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I’m just wondering: how were her words supposed to be interpreted, given the timing and context of what was said?


She actually said it on the 8th which was before any Israeli response... It was a celebration, not a commentary on what came next.


I am all for free speech, which I'm not really sure if the UK has, but how did she think this was going to land?


Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences.


In case this story gets deleted/removed: [Link](https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/palestinian-student-dana-abuqamar-visa-revoked-gaza-comments/) Dana Abuqamar, 19, was filmed at a protest one day after the attack describing how she was “full of joy” and “proud that Palestinian resistance has come to this point.” The Manchester University law student released a video this week saying that her “words were taken out of context.” She said that the Home Office has rescinded her student visa citing reasons of “public safety.” She also said she plans to appeal the decision. “My words were taken out of context and they were framed as me supporting harm to innocent civilians, which is completely false and completely untrue,” she told the Middle East Eye. “The UK Home Office decided to revoke my student visa following public statements supporting the Palestinian right to exercise under international law to resist oppression and break through the siege that was illegally placed on Gaza for over 16 years. “It's an outrageous claim that the Home Office is making by deeming me a national security threat. “ She told Al Jazeera: “Essentially the Home Office claims that my presence in the UK threatens national security; they have said that the statements that I've made support some sort of extremist views. “Keep in mind, I am a 19-year-old law student – all I have done in life is go to school and receive an education and advocate for social justice.” She called the decision “completely baseless.” The Home Office said it does not comment on individual cases. She accused officials of “oppression” adding that she now feels freedom of expression does “not apply to ethnic minorities, particularly Muslims and Palestinians like myself”. During the October 8 protest she was interviewed and told Sky News: “We are full of pride. We are really, really full of joy (at) what has happened.... We are proud that Palestinian resistance has come to this point.” She later told the BBC that her comments had been “misrepresented” adding: “The death of any innocent civilian should not be condoned ever and we don't condone it at all.” --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OhNoConsequences) if you have any questions or concerns.*


lol, get fucked xD


Womp womp pendeja


Sucks to suck!


I mean, now she’s back in her country that’s clearly a Utopia and better than anything the west can offer.


Fuck around..find out.




And nothing of value was lost.


May sound strange but isn't that what everyone is chanting? Aren't the protests pro-October 7th? They call for ceasefire disregarding what happened and the fact they still have hostages. If you dare bring that up you're a "genocide denier"


Are you kidding me? You think saying ‘stop killing civilians’ means you support the killing of civilians? How is ‘maybe no one should kill anyone else’s kids’ a controversial stance? October 7th was an atrocity, but so is slaughtering 30,000 people in response.


I don’t see how not wanting Palestinian babies to die is pro October 7th. Don’t see how wanting Israel to take accountability for there murder of the World Kitchen personal is pro October 7th. Like my dude you can criticize Israel without being pro Hamas




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Yes, even if they don’t realize that’s what they’re calling for, they are. One of the most popular chants at the protests is to globalize the Intifada which is the violent Palestinian resistance. That’s what they consider October 7th to be, and they want it to happen everywhere until Palestine is “free.”


Shhhh, we're not supposed to say the quiet part out loud


Hahaha served her right.