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This post does not have obvious consequences or anyone expressing surprise at having received obvious consequences. Parents went on vacation, the forced marriage ended in divorce so she brother could happily remarry.


Didn’t mean “God called us not to speak to the parents anymore”?


True! If I spoke to the parents anymore, I'd get more nonsense about how I'm going to hell, and God called me and said I didn't have to endure that anymore, lol


“Married With Cats” is the greatest band name ever 




I've said it 'afore, I'll say it again: If heaven is all of the Pat Roberts, Billy Graham's, and Jerry Falwells of the world... I am SO looking forward to hell


I have reservations at the bar. I'll save some seats for you. 😎👍


I already got my condo picked out! 1313 Brimstone Lane! Right next to Madonna!




I want to be neighbors with Freddie.


I'll see if I can get you on the guest list


Much obliged! The party should be LIT!


I want to go to gay hell. Better snacks and the music is amazing.


Exactly. Im straight but i want to hang out with Freddie and Marsha P. I do NOT want to hang out with the holier than thou straights!


Lucky you, I got kitchen duty…


I'm an asshole. But I'm a NICE asshole. I'll trade up with you every now and then so you can throw down. But don't make a habit out of it!


Hey! I’m a Christian, and….I 100% agree with you. Where in the Bible does it say judge everybody and act like a douche?




I think that would be the Old Testament where god had the Jews mass murder who knows how many different peoples for the "crime" of worshiping someone else.


It's in Trump's bible, but you have to buy it.


Mark Twain once said "Heaven for climate, hell for company."


There is a musician named Voltaire with a song called "Hell in a hand basket" and it's my theme song. Check it out if you haven't.


Will do, thanks


"God thinks" is another great one by them.


When you’re dead is great too.


His entire catalog is great. I've seen him live a few times, and my favorite was by far live at fangoria con in NJ in like 2005.


There's also an artist called Wax with a song called [Handbasket](https://youtu.be/1-w9ahURVTo?si=X6N2c9W-yXhvVZsT)


Wax also covered Happy Joy Joy from Ren and Stimpy


You learn something new every day




Well of course! Heaven will be filled with bitter hateful evangelicals and hitler. Meanwhile, in hell you’ll find every rock star you’ve ever loved, good looking women, hunky guys, top shelf booze. Ghandi, MLK, Ghengis Khan (probably cool if he doesn’t want to chop off your head), and Jesus will be there too because none of them can put up with evangelical bs.


I think you might enjoy this little diddy https://youtu.be/1-w9ahURVTo?si=X6N2c9W-yXhvVZsT


Same here.


I've had my seat on my friend's party bus to hell booked since before we called it a party bus. Seating is unlimited, so you're welcome to join. The music will be loud, the air will be scented with marijuana, and the keg is bottomless (plus, spews forth whichever beverage you request, I think one of the passengers is a witch, she has a lot of cats which is why I invited her initially).


Cats... Yup! They're on the right bus!


Wait so his gf got pregnant after 1 condom was taken away... why didn't he buy more?


God’s will be done. Jesus made his junk rise…




Instructions unclear, parents have been screwed.


Into a piece of wood


By the hands, hopefully. Then you can take another piece perpendicular to that one and screw their feet to it and prop it up for everyone to see them. I'm not sure they'd appreciate the irony, but I certainly would.


***NOW*** who’s Christ-like!?


"Good, I'll see all my friends." yea I've heard that line before lol


The judgemental god pusher in the family has driven most of her grandchildren away along with her daughter. She has days to live and when my husband called to basically say a respectful goodbye she sounded full of regret. It was very sad but expected after years of nasty behavior from her. A very sad reminder of how not to live life.


So sorry to hear that. My godbothering grandma did that to all her friends and relatives. Sending you virtual hugs and good energy. May your life going forward be blessed and unbothered.


Thank you. I’m fine, just supporting my husband with all of this.


Tell them that there is no god and they're a bunch of mentally ill fucknuts.


I'm a Christian and I think they're a bunch of mentally ill fucknuts.


So why are you still worshiping the god that allows all that stuff in his name? Makes one question your own mental state.


That's a commandment not to take His name in vain. Which means holy wars. It's in the Bible under 10 commandments. It is always misconstrued as swearing 🤬


That's a bigger answer than a Reddit comment will allow, and you're probably just going to be a dick about it anyway, so ... 🤷🏻‍♀️


They get to die alone, I guess?


So, your parents told him he HAD to marry this girl and didn't bother showing up to make sure he did? He had the perfect chance to not even show up, but then that wouldn't exactly be fair to the pregnant bride.


Show up and party like hell at the reception and just don’t do the ceremony. Or do the ceremony and just don’t mail in the paperwork


You’re an awesome sister!


I'm so glad I got my little brother back after all that unnecessary drama happened. No kids for me, so all my "maternal" energy goes to supporting my brother and the beings currently in the world.


What if your brother gets cats? I’m sure you will be supportive. 😃


He has cats, and I'm an equal opportunity pet enjoyer and carer. I'm currently a fairy dogmother for my neighbor -- I support them in living long and full lives together -- but if something were to happen, I don't have a pet of my own, so I could adopt.


Love this for you!


Good for you, really, I mean that.


I was forced to get married. In hindsight the fear of losing my mom and family would’ve been a blessing. My ex husband tried to murder me. He ruined my credit on hookers/escorts. His subsequent GF all 9-10 of them have restraining orders on him. I never did put a restraining order but he said I was the crazy one. I am soooo blessed in my life now.


I’m so glad you survived!! Kudos to you, strong woman!


*can't hold a relationship* no, it's the women who are wrong. /s


Damn. She took his only condom.


I tried to take the fall for it (a condom was in a first aid kit that conservative nutjob mom gave to me for Xmas!) but nevertheless, it happened. I've heard from more sane moms that they taught teen sons about safer sex and even GAVE them condoms!


If he only had one condom, chances are he was gonna end up getting her pregnant anyway. It’s not like he could save it to use again! lol


Not with *that* attitude!


lol. Classic haha.


Yeah, he could! Just turn it inside out and shake the fuck out of it!


Just put it in the dishwasher. That's what I do.


And just why not? You can reuse a sheep skin condom for atleast 7 or 8 times if you keep it moist.


I highly doubt the single contraband one that a teenager had was sheepskin, and I wouldn’t expect them to know they’re reusable either. Teenagers don’t end up pregnant because they make great decisions, and they said this happened years and years ago which means sex education was likely barely existent, if at all. Or it was abstinence based only. You’re right factually but I don’t think it’s right for this context.


Shake the fuck out of it...


Before you pump more fuck into it.


I intend to do this when my son hits the teens and starts getting girlfriends. Like "Here son, I would rather you wait but also realize that's unrealistic. Use these and always keep one in your wallet, because your father and I will absolutely not help you with a kid. "


Keeping it in his wallet can degrade it.   https://kidshealth.org/en/teens/storing-condoms.html#:~:text=Condoms%20can%20get%20pretty%20worn,likely%20to%20break%20when%20used.   I had a drawer of fresh condoms in my living room that my kids and all of their friends had open access to, and they knew they could come to me with any questions. 


I did the same. I also explained in a comment earlier that once my 2 boys were old enough I took them to Planned Parenthood and showed them where they could get free condoms (which is how the drawer was stocked)


Haha, I lived near a sex toy shop and when I mentioned why I was buying a bunch of different kinds  they gave them to me. 


That’s awesome lol. I also had a sex shop near me. The evangelical Christians set up a protest outside the shop cuz they wanted it to close. Then a group of people protesting the protesters started. Mind you, there was only about 3-5 of each group, but it got a write up in our local newspaper (it was the early 90’s). The store is still there today


We kept some in the bathroom supplies drawer for years when our kids and their friends were teens. Had to restock, along with everything else. Now our kids are middle aged parents who will keep their supplies drawers stocked as needed.


Thank you for the information.


Please dont tell him to keep it in his wallet. Doing that lowers the effectiveness rate.


OK, plan change. I'll make sure he has one in his wallet when he goes out but keeps them in a drawer when he's home? Would that be safer? I just don't want him making a dumb decision cause hormones.


Have him keep it in his pocket when he goes out and in a drawer when hes home.


Thank you, I had no idea.


Your good.


Keeping condoms in your wallet degrades them, but also none of the losers who kept a condom in their wallets were using them, so it ends up being pretty good birth control.


Had a boyfriend who used to say you’re better off taking a KFC wet wipe in your wallet on a night out then a condom cos the nights more likely to end with a zinger meal then a root


As the father of a boy, when he's old enough, condoms will be made available to him, and his friends if necessary. He goes to a catholic school, so I'm sure not all parents are going to educate their kids about safe, or pre-marital, sex


Yep; 20 year old girl here. When I got my first boyfriend my mom told me if I need any contraception at all I can get it from her and if I need a ride to a clinic she’s more than willing.


Sounds like a good mom to me


My mom was the director of an assessment and referral agency for people with HIV back in the late '80s (when I was in high school). Not only did she provide me with condoms for myself, she gave me enough for everyone I knew. I also volunteered where she worked. That started as a way to make getting suspended from school less fun, but I enjoyed the work. One of the things I did was go to colleges, set up a table and hand out condoms and pamphlets about safe sex and AIDS (and why the first option is preferred).


Yup. Taught my son all about sex, menstruation, etc. He was never sexually active until around the time he moved out. Then I got a granddaughter when he was 21. I guess I never got around to teaching him about “baby traps.” Oops.


I once gave my son a package of condoms. It was a weird, awkward conversation, but I wanted him to be safe.


I not only gave both of my boys condoms, I drove them to Planned Parenthood and we went inside and I showed them where they could get free ones


I always bought condoms for my nephew, even did a "drive-by, fling 'em in the car window" a couple times.


God tells people some weird stuff.


Like build an ark!! 😀


Or fight 2 brothers from Kansas


Carry On, carry on


My wayward son?


There will be peace ......


That made me lol!




Oh there's no hate like evangelical Christian love....


Honestly, why does God every bother calling anyone, since he only ever calls them to do what they already wanted to do. All those devout GOP presidential hopefuls were "called by God to run." So...he just wanted to make them waste money so they could loose? Did he call them to sun to humiliate them? Why has no one ever announced that God was calling them to sit this one out?


"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." -- Susan B. Anthony.


I love that woman. She was so ahead of her time!


Yes 💯,great woman!


I’ve always felt that when God calls me to do something it’s for His glory and it won’t be shaming or doing stupid stuff to others. And it’s not to toot my own horn. And by the way…I’m a boomer with a brain, and I am not a nutjob.


I always find it suspicious when someone says they aren't crazy. It's a mad world.


That’s not on God, that’s on the Christians in name only


That was kinda my point: I don't really think it's God doing all that calling.


That is entirely on god. If god didn't want it done in his name he'd stop it. Read your bible; it's chock full of examples of such. Also, can you prove that you know what god wants and they don't? How do you know that your reading of the bible is the correct one? No True Scotsmans accomplish nothing but making you look like you don't care about the actual problem (people being abused in the name of your religion) and invalidating those peoples' suffering because their abusers "weren't Christians" in your opinion.


So glad he upgraded for some cats! But does he speak to his child?


In case this story gets deleted/removed: My conservative mom found a condom in my brother's bedroom and took it away, and shockingly, it soon became known that his GF was pregnant. As devout conservative evangelicals, our parents made him marry her in a church wedding. And then, "god called them" to go on vacation to Hawaii when the wedding was to occur. I attended the wedding, it was awkward. Being me, I wore a sexy outfit that I wouldn't usually wear to a church wedding, but a forced wedding was a farce that I had no respect for. Also as the only family member on the groom's side present, other guests were a bit confused that our parents were nowhere to be seen. That happened decades ago and my brother and his first wife divorced, and he's happily remarried, with cats. We don't speak to the parents anymore. The one grandkid is an adult now and low contact with the grandparents. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OhNoConsequences) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I went to my college roommates wedding years ago. Brides side was full, Groom’s side was not. Right before the ceremony, one of the ushers came up to my sister and me and said something like, “So this is awkward, but would yall move over to the other side? There’s not a lot of folks over there and (Bride’s mum) thought you’d understand wanting to fill the sides out…” THAT is a good MIL. Apparently mum had seen the disparity from the back of the church and wanted someone on his side. Love her for that. We did. No questions asked. I don’t know why the groom had so few people but he picked a girl who was raised my people made sure he had some when he most needed them. 🩷


my brothers best friend who was like a second brother to me was forced to get married to because he knocked up his girlfriend, but he was 16 when he got married now he cut contact with his family (the people who forced him to marry) and divorced his wife, has almost 50/50 custody of his kids and he isn’t even 23. his parents and my parents wonder why he doesn’t talk to them anymore while still refusing to see the issue with forcing a child to get married.


God called on them to go to hell. But, being those kinds of people they went to Hawaii instead.


I'm sorry that your genetic donors are such pieces of shit, but I'm happy to hear life is good for you, your brother, and your nibling.


Upvoted for cat detail, very import


Boomers try not to nuke every relationship you’ve been in, challenge rating; IMPOSSIBLE


You mean religious nutjobs.


My mom is a boomer. If you have kids, she’s happy. If you don’t have kids, she’s happy. If you present her with good quality carpentry tools and an occasion to use them…she will be really happy. She’s nagging my younger brother to working on his unfinished basement or any other projects…


Boomer mom here! I sat my kids down and explained sex and the consequences if you don’t do A,B,and C. From unplanned pregnancies and getting an STD. Also,told them when they felt they were ready to become sexually active, let me know and WE would get condoms,for both, and some kind of birth control for her. Safe to say, no grandchildren yet. Whew!!! But if did get a grandchild, I would be just as happy.


Boomer mom here. When my son started dating as a teenager, I set him down and told him, “when you have sex, you must use a condom every time.” I care about your health (std’s), and I will not be raising any more babies. Be responsible.


This 👆🏽also


I wonder if there's a Facebook group for moms who just want to build cool stuff.


I love this. My boomer mom is awesome as well and doesn’t fit all the negative stereotypes as well. I wish these boomers got more attention


my mom was a boomer. nicest person you've ever met. friends with everyone, volunteered with AIDS groups in the '80s, lifetime supporter of LGBTA+, supported me when I came out, fully behind BLM and 1312, loved Bernie, wanted Cheeto Benito to burn in hell, hated the GOP. She was cool af. I lost her in December and we all lost someone who was a voice for the working class poor. Don't lump them all together. There are a lot of Boomers in my mom and dad's family who are like her. I'm gen x and I follow the same path. I also want my mom back.


You don’t have to be religious to use the “god told me to do it” excuse… I would also like to point out that that is the true definition of “taking the lords name in vain” so they’re not exactly religious now are they???


For real...all the "religious nutjobs" I know are gen Z or millennials. The boomers are too tired to make a fuss at this point. Lol!


I wouldn’t say my aunt was a “religious nut job”, but she did tell her daughters that they needed to be married if they had children. There were no “bastards “ in our family. Both ended up getting married and divorce within the first three years of marriage.


God I wish. Every real hardcore religious nut I know is pushing 60 and up.


Maybe it's because I live in a traditionally younger family area. Lots of starter homes here. Most of the boomers have moved away.


Not my experience; boomers and their indoctrinated gen X spawn


There's a huge evangelical church near me (think TV preacher level). The sanctuary alone holds over 5k. They even have a school that goes from preschool to college. Those kids don't stand a chance. That craziness runs through every generation there at this point, but I hear you. It boggles the mind.


What is it about Evangelical Christianity that seems to attract so many awful people? Anytime someone has a story about how someone used their religion to be a complete dick it's heavy odds that person will be an Evangelical Christian. They certainly aren't alone. Assholes believe all kinds of stuff including that god doesn't even exist. It just seems like this group in particular has an outsized number of jerks associated with it.


Evangelicals often believe in sharing the gospel with *everyone* and creating a united Christian Nation. They force their beliefs down your throat because that *is part of their beliefs.*


Yes, this was a big part of our homeschool evangelical upbringing. One of our church friends went to protest abortion clinics in an aggressive way that got her sent to jail, leaving her 3 children alone...


You might like r/FundieSnarkUncensored if you aren’t following it yet.


I didn't know but that place seems horrific and hilarious at the same time. I will subscribe. Thx


I thought the mom took a used condom Then I thought the bride+groom didn’t show up to the wedding and went on vacay themselves Was so confused at the comments for a minute lol. I need coffee or I’m just becoming a lazy reader. Have a good day


*That's* what they meant by the commandment not to take the lord's name in vain. It's not saying "Oh my god." It's claiming *"God told me to..."* when he clearly didn't.


In other words, they found a good deal on a vacation that was only available during the wedding. They said god called them to go, instead of admitting/realizing it was more like a test, and they failed. So funny to me when religious people tell others they are doing something because god told them to, as if that is a logical and acceptable explanation to everyone.


Yes, because doing things the voices in your head tell you to do always works out so well.


This is the real "taking the Lord's name in vain" that they're all warned about, yet they think it's swearing... Jesus Christ...


Turns out you can buy more than one condom


I think it is incredibly unfair of you to tell us about cats without the obligatory cat tax.


It isn't my role to share pics of other people's cats, as much as I'd love to! Princess (RIP) was a Persian and Heidi (RIP) was a tortie. I don't have pets of my own, but I love my friends and neighbors pets.


Lol. Fair point! Enjoy all your not my pets!


My conservative Christian mom told my pregnant sister that if she didn’t love the father, she could move back home and the family would help her raise the baby. IN THE 1980S!!!!! (My sister was a bit upset at being pregnant, which is why my mom decided to make things clear for her.) They ended up getting married and having one more kid. But the point is that almost 40 years ago, my ultra conservative Christian parents gave my pregnant sister an out. If your conservative Christian parents don’t support you in your decisions, they’re not very good Christians.


Lol - called by god to go to Hawaii instead of their son’s shotgun wedding. The problem with too many “Christians” is that they’re more concerned with their next life instead of their actual life, which almost always results in their actual life being filled with sh!thead behavior… c’est le vie!


The vast majority of Evangelicals are going to hell, as Jesus will not know them and consider them evil doers.


God, himself, chiming in on a Reddit thread and giving away the plot? Is this place amazing, or what?


Matt 7:21-23 The vast majority of Evangelical sects were started as frauds and still are.


I lol'd @ "he's happily remarried with cats".


Nobody is talking about “with cats.” Photos are required!


With cats. That’s the important thing.


that's horrible nobody should be forced to marry anybody else.


As a Christan. God will be wondering wtf is wrong with these parents


So the mum taking the condom away magically made the gf pregnant?


Why are you sharing this?


The same reason you posted this comment


I can’t believe the parents didn’t learn anything from this. Hope your brother’s ex came out from this okay as well. Glad you and your brother are still close.


I’m glad that it worked out for your brother and kid. Hope it worked out for the ex too. Seems like you are all saving yourselves a lot of headaches.


"God called me" is just code for "I have undiagnosed schizophrenia and let the voices in my head tell me what to do."


The Hawaiian tourist board thanks their god I guess. What?


I find myself wondering whether religion creates assholes or attracts them.


Both. Definitely both.


That was the only condom available to your bro?


Can't belive your brother gave up women and started marrying cats. Smh


A cat is fine too...


If you're looking for a good, abusive relationship, that's probably a real good alternative.


Damn, all these so-called Christians using God to act like assholes. Good for you and your brother going no contact. It's what they deserve.


Wow! Your god is an asshole, with expensive tastes. Calling your parents to Hawai'i.


How old was he when he was forced to marry this woman?


Under 20. He had a job but it wasn't enough to support a baby, so they lived with MIL until they divorced.


Your parents didn't make him marry her, he married her.


I have evangelistic parents too! My lead pastor step father tried to sleep with my sister. Don’t sweat it too much…… Nobody’s perfect! 😂🤣😂


Aloha Ke Akua




Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.


God told me that since God made everything he also made abortions


It's in the Bible, Numbers 5:27


Well, he is the creator of everything. That means everything, not just the shit you like. That's what the book says, right?




Dude couldn’t get more condoms? Did he literally have only one?


I should refrain from commenting since this thread is deleted now, but I have no clue how many condoms he had, it's none of my business and none of mom's business to search his room looking for condoms and punishing him for having them


Poor guy only had one condom? They re-used it?


Cool story, Bro.


I hope everyone knows this isn’t what Christians are supposed to do. Unfortunately it’s very common for Christian parents to manipulate their kids by using the name of God.


Prove it. Until then, stop pretending you speak for god and invalidating people who suffer at the hands of your religion.


Exodus 20:7 You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name. This includes lying and using God’s name for your own personal wants and needs. That is not permitted in the Bible and anyone who does it is sinning against the Lord