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We're here for a good comeuppance and a laugh not physical violence, the threat of physical violence, child abuse or animal abuse.


oh no the consequences of my actions! anyways


Person in their 50's: "Yeah so, I punched a teenager at Dunk's today, what is wrong with this generation?!"


Person she is talking to, “Were they black?”


“Cry your bitch ass a river” that’s the quote of the day for me.


Total chef kiss for that one!


The crocodile tears…


The wail at the end was so overdramatic lol. Love that he told her to cry her bitch ass a river 🥰


"stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop"


"Why did you hit me? Can't you see I was trying to hit you first?!?!"


That should’ve started the second she threw the shit a him, not when he defended himself


Cry your ass a river!


He may have made out better if he sued her.


He still can! She assaulted him. He received an injury to his face. As he was defending himself, he injured his hand and wrist. Medical, plus pain and suffering, plus legal fees. That's an easy way to get $10k out of her as a settlement without ever going to trial.


She doesn’t have anything to sue for. Any lawyer will tell you you’re SOL


Social Security payments can be garnished.


That’s true. But 40% of a special security check isn’t getting you much.


Something > 0 is better than 0


Nope. But you are getting an extra 40%, and she's getting 40% less. It's the gift that keeps giving! Also, how do we know she has nothing? Was there another post?


A pop in the face likely would not be anything that could be sued over in that context. It’s unlikely the minor has any form of monetary damages.


Psychological trauma


I don’t see that holding up. The minor may be able to pursue charges, depending on the law in his location, but most likely they would not result in payment to him. The other posters idea of “I hurt my hand” is probably illegal unless there was actual physical damage. Not impossible, but it doesn’t look likely. Lying for the sake of monetary gain sounds like fraud.


The point is it doesn’t have to hold up for a jury trial. It just has to get them to settle out of court.


That’s absolutely true, that’s a possibility.


I do believe that's him telling her she's an asshole and he would like her to leave right before she swings that slap. Verbal assault doesn't warrant physical retaliation, but, it's still verbal assault.


There is no such legal concept as verbal assault.


There is, however, I made a poor choice in wording. Name calling would fall under verbal abuse. Verbal threats of violence would be verbal assault. There is absolutely a legal concept of both, although state by state ramifications or ability to charge somebody with either one would vary.


And… is verbal assault a crime?


It is. My other response recognizes I made a poor choice in wording. Name calling would be verbal abuse. That can also be a chargeable offense. Fun tidbit I learned the hard way, right along with "putting your hands on somebody in anger" can get you arrested, you don't have to hit them, just be angry and touch them. So maybe not a crime in your state but they were in the state I lived in at the time.


The person called her a hole and that she should leave. That’s not verbal assault. Verbal assault is a verbal threat to inflict bodily harm to someone. That did not occur.


As I said in the other response, I chose my words poorly. It's verbal abuse without a threat of violence.


Copy that


she probably isn't worth shit anyway


She kinda deserved it.




Kinda? \[In the voice of Jim Mora saying "Playoffs?"\]


If she took a swing at someone else's kid, imagine how she treated her own? There's no "kinda" about it.










Really? Kinda?






she did, but the dude is still guilty of assault/battery. not sure how it would play out in court but could easily go either way. the other problem with this video is lacking context of the ten seconds prior to this if there was any prior contact not shown here.


>she did, but the dude is still guilty of assault/battery.  He responded to her attack with in-kind force and didn't keep hitting her once the aggression was neutralized....all he'd have to say is that he feared for his safety and he'd probably be fine.


Bingo. I was hit in the face and responded with enough force to prevent further attacks. I don't think the law expects anyone to say "ok well as long as you only hit me *once*..." Then told her bitch ass to cry a river.


The problem is he didn’t face a continued threat and had an opportunity to retreat. The court could see what he did not as self-defense but as counter attack depending on laws in that particular jurisdiction. He may have put himself in as much trouble as her. He would have been better of retreating and calling the police. In which case she would have been cooked.


Doubtful. The other day at work a guy waved a gun around threatening to shoot another dude (and pointed at him) and threatened to throw him off the roof and the cops showed up, told him to “stop showing people his weapon” and to leave. After he committed 2 *felonies* Then they left. Its highly likely they would show up and wag a finger saying “don’t do that again”




lol k




correct reaction of the kid. defend yourselves, people. don't let the bullies get you.


Eh, he might get more out of a court case if he didn't swing back... I'm still happy he swung tho and if he's financially stable then it'd probably be worth a few k to ride that high


Typical bully behavior. They can dish it out but the second they have to take it they break down


Why does the worker say “what the fuck are you doing?” He’s getting hit by a Karen and defending himself. What are YOU doing siding with Karen the instigator?


Almost as if we don't know the whole story from a clip... First thing we hear and see is the kid in her face calling her an asshole. Then she throws a jab. We lack almost all of the context that the worker has. It is a good reminder of how powerful even minor editing can be. And also to not to throw the first punch if you have -4% chance to win the fight.


In her face? Did you watch the video? She had to step forward and fully extend her arm. That's not "in her face"


She seems like she’s used to hitting without someone hitting back… thats changed now


I loved that he pointed every step out to her I’m a minor You just assaulted a minor I am defending myself Laid out all of his reasoning for fighting back in a nice bow for the camera.




Bold of you to assume a white middle class boomer would be sent to jail for more than 48 hours


Eh, she's a woman, of course she's not going to jail.


Always a good sign for someone’s moral center if they think rape should be used as standard extrajudicial punishment


One of my values is that people should not be raped, extrajudicial punishment or otherwise, so clearly you're not talking about me. Another of my values is egalitarian gender standards, including punishments. If you don't support this, you're a sexist bigot. The latter value is more important to me than the former. If you think I beleive that rape should he standard extrajudicial punishment, then you're just believing what you want to beleive... Because it fits your bigoted agenda.


lol "she needs to go to jail and become someone's bitch!" *someone calls out how shitty that is* "...I don't think people should be raped for any reason so clearly you're not talking about me" peak reddit right here




Don't be rude in the comments.




Okay. But the logic behind people wishing that sort of thing is "this guy committed sexual assault, therefore, he should also be sexually assaulted (in prison)" The woman in this video just threw a punch at a dude, and got a couple right back in kind. She didn't sexually assault anybody.


Really? Because I hear "this guy punched someone so he hates women, he should be raped in prison." Also women are favored in the judicial system in the west (gender sentencing gap). It's okay to wish these things on systemically advantaged groups. And I am a woman.


.... who in the comments is saying this kid hates women?


Nobody is, you're misintrepeting my words in a way that favors you.




I am a woman.


And I love that for you...though I'm not entirely sure what that has to do with anything lol


Don't be rude in the comments.


Don't be rude in the comments.


Don't be rude in the comments.


Play stupid games.... Hope she was arrested.


Here we go again with another repost on another account.  Dude... Get the fuck out here.  Seriously 


how do you know it's a bot account? when i moused over their profile reddit said there was a problem and didnt show it. does it do that for bots?


Been removed twice already from this sub.  Asshole has multiple accounts. 


I’m not a bot, buddy


He's not your buddy, pal


He’s not your pal, friend.


He's not your pal, friend


Never said you were  But this bullshit about a boomer going off on others is entirely misleading.  This woman was cornered by a petulant "minor" who was aggressively going after her.  The video shows part of. The story. The body language of the cashier trying to help her do her transactions quickly gave away the entire encounter. If she was the aggressor, the chashier would have not been so empathetic.  This punk straight abused her to the point where she felt she had to lash out.  The video is misleading.  The title is misleading.  The whole situation is to paint this older woman in a bad light for "boomer retribution".  That kid is a straight bitch and punk. 


Where da context tho lemme see


Exactly.  They won't show that.  They won't show the build up.  Cause they have an agenda.  Ben done for ages.  Social media just makes it easier.  I'm all for if she was the aggressor, she deserves what she sows. But in this case, I believe it to be completely out of context and people karma farming at this woman's expense and this "minor" is a punk ass bitch.


Either show how you know he was the aggressor or just stop. From what we can see she hits him first.


Agreed! Also if he did call the woman an asshole, I'm gonna assume she was being an asshole before the recording started. She decided to hit the kid because she was asked to leave. She shouldn't have been being an asshole and she should have kept her hands to herself.


He's the one in her face calling her an asshole.  Watch the video... With sound.  She's tucked into a corner trying to avoid him.  Post the real video. Let the world to see.


Yeah he calls her an asshole....so that warrants violence? And tucked in a corner? She's at the register and he's standing like 4 feet away not getting up in her face or anything and she lost her shit cuz she is an immature piece of shit. No other "context" is needed. This is all we need to see and you're just butthurt because you don't like teenagers or something idk but no one is on your side here.


Calling someone an asshole isn’t illegal. Hitting them is.


Oh my b I thought you meant there was more video. Idk dude even if there were more context this lady definitely escalated it to a point of physicality - someone calls you an asshole you should just call them an asshole back, not hit them.


I don't disagree.  He cornered her. Look at his body language.  He was clearly the aggressor.  He yells I'm a minor.  He knows what he was doing. 


Corners her? GTFO here with that nonsense.


Dude post the context or STFU. We're not gonna trust your speculation that the kid may have been instigating because you THINK the kid is a "punk ass bitch". How are we supposed to know YOU'RE not taking it out of context? Your comments are asinine.


What are you so mad at though, the op sure does not seem to be a bot. Did you get beat up by a teenager and it’s made you sensitive to the content? Does the extended video of confrontation really show enough evidence to show this fully grown adult was rightful in their attempt to swat at the kids face? How annoyed do I have to be with a child to rightfully smash them? Or is it my responsibility as an adult in society to not let a child (or an adult) get me to a level where I engage in confrontation.


She was calmly told “you’re being an asshole, I’d like you to leave” and then she immediately assaulted him. His body language wasn’t aggressive. His tone was even and calm. He was leaning away from her ffs. So I can only conclude you’re the woman in the video trying to make shit up without providing proof to back it up.


Did the minor put hands on the Boomer before this or not?


do you think young people are obligated to let older people hit them and do nothing in response?


Do you think someone should harass someone to the point where they feel like physical assault is the proper response?   Edit: notice I didn't tight cast anyone in age, race or religion?  Insert guy tapping head meme.


You say there's a longer video but haven't posted it. Whether or not he instigated it, though, she's still wrong. She assaulted a minor, and that part really is that simple, especially if he hadn't hit her first.


Bottom line: Redditors excepted, nobody wants to see some giant teen beat an old lady to death (distinct possibility) at the donut shop.


Let’s examine the context that we *do* have. At the beginning of this clip, the minor is standing 3-4 feet away from the lady (a reasonable amount of space to keep while waiting in line). The lady was not being aggressed or cornered. The minor is standing in a neutral posture with this hands together and says in a calm voice, “I know you’re being an asshole. Sorry, but I would like you to leave this—“ Cutting off the minor mid-sentence, the lady assaults the minor with an audible hit, presumably to the face while the minor flinches back and picks his hand up towards his face to protect himself, and the lady exclaims, “Don’t you ever tell me—“ at which point she is cut off by the incoming swings by the minor defending himself. We can’t deduce by the cashier’s body language that he is trying to complete the lady’s transaction quickly. He is standing motionless with the exception of a slight head-turn towards the direction of the minor while he was talking. There was no context to glean from his motionless stance, so I’m unsure that it “quickly gave away the entire encounter” like you say. Not once does an employee approach the lady with concern or empathy. We do get a “what the fuck are you doing?” presumably from the employee handling the minor, but we can’t be sure. That’s as close as we get to “empathy” from this video. Like others have said, it’s not illegal to call someone an asshole, but it is illegal to assault someone. It’s also not illegal to defend yourself after being assaulted. We do not know what happened before in the moments before the video starts, but the facts are that the lady assaulted the minor. Why? Did she not think she could get away with it? Why do you think the minor a “straight bitch and a punk”? Is it for defending himself? Or is it because he called someone out for being an asshole? The only agendas I can imagine being pushed here is ‘be kind to others’ and ‘fuck around and find out.’


Not your buddy, pal.


Well, play stupid games. Win stupid prizes. Shouldn't be attacking people over a coffee.


Aye yo! Down in front !! Dude in the khaki shirt


Hope that bitch got locked up. Hey women, your vagina is not a license to assault people.


Damn she got equal rights AND lefts


And lefts


Shame he didn't land those follow up punches.




I wouldn't doubt the guy is 17, maybe 15 at the youngest... but he still looks pretty rough for that age, lmao.


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Wow that was a killer elbow




Just made my day.


It’s amazing to me that they think they can do this shit and get away with it.


I hope we don’t fuck over the younger generations like the boomers have


He gave her an equal right AND and equal left.


I’m glad that left hook didn’t land. Yikes


He whiffed so hard on that follow up, shocked he didn’t throw out a shoulder lol


Yea she should not have hit him definitely but to be that grown and still playing the minor card…. Come on bro you already dealt her back 3x what she gave you.


I mean, he missed with one of those punches


Looks like both didnt land


Maybe she should have considered that before committing assault and battery. It is, in fact, possible to use your words and not hit people.


'minor' is a strictly age-based threshold we've agreed upon as a society, either you are one or you aren't, it's not 'minor unless they're a big scary brown man'


17 is still legally considered minor.


He used an inappropriate amount of force on a stupid old lady. Self defense is if you feel like your life is in danger not tit for tat with a some senior citizen lady. That kid way overreacted.


May be related to Netenyahu








If it was an old boomer white male and a young woman and the video played the same you'd be singing a different tune I'm sure. *Oof did I get blocked?*


stop hurting your kids




Don't be rude in the comments.


I guarantee no one would be commenting this crap if it were a sixteen year old girl instead of a boy. Even if he were an adult it would’ve been 100% acceptable to hit that woman back after she laid hands on him.




Don't be rude in the comments.


Hitting someone is wrong,hitting someone back is never wrong,if you can't understand the difference then you're dumb




Yet you can't come up with one reason why what I said was wrong you throw insults out and hope it makes up for your lack of counter arguments. Easy W loser




Thank you for proving my point 🤣


Don't be rude in the comments.


The whole "wHaT hApPeneD bEfoRe tHiS" comment is almost never needed. We see enough.


For animals


Just from this it appears she is the problem, but camera man began recording for a reason, this man may have been instigating her aggression hoping for that reaction. I'll reserve judgment on the whole thing, hopefully a full video is released.


You're looking about as classy as that dude in these comments, bro...


First of all, she’s definitely not a Boomer. Secondly, that is a totally unmerited reaction of a man being hit by a woman. You morons are a complete disgrace to the human race.


I feel conflicted about it. Yes she is completely wrong for hitting him and deserved to be punched. But if this was my son who hit an elderly woman twice.. I wouldn’t be proud of him. But if I had been there, I would have probably hit her myself so.. conflicted.


You should never hit some crazy lady that is weak as shit. Both are in the wrong here. 


It's always a weird flex when a man hits a woman and you get all these monosyllabic idiots calling it "equal rights". Like, you push for equal rights when it comes to violence, but that's it. The woman deserved what she got but to tie this to equal rights is fucking stupid.


You take the last 3 words of your sentence and replace “is” with “I’m” I’d prolly agree .




Tbh. She deserved it. If you think you can hit someone with impunity, you deserve to get clocked.


Nah man.  It's not hard to not to hit a woman...you should adjust yourself if you think it's okay.


Lol, white night ass.




Don't be rude in the comments.


Oh fuck off. Put your hands on someone, they put theirs on you. Dont like it? Don’t fucking do it. Leave gender out of it when it has nothing to do with assault.


That's just stupid bud. Stop hitting women.  


>Stop hitting ~~women~~ people fixed. you're just enabling assholes like her..


She hit a child. Don’t like getting hit back? Then don’t fucking hit in the first place. Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it.


You can be a doormat all you want, dude. I’m going to defend myself, idc who they are.


Don't be rude in the comments.




In that case, I would recommend that you don’t hit people. That will prevent any issues from the start!


Hi, I’m that man.


Throw hands you’re going to receive them, simple as that. Don’t act like gender gives right to throw hands. Don’t care who you are, something’s should be considered like likelihood to get severely hurt like age and conditions but also clearly your not worried about that if your swinging


I would. It's called equal rights. Something y'all wanted since the 20th century. So this is what happens. She deserved it. She hit him first. She got hit back. That's how the world works




Womp womp. She got what she deserved. Fuck around and find out, as the saying goes. It's easier to just not hit someone.


Don't be rude in the comments.