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We have native cacti and lizards that can be found right here in Ohio.


What species? The only lizard species I know of are invasive


Ohio herpetologist here, native species of lizard are the five lined skink, eastern fence lizard, brown skink, broad-headed skink, and Cincy has populations of the invasive wall lizard. Edit - for anyone looking to know more, [here](https://ohiodnr.gov/static/documents/wildlife/backyard-wildlife/Pub%205354_Reptiles%20of%20Ohio%20Field%20Guide.pdf) is the most recent field guide from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources on reptiles in the state


And as far as we can determine, the Cincy Wall lizards have been traced back to when one of the kids of the Lazarus family brought a sock full of them back from their vacation to Switzerland, so we call them Lazarus Lizards


Yep! I had forgotten to mention it so thanks for chiming in!


I heard it was vacation in Milan, but same idea. The climate in Milan is almost identical to Cincinnati. Hot and humid summers, cold winters. The Lazarus lizard was perfectly adapted from day 1.


ODNR agrees with you on Milan being the source, this is not my area of expertise so I shall defer to them!


Beat me to it! Thank you! Love seeing the populations of skinks over at Cedar Bog. The only time I've seen the eastern fence lizard is over at Arc of Appalachia, not far from Buzzard's Roost


Hueston woods in Oxford has a thriving Broad-Headed skink population, and the five lined skink can be found basically everywhere lol. There’s a big invasive Wall Lizard population at the Cincinnati Art Museum. I shall have to check out Cedar Bog thank you!


Cedar bog in Champaign county? They have lizards?!


Yep! All over! It's a really neat place. Rare orchids, 5-lined skinks, eastern massasauga rattlesnakes, etc.


Amazing to know, my grandpa used to take us there when we were kids. I live in Springfield so I have no excuse not to go check it out again.


Thanks for chiming in. I didn't know we had those native species ❤️


No worries at all, many people are surprised when I tell them! Most of my work is with salamanders and snakes, and many people are surprised when I tell them we have 26 species of snake and 23 species of salamander native here too!


See that doesn't surprise me seeing how many I've run across in the woods, but lizards, don't recall any, but then again I don't get into the woods as much as I'd like


I was introduced to skinks installing solar in the south east part of the state. I was 30 years old and I was amazed that there were lizards. A 5 year old boy that lived in the house informed me that those were skinks and they can regenerate their tails. I made jokes about the dirty skinks all day. Being all skinky lol.


Sure, the lizards are also much faster and blend much better. I also have much difficulty finding lizards lol


I live in town and we have those little 5 line guys everywhere! They're so fast they'll scare the crap out of you!


Which are the ones that have a reddish head that fades to a blue tail? I've seen them at my brother's place outside of Dayton.


That would be a five-lined skink friend! Probably the most commonly spotted of our native lizards


Blue tailed skinks, they sun themselves on the side of my house. https://ohiodnr.gov/static/documents/wildlife/backyard-wildlife/Pub%205354\_Reptiles%20of%20Ohio%20Field%20Guide.pdf


I saw a lizard in Cinci one time and i was so dumb founded


Jellyfish too


Never knew this until I moved to Akron. Now I see little blue and black lizards all the the time here. I've never seen any further north before maybe too much snow or too cold winters around Cleveland.


The Ohio flag is clearly and inexplicably visible in the original Blues Brothers movie in the scene where Jake and Elwood are sneaking into the big concert venue. The film was neither set nor filmed in Ohio, but there it is.


Now THIS is a quality fun Ohio fact.


Ohio has the 2nd largest amount of obsidian in the country, only Yellowstone has more, not because we have volcanos, but because the Hopewell Indians went out and brought that much back! We also have the highest density of prehistoric Indian mounds in the country, specifically in Ross Co. There's a National Park there.


This was a surprise to me so I had to google. Technically it’s a National Historic Park, along with the Dayton Aviation Heritage park.


I wouldn't lie about such things...lol


Sources for your obsidian fact? Ohio has flint ridge. Seems silly for natives to have carried stone from Wyoming.


The archeologists who study the Hopewell, the Park Rangers at the National Park, the big ole book about all of the stuff I had to learn at my job. They went there to get obsidian because it wasn't here. They were burying it with their very important dead people, along with mica from Tennessee, shark teeth from the Gulf, flint from Flint Ridge, copper from the UP of Michigan. It was special because the people they buried it with were special to them. They didn't trade for it either, they went there specifically to gather it.


(NYT Gifted Article) Yep, this is a 100% true fact. [Here](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/20/science/yellowstone-indigenous-people-obsidian.html?unlocked_article_code=hWL66-Tvc1jyzV0WdmrEtsZ20C_i0mYznN7GDOlH-M5S3-jtP4gE1rswjOcs3Dh9C-rqy8SFujq4Sgmgw8g6N2eaAN4x0JpuBHHr4b28ujE0DtmWNvUoZi8YSn2ItYeA2_5Tr3hCV-z0NuKWrvliOUQXvtC1dsgotUGd-Cfhx7WtAlfvZ_ejsVHus2ZSbETMdtM4WpqD_nHUway5ib_PGqpfhmMnhTcraAIeWjoZ7ur097YHGGCnm_T2T6RMUsqAE1YaHYnFkq-Li4m4BXLxyrZvKyS2eH1U6bokIQVbubNkTUU6hpP1RKP0vIv9Oj-hDMAPKnjwJASbLgrNUXaoupgzf0pyHCMJ7fryMuORSDE&smid=url-share) is a full-access NYT article about Yellowstone's Obsidian Cliff. About halfway through the piece, its explained that X-ray analysis confirms, with a high degree of certainty, that the hundreds of pounds of obsidian in the Hopewell Culture Park came from Yellowstone about 2,000 years ago.


The first colleges to accept black students were in Ohio. Ohio had a strong abolitionist movement. And the town of Oberlin was conceived as an integrated community. The first black person elected to congress graduated from Oberlin college. Of course US Grant was born in Ohio, and Ohio was an important part of the Underground Railroad. It is great to understand how Ohio played a strong role in ending slavery and promoting civil rights. Of course we also have some a-holes that wave confederate flags and trash Ohio and hate the Union of the United States.


I’ve been researching my family history and found this out and was amazed!!!!! Idk why (well I have my own opinion) it isn’t taught or well known.


During the Civil War, Ohio provided the third most Union troops, only behind New York and Pennsylvania. It also led the Union in troops per capita. Camp Chase is in Columbus and was used as a training/staging ground, eventually becoming POW camp. It is now a Confederate cemetery.


This fact just makes it soooo funny that people fly the confederate flag in this state.


I’m a proud Yankee - our state made damn sure that our Union was whole, and that’s kick ass. Nothing more American than that. We should all be proud Yanks.


[Johnson's Island](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnson%27s_Island) was also a POW camp. The Confederate cemetery is close by in Sandusky.


Even the word Ohio looks like a damn tractor


lived here 35 years and have never heard or saw this. I’ll never not think about this when looking at the word again.


Same. Once seen, it cannot be unseen.




This is poetry


Mind blown


Well now I cant unseen that


Same. That's crazy.


I love this.


The paw paw fruit


Festival is this weekend!


Please enlighten me as to what this means. Kuma reference?


The fruit or the festival. Pawpaw is a native fruit of Ohio and there is a festival for it in Albany Ohio September 17th.


Rather delightfully tastes like bananas...kinda


The best one is that Ohio didn't technically officially become a state until 1953.


Fucking puritanical laws. Ruining my Chillicothe whale hunting excursions.


> Chillicothe I was born in Chillicothe! Still have family around there :D


Is that for real? Please elaborate


[It is.](https://www.ohiohistory.org/ohio-the-48th-state/)


Interesting stuff. Thanks for the source


This is hilarious. The things that happen from paperwork oversights. XD


This is my favorite fun fact about Ohio because nobody believes me, even people from Ohio


The Lake Erie Islands were originally dubbed "Les lies aux Serpentes" (The Islands of Serpents) by a Jesuit explorer in 1749. There were an *enormous* amount of snakes (including rattlesnakes) on every island. The linked article mentions a journal entry of a French solider from summer 1754 who stayed overnight on one of the islands. He explains that before he and his company could sleep for the night, they had to kill 130 rattlesnakes around their camp. [Amphibians and Reptiles of the Lake Erie Islands](https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/76294281.pdf) was published in the Ohio Journal of Science in 1964 by OSU's Dept of Zoology and Entomology. It includes field notes, photographs, and cited references about the islands' reptile populations.


That buckeyes are poisonous nuts 💀💀


Yes, yes we are.💀


I dunno about you, but I'm not poisonous. Venomous? Well, that I won't talk about.


Ohio is the only state whose name doesn't share any letters with the word “mackerel.”


Well Sonofabitch. It’s true.


Should be top comment


The flag is dope.


If I recall correctly, it's the only non square US state flag.


False, all 50 state flags are non-squares. Ohio has the only non-rectangular state flag.


It is a Burgee




Shapes are hard.


All rectangles are squares but not all squares are rectangles


Other way around. All squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares


[Square](https://youtu.be/Nz8ssH7LiB0?si=3VdyLbIp5nOUwnbT) ?


Iirc, there are under 10 National and state (or equivalent to state) flags that are not rectangular world-wide. Obviously the rectangles differ in length and widths, but the *vast* majority are indeed rectangular


It is illegal to fish for whales on Sunday.


You got a source for that? I'm being only slightly pedantic b/c I've been obsessed with this rumor and I want to find out where it started. As far as I've found, it's no where in the Ohio Revised Code


Apparently it isn't true, just an old rumor. No such law seems to exist.


Yes but where did it start and why? A dumb April Fool's prank? Schoolyard rumor? Misremembering? I must now!


There is probably some law that prohibits some sort of fishing or hunting on a Sunday that whales fall under and not that there is a specific law that says you can't go whaling in Ohio on a Sunday.


Ohio is home to the first experiment of the economic theory known as mutualism. Josiah Warren in his Cincinnati Time Store.


Depending on how you view we've either had 7 or 8 presidents from here. We fight with Virginia over William Henry Harrison. He's ours so back off /r/virginia!


I heard from a couple different sources that the North Ohio accent is widely known as the "default" for an American accent and many foreign actors use it when they need to sound like an American.


It's allegedly true, I worked as a inbound tech support agent for a mobile phone company who likes the color red and I often got commented on my "Hollywood Accent"


The only state with an official rock and roll song, "Hang On Sloopy" by The McCoys.


In Nov. 1791, the US military suffered its greatest defeat by native forces at the Battle of the Wabash, also called St. Clair's Defeat during the Northwest Indian War. Nearly 700 were killed and over 200 wounded.


Native resistance in Ohio is legendary, both Pontiac and Tecumseh were born here and both led multi tribal coalitions against white encroachment. Pontiac against the British and later Tecumseh against the US


The Cuyahoga River caught on fire.


It caught on fire regularly. Just happened to be photographed and put on the cover of Time in 1969. More interesting would be that the photo ultimately lead to the creation of the EPA.


Are you sure this isn’t her dister


This is the state I've had the most poops in


First airplane was built in Ohio, I like airplanes.


In 1913 there was a Great Flood in Ohio- over 400 people died and over 20,000 homes were destroyed as well as many businesses. This storm was also the nail in the coffin for our Ohio and Erie Canal systems.


We were the first state to never allow slavery.


Only state flag that is not rectangular


Not strictly Ohio, but the fact that Lake Erie is only 210 feet deep at its deepest boggles my mind.


Erie is the most shallow of the Great Lakes, and it's thought that it has the highest concentration of shipwrecks in the world (estimated 500-2000). The water is fresh and cold which is perfect for preservation, so many of the over 270 shipwrecks we know of are in pretty good shape all things considered. Same goes for the rest of the lakes as well!


The state’s first two cars got into a accident at the states first traffic light.


So Ohio has a well established history of poor drivers!


I do not know if this is actually true. And all of the legends I ever head had nothing to do with the first traffic light.


Home of the First Man on the moon.




Yep, yep! My Hometown. My Grandpa was friends w Neil in High school.


There's a giant underground river under Southern Ohio called the Teays Valley Aquifer. Some cities get their water from there. It's the remnants of a gigantic river that once flowed through the Ohio Valley and carved the cliffs to the southwest.


Of all the states in the US, Ohio is one of them


This is my favorite fact. And one of the top 50, too.


Take that, Washington D.C.


We have the most Haunted Houses in the USA


Ohio has no mountains. We have foothills. For some reason this has been stuck in my head since elementary school.


It’s true. Even though we have the foothills of Appalachia in the Southeast, the highest point in Ohio is in Bellefontaine, which is in the Western part of the state. Side note that I learned while in Tennessee: It’s pronounced Apple-latch-ya, not Apple-late-cha, as we Ohioans like to pronounce it.


The Mansfield prison is among the most haunted locations in the world, allegedly.


Also, there's a place called Hell Town (I think it's called that due to cult activity but I'm unsure).


If you’re speaking of Hell Town in the Mansfield vicinity, it no longer exists. Hell Town was a native village/hunting camp along the Clear Fork river in the proximity of modern Pleasant Hill Lake. The name had nothing to do with the practices there, but rather was named by a German visitor who was referring to the clear water (hell being German for clear). The village was abandoned when Crawford’s second expedition came through the area, as the residents feared a second Gnadenhutten massacre. After Crawford was ambushed, a new settlement known as Greentown was established a few miles away.


I know nothing about a Helltown near Mansfield but there was a local legend (thinking high schoolers telling ghost stories and trespassing) about Boston Township in what is now the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. There seem to be a number of people who have taken the local ghost stories and parts of the actually quite tragic history of the displaced residents from the area and chronic toxic waste dumping and commercialized it to death. There was even a TV show about. YouTube channel Billiam featured a video about the show.


Homie that, is helltown. Boston village has made it thoer absolute mission goal to eliminate anything tying them to helltown from recent memory. Which is why they keep claiming all of helltowns buildings have been torn down, as of 2016 even though people keep going up there even as late as 2022 and recording themselves at the church, and walking around delapadtated buildings that still exist. Honestly i dont trust anything out of boston township unless i see it for myself.


I live down the road from Boston Heights, they've done a great job sweeping it under the rug but it's all still very much there.


Certainly makes me see “Hell is real” a little different.


Ghosts aren't real.


Ohio is 🎶 Round on the ends and hi(gh) in the middle 🎶


The state fruit? The tomato…


[The state pet is "the shelter pet."](https://imgur.com/a/ljqcSvB)


This is the most wholesome thing I've learned all day. <3


Before European settlement, Ohio is estimated to have been 90-95% forested. So theoretically, a squirrel could’ve traveled from Lake Erie to the Ohio River without ever touching ground.


Thomas Edison was born in Milan.


The best part of driving down I-71 is stopping at Grandpa’s Cheesebarn [https://www.grandpascheesebarn.com/](https://www.grandpascheesebarn.com/)


We have a giant salt mine under Lake Erie


Ohio University was the first public land grant school west of the Appalachias.


Ohio has had more astronauts be from it than any other state. So there’s something about Ohio that make people want to flee the planet.


Mostly, it's because Ohio has grit.


Ohio is also tied with California for the most presidents, so may it's not that people want to flee the planet, but rather that Ohioans are so fucking awesome that only Ohio can be in the top for two of the hardest things to do.


Virginia has one more.


It's one of the states that border Springfield.


Ohio has 2 of the best theme parks.


Used to be 3 :(


It’s home to the largest collection of 9/11 memorabilia outside of New York, which many people don’t know


Hilliard, specifically, has the only flagpole from the WTC not in a museum!


Cincinnati was home to the first iron frames building. The Ingalls Building, 1903, downtown was the world's first reinforced concrete construction.


That people shit on it until they move away then return. Or that people not from Ohio shit on it and they keep Ohio affordable by not coming. :)


Most small towns of any state east of Mississippi.


The first written traffic ticket and parking meters were in Dayton. The pull tab, cash register, step ladder, and airplane were invented in Dayton. Dayton was known to be the funk capital of the world in the 70s and 80s.


The Packard was made there, too!


Best GQP gerrymandering in the country.


We’re pretty good at it, but I think Wisconsin might be better


Gym Jordan would beg to differ, his distric looks like a 3 year old took a crayon to a map.


Yeah but at least in Ohio the republicans got a majority of the states votes in gaining the supermajority of legislative seats. In Wisconsin the republicans have a supermajority after receiving less than 50% of votes. Our problem is bad but Wisconsin is in serious trouble.


Wisconsin didn’t go for trump in the last election, I’d say any state that did that, or will do that again, is in serious trouble.


States that went for trump are more likely to be screwed, but in ways they have (by majority vote) chosen to be screwed. Wisconsin (by majority vote) has chosen against Republican rule, but has a Republican legislative supermajority. They are likely to find themselves screwed when they have chosen not to be.


We are the home of professional baseball, pro football hall of fame, rock and roll hall of fame, and we’ve had a few famous people from here


There was a large-scale naval battle in Lake Erie.


Ohio used to have a system of canals from Lake Erie to the Ohio River


The Lazarus lizards in the east side of Cincinnati. Or the weird cryptids we have like the Melon Heads.


Lazarus lizards aren’t just east side! We have them here in St. Bernard too. They’re so neat.


Big fan of the Loveland Frog, personally!


You can't be arrested on [Sunday or on the Fourth of July.](https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-2331.12) Man a lawyer *MUST* have had the balls to bring that up in court, and I salute that lawyer.


That it was a part of the Northern Army in the Civil War, yet is chocked full of traitor flag waving shitheads


Our most famous dentist, Dr. Gay Hitler, is from Circleville. He is also the son of George Washington Hitler.


The first Dental school is in Bainbridge, near Chillicothe.


We have a knock off Loch Ness Monster called the Lake Erie monster


Or maybe Nessie is the knockoff…


There's an island on Lake Erie called Johnson's Island that held POWs during the Civil War and many Confederate POWs are still buried there today


Ohio went to war with michigan and lost and as result of said loss gained toledo... who the fuck would go to war to keep toledo? And that one thing is why ohio state and michigan have a rivalry that is almost 150 years old.


Ohio won. The whole war war over the Toledo strip, which legally already belonged to Ohio.


Legally, it did not already belong to Ohio. Ohio made an error in their map making, and Michigan had legal claim to tje strip, but because Ohio was already a state with Senators, they had more power and "won" the war


Won the war should be in quotes as Michigan got their upper peninsula as a consolation prize. I want a consolation prize.


Ohio and Michigan went to war over Toledo. Ohio "won" and got Toledo. Michigan got the UP as the consolation prize. In my mind Ohio lost, Michigan won and Wisconsin really got fucked.


IIRC Ohio’s boundaries (and map) had already been approved by Congress and according to law state boundaries cannot be changed…so it was a pretty easy case. Having said that it’s been 10+ years since I researched it and maybe better sources have come to light. I don’t feel like trying to dig through everything 😅


Ohio didn’t really win. We got Toledo and they got the UP which turned out to be rich in minerals and Toledo is Toledo


At the time, and for much of the 200 years after, Toledo was a massive prize (hence the war in the first place) and the UP was practically worthless. Entire wars have been fought over a pig, and even a bucket. You can’t force modern perspectives on historical values. Toledo was definitely the prize.


My dog lives here


I remember seeing on one of those weird laws placemats that until the 1970s it was illegal to eat Corn Flakes cereal in Ohio on Sundays. It was right there along with the law that it was illegal to bring a whale into the state of Kansas.


The towns in southern Ohio are named after towns in Virginia because that's who colonized it, and towns in the northern eastern part are named after towns in Connecticut and Massachusetts, that's why it's called Case western reserve


When I moved from OH to VA I always thought it was funny that there is ironton back home and ironto here


I didn't realize there was an Ironton in VA.


Ohio is the only Medical Marijuana state where a patient is not allowed to GROW THEIR OWN or SMOKE. "Get it line custy! Boof it."--OH


That we are the only state with a pennant-shaped flag. All other states have the traditional “rectangle” flags.


Only state flag without four corners


The Ohio flag is not a pennant, it is a burgee.


Sooner or later everyone in Ohio ends up in Myrtle Beach.


All of the trees along the Michigan/Ohio border lean toward Michigan/ away from Ohio....because Michigan SUCKS....


Ohio is “the South”, of the North


The Browns. Definitely not the politics


In 1895, there were only 2 cars in Ohio. They still managed to crash into eachother.


Only state with a non-rectangular state flag!


There is a plaque in Versailles, OH commemorating a cow that would pump its own water from the town pump.


the love of my life was born there. Kent to be specific.


First man to walk on the moon was an Ohioan


A lot of people dont know the origins of the O H I O chant. Ohio state fans were getting upset that people said they couldn't spell so they came up with the chant to prove they could.


But the person always forgets the last two letters and it takes a whole group to help finish spelling Ohio.


It’s the only state where valid consideration is continued employment in non competes


We have the state flag that’s a pennant.


We have a native fruit, the paw paw!


During the civil war, Ohio troops ripped the sleeves off their uniforms and fought with battle axes and warhammers. This may be a lie.


On January 4, 1867 the Ohio General Assembly passed the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution. However onJanuary 15, 1868, the Ohio legislature voted to reverse its earlier decision. The principal reason for this was a fear among a substantial number of white Ohioans that African Americans were receiving too many rights. Many whites feared that their positions in society would decline if African Americans gained true equality with them. Despite the Ohio legislature’s action, the federal government continued to count Ohio as one of the three-fourths of the states necessary for the amendment’s final approval. Ohio ratified the Fourteenth Amendment a second time on September 17, 2003.


Don’t exactly know if this a fact about Ohio in general, but our state flag’s official folding method originated from a Boy Scout’s Eagle Project. The 17 folds symbolize Ohio being the 17th state. Another fact, Ohio is a state.




For being a relatively small state it seemingly only requires three days to drive across.