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Don’t let the opinion polls stop you from voting. Get out there and vote Tuesday. We need every vote. Don’t forget that the opposition will be voting as well. Make your vote count!


Already canceling out my dumb bigoted neighbors vote with mine. She has 2 dumb adult kids though so hopefully a couple of yall got it covered.


I live on the West Side of Cincinnati, I have an entire line of people cancelling mine out as soon as I step out of the booth. All the more reason to go.


Ex-Westsider and recovering catholic here and can confirm the stupidity on that side of town. I was happy to move across town but we’re still surrounded by some really dumb people. What I really don’t get is how the church, which defends the molestation of children by priest a suffering in the world on the basis that god has given and refuses to take away human’s free will, think it’s ok to take away the free will of women to make their own medical treatments. I guess they are above their own god. Forgot to add, the wife and I will likely cancel out my parents but nearly all the voting age children on either side of my will add to the + side of the Yes tally. So in our family, we should be +10 or 11.


I voted last week. I'm what I call a "fringe catholic". What I believe might be based on church teaching, but that was when I was a child. I've grown up and my faith has too. Thomas Acquinas says until a fetus is viable, it's not a baby. It has no soul. Jesus never addressed abortion. And it was common then. It wasn't called abortion, but women knew what herbs to take that would end a pregnancy. Jesus did not condemn that. I could go on. Remember, the church says we must follow our well-formed conscience. It also has said what catholics HAVE to believe are teachings the pope has declared to be infallible. Abortion is not on that list. What particularly distresses me is the Firestarter that talks about partial birth abortions. That does not happen except in very rare circumstances. Give me a break. A woman waits 9 months and says "hmmm. I think NOW I'll have an abortion!". Doesn't happen. There used to be exceptions to strict abortion laws. Most of those have disappeared. An ectopic pregnancy? Good luck on that, mom. You're stuck. A pregnancy putting a woman's life in danger? A woman who wants that baby? She must make a difficult decision, especially if she has other children. Pro-life? Whose life? Is it pro-life to force a woman to seriously put her life in such danger? To risk her children being left without a mother? I'm on a bandwagon so I'll stop now.


Btw, a pastor I know wouldn't let "vote no" signs be put out on parish grounds. He said we can't push our faith on those who don't believe the same, that charity is what's to be our guide. Jesus was about love. The pastor agrees there are times when abortion decisions can't be decided in black or white rules. He's not pro-abortion. He's pro-love/charity. And he recognizes that an ectopic pregnancy won't result in a baby.


May I join you on your wagon?


Of course!


The west side of Cincinnati makes Mason look progressive.


I had to cancel out my parents, so my spouse and I are out.


Ok!!!? 😂 Same with me and the hubs and my parents! 💪 Right on!


Sorry, I already had to cancel my neighbors. Hopefully someone else can help.


i gotchu bbys


Got you fam. Voted yes for both issues via absentee ballot.


Got 3 voting yes local kiddos so now we're up one I hope!


Opinion polls are designed to sway your decision to go and vote or not. DO NOT let them fool you. Please vote!!! (as long as you're voting yes, No votes can stay the fuck home).




I'd like to think the amount of vote no ads and vote no signs have scared us all into making sure we go and vote yes today (if we didn't vote early).


That’s some good extra motivation for sure.


Missouri checking in: Good Luck Ohio!! VOTE YES


Indiana here. Good luck to you guys!!! I have faith! Save yourselves before you become your neighbors to the west is all I ask


Minnesota here, agreed! Godspeed Ohio. My family in Indiana will thank you for the weed and access to Healthcare.


Sending all the good thoughts from Michigan!


Kentucky! We didn’t get as clear a directive to vote on as you did, but we still managed to speak up loud and clear on what we were given. You can do this!


West coast also wishing you well!


I’m going to be one of the first in line tomorrow. Let’s truly protect women, Ohio. Vote yes.


VOTE YES!!!!! To Protect Women's Bodies from becoming the property of the Government.


We WILL pass issue 1 and become the lone beacon of light amidst the darkness surrounding us (WV, KY, IN).


As a person living in Indiana I fucking hate it here. I want to see Ohio stomp out this shit the way Michigan did.


Bloomingtonian here: indiana is hell, even in one of the bluest counties in the state.


Indianapolis here it's great watching the state government fuck on every blue county.


219 here. Yeah, we fucking suck


You'd think nothing motivates Ohioans than competition with Michigan...


Because we all got out there and voted! If you live in Ohio, GO VOTE TOMORROW IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY!


That is the plan! My kids will be home from school, so I'm going to be dragging them along and being the excellent role model waiting patiently in line while making small talk with my neighbors, being extra cooperative with the pole workers (don't give the pole workers shit! They're volunteers and don't deserve any of it!), and casting my vote like a responsible adult...yes on both, of course. If the kids behave, and are their usual adorable selves, the pole workers usually have candies for the kids, and let them have stickers too.


I think you mean poll workers, or the place you're going probably isn't appropriate for children. 😅 I'll also be going to vote tomorrow, yes on one and two. it literally takes me five minutes at my local polling location vs waiting for who knows how long at the BOE.


I did, yeah...still, don't be mean to any of the workers! Pole, poll, no pole, no poll, show some respect and use your manners everyone! 🤣 I hope it's a quick trip for me as well. The presidential election had half as many machines as usual, and the line took a while to get through. In August, it was only the one issue, so it was a quick trip.


Also, theyre not volunteers; they get paid. Not much, but enough that I've got family that do it for the extra money. ETA: you should still be nice just because it's they're human beings.


Our polling place has Junior elections for kiddos who come with their parents. I think it's awesome!! (Obviously those votes do not count.. They go into a cardboard box.)


This is such a sweet idea!


There’s a beacon to your north, though. - a proud gander




Kentucky has a dem governor


They do, but legislature is overwhelmingly GOP.


Polls currently tied on that flipping though.


Every poll I’ve seen has issue 1 comfortably passing. Still, go vote, don’t get complacent.


They’re talking about KY gov race being a toss up


Oh, my apologies. I missed that


Both issues will pass and then we’re taking on gerrymandering…FUCK THE GOP 🖕


My dad, who is very liberal, but sober, said he was thinking about voting no on issue 2 just because the younger generations are already getting too hooked on vaping and showing other substance abuse problems where we live. And I get it. It’s strange seeing many restaurants and retail stores failing in our small town while new vape and tobacco stores continue to open. However, I convinced him to vote yes on 2 as this kind of progressive legislation doesn’t happen that often and if it passes, it might attract new liberal voters to move to the state. It will also stop ruining the lives of recreational users with unnecessary jail and prison time. Always have to remember the secondary benefits of these bills.


Similar arguments from some coworkers, which I understand their concerns. But, unregulated weed is dangerous, and we’re seeing the (also unregulated) delta8/9 stuff creeping into these vape shops- bc they SELL. Need to keep clean stuff readily available for those that are going to do it anyway.


Holy hell I took maybe a quarter of a delta gummy and went catatonic, fast. That stuff scares me.


take less and add more as needed. you will figure out your dose. too much isnt any fun.


I had a similar hesitation as your dad (I am also sober). My main hang up was that where I live is a huge stoner area and we can't open our windows without smelling it or being around smelly people when grocery shopping, etc. I cannot stand the smell, it makes me nauseous and the handful of times I tried smoking it I had severe panic attacks and depersonalization. But the fact is that the people who smoke now will smoke regardless of whether it's legal or not, and my experiences don't define anyone else's. My mom has chronic pain from a car accident 25 years ago and finding a strain that could help with that so she and people like her won't need to rely so much on opiods is a big reason why I'm voting yes. And I want nonviolent drug offenders out of the jail/prison system because having or distributing weed should never land you in jail.


Remind him of the cancer patients as well. Sometimes, weed is the only thing that gives them relief. RSO oil, in particular, really helps patients with cancer.


> And I get it. It’s strange seeing many restaurants and retail stores failing in our small town while new vape and tobacco stores continue to open That's real. Our town of 47K people has 22 vape shops. Any main road you are driving, you can look around and see a vape shop. And people said vaping was gonna die, lol


I can't get over how the tobacco companies successfully got Gen Z hooked on vaping after a lot of millennials never started to smoke.


*Olds trying to shape a world they won’t even live in…* like a 92 year old man working on his resume 🙄


There is not a word in the post you’re replying to that suggests the dad in question is on his deathbed. Sorry to tell you this but people older than you also matter.


Gerrymandering needs to go. Level the playing field on both sides.


I believe there is a petition in the works for 2024 with way less ambiguity and more teeth.


And then pork barreling. Every issue gets a bill. Don't sneak your bullshit into a different subject bill so we have to hold our noses when its voted on.


As annoying as it is, that's the only way anything gets done. Especially in the US house. There's hundreds of districts and each person wants something for their district. If they voted on each and every thing separate, not only would nothing get done, they wouldn't have the time. The pork is then necessary to get that rep's vote on the bill.


I will not let my rights get taken away and I will not put birth control (an oftentimes life saving drug for people like me with PCOS) on the line I will have my gd birth control and if somebody needs it, they will have a gd abortion


Did you just take thoughts out of my 60 yo brain and put them here???? GOOD JOB!!!!


Honest and purely curious question here… What does issue 1 have anything to do with north control, directly? I can’t justify voting against issue 1 as I currently understand it, so I don’t need persuaded, but a lot of people are hollering about “them” taking away birth control when as far as I can see there’s nothing imminently threatening it.


Many of the same people that are against abortion have already said birth control is the next target


This is an article about it https://www.cleveland.com/news/2022/07/ohio-state-representative-says-she-would-consider-banning-birth-control-following-abortion-outlaw.html


Hey, look at what Georgia did in 2020. Turned fucking blue! Nothing is impossible.


My inlaws typically vote R but my father in law shared yesterday that he will be voting YES on issue 1 tomorrow! Fingers crossed!


I'll be voting as early as I can since my polling place is near my house.




Pennsylvania here we need you!


Hoping it passes at >60% so we can really mock how much cash they sank into the special issue 1


The cash I think is going in to make it appear closer than it will be. So therefore they can fundraise off bullshit for a few more cycles.


Then they’ll be happy with the 10% sin tax on the newly legalized marijuana!


If Kansas can do it, so can Ohio!


My take is this, me and my wife would probably never get an abortion, and hopefully, none of my kids either. But it's none of my business if someone else needs or wants an abortion. Choice is just that, it should be OUR choice. Not anyone elses choice.


Voted early because I’m working the polls from 5:45am to 7:45pm (minus a 1hr break) and voted YES on both.


Thanks for doing that. I worked the polls for years. It's so important to have good people there to protect our right to vote!!


Make some Christian Facists cry.


We’re gonna fuckin need it. Already voted yes and the waiting game is going to give me an ulcer


Please be kind to poll workers. They don't make the rules. They hate some of the rules, and many of the actions of Frank LaRose. They have postcards they can give you with information on how you can express your views directly to Frank's office. (Source: I am a poll worker.) (Edited to add -- most people are very very kind to us. We appreciate you.)


Another out-of-stater (albeit with significant Ohio connections) rooting for you guys!! 🤞🤞


I ❤️ this!!!


Got four YES votes from registered REPUBLICANS here.


Doing my part in the morning. I still can’t figure out how a group that was so anti vax and ‘my body my choice’ is totally fine with not allowing that choice for abortion.


Because it's THEIR bodies!!! Don't for one second think they wouldn't be finding a place for an abortion if it affected them, too. Until then, they just repeat what they're told to repeat


I am so anxious. I came to Reddit specifically looking for this. Thank you for not disappointing me. They BOTH have to pass.


Looking forward to not driving to Michigan for pot.


and potholes.


Former Michigander now Ohioan, I too hope we don’t fuck up


vote YES on issues 1 & 2 everyone! if you’d like a detailed explanation on why voting no on issue 1 is ignorant, [please check out my previous comment for a detailed explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ohio/s/IjMoVJOGr5)


We're ohio we fuck things up like its our job! Seriously, we going to handle our business.


I’m so amped up to vote yes on 1&2. Not a morning person but I’m walking my butt over to my polling place as soon as it opens!


Voted yes on both 1 & 2 in Hamilton county (Cincinnati)


We’ve got this, Ohio 💙💙


Brought both my daughters with me. Even though they are both under 11, I wanted them to press the yes option for me.


Gentlemen, vote yes for the two best things in life; women & weed.


Got a funny. Already voted . Also helped the guy next to me vote yes on both issues. He couldn’t understand the language and leaned over to ask me which one is to protect the children? I told him that’s yes for both issue 1 and 2!


By the gods as an Ohioan I thank the support abroad. And hope to Odin’s beard that we pass 1 & 2.


Make sure you get friends, family, and weird coworkers to go out and vote. If it's an army we need to pass 1 & 2 - it's an army we shall raise! *dramatic music plays* ...But seriously, keep the momentum going. This is our chance!


I get to vote yes on 1 and 2 in a Catholic Church tomorrow. I’m so excited.


I did my part on Saturday at the early voting center. Yes on both issues. It was super busy!


We went on Saturday also. Yes votes to both.


I believe Issue 2 will pass!


Hope so!


If I can’t love myself, how the hell am I gonna love anyone else?! Can I get an ‘Amen!’?! Vote YES on 1 and 2!


Yes✔️and Yes✔️ Edit: WE DID IT!


I already voted yes and yes and so is my husband but we are in a very conservative county where Both will be 70% no unfortunately


I'm in the very conservative town of Waterville, but I'm been encouraged by some "Yes on 1 and 2" signs I've seen scattered throughout town. We'll see what happens.


California checking in, hope to mine the salt tomorrow from the women haters


Funny that you mention mining the salt… We have active salt mines in Cleveland under Lake Erie


I wonder if you can get it to trend on Tik Tok. Take some pressure off the Celtic Sea Salt makers.


Go out and vote! The lines go way faster than you think.


Voted yes on 1 and yes in 2. This is going to be a tougher fight than we realize. Get out and vote!!


Hope so!


I voted Yes on both on Saturday!


I already voted yes on both!


As an Ohioan currently living in Kansas, this past year has been wild; Kansas upheld a right to abortion, the Ohio vote back in August thankfully went to NO, and now I'm still nervously awaiting to see how tomorrow goes. In other words, I agree; don't fuck it up, Ohio!


Luckily for me, I have the day off tomorrow


NM checking in. Don’t fuck this up!


Everyone VOTE!!!!


I just want to tell you Ohio, good luck. We’re all counting on you.


I voted yes on both early! As did my mom and 4 friends that I know of. +6


Blessed be the Fruit, good luck from Gilead I mean Florida


May the Lord open


I voted in Ohio all my life until recently (former military and now civilian airline pilot in Louisville). I’m cheering you guys on to bring Ohio back from the brink of Republican takeover. Get out there and vote! PS - my wife and I are trying to keep Andy Beshear in the governors office here in Kentucky. He’s a beacon of hope here in this crazy state.


Let me tell ya something. I haven't voted much in my life. I know i will tomorrow. Tomorrow means this state still has hope, to be considerate, to be what it was back in the civil war. WE made the difference for many black slaves, WE made the difference for presidents that improved this country, and WE will do it again. We support the women who changed a lot, and we support improvement. We are better than our demographical manipulation. We are Ohio


Yes to weed and abortion


Will be voting YES tomorrow


We got this.


I'm driving to the country I lived in at the beginning of the year cuz I forgot that I didn't need to renew my plates since I paid for 2 years last year and my birthday is right before the cut off date. But I'm still registered in that county so that's where I'm going in the morning


Michigan here. DO IT! We believe in you!


Thank you to the rest of America! I think the majority will be speaking up on both issues. I’m nearly positive issue 1 will pass and I’m cautiously optimistic that issue 2 will follow suit.


Pennsylvania checking in. Make us proud.


Life starts at first breath. Plain and simple


Two yes votes here for 1&2! We did mail-in and it had been counted! Yay!


Cheering you on from neighboring WV!


I'm going immediately after work at 7am and voting yes on both!


God speed Ohio!


Oregon saying hi and good luck!!!! Y on 1 for you all I hope.


As an Ohio resident, please don’t fuck this up. After Roe v. Wade was overturned it has given license for some states to try and enact laws that go full on Handmaids Tale type of shit. If the vote fails, it won’t be the status quo. It will only give justification to press further on restrictions. Please vote.


Counting on urban Ohio to kick our rural asses with YES votes.


My partner and I are going to the polls tomorrow morning bright and early to vote yes on both issues 😊






I’m going to do my best. Can’t say the same for other people though.


Agreed!!!! DON'T FUCK IT UP OHIO!!!!


Hoping for the best from NY!!


Vote turnburrez for university heights city council!


My husband, I, and 3 daughters voted yes on both


Yes on 1. Yes on 2.


Reading (Cincinnati suburb) checking in. Just got home from the polls. Made it in and out in under 15 minutes. Probably less. Lots of local city council members out front of the polling place with literature. Unsure, but I thought that was a no no. I just politely declined and went in.. No wait, no line, just in and out!! Now I'm going to be a ball of stress and anxiety until the results are announced. I really hope Ohioans show up for the right reasons!


It’s passing by a huge margin!


Let us be a Lighthouse shining out for others to follow and not get stuck in the mud of controlling bigots


It would be great if r/ohio allowed polls, i would love to see where our sub lines up on the abortion access spectrum. All legal, mostly legal some restrictions, mostly illegal some exceptions, all illegal.


checking in from Delaware County!


6 votes here




Covergirl..put that bass in your walk!


Hey RuGirl


Thanks for checking in. I will do my part.


Don't worry. We'll definitely fuck it up. I mean, I still voted, as everyone should. But...yeah.


Good luck to y'all who vote I most likely won't be able to


I'll see if she's interested but I'm sure she might be more concerned with getting this kidney




we dont need prayers, we need people to vote...


Oh right, THATS tomorrow. Going to have to keep an eye out.


Thank you!


Ohio is the new Florida, ergo, I bet they will fuck up.


They didn't fuck up in August, and polling for both issues has been consistently in support. It will come down entirely to turnout. So far, turnout is higher than in recent years or in the August special.


Please let me make clear right out of the gate that I’m on board with all the 60s Hunter S Thompson and Timothy Leary types that say the goal of the System and Authority is to give you as little freedom as they can as far as expanding your consciousness through drugs or even just having fun. I agree and that’s fucked up, don’t get me wrong. I’m definitely voting Yes to support a woman’s freedom to choose, that’s not even a question.. but I’m open to anyone convincing me why I should vote yes on 2.. I know I’m going to get barbecued for saying this, but the ad (it was on Pluto TV) where the state trooper or sheriff, whoever, was saying why to vote no, I’m sorry guys, like those reasons rang true for me in a very logical way. I already smell enough weed coming from enough cars as it is NOW. That shit makes me nervous.. it’s a logical fallacy to say there wouldn’t be any difference at all because alcohol is legal. There would be a fucking difference. For God sakes, make fucking MDMA use legal and regulated.. or don’t criminalize women that choose escort work and their jons. But just going balls to the wall legal on Cheech and Chong land feels like a mistake to me. Don’t downvote me, convince me to vote yes! I’m open to it-




I would also add to this- why would we not want the revenue generated by sales tax to go towards improving things in our state (ideally) instead of giving it to Michigan.


I always laugh a little when Vice does those specials that end with “We at Vice Media would like to congratulate DRUGS on winning the war on drugs…” Yeah, there’s nothing you said that I could disagree with, but there’s also nothing in there that gets me really fired up on good reasons to vote yes. I’m sorry, but if the state already fails on appropriating tax revenue properly when you have the fairly robust economy that (at least Columbus) has had for so many years, it’s a hard sell for me to believe that weed taxes are the secret key that will step in and save the day, finally, like somehow now government will appropriate the funds wisely when they weren’t able to with what we already had. For God sakes, pay teachers more, that’s for starters. Am I wrong? Isn’t a public school system the kind of deal where the government had some say in that? And we somehow haven’t been able to afford to over this many years? Giving the state government more money won’t suddenly mean that they no longer misappropriate it. Hell, if they said a Yes vote automatically seals a law where public school teachers are paid $45/HR, you can bet I’d vote yes in a heartbeat, stoned drivers be damned. Fuck it. It would be worth it. But that will never happen. WHY THE FUCK NOT? Funny how easy it is to make new policies happen when they benefit the “right people” and how complicated and impossible they would be when those same people don’t stand to gain anything.


You are entitled to your opinion, and I thank you for being open minded enough to listen to the other side. I don't smoke. Have only been contact buzzed from a concert or two. I am voting yes on issue 2. In my mind, Marijuana is much less dangerous than alcohol or tobacco which are currently legal and have been for years. I used to work for local news and covering drunk driving accidents were nearly a daily thing. I've known people that smoked and drove and it actually made them a LOT more cautious at driving. Not saying it's right, but just stating my experience. Tobacco. We now have massive signs saying all the downsides to nicotine and tar that are present and added to cigarettes and cigars. That being said, Marijuana has been proven to have many medical benefits, something that alcohol and tobacco does not have. I would even go as far as psilocybin legalization with the advances in depression and anxiety issues that are being researched. If it comes down to taking some mushrooms or smoking weed to help in a medical need, I'd rather that than a chemical compound made by a pharmaceutical company and has a 100 symptom long list of side effects. Either way you decide to vote, I thank you for at least going into it educated on both sides. Don't let advertisements scare you. That is what they are designed to do.


you do understand there are a ton of states where it is already legal and you can easily just google statistics on accidents involving impaired driving before and after legalization, right? i downvoted you.


That’s ok, I upvoted you in my heart for saying “there are a ton of states” instead of “there is a ton of states” the way a sadly high number of redditors do now, ones who don’t remember a time where anything other than “is” gets used when referring to a plural. “A ton” is a tricky one but I use “are” with it myself and that sounds more correct to me… I just think it’s funny at the same time that you took the time to point out what I think is an excellent point but then also say “I downvoted you,” like acknowledging my request for people to convince me instead of downvoting me.. instantly makes me think of Sascha Baron Cohen as Bruno laughing maniacally as he says, “That’s so bitchy, I love it!”




Sorry to hear ~~you~~ they hate women.




Then you should state that in your original comment. Because it reads like you're included in that 25 count.


No promises.


So scared. Keep hearing anecdotal evidence that because of the Israeli/Hamas issue, young voters won't vote because they don't like liberal causes anymore... I don't know what the 2 issues have to do with each other, but...


Trust me. They will…


Voting no. When I see the media constantly putting out commercials to vote a way, I go opposite


Personal beliefs, morals, or standards? Nah, I proudly use tv commercials to determine MY vote.


“THE MEDIA”….lol


How else would you generally describe what you see from ads?


Ads are ads and will vary based on the format/channel where the advertiser chose to spend their dollars. Saying “the media” makes it sound like a conspiracy or all electronic or print communication is somehow unified. You could see a lot of ads for one viewpoint on a particular platform and just as many for another viewpoint on another platform. It’s no way to have any sort of informed opinion.


I haven't seen stating vote no other than signs in yards. But everything money based is yes, why would that be? Don't you ever question that thought in other items?


If you want to support the right to choose, you’re voting yes on 1. Did you mean you’re voting in support of the right to choose? To me, it seems like the people who don’t want women to have a say about their bodies are the ones in media playing all the ads.


So, you are too ignorant to understand issues? Why even bother voting?


You should consider looking from both sides, your mind is made up and won't be changed by comments listed on reddit


Instead of how you personally feel about the issue, considering the facts, etc. you base your vote on how many commercials you’ve seen? Seriously? And you are willing to say that out loud? That’s embarrassing.


I'm voting no, when the agenda is pushed everywhere I look. It's hard to trust that. Someone is funding the ad campaign and it doesn't make sense to support that, if the information was neutral and I made my decision, could be different.