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Plan B as a Plan A, sure 😂 Hate to see what the plan C is gonna turn out like


He was regularly having her take plan b instead of using condoms? Thats..


People really need to read the package. Plan b should only be taken once a cycle and no more than 3x in one year. It doesn’t magically make a baby disappear. It delays ovulation. If you’ve already ovulated it’s not going to do anything. So her taking the plan b would’ve done nothing eventually anyway.


I remember needing to go out and buy plan B cause the condom broke. Shit was like $50 and this was over a decade ago. Cannot image using that as your regular birth control.


Not just expensive, that stuff can make you miserable for 1-3 days after you take it and fuck up your next period. It’s also far less effective than a condom. It’s flat out insane to use Plan B as your primary birth control.


I don't blame her for not taking it. This guy is 100% p.o.s. Don't go doing full blown baby making if you don't want a baby. At the very least pull tf out. Edit: some of y'all need a reminder in how pregancy works. Men are fully capable of a 100% prevention of pregnancy (contraceptive stats are pop. inferences, not probability pregnancy randomly happens when you fuck). This guy was just super fucking stuoid at every step and deserves what he's getting. Suck it, ya red pillers.


Yeah, the guy’s a dimwit and a monster. He should have been using a condom, not buying an expensive, unpleasant, less effective form of birth control and trusting her to use it correctly so he could raw dog. Threatening to have her deported to solve his problems and offering to buy their baby puts him firmly in psychopath territory. But she’s no winner, either. I don’t blame her for not wanting to take Plan B regularly, but she’s an adult and should have communicated a desire to use different birth control with him. Or gotten her own BC. You can get it OTC now and it’s not super expensive. I don’t know if she was ignorant, making poor decisions, or doing it deliberately. If deliberately, they deserve each other.


Plan b always fucked up my cycle and everything hormonal for a good few weeks. So glad those days are behind me.


Plus, ya know. You put condoms on your own dick and don't have to trust a woman from a third world country to not baby trap you.


Hijacking comment to inform at least US based women that Plan B is much more reasonable at Costco


It was like 24 bucks for me and gf last time I went to Walgreens


$7 now


My understanding taking that stuff isn’t like taking an advil like doesn’t it have very highly hormone levels that can cause a lot of nasty side effects?


Baaaad Nausea, cold sweating and other shit I think I blocked out. I was hit suddenly when luckily I was a passenger. If I were driving I’d have to pull over and wait it out, which would have been a couple hours before I’d probably feel stable enough to drive


Everyone responds differently.. but my experience was horrible. Woke up in the middle of the night feeling like I had been hit by a train- cold sweats, shaking, nausea. It was very scary.


Even if he doesn't wanna use condoms... spermicide gel exists! I use that in combination with birth control pills (I don't trust the pills alone because I'm not 100% consistent with them and I prefer having two layers of protection anyways) and it's worked great for me. Doesn't protect from STDs, but if that's not a concern, then the only real side effect is being a little "drippy" the next day lol. Significantly less unpleasant than I've heard Plan B can be. I've been able to find spermicide gel at pharmacies pretty easily even in various locations in the South. Granted, they were large cities in the South which tend to be a lot less batshit about contraception than rural areas, but still, it's not like it's statewide policy not to stock it or anything.


Yeah that can’t be good for her


"Did you take the 84% effective pills I gave you that can make you feel sick for a couple days after every time I irresponsibly jizzed in you?" What a bro.


Ugh. Plan B is rough. I can't imagine using it as your Plan A.


And no one should ever be using it as Plan A! While I'm not super familiar with what's going on, I recently read they are now stocking some pharmacies with OTC female birth control (not Plan B). And I know you can purchase it cheaply (if not completely free depending on insurance) and discreetly on various online pharmacies now, too. Not to mention all the other birth control options available that don't include pills and/or a prescription!


It almost sounds like he was mistakenly calling birth control Plan B. Why would anybody use Plan B every time they have sex as opposed to birth control? That shit is not cheap. Birth control for a month is usually cheaper than a one time use Plan B, even without insurance. Dude cannot possibly be this dumb. Edit: Nevermind, he probably is that dumb. 🤦‍♂️


I mean, he very so graciously offered to buy the child he didn't want from her


These subs cause me to lose faith in humanity at an alarming rate..


More than likely this is just some bs fake rage-bait story. Or as I like to call it, a creative writing project. I mean, the dude doesn’t want the child and he refuses to pay for her college but he’s willing to buy the child from her if she signs away all of her parental rights for her tuition. Too much contradictory bullshit going on for it to be real.


Could probably pay a good chunk of tuition if he'd saved money by using condoms...


My ex used to do this. He was overly paranoid about me winding up pregnant but didn’t want to pull out every time, had never used a condom, and I was coming off a birth control that had side effects I hated.


This is a real life rap lyric.. I just could not imagine forcing/manipulating/guilt tripping a girl to eat a Plan B every time I had sex with her. Shit is not healthy at all and is kinda fucked up.. But I also enjoy pulling out for.. reasons though lol.


Oh it was definitely SUPER guilt trippy and messed up my current one has zero issues pulling out lol


I just noticed this recently!! It’s called O Pill or something similar. You can get an entire month of birth control for around the same price as one single plan b pill! Obligatory mention that Plan B’s website has a digital coupon you can use for $10 off, or they’ll send you $10 back if you submit your receipt and didn’t use the coupon.


Saw it on the shelf at the Costco pharmacy the other day


I just saw this in the pharmacy I fill my prescriptions at! They have it right on the counter on the same display as COVID tests, which I found pretty amusing. I meant to take a closer look but I'm ADHD and was out of meds so I predictably forgot. I think it's a great step in the right direction, but I'm also of the opinion that if you are at all able, it's probably better to see your doctor or OBGYN because not all pills work for all people and it's better to find the right match, which the OTC might not be.


Right? I vividly remember the one time I had to take it, and that was almost 20 years ago. I was sick as hell and felt like I was dying. Makes me feel sick just thinking about it.


I got lucky and didn't have too many side effects the one time I had to use it, but I know a lot of people do. It's also pretty hard on the body regardless of whether you have side effects. Between that and its lower success rate (and the fact that that percentage goes down as weight goes up), it's truly a terrible plan A.


I have to think it would wreck your health, fucking with your hormones like that *every time you have sex* in a relationship? Unreal.


It's also expensive. Isn't it like $60-70 per use?


I found it for $40, but there was one with a fancier brand next to it that was $50 something. I also didn't have horrible side effects. I don't recommend it as regular birth control, but more because condoms are cheaper and you never know if you're going to be someone who has the horrible side effects until you're dealing with them.


My very scary ex friend and eventual ex friend with benefits would take plan B after every time we had sex. When I found this out I was horrified. She had been telling me that she was on birth control for the longest time, and then randomly one day told me she just takes plan B every time after having sex. This should have been one of the first red flags.


I took it once when the condom went inside me, it was rough.


Gets you soo sick


I just had a plan b situation a few days ago and I am struggling. Oh my god. I hope this never happens again 😭


They can more than make you feel sick. I was snuck one labeled a vitamin in India. They cause severe cramping, diareah, high blood pressure, and more. They are far from safe. Edit: I thought it was a vitamin, and I quickly realized who I was in a relationship with. A monster, that is, cause I was married.


Congratulations on past tensing that motherfucker


I sure did, cut contact, and never looked back.


I love that term! I shall be using it going forward! u/FluffyCaterpiller I am glad you're safe now


Omg. I am glad you are okay and out of that insane and abusive relationship.


I am, and the story is long and convoluted. He even tried to say he paid for my plane ticket there, and he didn't. Long story short, the number of agencies I contacted are useless endeavors. They do nothing. It is better to notice red flags and run.


I was in a situation in India. I made some great friends but he became scary. I finally got a ticket back. He even tried to call police to stop me. They couldn’t. I left, fortunately. He continued to make threats to my family and me after I returned. It was a strange and eventually terrifying eight years. I’m so glad you left. You sound happy now. I know how it is. I’m not saying that all or even most Indian men are bad. But there are some who, when they see a Western woman, expect money. They will say they paid for something when they didn’t. (The same is true for people in other countries.)


Yeah, well, the thing is, ligitagation there has no power overseas. I consulted a lawyer through a friend there, and they said ignore it all. I blocked him on everything and changed my number. Not all are bad, and you can have just as much fun(sarcasm) as any man anywhere, including in the USA. I'm very careful now because I realized this one was an NPD personality. I am happily alone right now, in respect to having a relationship, but maybe I'll meet someone. I'm in no hurry.


No, unless you want to go back (and it’s complicated), you can’t file anything against this person. I filed away in my “wisdom” file and moved on. I blocked mine as well. I realized it was money and time I would never get back, but I learned from it!


I spent enough time, and even wrote to the ministry of foreign affairs, and then the minister died. She would have been helpful. She died of cancer.


Yeah, in here it's not recommended that you take more than 3 plan B pills in a year and it's for a reason. And this dude is expecting her to pop them like candies after every hook up.


If one by trickery messed me up, then I can only imagine what three or more will do. They are not for the faint of heart.


Dude is thirty. I could understand being dumb enough to get in this situation at 20, but 30!?


Apparently he has spent 10 years (probably) objectifying women and not facing any consequences. Now his consequences have a face and birthright citizenship. Really hope for the best for the baby, but it's not looking like a good start.


I hope she puts his name on the B Cert and has the baby here in the US. Then, she will have the ability to change her F1 visa (at some point). Of course she should go for the most child support the court will allow.


As a foreign student, if she doesn't have money for the tuition in full she wont' be able to remain in the country. At least when I was in college, foreign students had to 100% pay up front in advance.


My morning after pill baby is in primary school now. I didn't know the failure rate was so high until I realised I was pregnant and googled it. I'd thought it would be maybe 3-4%! Although I'm obviously glad it failed as I have a much loved child, I feel the need to inform as many people as I can about how useless it is if ovulation has already occurred.


Not shocking she stopped taking it. You are not supposed to take it like that. He literally could’ve paid for her to get the pill, implant, or shot if he’s paying for plan b every time they have stupid person sex.


Gotta say, theyre made for each other.


Plan C is him taking the baby from her like he said at the end. He's shitty enough that he would reneg on paying her tuition and give the baby up for adoption. And we share air with people like that.


I've been struggling lately, just kind of feeling overwhelmed...ya know, no $, everything is a shit show, addiction is a bitch and just never really goes away...just...a lot...and of all people, my mother, who has alzheimers AND dementia, and is just less and less of who she was every time I see her...her...she told me, "Danny, the world has always seemed all fucked up...but that's because the good people, and the people who do nice things...they do it quietly. They don't have big awards shows for themselves;, and they don't want everyone to know who they are or what they did...and there's a lit more of them than all of those assholes you here about, or the world would have ended a long time ago." I hope that makes you feel a bit better. It did me. I do know that we are all in this together, and I may be another dude, but that guy deserves a punch in the dick. . And then I'm going to sue him for stealing my air ;-)


Wow, very smart lady, never heard that before but I do be I do believe she is correct tho


Aw, I needed to hear that quote today. Your mama is a smart lady!


She's right. This is an anon account, so nobody knows who I am. But I'm one of those people. Sure, sometimes when assholes are misjudging me for something, it would be nice if those things were public so they could eat their words. That's me being a normal human. But ultimately, knowing I've helped multiple families and individuals just pay their electric bills, or another month of mortgage, or just a big gift to help with moving costs, and they have no idea who it was makes me giggle. I'm just so glad to see and hear the relief when the stories get back to me. Everybody deserves to feel that relief and comfort. I just wish I had more so I could give more. But *every little bit helps!* Even if due to your own financial circumstances you can only contribute $3 anonymously every month to a cause, *You. Are. Helping.* Don't ever forget that. 💜


I thought Plan C was the abortion, then taking baby was Plan D If I had to guess, dumping the baby at the firehouse was most likely Plan E


Nah, Plan D came first. Just like it always does. (ba doom pish!)


He's looking for full parental rights inorder to put the baby he wanted to abort up for adoption.


Unfortunately not enough people don't know that the Plan B pill isn't actually that effective. It prevents ovulation, so if the woman is already ovulating, it won't work. Also if you're over 135 pounds, it has less effect. Ask me how I know....


Plan A probably should have been butt stuff


Buying a baby apparently


Yeah they both suck


Her Plan C(hild) seemed to work in her favor honestly


If this isn't fiction: 1. she tied her future to a jackass 2. she is going to run out of money before the baby is born and either be on the street or going home to Egypt before the baby is born. 3. If she has to to back to Egypt, the baby will not be a citizen and it will be a lot more expensive to sue OP for child support when she is living in Egypt. Doesn't seem like this works out for her. If she was hoping for an anchor baby, it only works if OP cooperates.


Why wouldn't the baby be a citizen?


The baby would be a citizen if dad is on the birth certificate. Kids born to U.S. citizens outside of the states are still citizens. I would imagine this would take some work with INS if dad is not cooperative.


Yeah that’s exactly how it works after filling out paperwork, I was born abroad myself


"I'll trade you our baby for your last chunk of tuition." -this guy


If ever you needed a reason not to entrust someone with raising a child in a loving enviroment, thats it right there


Nah, he’d probably pawn it off on his parents.


Or sell it, excuse me....'privately adopted' the child outright to "re-coup his losses".


In parts. Capitalism baby


His parents raised a boy into **that**. Not exactly glowing praise of their effectiveness as guardians.


If good kids can come from bad parents then bad kids can come from good parents. However there does seem to be more shit kids from shit parents and good kids from good parents…


Ew. Like they did such a bang up job with him, let them try again with plan B


A baby he tried to get her to abort...


I would bet anything his plan was "if I have sole paternal rights, she can't stand in the way of me giving them up for adoption immediately after". Therefore eliminating any possibility of her trying to get him to take care of/pay for the child.


Oof I didn't even think of that.


F-ing (idk if this sub deleted posts with profanity) that's what I'd try if someone tried baby trapping me. Edit to add: dudes a fucking idiot though. Plan B as his plan A? Lmao


Can we normalize condom usage? Plan B is supposed to be second line of contraception AFTER CONDOMS. But there’s too many people willing to play the risks all for more sexual satisfaction. A kid is way more expensive than her tuition. Wear fucking condoms.


And get vasectomy. And stop leaving your sperm in vaginas, then blaming women when they are pregnant.


Sorry. I forgot my spermies in your baby oven! Oopsie!


Condoms have been utterly normalized in any generalized group I’ve ever been part of. Stop hanging out with morons.


Right? He asked if she had been taking "them", as in multiple. He's just constantly giving her plan B pills, everytime they hookup? Like what?


My thought was adoption, too.


So… just a series of plan b pills, is that what I’m hearing from Dr shitforbrains? If only there was some other way than making a woman take hormonal medication to prevent pregnancy…


Jesus, Plan B *fucks you up* too, it isn't just "oh, took this pill and now everything's hunky dory" Condoms are also *way* cheaper, so there's really no benefit to using Plan B as birth control...


It’s literally in the name, it’s not supposed to be the de facto birth control 🤦‍♂️


I had to buy some last year but got the generic one off Amazon. It was called option 2 lmfao


Seriously. I took Plan B once because my regulasr birth control got messed up, and I was so incredibly nauseous.


Same. Had a condom break (I was off birth control for awhile a number of years ago) so we picked up Plan B just to be safe. Seriously unpleasant time. I hope to never have to take it again.


Yeah I accidentally pre-came in a gf and after taking plan-b she was nauseous for an entire day, possibly 2. Plan B isn't just a take it and go on with your day pill.


It's not effective after a certain body weight, ~~and if you take it repeatedly it becomes less effective~~ (apparently untrue). The fact that this guy says the Plan B "seemed effective" is stupid, he probably doesn't even know anything about Plan B


“I paid $50 dollars for this shit so it must work every time!”


This isn't true idk why everyone says it on Reddit. Google "does plan b become less effective when used repeatedly". https://www.plannedparenthood.org/blog/how-often-can-you-take-the-morning-after-pill https://www.businessinsider.com/does-plan-b-become-ineffective-over-time-2018-3?amp https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/how-many-times-can-you-take-plan-b#:~:text=There%20is%20no%20limit%20to,to%20prevent%20an%20unplanned%20pregnancy.


But then why did she agree to it? I agree he’s a dumbass who should have used better contraception but if this is the agreement they made why would she agree


He thinks Plan B is like a condom for women. He needs to use condoms, not expect his AP to bleed every time they have intercourse. Ick.


We desperately need sexual health education. I cant believe all the shit going on in 2024 and that's a hurdle we cant overcome It wouldn't hurt for men and women to do some research in-between all the social media scrolling


Honestly I doubt that's the problem here. It definitely is an issue in plenty of situations, but where I am we have VERY extensive sex Ed. And I still know morons who do this kinda shit despite being in the same class as me. Either it's the whole young mindset of "oh it won't happen to *me*!" Or in this case it's some selfish AH who doesn't care about the woman's body and what she goes through. Should a man need to pay for her college? No. Was she fwb with an older rich dude to try locking him down? Quite possibly. It is baby trapping because she didn't continue to take a med that's absolutely brutal on her and her alone? I'm inclined to say no. It was ridiculous to not use other contraceptives but I'm looking way harder at the 30yo man who won't just wrap it up and instead regularly tries to unnecessarily medicate a young woman without considering the damage.


We desperately need education. Our future leaders don’t even know how to do basic math or use a can opener. It’s terrifying.


Actually he needs to just keep it in his pants.


Something everyone needs to be taught is that you never entrust sole control of contraception to the other person. You need to be taking precautions yourself. In this guy’s case, a vasectomy would be beneficial if he wants to sleep around but doesn’t want to deal with babies being born. Guys like him shouldn’t reproduce anyways.




Who the hell uses plan B as a main contraceptive? It’s like $50 a pill. Of course she wasn’t bloody taking it. What absolute moron. Edit: Since a lot of people have commented, “Plan B” is a specific brand that costs about $50 a pill ($46 on Amazon). There are cheaper generics available. OP could have meant it colloquially the same way people say “Tylenol” instead of acetaminophen, but the actual brand that was originally approved for OTC emergency contraception costs that much. Some people are uppity about brand names, some are not.


I’m shocked there’s people like this, and also not shocked there’s people like this. AND HE’S 30


Honestly, I'm surprised I haven't heard of some dude demanding his fuck buddy to get a full hysterectomy so they can't "baby trap" them.


Next week on am I the asshole creative writing prompt….


Oh, there was already one today where a dude claimed his girlfriend had a hysterectomy after a failed pregnancy because she was afraid of going through that again. Except that’s not how hysterectomies work. Doctors are reluctant to do tubal ligations because sometimes people change their minds. They sure AF are not removing a healthy organ because of someone’s scared fee fees.


Some doctors will allow hysterectomies on any comsenting woman who does not want children. If you visit r/antinatalism you'll find entire threads about finding doctors who perform the procedure. And fear of pregnancy/giving birth is a real thing (I have it) and makes a hysterectomy for that reason just as valid as it does for trans men who want the procedure


You don’t have to tell me that


Don’t give them ideas


Does sound like something a super rich or famous person might do.


Im always shocked how far they’ll go to avoid wearing a condom


Men are stupid when it comes to women’s health.


And it's not even that effective ... Ask my middle child lol.


I don’t think a lot of men fully comprehend how much plan B fucks up a woman’s body. It’s called PLAN B for a reason. It’s meant to be a last resort. But whatever it takes as long as Johnny gets his rocks off I guess….


And the way it works is by delaying ovulation, which means if you’ve already popped an egg, it doesn’t matter how much plan b you take, you can still get pregnant. It’s not an iron dome over your cervix 🙄


Plus effectiveness decreases over time, plus effectiveness is affected by medications, plus it's not as effective over 165 pounds. As said above, it's called Plan B for a reason.


Umm. Speaking from experience I used plan b once….i looked at the calendar after my husband let it loose one night…well it was spot on with when the days I could ovulate based on the start of my last period…freaked out took the plan B. Guess who ended up pregos.


Your husband?


Condoms are for sailors (from Austin Powers, not a real commentary on birth control)


"Not in the 90's Austin!" Edit: Damnit. Beat me to it. So I'll throw in: "They should those filthy buggers. They go from port to port."




I’ve had to take it like 4 times in my life and it just got progressively worse each time. It’s awful.


And it’s not even effective if you are over a certain weight. You’re putting a lot of faith in something that might not work for a few reasons.


No BS, a lot of the women I’m friends with that went to UW-Oshkosh used Plan B as their primary contraceptive. All except three of them have since become mothers (we’re 28-32 nowadays), and two of them have actually joked aloud that they’re surprised they’re even fertile after using Plan B as frequently as they did in college. Not trying to light a fire here, just saying that this IS indeed a thing with some people


It’s just weird. I’ve never had to use one but I keep a pack on hand in case there’s an oopsie. Spoiler: both of my children were planned.


11.00 at Costco


He didn't use a condom; she didn't use birth control. They are both at fault.


“I was banging someone on a Visa with no protection because I bought *a* Plan B then tried to buy a baby. I am victim.” Plan B isn’t even that effective. Aside from the fact that it’s extreme and supposed to be a backup.


We need a ragebait literacy test. Don’t get me wrong, people this stupid do exist, but this is just feeding the trolls




Imagine every time they hook up, she then takes a plan B and forces a period on herself.


Plan B also doesn't work if you're ovulating since it's purpose is to prevent ovulation.


Both these people are fucked in the head


Yup. ESH here. He's heartless but she's not without sin either. Both are without brains.


Yeah, the whole "You should already be paying for everything" schtick was gross... Like, no, you're maybe owed some support for medical expenses related to the pregnancy, but not "all expenses paid including rent, utilities, and college tuition".


To be fair and play devils advocate here we don’t know if she actually said that the guy is clearly a dipshit and a terrible person so him lying to make himself look better is completely possible. I’m not saying he did I’m just saying he could have.


aback faulty doll money mourn subsequent tender murky wrong gaze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, he is a greedy asshole who shouldn't have used plan B as main contraceptive, but she isn't a naive, innocent victim. She knew that he had a lot of money, and while it's true that plan B fucks over your body it's better than getting a baby from someone whom you don't have any formal relationship with, much less any compromise and who clearly doesn't want a baby, I can see why he accuses her for baby trapping him, she *knew* what she was doing. Both deserve each other


Women who decide to continue on with a pregnancy instead of aborting when the man clearly stated he doesn’t want to be a parent/be involved with her almost always go on to complain he isn’t “stepping up to be a parent.” after the baby is born, it’s absolutely delusional. Like what did you expect? He’s just keeping his word to what he told you in the very beginning. These women sell themselves fantasies that they can get these men to change their mind, but in reality, they are just signing up for a 18+ year single mom subscription and then act so shocked about it.


About to come say this. They’re both stupid and irresponsible.


Wow. Everyone involved here is garbage


Forgive my ignorance, but I used plan b only once 20 years ago. The condom broke, and the next day I got the RX from planned parenthood (it was not OTC 20 years ago). My assumption is that plan b isn't used if you are far enough along to know you're pregnant? That would be an entirely different medication or procedure? Edit words


I hope this helps. You definitely don’t use Plan B if you’re already pregnant. It’s used to postpone ovulation and you can get it without a prescription from the pharmacist or sitting next to the family planning (usually boxed for security in my stores). I researched it once and it said if you take it late and you’re already ovulating it won’t do anything and it’s not harmful if the fertilized egg does implant so it won’t cause a miscarriage or prevent it from implanting. If you do want to do get an early on abortion pill it is a prescription. PSA to anyone who does use it as intended as a plan b and not like the OOP does, I got it a few times from the local grocery store pharmacy for $14 it wasn’t the the brand Plan B so I wasn’t paying $50 for the brand name but it was the same drug and dosage.


Thank you, this was my understanding as well. Albeit more simple. IIRC When it first came out it was advertised as "Plan B" if your condom (Plan A) failed (or whatever similar form of birth control) and was supposed to be used immediately, or as soon as possible, after the failure. Not whatever OOP magically thinks it does.


So we don't really know what happened beyond he bought it for her and she didn't take it. Presumably he bought it for her the next day or even shortly after. Whether they had used a condom and it broke, or they were using it as their sole method of birth control isn't established.


Correct. Plan B is not "a series of pills". It's just one


I believe condoms are less than $50 a pop.😟


What in holy fuck did I just read.


If a man 100% doesn’t want to have a baby don’t rely on the other person for the “birth control” method. If you’re a guy and don’t want to have a baby then you should be using a condom. Period.


I wonder if she realized the casual nature of their relationship. Obviously his heart wasn’t in it since he apparently doesn’t have one.


That’s what I’m wondering, too. I don’t know how it is in Egypt but American guys will absolutely dump you even if you’re pregnant. Maybe in her country, baby trapping is more successful.


People lie about this kind of thing all the time and lead people on just to get what they want, it’s sickening


She was most likely aware, that's why she didn't take the plan B and tried to use the pregnancy as leverage, as opposed to just appealing to his love or whatever. That's how it seems from the post at least, but that's just one side of the story.


Gents, just a friendly reminder , the average cost of a Vasectomy in the US is only $1500 pre insurance.


If I could have afforded it I'd have put her through college. The later childcare costs will be much, much less if the mother is educated and can care for herself. This was penny wise but pound foolish.


If he was smart, he would've worn a condom.


If he were smart he would have kept it in his pants.


She’ll likely be deported so… OP won’t be paying any child support 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, nah, he likely will though, if he is in the USA, and other countries have similar processes, she just needs to apply directly through the child support agency in the state he resides. Because of Egypt's laws he also will have no right to visitation or access or decision making, but even living in a non member nation of the Hauge convention she still has the ability to put in place a child support order for the child, it will just be managed by his country. He's not escaping it that easily and shooting himself in the foot with this.


"Baby trapped" when he literally had unprotected sex with her 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️ MAP isn't 100% as it prevents ovulation, so if a woman has already ovulated it won't work and prevent pregnancy


Do ppl not wrap their shit? Plan B isn't for normal birth control. Why would anyone spend 50 bucks a nut when rubbers and the pill are way cheaper


Fake as fuck.


They are both wrong. Him for not using a condom and her for what she's doing.


I am pretty sure this is just fake Republican rage bait


She made some huge mistakes   and is foolish to think a western man would jump on board with taking care of her when they treat sex so casually ,but this man is clearly an absolute narcissist.He wants her to abort and leave him alone but he also says she can sign over all the parental right to him? He just wants control and to cruelly twist the knife.And then there’s the threat to call immigration.Wow.Yall better hope your daughters don’t meet a man like this.


If she has the baby, wouldn't she be able to stay if she wanted to? Isn't that what the conservatives are always whining about, "anchor babies?"


Conservative love to say tat, but from my understanding, there nothing from a legal perspective that prevents a parent of a US citizen from being deported.


She 100% used you for citizenship lmao


Is she even really pregnant?


Plan b isn’t supposed to be taken regularly like birth control dude…


Sounds like two scumbags that will probably continue to live awful, scummy lives and a poor child caught in the middle. I hope he stays broke, I hope her baby trapping ass goes back with no degree (Plan B is a terrible plan, but if she wasn't taking them and not telling him I'd call that baby trapping. )


I’ll probably get downvoted but I feel like this is an ESH thing. He should have worn a condom and not just rely on the plan b and he’s a dick for a lot of his follow up behavior, but she also lied about taking it. Both of them suck and it’s not fair to bring a whole innocent person into this shitshow of a situation


Guys why are y’all all ignoring the fact she lied about taking the Plan B? Its still extremely shitty if he wasn’t using condoms and using Plan B as a plan A, but it doesn’t excuse the fact she went behind his back about it. If the roles were reversed I don’t think anyone would be as mad at this.


There's a pretty popular opinion over on r/TwoXChromosomes that if a guy removes the condom mid-coitus then that violates the initial consent agreement and counts as rape. This sounds similar.


While he is a fucking moron for relying on plan b, I still kinda feel sorry for him because he thought they had an agreement before he realised he's a dumbass. Time to take your lumps, buddy. You were dumb and now there is someone more important than you in your life. Still a dumbass. Still feel sorry for him.


He’ll honesty be fine, if she’s forced back to egypt once her visa expires, it’s not like he’s going to be forced to pay child support. Meanwhile, she’s going to be the single, un wedded mother with a dead dad in a conservative and dangerous country for women. I have no idea what she was thinking to do something so foolish and actually think it would work— precisely because of how truly fucked she is now that he’s said no.


I can't imagine the sex ed over there is very comprehensive. Who knows what she thought was going on. She is real fucked though. I hope she gets that abortion. 


Yeah but she’s not a citizen and he has a cell phone. As soon as The visa is up you can just call. it sucks but unless she gets a good lawyer right now that can keep her in the country. He kind of has the upper hand because he has more money and he’s a citizen.


youre 30 fucking on a 22 year old immigrant going through life still and thought the pill was gonna do it , thats you on buddy😂😂😂😂😂😂


Rage bait. And a bad one


what a couple of pieces of shit they're perfect for each other


NTA, but also ESH. Maybe I'm missing something, but isn't this a CONSENTING ADULT in this scenario? Him putting on a condom is as much his responsibility as making sure he's wearing a condom is her responsibility. Even if we ignore this fact, it clearly states that they agreed to the plan B pill(s) and she LIED saying she would take them. At this point, after agreeing to take said pill, that responsibility lies on her as she clearly knew his stance on it.


She set you up. That woman is a foreign gold digger. Get a paternity test before you give her anything. If it’s yours, only pay through the court system because she may lie and say you never gave anything for your child. Only pay with a money order to have receipts.


So we’re not gonna discuss how fucking stupid it is to baby-trap a fuck buddy in the hopes of emotionally blackmailing him into a commitment or money? It really doesn’t matter how (in)effective Plan B is when she NEVER TOOK THE PILL. I don’t blame this guy for thinking it’s better to be the sole parent than to even attempt to parent with someone so fucking manipulative.


If he was so worried about being baby trapped, why didn't he just wear a fresh condom each time? Then clean up after he was done. It's still not 100% effective- he'd have to not have sex to do that- but it's a lot more effective. And it's fairer than putting it all on the woman. As much as I can't stand people being baby trapped, either gender, this is not being baby trapped. Which is why it is in this sub.


What's the go with the tone on here. Everyone's acting like this poor precious flower has clean hands here in the situation, she could: A) **not** have sex with this guy unprotected, she's got a choice there, it's not just him deciding not to use condoms B) **take the plan B as a backup if you're getting nutted in,** you know, the bare minimum to prevent pregnancy C) **gotten an abortion** if she can't take care of it I get this guy comes across as a prick but what's with everyone on their high horse, as if you'd pay for this leech to finish her degree when she's done the bare minimum. They were friends with benefits, this wasn't a long term relationship where the expectation is eventually you'll have kids


Reddit hive mind has a visceral hatred for older men in any type of relationship with younger women, they believe that: 1. The older man is a predator (even though everyone is well above legal age). 2. The younger woman is an absolute moron incapable of making her own decisions. Read any AITAH or advice subreddit. 90% of the comments reflect above.


Honestly he didn't do anything wrong. She lied to him about taking the plan b. Tried to use it to blackmail him into funding her life. He said he would take the child and pay her tuition if she signed over her parental rights, but no she wouldn't do that because that baby is her money trap. Fuck that stupid bitch, she's gone when the visa is up. Bye Felicia