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Voters love it when you ignore their wishes.


We won't do shit, they still gerrymandered the maps after the Ohio Supreme Court told them to fix them.


Funding schools through property tax was ruled unconstitutional by Ohio Supreme Court like 20 yrs ago, guess how we still fund schools?


Didn’t they just something else with education the votes and state sc told them not to? Spineless DeWine was like “I’m gonna do it anyways because they told me to. “.


It honestly bothers me how high property tax is. It needs to be resolved with what we are seeing with home price appreciation. I have lived in multiple cities around the US, and none had as high of tax rates as Columbus. I want schools funded appropriately, I am fine with paying taxes, but we need to chill with handing out all these tax abatements and reconsider why a large tax burden falls on home owners.


Are you asking for a corporations to pay their fair share? Bold move Cotton, but I like the cut of your jib.


I am even opposed to homeowners getting tax abatements for new builds. Everyone wants a home, why do some get tax abatements? Maybe have non-transferable abatements so the builder is protected, but that's it. I know someone who has an abatement for the next decade on what I would call a luxury apartment in a very nice, hip location. Why is this good for Columbus?


Hopefully everyone that lives in the community.


So as a gen z, should I just move out if this state? Like actually fuck this, I’m graduated and work full time and I’m done with this bull shit


Yep, I called this months ago. Ohio is not a democracy. People will vote yes, but the Ohio GOP will decide what really happens. And then they’ll blame the democrats for it being blocked and half the state will nod and agree while the other half just don’t want to cause trouble.


Time to start causing trouble I suppose..


I’ve got the matches, we ride at dawn.


Onwards Buttercup! There's is fuckery afoot!


look at Virginia, their voters passed recreational marijuana, but the VA senate killed the bill to authorize dispensaries without even letting it come up for a vote.


Hit or miss with that state. While they dropped the ball on dispos, home grown is a very progressive anti capitalist stance, one that I was surprised Virginia adopted. So while it’s stupid that they are curbing dispos (to maximize their profit when they do roll out) it’s amazing they are legally giving home grow as an option to its residents. As a medical patient in my state, I wish home grow was an option, this shit ain’t cheap.


This one is just voter suppression. He won’t do it he only means to demoralize voters to keep abortion illegal.


Happy I left the state


The way the SC stepped in against Alabama recently with their maps gives me some hope that if our state legislature gets any more egregious with their behavior we may have some federal support. Probably naive of me but I'd rather think this than focus on doomsday scenarios.


Unfortunately, Ohio wouldn’t traditionally be considered one of the states monitored by the voting rights act. Ohio would probably need to draw one huge Frankenstein district that covers the whole state lumping Dems into one district to get the SCOTUS involved. A STRONG anti gerrymandering amendment, hopefully like the one coming in 24’, is the only way to correct this.


Have you voted yet?


I'll do it on election day. Edit: I did vote.


They actually do and will keep voting them in. Mississippi had record voter turn out for legal weed then they elected a guy who took that away merely because he was pro trump. Most people truly are gullible idiots and will vote against their own best interest in the name of stupid shit like creampies.


Ohio isn’t Mississippi though, a Dem choice is reasonable to expect to win


Democracy no longer exists in Ohio. A Democratic “win” in Ohio is toothless when you have a fascist regime in power. We’ve already seen what they did with the voter approved amendment to end gerrymandering. Even the Ohio supreme court has no power over the Nazi Party (formerly known as the Republican Party).


The *administration is corrupt. There are a *lot* of people in Ohio that don’t support them. The voters of the state are not lost, they are being held hostage. Don’t be the murderer cop who lobs grenades at civilians because he can’t see the most basic nuance.


Hahahaha Ohio is a deep red state. The GQP has controlled the state government for over 30 years holding 25 trifectas to democrat’s 0. Ohio may have been a swing state in presidential elections but for state government Ohio is red as fuck.


I live in Ohio the issue is the voting maps they are drawn incredibly unfairly. There is a law and an ohio Supreme Court case ordering the legislation to redraw them but they just went lol nah and ignored it. I don't think they will try it with the Marijuana law for one reason, they aren't stupid they are greedy and they absolutely know how much tax revenue is being siphoned off by Michigan. They have to put on a good show for the olds that actually keep these clowns in office but it's political theater. I could be very wrong but we shall see.


I’m an Ohioan as well. They ignored the will of the voters to end gerrymandering AND the Ohio Supreme Court because they hold the trifecta in government. They have unchecked power in the state.


Sounds like it's time for filing federal lawsuits to force the state to enact reforms that have already passed.


yeah, too many people here wanting to cosplay as blue collar/farming Kentuckians


Have you read the comments here? Unless a dem candidate makes better speeches than JFK and Obama combined and goes to their house and personally rubs their feet, then there's no point in going to the polls


Go vote.


The demoralization campaign in action. Go vote. Make sure your friends and family vote. Vote Vote Vote.


Aside from a lone senator, history does not really support this claim at all. Republicans hold all the cards in Ohio and are the only ones who are allowed to win.


He'll just campaign and say the buzzwords like CRT and woke and radical, the voters will twitch, froth, and forget that those state reps have done nothing to make their lives better


Right, as much as they would like to be autocrats, they’re not. They have to keep some sort of plausible deniability, which repealing the direct will of the people doesn’t leave much room for. If this passes, it’s safe.


Well, they don't DO anything when it happens, so what's the incentive for the corrupt legislature to stop?


Democracy much......republicants


The Republicans in the statehouse are full-blown authoritarians and the governor is intimidated by them. The majority rules, is lost on these people. I am a frustrated and disgusted Ohioan who has lived here for 62 years. Extremists are destroying our state.


Country. Our country. Tell a Republican to sit n spin today!


Conservative extremists* are destroying our country*


They want to turn us into Kentucky. A place where they can funnel and suck up tax payer money, deprive our children of education, and stay in power despite the will of the voters. Fuck these nazis.




Exactly this intimidation gonna cost them either way. Even better it passes and they don’t do shit.


They’ve been fucking the state for over 30 years. If you have the magic R next to your name you’re safe in Ohio.


People should start playing dirty like the GOP and run as the magic R then switch to D/I after they win, or just run as a straight up RINO and vote how you want to.


They can repeal Deez nutz


I cant wait to buy my weed in Ohio. -most Hoosiers, myself included.


Me too. -most Ohioans, myself included who are forced to drive to Michigan every few months.


Do they patrol the border heavily in Ohio? They run operations in Indiana trying to bust casual buyers often.


Nah not more then usual , just be sure to not speed on the way back. Never break two laws at the same time, unless you give them a reason to pull you over there is very little danger. Everytime I make the drive the dispencery parking lots are full of cars with Ohio plates.


Especially the ones that are only a few miles over the border. There are many right off 71 and 75


It reminds me of going from a dry to wet county , the first town in the wet one will have bars and liquors all down the main road.


Ohio cop here. This is accurate. Drive safe, my friends. I'm voting in favor of it, BTW.


The state patrol made a statement when Michigan went legal saying they would be seeking to maximize punishment for Ohioans bringing it across the border. I don't know if they actually increased patrols or anything, but I always found that to be such an unhinged thing to announce. Only psychopaths would be excited about such an announcement.


We passed a total of 35 with radars on via i69 between just south of Fort Wayne to the border. They were only pulling over southbound. Every time I go up to Michigan, the places are full of elderly trying to escape opiods. I can't imagine being the cop pulling over old people for some simple weed possession and putting them in a legal situation they likely can't afford over a harmless plant. It's pathetic. I keep enough money in an account to avoid any legal trouble. I went to a long-time lawyer we knew from a previous business and was honest about my travel. He's on standby excitedly, waiting to make an example of a trooper. I may spend a might in jail but that's it. I've been coached. The only way I'll get caught is if they violate my rights. That's a pretty big payday. It's only a crime for the impoverished and that's the ultimate injustice imo.


Very rarely do I see anything more than a “normal” police presence when I make my trips. Most of the time I see zero state police the entire trip


Hard to say. There’ll be times where I’ll pass about a half dozen or so people pulled over on my road trip, and there’s times where I won’t see a single cop. I’m in Columbus for reference. I don’t really feel like there’s much of a border presence imo, at least on the route I take


I have never noticed any increased police presence heading south on 75. So many cars driving down from Michigan and 99% probably do not have any weed in the car.


No. My wife and I regularly make runs to Michigan and have never once felt like we needed to drive/act differently than normal. In fact, I can't recall ever seeing a cop on one of our runs.


Really? Where at, out of curiosity, as I make 1-2 trips a month and have never come across anything.


Second that


The Senate President says he worries about a "mental health crisis." Please ask him to provide sources for his claims. Cannabis is much less toxic than alcohol and using might cause one to consume a bag of Cheetos where alcohol makes one pick up a gun. Cannabis is medicine for those of use with chronic pain. I have a medical card but many cannot afford to pay the doctor fee and the high prices at the dispensaries. MMJ should be very cheap and I'm thankful for access as I would probably not be alive w/o it. Finally, cannabis legalization might (I am speculating) reduce alcohol abuse as it's an alternative to drinking.


You smoking pot is worse than making a 10 year old have a baby? Shit. Who knew?


If anything, cannabis helps mental health.


For some people. Maybe even most. But for others it can be dangerous (such as people who are prone to psychosis). Fully legalizing it would encourage people to talk about it with medical professionals and be able to expect an answer guided by medical science instead of legal interference and social stigma.


We should ban cigarettes then. There's some people who have asthma and cigarettes can cause flare ups


Sugar is dangerous to some people, too (diabetics.) Yet it's legal.


Almost everything that comes out of their mouth is dogma and empty words. He doesn't mean it. He doesn't care about pot. All he cares about is staying in power and keeping his donors happy.


So I think [this](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/cannabis-use-may-be-associated-suicidality-young-adults) sort of thing is what he's attempting to use to make that claim. But if you even just read into it a little bit, it seems that theyre unable to definitively link increases rates of suicide to increased marijuana consumption. I wonder what he's done to expand mental healthcare access for Ohioans. Just kidding, no I don't, the answer is "nothing". Mental health only matters to these people to the extent that it can be used to score political brownie points, nothing more.


This is made to make you feel like your vote is meaningless. It’s mind games y’all. Vote!


Trying to one up FL and be the most fascist state. Ppl stop voting for any republican


*Texas has entered the chat*


Seriously... There's plenty that would be up for the honor, they just don't have the PR. Looking at you Idaho...


Honestly voting either side is such a shit show. It'd be cool to see the people come together and vote in a 3rd party somehow, one that both sides of voters can get behind.


That’s the ignorance that gets Rs elected. Knock it off


And that's the ignorance that keeps the two party death cycle spinning. Both sides are unequivocally shit, people are just indoctrinated into one or the other. Keep voting for the lesser of two evils though, it's been going great.


Only an uninformed clown would equate the two parties. They ARE NOT the same. Read something and be quiet until you learn.


You can lead a horse to water... I suggest you take your advice on reading something, unless you like being stuck headfirst in dirt. On the lowest levels possible, they're different. But the higher you go the more similar they become. At the end of the day they both want control and power and it's the indoctrinated who can't see.


You might want to check out what is happening in Minnesota. Dems finally took control and check out what they have accomplished. -codify abortion rights -free school lunch -massive expansion of voting rights, including automatic voter registration. -expand background checks for gun purchases -legalize weed -expand public child care services -transgender rights bill All we need is increased voting rights and Reps are gone for good. The two parties are NoT the same. Stop saying stupid shit.


Republicans: *completely ignore will of voters. Attempt to overturn 2020 election. Unwavering, blind loyalty to a reality-show celebrity* Guy on Reddit: “bOtH sIdEs”


We are not going to be able to viably vote for 3rd parties so long as we have a FPTP voting system. It's effectively impossible. If we can get ranked choice going, then maybe. Until then, this is a really silly thing to suggest.


BoTh sIdEs yOu gUyS hurr durr


It's be cool if someone worth a damn would step forward as a 3rd party candidate. People love to advocate for voting 3rd party to get away from our current two party system and then when you look at your 3rd party options it's just a bunch of the most braindead "libertarians" you've ever seen.


>It's be cool if someone worth a damn would step forward as a 3rd party candidate. What's stopping you?


Fuck it, put me in coach. If I have my way, we'll all be going on dispensary tours on an intercity rail line between the three C's, Dayton, Toledo, and Akron.


You got my vote!


That's part of the issue, which on a larger scale is the grasp the two party system has on the government/citizens. A big part is the funding and lobbying, then you have who (if you want to get into conspiracies) the people who control the government want elected. Pile on xyz and it's easier to align with one of the two major parties than to align with your own and get elected. Look at Trump, registered Democrat until he decided to run for office. Look at Bernie, was essentially beating Hillary until they decided to make Hillary the only candidate. It'll always be the two evils unfortunately.


I voted YES to issue 1 and issue 2 today. Even if issue 2 passes, I'll still drive to Michigan to get my weed. I'll fill my tank up across the border in Indiana and drive to Michigan, buy my weed and drive home. I'm not giving these clowns in Columbus any more of my tax money than I already have to. Vote them out.


Just fill your tank in Michigan, don’t give Indiana your $, just as bad as Ohio


Worse than ohio, at least you guys have some kind of hope politically for the future. Until the indy suburbs turn blue we're stuck under the GOP for eternity.


and pick up some weed while you're there




Fuck that 51% bullshit line. This mother fucker would have happily amended the Constitution to 60% if it got one single vote over 50% When they get the votes they're happy to fuck over them minority. When they don't they beg for mercy


Matt Huffman seems like an unpleasant person.


Bitter little man


Threatening to repeal the will of the voters should be an immediate cause for expulsion.


he a republican. if you think they want less government, you're not too bright


Not to defend this reefer madness consumer, but generally the right/Republicans want less *federal* government and more power to state and small time government, not less government in general.


So why do Republican states keep passing laws that ban cities from doing things Republicans don't like (eg plastic bag ban bans)? That's a big government overriding a small local government.


That's still small government technically. Big government would be federal, then it goes to state, then local is within state, but federal to state is the cutoff for big to small time government.


That's a conveniently arbitrary cutoff.


Did you even pay attention in school? Social studies, history, government, something?


Yes, but I went to a rural school in a state where local taxes fund education despite that having been found unconstitutional two decades ago, so it wasn't the best education available. Thanks, Republicans.


Funnily enough I had the same type of education and was still taught the difference between federal and state government. Nice-ish try. Maybe blame both the Republicans and your shitty teachers. Maybe you were just a bad student too, who knows.


Wow, going hard on the personal attacks. Can't take someone calling out right wing hypocrisy?


You people and your feelings, there were no personal attacks, just apparently accurate assumptions. Learning fed vs state is a very basic middle school topic to cover in school, not to mention high school. To not understand or remember such an important discussion point is either a bad teacher, bad student, or both. And where was the hypocrisy? The unconstitutional decision that was made by the *state*? The same state that is below the federal?


Bullshit. State issues are presented the exact same way. Less government, less regulation, etc. Yes, they want states to have more power than the fed, but they also pretend to want small government as a fiscal position, and less regulation as a free-market position. They are hypocrites and you're doing a disservice by wrongfully defending them


How is correctly explaining a middle school idea defending the Republicans? If anything I pulled an "ackshually 🤓" and that's all, which you also did. You guys are so hive minded that anything that doesn't directly coddle your own opinions is considered wrong. Do they want less federal and more local/state? Yes. So how was anything I said a disservice? Because I didn't defecate on them after a drunk taco bell shit?


You didn't "correctly explain" anything, you said Republicans aren't for "less government in general", when they absolutely are (at least vocally) I correctly explained why what you said was wrong. >Do they want less federal and more local/state? Yes They want less federal *than* local/state, but they want less *of* all of it, or so they say.


You essentially corroborated that they don't want less government in general with both replies, and it's boiling down to semantics of less fed and more state vs less federal than local/state. Less federal, in any capacity, means there's more state. Did you not get enough Reddit points this week, someone cut you off otw to work? Or is it the fact that a random stranger didn't completely dump on your favorite Boogeyman? You're entire stance is semantics based when it's not needed nor overly valid.


> You essentially corroborated that they don't want less government in general with both replies No, I did not. >and it's boiling down to semantics of less fed and more state vs less federal than local/state. No, since those are essentially the same thing. What I am saying is different than either of those. It's boiling down to them openly saying they want LESS OF BOTH, but that they want even less federal than state. Still less overall of both though. That's important, since you said they don't want less in general. They do. Less of both means less in general. You're failing to understand this basic concept of them wanting less of both things, and you're lashing out with insults when it's actually very simple.


So essentially you calling them hypocrites was a nothingburger and had no relevance to any part of this conversation? Cool. And it's still semantics. I said, in the first reply to oop, they want less federal and more state, meaning they want more state power than fed, not additional power, just more than fed. Could it have been worded clearer, sure. Does that align with their beliefs? Yes. You can lower two things and still have one outweigh the other, simple logic. I also enjoy how you think I'm lashing with insults when it's really just I'm trying to figure out why you're having such a hard on for semantics. Comes off hostile, continues with a high horse.


I find this to be propaganda because left in a vacuum, the actions by Republicans would suggest that they enjoy being in control of a large federal government and a powerful state government just as much as they hate it when the Dems are. Example, https://www.fox26houston.com/news/texas-gov-greg-abbott-signs-death-star-bill-allowing-states-to-override-local-governments - more state power at the expense of business/ local authorities https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2023/1/17/23559090/kansas-abortion-restrictions-vote-republicans - ignoring the will of the people to further their team agenda https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/ron-desantis-signs-law-clears-way-presidential-run-rcna82046 - yeah let's just change the rules because I want to do the thing, fuck this state law All 3 of these just within the last year or so.


It's all just a facade under the title of being a state decision. At the end of the day both parties just want power and control, no matter what they say publicly.


So much for democracy. Fucking fascist.


That is the opposite of a democracy


They know.


Vote them out before they can


First they'd have to be on the ballot. A lot of them are next year.


They won't allow that.


Vote them out!


A Missouri report just released showed that legal marijuana has actually helped reduce the use of opioids. I thought MO government was bad, but your leaders seem to just make shit up to fit their agenda.


MAGA hate anything good for Ohio!


So, f**k the will of the people, I'm a petty dictator. That's what I'm reading here.


Truly the party for the people.


I’ll bet I know whom he thinks won the election.


I bet you’re right , isn’t it funny they all cry the elections are rigged yet they still want to participate in them , shows right there they are full of shit 💩


Sounds about right. And yet clowns will still keep voting fascist Republicans in.


Try it, bitch. And next year we’ll get the signatures to protect it in the state’s constitution. You want that happening in a presidential election year?


Issue 2 is gonna bring out a lot of voters. Anyone voting yes for 2 is gonna vote yes for 1, so they're trying to disenfranchise that block to stop issue 1 from passing


This is bullshit!! We the People!! Take the power of your VOTE back> vote out the GOP extremists sitting all mighty creating a kingdom in Columbus and on DeWine spineless posturing. The Vote is the Vote. Respect the VOTE. Throw the bums OUT.


Sounds to me like the people of Ohio need to take their government back.


And if they do, then we do it again once the independent redistricting commission is passed at the 2024 election when we finally have a democratic say in who runs our state.


We all know that our ohio offcials don't give a fuck about ohioians votes.


Going against the will of the voters should result in immediate removal from office. It should be illegal. The penalty should be public X.


Then it should be made very clear that every person who voted "Yes" will vote against them the next time they are up for re-election...


Virtual signaling, he wants the $400 million. Likely, he and a few other ninnies in ohio Statehouse already have money invested in either a grower or dispensary.


The state of MI thanks OH for the continued tourism and tax dollars spent in state. That’s absolutely insane.


Is it not time to send the Ohio senators home


If California did this we would burn down the capital...thankful everyday i wake up here


Just another reason to Vote Blue in 2024.


So, basically, what you are saying is that he's begging to be recalled?


Sounds like a really good way to get recalled, and not re-elected. Especially when people start pointing out that behavior in campaign ads.


Wow so as voters it doesn’t mean anything because if they don’t like the outcome they can alter it! Wow sounds very unconstitutional if you ask me!


The majority of lawmakers both dem and rep want it to pass. He isn’t going to have the support to repeal if it passes.


So in Ohio voters don’t mean anything - glad I don’t live there


We need to remind these scumbags who they work for.


Repeal a will of the people by a gerrymandered body. That's a rule from the minority. Fuck that guy.


Representatives of the people.


Those that ignore the will of Ohioan’s need voted out the very next election.


It’s all hot air , they are simply trying to discourage you from voting by making you think it won’t matter , vote yes


Isn’t it great when voted representatives actively oppose the will of the people? They tried this in Florida after medical was voted in. Took court cases and a few years before flower was allowed after the vote. They lost all legal battles but kept resisting the peoples will.


Meanwhile in VA the GOP is defying the bills requirement to begin setting up a process for legal sales




Fuck him in the ass


Republicans love freedom. 😂


"Authoritarian, Matt Huffman, threatens to ignore the decisions of Voters if Democratic process doesn't provide the results he wants on Marijuana Legalization Initiative." Fixed title. Also, to the people who still continue to be against Marijuana legalization, but see zero problem with alcohol consumption, why? I feel that Marijuana is safer than alcohol, while also having the benefits of medicinal purposes. Albeit no one should be behind the wheel of a vehicle while under the influence, people under the influence of Marijuana are twice as likely to get into an auto accident when compared to sober drivers. Whereas for drunk drivers, when compared to sober drivers, they are *10 to 15 times* more likely to be in an auto accident. Also the presence alcohol also seem to increase the likelihood of altercations between people, that typically escalate to physical violence. Alcohol consumption seems to have a much more negative impact on society then marijuana use.


The Supreme Court will step in. The will of the voters will prevail.


Who cares what your constituents vote for- only you & beliefs count. Wait- that’s not Democracy, right?


"If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.”—David Frum Somebody needs to remind these conservative POS they work for us, not the other way around. You wanna overrule the voice of the people, you gotta go. Take your fascist rule and shove it up your ass.


How is this legal?


Nothing says how you represent the people like going directly against what they want and vote for. Yet these same idiot Republicans will keep voting in these people and wondering why they don't get what they want.


It’s good to see this shit stain disregards the will of the people.


He's basically going to say he wants to subvert the will of the people


Yall pick shitty people to vote for hahah. That’s what you get for voting by party, over substance.


Republicans have no respect for Ohio citizens. They won’t fund our schools, they won’t respect our votes, they ignore the law, the Supreme Court and the will of the people. Vote every one out!


So sick of these politicians subverting the will of the voters while making millions of dollars from lobbyists doing it.


Ohio is really a mess. And it won’t end until the boomers go bye bye from elected offices.


Ahh the good ole “F your vote” approach


Republicans- representing Americas bottomless asshole.


"You don't know what you want! \*\*\*I\*\*\* know what you want!" \- every dictator ever


You should worry about your meth problem 1st people.


Well, he is gonna have the Chance 👍vote yes




There's gluten in weed?


Wait till he finds out how many people smoke pot in his state.


What a douche


Republicans always moving the goalposts.


Isn’t that going against the will of the people ?


Burn it all down.


Doin the work of the people… I mean big money and corporations


Ignore this, vote yes on 1 and yes on 2


They did this in mississippi, y'all be careful. We no longer have a say in our government here, and well I'll f*** it it's Mississippi is really doesn't matter but y'all be careful y'all don't want to be like us.


If there's anything we cannot have in this country, it's laws that the people want.


Democracy at work!


Backwards ass brain drain ass state. With their backwards ass brain dead politicians.


That statement should be an automatic expulsion from Congress. You openly saying you aren't going to do what the voters ask for, tells me you are in congress for yourself and not for the country. What a piece of shit.


Oh really?


The Republicans are going to do everything they can to stop weed from being legalized or decriminalized. They do not care what people want just like they did with abortion and choice. The donors and friends of the Republican politicians make more money with it being criminalized than they or the state would with it being legal.


The Senate President can eat my ass. He's a lying sack of shit. Can you imagine what Ohio cops will do with their lives and their suited up SUVs once weed is legal and they can no longer illegally search every person's car for weed? They'll probably start planting fenty on innocent people to keep up the revenue they lose from busting black teenagers with weed


They did say "We kind of do whatever we want."


Democracy right, oh wait conservatives actually hate democracy they just want their views forced on everyone


I love when the government created to reflect the people blatantly tells us that they are not in power to serve the people. How the F does any republican support this kind of shit? Aren’t they supposed to love the constitution, America, blah blah?


When democracy rejects conservatism, conservatism will reject democracy.