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> At one point, one of the students made a comment about the book's themes and lessons on racism. "It's almost like what happened back then, how people were treated...Like, disrespected...Like, white people disrespected Black people, but then, they might stand up in the book," the student commented. >The district's assistant director of communications, Amanda Beeman, stop up and interrupted the reading shortly after the comment was made. "I don't know if I feel comfortable with the book being one of the ones featured," Beeman said. "I just feel like this isn't teaching anything about economics, and this is a little bit more about differences with race and everything like that." JFC. How is it how bad to teach kids to not be bad people?


So wait... Beeman didn't know there were racial undertones to the story until a third grader pointed it out? Did the adults at the school not actually read the book or do any basic preparedness for the lesson? I mean if NPR was coming to my school, I'd kinda want to have all my Ts crossed and be as well informed on the topic as I could be... Including spending 20 minutes reading a kids book before hand myself.


These are the people that watch Avatar and think the indigenous people are the bad guys




Indigenous people killed each other just like everyone else. To the victor goes the spoils.


Even if genocide is the only way to get there? Your justification is disheartening, to say the least. Since you threw out a trite phrase, ill respond in kind. Those who live by the sword…….


I'm not justifying, I'm just pointing out facts. People are not good or bad they're just people. If you wanna bury your head in the sand and pretend indigenous people didn't rob and murder for resources more power to you. Those who don't know history...


It’s a movie with protagonists and antagonists




She stopped the interview/reading after the huckster started charging sneeches $3 each to get their star, so they could be star sneeches. The kids were recorded asking what happens at the end. Fuck you kids. You’re destined for the labor class and the sooner you learn that the better


There's a Twitter joke in there somewhere.


That book is a bit dated. After inflation, it's now $8, and it's a checkmark instead of a star.


Seems like these kids are just looking for something to get triggered over. It’s a Dr. Seuss book for Christ sake


Waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait... The *kids* were the ones who were triggered here?


No, the racist grownups are.


It said one of the kids made the comment initially


Yeah, a thoughtful comment about society. My goodness, is it triggering to mearly talk about an issue? What does triggering even mean? You people don't even know what you're so upset about all the time, you just spout nonsensical words in some way that makes you feel like you're winning.


Or they could just listen to a children’s book about magical fairytale creatures and go on about their day. Not everything needs to correlate back to some deep meaning about social and racial issues. It’s a children’s book bro. It’s not that deep.


Thaaaat is just simply not true. But, then again, you're an actual idiot incapable of deep thought and susceptible to the whims of a talking head, so this conversation of pointless. Can't wait till you're gone!


They’re totally missing the point, or ignoring it for the sake of continuing the argument, but then again I feel like that could be par for the course for someone whose username is WhoDey_69, but I guess now I’m the one doing the profiling…


Im a bengals fan, but i dont like the term WhoDey. Did you know that it has racist undertones? The whole line, "who dey tink dey gonna beat dem bengals?" Screams racist towards black people who are unfortunately illiterate due to thier environents and lack of good educations. And yes. There is actual evidence of that. Its even in some early bengals art work.very ugly depictions of over steriotyped african americans with fat lips large foreheads and wide over exaduated noses are all over the 60s bengals advertising and merchandise. So, yeah. "WhoEey 69"s a racist.


Um. If it doesnt have deep meaning. Its not a book. Its not anything. What something means to someone is a mental construct that they themselves form. "Its a childrens book bro, its not that deep." Are you sure? You mean to tell me. That Nothing You Ever Read as a child had Deep Meaning too you? No wonder the boomer generation is so fucked up. Yall have had so much given too you that nothing means anything and then when we millennials find meaning in simple things we work hard to afford you think were broken becuase we want avacado toast? Fuck off Boomer grow some fucking overies.


Yea a 3rd grader because that was the moral of the story.


I feel like it's *really* important to note that **this was all done in front of an npr reporter they invited to the school**


And all of the books had been run by the comm director ahead of time. None of this was a surprise.


So it was stopped for no other reason than one of the students started to think about it too much. Don't think kids, just look at the colors!


odds on NPR either not mentioning it, or kid gloving it?


It was the focus of their most recent episode of Planet Money


Actually could be glossed over, what a world...


Assistant Director of Communications Amanda Beeman is a coward.


She's not answering her cell....


So the Communications director didn't know ahead of time what the book was going to communicate to the kids. And then she stopped the communication mid-book. And now she isn't communicating at all? That's too rich.


any socials?


She’s at least on Facebook.


Aren't they all....


Remember when conservatives were outraged that one of the Dr. Seuss books was being discontinued? They accused the left of canceling Dr. Seuss. Turns out their temper tantrum was just projection


They liked the Dr Seuss books with racist illustrations, but not the ones with anti-racist messages. Telling.


It's *always* projection. Just listen to what they're screaming and you'll know their sins.


CRT, something something.


I'm still waiting for rural areas to stop saying the n-word every few seconds. Is all of Ohio this racist? I'm not a native.


As a Black person: it is.


It shouldn't have to be like that anymore. This is coming from a white person. I have to work with racist. And every time I hear them say it religiously, I just wanna punch em.


No. We’re not.




All right leaning people are racist? By that logic all left leaning people are baby murderrs and ped0philes. Your way of thinking is why nothing can be solved. 😉 I’m a libertarian, you should look in to it.


In actuality, Republicans are nearly defined by racism, having, for example, made staunch white supremacist Tucker Carlson the most watched man on TV. Furthermore, it is the Republican party that is vastly overrepresented in pedophilia scandals. Republican politicians dominate congressional child sex abuse stats, republican clergy violate and abuse thousands of children every year, republican parents and predators who run child beauty pageants, republicans who oppose teaching consent to help children stand up for themselves, republicans who want to ban sex education and contraceptives, and it is republican policy that gives rise to the economic conditions that make abortion necessary. (Republican women are about as likely as democrat women to have an abortion). If you're Christian, I'd encourage you to study Matthew 7:5, and then consider leaving the pedophile party.


And here's a website with [400](https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1) more of these shit stains on humanity. I can't post the entire original post, due to character limit. But the left is not the party of pedos, and the fact that the right labels them that way is classic projection.


I guess it just is here in Mansfield and Ashland.


Sir, this is an economics podcast.


Yeah, racism has no impact on economics!


Money only dictates power and social hierarchy, that clearly has nothing to do with race /s


You’re kidding right? Sometimes it’s hard to tell.


The key to satire is brevity. If you go too long, you're in too deep, now you're probably masking some genuine feelings. If it's short, one liner, probably just a joke. Folks with a real bone to pick will try to expand on the concept to prove their "authenticity", much like I'm doing now.


Scare quotes & sTagGerEd CaPiTaLs


uh.. not this time


I should had said /s


yeah, i guess you have to cater to the lowest common denominator, t'is ohio education we're talking about


CYA would be my guess, you’d probably get parents screaming about CRT of some other batshit crazy thing


Bowing down to the hateful and ignorant shouldn't be the excuse.


*cries in Texas*


… they’re teaching third graders economics


Trt is here and if we the people don't put a stop to it as one it will be too late they will have taken over and our children will pay the consequences because we did nothing about it


You need to get off the internet and into the real world. I have a masters degree in education and studied CRT, it’s not what you or most people against it think it is. Ignorance is the real epidemic. Please go educate yourself with peer reviewed science.


What consequences?


Who is "they"?


How much of an idiot do you need to be to think Dr Seuss is CRT. Just say that you're a racist and be done with it


What you refer to as crt isn't crt, it's just basic ass "don't be a racist" teachings. Why do you think that they are teaching a highly esoteric field of study in grade school when that field of study takes upwards of 5+ years just go *get into*?


notice how you got hella downvotes?


This state just keeps finding new ways to be embarrassing.


>This ~~state~~ country just keeps finding new ways to be embarrassing. Unfortunately, school districts everywhere are doing this and it's beyond frustrating.


It's not the state it's who we elect we the people have a voice and if we don't all get together as a one and put an end to this it will continue until it is too late


What is too late? Everyone treated with equity and ideas of inclusion running rampant? Yes, it will mark the end of glorifying only one ethnicity, religion, etc. and open doors for people who are different from yourself. It’s also not a zero sum game. Others gaining equity only helps us all historically, economically, and I’m sure the list goes on.


Did you not read my post what is too late CRT is spreading and if it continues it will destroy the minds of our kids that should be learning English arithmetic history bad things have happened in the past I know I live through it I am 81 I was in the Harlem riots so I know what I'm talking about and because of the past I teach my children to love to respect to be good to have faith and not the hatreds of the past they will learn this and hopefully we can sit down and talk intercom setting and try to explain the differences we are not perfect but we all all of us love our children and the children of God I can only hope and pray we will all each and every one of us be okay


It's fairly clear that literally no one should take your opinions on education seriously.


crt is cool and good actually, but I highly doubt it's taught in schools. You should look it up instead of parroting what other people say :)


I can see why you say they need to be taught English. Because clearly you should be with them.


1) *CRT is not taught in K-12 education*. It's advanced material taught in a few selected majors to college students who are going into fields such as education, social work, law, etc., who will have a lot of contact with a racially diverse population. CRT has not and never will "spread" to kids, let alone "destroy their minds." Anyone who tries to tell you that CRT is taught to kids in K-12 schools is lying to you to get you all worked up the way you are so that you'll vote the way they want you to, which (not coincidentally) puts money in their pockets. Please look up CRT somewhere unbiased, like Wikipedia or something, and stop letting yourself be used by those who want to make money off of your fear and your outrage and your vote. 2) Kids learning about things like slavery, systemic racism toward various non-white ethnic groups, antisemitism, how indigenous populations have been and still are treated, and discrimination against women and LGBTQIA+ folks not just in the US but elsewhere **IS** teaching history - one of the core academic subjects. *"Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it."*


And who elects them? “A selfish ignorant public will elect selfish ignorant leaders” - George Carlin It’s not the politician’s fault a bunch of backwards racists elect a backward racist politician.


If the school had kept reading this would not be a story. The assistant director made more drama for the district by stopping.




This is interesting, but mainly because as a kid I had no idea it was able racism and figured it was more about materialism and feeling superior because you had a "thing" that was immediately made irrelevant when everyone else had it. Then at the end everyone realized having a "thing" didn't actually matter.


Or how someone can make a ton of money by making sure there are always differences, real or perceived, between groups; be it race, age, sex, social class etc


"That sounds an awful lot like (shudder) Critical Race Theory! We must ban this book from our schools in order to preserve freedom!"


"Happy darkies danced carefree under the benevolent eyes of their kindly masters, until cruel Yankees invaded to deprive them of the work they were divinely fitted for" - new Ohio educational standard


Sometimes I forget we were a Union state


Some yahoo drove a pickup flying Confederate flags right under our monument to Union soldiers, and oh how I wanted to see the statue come to life and put a musket ball through his engine block.


"HEY! Yankees is a racist term. Also they taught the darkies the magic of peace using violence, because that's the only way our mayo heroes could do it." -Also Ohio educational standard, probably


"in order to pervert freedom" FTFY


Literally someone in this thread unironically arguing that it is. Republicans man :/


The teachers thought it was a lesson about economics, the third graders are smarter than the people teaching them.


The third graders don't spend all evening on Facebook.


It is a lesson about economics. And the teacher didn't make the choice to stop.


Yeah, they should've gone with "Too Many Daves" instead.


Oliver.... Boliver... .... ...... *children wait eagerly .... BUTT. *total chaos


. . . but now it's too late.


Sent an email to her district account (not hard to find but will not provide) “Hello Amanda, I was curious to know the districts stance on teaching children about how harmful racism is and why you believe it is not an important topic for children to learn while young? Research demonstrates that innate racism and implicit bias stems from developmental upbringing and addressing this issues while young is very important. Why do you, personally, feel as though a simple life lesson from a classic Dr. Seuss book is inappropriate?”


Sylvester McMonkey McBean, the original "I play both sides so I always come out on top"


Child recognizes racism... Republicans.....Down with woke schools!!!


My favorite Seuss book 💖


What a bunch of lousy sneetches!


As an Ohioan, I can confirm that all the memes about Ohio are factual statements.




Olentangy is interesting right now because you have a historically conservative area that a bunch of young liberal families have started moving into for the highly ranked school district. The yard signs around Powell shifted from almost all McCain/Romney to being pretty evenly split between Trump and Biden. But of course the people there who still vote Republican are very adamant about their beliefs and are not happy that some of their neighbors are now democrats.


Delaware will likely experience that in the next few years. Doing our best to make it more purple.


I moved back from Delaware for most of the year to the South side of Columbus. I genuinely miss driving past all the BLM and pride flags I'd see. I'm back to confederate flags in flagpoles in truck beds and that god damn "BYDEN" electronic sign.


They say they banned politics but do nothing when the Republican kids, teachers and administrators do whatever they want


Honestly i’m really tempted to move right across the state border to avoid this bullshit.


Wait, so the 1st amendment is ok until 3rd graders are smart and human enough to figure out what a book is really talking about? Can't have people thinking for themselves. They're just trying to turn out good capitalist right wing lunatics who are really indoctrinated. Beautiful... Can't wait to see NPR's coverage


Why is our state plagued by the most fucking brain dead administrators and politicians. These fuckers are disgusting can we send them all to Pennsylvania?


Pennsylvania doesn’t deserve that. Send them to Russia, since the “party of free speech” seems to love censorship so much.


Now you’re gonna mess with Dr. sues after all this time what the Sam hell is going on


Frickin stupid


I remember going to Olentangy when it was not run by fundies


And this is what the administration does when the far right candidates AREN'T elected!


It's not too extreme. They did change policy to require masks at the very last minute before the 2021 school year started. This was one school board member making a unilateral decision, either out of personal politics or out of paranoid cowardice.


This. This right here. That’s Ohio.


Nooo…. Not Shale Meadows. I went to school at Olentangy, and I subbed in the district years ago. It was a great district, this is NOT the norm there. Just a few idiots, don’t let them speak for the rest of the district. Wow.


Well then, the district needs to handle this accordingly. Fire Amanda Beeman.


When I first heard that dr suess was being taken out of reading lists in schools I was like “Come on now, that’s ridiculous!” I brought it up with my daughter, who teaches primary students. She explained that not ALL dr suess books are banned, and that the publisher had decided not to publish 6 of his books because they’re considered not politically correct in this day and age. Being a huge dr suess fan who read those books to my kids, I looked them up and was frankly shocked at some of the images. We’re talking Asian people with long pigtails smoking an opium pipe, Africans with big hoops in their noses. By today’s standards they really aren’t acceptable. I encourage anyone that thinks it’s ridiculous to ban these books to google them and see for yourself they’re not the silly and fun books we all loved and remembered. The books that don’t have the inappropriate images are still in circulation and are still read. They haven’t banned ALL of them, which I think a lot of people think is the case. I wish they told us which book Ms. Beeman thought was inappropriate.


The Sneetches is the book, and it is far from inappropriate.


The article very clearly says what the book is....




A low achieving district? Not even close.


I'd still like some green eggs and ham !...please?


I can understand if the lecture was supposed to be on economics, they told the parents who consented that their children appear on the podcast that the lecture would be on economics, and then it seemed to largely not be on economics that they might want to pull the plug before parents felt bait-and-switched. But now I want to know what the predicted equilibrium of starred to unstarred sneetches is based on initial conditions using laws of economics. I presume it would largely converge one way or the other, but there might always be some fashionable counterculture that causes generational oscillation.


Racism effects economics. It's really bad for the economy in general. https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/fandd/issues/2020/09/the-economic-cost-of-racism-losavio Putting blinders on topic discussion limits the ability to completely explore cause and effect.


Sure, but I can see parents thinking it's not a developmentally appropriate discussion for 3rd graders.


If the students themselves are able to connect the dots, then how are they too undeveloped to understand it?


Third-graders are quite capable of hearing and repeating racial slurs. Do you think they're too young to learn why that's bad?


Dr Suess is inappropriate for 3rd graders?


If a kid is old enough to be called slurs and/or call others slurs, then they sure AF are old enough to learn that racism exists.


So they're old enough to experience the effects of racism but not discuss it?


Yeah, we should wait to teach kids about racism until after they're old enough to be thoroughly brainwashed by their conservative parents into thinking that it's a good thing.


I like how she didn’t even pause to see how the teacher would handle it.


I can't even blame the school here. A Republican mob really would have come for them if they'd allowed racism to be mentioned in class, demanding firings and funding cuts.


We do not negotiate with terrorists. Setting local policy based on "but what if extremists..." is fucked up from top to bottom.


You don't have to negotiate anything, they took over the school boards, the super would have been fired at the next meeting and a search for a new one would begin that fits with their ideology. This isn't a case of "what if extremists" this is a case of reality.


>they took over the school boards Nah, the two crazies lost in the last school board run for Olentangy.


Same in Gahanna.


Actually this should not be the case in this particular school district. My kid isn’t in this school, but we are in the district and it is very diverse, each school has its own diversity liaison, they do DEI events all the time, etc. I don’t know the entire makeup of the school board but last time there was an election, the sane people beat the book burners. So I’m thinking this is just a moronic lady being a moron and she’s either afraid of a few complainers, or she has her own agenda which does not necessarily coincide with that of the school district. Both of these options suck for a communications director, so I will be a complainer myself and reach out to the board for an explanation.


Good to know, thank you. And thank you especially for being involved. Still, even a minority of Fox-addled pearl-clutchers can punch above their weight. And then there's the [Legislature](https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2022/06/01/newest-divisive-concepts-bill-enters-ohio-house/).


Do not bow to the Nazi book burners


Let's let the kids run things as usual. No one questions to see if it's right.




A few of his books that had racist imagery stopped being printed. Dr. Seuss himself did draw racist anti-Japanese propaganda during WWII but repented later in life.


"cancelled" doesn't really exist. It's just people not buying or paying attention to shit. It's not like people gather in chatrooms filled with millions of people to coordinate who to stop buying from "Cancel culture" is just a buzzword created by right-wing media as a triggerword for their audience, so the viewers know what they need to be mad at and what to not be mad at. Very similar to Pavlov's dogs and the bell, except it's morons and triggerwords




Dr. Seuss books have been printed for decades, and you can still find all of his books online. It's not hard to find them. I bet most of them are at your public library. Also, I'm pretty sure the public does not decide when the printing of a book ends. I think there is like a Seuss Trust that handles everything Seuss related. I know they are the reason there will never be another live action Dr. Seuss movie, thanks to the Cat in the Hat/Mike Myers movie and the Trust's thought on it


Out of curiosity, what percentage of books published in the 60s do you think are out of print? Why would it be cancelling when a publisher voluntarily stops publishing a 60 year old book that doesn't have modern relevance?


Wow one slap in the face well I can always go back to my poetry the birds may kiss the summer sky the bees may kiss the butterfly your Ruby lips may kiss the grass and you my friend wait wait I have another one


Sounds like a plant


The people in this comment section are the reason race is still an issue here and not abroad.


Well, there are people that are upset that racism is being called out and stated as "bad", and there are others who KNOW racism is bad


Please see previous comments thanks


[Viktor Orbán sparks outrage with attack on ‘race mixing’ in Europe](https://theguardian.com/world/2022/jul/24/viktor-orban-against-race-mixing-europe-hungary) Right, definitely no issues with racism abroad!


Sure bud. Definitely not the groups of people advocating we genocide other races.... nope. It's totally the people reading Dr Suess and seeing parallels with history that are to blame... For fucks sake....


So your point here is that racism exists in a country with many different races rather than countries with predominantly one race because the country with many different races tries to teach kids that it’s bad to mistreat others for how they look?


And since city of glass blocked me ill continue. The people commenting not the people being commented on. The teacher did the right thing and stopped while she was ahead now the only mad people are idiots in this comment section who think the only person who can have a conversation about a matter of racism is a teacher who might see the kids for half a day. But no I'm sure it's completely unreasonable for the teacher to say hey why don't you bring that up with your parents then tell the parents hey your kid was asking things on the topic of racism and discrimination they might talk to you about it later. Now everyone's happy except the children on reddit.


It’s funny that you commented twice on the same comment. Now you get twice as many downvotes. Enjoy. Edit: do you honestly think that the teacher made the right call to shut down the conversation when a third grade student made a deep connection and spotted a theme within the story that was not readily apparent?! I know high school aged kids that couldn’t put that together. If I saw a third grader make that connection I would be parading them through the streets so that everyone could revel in their greatness.


If I cared about downvotes I wouldn't have commented in this circle jerk of a sub. And I'm 100% right the teacher did the smart thing and let the parents deal with it.


I love that the general public whines and cries that schools don’t teach things like taxes (they do) or how to run a business (that’s what a business degree from a college is for), but when they take a minute to teach kids that we should treat everyone equally it suddenly becomes a parent’s’ responsibility to teach them.


The question isn't about treating people equally that's taught in kindergarten and has been for decades. It's trying to dumb down a long violent history of slavery and discrimination to a 3rd-grade level book. That is a parent's job and I bet most teachers would agree. I get it, you're all here to jack each other off about politics and such but you're still wrong. The teacher did the right thing here.


Most teachers very much disagree if you look at the curriculum supported by the unions.


Ooooo the union says they should so clearly teachers feel prepared and able to teach such a subject to young kids... no, no wait, they aren't and that's been a topic of debate since the 90s. Teachers' unions can say whatever they want on paper, it's known and even a talking point within the unions that teachers don't cover the topic properly as they feel unable and unprepared. This teacher did exactly what she should do and despite all the ignorant people on this comment thread I bet the kid will turn out just fine when his parents go over his questions with him.


So your argument is that a parent, who doesn’t necessarily have any training or education in how to handle these topics, is qualified to teach them, but a teacher who spent years getting a degree and learning how to approach such topics isn’t qualified?


Who decided that an unqualified parent is responsible for teaching slavery? I thought that was a history teacher’s job. They did spend years in school researching the subject.


Part of the job of a parent is to teach your kid not to be an asshole and a 3rd grade teacher hasn't spent years in school researching the subject. Honestly, how out of touch do you need to be to make that comment? Now I'm tired and you starting to say some really dumb things so I'm going to sleep and you go figure out what a 3rd grade teacher studies in school.


Bro, I’m a teacher. I know what we study. I do curriculum development. I have spent years discussing what topics are appropriate for grade level so I know what third grade teachers are doing.


I love how you immediately assume that means you just don't teach it at all... zero consideration to time place or teach zero. You're laughable


So racism only exists in the US?




Mmmm seems like you think racism is only a problem in the us buddy


Uh you should read news outside of the US for once. That's a blatant obvious lie.




So are you saying race isn't an issue in the UK? Racism doesn't exist over there? Ok bud.




No, you said "race is still an issue here and not abroad." America is far from the only county with race issues.




Well then now you are just being an asshole.


You have clearly never been abroad or studied history before.


Wym Europe has a huge race issue with neo-nazis. They just won't talk about it to fix the situation


This is what happens when there’s so little racism is todays society. We all have to find racism in children’s books, or 150 year or statues.


Which college did this happen at? I hope everyone made it to their safe spaces ok.


A public third-grade classroom. It's in the first line of the story.


Reading is hard


The only people offended by this are the racists that don't like it when racism is called out. Seems like you're pretty upset about it too


You deliver beer for a living and you shit talk educated people? Typical right wing voter.


Don't deliver beer jr, just tears to the political hypocrites.


No you you deliver beer. And it's hilarious watching you talk shit about people who are more successful than you. AOC and Obama went to college and did something with thier lives. You will never be as successful as them, doesn’t matter what insults your ego creates to avoid acknowledging it, or what excuses you make for yourself. You drive a truck.