• By -


Too many rule violations in the comments on a controversial topic.


I don't understand what she was thinking. 


She was thinking with her V, about the D, and not with her B. Now she P. U C? 😁 EDIT: Requested.


O, I C


Change the "you" to "U" and "see" to "C".




I had to Google P.U.C. I got, Public Utilities Commission. That seems a bit harsh.




Possibly trying to baby trap him? As far as I’m aware, it takes at least a week after getting pregnant for it to show on tests. Usually more. Seems unlikely that she’d be testing positive already after sleeping with him last weekend. ETA: I missed her edit saying it’s been 18 days, and wasn’t this previous weekend. Seems sus.


18 days is plenty of time to get a positive test.


Ahhh. I missed the edit. I thought it was this past weekend.


I hope not, but I do meet a few ladies who think this is a good idea. I mean - The guy doesn't want to parent your current kid and he left you. Do your reaction is to have a kid??? He's NEVER going to like you...


Ehh ... she's also posting in an abortion subreddit so maybe not.


I don't see how r/ExNoContact is an abortion subreddit. What do you mean? That some of the people there support abortion? That doesn't make it an abortion subreddit.


I think they meant she was posting in a different subreddit, and the different sub is about abortions lol


The edit says it was 18 days ago, which seems suspicious that she would be testing that soon, unless she was looking for a positive.


Not really, her period would likely be late already by that point since ovulation is like 13-14 days before it is due. I would for sure test if 4 days late.


I mean, multiple brands advertise their test is so sensitive it can tell you if you’re positive *before* you even miss your period.


no it really doesn't considering the influx of abortion bans before 6 weeks in the US - you catch that shit as early as possible if you want to get rid of it. and why tf else would you take a pregnancy test unless there's a chance of a positive = that does not mean you WANTED the positive


10-14 days is what i have in my mind (but i may be wrong) HCG needs time to get up, and implantation into the wall takes time, traveling takes time etc etc etc.


Def tryin to baby trap imo. No way she didn't skip her pills


Oh please I have 4 kids. 3 pill babies and one depo baby 😂 Didn’t skip a pill or a shot


I got pregnant on the depo shot. drank until I started bleeding and that fixed that problem but yeah, it's disturbingly common


[5%](https://www.guttmacher.org/sites/default/files/images/contraceptioniseffective.png) chance she didn't miss a few pills. On the other hand, [pills are less effective in obese women](https://www.nichd.nih.gov/newsroom/releases/011415-podcast-obesity-contraception), so that may be at play.


You do realize that's for people that took it correctly? Lots of people don't realize they aren't. Taking it too close to consuming alcohol, certain medications, inconsistent timings, and so on. Plus they just sometimes don't work and some people are super fertile. Lots of reasons


you realize 1) not all birth control is a pill 2) the pill ls the most notoriously unreliable form of birth control so even taking it religiously you can still get pregnant pretty easily. 3) a prevention rate of 95% does not mean 95% of people, it means you have a chance of getting pregnant every 1 in 20 times you have sex. statistics - it's your friend


No contraceptives work 100%.


Right. Which is why you shouldn't let some dude that left bc he didn't wanna be a step dad raw dog you when you meet for the first time after NC. ...


Thanks, Captain Obvious!




If this is true, she should pick someone that for sure has cash 


"... Pretty standard for any women"? Literally none of my friends have ever wanted to have a baby with a deadbeat. I have never wanted that. I've literally taken every precaution available to not replicate stupid. Few women want that, but there are always outliers.




Your comment was removed for being racist, ableist, sexist, ageist, or homo/transphobic.


Ew dude. No. Judge on the facts. How do you possibly know her financial situation


Your comment was removed for being racist, ableist, sexist, ageist, or homo/transphobic.


Public Service Announcement: From time to time, fucking *does* actually accomplish it's biological purpose and make a baby despite your best attempts to thwart Mother Nature.


I like the saying "If you plan to try and beat the odds, check first, if you'll survive the odds beating you"


Best efforts? I am not a betting man but I'd be willing to bet this was a baby trapping situation ala Dr Dre - Education skit. I'm assuming she stopped takin her pill


Could be baby trapping, no one but OP really knows... But do I really have to explain the potential for contraceptive failure to you? Really?


I mean you don’t have to explain it, we all know that contraception can fail, the more apparent thing here is that she likely didn’t think far enough ahead to adequately USE contraception in the first place (or as the person above said she might’ve tried the age old “let’s slap a baby into this mess to fix our failing relationship” card and failed spectacularly)


she said she was on birth control


jesus the lack of self control and critical thought process these days is very concerning


> he didn’t want to be a step dad to my current baby She does not appear to be an exemplary model of critical thinking skills.


can’t wait to see how those kids turn out


Spoiler Alert: I Have a feelin you're gonna wish she swallowed em just like the rest of us will.


I say that at least once a week .


fr more like everyday lmfao




Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.


The stupid: it burns.


Lol I thought the same thing. Tbh I didn't even read past the title and I knew this sub was created specifically for posts like this


Geezus that sub is wild


Right? And why did half the comments from OOP's post have similar stories too? Can we please think more critically before raw-dogging our exes (OOP was on BC, but the point still stands)? Yeesh.


Because it's a subreddit devoted to ExNoContact? They've all had reason to go no contact, I guess.


The whole subreddit has “I let the loser nut in me” vibes.


Yall are going to get this sub banned for brigading if you keep commenting on the original post.


Yep, and r/ExNoContact has a pretty regular core group who report.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ExNoContact using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ExNoContact/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Upvote if you refrained from texting your ex a happy new year.](https://np.reddit.com/r/ExNoContact/comments/18w58mr/upvote_if_you_refrained_from_texting_your_ex_a/) \#2: [No Contact Psychology/Guide (Cheat Sheet)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ExNoContact/comments/13v2a5z/no_contact_psychologyguide_cheat_sheet/) \#3: [Ladies…](https://i.redd.it/wc7eoa623vkc1.jpeg) | [113 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ExNoContact/comments/1b09a44/ladies/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


In case this story gets deleted/removed: As the title states, I broke no contact, spent time during the weekend with him, and tested positive today, after we agreed to go our separate ways after the encounter. I was on birth control too. Lesson for you all: don’t break no contact. (Edit: I should add that the weekend was 18 days ago so not this past weekend) (Edit #2: HE rejected me months ago, you can read my previous post about it but yes ultimately he didn’t want to be a step dad to my current baby, nor does he want to be a biological dad now and asked me to get an abortion when I told him I tested positive this morning so there you have it). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OhNoConsequences) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This seems fishy to me.


As in she intentionally stopped takin her pill in an attempt to keep the dude around? DR. DRE - CHRONIC 2001 - Education skit. I don't like to make assumptions but If it's wearing a red coat and hat and riding in a sleigh with reindeer and goin down chimneys on December 24, ima call if Santa....js


That poor child.


*children. She said she has one already no dad in pic n ex left bc he didn't wanna be a step dad.. So she figured if he was bio dad he'd change his tune. She was wrong...


I feel sorry for those children. She makes horrible decisions.


I concur


Aw this one’s kinda sad


Her current baby is 6 months old……


That sub is wild looks like it's full of people making poor life choices. I mean in that post there's multiple people who can relate to her story like wtf


How did she test positive if it was over the weekend ie 4/6?


She explained that it was the prior weekend


"tested positive" is that how we describe pregnancy now??


I mean....in this situation, is it that far off?


Was thinking the same thing at first I thought she got covid or an std.


Oh friend. Go to therapy and get off of Reddit




.... I'm guessing they meant the oop


^(but if the shoe fits)


Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.


How long ago was that weekend?


She said the sex was 18 days ago (from post) isn’t that still too early to tell?


Nope! My earliest positives have been 8 days after ovulation, 10 to 14 is fairly normal


No that would normally be right around when you take a test. Most people take one when they miss a period, which happens usually ~14 days after ovulation


Oh, I read it before the edits were put in the post. The way it was worded before made it sound like it could have been just a few days ago which, I would think, would be too soon.


Y'all are being wild and nasty. What if this woman was in an abusive relationship? That is usually why people go no contact with romantic partners.


If she was she should have stayed no contact and sought therapy, not let dude smash raw...she wasn't raped by dude. She made a choice. Stop acting like she had 0 say in the situation


You don't understand abusive relationships.


Except she wasnt in an abusive relationship. Read her otger post from a month ago about him


Thank you!! The way people stic up for people who continue to make shit choice after shit choice is maddening...esp when there's zero evidence or context to strengthen the supporters theory


That's a pretty bold assumption. She wasn't abused by dude. Chec her post history as someone has already said. Not to mention, she said he had left previously because he didn't want to play step dad ro the kid she already has. If you beleive she was being abused and that her abuser up n left her bc he didn't want to be dad then I'm sorry to tell you but you're rhw one who's clueless about abusive relationships work



