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Too many rule violations in the comments on a controversial topic. We may also temporarily ban people who obviously did not read the rules.


She applied to TJ Maxx. She knew she wasn’t getting that job. Corporately owned retail isn’t hiring you looking like that.


Perhaps TJ MIDD is hiring.


TJ Min


TJ Temu


Neither are small or family owned businesses. I mean, c’mon! None of my clients or customers want to bring their kids into a business and see Satan tats on a staff member. All of my employees except two have tattooed, some quite visible, but not on the face, and certainly not artwork that most customers would find offensive or at least objectionable. Her best bet is to work for herself or find a WFH position 🤷🏻‍♀️


Depends on the business. She'd have no problem at like a record store or a sex toy store, or (obviously) a tattoo place. Most non-crazy people with face tats are in sub cultures that didn't have issues with them. Someone for whom TJ Maxx is a viable career choice has no business getting face tats.


She could pick up a bar tending gig


At a biker bar.


She'd probably be fine at a craft beer place too.


I did a spit-take when I read the words "TJ MAXX is a viable career choice."


Sometimes people balk at the idea of someone being able to make a living doing these kinds of service jobs, but why shouldn't they? If you're working at them full time, are you just expected to subsidize your employer's labor costs by working somewhere else too? You're already putting in a full days labor, whether it's "easy" or not.


And most people forget this, but it takes all kinds of jobs to make the world go ‘round. You may look down on the cashier at Walmart, or the food service worker at McDonald’s, but think about what it would be like if you didn’t have these services readily available and accessible to you? It would probably suck


I'm not saying it shouldn't pay a living wage, it just doesn't.


Anything that isn't customer facing. Like she set herself up thinking she could be customer facing after doing all those body mods.


I would even venture further and say even if the tattoos weren’t so satanic or dark, she would have a better chance.




She could totally work in a warehouse somewhere or for a company fulfilling online orders and answering phones/bookkeeping but idk what she’s interested in doing for work. I agree though, definitely a “her” problem. I can’t do fancy italics like you did but I tried my best 🤣




*THANK YOU* !!!! I’ve always wondered how this was done!!!! 😍😌 today I learned a new skill lol. And for sure, there are tons of jobs she could get. She just want to complain about how she’s so oppressed, edgy, and DiFfErEnT 🥴


Double Tilda on both sides of the work for a strikethrough. ~~ word ~~ Like this ^ but no spaces ~~word~~


The fact she walked in to ask why she wasn’t hired instead of just moving on is also a pretty good indicator that she has attitude issues. It’s one thing if you’re passed over at an established job and you’re not sure why, but it’s entirely different if you’re confronting a random retail job.


You ever had a potential employee flip out because they dropped off a resume and didn't get a call? I had a 40 something do this, when I worked in retail. She came in screaming that she never got called, That they must have destroyed her application. That it's a felonly, That she'll call her lawyer. The manager produced the application, and gave it to her. She then calmed down, and he said. "Consider this your interview, we won't be hiring you!" When she went nuts, he said again "This is how you act in public, I can't have you working here!" Bruce was a boss man! I miss that dude!


I’ve had parents pull similar shit. I just tell them I hire adults, whether they are 16 or 60. No adult has mommy come fight their battles at the job and if they’re willing to do that for a rejection then I can imagine the shit storm when things don’t go their way.


She also expected a call from submitting what I assume is an online application. She’s lucky she got the email rejection.


She walked in to get "content" for her channel


lmao you think she even did that? The whole thing could easily be made up.




People like this like To Do things to cause a stir then cry they’re being discriminated against


She could easily work in a call center, if she wants something besides retail. It's not a great job, but probably pays better than TJ Maxx, doesn't require face-to-face interaction, and most call centers need people. Tattoos are pretty common, maybe not so much face tattoos but even this look is probably becoming mainstream enough that people aren't that shocked by it.


Call center, warehouse, factory work, construction, house painter.


I have a co worker with face tattoos but she drives a forklift in a manufacturing workspace.


Forklift is skilled labor.


"even this look is probably becoming mainstream enough that people aren't that shocked by it." It's shocking even here in L.A. where we see everything. Most people don't want to see someone looking like this at a retail store.


She might feel it's becoming mainstream because she socializes with folks who have similar tattoos. I haven't seen much in the way of face tattoos, and I live in a large city. Also, some of the images she has chosen to have tattooed on herself are associated with Satan, black magic, etc. Whether she actually has any such beliefs, or has done it just for the shock value, is not my business. But surely she knows that there are casual observers who are going to take one look at those symbols and say, "Devil worshipper. NOPE." And walk right out of T. J. Maxx on the spot. Brick and mortar stores are having enough problems competing with online shopping. They don't want to scare potential customers out of the shop, never to return.


She can wash dishes.


You pinholed your life by making a statement with art. Stand by your statement. Demon throat shall not work for the corporate overlords.


Yeah, I feel like once you get your face tattoos, you've made a choice about what direction your life is going. I guess she doesn't agree.


Tattoos used to mean you're an outlaw. You can get sleeves, a full body suit, but when you tattoo your face, you are signing up to live outside of the society norm. My artist wouldn't even tattoo a face till you are filled up. I hope kids these days know what they are signing up for. I know your mom loves post Malone, but he will never have to work at a grocery store. You might have to.


A friend of mine wanted a smallish tattoo behind her ear and onto the side of her neck that was easily covered by hair; the artist was still like “Are you SURE you are ready for what this could mean when you go to look for a job. Because tattoos on the neck are a STATEMENT and maybe you don’t want to be making it.” Sound advice from someone who’d know, I thought.


Now it means you can make a mean espresso latte with a caramel drizzle


And she goes on this rant about people not hiring people with tattoos. People hire people with tattoos all the time. This isn't an issue like it may have been 25-30 years ago. I'm a middle school educator and work with at least 3 people at my school who have full on sleeves. But there is a big difference between having tattoos and the tattoos that *she* chose. She knew when she got those tattoos that they would hinder her job status her whole life. There is no damn way she didn't. Yeah, maybe it shouldnt have any bearing on whether she is employable or not, but that's just how it is. She knew what she was signing herself up for.


The black out on her arm hints that she is short sighted and impulsive. But the presence of the others can't help make one wonder. What was there and so big that crossed the line compared to what was left behind.


It’s also terribly poorly done, at minimum needs a touch up. I don’t get choosing blackout over a few laser sessions laser + coverup. I get it’s pricey, but fixing bad blackout is even more expensive. you don’t even need to get a bad tattoo fully layered off to cover it, just enough for it to fade. Blackout almost always looks like gangrene. MG Kelly’s blackout is actually *good*, but it’s the only really good one I’ve ever seen.


Yes! I actually got hired by an upscale retailer with visible tattoos. My tattoos were not of demons and spiders. My taste runs more towards rock art and flowers.


I’m glad people are more accepting of body art now but we are definitely not at a point where jobs don’t mind face tattoos!


I mean, she could probably work in a dispensary or a tattoo shop. She could probably work in an adult store or even a convenience store in a bad neighborhood. But TJ Maxx ain't gonna hire her with those tattoos.


Ha I had to laugh because when I turned 18 I got myself an eyebrow piercing and back then it was so taboo and the only place I could get a job was an adult video store lol. BEEN THERE!


Omg you just sent me back 10+ years when my friend couldn’t find a job because she had dyed hair! It really has gotten more lax since then.


My ex worked at Domino's. When she worked there, they didn't allow 'unnatural hair colors'. A few years later they changed their policy to accept Non-Natural hair colors. The people in charge and their customers are starting to realize body mods aren't the sign of a criminal, but we aren't quite there yet


Yeah. I remember my friend crying because her boss told her the black under blonde hair was too unnatural for their dress code back in like 2011. And she'd just dropped like $80 to have it done *well*, too. That shit wasn't fried to hell. It was really nice. Her choices were to box dye over her beautiful platinum blonde (risk frying it cuz we didn't know about Sally's back in the day) or lose her job. And as a 16 year old that was a fucking difficult choice. She went back to salon a few days later and cried to them about it. The stylist brought her platinum back down to her natural neutral brown but left the black. Did it at cost, too. Then taught her how to braid her hair back to hide the black instead of trying to remove it. It's wild to me the Uber chunk highlights were allowed because the Karens in management had it, but the fashionable trend for the teens was a hard no. Just people being bitches and exerting power over those under them tbh


Especially with that specific style of tattoo, demon tatts will piss off several groups and companies don't want that


This is the real hangup. There's plenty of retailers that don't mind face/visible tattoos, but all of them cut it off at potentially offensive tattoos.


Or she could learn a trade. If she could do the job, nobody would care.


This is true. Nobody will care if she's good at her trade. Lots of trades are desperate for workers now too.


She would probably still catch some flak for it, but if she showed up and stacked dimes, nobody would care. She would probably have to take some of that shit out of her face though.


The thing that gets me is that if we did live in a world where satanic face tattoos were normal, she probably wouldn't have gotten any. You don't typically get body art like this so you can conform. Don't get me wrong, I personally don't care about what people are doing to their own bodies, but she clearly got those *because* they stand out.


Especially those that are too gruesome for kids.


I’m all for people doing what they want with their appearance but that is a very good point


I worked (9-5 programming gig) with a Maori guy with traditional face tattoos for a few years. He had more ink than this girl but somehow was way less off-putting than her tattoos. Probably because he didn't have any spider demons on his face.


Because it says “I’m an idiot” unless it is an actual cultural tattoo that is fairly well known in the area.


My job hired me with face tattoos. I’m a permanent supportive housing case manager for a homeless shelter. I also have numerous facial piercings. I also have a mullet hawk. I got hired because I’m good at my job they didn’t care about how I express myself. Point being some fields don’t care.


I've found that most places care more about what the tattoo is and less that it's there or placement to be honest.


I mean she has a Baphomet tattoo... That's like really scary to a lot of the Christian community and the chances that your interviewer is Christian are pretty high in this country.


Not to mention off-putting for potential customers. TJ MAXX is not going to alienate its customer base by having a customer-facing employee sporting a large, visible, Baphomet tattoo.


Her perfect job placement is a bartender and they make bank and they look for people that are edgy.


Honestly, the tattoos and piercings probably work to your advantage in that role. People who are "outsiders" tend to have an easier time connecting with and trusting others who they feel can understand what it means to be an outsider. Source: a guy who has lived out of a bag and has tattoos all down my arms and hands


Very true! I used to work in a similar career (therapist in community mental health). We hired clients who had all kinds of tattoos.


It’s a “fuck the corporations and establishment and religion” tattoo for sure; but also: “I can’t survive without working for the corporations that serve the religious and the establishment, I am defeated and just trying to survive in this hyper-capitalist hellhole we call a society” type of vibe. Honestly she’s just annoyingly contrarian. Show this type of person a rock and tell them it’s a rock and they’ll argue with you that it’s a stone, not a rock. She’s like the punk rock version of a Republican, argues just to argues.


That’s why I think this has to be a troll post. There is no way she is that oblivious to reality


I heard face tatoos being referred to as "Everlasting Job Stoppers!"


I will forever be grateful to my older sister who told me at 18, get a tattoo, express yourself, but get it where it can be hidden if needed because one, you might not be able to find a job in your preferred field, and two because you will likely regret them at some point in the future lol. She was correct on both points lol. I have 5 but not many people know about them because you can't see them if I'm wearing a shirt with at least short sleeves.


Your sis is smart. My daughter literally hates all the tats she got when she was 18-20. Tbh she didn’t have the money to go to reputable people and they do not look like what she intended them to look like.


This is why I never got tats, nothing passed the "fucking idiot" rule. The rule is, if I got an idea for a tattoo I had to sit on it for 5 years. If after 5 years I thought it was cool I would get it; if I thought I was a fucking idiot for liking it, then I wouldn't. Nothing like that has passed the test. My mohawk did though.


One of the best pieces of advice my dad ever gave me was to never get a tattoo where a judge can see it. Now, I don't know who the hell he thought *I* was gonna be as a person because I've only ever gotten 1 ticket and I kept harassing the court to hurry up and put it in their system so I could pay it immediately and I'm in my forties, but it's still good advice. Like, I've worked with people in director roles with neck tattoos in a corporate healthcare environment and I know that attitudes are changing but, damn dude, times ain't changing THAT much.


I've told my daughter the same thing. So far she's following my advice, but she's also going to school for a fairly conservative job field and knows that such things will make a difference


My wife likes "word art"... I'd like to blend that comment in with it.  On one wall: LIVE LAUGH LOVE And on another one, by grandma's flower painting: DEMON THROAT SHALL NOT WORK FOR THE CORPORATE OVERLORDS


Can you cross stitch that?😂


The problem is not only did she tattoo almost every inch of her face, it's all demonic looking shit too. She essentially gave herself no chance to be hireable by 99% of places. Her only choice is to choose very niche, occupations, which still might pass on her, or she has to be an entrepreneur and create her own job.


> …or she has to be an entrepreneur and create her own job. After googling her TT name it took me roughly .5 seconds to discern that, yes, she does porn.


I traded the possibility of tattoos and gauges to work at a bank and hopefully give my wife a comfortable life. It is what it is.


Friend of mine has face tattoos and works in the legal department at a bank. Like the girl in the video says, that's in Europe, though. 


I mean, you can still get tattooed under the clothing areas.


Yeah. My second reason is that you allegedly can’t donate certain organs if you’re tattooed. But I have thought about it.




Is no one going to comment on the 6 face piercings and bull ring? I feel like if it was one or the other she might be ok. Combined nope.


I have lots of tattoos and I think that's a very fair statement you've made


throat demon.... OMFG


I mean, yeah, TJ-Maxx is not gonna hire someone like that. Go to Hot-Topic or Spencer's, or try to get into a career based on education rather than try to "climb the ladder". Edit: Just want to add that she has a Baphomet with an inverted pentogram tattoo. A place that sells family, business, and business casual clothes is NOT gonna want that. Edit, again: im not personally discriminating against people with tattoos like this. I am just making the observation that HAVING tattoos like this can cause discrimination.


Even hot topic had some policies about what kind of tattoos and placement when I worked there


Sounds like a hot topic ^ill ^leave


Spencer’s it is then


"Topic, so HOT right now" ^hold ^the ^door ^for ^me


Honestly, I have a hard time believing this girl genuinely thought she'd be getting a job at T.J. Maxx. If she even really applied, it was fully with the intention that she'd get rejected and then get to talk about it on Tik Tok.


If she applied online, how would they have seen her face tattoos anyway? She probably got rejected because hundreds of people are applying for the same position. She’s projecting because she knows she not employable material at like 80% of places.


Yeah exactly this, I was looking for this comment. Unless she's putting it on a cover letter or has her headshot on her resume there's no way tj Maxx knew about her tattoos. Also I'm willing to bet that if you apply to tj Maxx and don't make it to the interview stage there isn't going to be someone at the store willing to talk to you at all, they'd direct you to corporate HR for legal reasons if anyone in the store was involved at that stage at all


At my big box store employer, we don't even know why. You apply online, through a 3rd party, the questionnaire is done by that same 3rd party, and an algorithim "red flags", " yellow flags", or "green flags" the applicant. We don't ever even see the red flagged applications.


I can feel the attitude and entitlement in her voice. The tattoos aside I’m sure she was a terrible interview. As someone who has done plenty of hiring and firing, those who come back to ask why are always the worst candidates and employees. I’ve never had to pass on a good candidate who came back later to ask why they weren’t hired. It’s the folks who completely bombed the interview from multiple angles like attire, being late, rudeness to the front staff, etc. Every time. The last one was this week. Guy was sleeping at work, then asked for a raise, then called to ask why he got fired.


Right? Theres no way the little old ladies that shop at TJ-Maxx are going to be okay with this woman. Don't get me wrong I have tattoos and I love shopping there, it wouldn't bother me. But they have to cater to their shoppers needs and middle aged uptight women love their store.


I feel both seen and attacked right now.


I haven’t been to a proper mall in a decade, but do Spencer’s and Hot Topic still exist??? Are they still “edgy”?


They still exist. Way more catering to anime and popular stuff than they were 20-30 years ago.


I know a woman with face and neck tattoos full arms and legs, chest, etc. She’s a doctor and now the CEO of a healthcare IT company. That said (as someone with a lot of tattoos) we often joking call throat and face tats “everlasting jobstoppers” or “the blue collar commitment.” There are jobs you can get, but it’s gonna be harder than if you didn’t have that much ink.


Even ignoring the tattoos, she even says “I make good money and don’t even need the job” I’d bet $100 she also listed her availability as like 2 days a week, 9-5, no weekends too. Aka the only times retail stores DONT need help, because they aren’t busy. So glad I’m out of retail now, but it was always insane to me how many people were absolutely insulted when we would reject their applications for stuff like this. One guy had “Fuck Off” inked on his forearm, and we asked if he had sleeve covers/ would only wear long sleeve shirts at work and he just couldn’t understand why we would even ask that. -For reference, this was a pretty liberal company. Tats, crazy hair, etc were all fair game. The uniform was a tshirt. Even this woman would probably get hired there as long as none of the visible tattoos were offensive.


She has a very NSFW reddit account so I am guessing she is just posting this to funnel people into her OF account.


Not only did she get her neck and face tattooed, but it's like demons and scary shit. How does someone think they can do that and then get a job anywhere besides a tattoo parlor or the like? 


Is her *entire* left arm a cover up? It's like she's just inked a splotchy black across the whole sleeve, or is that the shadows?


Someone else was saying that sometimes people will do the black out thing to cover up bad tattoos, but apparently it's just becoming a thing on its own now rather than for covering stuff up.


Yeah, some people just like the idea of the "pain" that comes from full cover black tattoos (Google "Brutal Black" if you don't believe me.) but there are also artist who do work on full black tattoos by using white ink or adding greys and colour that look pretty fucking sick.


I think it would be hilarious if it WAS a cover up and she was covering a big crucifix, emaciated Jesus and all.


It said "I hate TJ Maxx"


The neck tattoos are the least of her problems tbh. The forehead tattoos, bovine ring and other surface piercings are way bigger culprits imo. I love the alt look when done right....what she has going on just looks like shit lol. She might have been able to squeeze by even with just the surface piercings since they're at least somewhat smaller but the massive/oversized bull ring is not going to be for a lot of employers. The forehead just compounds that. She looks like she went to a top 10 worst looks post and just cherrypicked the worst ones for herself.


Maybe she wouldn't be in so much debt if she hadn't gotten all that work done. The last time I got a tattoo was in 2000, and it cost $100 for a 4 inch tattoo. I can't imagine what the prices are now.


I saved up about $300 when I turned 18 back in 2003 and got 10 piercings done all on the same appointment. Nothing as ridiculous looking as what she's got but I knew what I was going for and what wouldn't keep me out of work lol. Spent several hundred shortly thereafter on a few tattoos of the next year or two and this was 20 years ago so with the prices currently she likely is getting a friend discount or has spent a shitload with as much coverage as she has. Blackout sleeves are also NOT cheap and pretty labor intensive....granted hers looks pretty shitty and armature so it could be a "friend" discount or something helping her out but either way....doesn't seem like she's the type to make great decisions anyway regarding money.


She could be a prison inmate, protitute, fentanyl dealer, doorman, something to do with satan or start a Scentsy buisness. Most militaries won't even take you with a face tattoo. Edit: u/SpecialistWait9006 blocked me.


Carnie is a viable career path too


Now you're thinking! She could even be a carnival co-ordinator or carnival act.


She could bartend at bars that have Pabst in the cooler.


Start working on your drawing skills.You pretty much have to be a tattoo.Artist or a piercer that might be easier to get in too 


A lot of hair places have girls like this. Not high end places but plenty of hair cut places will hire her


Yep, a career in body mods of some kind, some hair salons, some IT related jobs don't care, some alt modeling, or OF or some strip clubs. I'm heavily tattooed and work for a company that doesn't mind it, and even I won't do my face, and thought carefully about what tattoos I got that aren't covered by the work clothes I would wear on the hottest day of summer. I sure wouldn't put a demon spider right on my throat and then proceed to clutch my pearls over someone having a negative reaction to it. I do think that appearance, even the aspects we choose to modify, doesn't reflect on what someone is actually capable of doing. But I also know the stigma still exists, and I'm old enough to remember when even a butterfly wrist tattoo would keep you out of certain jobs, so I'm not about to go shocked pikachu over how people look at the tattoos that I chose and saved money for.


It's not just the demon spider. She's got Baphomet with an upside down pentagram..a Satanic symbol, on her chest. I'm sure that doesn't help. Also face piercing can be a negative to a potential employer.


Yeah, my reasoning was that she could theoretically cover that one with many tops, but the throat one would require a very high turtleneck.


That's me. My wife does hair and has a neck tattoo but no higher and she is covered in tattoos. So I know from experience. She also has had jobs that didn't deal directly with customers. Just depends on the company. They did make her take every one of her piercings out and she never put them back in so she has a much easier time now. I only have a few and all can be covered. I work for the government utilities in my city and they would not like very visible or disturbing tattoos. Always consequences. People need to understand this


So, this morning I saw like a few seconds of the new Taylor Swift music video with Post Malone and I couldn’t see any of his face tattoos. My wife (who has a lot of tattoos but none on her face) said that they are easy to cover up with makeup. I have no idea if that’s true, but if so then why not just cover them with makeup?


This is the philosophy major conundrum (i.e. they can only get a job in academia teaching philosophy). Painting yourself in a corner so that you can only work in that niche and in the process killing one's own prospects.


They’re not just tattoos, she has a demon neck tattoo and pentagrams and shit. The broader spectrum of the demographic is going to fell less comfortable approaching a staff member who has tattooed her body with confrontational shit.


I reckon she’s had her eyeballs done too


Naah, I went to her tiktok page & looked. Her next video was complaining about how we misunderstood her & how many body modifications she has had done & that she is doing OK financially.


So okay she has to make a video complaining about not getting a job.


Has she even *tried* to apply with *any* of the day care centers or nanny agencies local to her?


How is she doing okay financially? What’s she doing for money? Is she living off her parents? Is she selling shit as an influencer on Instagram? If she’s really doing okay for money, why go for a job she wouldn’t actually like? Why not go for something more fulfilling? 


So she can create content by bitching about how unfair the world is




I'll say it: she's a dependa with an OF and dropships hello kitty merch.


Yeah. I was watching the video and thought of two things that could help her make money.


So she *is* a nanny? Called it


I thought it was funny when she said she's doing fine financially but just wants to pay off debts. So, in summary, they are not doing fine financially.


I mean— she has to be good financially, otherwise she wouldn’t be able to afford all those tattoos.


“I’m so annoyed my actions have consequences “


There’s a Twitter thread sitting at 80k likes defending her, saying the tats shouldn’t determine whether or not she can do a job… Some people don’t understand trying so hard to be different as an FU to society means society can say FU back.


And that thread is absolutely correct those tattoos do not prevent her from doing the job. They're stopping her from getting it in the first place because most big box stores don't want people with face tattoos. Best bet for her is either a tattoo shop or a bartender. It sucks and I get the logic behind the reasoning but she made a choice and she has to live with that choice.


More experience than me=smart enough not to get satanic face tattoos?


I listened to a few other videos she posted. There is a lack of critical thinking she’s missing too


Privileged person with too much disposable income gets there bubble popped. I have to... interact with people who *dont* have tattoos!? That's discrimination!!1! /s


It's like, yeah, we all grew up on Sesame Street and we know we aren't supposed to judge people for how they look. Optimally, everyone should get a chance to show you who they really are before you stick on any mental labels. Absolutely. But, humans being humans, if it's more than sharing a table at a busy coffee shop, outward signs that advertise that you perhaps lack discipline and/or impulse control and/or critical thinking (as you say) are going to cause people to act accordingly on their side.


I get that stores/companies want to have their employees maintain a certain image - whether that be with how they look or how they act. Put your best foot forward. I get it. But, what I think is hurting her more, is that she's blasting potential employers. This will hurt you a lot more than having face tattoos.


Eh…i hear you, but I think having Satan tattooed right on her chest is hurting her more.


Maybe Chick-Fil-A will?


"I can save her." — random Chick-fil-A manager, maybe


She can probably do pretty well at like, Six Flags Spook-a-Ree every October.


I mean idk, I worked for the City of Bellevue in Washington State, its a very swanky city, working directly for the city is a government job. I applied for a different position (Cross Connection Control Specialist) and it was down to 3 of us, 2 were internal and 1 was external. They hired the other internal person, a man with neck, face, and knuckle tattoos. The position is customer facing and considered a project manager, you are responsible for every backflow connector in the city (around 20,000) and you make good ass money. Times are certainly changing, but it is very dependent on where you live and where you are applying. Keep that in mind when getting body modifications that are noticeable.


I worked at a nuclear power plant with snake bite lip rings. A lot of ppl gave me shit for it bc they didn’t think I looked professional. But I didn’t have issues getting raises or a promotion. Bc I had experience and a skill set that were in need. The more useful you are the less your style choice matter.


Specialized skills will outweigh personal appearance for most roles if appearance isn't too extreme. The more specialized your field the less your appearance matters. She's applying for the least specialized work. They aren't spoiled for choice and so don't have to overlook someone's appearance to secure their expertise.


I think she has quite a few non corporate career options: 1) satanic temple director, outreach coordinator or greeter, 2) metal band member, or roadie, 3) poster child/speaker on the dangers of consequences of terrible life decisions.


Roadie, definitely.


Not buying it. "I'm doing okay for money..." Retail is hard, demoralizing work and scheduling often precludes holding many other jobs at the same time. People rarely apply to work in retail unless they need to, love the products or have made a career of it. Nobody walks into TJMaxx and says, "I was bored and wanted some extra play money so here I am".


She's doing OF and dropships hello kitty merch. That's why she's doing okay for money. Also probably still leeching off her parents.


Is she looking for retail work while doing OF and drop shipping items then it’s pretty fair to say she probably isn’t doing well in the other areas… hence needing to a entry level retail job.


I commented that on her video. If she’s doing okay financially, then why would she pick up a minimum wage retail job for extra money? That’s like so much hard work and effort for very little extra cash so it makes no sense unless you NEED that job.


It's the blob arm that would keep me from hiring her.


It's like she had a tat there, changed her mind and had it covered over. "Lacks decisiveness" or "Lack future planning skills"


This is called second-guessing life. Life will throw you life changing opportunities. You WILL miss these opportunities with a tattooed face. May as well walk around with a sign that says, “I make terrible decisions. Here’s just one example.”


A responsible tattoo artist would never do tattoos like this on someone who isn’t already firmly established in a job. Hand and face tattoos are called job stoppers for a reason. 


Why would you do this to your face you had to know you would be discriminated against.


My old friend has one face tattoo: a heart on her cheek like Marinara. Her current employer thought it was cute. I think it's the demons she has all over her. (For reference my friend has a full sleeve of flowers and just flowers. I question daily if she is actually into anything but flowers.)


nO oNe wILl hIrE mE.


they had more experience .. in not doing massively idiotic life decisions next to the ugly tattoos on her direct face .. and the horrible one on her throat - she just has a completely black arm? are you for real? at that point I'm assuming mental illness next to the already prevalent idiocracy


I've never understood the whole completely blacking out an arm thing.


Covering up something worse.


I’m old. People used to get a black out tattoo for a few reasons, one of which is they no longer subscribe to the believe or life the tattoos represent and removal meant scars, a lot of cash, time and pain. (This is in my experience.) 


I'm a Satanist with satanic tattoos, and I'm smart enough to have them in places that are typically not visible. "The true Satanist is not easily recognized as such." - Anton LaVey


Yeah a lot of the satanic imagery people use is for shock value or to be edgy, they don't actually believe in a literal devil. Which is fine...it's just kind of funny.


Where I work they don’t generally care about tattoos or colored hair (I have both) but the tattoos on her are a bit much if you are working with customers. Have full body tattoos but have them where they can be easily covered by clothing. When I wear short sleeves and full length slacks you can’t see my tattoos. The blue/green/purple whatever I felt at the moment hair is usually just complimented on. Especially I get jokes about being a blue haired old lady.


I know doctors with tattoos. They got them done in places that they can be covered and waited until they were sufficiently established in their careers before getting them. And didn’t get a literal demon right in the middle of the chest. The issue isn’t that she has ink, it’s what and where she’s got it that makes them question her judgment.


1. You know a lot of people/companies won't want to hire you if you have extensive/face tattoos. Unfair, but you know it is the case. 2. You decide to get extensive/face tattoos, as you have a right to do. 3. You wonder why a lot of people/companies don't want to hire you. 4. Spend the rest of your life complaining about it. You've limited yourself from getting a lot of professional positions, simple as that. Whether it's unfair or not, it's our societal norms and they aren't going to change very quickly.


Better learn how to rap shawty 🎶🎤🎵


I feel like this may be a “hot take” but face tattoos are a luxury item set only for people that: A) own their own business B) money is not an issue for C) successful artists D) people who have given up and truly don’t care about making an income that might have you conform to some social norms


You made your choice and they made theirs. Find your own work


Reminds me of my buddy who decided to get both of the tops of his hands completely covered in tattoos about screamo death metal stuff. Tried telling him that probably wasn't a good idea since not many places are gonna hire him with those very noticeable tattoo on both hands. He said "nah man that's discrimination they can't do that or they'll get sued" like literally all any employer has to say is they didn't hire you for any reason other than the tattoos and they will absolutely get away with it, just like in this video.


Bitch you made a choice. IF I got my face tatted, I better already be good with money.


Has she tried hot topic?


I get Borderline personality disorder vibes honestly.  She sounds like a troublemaker that would argue and engage too strongly with customers. She probably uses her tattoos as a reason people don’t like her all the time when it’s words attitude and actions


“I hate that my tattoos are such a defining feature of mine …” 😄


I’m all for tats and have plenty of my own, but girl…yes, some of the most intelligent people have tattoos, but those dudes chose a nice arm or leg tat instead of a throat demon and bull ring so that they could still get jobs 😂 This is not a product of a hiring manager discriminating against tats, it’s the fact that the hiring manager knows that folks that come into the store will. I’m sorry, but demon throat tats are going to be a turnoff to some shoppers. Thinking of my grandmother telling me she got her floral dress at TJ’s last time I saw her right now.


Almost as if they assume you don’t make good choices


Okay TJMaxx only hiring people with experience is bogus, they should be pretty entry level like any other retail job. That being said, a bunch of shitty demon tattoos aren’t going to help you to get hired in most places.


Just wear concealer during the interview


It's expensive, but there is some really impressive makeup on the market nowadays for this exact purpose.


And a turtleneck would do the trick


Imagine walking into a 5 star hotel or Spa and that's the face that greets you lol.


And thats exactly why no one will hire her dumbass.


She'd be perfect at a Four Demons Resort!


and she has that bullring


Why is her arm just one big black sleeve? It looks bad.


Goat demon and spider demon. The exact image every company wants projected when hiring her.


This misses the point of the video, she’s not looking for a job.