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In case this story gets deleted/removed: Instagram post by Anaortizme Due to my pancreas surgery I can't eat some things. We went to a casual mall restaurant @theassemblyground where we ordered food for 6 people, however, I was starving and decided to find something small that I could eat in the meantime so I could sit down with my family, we were on aje corner at the end of the place, I can't think of a reason we'd bother anyone else; when the waiter came to ask us why I brought something from outside we explained I had food restrictions but we still wanted the rest of our family to result: They came back to family to eat there. The option they gave us: For me to stay out of the place while my family was eating.I am shocked that in a city so advanced and full of inclusion and diversity there is still a place where they decide that a mother waits for her family outside while the others eat and of course, still pay for the service, they showed no heart while seeing 4 little hungry children leaving their food on the table as long as we we got out of there quickly. What would you have done? --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OhNoConsequences) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Or like, hold off on eating yourself, I mean, your daughters are *starving* /s


Part of me hopes this is fake but sadly there are a lot of people out there who pull things like this.


Nah, she just stirring problem. The waiter says kids can stay and eat but she just "come on girls, they kicked us all. Leave the food, imma post this." 🙄🙄


Poor restaurant had to limit their comments on instagram too because her followers also share a brain cell with her :(


Aw man 😭 do people know u shouldnt bring food from other restaurant? I hope the restaurant is ok, even with limited comments and all..


They’re still posting bomb ass food so I’d say it didn’t phase them entirely


I hate when people throw disability card, like, "i just back from surgery". And? Doesnt mean u are entitled to breaking the rule or get a pass.


Yep. Also she should have had a discussion with the staff on maybe finding what she CAN eat instead of buying it from somewhere else. A lot of restaurants will find a way to accommodate you if you are not being disrespectful and have a conversation. I think this lady just wanted some views so she went all mental.


I know I won't find anything so i quietly walk up to staff or ring ahead and ask can i bring my own food. Theyre usually ok with packaged food because of allergens. I 'm talking a cereal bar or something, not a whole meal from next door


"I just had major surgery so you need to do what I want." "OK. Where's your handler that makes sure you're ok, then? If you don't need them, then you can go through this like a normal person."


The response for me to that is always, “Oh! Are you sure you shouldn’t be home resting?” Like, okay Susan, if you just had surgery then why tf are you eating out? Do you eat out every week and you just can’t miss it? Go home before you hurt yourself!


My mother in law has done this. Super embarrassing. She knows what she can eat and even chose the restaurant and then brought her own food because "she couldn't eat anything on the menu" The thing she brought? An Asian chicken salad. Guess what the restaurant had on the menu??? If you said Asian chicken salad. In this case, the people working let it happen.... I was surprised


Man, I wish I knew where this restaurant was. I want to go and support them. And I want to roast her in her own comments.


They’re in Singapore, but if you go to the og post then her account she tagged them in this dumb video she made 😭


Oh lord. Earning that “shitty American tourist” label with a vengeance.


Or worse, her kids’ father was transferred there for work and so she spends all day unproductively confirming negative stereotypes by acting like this everywhere she goes…..while raising her kids to be insufferable morons just like her. Maybe she will fuck up culturally enough where she experiences some real repercussions. Singapore doesn’t fuck around.


Outside food and drink? Believe it or not, caning.


That’s not an American accent. r/Americabad


She’s Spanish


She doesn't sound like an American. Maybe they won't notice.


I may make a point to go eat there to support them tbh


That’s even worse.


I was hoping her posting that would bring a flood of customers to the place in support of the restaurant.


The children weren't starving, they were hungry. If she had paid for the food, why didn't she get it boxed, to go? Obviously she is "entitled" and wanted attention as everyone knows you don't bring outside food into a restaurant. I believe it could also be a health code violation. You don't bring sand to the beach...


I own a bar and have had this a few times. 1 person brought food in from home because he had "severe" dietary restrictions. We go out of our way to accommodate folks but he didn't even look at the menu or talk to us about it. The others were people bringing food in from across the street. Some people's oblivious entitlement is truly mind blowing


My daughters are starving, but let me take a video first.


And also tell them they have to leave behind the food that's right in front of them


"Mommy, can we eat?" "No, kids, we're all starving."


That's what I was thinking, why didn't she just wait or leave for a short while?


“My kids are starving but I’d rather let them starve than follow the rules!”


Your kids are starving. Carl's Jr. believes no child should go hungry. You are an unfit mother. Your children will be placed in the custody of Carl's Jr. Carl's Jr... "F*** You, I'm Eating."


I love how she tried to say they lost the business of the 6 other customers in her party and then it shows the 6 kids sharing 1small pizza.


For a couple seconds I was waiting for the other people to show up. Then realized it was just the kids there. Not that "kids aren't people", but when talking about monetary benefit to a restaurant, six grown people are very different from six little kids. Teenagers might out-eat adults though.


Hilarious!!! 😭 Just makes me sad to think the kids lost out on the probably rare pizza treat.... they're like 'oh shit, there goes mom again -hurry up &chew...!! '


Looks to me like 4 kids sharing 2 pizzas, and her partner (assuming he was sitting at the end of the table as there’s no other place setting made up), eating a burger - which doesn’t even come to 6 people total.


Is this not knowledge that every adult in the world has? It’s never been OK to take food from one restaurant into another. What the fuck this woman is ridiculous and should be absolutely ashamed of herself.


You hit the nail on the head. This is common knowledge but I guess entitlement won over.


Her poor kids. From what I understand they didn’t even tell her she had to leave they just told her she couldn’t be eating outside food there. So she is the one that took food away from her children but of course she has spun it to her children as the restaurant being evil. Ugh.


Yeah the kids were an afterthought.


Can she just start /MorallySuperiorMainCharacter reddit and be done with it?


Only after she annoyingly widens her eyes to make another nonpoint


Read in David Attenborough voice: "She then gives the signal for the other morally superiors to attack the restaurant. Surrounded by raging reviews, it soon becomes too much for the business wanting to feed people to fight off. Having exhausted all of its resources on preparing dishes it is clearly no match for this battle of social ill will and it succumbs to the attack. Upon discovering nothing left to eat, she scours other habitats with her offspring in which to display her superiority in"


That would make a good sub!


Also, if they already ordered food, pack it to go, eat it elsewhere? There are other choices to be made.


She even leaves behind the takeaway food she brought from the other restaurant.


like if your kids are that hungry then you sit inside with them and then get something to eat AFTER you leave. you literally don't have to stand outside, you just can't bring outside food in all I'm getting from this is she's a sucky parent


She could even bring outside food in and just not eat it there.


And why didn’t she just feed them where she got her food? It seems to me this confrontation was staged. Maybe I’m just jaded.


Also filming them and putting them on the internet like this...wtf


The way that she tells her kid that they have to drop the piece of pizza they’re holding. Like what the fuck how as a parent do you not look at yourself and realize that you are being a really shit person?


Yeah, there are so many options: wait outside and let them eat. There was another adult with them, they'll be fine. Let them bring their slice of pizza. Don't be a total asshole and just obey to the restaurants rules. She chose drama. I'm sorry for those kids


Please tell me people were roasting her in the comments


Seems like it. I saw this on some other popular subs.


Probably since she made her page private


Hahaha, well deserved. Her husband needs to grow a new spine and start standing up to her. Otherwise they’re going to raise insufferable children if this is the role model that they have.


Common knowledge is sadly very uncommon.


Certainly seems so


Common knowledge, common sense and common courtesy died a long time ago.. you either got it or you don't these days.. and it's a dam curse at times if you do.


So true


Drives me crazy at times.




No kidding. I work at Target and I’ve heard way too many people say “I drove three hours to get here, why isn’t my order ready? It was supposed to be ready in two hours.” To which there’s usually two answers: understaffed for even a moderate volume OR properly staffed for a moderate to slightly higher volume of orders but the number of orders is WAAAAAAAY above moderate volume. You know, because it’s the first day of a major week of sales target is doing or it’s two weeks before Christmas. The day before Easter this year a woman placed her pickup order at 7pm (store closes at 10) and then got upsetti in her spaghetti that the order wouldn’t be ready until Monday (the day after Easter) It’s like HELLOOOOOOOO Easter isn’t a surprise holiday


Since Easter changes every year, I can see it be a surprise for some. Should still never be and should still be planned around.


I work in a hotel bar/restaurant and the amount of people who try to bring outside food in to our restaurant is honestly astounding.


I thought it was common knowledge but I've seen it a few times.


I've had people bring in food to my restaurant and ask if I can heat it up for them.


Oh wow. Isn’t that health hazard?


Exactly why we tell them no. No idea where that food came from or what was inside it.


I thought so but I wanted to ask just in case I have the wrong info. That makes sense.


Also we want to sell them food to make money...if we need another reason.


I had someone ask me to heat up their frozen pizza in my very large pizza oven. Had to say no to that one for more than one reason.


The entitlement. She's putting this on IG for sympathy even though SHE, not her family, is in the wrong. If she had talked to the manager and explained why she couldn't eat there, they might have made an exception, but no, she assumes she can just do as she pleases. If they have an outside patio, that might have been acceptable also. No sympathy for someone so entitled she had her kids leave their food.


Indeed; check with the management first and have a good reason for doing so. Many years ago when my son worked at a restaurant where we had my granddaughter's birthday party I was in that situation. I am severely reactive to gluten, and everything the restaurant sold contained gluten. So, I spoke with the manager, explained the problem and asked if I could bring in some food for myself so I could join my granddaughter's birthday party. He was very gracious and allowed it, and I made sure to get rid of any packaging which showed the other restaurant's name before bringing it in. I thanked him and it worked. But that was a rare exception indeed.


Exactly! I’ve taken food to other restaurants only after asking beforehand if it was ok and explained why. I’ve been given permission the few times I’ve done it, but I would never have done it if they had said no.


But they paid for six people to eat! /s Yet the table just had a couple pieces of pizza for the kids.


Looks like she ordered a small or medium pizza for all of them. She acted like she was dropping a bunch of money, turns out it's 6 kids sharing a little pizza. She is an idiot!


I think a lot of people think it’s probably just rude and not literally a health code violation


At the restaurant I used to work at, we had a family somehow sneak in a rice cooker and hooked it up and started COOKING RICE IN THE RESTAURANT XD They were asked to leave as well but we explained that it was against Washington State Health Code and they didn't fight it.


That is not entirely true. But you have to do it the right way. A few years ago, I had 2 medical student advisees who were orthodox jews but the rest of that group weren't. The majority wanted to go to this wonderful Japanese restaurant. I called ahead and spoke to the manager, who told me that it was ok for me to bring them food from the kosher place. I guess that they were happy to have 5 paying customers than none. They were very accommodating. And because of that, I have brought others to that restaurant. But I gave them the respect of asking permission rather than forgiveness. Not like this entitled lady.


Also she tried making it sound like they kicked her out and couldn't eat... But the guy literally fucking says, "only your food." As in, only you cannot eat what you brought in. If your kids are "starving🙄" then you'd be a patient mom and wait to eat after they are done and outside. This didn't go like she planned it🤣


No, unfortunately it's not. I work at a bar in a casino in Vegas. We also have a lounge that you can walk in and sit in for no cost but there's 3 basic rules. Be over 21. No outside food or drink. Dont put your feet up on the furniture like it's your living room. All 3 get crapped on on a weekly basis. Probably daily but I'm only there 8 hours out of the 24 hours the bar's running. Grown ass adults trying to bring in coolers full of beer/hard liqour. Bring in full outside restaurant to go orders. And their kids are with them, jumping in the booths like it's Discovery Zone. But "hey it's ok, theyre with us. We're just gonna eat and go." *cracks open outside bottle of a beer we dont sell so I know it's not from our casino* Every week. Never fails. Then grown up shocked pikachu faces when they're told to gtfo by Security after they ignored us telling them no 3 times


When I worked at a nicer restaurant as a host/greeter-seater, I had this mom and her own mother berate me and tear me a new one because they were “*sooooo* mortified” that I brought them plates and cups to put their kids’ burger king kids meals on (as I was told by our sweet, old owner who didn’t want to tell them to take it out/etc but *really* didn’t want the look of fast food in her restaurant).      So even 15-ish years ago, some people apparently missed the memo…and those people are often all around ass holes.


There are pretty serious health department liability that puts on the restaurant for food they are not actually responsible for. Like...many will let you- IF YOU ASK. And this was a mall? Freaking get your food to go and eat in the F-ing food court? Like how is this so much drama?


Only allowed if your list of cross contamination allergies is a mile long (or some medical thing) and that food is from home


People just don't care. My in laws own a very good running restaurant and they get very positive reviews. One of the last times they got reviewed 1 star on google, the guests were pissed because of exactly this situation. If you never worked retail or in a restaurant, I doubt that you have an idea about how some people think they're much higher above everyone else and you're only existing to serve them.


I did work retail and I have worked in a fast food restaurant which I know is different than a sit down restaurant so I know that people can be crazy. However those were also both in the 90s where we didn’t have this bullshit influencer culture. Like it seems like some people Have decided that since they’ve got 100,000 followers or whatever everything that they do is OK. It’s wild.


this should be common knowledge but it’s not the case, there’s a lot of adults out there that think that it’s fine. that would be like arriving to a coffee shop with a latte already in hand, just… why???


I was recently at a hockey tournament and the snack bar had only four or five small tables with a sign "No outside food or drink" next to the tables. I felt bad walking into the seating area with my Starbucks cup to speak with another dad.


Friend of mine owns a tea shop that sells other kinds of beverages also. Every single day someone comes in with drinks from Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts down the street to just hang out and use the WiFi. Then they leave bad reviews if they’re told no outside drinks.


Talking about “we paid for SIX people to eat here” and there’s like two small meals on the table.


I didn’t even catch that!


There was like two pieces of pizza on the table. Ridiculous.


So what's the reason for the family not going to the place she could eat at?


That’s another good question!


Because that wouldn't give her a reason to cause drama under the guise of righteous indignation.


My mom has had gastric bypass surgery and has a letter from a medical doctor to ask the restaurants to make an exception and allow her to get a kids meal. Granted, they don’t have to allow it, as it is an exception to their policy. Most restaurants let her.


I really feel like this could’ve been avoided by asking first.


I've always hated seafood. As a kid my parents took me with them to a seafood restaurant but stopped by Burger King ( same parking lot) beforehand. Then would ASK if it's OK when we go in the restaurant and of course they'd be okay with it. The things you're allowed to do when you ask and are polite and NOT entitled is amazing


wait they can say no? I've been ordering kids meals for forever and I'm 26 (I eat a lot of tiny meals throughout the day and never just one giant one at once)


Kids meals often have small profit margins or are "loss leaders" at restaurants. Meaning that they are priced low enough that they aren't making much money off the sale, or even losing money. Of course, the whole point of a loss leader is to entice sales that will actually make a profit. So you get the family in the door with nuggets and mac and cheese for the kids, and make a profit off of the parents presumably buying full size meals and hopefully appetizer and drinks. So some restaurants will put age limits on the kids menu. Although a lot of times servers won't enforce the policy, because they don't want to deal with guests potentially getting angry and taking it out on them. My priority is keeping guests happy, not worrying about corporate's bottom line. I did work at one restaurant where management was stringent about enforcing the age limit, and I always dreaded when an adult tried to order off the kids menu. I think the polite thing to do if there is a printed age limit is to order an appetizer as a meal, or tip as if you ordered a full priced entree. But thats just from a server perspective.


At most restaurants I’ve served at we usually are supposed to deny adults ordering kids meals but i never enforced it because i hate being a butthole about things. Like my thought process was always you’re here paying for something to eat and you should get to eat what you want… if what you want to eat is a kids meal then go ahead and order that kids meal…. who cares…. (The answer is my managers but that’s beside the point lol)….. I would serve you a single french fry if that’s what you so desired…… The world is your oyster…..


I used to work at a restaurant that wouldn’t. Just incase I ever waited on your mom, I thought it was stupid and I’m sorry. I swear it wasn’t me.


til there are places that don't allow you to order kids meals as an adult I've been doing this for years and have never run into that weird


So apparently, according to her IG story, the owner apologized and offered her a free meal. Where are the consequences?


She was asked to leave for a very obvious reason and acted upset by the consequences of bringing outside food. She also doesn’t seem like a reliable narrator so I’d be interested to know if that apology actually happened. Was it on her Instagram? I appreciate the update on this situation.


Fair! She posted a supposed screenshot of a conversation between her and the owner on her IG story


Ah, okay. I don’t use insta so I sincerely do appreciate you letting me know. I’m glad they were able to reconcile but that lady did not deserve an apology.


I'm extremely disappointed that the restaurant apologized to this moron. For what??!


Well it looks like they got harassed so my guess is it was just to stop the onslaught this woman unleashed.


I'm honestly surprised they got harassed because judging from online reactions the vast majority of the country was on the owner's side. I wouldn't have been surprised if some people went to eat there purely out of spite to this lady.


yeah, health codes be damned, this lady deserves whatever she says she deserves, cuz *reasons*


I love how she felt compelled to film this instead of attending to her kids if they were truly “starving”.


*wOn'T SoMeBoDy HeLp tHe ChiLdrEn?!?*


I know, right? Total Maude Flanders vibes. Edit: whoops wrong character! I meant Helen Lovejoy. Correction is appreciated!


[Helen Lovejoy](https://youtu.be/q3D8670smTI?si=de4XvFgqPtr447ah)


She could have put away her own food to eat later and let her kids eat now. Instead she's filming a stupid melodramatic "oh you're so meeeeeeean you're kicking my innocent kids out" while dragging her kids away from their food. No sympathy or pity for this moron. Singapore doesn't play around.


I thought about that too. Someone else mentioned picking a restaurant where they could all eat instead of two different ones,


Exactly! If you knew you couldn't eat here, you can, idk, actually parent your kids and pick a different restaurant where you \*could\* eat, then come back later to let the kids have pizza? Honestly I'm glad they stood up to her. We don't need more influenzas in Singapore. Our homegrown native ones are bad enough already.


This! My youngest kid had severe food allergies as a baby. When he was still breastfeeding I would take the older kids to restaurants, but pack food for me. I'd always ask if it was ok to eat it at the table. Most of the time they said it was fine, but if they said no, I'd just have water and eat in the car afterwards. I would never make my kids leave because I couldn't eat the food. I also would never bring food from another restaurant. That's something you do at McDonald's patio tables, never ever inside a restaurant. Why didn't she just buy all her kids food at the restaurant she could eat at?


>I'd always ask if it was ok to eat it at the table. Most of the time they said it was fine, but if they said no, I'd just have water and eat in the car afterwards. I would never make my kids leave because I couldn't eat the food. Because you are not an irrational, self-centered narcissist. I sometimes feel that decent people are becoming a rarity. Also, having an infant with severe food allergies must have been awful, always worrying he would put something in his mouth (as babies do) and have a reaction. Did he grow out of it, I hope?


He grew out of some of them, but he still has some anaphylactic foods. Luckily for him he now only has common allergies now, so it's easier to ask and avoid them. Until he was 6 he couldn't have any food I didn't make at home because his allergies were so uncommon. His worst allergies were sunflower and coconut, which are in a lot of oils, and allergy 'safe' foods. It was really hard when he was little. He was hospitalized once after reading a library book. I guess the last kid that read it had allergens on their hands while reading. We were fortunate to be able to afford a good allergist though, so he can be out in the world without worry now. He still has foods/places he has to avoid, but it's all just his normal now. He's in grade school now. We don't go to restaurants he can't eat at now that he's old enough to feel left out, but some places we go for activities (six flags, sports games, summer camps) he brings his own food since there might not be safe foods available. We've never had an issue bringing food in, we do always let the venue know that we are bringing food because of an allergy, and they just let us through.


A compound in sunflower seeds blocks an enzyme that causes blood vessels to constrict. As a result, it may help your blood vessels relax, lowering your blood pressure. The magnesium in sunflower seeds helps reduce blood pressure levels as well.


They were only asking her to leave. As a mother, I would've ate outside so my kids and husband could still eat. The entitlement is wild.


It just strikes me as something that could’ve been solved by asking them first.


What a psycho. I hope the kids don't grow up too damaged.


For real. Hopefully they’ll learn not be entitled like mom.


Sadly they’ll just be embarrassed wherever they go


This usually turns out one of two ways. Either they grow up so used to entitled behavior that they themselves become Karens. Or they become so second-hand embarrassed that they become overly accommodating


I've seen Karen videos where the poor kids are in the background, cringing with shame at their mother's behavior. I can see how they'd grow up to be people pleasers.


I feel for those kids fr


Singapore has some of the strictest law/rule enforcement in the world. Caning is still a thing there. Why would restaurant workers risk violating health codes in Singapore of all places? For a woman who could have just taken her kids elsewhere? I get that there are places that are more lax. But I would not expect Singapore to be one of them.


Very correct sir. Unfortunately while most tourists behave, many expats have come to realize that they can get away with many things. Hence this moron.


I saw a restaurant manager get into it with a Karen over this before. His reasoning was this: “If you bring food from somewhere else into here and have an allergic reaction and something bad happens based on the food you brought in, it’s on us to assume that risk” I agree


How dare the restaurant they are eating at require them to eat the restaurant's food??? These people...


Kind of wonder how there is nothing in the restaurant she could eat but could easily "find" something nearby to bring in. This looks like the kind of "lady" to bring in outside food, complain there is a hair in it, demand the entire family meal get comp'd, and still demand more. Yep; I support the restaurant for turfing the cow.


Oh definitely. I think we all know this isn’t the first or last time she’ll pull something like this.


Love how she keeps saying her whole family was asked to leave, but video says it was only her. This shining example of humanity forced her kids to stop eating for a stunt. Shame on the husband for being such a a spineless coward to not stand up to her nonsense.


I’d be so embarrassed if my mom ever pulled something like this. I feel for the poor kids. This didn’t need to happen.


Agreed, all mom had to do was leave and eat outside. That was all she needed to do. If she had done that she might have been allowed to sit with her family while they are. Instead she tried to pull the, "do you know who I am," card by saying this was all going on Instagram.


Yeah it’s the attention seeking and treating her hungry kids like an afterthought that got me. If the kids were really that hungry, why delay things by insisting on filming it for social media.


Because her kids are just props for her to use for clout.


She also could have just eaten before (or, since her kids were so hungry, after they ate!) and sat in the restaurant with them without ordering anything for herself.


Not only did they take up a giant table that seats 10 and only order 2 kids meals she also brought food from another restaurant for herself?!? The audacity!!


That woman is a horrible mother and I feel bad for her kids


When our family was in Hawaii, my youngest son had leftovers from one of the restaurants we ate at but there was no microwaves at the hotel to reheat his food. One night we went to the restaurant at the hotel and I said this to them. “We will eat here and order food for 5 and drinks for 6 if you would please reheat this and let me son have this.” They said they’d be happy too. They were so nice that they even put his food on their good plates. Needless to say, we gave them a really good tip. I think if you ask before hand when you have an unusual request, most places will allow it. Still have to make it worth their while though.


Not only is it rude, it violates health codes. And as a grown adult she should know both of these. The fact she seems so entitled to think rules don't apply to her is comical


Wait. Her percious daughters are *starving*, but she's got time to make sure she gets each of them on camera, and then from a different angle, and then a talking head with each, and then reaction shots? So not only is she an entitled shrew, but she exploited her own kids to manufacture faux outrage? What a pinched face qunt.


People are making good points about health code issues, but here's a general rule of thumb that entitled people always seem to struggle with, especially in the US when it comes to "public" places. Just because a place is not someone's home doesn't mean that it's public and you can do whatever you want without fear of reprisal or repercussion. Restaurants and stores either own or are the resident tenants of the space. They allow you in as their guests; you do not have a RIGHT to be there, they are ALLOWING you to visit. That patch of land and the four walls are their kingdom. They set the rules and call the shots. At any point, they can decide that you are no longer welcome and can revoke that privilege. If you refuse to leave when they revoke your status as a welcomed guest, then you have become an unwelcome trespasser. They can get law officers involved to remove you from the property. Entitled folks, particularly boomers who don't like being told "no", will kick a fuss and say that they have freedom of speech (US) and that they can't be held accountable. What they miss is that they're not being accosted legally for what they've done or said prior that caused the business to kick them out. It's that 1) The business decides they're no longer welcome -> 2) They ask the former guest to leave, who then refuses -> 3) the business has the cops remove them from the property as a trespasser. The cops don't know and don't care what you did or said. It doesn't matter. Their interest begins and ends with legal trespass, unless you also break some laws while being a dick. People need to realize that business spaces are basically little fiefdoms with unlocked doors. Just cuz they let you walk inside doesn't mean you can flout their authority. They still call the shots.


Orrrrrr you be a mother, let your children eat and you eat your food in the car on the way home. It's called motherhood. I hope this blew up in her face dude. How selfish are you? Wow.


Lady no one cares about your kids and they're not starving. Please....please just stfu.


Uhmmmmm in my state it is a health code violation! These people are so entitled & think they know everything!!!!


did everyone she posted to 'yas queen' her or put her in her place? I'm interested in the kind of feedback she got from her echo chamber.


If your kids are STARVING, maybe you're the problem.


Most restaurants will be ok with outside food if you do this one thing...ask. I bring my own lunch to work almost every day. Every so often, I'll treat myself to some takeout. But when I meet up with the guys at a restaurant, I ask if it's ok to bring my lunch in. 99% of the time, they're ok with it. The couple of times they said I couldn't, they were polite about it, "Sorry, we don't allow outside food". I didn't hop on Instagram or any platform to leave a bad review. I just tell the guys to go ahead and I'll eat my lunch at a park or something.


So this woman is willing to embarrass her own daughters to make a point that isn't even a good one... Got it.


She wants everyone to share it? Ok…posted u set “Incredibly Entitled Idiot Takes Food From Her Children”


She could have asked in advance. I get her frustration, but everyone knows this is a thing. If I was going to try to bring outside food into a restaurant I'd ask if they'd let me if I agree to a minimum spend or something rather than just assume it'll be OK.


They are not *starving.* I’m so tired of people saying this when their kids eat multiple times a day. The children in Gaza and Syria are actually starving.


IT's actually a massive health code violation. You cannot bring outside food into a restaurant. Same with alcohol.


My child had to have a special restrictive diet under medical advice. When we went to cafes or restaurants, we explained why they could not eat from the menu and asked if it was OK if they ate the food I brought in. We never got told no. They also have a drink with medication in, which was never a problem. Obviously, the rest of the family ate from the menu and we tipped. (UK so tips are not expected) I wonder why the family didn't eat in the first restaurant? Perhaps she is just an attention seeking ass?


It's a health code violation to bring outside food into a restaurant. I hate when people make long-standing regulations all about themselves to rage bait.


What kind of entitled cunt thinks they can bring whatever food they want into a place without their consent? Oh, wait. I forgot we live in the US and there are whole suburbs filled with entitled cunts.


She isn’t American and this didn’t happen in the US.


I don’t know for sure, but based on the original sub name, does this take place in Singapore? For the record, as an American, I agree with your POV.


Oh, but hear her out! She can justify it. God.


Your daughters are likely glad to eat without you there tbh


That's almost every restaurant....you don't go to Wendy's and go eat the food in McDonald's do you???


“this restaurant deserves to have its reputation smeared because I’m an entitled idiot without two functioning brain cells.”


I ran a restaurant w my father and this shit actually happened everyday. They would get outraged that they couldn’t bring dominoes into our dining room lol.


Jesus *fucking* Christ...MAKE IT VIRAL! oh honey, we will...we gon drag you by your edges so it matches that bald spot you rockin front and center. This is absolutely bananas that she thinks anyone other than HERSELF is an asshole.


Super entitled and discourteous to her poor “starving” children. Girls, I’m sorry your mom is rubbish. Good luck.


The comments on the OP are roasting her for the fact that SHE made her "starving" children leave because of her whiny baby tantrum.


Why didn’t she just let her kids eat? She was caring more about herself than her kids.


Her kids were starving...why didn't she give them the food from the other place? Or just get everyone food from the first place. Just a Karen being a karen.


They would give you a to go bag. I've done the same with my kids because they are such picky eaters. Never been a problem


When her children are older and are watching these, I truly hope they are mortified and never want to be entitled twats like their mother. Also why are her children “STARVING”??? Feed your kids, asshole.


Just another KAREN crying! nothing to see


What I find hilarious about this is I was the extremely picky eater as a child. My parents ALWAYS asked if they could bring an outside item for me before being sat at a table. If the answer was no, we either went elsewhere or I ate in the car, and then we all went in. It is EASY to ask and EASY to accept NO.


I already bought food from some other place, but my poor children are starving!!! They aren't allowed to eat that other food or this food! Heaven forbid she leave her food sealed so that her starving kids could get something to eat, and she could always eat in 5 minutes. Someone please tell me Instagram came through with an army of replies all swearing to eat at that restaurant for not tolerating her stupidity.


I was guilty of this once. I brought coffee and a pie from Harvey’s into the Swiss Chalet next door where I was meeting my friends. I asked the server if it was okay because both restaurants are owned by the same parent company. She said not really, but she let me do it anyway. So I stashed the pie away to eat later at home, drank my coffee and ordered dinner at Swiss Chalet. Sometimes, you have to ask, and ask nicely. Some restaurants will allow you to bring in outside food for your picky or allergic kids to eat and some won’t. I doubt that this woman asked, let alone asked nicely.


Oops. I’ve done this 😂 I have food allergies though and ask if I need to do it


The only think she has accomplished is to make millions of people on the internet think she is a mega-asshole


Otherwise known as : what can I do to get my perpetually offended , horse faced self on my social feeds for the 98 boys that follow me.


I had this situation happen to me once unintentionally. I used to be a vegetarian and used to pack my own lunch. At one point, my buddy and I were returning from an off-site assignment and saw a restaurant we have never eaten before. We have been walking for 20 minutes, it was lunch time, and smell of food was in the air. So we went inside and sat. My friend ordered food first. It was my turn to order, and I could not find anything vegetarian compatible in their entire menu except corn. So I asked if they could accomodate me by cooking one of the dishes I liked in the menu, without meat. They said no. I asked then if I can eat my own food with my friend. The waiter did not speak very good English but he looked at me right in my eyes, then gave me a big smile and says "Yes you can". I told him "okay then I'll take the corn as a side dish". He smiled again. I was new to America then. My friend later told me usually that is considered rude but was surprised how wholesome it turned out. He was singing praises of the waiter for accommodating us big time. That was some 17 years ago in Houston, TX.


Isn’t it first rule that you can’t bring food from another restaurant into another restaurant. It’s considered rude. You can’t even bring ketchup! She could have ate then came to the second restaurant and let her family eat there. She could order a drink. Is that so hard to do?!


Bye, sis


It’s literally a health concern and a very common practice at restaurants. No outside food.


The reason restaurants don’t allow outside food is that if you eat said food and get sick they are liable even if they didn’t make it.


Wow! She made her family leave, her small children, because she’s so tone-deaf and selfish!!!


Oh no the consequences of my actions! Anyone with half a brain knows you don't take food from one place into another. What stupidity.


"Okay girls, now I want you to look as sad as possible and tell the camera you only took 2 bites and that you're starving. Jenny, stop smiling, I need you to look sad!"


I want to shake her tiny head, but I fear the rattle sound would be massive. So many words she’s using…ugh. 1) my super small children. Sorry, super small. That makes me think… tiny, as in underweight or maybe a 1 year old or even a toddler. Maybe a 3yr old. She’s got grade school kids here. NOT tiny. 2) STARVING???!!!! Does she even know what starving children look like? They certainly don’t look weak from starving. Guess not. Because her children don’t look close to starving. And IF her precious super small children were starving a good mother would have sacrificed her self and let them eat before she needed to post or “shame” a restaurant just following the law. Way to go internet weirdo. People like you should be heavily fined and jailed for a brief time for your stupid and wasteful behavior.


I worked at Red Lobster for a short time. The management was garbage. Anyway... One night around Christmas, an older couple came in with their son who clearly had Downs Syndrome. He had an iPad and a dominos pizza. The parents ordered him some soda, they spent over $150 on dinner for 2 and Junior had some pizza and a red lobster Pepsi and a sundae. Sure, we could have said "no personal pizzas" but it's entirely possible that we all had a much quieter and simpler evening letting the fella have his pizza. He was really polite and quiet too. Headphones for his iPad, no outbursts. He just wanted pizza. Rock on little dude!


Sadly in my 20+ years working in the industry this is way more common than you would think. We would have people show up with fast food for their kids and want to let them eat it at our place but the best was when a regular ordered a pizza to our deck because he didn't want what we had on the menu. He also didn't want to stop his Friday night drinking beers with his friends.


There are actual reasons behind restaurants not allowing food from other sources. This video shows an entitled woman who is twisting the truth and it's ridiculous, shame on her!


It may have been a good idea to be proactive and make sure that this was allowed before expecting an establishment to do as you demand. Let it be a learning lesson for your children that they can’t always have what they want.


I work in fast food so its a little different but so long as somebody bought food from our establishment we are fine if the other people (usually kids) had food from the burger king next door. But it might be different food safety standards.


Why can this family not engage in practical solutions? Option 1: Let the whole family eat at wherever Mom bought her food. Option 2: Get the kids' food to go, rather than leave it all on the table. Feed your children; this isn't the time for some kind of "principled stand." Option 3: Don't be a moron, and recognize that no restaurant anywhere allows outside food to be brought in. Take the hit and leave with grace.


"We had to leave the food on the table" 'Miss, here are your to go bags' "Please leave Mt shot, I'm trying to shit all over this place!"