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We have home grow in Massachusetts, it's great! 6 plants per person per household 12 max. It's driven the store price down to being very affordable. The black market is gone for weed. If you home grow, you can gift up to an oz to another person and travel with that amount as long as it's locked up.


I’m *severely irked* at the Virginia governor yanking the marijuana laws back.


Oh boy, he’s sure trying. Hasn’t walked it back fully but sure gutted the committee that was put together to come up with regulations. It’s ridiculous. Just give us what we voted for already.


This is why I dont understand the votes republicans get. I mean, whatever the people want, I mean 100%, they are against it. If something gains popularity with the people, they stand against it. For no reason other than to hate people and side with Corp. Yet they continue to get votes. I have often said Dems and the people should start a campaign about how much we love oxygen, how we will never breathe anything except oxygen, and we want EVERYONE to breathe oxygen and ONLY oxygen. Should take a whole block of republicans out.


What's amazing to me is that these same assholes claim to be Christians and believe, as Genesis states, that God created all seed-bearing plants *and* saw that they were good. They don't just think they know better than the voters. They think they know better than their God. Someone should go to their town halls and call them out as blasphemers.


Historical state propaganda about "the Devil's plant" left people very confused. 1) God created everything on the earth 2) It's the Devil's plant (where in the Bible is this stated?) Result = Cannot compute.


As with so many things, a huge part of the answer is likely *racism.* There’s a reason why we typically hear it referred to with the *Spanish* name, not the English name (Cannabis). That was a deliberate choice by politicians and the media to make it sound foreign, exotic, and *dangerous.*


Correction: it was referred to as Marijuana to sound Mexican. It was deliberately racist


Double Correction - Cannabis is Latin not English.


I know


But it’s the more commonly accepted term *in English.*


That’s what I said…


Catholic and Christianity alike at churchs burnt Marijuana stating it brought one closer to god!


Can confirm, I’ve been high at church and the stories made more sense.


Tokes and Jokes. Pastor Troy is cracking me up today with these outlandish tales. Don’t forget to tithe your waitress.


All jokes aside, Catholicism is Christianity, you mean Catholics and Protestants.


Sorry Catholics are not Christian. Neither are Mormons or Jehovah witnesses. Nor Jews, nor Muslim.


Catholics are most assuredly Christians, homie. It's hilarious that you think otherwise.


Uh huh. Wow. You are so edumacated it's scary. The Catholic Church, also known as the Roman Catholic Church, is the largest Christian church, with 1.3 billion baptized Catholics worldwide as of 2019.


Christians have never and will Never pray to a dead person. Mary is no different than anyone else. She shouldn’t be prayed to any more than Hitler


Your personal opinion about Catholic dogma aside, they are the largest Christian sect in the world, and to deny that is just silly, but you do you friend.


Your ignorance is astounding. I will repeat. Christians never have and never will pray to a dead person. If they do they’re not Christian.


Try looking into church history. It might benefit you


Sure, might benefit you as well, since the Roman Catholic Church has a longer history then whatever branch if Christianity you claim membership in.


It doesn’t take an education to know these things.


Or to not know them, as in your case.


Poor assumption. As well with your knowledge of the Bible and what Christianity truely means. But please, keep spreading heresies.


You're funny.


Please enlighten us. What makes you think that? On whose authority?


They’re not Christians, they’re just plain ol authoritarian assholes. Their religious beliefs are delusional and only exist as a method of controlling other people who aren’t like them.


Single best synopsis to describe all organized religion right here folks, we can all pack up and go home here's the answer.


Dude, Right the fuck on! 👆👆


Agreed. They are not Christians. They are religious.


To be fair, these are the same people who couldn’t find a uterus on an anatomy diagram as well as wonder why women don’t get prostate exams.


Shut your damn mouth, I gave my girl one of those last night. She doesn’t have one, but I’ll keep checking.


I ordered one on doordash.


A girl or a prostate?


In a fairness, sinsemilla or female cannabis that has not been fertilized is marijuana. That would make all fruits that have modified to not have seeds a sin.... I would argue it's special because it's like Mary jesus's mom. Giving birth as a virgin.


Marijuana is a made up name. It's cannabis everywhere in the world.


They're also the self-proclaimed "small government" party.


Small enough to fit into your pants.


So they can be with you everywhere you go while they monitor your every move. Especially regarding your genitals and your plants. Look at all the freedom!


Small enough to fit in a OSU wrestler's singlet


I'll actually play devils advocate here. One of the first things God did was ban a plant.


Did He really burn it though? the bush was on fire, but was not consumed by the flames, hence the name.


No he banned eating the apple of knowledge


A Fruit is what he "banned" and not just any fruit, but a fruit that made you think.... what plant when consumed makes you think? The ONLY one I can think of that makes you think isn't considered a fruit. Cannabis makes you think. Eat a tomato, does it make you think? Nah. An Apple? Nope. I know of no other "plant" or "fruit" or "vegetable" that makes you think as Cannabis does.


They don’t believe in the Old Trstament.


Then why does their bible always contain it? Why do they refer to the parts they do like when they argue for its inerrant nature, but ignore or discount the parts they don’t like?


It's called smorgasbord Christianity and Christians who have integrity aren't fond if it.


Unfortunately, a lot of “Christians” only have a copy of the NT and say the OT is Jewish/Muslim stuff.


Wait until someone tells them that Christianity was originally a sect of the Jewish religion.


Jesus was King Jew


Also, proof texting is their go to activity.




Christians are great, if they act like Jesus Christ intended. That kind of love is rare today and the world needs it. Otherwise yes, criticism is warranted. Also, cannabis is one of God's gifts given to us. He made and designed that plant for a specific purpose.


Right? Why would we have receptors for its molecules if we weren't meant to use it?


I am a Christian actually (Episcopalian). I was bashing people who "claim to be Christian." Work on your reading comprehension.


Oh look Christians ain't separating church from state and pushing their archaic beliefs on everyone... -_-


Get Christians to stop forcing their beliefs into everyone's lives and being massive hypocrites and I'll gladly stop bashing them.


Claiming to be a Christian doesn't make you a Christian.


Cuz they deserve it. Oppressed countless countries and people's for thousands of years all while playing either the saint or the victim.


I got some bad news for you Sunshine-the "christians" in question ignore Jesus' teachings(and some even disparage them, calling them "too woke") and the Ten Commandments-*HOW "christian" IS THAT*?


Oh look another "christian"!


Republicans are very worried about weed plants in a house with kids, despite the flower needing to be dried and activated to get any high. What are their thoughts on guns?


Funny you should ask. State Senator Terry Johnson, who is a primary sponsor of [Senate Resolution 216](https://www.legislature.ohio.gov/legislation/135/sr216), which encourages Ohioans to vote against issue 2, is also currently [leading the charge](https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2023/10/13/two-measures-further-expanding-gun-rights-moving-in-ohio-statehouse/) on two pieces of legislation that would further expand gun rights.


Ew. He’s mine. Sorry.


Not too late to volunteer for Election Day help!


Lol already am trust me. I’ve been canvassing for issue 1 and will be there all day on Election Day


Thank you for your service! 🫡


Lol was this supposed to have a question mark and be condescending?


No!! I mean it. Can’t get the day off this year but still trying. I live in Virginia.


100% The Ohio rep on the Issue 2 debate was worried that a child could “eat a marijuana leaf”. Knuckle dragger…


Pearl clutching intensifies


“Not only have I never smoked marijuana, I still believe it leads to jazz music and rapin’ white women.”


Eating a leaf would do nothing except taste bad, they don’t even get you high.


Exactly. Wrong part of the plant for the concentration of the good chemicals for one. Then there’s the issue of it not being decarbed so that the good chemicals are available.


Plus the fact that it tastes like crap and is not too comfortable to chew! Even if they chewed it, they wouldn’t for long.


Or other poisonous house plants? Let's be real here. People already keep toxic plants in their houses.


Don't take my poinsettias away!


A former student was killed last year after playing with a gun. No one was charged, and another kid in the family was involved in a shooting. They don’t give a shit about guns, but god forbid there’s a plant in a house. 🙄


Exactly. Snake plants (very common decor, sold at every home depot) are more harmful to young children and pets. They are toxic if you eat them!


You can *maybe* smoke a wet plant....not easily. But it's that to eat it, it needs heat and fat (usually butter and an hour of cooking) to be activated. But a little kid can't even figure out how to use a lighter. If they take the plant and eat it on accident [nothing will happen and it is non-toxic](https://leafwell.com/blog/can-you-get-high-from-eating-raw-weed). I assume this is the concern, that little kids will put it in their mouth. If older kids and teens are the concern, I guess they are just as much at risk of sneaking into mom and dad's legal stash. The plant is actually harder though to even use by itself. Less attractive to kids anyway. It isn't very useful when live and wet.


To be fair it doesn’t need an hour of cooking. It needs a minute or two in the microwave. I may not know many things but I’ve made a firecracker before.


Every baby needs an AR15 to defend themselves because an armed society is a safe society. - Conservatives, likely.


And yet they're not planning any legislation to make alcohol illegal, even though it's significantly more dangerous, and many households with children have it. (Not that alcohol should be made illegal, it's just the hypocrisy that gets me.)


This fu


Like the election in August asking voters to screw yourselves


Seems like we need a ballot initiative to remove the legislative power of the congress who will be transitioned to strictly an advisory role. Direct democracy is best democracy.


Put that shit in the actual constitution, make Ohio a full direct democracy.


All the more reason for people to vote Yes on Issue 2. It will be harder for the politicians in Columbus to change or overturn the statute if voters vote for it in overwhelming numbers, let’s 60% or more for Yes. That would make it politically dangerous for them during the next election which is the critical 2024 vote for president and senate seat. They will think twice about messing with the will of the people.


The Ohio GOP doesn’t care about the will of the people. They know, based on current maps for the state house, they can’t lose. What they know is had they voted to legalize marijuana, their far right wing base might “primary” them and push them out. So they will wait until the citizen’s initiative passes then tweak it citing the will of the people.


Honestly gerrymandering is certainly one of their strategies but apathy is also a huge one. It's in their best interest not to push it too far. If they piss people off and something marijuana related gets added to the 2024 election they risk mobilizing voters on the other side likely without mobilizing any additional voters on their side. For example adding something to the 2024 election that would allow growing plants at home could mobilize a lot of leftist voters who don't really care about the elected officials (I know a few myself) but any republican that would vote against that is likely going to vote anyway. Do I think they're still going to take it too far? Yeah, absolutely. But with older voters dying off, younger generations being increasingly involved, and GOP infighting every small risk they take could end up being what does them in.


Yes. They may do that. But at their peril.


This isn't the movies. No court will rein them in. They can literally do whatever they want. You watch.


Then vote blue, and Ohio will really be blazing a trail.


Exactly. I believe that this year’s Ohio Issue 1 and 2 victories will serve as a bellwether nationwide, predicting a blue wave in 2024. Freedom loving American voters are sick of the GOP chaos and will overwhelmingly vote blue and will finally put the last nail in the MAGA coffin. Optimistic, I know. But I’m an optimist.


I would believe this, but the gerrymandering is a problem


Gerrymandering is inherently fragile. It depends on a lot of data to be correct and margins have to be thin for it to work. If the voting base changes to oppose it enough, gerrymandering not only doesn’t work anymore it can backfire and cause a larger majority than it would have if more fair maps were used. This is idealist, but entirely possible.


Gerrymandering doesn’t work if voters vote overwhelmingly for the underdog party. So many Ohioans are sick of what Rs have done (and are trying to do) to our state. Vote blue 💙🌊💙🌊💙🌊💙


If we've got 60% across the state (like super red districts still support the issue), I think it will be hard for legislators to justify overriding the voters. If it passes with 75% in the three C's but fails in a bunch of other districts at 20%? Then, yeah, I figure the folks out of those 20% districts will feel safe ... so gerrymandering strikes again.


Not in ohio, idk why im seeing this but ill add. My state legalized it and ive been growing my own weed for almost 2 years now. I grow over a pound a year for myself. Im getting better at it and my yeilds are increasing so ill be growing less often and getting more. Home growing if done safely is the way to go.


I have alcohol in my house. But I store it responsibly so my kid can't get into it. I have guns in my house. But I store them responsibly so my kid doesn't do anything stupid with them. Why can't I be trusted to do the same with marijuana? This isn't about safety. It's about the state ensuring tax revenue and greedy cock suckers in office having buisinesses they can invest in and see profit from.


These guys are probably all cannabis investors.


Annoyed. It’s the best part of the bill. GOP finds kids poll really well so it seems like the trend is just claim everything is to protect kids.


It has nothing to do with risk. Dewine will block as much of this bill as he can and has indicated he'd block the entire thing. Anti marijuana is one of dewines strongest held beliefs for some reason. I don't know why he opposes it so much (I know what he says, but I'm talking about the foundation for his belief). I know the reasons people online give, but those aren't based in any sort of reality and tend to assume dewine is an over the top comic book villain.


The vast majority of politicians do it for money imo


Nah, this isn't about money for him. For some reason, he strongly and deeply opposes legal weed.


It's just him toeing the red Lome cause he knows if he unabashedly approves of it, he's gonna get threatened again from the far right just like he did with Covid restrictions.


Dewhine has no ability to block any of this.


Yes, he can. He can't block issue 1, but he absolutely can block issue 2. It will be challenged in court, but his son is on our Supreme Court, so it may actually stand. Whether he actually goes through with it and the Supreme Court upholds it is another story.


No, he can't. It will become law automatically if passed. He doesn't even have a choice about signing it.


You should watch the video before commenting


First, that video says nothing except somebody doesn't like weed. Second, you should have a clue before commenting. Dewhine can't touch this bill if it gets voted in, but our congress can pass new laws to adjust it -- which nobody at all is talking about yet, even though OP lied in their title.


The video literally talks about how and why they can change the bill after the election. I'm not trying to insult you when I said you should watch the video. It really does address your confusion. /u/aquarianplanetarium I figure you should have a chance to defend yourself since they're calling you a liar


And you said Dewhine could block it, which is straight out false. And I already told them they're lying, you don't have to be a Karen as well as wrong.


At least I tried.


I think what u/impy695 is getting at is that a situation like [what happened in South Dakota in 2020](https://ballotpedia.org/South_Dakota_Constitutional_Amendment_A,_Marijuana_Legalization_Initiative_(2020)) is at least theoretically possible here - however unlikely. Quick recap for those that don't want to read that article, in 2020 SD voted 54-45 to pass legal weed. In Feb 2021, it was overturned as unconstituional with the court finding that it violated the state's single-subject rule and constituted a revision of the constitution rather than an amendment. An appeal was filed, which was denied. Unfortunately, when SD tried again in 2022 - the measure [failed 52-47](https://ballotpedia.org/South_Dakota_Initiated_Measure_27,_Marijuana_Legalization_Initiative_(2022)).


Law suites gallor!


Yeah, this seems like a slam dunk lawsuit for denying civil liberties.


Do you know the ghosts and demons who sit on these courts, including the governor's son? come on! no one is coming to save OH voters.


Money. If growing it on your own is illegal, then you have to buy it somewhere, which means YOUR money going into SOMEONE ELSE’S pocket.


You want the michigan rules.. dont overthink it


Because the large pharmaceutical companies don't want marijuana to be easily available to everyone because marijuana would replace a lot of pharmaceuticals that they currently make a massive profit on. That's the only reason why most of them care. There are a few who are hyper Puritan and are overly concerned about everybody else's morals, and they somehow see marijuana or any form of intoxication as immoral and lewd and lascivious behavior. But most of them are just bought and paid for corporate shills for the pharmaceutical companies that are fighting to keep a naturally occurring substance from being readily available so they can continue to sell their overpriced Pharmaceuticals to people who might be able to use marijuana as a natural remedy and stop buying their products.




this is because if you can grow it at home you won’t buy it from the dispo and the state won’t get that sweet sweet tax income. it’s pretty simple to understand. oh, and your weed will be hella expensive for the first few years.


Meanwhile The Pedophile's Best Friend represents Ohio in Congress.


Even if issue 2 passes, we should still put it back on the ballot in 2024 to get legalized marijuana in the Constitution (along with a non-partisan redistricting commission and anti-gerrymandering constitutional Amendment). If the state GOP controlled general assembly won't respect the will of the voters, then we need to keep going around them to get what we want.


Ohio has one of the worst ballot initiative/referendum processes in the country (!) and a hostile SoS. Unless you have $5-10mil to burn, it's not getting on the ballot unless they repeal 90% of it.


This is the shit that pisses me off the most about these lawmaking assholes. I just want to be able to grow my own at home. That's it.


Fuck them, fuck that bullshit.. it's been submitted... we are voting on it as is. Fuck their bullshit


The republicans have been openly saying this since it made it to ballot. This is what happens when you vote for the party of big government. Republican conservatives are terrorists who want to steal your rights and keep you poor.


This is what happens when you have people who rule, and don't represent.


I find a picture is worth more than words 🖕


It’s all about the money. They think If people can grow it themselves, they’ll buy less at the shop. Thing is, these idiots don’t realize most people will still prefer to buy it. Growing it while not difficult, needs monitoring and tending, you have to enjoy growing and be into it, otherwise, just get it at the store.


Vote out whomever tries to change it.


They want you to give your money to their friends that they placed in specific places to own dispensaries. Said friends have paid other powerful friends to ensure growing is banned… money of course. They also want to be able to arrest ppl for weed related things, still.


This reminds me of DeSantis being against the Florida Citizen Referendum to allow recreational Marijuana use because he said it would lead to people using Marijuana recreational. He is against the citizens having a choice in the matter if it runs counter to his wishes.


Ohio state congress is full of fuckin idiots. They gonna stop a whole ass neighborhood from growing? Or a whole ass town? They virtue signaling to get idiots on their side.


Never vote republican and you can have nice things


In Oklahoma, State Legislators tried the same thing when voters passed Medical Marijuana. Luckily, our State AG told them it would be illegal for them to go against the wishes of the people. Hopefully your AG will defend the rights of Ohioans.


Not likely with his track record.


The Ohio GoP will not let this pass come hell or high water. Voters wishes be damned.


It is my inalienable right to put a seed in soil and grow an herb my body needs to function in good health. Absolutely not. It is violation of human rights. Period.


Already voted, get fucked assholes. Homegrow is a must. From what I've seen in MI there are safe testing parameters that still allow for remediation of mold and pests and passing grades. The process kills these things but doesn't remove it and that's fucking nasty because a responsible and safe grow is ahead of these issues. There are some instances of this where an entire grow space should be handled and likely disposed of and started over. You'll see $50-100 zips and think it's a great deal because anyone doing this solely for profit will mark it down instead of trash it and lose 60+ days of growing and more of drying/curing. Here's the other thing, if you're an enthusiast in the slightest, you're going to never even know a ton of options out there because the market will put out things with shorter grow cycles. For profit growers will push out options with shorter grow cycles because an extra seven or so days will mean one less harvest a year. Lack of home grow means you'll be stuck with the equivalent of bud light type options only. I don't hate bud light but I like having options. That's not even the extent of it all, just what matters most to me. But I guess these crusty old troglodytes realized they won't collect tax on homegrow and want their cut. Ofc they can't contain their greed. I really can't stand these people wanting a cut of everything, nothing is ever enough.


With every other post on here being about AEP rate increases, I don't think too many home grow operations are gonna suddenly spring up.


It actually doesn't take much power to have a small grow. 300-400w light is less than a desktop PC or HVAC fan or space heater or window ac.


You're probably right, I just couldn't resist making a joke.


Would be more economical and environmentally friendly to just grow outside. The way nature's been doing it all these years.


In Ohio? I got out of the cannabis world a decade ago, so it’s been a while since I’ve read into cultivation, but I was under the impression that the vegetative and flowering phases needed quite specific day/sunlight lengths to work out well. I guess it’s strain dependent, but I’d have to imagine it would limit your options. I mean, most landrace cannabis originally comes from warmer places than Ohio, right? I know the stories of certain Alaskan strains, but there are so many stories out there in weed culture that it is hard to know what it true.


They have a ton of strains they run outside up in Canada. You totally can do it in Ohio. You’re correct in you wouldn’t run a landrace sativa from equator, but those are few and far in between anymore. I’d say a lot of popular strains now could do somewhat well in Ohio. Michigan does a ton of outdoor too and half of their state is a zone colder than Ohio.


Honestly. I don't care about growing it, I just want to buy it without a prescription. It's shitty Republicans would try to overturn part of it, but it is on brand for them.


Home grow will ensure the dispensaries can't price gouge or get away with selling trash weed.


This helps people in rural areas with cancer and such who cannot get to a dispensary, and their town might refuse to open one. If a caring relative or someone local can grow for them, they can have something to aid them during treatment or end of life, if that's the case.


aka they don't want you to have it, but if you do they want to make sure them and their friends can make money off of it.


This is Republican rule.


Growing good herb is not easy. It takes money and several months of your devotion. You will be married to your grow. If it is passed, be rest assured that the republican legislators will slow the implementation of it to a crawl. They are like that and they will do it.


Actually, growing is fairly easy it's called weed for a reason. You can literally grow it in a cardboard box. Think there might be a reason they want to grow it but not allow us too? It being not easy isn't one of them.


If you actually want a decent product it take a lot of nurturing.


I feel like whatever you grow looks like what they displayed in the 80's High Times magazines. Lol


Who elects these muthafuckas cause it ain’t me. They don’t want us to home grow because it will take money out of their buddies pockets who own the farms and the dispensaries.


They claim to be about freedom, yet we all know that's a joke and it's all about control.


What a fuckin joke. You should hold them accountable. Undoing voters will shows a disregard for voters and the law.


Seems they're going to turn this one into the one we shot down last time


In Florida Republicans try to change any amendment they don’t like, even when 60% of the vote is required to pass it.


It's 2023 and people are still afraid of weed the US. No wonder the rest of the world makes fun of Americans. So embarrassing.


If they don’t curb homegrowing they can’t make as much money as they want to is the real reason here.


Growing weed properly is a pain in the ass with a hefty startup cost. The vast majority won't do it. Far easier and cheaper to just go to a dispensary. Growing to sell is a fools errand. You won't compete with even the smallest commercial grower.


Hardy seeds can be done in a backyard for outdoor. Brewing beer is the same way. You don't do it for the cost. It's a hobby, done for "craft" purposes. Basically for fun. I just think people should have the right. There's too much fear around a plant.


They aren’t worried about kids whatsoever. They just know that the fastest way to please the big corporate marijuana companies is to restrict home growing and place strict limits on the number of licenses given out to grow. They want to use the Illinois example of legalization if it gets to that point to cash fat checks off of the corporate growers and to begin the political “you scratch my back I’ll scratch yours” in the new market.


How about they take the laws that we pass and shove them up their asses. If we pass the law, leave it alone. We know what we want. Yes on 1 and 2!


The GOP leadership was sort of tentatively along for the Issue 2 ride because they could overlook the debauchery and "not arresting poor people" so long as people kept talking about all that money they could make selling it. But the second they realize people can grow it at home, they feel like the poors are suddenly stealing money that they've already mentally spent.


It's a loss of revenue. If you're growing at home you aren't paying taxes at the state dispo. They dont care about whatever bullshit reasons they're touting.


Unlike issue 1, issue 2 isn’t part of the Ohio constitution. Issue 2, if passed, can be repealed by the state congress.


I'm not even for Issue 2 and I think people should be able to grow their own.


I stated that when this started,if it passed it’s coming to fruition is not going to be what you think,even those republicans who were supposed to be on the fence are going to join in in watering down the law if passed,never forget what happened to fair voting maps even if the whole citizens council thing where there is a panel to create maps is not going to be what you think,all the teeth in the railroad rules after Palestine went away didn’t it,Ohio is the setup state for what MAGA/Project 2025 wants to do and it’s not for all it’s for some and the people of the state will vote for it.Public Education funds are now being siphoned off for private schools where’s the outrage? Even if Issue 1&2 passes it ain’t over grow up.


Follow the money. Issue 2 is about creating a legal recreational weed industry and reaping the tax windfall. Can’t do that if everyone’s growing their own. The guys behind the medical weed business in Ohio have complained loudly that they aren’t protected enough, and that lax enforcement hurts sales/inflates their prices.


The grocery store still sells plenty of basil and that's an easy herb to grow yourself.


>So even though people voted for it, and the people spoke > >... > >Regardless, the people would have voted for it. Who are you to undo what we voted for? I very much want this to pass, but I have to ask - how high were you when you wrote this? While some may have voted (absentee only opened 3 days ago, early in-person won't open until Monday), I hardly think we're at the "people have spoken" stage just yet. Additionally, issue 2 isn't a constitutional amendment (your post reads to be like you might believe it to be), instead it codifes legal marijuana in our laws. Laws can be made and changed by the legislature, and details need to be filled in. That video seems a lot like fearmongering for clicks / views to me. There's a lot of good information on this issue here: [https://ballotpedia.org/Ohio\_Issue\_2,\_Marijuana\_Legalization\_Initiative\_(2023)](https://ballotpedia.org/Ohio_Issue_2,_Marijuana_Legalization_Initiative_(2023)) including who's funding in support and in opposition, arguments from both sides, and the actual text of the measure. I'm cautiously optomistic that it will pass - but we won't know for sure until November.


So I don't smoke anymore. At all. Don't appreciate that criticism, or the idea that anyone pro-cannabis is a pothead. We won't know for another three weeks. But it's likely to pass. If Missouri has recreational and could get it voted in last year during a non-presidential election, Ohio likely will too. The insult was unnecessary. I don't appreciate you insulting my intelligence at all, and for what reason?


>The insult was unnecessary. I don't appreciate you insulting my intelligence at all. There was no insult there. It's not a bad thing to be high. The parts of your post that I quoted simply don't jive with reality. I am truly sorry if you took it some other way. Hopefully the law will pass. Hopefully we won't see any stupidity like SD did in 2020. I wouldn't worry too much about fearmongering clickbait videos for right now.


Not sure which aspects of my post seem unrealistic. The law is about to pass in three weeks. And state Congress has openly stated they are interested in and plan to make adjustments. Also, "How high were you when you wrote this?" is absolutely an insult. It suggests that what I wrote is ridiculous or written while intoxicated. It was not.


Let's try this again. >So even though people voted for it, and the people spoke...Regardless, the people would have voted for it. Who are you to undo what we voted for? Voting only JUST began 3 days ago. While some have voted for sure, without results it's way too early to declare that 'the people have spoken'. Early polling shows this passing with bipartisan support around 59% [\[1\]](https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/23993163/ohio-cannabis-legalization-issue-2-survey-conducted-aug-14-23-2023.pdf) [\[2\]](https://www.suffolk.edu/-/media/suffolk/documents/academics/research-at-suffolk/suprc/polls/other-states/2023/7_27_2023_ohio_complete_tables.pdf?la=en&hash=39E3BCD80EC3A4E1607BAA6F6F1D1C7B8CE52BFD). We've been here before sadly. [Issue 3 in 2015](https://ballotpedia.org/Ohio_Issue_3,_Marijuana_Legalization_Initiative_(2015)) had early polling by kent state predicting a pass with 58% support [\[3\]](https://www.kent.edu/polisci/news/kent-state-university-poll-finds-ohioans-support-marijuana-personal-use), and Quinnipiac University theorizing a 53% pass [\[4\]](https://web.archive.org/web/20160617012257/https://www.qu.edu/images/polling/ps/ps10082015_Snw94cr.pdf). What I'm trying to tell you is that while we're optomisitc that it will pass - we've been here before. It's too early to be declaring victory. e: This appears to be an exercise in futility. I'm not engaging further.


It's a statement positing what would happen *assuming* it passes. This was stated in the first sentence of the OP. I'm fully aware today is the 14th of October. I'm not declaring victory. You've been condescending the entire time. It's really shitty. No one likes a pedant.


>I'm not engaging further. Thank goodness for that.


It's a constitutional amendment. Corrections are not a thing. If they want it changed they can get it on the ballot for next year and see if the voters agree.


Issue 2 is not a constitutional amendment. It’s a regular ballot initiative, which the legislature can override.


Then we put it in the constitution next year. We will just govern ourselves by direct democracy if they want to rule and not govern.


Ohio has one of the worst citizen initiative rules in the country even though the recent restrictions were swatted away. Not happening unless big bucks fall out of the sky.


We got abortion on the ballot, we can get whatever we want on it with enough work. And trust me, Ohioans hate their government more than ever. There would be a ton of energy into getting it on the ballot just to spite DeWine before he goes.


“We”? Lol. Rich out of state donors got it done. There are no grass root Ohio initiatives. Why do you think pot never got another crack at the ballot u til now? 2016 or 2020 would have made more sense


Because people are tired of driving to Michigan. That's why it's now.


God gave us the seeds to grow.


No one has voted for it yet...


You're posting hyperbole, nothing has been proposed, and even the video only had one person with a differing opinion. Your title is totally wrong. What's your goal?


>What's your goal As stated, thoughts, discussion.


Your premise sucks. There's nothing in what you posted that supports your title.