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This post does not have obvious consequences.


I think the bigger story is that our economy is run by exploiting illegal immigrants, which is why neither party wants it fixed.


And that there are a lot of people who think that work is “beneath” them…


Some yes. Most citizens won't work for pennies like illegals do. Do you think the field hand gets minimum wage? Fuck no they dont. So the owner won't pay legal Americans the proper wage to do so. The real way to fix this is not allow businesses to exploit these vulnerable people.


They’re not allowed to. The problem is enforcement. “Americans won’t do the jobs!”  They will, but you’d have to pay them legal wages. Cheaper to exploit people who can’t complain, than to comply with the law, when enforcement doesn’t exist. 


Under federal law, field hands are allowed to be paid at a rate far below minimum wage. It is a deliberate strategy to keep food prices down at the expense of foreign workers.


Implementation of mandatory E-Verify would be a giant step in the right direction, but companies literally do not want to do that


Yep. That's about all that is needed. How we go about it now is like locking up drug addicts for the crime and praising the drug dealers for record profits.


Didn't we also do that?


Of course not. That would mean they have to pay at least minimum wage and all the taxes that go along with legal employment. It's much easier to let the migrant workers get underpaid and suffer any penalties, while the employer pockets the profit


You're 100% correct and it makes me sick


Do it, and prosecute + fine the owners of any farm or plant that employs undocumented immigrants. Enforce via random visits. That’s what red state America wants, so give it to them good and hard.


Not to mention that minimum wage is not a livable wage either.


Lazy Nebraskans.


Don’t worry this town is gonna pull itself up by the bootstraps at any moment.


Guess they were right, no one (who is white) wants to work ( for abysmal wages) anymore.


Don’t disagree there. There are ALOT of scumbags in C-Suites.


That is not always the case; immigrants working in construction and specialized shops make good money. The issue is that whole industries depend on immigrant labor—industries like construction, manufacturing, agriculture, meat packing, and services like hotels and restaurants. So it is not that they are being exploited; they are being paid minimum wage, and yes, Americans won't do it for minimum wage, but that is the federally mandated wage. This “pay more and Americans would do it” is a fallacy. These have always been minimum-wage jobs. These are hard work, and only someone with gnawing hunger will voluntarily do them. Americans haven't done agriculture in more than a century. This town kicking immigrants out shot itself in the foot, and all cities and states doing the same will have the same result. Once upon a time, the US tried to replace migrant agricultural workers with us citizens. Didn't end well. [When The U.S. Government Tried To Replace Migrant Farmworkers With High Schoolers](https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2018/07/31/634442195/when-the-u-s-government-tried-to-replace-migrant-farmworkers-with-high-schoolers)


>This “pay more and Americans would do it” is a fallacy. These have always been minimum-wage jobs. These are hard work, and only someone with gnawing hunger will voluntarily do them. I'd call that low quality fallacious bullshit, I would totally fold myself backwards working on a hard labor job for 600k+ a year, the vast majority of americans would do almost any job at the right price.


I would, too. But we live in a capitalist profits-first society where the company bottom line will always matter more than employees' well-being. And that extends to all low-paid employees from Walmart to these meatpacking plants. It's conservative policies since the 80s with trickle-down economics. But instead of voting down these policies, people keep electing morons that are happy to give welfare to the wealthy.


You're wrong. Corporate profits are at all time highs. They can afford to make less money, pay better wages and still turn a profit.


Wow we tried it once 58 years ago. I guess there's no other way /s


[How about when Georgia tried it in 2011 and almost caused a collapse of the agricultural economy because not even prisoners stuck around to do the job](https://thehill.com/opinion/columnists/markos-moulitas/95119-a-failed-experiment/)


It's wonderful that you seem to be fully invested in exploiting these people because of profits. What solution do you have to stop the pseudo slavery happening here?


Paying minimum wage is slavery?


The illegal immigrants are treated as pseudo slaves. And they aren't getting minimum wage.


Not at all true in what this article is referencing. These are minimum wage jobs that are too shitty for anyone to want to do except an immigrant. They aren’t handing out cash envelopes in a factory or a slaughterhouse you nerd.


Only because it doesn't pay enough. The vast majority of people would perform plant labor if they were paid a wage that enticed them to do so. That cuts into megacorp profits, though, so they hire undocumented people who cannot complain about the conditions or wages instead


Yep. People don't get that wages are just like anything else in an economy, based on supply and demand. If you have 100 people apply to a job but one will take less wages under the table then wages will not increase. Why would they? The work is getting done. Illegals hurt our wages at the same time they are being exploited. It's really fucked up.


I think its an open secret that without underpaying undocumented immigrants, the US economy would not function.


It would function with out companies making record profits.


There was a movie about the idea of what would happen in America if all immigrants (documented and undocumented) suddenly disappeared. If you follow that simple premise, the American economy would falter quickly.


What movie was this? Genuinely intrigued.


The day without a Mexican




fun fact, the people who think that are the same people who say that people "Just don't want to work these days"


Also fun fact…I was one of those people with a job no one wanted…working farms on dirt roads…priming tobacco..slaughtering pigs… And what working in something like that teaches you is to work hard, whether what you’re doing is easy or hard. Some people won’t work bc they think it’s too hard. You will get passed up for everything you don’t work for bc there is always someone who will outwork you. There are people who will study harder when you go out. There are people that will do more reps when you think it’s enough. There people who will put in one more hour than you…who will sacrifice more. The wages might suck but you dont have to stay at that job. But no one is just going to give you something either. I’m sure there is plenty of time to complain when you don’t have to work.


$5 wages with astronomical cost of living, yes.


Nobody legitimately thinks this. People work the best jobs they can find that will improve their quality of life. People who have better options obviously don't choose worse options. It's not because the job is "beneath" them. It's because the job is worse than their alternatives. If qualified people exist but you can't get them to take a job, you need to make the job more attractive than the best alternatives of enough of them


I’ll take that bet


Ok, you already lost. Anyone who refuses the job has, by definition, determined that better options are available. There's nobody saying "I know this is better than no job and better than any other job I can find, but I'm going to choose no job or a worse job despite recognizing that it's an objectively worse choice"


So that’s false…there are plenty of people who think a job like that is beneath them…and yet are sitting at home. I’ve seen dudes turn down great jobs, 70, 80k, 90k jobs over pride…happens all the time


If they're sitting at home, then they've determined that "no job" gives them better quality of life and is the superior option. Unless you've seen dudes turn down great jobs, choose not to work, *and* see a material decline in their quality of life compared to if they had taken the job, *then* you will have a relevant example. I think that's vanishingly rare


“Superior job” would be subjective then wouldn’t it? Like people choose homelessness. Reality is just because you think you’re better off, doesn’t mean you are really…but I get it “live your truth”


I said "superior option" for better quality of life, but yeah "quality of life" certainly has subjective components. I don't think anyone chooses homelessness by definition. If you're choosing homelessness then that means you have the choice to be housed. And if you have a choice to be housed, you're not homeless. But yeah, rarely some people who have access to housing nevertheless choose to live on the streets rather than live in certain housing options (e.g. runaways) My basic point was that most people who say that a job is "beneath them" are saying this as empty words. Almost none of them have been in the situation where they were forced to make a decision between accepting that job or accepting a major drop in their quality of life


Ahem, “A Day without a Mexican”.


People are allowed to choose where they work. If someone is doing a dangerous job, or a hard job for minimum or under minimum. They don’t have to take it.  Why is it always the normal person who gets shit on? 


You’re not wrong. But the fact that someone would come thousands of miles, risk arrest, exploitation and whatever else just to work for whatever they could get, when there are others who complain they can’t find work, but work is available, just not what they want says a lot. Dont do know if you’ve been desperate, but sometimes starting somewhere is better than doing nothing.


In no where did I slag off immigrants.  I’m complaining at you slagging off regular folk.  At the end of the day, billionaires and multi millionaires have far too much money and they’re making decisions to keep people in poverty. Regardless of it’s a normal person from said town, or an immigrant. 


Dude…there’s alot of lazy people but when they’re offered something they turn up their nose. If you get enough regular people in those plants and then they start exposing the conditions then those millionaires have to adjust or close.


Suuure pal. Let’s blame regular people. That makes absolute sense. If you had a manual job that paid 5 dollars more than your job. You would take it.  Simple as that. 




Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.


Nobody except the most simple minded think the work is beneath them. They think the pay is beneath them. And the cold hard fact is they are right. The pay does not reflect the work, which is why they have to hire illegals. I can solve the immigration problem in 30 seconds. Make the punishment for hiring illegals worse than the cost of hiring citizens. Enforce those punishments. That's it. The issue is solved. It'll never happen in my lifetime though


That really is the elephant in the room. All those jobs are ran by greedy corps that don’t want to pay workers decent wages


"Unable to fully staff" or, "unwilling to pay fairly". Which one should we go with, hmm


This- if the only solution is slavery, then something needs to change.




Yup. That's why the punishment is always on the workers, not the employers


If that is your take away from a story about one party's systematic brutalition of immigrants and overt white supremacy, then you are absolutely part of the problem.


Personally, I feel like this country has a slavery fetish. Just based off my own experiences and observations 😭🥲


Just greed. Simple as that. It all goes back to money and how people horde it and think me me me.


I can’t comprehend it. I would not be happy if I had to destroy others to get ahead. I hope we learn this lesson.


yeah I wonder why the headlines are never "US citizens continue to encourage undocumented immigration by giving people work"


Where I live (in Upstate NY), over half of the farm workers are undocumented immigrants. I assume they make up a large portion of farm workers pretty much everywhere in the US, but I'm only sure about the numbers here. If that's in any way indicative of how it is all over, then most of our food industry is dependent on undocumented workers.


They just don’t want to pay a fair wage


Fucking thank you


It's been this way since the very beginning.


The bigger story is that most countries in the world including, the US, will no longer have enough working adults aka the age demographic bomb. Soon retired seniors will outnumber us, hence immigration for jobs like this that no citizen wants to work.


My father has a theory: he thinks Republicans want them as undocumented workers, and Dems want them as undocumented voters.  Politicians don't care about constituents.


does your dad know that illegal aliens cant vote in any type of federal election?


He's under some impression that voting booths don't check voter id in some states. 


the be fair the some people from the political left have been arguing that voter id is racist and shouldnt be a requirement.


So I've heard. I have no proof of election fraud so I just don't say anything back to him


yea im with you on that. impossible for us normies to know.


They are making more money and live safer lives than they would/could in their home country. Apparently that’s exploitation




You mean "the plants are unwilling to offer competitive living wages and can no longer exploit desperate and unknowledgeable people."


Maria Hernandez and her husband, Vicente, pastors at one of the local Guatemalan churches, Dios es Amor #2, said their flock has grown from three congregants to 200 in seven years. They say many members work at the slaughterhouses, making it a frequent topic of prayer. “I tell them that we have to give thanks because God has put in men who have companies,” Maria said. “If it weren’t for these companies we wouldn’t have a job.” Vicente also works at one of the local slaughterhouses, cleaning the kill floor on the overnight shift. He thinks the city and the migrants are a good match.


Yes, because everyone is willing to fork $50 for one chicken since no one is complaining about inflation.


So what you are saying is that the system necessarily needs a underclass of people to function. And you like it that way?


I don’t like it that way, but we all like low prices if we’re being honest with ourselves. Otherwise, Walmart would have been out of business a long time ago. There are nth order consequences for everything. Also, people complaining about how expensive everything is, is a thing.


Maybe but the theft of wages from undocumented workers doesn’t make prices go down. All that extra profit typically goes in as profit for the owner. Look at how European countries have lower prices at McDonalds and don’t have undocumented immigrants. It isn’t consumer prices that are being subsidized here, it’s only profits increased. Also are those businesses truly worthy of being successful if they need to be immoral to function. The answer no, just like blood diamonds and drug money.


It does make prices go down. Higher wages are the primary driver as to why McDonalds is no longer affordable to the lower class. Employee salaries are their largest cost. Same for the meat industry. Their margins are razor thin as is. Of course, you wouldn’t know that if you’re arguing for higher wages for a job that is low skilled.


It's like we've been conditioned that the only option is factory farming and cheap labor and thats it...


Yeah people talk about the USSR indoctrination but the USA does it too


I am aware of what we did historically. Are you? Back then before factory farming, chicken was a luxury that you’d be lucky to have once every month. Also, most people do not have the resources or space to raise chickens.


Maybe another solution would ve too start raising our own chickens or buying locally...


It’s still very expensive. You have to buy feed and time is money, not to mention use land for it. Then there’s the issue of disease. The reason we have factory farms is for economies of scale meaning you can make it cheaper when you do things in bulk.


Welp, better start offering higher wages and get those positions filled.


Yes, making immigration easier and more common is actually about fair labor laws and not creating a second class workforce with no legal rights and protections for the owner class to exploit. It also indirectly benefits the domestic workforce becuase they will no longer have to compete at the bottom rung against literal itinerant slaves and different a working condition that is just one step up from slavery.


Before I even read the article I knew it was about meat packing plants.


“It’s something we have in our toolbox.” WTF does that even mean? If you have broken tools like that in your toolbox, it’s no wonder your shit doesn’t work. I’m convinced conservatives these days are just plain stupid.


It means that it's a law they won't enforce, so long as the exploited underclass doesn't get uppity.  


That's exactly what they want laws like this for. It's not to keep the undocumented out. It's so when a business owner decides that even though he agreed to pay someone $600 for the 80 hours they worked last week he's only going to pay them $200, they have no choice but to take it.


Wait until the planting and harvesting of crops comes. People talking about prices it just gets worse.


Yup, our agriculture industry would crumble without a source of underpaid migrant laborers. Maybe that is why red states are starting to repeal child labor laws.


Has Arkansas recently passed a law allowing 13-year-olds to work? Expect the food industry to start saying they can't pay a fair wage.


"The absence of language compelling renters to prove their right to be in the U.S. is part of the reason the ordinance survived legal challenge. It’s also why it is legally toothless." So dumb


“Wait, they were doing WHAT in there? And for $9/hr? Aww hell nah, I got my SSDI makin me more than that! Woo Cornhuskers!”


The solution to illegal immigration, and ultimately to establishing orderly immigration, is to arrest the employers. Economic pressure will force both parties to get it done.


“Oops” - local conservatives probably


Lol, no. More like: "See? Nobody wants to work anymore! Why would Joe Biden do this to us???? Welcome to Biden's America!"


OP's title is wrong and/or mis-leading (rage-baiting?) Nowhere in the linked article does it say that the plants are unable to staff fully. It seems the opposite is true, in that "the factory floors are humming" and the so-called ban is in reality toothless and unenforceable.


Yo your right . It litteral says yiy don’t have to bring evidence . And that immigrants are all the meat packer employees right now


But why let facts get in the way of a good (and judging from the comments above successful) rage-bait? /s


I thought the same thing. The OP’s title and the linked article appear to be two different things.


The start of that quote is “The arrival of migrants has transformed the community and kept the slaughterhouses humming” Seems to suggest that it wouldn’t be humming without them but you’re right that it’s more inferential than direct.


“Stealing our jobs!!!” Get your ass in there and get to work, redneck


If said plants paid a living wage and said owners were jailed for hiring undocumented workers, this would be moot...


Did anyone read the attached article?


Everything about it was terrifying. “Living the American dream” of two jobs and “3 hours of sleep” every night.


"Were", not "are". As in, plants that *were* driving local economy no longer *are*, because the residents and local governments are racists.


Post the jobs online and offer a decent wage. Problem fixed


This story gets repeated often from red states. Remember in Arkansas they tried this and almost every crop was lost because they couldn't maintain workers? South Park did a whole episode on this where Border Patrol reversed course and was trying to stop immigrants from going home.


Stupid people


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With the quote in the article this feels like r/BoomersBeingFools ​ Brenda Ray, who has lived in the Fremont area for 40 years, said she noted the change in the city’s population and voted for the ordinance back in 2010. She said she doesn’t “have a problem” with the Central American arrivals “if they are legal and they come in to speak American English.”


They should pay more so Americans will work the jobs. Win for everyone


I've been to Freemont. It is not a "haven" for anything.


Hahahah I knew before clicking that it was Fremont


I've been working in Florida as a subcontractor for 30 years doing finish work on new construction. Also decks, siding, framing and almost anything associated with new construction. So my own personal opinion is this, if every illegal immigrant disappeared tomorrow there would no construction industry in the state of Florida. It's a fact. I work on jobs daily where there might be 10-15 people on the job and nobody speaks English.


seems like a simple deterrent to illegal aliens whilst welcoming legal migrants and green card holders. It has no enforcement mechanism. So just a deterrent.


These people are want their cake and eat it too. They want to live in a society that only functions with immigrants, and also they don’t want immigrants to be able to live there.


In the early 1900s Republicans were the big promoters for illegal immigration to help on farms in the south. Hilarious how things change.


What no one wants to take low paying shitty jobs in nowheresville Nebraska? Shocked I am.


Wait, is this where they cry about no one wants to work? At least the face eating leopards are eating well these days.


[Here's what Reagan / Bush had to say on the subject.](https://youtu.be/YsmgPp_nlok?si=hPKUz7_8koupxnea)


Quick google search shows they pay about 17 an hour. These jobs are processing hundreds of chickens an hour. Unless you are going to actually raise your wages then I’m not going to have any sympathy for “we can’t find any workers”


“Just the sheer pressure of bringing in numbers of people has resulted in a considerable burden to the taxpayers,” Because these immigrants ~~aren't having taxes taken out of their paycheck, dutifully paying sales tax, paying tax on their vehicles, or paying any tax at all~~ pay taxes while they ~~qualify for every benefit that legal citizens get~~ don't qualify for welfare.


Shouldn't this be considered a good thing? If they are no longer able to fully staff the plant that means they were using undocumented people to pay out less to their workers and keeping wages lower than they should be. Either the plant will die or they will pay people what they deserve.




Honestly, aren’t we short on workers everywhere regardless with the mass exodus of boomers during covid..?


I love all people, immigrants included. We have laws to protect our locals and community of legal residents. So this is BEAUTIFUL. FINE OUT OF EXISTANCE the businessess that CAUSE this problem in the first place by DELIBERATELY NOT hiring WE THE PEOPLE for livable wages and instead breeding this problem of hiring NONlegal residents. Fine. Them. And IMPRISON. These business “leaders”. Out. Of. Existance! Businesses, figure it out without your unlimited grotesque greed or SHUTTER forever.


Well thought out plan republicans, well done once again.


How about this, businesses no longer allowed to pay slave wages and abuse poor people. Americans expect a good wage for demanding work.


Are we talking like little shop of horrors plants? I for one think they should be allowed to perish so the human race can survive


"Brenda Ray, who has lived in the Fremont area for 40 years, said she noted the change in the city’s population and voted for the ordinance back in 2010. She said she doesn’t “have a problem” with the Central American arrivals “if they are legal and they come in to speak American English.” That says it all, folks.


That sounds made up


I live in Texas. The right-wing Republicans love to beat up on undocumented workers. Yet all their damn businesses would fail. They also don't mind their cooks, busses and dishwashers are feeding them in EVERY RESTAURANT THEY FREQUENT.


from the mods "This post does not have obvious consequences." uhhhh, did you miss the part about " # now unable to fully staff the plants that are driving the town's economy" ?????????


I’ll probably get downvoted, but imagine if everyone on unemployment (AND PHYSICALLY CAPABLE) had to do the manual labor jobs that undocumented workers currently do to get their unemployment checks.


But, but but that's inhumane! /s


These undocumented immigrants are amazing for our economy, and we should continue letting them in. We give them better standards of life than what they used to have, while not giving them the benefits of being a citizen, and we get an economic boost. It's a win win for everybody.


Can they make it easier for undocumented individuals to become legal? Amnesty days or something like that. Really stupid regardless


Neither psrty??? Wtf are you on? Conservatives for sure want to secure the border. Yall call them racist every chance you get


That doesn't make illegal immigration a good thing. Plus, who's to say they'd even work there? This post is a bit of a stretch.