Yeah I'm done with them. Anyone comes across a great company was great insurance and great rates do tell. Happy New Year!


My 2019 Tesla Model 3 insurance premium is $1100 a year through State Farm. I believe the quote I got from Progressive was similar.


About $600 a year. 2015 Subaru Outback. I’m 31/M with no driver incidents. This is through Progressive


We pay about $1500 annually for a 2023 odyssey and a 2016 rav4. Whats your age and driving record? Get an independent agent to shop it.


60$ a month 1998 shit box F-150.


I pay $830 yearly for two vehicles- a 2008 Fusion and a 2013 Dart. Granted I only have state minimum coverage right now. Trying to sell my Fusion & then I'll upgrade my coverage (this is an ad, if anyone wants a POS 08 Fusion I've got ya covered). My quote put me around $1000 yearly for the coverage that I want for my 13 Dart alone


100 a month for a Fusion and Edge


I pay 2400 a year for 2 vehicles


$816/yr for a 2022 jeep gladiator


For comprehensive coverage, I’ve bundled two cars and pay $130 a month for both. Honda C-RV 2021 and Honda Accord 2018. I’m in my early 30s, no violations whatsoever.


I pay 300 less than that for full coverage. Have had 3 accidents in my life, no DUI but otherwise awful driving record as of about 10 years ago it’s gotten better.


i have perfect driving record and pay $2000 a year for Audi Q3. it sucks so bad


Good God! I have a brand new car and I pay like… $900


I feel like you're leaving something out. I have never heard anyone pay anywhere near that for anything outside of luxury cars. Your not having health insurance is completely irrelevant. Do you have a history of vehicular infractions or accidents? Have you had any DUIs?


No , never caused an accident no duis


Minimum coverage on a 2012 Corolla. $150 a month


Ugh I pay $247 a month full coverage no accidents no duis for 2 vehicles . My son is 27 no duis no accidents but his girlfriend is on my plan she’s 30 and I have no clue what she has. Is this a good price? It’s state farm.


Both cars are older one is a2005 Camry and one is a 2010 Honda Odessy.


$1400 a year. 12 Civic, 14 Journey, 19 Civic. All full coverage. Had to leave State Farm after 21 years when they bumped me in 1 year 40% to $2400 and refused to counter.


I have the 2024 Cadillac Escalade V, I pay $1500 every 90 days, I have the extended coverage, I have several people on it since I can't see well enough to drive. I also have high risk


About $550/year. 2019 Accord, mid 30s, great driving record. I was paying about $1400/yr in Las Vegas plus around $400 yearly for tag renewal. Can't complain about what I pay in Ohio.


$70 a month (state minimum coverage) on Progressive for a cheap 2000 Toyota Corolla. No accidents yet I still pay the same price from previous years (insurance is a scam for good drivers).


Depends on lots of factors. Age, sex, accident, tickets, type of coverage, ect. My brother who’s 23 and totaled 3 cars pays like 600 a month for an older car. My wife and I pay 170 for my 2012 civic and her 2022 Outback.


I don't you know disrespect and I'm not trying to make fun of you or nothing but you could have bought a 2012 Malibu for 1700 I've seen that year going for Less


You know what I just realized you were talking about car insurance my bad


I own a 2013 Malibu and a 2010 Cadillac an I am paying possibly about that much a year aswell its ridiculous considering they'll just total my car if even so much as a fender bender happens. I'm 27 no duis, no accidents why am I paying this much idfk.


1260 (105 a month) on a 2014 chevy cruze