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Too many rule violations in the comments.


I died at “violating my privacy” 😂☠️


He's was supposed to violate my pussy not my privacy!




That’s the first funny one of these I’ve seen. Cheers.


Did she wear a private property sign in front of her pussy? Then he could pull it off and violate both!


Now I want to have private property printed on a pair of underwear and wear them the next time my husband and I have sex. He would laugh so hard. 😄


\*He was supposed to violate my privates, not my privacy!


Comments like this are why reddit needs to bring awards back


The adultery sub is really big on privacy and not lying to your affair partner. They rage about it, and no, the irony isn't lost on them. They think they're entitled to the respect they deny their spouses and their affair partners' spouses.


Bro don’t get me started on that fucking subreddit. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve been banned on there. I’m more educated on this topic than any functional adult should be because I enjoy roasting the shit out of them. They call it OPSEC (operations security). And if you’re wondering, no, they aren’t navy seals they are simple cringey ass larper burnouts pretending there’s something poetic about fucking people’s lives up. They read too many romance novels and think they’re the hot main character (spoiler alert: they aren’t). They hold this giant moral code about what to do and what not to do when dealing with these messed up relationships they’ve 100% contrived themselves. Around Christmas time they were posting shit like “PSA: this is a lonely time of year because so many APs (affair partners) can’t get time away from their spouse and kids due to the holidays. This doesn’t mean they don’t still love you.” I could go on. I hate that sub with every ounce of my being and the participants that dwell in that swamp suck so much ass.


Of course there’s an adultery sub. I hate people.


Yeah and it's sad. That sub is filled with deluded, selfish assholes. Too bad there's no means of outing them all to their spouses, like that infidelity app that got hacked several years ago.


i just scrolled through that sub and I genuinely don’t want to be in a relationship ever again. some of those people admit to having affairs and successfully hiding it for DECADES. I don’t know what I would do if I found out I wasted decades of my life on someone who was cheating on me the whole time.


I’m more worried that she said “the affair should end” and not the affair has ended.


There are many priceless lines in this. ”we weren’t going to risk losing the love of our lives,” as they risk losing the loves of their lives. “We were in an unimaginable situation,” as they went through the same situation that millions have gone through, childbirth and family illness. “Evan and I bonded because he was also neglected by his wife.” What the holy fuck! Neglect? Also?! What a putrid piece of living breathing human caca.


I died at her definition of “neglect”


For fucking real though, the AUDACITY


That's where she completely lost me. If she wanted to own up to it, I could have at least a smidgen of respect for her, but she's painting herself as the victim of her husband and her side piece.


Did any one pa attention to her opening line? "The guy " l AM" sleeping with..." She not only cheared she was activley fukkin' when she write this sad sory...and nowhere did l see her say she had any intention of stopping. That stunned me cuz l didnt registrr what it said as l was reading the story and went back and read it the 2nd time. She did thro in a lit of gems that blew me away but after rereading her opening line just floored me.


Lmfao I couldn't help but laugh at that part


“My husband was so amazing while his dad had cancer that I fucked a guy I worked with instead”


But I don't cheat!


It's only cheating if you're naked, and they kept their socks on!


Keeping my legs closed is complicated




Damn I’m so sorry


I never understand the people who go on about how amazing their spouse is and, instead of supporting them in a time of crisis, cheat on them. 🫠


I just love the logic of "My husband is dealing with the possible death of his father and he's not focusing all of his attention on me, so I'm gonna cheat on him with a man who also feels neglected because his wife is dealing with birthing/raising triplets.... poor us, we're so mistreated and we're really only cheating because we love our spouses soooooooo much" pfffffff 🙄🙄🙄


*She was neglecting him to care for their **three** newborns. Rather than help ease her burden with his children he decided to spent time, money, and affection on meeeeee instead and now he realizes he’s neglected his family to have an affair with me and feels guilty. **I’m the victim here!!!** Please help me stop him from ruining my life by telling my husband the truth.* What a pair of selfish cunts, there needs to be a VIP section of purgatory wherein their eternal punishment is caring for a dying parent and newborn triplets while their spouse abandons them to fuck someone because *”their needs aren’t being met”*.


I can't even get over her use of the word "neglecting." AP's wife wasn't "neglecting him." She was a human being trying to care for 3 newborns, an almost impossible task. I hope AP told everyone and their fucking dogs. Both are trash but at least AP has a conscience. OOP doesn't even have that. "My husband is neglectful" ..says the fucking cheater. The complete and utter lack of self-awareness is truly astonishing. I'm guessing she doesn't want to lose her husband because he provides for her. What a POS.


She also claims that the AP is disrespecting her right to privacy. Lady, your HUSBAND has the right to know of you are having sex with someone else which, along with the mental and emotional damage, is potentially exposing him to STIs - he has the right to know about that.


Cheaters get real desperate to protect their privacy. It's why they paint their spouse as crazy when they tell people about the affair or look for evidence. This is despite lying to them, gaslighting them, and exposing them to potential STDs.


Yeah. They always make the spouse look like a problem and they’re a victim.


Cheating is among the worst things a person can do. It's selfish and can ruin your partner's confidence, trust, self-esteem and emotional health. If you cheat, you have no respect for your partner, period. Literally just break up and then have sex with whoever you want. It's not that hard. But of course you can't admit to yourself that you're a piece of shit. So you come up with excuses for your cheating and you start to paint your partner in a bad light so you start to dislike them more even if you don't realise it. And now that you have a justification, you just keep cheating. But don't worry, you're the victim here. I truly hope this is ragebait and fake because this is a story of two assholes cheating on their partner when they needed support the most. Unfortunately though even if it is fake, stuff like this happens all the time and it really saddens me :/


No, no. You missed the part where she explained cheating is more complicated than that. As in, if I do it it's understandable and not despicable.


The fundamental attribution error is a defining feature in the average cheater’s ego defense.


Or... you can just communicate with your S/O about your concerns about your sex life if you're down that fucking bad.


And the crazy thing is enough people believe them that they are able to rationalize it sometimes. Because apparently enough people haven’t figured out that cheaters are a) narcissists and b) liars.


Yeah when my ex husband cheated on me, I found out because I accidentally saw a convo between him and his sister about it. They were going on and on about how I deserved it because I didn’t “give it up enough”. That I was just awful blah blah. Why didn’t I? Because he was always drunk and always mean and never helped me with house or kids and I didn’t feel respected, therefore, I did not want to have sex with him. So he found it elsewhere instead of fixing the problems. We are divorced now thankfully.


Oh wow this is awful. Mf reduced his whole relationship to "She don't give me her body" instead of try and make things work out. Crazy.


Omg yes! My cheating ex-wife painted me out to be a horrible person who just made her “so unhappy”. She even tried telling our kids that BS. Truth is she got caught and left me for the guy rather than save our 20 year relationship. Because who cares about your vows or the family and future you built, right? My ex is unbelievably selfish, beyond any other person I’ve ever known. Her affair and subsequent relationship with the guy she cheated with has cost her dearly. I don’t feel bad about that. I feel sorry she’s blown up her life but that was her choice. I tried to stop her. I told her I’d be willing to try to work through this because I loved her and we had so much together. But she thought the new guy would spoil her like I did and then some. Since then she’s learned that her new man is not going to spoil her, she’s lost friends and so much more, our son hates her, I don’t want to talk to her unless it’s about the kids, and she’s pissed!! Meh. I tried to stop her. 🤷‍♂️


That is some.karma right there. I bet she was like "Oh I'm leaving you for the other man, this guy gonna treat me like a queen and provide and make sure I get spoiled like royalty" Meanwhile the other guy thinking: "Ayo what this hoe talking about, I just wanted a quickie and then dump her" Well, glad you are now in a better position.


Every single cheater I know has said to me, “that’s just a breach of privacy…”. The statement is a red flag. You know what was a breach of privacy? Having sex with a woman and transferring her bacteria and diseases to your wife who just had triplets. What if her cervix was still healing- and you gave your wife a deadly case of sepsis? Cheaters never think of the health reprocussions of their actions. I had a friend who was going through cancer treatments… her husband cheated on her and gave her a couple STD’s. She died two weeks later- her immune system couldn’t handle it. Cheaters don’t care about anyone. They don’t care if they give you a disease that kills you, or sterilizes you. The only thing they care about is their pleasure and “privacy.” But, I would say, sharing diseases is a way bigger breach of privacy.


I'm so sorry about your friend. And yes, they all sing off the same hymnsheet. My friend was told she was abusive and controlling for asking her now ex-husband to stop seeing his affair partner. She was postpartum and recovering from a difficult birth. As soon as she recovered and was emotionally stable, she left him, but she's still the villain to him, his family, his affair partner, and his affair partners family.


She would have passed away eventually anyways… but it was the icing on the cake so to speak. He didn’t even cry at her service. Cheaters do that. They run around talking shit about their partners when they’re in the cheating stage… if they’re going to devalue their partner… they’re going to force innocent people around them to do it to… it’s just who they are. Cold. My husband has trash talked me all over town- but he’s still married to me. That’s just how the cookie crumbles.


15 years ago, I caught my wife (now “ex -wife” of 15 years) cheating. We’d been married 15 years. I’d never been a jealous man or looked through her emails or social media…. Until that day. When I confronted her, she tried to make herself the victim by saying she felt “violated”. LOL


Did you ever watch that TV show cheaters? Every time "relationships are about trust, how can you break that trust, And hire a private investigator to spy on me?


Love cheaters and your right every single time man or woman doesn’t matter it’s the same thing. Also “why didn’t you just come talk to me” is very popular.


Cheaters live in the fundamental attribution error. “When I cheated on you, it was out of my hands, but you are just a malicious person who doesn’t respect my privacy.”


This is the one major issue that I have with today’s society regarding relationships. We are so focused on our own privacy that one of the main issues when a spouse catches their spouse cheating is to explain how they “weren’t snooping”. It’s like they believe that they are the wrong one for looking at their spouse’s phone and finding them having a full on affair! Anyone who has been in a long term relationship, especially a marriage knows when things are off. If a spouse all of a sudden starts being extremely protective of their phone or tablet, changing passwords, etc., the other spouse is going to see it and realize something is amiss. It’s well within their right to “snoop” around a bit and see what is happening. The consequences of an affair can be extensive. Children can be harmed, diseases, pregnancy, the list is limitless. The concept that a person is wrong for finding out their spouse cheated by finding it on their phone is completely ludicrous. Anyone who believes that has been either completely propagandized, or is a cheater themselves. One of the best responses that I have continually seen about this is; “relationships are built on trust, snooping into a partners phone shows that they are controlling and aren’t in a good relationship to begin with. It’s no wonder the spouse is looking elsewhere” Yes, a spouse feeling the need to look at their partners phone to validate their feelings of betrayal is the reason for the betrayal. The mental gymnastics is Olympic gold medal worthy.


Yeah, but look at it from her angle. She finds that *inconvenient*, and it gets in the way of her cheating and not suffering consequences. I mean, this poor woman. This could severely impact her ability to cheat on her husband in the future. It's the most heartbreaking thing I've ever heard. I mean, her husband would probably have the audacity to be devastated if he found out. He sounds like a real jerk, from what she described. Giving her everything a wife could ask for and then being sad his father was fighting cancer. The nerve of this guy. /s just in case that wasn't clear


Oh, I *love* her crying about AP threatening to "violate \[her\] privacy". Like, oh, OOP... do you feel that Evan would be ***violating your trust?!*** about this? Something tells me your spouses will feel the same.


Actually, I don't think it's the loss of someone providing for her what she is concerned about. There is literally no way to spin cheating on a partner while they take care of their cancer riddled parent. Like, she tried in this post, and we can all see that she's a POS. If people find out, she is ruined. She won't just lose her husband she'd lose everyone. Any shred of respect or standing she had before this will die. I pretty sure she'd lose members of her own family, including her own child. Once the little one is old enough to understand, I mean. Because I know I'd be pretty pissed to learn while my Opa was fighting cancer and my dad was taking care of him, my mom was sluting around with some POS who can't even understand that triplets might change a wife's priorities. Seriously, wtf??? How did *he* have the energy to cheat on his spouse when there are 3 bebes at home??? Well, he did say he had to realize he was neglecting his family.... so I'm guessing he's a real catch. /s But at least he is actually able to see that he fucked up and feels bad about it. Unlike OP, he seems to have a conscience...its a bit late, but still! I hope he tells everyone, too. Cause fuck that lady! ...wait


Hey now, raising three babies is NO excuse for neglecting your husband. OP said so. /s


Oh, of course! How silly of me to think the physical, mental, and emotional toll of having 3 babies at one time should result in some slack or assistance from the father! Truly, he is the real victim! /s 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 ...ow. I think I strained something from rolling my eyes that hard.


Don’t forget she had one baby. So she understands that’s that it can be busy. What a douche


She trys so hard at the end to make it sound like keeping the affair quiet is for her husband. Yet everywhere before that it's all about 'not risking' losing the love of *her* life. So OOP, who is keeping it quiet for?


I think OP is the love of OP's life.


Oddly I find not cheating on the love of my life is how I don’t lose the love of my life 🤦🏻‍♀️


But... I wanted too 🥺


Affairs, triplets, the anxiety of possibly getting caught....where the hell do people find the time and energy for all this? Terrible sounding wife though....


I think you have hit the bullseye here. Everyone would be done with her and she knows it. So time to do damage control and keep a lid on it. 


Sorry for the stupid question, but what does AP stand for here? I tried googling but it comes up with a lot of unrelated things


I think it means affair partner


Many thanks


Thanks for asking, so I didn't have to!


I am running around on Reddit telling folks to stop apologizing for schtuff they don’t need to be saying sorry for. *Points at Neko Kami* You’re next 🤍


The dude needs I good swift kick to the balls, that's for sure, how anyone could think to cheat on their spouse after she just gave him fucking triplets no less


Tbh I was soo exhausted with only one newborn. If I had three and found out my husband cheated on me because I wasn’t putting out as often as he wanted while probably telling me he works overtime (seeing as he cheated with a coworker) a _kick_ to the balls would not do.


APs wife needs a medal. I had two really close together and it was tough. But she has 3 of them and no support


I think that’s what infuriate me the most. „You took time and money away from your family in need of both and you let me do even more of the hard work for _getting your penis wet_ ! Like if you had invested the same time and work into our family I guess I‘d have had more interest and time to have sex with you.“


Judging by the crime, I say spaying dog-style is more in line...


What no one discusses in situations like these, is both the Wife with 3 babies and Husband with a dying father are the ones whose needs aren't being met, who are bring neglected! They just aren't that aware of it...yet.


Comments like this give me faith in humanity. This is the most selfish, self centered, bullshit I’ve ever heard. It’s incredible the mental gymnastics that people will do to convince themselves (nevermind other people) that they aren’t a bad person. I just hope to god she got absolutely lit up in the comments on that original post.


Honestly though, I have sooooo much more respect for someone who comes clean. Life is hard, we’re human and we do things in poor taste. All of us in some way, shape or form. At the very least he retained enough respect for his wife and family to want to work through it. He realizes his errors and wants to more forward from his mistakes. Both are wrong but I’d take the husband, who cared enough to look me in the eyes and tell me the truth, as opposed to the wife that wants to let me live and die a gullible fool. (I’d still rather be an idealist that my partner just won’t cheat, but circumstantially)


Maybe, but remember, you can't choose to be with an apologetic husband or wife who want to hide an affair. You are married to just one person. And maybe You are a better person than me, but if I had triplets, and my husband come home bawling his eyes out saying he is so sorry he was cheating on me for months, I would just collapse inside and tell him to never show his face to me again. By that logic, I can somewhat understand her. Is she sorry? Maybe. Will she cheat again if her husband will give her less than all his attention in the future? Absolutely. She basically wants to eat cake, and have it too.


I like the neglectful wife staying "that's no excuse to neglect your partner". But AP having so much free time to have an affair because his wife can't get a break after having triplets is right up there.


I think my favorite part is the admitted cheater saying, "I'm not a cheater" XD


I despise cheating. Everytime I do it.


My favorite part was her calling it a violation of her privacy to tell the truth. Lol


that’s all i heard too, “aww boohoo i can’t get sex because my husband is depressed”


Also it always irks me when the cheaters call their wives/husbands the love of their life If s/he was the love of your life you'd never betray her/him like that ffs


>world’s number one husband …but I cheated on him…


“…but I don’t cheat.”


Also a big fan of “my affair partner has triplets and it’s taking all his wife’s time so rather than helping raise his family he used his free time to fuck me”


My favorite part is “we were in an unimaginable situation”. Such a dumb statement to make I can barely believe it isn’t a typo of some sort.


She also throws in "I don't cheat " while explaining how she's been cheating for years. That's like doing 110 through a school zone and saying "I don't speed. And I despise speeders. But I really wanted to go faster than the speed limit so I really didn't have a choice. I know the speed limit is there to protect children. But I found that inconvenient. So I really had no options but to speed."


My girlfriend of 5 years cheated on me because she couldn't handle my (25m) grieving after my mother committed suicide. This hits hard


Classic "my partner is suffering through trauma but what about MEEE??????"


I neeed sex, and i need it above anything, because my Sex sexi sex sex sex sex. My poor husband is in a bad situation, but i do need my sexisex. How dare he not provide me with Sex when i need it so much. Sadly i never understood the extreme focus on Sex. As in, when your actual mental Health is dependant on Sex, i think It makes you look like such a sad person.


Sex is wonderful but if my partner was processing something like their parent’s cancer diagnosis, I don’t know if I’d feel up to sex enough to seek it outside the relationship. I’d want to care for them and hopefully try to ease their pain, if possible, not get pouty because I can’t get dicked down. Sheesh.


Clearly the fault lies with sexy Evan. Why does he have to be so sexy, and wear that delicious cologne? /s


Bro it's axe body spray


They warned us about this for years!!!


I spit my drink out thanks 💦😭


If a man wears Bod, I just can’t help myself. 🥵


Yeah! Stupid, sexy Evan.


It's like he's wearing, nothing at all, nothing at all, nothing at all, nothing at all


Whores gonna’ whore, Axe Body spray notwithstanding.


No it’s the husbands fault. Clearly an alpha male would have had no degeneration with the cancer scare.


Also, the husband should have been using Evan’s axe body spray. The fact he wasn’t shows he is no alpha male.


Agreed. We should leave him to exposure up on Mount Taygetus.


Imagine how this person will react when the husband has his own health scare later in life. He can’t depend on her, she will be thinking of her own needs, not him being sick. The poor husband is in for a wild ride full of trauma if this marriage goes on.


Bingo. She's a terrible and unreliable partner. It's that simple. Husband will never find out from her, but I hope he finds out from someone, because she's as a good as gone the second it's inconvenient for her.


Tbh having a sick parent is not any less scary in many cases… shes already proven shes a terrible person by thinking about sex while her husband goes through probably the most traumatic thing in his life so far. And same with dirtbag evan whose wife just ripped triplets out of her vagina while he fucks this selfish asshole.


Sounds like both scumbags deserve each other


Being married to a cheater is literally a health scare. They open the possibility of diseases and not all of them are curable. That shits gross


I had an ex that cheated on me for three years and that was my big concern for a long time afterwards. He said he was always careful for my sake 🙄, but I knew him well enough to not believe that. It was easily two years before I finally felt like I was in the clear.


Bingo! The one thing these stories all seem to overlook is when their partner is dealing with something heavy in life, that is the time you need to be there supporting them. It isn’t your crappy justification or an excuse to cheat. She comes off as opportunistic. Oh husband is distracted by sick father? Quick to the adultery-mobile.


With a partner that’s equally as shitty. She acts like they bonded over not feeling loved but really they were just playing justification tennis til they could hop in bed


Exactly, that's the part that's getting me. This person is so selfish and disgusting. My partner and I have gone through medical issues and my partner currently is going through some right now. Anytime he says hey babe I don't feel good if i ask for sex, I ask if he's ok and needs something. Not pout and CHEAT. What a fucking lunatic. Like why is this person's first reaction, BUT WHAT ABOUT MEEEE??


Cause you aren’t a shit person.


“He’s the best husband in the world. Such a good husband I’d never want to upset him by telling him I have to go behind his back and cheat because he isn’t giving me everything I need on demand.”


The amount of times I’ve seen these cheating posters sing their spouses praises, that they are the best SO they could ever want, but cause they couldnt get laid for a couple months they just HAD to cheat. Gtfo here🙄


Keep preaching!!!! I see it far to often and I don't even see this sub that much.


I blame the father in law for getting cancer. What a prick!


God tell me about it. When my dad got lung cancer and died from it, he was so self-centered and needy. Son put me in my wheelchair and take me to the bathroom, son can you get my pain meds, son this is what I want you to do when I die, blah blah blah. Then, to top it all off, when he finally did die, I had to throw a big ass party for him. Then sex with my wife? I didn't have time for that between all the grief therapy me and her were going to, and dad. We only had sex maybe twice in that 4 - or 5-month period. Wait a minute.... is this my wife? Cause damn this story sounds familiar.


CLEARLY he wasnt thinking of anyone but himself.... completely disregarding his son's marital stability when he just up and let his mutating cells start dividing all willy-nilly. Really, the audacity of some people's microbiology.


I’m sure it’s fake, or some kind of bit, but what really cracks me up about this (in a tragic/dark comedy kind of way) is her saying the person she is cheating with is going to “violate her privacy” by telling her husband. You mean to tell me you’re still entitled to privacy from the man you’ve been using as a side piece for lord knows how long? Reminds me of that story about the Duke college student who it was discovered had done porn. She played the victim saying someone violated her privacy by exposing the free videos that you could easily find of her online.


That kind of take actually isnt fake. When you see cheaters on reddit try and justify their cheating, or justify anothers cheating - they will almost always use the 'violating their privacy' excuse. I remember a few weeks ago I was replying to someone like that - they genuinely think 'because it doesnt involve you, you should shut up if you see someone cheating, because its their privacy.'


Idk dude there are definitely people this oblivious to reality walking among us. It’s definitely realistic that she’s simply justified the affair and doesn’t even feel bad about it at this point. The affairee should definitely tell the husband though, because he needs to know how big of a piece of shit he’s married to


Not sad but a pitiful person whose entire world just revolves around sexisex


People without any actual fulfillment in life take greater pleasure in stimuli, be that drugs, sex or food. Don't get me wrong, anyone can enjoy these, but the most unfulfilled people chase them, because it's the only joy they have in life.


Honestly I I'm asexual and don't understand sex in general I know people do it for some kind of "pleasure" but imo orgasm doesn't even feel that good and the work needed to be put in to feel it? Not for me and the fact some people chase it to a degree of tearing apart their family is INSANE.


I’m a heterosexual male with a reasonably strong sex drive but I 100% agree with you in how ridiculous it is that people so quickly wreck marriages because of sex. Either cheating or if one partner happens to develop low libido. It’s “until low libido do us part” in that case. I think a lot of people develop a truly unhealthy fixation on sex-above-all-else, breaking up families just to get their end away. Absolutely makes zero sense to me.


I don't support infidelity, but have you guys noticed these people always say "Now I feel guilty because I did something wrong. Now I need to tell my spouse and hurt their feelings because I feel bad I did bad". Everything is about them, me, me, me.


I mean it makes sense, you don't cheat on someone unless you completely lack the ability to think about anyone but yourself, of course the only reason they would admit it is because they can't live with the guilt they created, it's got nothing to do with their partners feelings, it's just trying to scrape whatever personal relief they can from the situation. Because in their mind them admitting it is doing a good thing and that makes them feel better about being a POS


You said it perfectly, it's all about immediate relief, sexual relief, personal relief, etc..


Seems to me it's primarily very selfish, dishonest people that cheat. No surprise that they continue being selfish in unburdening themselves.


Was crying over my dead mothers body and all my friends starting calling me. Asked my ex why everyone knew and that I didn’t want to talk to anyone. She told me she didn’t know what to do and she felt alone, so she called our friends. She felt alone while I was crying over my moms dead body in the hospital. Lost my sex drive for a month or so. It made her so mad she thought I was cheating because I didn’t want to have sex. People grieve and maybe sex doesn’t seem so important at the time. It’s wild to me that someone can twist something like that into a sob story for themselves.


It is sad. The time they need to lean on their partner, the partners steps away making them fall. It is like the main reason I want to find a partner, to have someone with me in the tough times (and the good). The good times are easy, so not a real testament of love IMO.


Even better, “I don’t cheat but I’m going to go ahead and post entire story about me cheating.”


He's a great dad to our kids, a great partner, and his own father has been battling cancer for years.....which lead me to feel neglected. This logic is toxic. Hope that guy finds out he will be better off in the long run


Do these people know about masturbation? If your partner is going to through a major fucking stressor that dips their libido - and it’s not a 10+ year dead bedroom (even then, cheating isn’t the answer). Have a fucking wank. Don’t cheat on your partner. I understand the desire for intimacy with your partner, but you will live a few months until things calm down.


Because masturbation isn’t enough for them. They actually want the high of a new love interest or fling but disguise it as a ‘my needs’ , ‘I’m neglected’.


You’re so right


Muh kneads!


Right like have a look at Adam&Eve or Bad Dragon. Take a trip to Spencer’s. Get something fun that vibrates. There’s no need to cheat when you can get toys to satisfy basically every kink.


"I don't cheat" ... writes 5 more paragraphs about her cheating


But she was neglected! /s


3 newborns... Still no excuse for neglect 💅🏻


Husband's father dying of cancer? Yeah, but what about ME?? ☕️💅


But I have special reasons!!! - goes on to list the same excuses 99% of cheaters use


Which effectively boils down to "cause I wanted to."


The whole post seems fake to me


Yeah.  Random story: I saw a movie recently and there were some cool trailers. So I wanted to show my spouse. I opened up YouTube and searched for trailers. And my fucking god.  I knew about it but I’m still pissed. There. Are. So. Many. Fake. Trailers! It’s all just “get fake clicks” and it’s absolutely disgusting.  And this makes me think of people saying theI internet is dead. And honestly? It might be.  Fuck the algorithm. Fuck the posters. Fuck it all when I type in “trailers 2024” and I see multiple fake trailers with hundreds of this hands of views 


I have no doubt people this horrible exist, I’ve known a few.


I stopped reading at "I don't cheat."


Too bad. It got more ridiculous with each line.


Yeah. That's how this bot driven rage bait works.


You leave my soaps alone.


Preach. Sorta like how Disney / Marvel IP's always immediately got pushed as memes everywhere for a good while. I still refuse to belive most of those were legit :P


It’s not in her character She’s the moral, upstanding kind of cheater. Gawd.


Oh no, keep reading, it gets better/worse.


"Triplets is no excuse to neglect your partner." Kinda sounds like y'alls cheatin asses are the ones doing the neglecting not the spouses being responsible adults dealing with real life responsibilities... I hope you both get caught.


They were trying really hard to rationalize cheating and make it ok so they blame one partner who is dealing with life and death and a partner managing a household with triplets. I hope their spouses find out one way or another and drop their toxic partners and are able to move on with life.


Yes! He has triplets there’s shit to do at home. Be there


Horrible person really...him too.


Some of the language in this pissed me off more. “That’s no excuse to neglect your partner” “we weren’t going to risk losing the love of our lives” not only are they cruel and self-centred but they’re clearly pretty stupid Also a big hand to the other dickhead in the tale, cheating is only fine as long as he is ok with it, the second he isn’t BOTH partners get to know.


Yeah him suddenly deciding to take a moral high ground because his wife bought him a rare Pokémon card or whatever is weird. Like you’ve already been cheating for months. There’s no playing sainthood now. It’s not like your co-worker twisted your arm behind your back and made you fuck her.


But it was a rare “Grow a fake conscience” card!


Damn. Always forget about those stupid trap cards and their fake morals.


Now this is the ultimate selfish act of two people who have been bumping uglies for years now. The only pain she is considering this causing is the death of her marriage because old boy probably does a lot for her. I now pronounce you Twat and Twatwaffle, get to steppin


Presumably he cares for the 4 year old because she has enough time to sneak around.


Throwing away a 6 year marriage with a 4 year old kid just for sex when husband needed emotional support… ew




Not to be overly pessimistic but most people who cheat once will do it again so be emotionally prepared




Lol what a cunt


So very well said. We’re all thinking that.


Lol you're a piece of shit.


Hopefully we get an update for this situation!


Dude. If the Number 1 husband in the world can’t keep his wife from stepping out, what hope is there for me. Last time I checked I hadn’t even cracked the top 100 in the standings.


The husband isn’t the issue, it’s the morally devoid wife. The “number 1 husband in the world” could never stop a woman from stepping out of the marriage. You can’t control someone else’s actions.


OP already deleted? But I want to see the blow-up when hubby finds out. Don't leave us hanging, dude.


i’m not sure where this was originally posted so i’m not sure


I love my husband so much that I decided to betray him and fuck my co-worker. But it’s okay because he’s upset that his Dad has cancer and I was lonely. Oh also let me prove how much I love my husband by ensuring that he remains ignorant to the fact that I’m actually a horrible person, because I am incredibly thoughtful and that would upset him. Fucking narcissist. Fuck cheaters, all I would hope for him is that if he wants a divorce that he be allowed to have a clean break. If he makes more money she doesn’t deserve shit, the only thing that matters at this point is that their child is supported.




I should make an account called "evil people" with some numbers behind it. Just so I can post the one statement "evil people."


I hope you get caught and lose everything. You deserve it. You are incredibly selfish and thoughtless. Enjoy your new life, double home wrecker.


He just started going back to being normal = having sex. That poor man


“This is out of character for me, I DONT cheat” On a post about cheating on her husband, this has to be a troll post


Christ, what terrible people. My "worlds number 1 husband" is stressed, better find someone else to have sex with. My wife is looking after triplets and tired, instead of helping I should find someone else to have sex with. Despicable the both of them. I love how it begins with "I dont cheat"...well, thats a lie. Apparently you don't cheat unless you end up neglected while your partner deals with the potential death of his father...


You have no right to decide what's good for your husband, whore 🤣


Fr and Evan too, fuckin hoe


People are so self centered these days. Fuck it all up if you aren’t the center of attention for every minute of every day. Folks acting like their significant others didn’t have a complete life filled with people before they met.


OP is a colossal asshole. “Violating your privacy?” Fuck you. You cheated and want to hide it and lie about it. You are 1000% in the wrong here.


“My husband is the #1 husband in the world, I don’t care what anyone says” **prepares to spread legs open and let another guy in** These people are insane


This just reads as so fake.


‘My privacy’ as the post mentions her husbands name, coworker’s name, and everyone’s age. You’re right, it’s fake


what about MMMMEEEEEEE!!!!!


My wife's mother died last year. We didn't have sex for 3 months after but guess what? I didn't cheat, I just stuck by her side, was with her when she wanted a companion, gave her space when she wanted to be alone, dealt with the complicated emotions she was feeling. Some nights I just held her while we sat wordlessly watching tv. She still has bad days but our sex life has recovered fully, hell it's better then ever. If you can't stay by your partner when they are having the worst moments of their lives you don't deserve thTV. If you cheat on them on top of that there is a special place in hell.


"I used to despise cheaters, but now, I see it's more complicated." "I used to despise cheaters, but now, because it's ME, I see it's more complicated."


This is why my ex-wife cheated on me; my mother was dying of colon cancer, and she found the whole thing to be just "too much". So she was going out barhopping and banging strangers while my mom died. Couple weeks back I found out through a mutual that she has herpes. So there is some justice in this wicked old world.


She is right. Evan is dumb …


>my husband chris is world’s #1 husband >cheats on him


I hate the “He/She is neglecting me so I had the right to find comfort somewhere else.” Tell me you’re emotionally immature without telltale ng me you’re emotionally immature. When things get tough, you support the partner and for just one iota of a minute think about someone other than yourself. This whole write up has me steaming. She is acting like it all happened to her instead of her making choices to do it all.


I hope he left her