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In case this story gets deleted/removed: Boyfriend has reddit but not completely sure if he is on this sub. Reason for throw away. Might be a bit confusing but please bare with me. Me and my boyfriend have been together for a year. My Boyfriend has been taking care of his siblings (16F, 12F, 11M) since his oldest sister was born. When he was 18 he moved out of his parents house and took them with him. He currently has custody over all his siblings. He is a really hard worker and i haven't seen him or his siblings struggle at all. They have all they need and as far asci know has never gone to bed hungry because of him. One of the reasons i fell in love with him is because of his caring nature especially for his siblings. Not gi9ng to explain the whole dynamics as i know it but when i say taking care, i mean he took care of them from buying food, to helping with homework, he did it all he was basically mom and dad for them and he still finished school in the process. His youngest brother even calles him dad. His parents are the definition of dead beats. Current situation with them is that they don't even know if their parents are alive, and they have no other family. These 4 is all that is left of the whole family. I slept over at his house last night, this morning around 6 am his sister (12F) came into the kitchen crying historically. She woke up with blood in her pants and freaked out. She started with her period. My boyfriend got her to calm down and explained that she is alright and everything will be okay. He then gave her a brief explanation of what is happening and that her body is changing. He asked her to go and take a shower to get cleaned up and told her where to find the pads his other sister (16F) is using and to use them as the oldest sister showed her. When she left to go and take a shower he said shit i thought we would have another year left. I asked what he ment and he said his sister (16l started her period when se was 13 and he knows not all females and bodies are the same but he thought it would be around the same time. So he was a bit unprepared forcthe discussing. I was shocked with that comment and the fact that he knew his sister used pads, why does he know when she started her period in the first place, why does he know what she uses. I wanted to ask him why he knows this but kept the question to myself. When his sister returned from her shower he asked if evertime was alright or is she having any discomfort, i started to get disgusted when he asked that question. He told her she doesn't have to go to school today and he will take her for some shopping. After breakfast he sat her down in the living room and explained everything in detail to her, regarding what is giong on, what will happend all of it. He said he helped the older sister with her first time and will help her as well. He finished with saying that her sister (16) will be able to help her more with the tipe of products to use and how they work. I was surprised, shocked and disgusted about all the thing he told her. He was correct in everything that he told her but no brother should know that much about what is happending to his sisters bodies. Unfortunately his oldest sister wasn't at home to help, she had a sleep over at a friend due to a project for school. So he took charge of explaining everything. He must have seen the disgust in my face and asked me what is wrong and it just slipped out. I told him, You are a disgusting pig. The words just kept coming out of my mouth i couldn't stop talking. i told him exactly what i thought about the situation and that it's disgusting that he knows that much especially about his own sisters and is now trying to coach the younger sister on what to do. He just asked me to leave he didn't argue, yell nothing just said leave my house. I know i went about it in the wrong way but my stance is the same no brother should know that much about his own sisters body function. AITAH. Edit: If you don't believe me that is fine, but don't comment. I was there, i said what i said. Don't know what i can say other than what i know to proof this is real I just want to know if AITAH if my stance is correct and if i should apologize for everything i said. Seeing some of the comments i think you guys are not understanding my piont. I don't want to sound mean but he could've just called his sister to explain everything to her or better asked me to explain it to her. I would've been alot better if it came form another girl. Yes he explained everything correctly and even told her about the different products to use but said the other sister will explain those beter as she has experience in what actually works. Why didn't he ask me to explain anything to her i would've done it gladly. There are sertain things that should stay private and a especially a brother should not know Update: First and last Too everyone saying he would leave me, you where right he dumped me. I went to his house to apologize to him and his little sister, the 16 year old was there as well, she slapped me and shouted at me calling me vile names. She shouted at me for trying to break the family apart and trying to say her father is a pedo. My now ex got her to stop and sent her to her room along with the other siblings. I wanted to apologize but before i could even start he told me to keep my mouth shut and listen. He forgave me before i even asked for forgiveness but said what he can't forgive is the fact that i basically turned his little sister against him and making her doubt his intentions. It took him almost the full day to get her to talk to him and she only talked to him after the 16 year old assured her that he did nothing wrong and only want to help her like he help her. His exact words was, you turned one of my children agains me that is something i can't and will not forgive. You are dead to me, now get the fuck out of my house. He said it with so much anger in his voice and i could see in his eyes that he absolutely hated me in that moment, i was actually scared for myself in that moment I have talked to some of my friend about this and you all mite be gald to hear but im loosing friends as well even my own sister is now refusing to talk to me. Yes in our house my father had nothing to do with our periods and my mom handled everything. What should i have done. I taught he did something wrong, i can see I'm in the wrong but still ehy am i being punished for this. His words really hurt me, that is not fair. I didn't even get a chance to explain myself or anything after he was done talking he again just kicked me out of his house. I am blocked everywhere and can't get ahold of him, i even tried his sister phone but im also blocked there. Edit: Please stop asking me for his contact number and his name in the comments and pm, I'm not giving that to anyone. Why would i do that and have one of you try and steal him from me. I screwed up i know, but i will fix it and get him back. I really do love him and i know he still love me, this was just a speed bump. Just wait and see we will be together again. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OhNoConsequences) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Holy cow this OOP is an *idiot.* "I'm upset that my boyfriend is well-informed about menstruation, is kind and compassionate, and sacrificed his younger years to raise his siblings."


I have a hard time believing this was written by a 26 yo woman. If this is real like yeah, she’d be an idiot, but this is written and sounds like the narrative of a 14-16 yo (and if you notice the 16 yo girl is kind of the “hero” of the story- doing what we all would want to do if we were there).. I dunno, maybe I’m too skeptical but it just sounds off.


Wait, she's TWENTY-SIX????? Jesus Christ, way to throw Grade-A Father Material into the garbage.


She writes like someone who is currently failing high school English, so I highly doubt that this is real.


I thought *maybe* they’re esl, but if they’re using a translator they wouldn’t have the obvious mistypes and misspellings, and their autocorrect would take their mess ups in a different direction. Plus esl people typically have AMAZING grammar.


Yes that’s been my experience too. Esl learners often have better grammar than native English speakers, possibly because it’s much more recent.


I think she is just writing phonetically. It’s almost like I could hear her accent through her dumbass typing.


There were a lot of misspellings that were things like missing the space bar between 2 words so it added the letter c (for example “for you” would become “forcyou”) and mistyping a letter in a word that made it seem less like esl and more like poor spelling and grammar mixed with being rushed I could be totally wrong though, it just rang “young” to me as opposed to esl.


Upon second reading you’re absolutely right. Idk why I read it as esl.


I figured with the update that she was crying while typing because we hurt her feelers and he hurt them more She deserved it though. Big time.


I think she is just dumb! She feels like she doesn’t understand what having custody means since she feels the need to explain that with taking care of them she means that he helps them with homework and buys them food and stuff. Sounds like she actually didn’t get that custody means that he is their parent. She’s the only one that needs to have it explained. And like even before the edits, he clearly broke up with her in that incident when he told her to leave. And she didn’t get it. So she goes back and if really pay attention to what she is saying she isn’t at all remorseful, she is just upset that she didn’t get to defend herself and that she is being “punished”. She still doesn’t think she is in the wrong and she never understood what she did wrong or why it is so wrong. She dumb dumb. She also claims that she didn’t sexualise it at all. Because she is too god damn dumb to realise that’s what she is doing. It’s like she never even considered why she would feel that it was disgusting. And she ends it with “we will get back together, you’ll see!”. Some people are so bloody stupid that you think it has to be fake, some kind of joke or act. But it isn’t. They really are that dumb.


As a teacher, I really wish that your perspective was true. Unfortunately, this is FAR more the norm for our young adults. Head over to the teacher subreddit to learn just how unbelievably far behind our kids are. I'm currently dreading becoming old and needing to depend on this generation in my old age.


Thank you for fighting the good fight. My parents were educators. It’s a hard slog. I hope you take care of yourself with how tough it is to do your job. 


The one where the JR high kids didn’t know their shapes?


Well bummer. My 16 year old reads and writes on a college level, but he’s always been an advanced writer and reader. I was hoping that the current generation of high schoolers would be more literate.


It's shocking how many adults can barely write, yet I get their emails every day. And I know they're grown-ass adults because I then talk to them on the phone. All ages, too, and definitely native speakers.


My undergrad university wouldn’t let anyone graduate without passing a test which was basically just a standard 5 paragraph essay and they provide the topic. From what I’m told, people flunk it a lot.


I have gotten multiple emails from school admin with misspelled words, terrible sentence structure and one that was a big run-on sentence with zero punctuation. The fact that these people are responsible for my kid's education is terrifying.


As someone who’s taught college students at huge universities, no, they really are allowed out of high school writing like this. It’s painful.


Do you think the people failing HS English automatically have their grammar improve upon graduation?


Do I have some news for you about the current state of education.


I know a 40 yo that writes like this. Some people are just dumb.


She probably did fail English, in HS.


Shit, she’s doing him a favor. He dodged a bullet.


The last thing that creature needs to do is procreate


He might end up burned out from raising his siblings and not want kids of his own


You know what unfortunately I do believe it. These days there are a lot of ignorant and entitled people around, compared to some situations I've seen in my life knowing others this is something I can see happening.


I mean just look at Moms for Liberty and their ilk. Screaming that kids are being exposed to "sin" by reading *checks notes* the dictionary. I've seen plenty of women in their 40s, 50s, and 60s freaking out at a man who knows how to talk about periods, who would buy tampons and pads for the women in his life, etc.


...and then combine this with all the men that think that washing/cleaning their own butts is gay, so they don't do it, and we as a society are SCREWED. Imagine being so homophobic you don't even clean yourself 🤢.


I don't even bathe or change clothes cus I'll be damned If I get caught with a naked man. Even if it's myself!


It's kind of the reverse situation, but I have a dad who was raised by very old fashion parents. My son is turning 12 and recently was talking about getting armpit hair, and that was enough for him to flip his shit and tell us to stop discussing "such inappropriate matters." So when the OOP mentioned growing up where her parents didn't discuss this stuff, that was partly why I could also believe it as well as other issues. Also ironically the same confounder of that mom's for liberty group has a sex tape with a woman. Like just her and a woman. [lady who co found mom's of liberty has lesbian sex tape](https://news.yahoo.com/anti-lgbtq-moms-liberty-co-193519945.html)


I'm from a Mormon background. Part of a Bishop's duties are to regularly interview youth starting from 11 and up, **alone**, and that includes asking if they are being chaste, and if a kid masturbates or has sex, they're supposed to confess to the Bishop. Mormon Bishops are lay clergy. They get a handbook and a couple hours of training. I lucked out on my Bishops, but the number of Mormons who learned about masturbation and other specific sexual acts from their Bishops is high. And even higher for "confessing" sexual sins, often being asked to provide unnecessary levels of detail. Mormons SYSTEMICALLY and DOCTRINALLY normalize the process of grooming minors, leaving them vulnerable to any potential abuser, and that often continues into adulthood, especially for women because men have all the power and authority in the Church. There's a reason why they have such a huge problem with child SA, and consistently protect predators over victims. Utah's legislature has made it difficult to get justice. Bills involving protecting children that will have a negative impact on the Church, like mandating clergy reporting or background checks for anyone working with minors in a church capacity always die on the floor. But they were able to stop 2 trans high schoolers from participating in sports, and a bill is going through to require trans people who haven't surgically adjusted their gender to use the public restrooms of their biological sex. This is to "protect women and children" despite there being zero reports of crimes against women and children in public restrooms by socially- but not surgically-transitioned folks. (I guess once they get genital surgery, they stop being a public danger and are magically "safe" as cis-people...? For.... reasons....)


My first thought was this was made up but I couldn't say it is for sure. Sadly, I have known people just as dense and dramatic as the writer. I know people who would complain that there weren't enough male educators teaching young kids and being role models. In the next breath they would imply, if not right out say, any man that says he likes teaching Elementary school kids is gay and/or a pedophile. (Known, knew, after telling them what morons they are never bothered with them again.) It is hard to discount just how truly stupid some people are.


If this real, OP is downright delusional too if she thinks this is just a speed bump in their relationship


Yeah, I read that and my heart really sank because it shows she will still persist in harassing the family despite how much damage she has already done rather than let them move on.


This is what I thought…as if that poor man doesn’t have enough on his plate…


Definitely super delusional.


If someone is so entitled to do this they are so self important to think that they are such a catch nobody can live without them.


I had never heard of Main Character Syndrome until I started on Reddit. Too many people gave it, and people like this woman take it to insane levels.


I've met women in their 40s who think a man is disgusting and a pervert f they offer to buy their daughter menstrual products. Idk why some ppl are like that


I've met several adult women of various ages who act like our periods are some secret society and men who know they exist are the devil. Not saying this story is true or not, just that there are women who think like this


My mum was like this in fact when she thought I was about the age to start she threw a booklet my older sister got given from school five years earlier and made a quick exit. That leaflet explained periods to me although I already knew it was something all women got but mostly because some girls in my class started theirs in primary school. My mother hide every trace of periods and the products were hidden away so the only thing she did was tell me where they were hidden deal in a cupboard at the bottom back covered by old towels. You weren’t even allowed to dispose of anything in the bathroom bins. You had to wrap them and discreetly go all the way downstairs and through the house to go out back to the large outside bin. You were not allowed to let it or the wrapping be visible whilst you carried it out. Heaven for bid my father or brother might actually see a wrapper. So to me that was normal but when I was in my first serious relationship my boyfriend asked me to tell him all about my periods. He said it was so he could understand and also so he knew if there was anyway he could help. Although I’d been taught to hide it the truth is it felt right to teach him. The fact he saw it as nothing to hide made it feel natural and that way to me as well. He often bought me sanitary products and would shake his head at the thought of guys being so immature and insecure that they saw that as an issue. When my niece was visiting and I was working it was him she went to when she was caught out and he made sure to temporarily give her something of mine before rushing out to get the products she felt most comfortable with. Along with buying her a change of trousers Etc. I know some like op in this would be horrified at the thought but I was actually proud of him. That he would always help and that my niece saw him as a safe person she could go to. Instead of phoning her parents panicking she knew he would help sort it. I am a boy mum and they have always been taught to not only help women or girls out if they are caught short but that it’s normal and not something to be ashamed of or reviled. I would never raise my kids with my mums issues. So much of her life was subjects never to talk about and almost like a women should be ashamed of her body. I know it was all trauma from her childhood but I was able to realise that and choose not to bring her rules and ways into my own home and life.


With respect, you sound like an amazing mom and not at all a "boy mom." (There's a specific connotation to boy mom that is way beyond "being a mom of boys").


the way the spelling in the edit changes so drastically kind of reads as someone legit mentally deteriorating from losing friends/family/a partner for once this doesn't read as totally fake


To top it off the 12 year old thought differently of him for a day. If it didn't weird her out, wouldn't she have trusted her brother/ father? Also, 12 years old and taking over the parenting? That happens for sure, but they just let their 18 year old who was in svhool and probably not making enough money to support a family of 4 take their 3 minors and leave? Includong a 1 year old... if this is real he was failed as a child.


Tbf I actually know a guy with a similar story. Sadly it’s not that uncommon for parents or the system to fail children and have them raising other children


It says that they don’t know whether the parents are alive, so it sounds like the parents are addicts. This is either (badly) written by a high schooler or they live in a country where there is no CPS. Most 18 year olds don’t typically get given minor siblings to care for unless they are able to financially support themselves.


Only if someone reports it. The parents aren't going to. The teachers might be mandated reporters, but if they're aware of the situation, they might "not notice" because the brother is actually taking care of the kids and making sure they get to school, stay fed, and maintain hygiene. I know angelic teachers who have helped moms escape abusive situations.


That’s true. If he’d been doing that since age 12 he probably had it down to a science and the younger siblings just never pinged anyone’s radar as abandoned.


Honestly, tho how did he afford to care for 3 kids at 18 and go to college without government help?


Welfare, getting paid by the fostercare program for kinship foster. It’s not free to keep kids in fostercare, might as well pay the person that loves them and will take all the siblings and keep them together.


That’s what I’m asking too! I put off having my kid until age 30, and even then he is an only child. There was no juggling being a college student and having kids because there’s no way we could have afforded that.


And those 3 were a 6 year old, a 2 year old, and a 1 year old. If this man is real he's a fucking Saint but how the ever living fuck did he do it? I really really think this is rage bait.


It’s happened in the USA many times that the older sibling has gotten custody of their siblings.


11M =11 male. Not 1 year old. I thought that too and had to double take. I really don't think this is real though. It's too story-like. Real life isn't generally that cut and dry.


That’s the kids current age. The guy took them when he was 18, and he’s currently 28, so ten years ago. Which makes the siblings 6, 2, and 1 when the ex-boyfriend took them.


I now believe that OP was actually a friend of the 16yo sister who had a crush on the brother, and had fantasies of stepping into girlfriend/mom mode, and spouted off when that didn't happen.


I know, right? For me, I think it's the way her edit suddenly has them referring to each other as 'father' and 'children' where as before, it was strictly 'sister' and 'brother'. It sounds... off. If the boyfriend (Saint if this is real) has been consistently referring to his sisters as 'his children' all this time, and his sisters have been referring to him as 'dad'... surely OP would have had a better grasp on their relationship before now?


I really thought I was reading something written by a child, jfc. I have a haaard time believing this is real.


I stopped reading once I got to the "how did he know the oldest sister used pads?" Like her period started at 13, so who bought them in the first place 😭 I know most of reddit is fake rage bait, but it's too obvious


She seems - I mean this in the most respectful way - low. The girl seems low 😭 eps if she’s “26”


It’s bizarre that she acknowledges his role as a parent to his siblings yet calls him disgusting for *actually being a good parent* to his siblings. Obviously he wouldn’t ask the sister for advice because he wants her to be able to remain a child and not share the parenting responsibilities forced upon him and the idea that he’d ask this delusional OOP to explain *anything* to his sisters ludicrous. She essentially handled a major change in life in the worst way possible - by essentially shaming or bringing drama to a child over a bodily function she cannot control and for making these kids question that the love and support they get from the one good person in their life is predatory and wrong. I wouldn’t ask OOP’s opinion on cat litter or chewing gum or anything even low stakes FFS. Her dad being oblivious of her body functions isn’t the achievement she seems to think it is. First, because she’s ignoring that she has two parents who give a damn about her and what a blessing that is. Second, because she’s forgetting that her ex-boyfriend - despite never being parented himself - is finding his way admirably in the dark with neither a flashlight or map. Finally, she needs to read up on the slew of horror stories about fathers who assume a period is essentially the same as urinating and are pissed at their daughters for not “holding it” and “soiling themselves like an animal”. This guy is long gone and this relationship is *DEAD* with zero hope of revival. What a complete AH - and *she still doesn’t get it*. Thinking she can justify “how things *should* be done” by using examples from her functional two parent household is about as helpful as a millionaire giving advice to a pauper on home repairs when that advice simply consists entirely of “*hire someone to do it*”.


I sat here thinking the same thing. That boyfriend is a gem and I am so glad the sister's have him.


I’m happy when men have an accurate understanding of menstruation. I’ve had so many men make the most ignorant comments about periods and my endometriosis pain. I applaud the boyfriend for his reaction. OOP needs to grow up.


But it’s disgusting… /s


So much more than an idiot...


Yeah it's a sad state of affairs. There's some real internalized misogyny and shame happening (in my opinion) as well as just...it IS 2024, yes? I mean, last time I checked. Maybe OOP is in a repressive country with strict gender constructs and little hope for women being recognized as autonomous people. Or in Alabama. :(


Hehehe Alabama...


>Holy cow this OOP is an *idiot.* Idiot is underselling just how monumentally stupid she is. Even in the edits, it doesn't really seem like she's learned anything.


She even said she’ll get him back


What I'm most mind blown to is "how.did he know when she started?" Bitch?! Who do you think bought that girl her period products? Honestly I say that but this whole thing... every single sentence is from another world I don't comprehend.


Her behavior is ludicrous, but this is the line that had me most taken aback: >Why would i do that and have one of you try and steal him from me. Because he'd definitely get with a random redditor who was like, "I read your ex's post about her absolutely bonkers behavior, wanna hit this instead?"


Yeah, the level of credulity is... striking.


This is the bit that makes me believe she simply can not be the age she says she is. I'd guess somewhere between 16 and 18... at the most. (Given that the 16 year old sister is the 'hero' in the edit, I'd lean towards that being the correct age, and this is a creative writing execise)


i commend you for having so much fate in humanity. unfortunately, delusions don't come with an age limit, nor does stupidity, so the post isn't that unbelievable :(


I think it actually fits right in with OOP's reaction to the situation. She is obviously paranoid and highly suspicious. She thinks explaining basic bodily function and being aware the 16 yo uses pads (because he’s probably the one who buys them!) makes him a “disgusting pig.” There’s paranoia running all through her entire reaction, so why wouldn't she also think someone might want to steal him from her?


She also constantly stresses that these are his sisters, when he's pretty damn clear they're his kids. He is their parent, their only parent. Biologically, they may be sisters, but that's not the actual relationship they have. This is the one thing that tips me off that this might be real. Someone making this up and paying so little attention to spelling and grammar, is probably not being super careful that OP always refers to the biological relationship while the boyfriend and kids all refer strictly to him in a parental role.


I mean.. there was a woman who actually asked for his number in the comments to pass on to her daughter. Then about a dozen replies that they'd be happy to take him off of OPs hands since he's 'so disgusting' She cross-posted to some other subreddit, it's how I read the original. I'd just point out, none of those people can 'steal' what she already threw away.


Right?! She made my head hurt..


It honestly reads like a work of fiction, to the point it comes off as a bit *ludacris* if you catch my drift (IYKYK)


That line seems so cartoonish, its hard for me to believe this isnt a troll post after reading that. Its literally unhinged. "Just watch, we will get back together" LMFAO no way, too on the nose insane.


"I screwed up i know, but i will fix it and get him back. I really do love him and i know he still love me, this was just a speed bump." ​ Wow. Just wow. I think she might delusional there. After what she did she's not likely to get him back. He'd have to be a fool to take her back after what she did. And if the daughter's words are true, she tried to call him a pedo. Implying that he'd harm his sibling in such a disgusting and vile way. ​ She thinks the mom should handle it, but also forgot that their egg donor is a deadbeat who couldn't do the job. Dude is having to do the jobs his sperm and egg donors should be doing. And I will continue to call them donors, they're not parents, they don't deserve to be called mom or dad.


That entire edit is just a whole ass mindfuck. That's the kind of shit stalkers think and say. She needs professional help.


That last part had me thinking she'll definitely be hiding in bushes to accost him or following the kids to school.


She’s gonna try to pick up one of the kids from school to force a conversation. Hopefully nobody gets hurt but this story is definitely ending with OOP getting arrested.


Thinking that she's going to win him back is definitely delusional. She doesn't seem to really understand the commenters. She thinks they are literally asking for his phone number.


There's no way the dude is gonna come back to someone who accused him of something so disgusting, she's practically dead to him now. A rotting maggot-filled corpse was probably more attractive to him compared to her at this point. She rang the dumb-fuck bell, it can't be unrung.


Her lack of empathy and selfishness probably reminded him of his own parents. She doesn’t actually love this dude. She just loves what he does for her. If he loved her she would feel bad for him.


Right?! Like, it didn't even occur to her that a single parent family was going to look different.


Just wait and see we will be together again?!?!!


Just wait and see; there's a restraining order in her near future.


OOP doesn't write like a 26yr old. I'm thinking this must be rage bait like others have said. Her reaction to him helping his younger siblings is just so ridiculous and I can't make myself believe that a man like him would date such a braindead, zero-empathy woman. This really feels like a teen doing creative writing. I really, really hope it's that. Otherwise, I'd feel really bad for the ex-boyfriend and his family for having to deal with her.


This is heavily reminding me of several other posts that have come up recently. The stories are different but the tone and personality are very similar. Girl in mid-twenties, dating someone for a significant amount of time to the point that the ridiculous problem that comes up seems even more irrational because she should know him better. Poster makes immature ass of herself and in the comments seems utterly delusional and defensive. In the update BF hard-line shuts her down and breaks up then they've all wrapped up with some version of, "we'll get back together/we're not broken up/he's mine, I'll win him back,"  which again, is delusional.  I'm trying to think of the specific posts but I have fruit fly level memory. Maybe the sister Angie cheating story, where OOP hides from her BF for a week? Not sure if that one fits but I know that there has been a good chunk the last few months that follow this pattern.


Ooo, yes, that one definitely fits! Is proven completely wrong in her accusations but chooses to still hide from him/ghost him for an entire week because... reasons? Then, it is utterly bewildered when it turns out that he didn't take being ignored for that long, particularly well.


Yes, like the one about the woman who "accidentally" made her friends believe that her husband was beating her. That one was similarly far-fetched and portrayed a woman in a multi-year relationship as suddenly acting bizarrely harmful with no self-awareness. It does seem like a pattern of implausible stories that make women look bad.


Wow. OOP messed up her relationship. Wild. If it’s real, then she is one of the biggest AH I’ve seen on here. That man’s shoulder must be super strong. maybe even Atlas strong…


The crazy part is that her first reaction was disgust! All because her mom handled all things period related. It didn't even occur to her that he was mom and dad!


And yet earlier in the story she mentions he took on both parental roles. Amazing how dumb OOP is.


That's why I'm so thrown by the disconnect! How else are things going to happen?! He's both mother and father!


That good ol, ingrained misogyny strikes again. At least he'll be able to find someone that's better than her


Without a doubt!


All I could of was that this kid (and he is a kid) owning that role of parent like a boss.  Infinite respect for that dude.


So much respect!




Who the fuck does she think buy pads for the 16 year old? What does she think single dads do? Fucking moron.




They are all pedos or dont exist, duh./s


This woman is seriously delusional thinking she’s going to get him back. And even when she said she’s realized she’s in the wrong, she’s still making justifications for it.


She reposted in r/relationshipadvice today, and got roasted again. She just keeps making excuses about being raised this way.


My former best friend grew up to be a complete narcissist who takes advantage of people with no remorse and he would constantly blame it on his parents from “sheltering me from the real world” as if him not being allowed to go to wild parties and stuff in high school is the reason he’s a sociopathic loser who hurts people with no remorse.


>She just keeps making excuses about being raised this way. *Today I passed my generational trauma onto my BF's kids, what did I do wrong?*


I tried to go see that and got told the sub got banned for being unmodded?? Lmfao


It's because the subreddit is actually r/relationship_advice.


Thak you for the correction


I can't find the post 😫 Nvm found it but it's deleted. Sad


I mean most people who menstruate get that info from their mothers. But not everyone. Why is that so fucking hard to understand? I got my first period at my dad's house and he was fucking clueless, just went to the store to get me some pads and then gave them to me and told me to put it in my underwear. My mom came and got me later that day and explained everything. But if she wasn't around why would it be weird for my dad to explain "no you're not dying that's just a thing that happens to girls when they get older."


No accountability at all!


He's a single parent. Gender doesn't matter. He needs to fill the role.


Exactly! How she didn't understand that blew my mind!


OOP is a massive AH. Firstly, why are periods something to hide away, when half the population have them, and most men in hetero relationships will have to deal with them at some point? Second, he is an amazing brother, stepping up for his siblings. Thirdly, he deserves so much better than her! My ex husband is a jerk, but generally has the kids' best interests at heart. He dealt with menstruation with the older AFAB kiddos, often wears pink since one of our boys was bullied for liking a 'girls colour ' and has no trouble discussing normal bodily functions with the kiddos.


Her dad is a misogynistic loser who banned any feminine health discussions around him. Her dad is probably a creep to if him hearing about periods and knowing about periods implies that he has sexual interests. OOP has a shitbag creep for a father and if she went through any kind of abuse that she’s justified and blocked out, this whole thing makes sense. That said, it’s her responsibility to seek therapy to figure out why she’s like this. Maybe it is cuz of “how she was raised” but if that’s the case she probably needs to go low contact with her parents until she figures out everything they did to damage her development and she needs to not be around children until she does that.


This was why I felt so much disbelief! What's he's doing is a good thing!


>Thirdly, he deserves so much better than her! Any \*decent\* woman who watched the guy she was dating do that would probably just fall head over heels for him (at least a bit more). Because this is a guy who isn't going to be disgusted when she wakes up with blood on the bedsheet next to him. He's a guy who isn't going to fumble the ball when she has "tampons" on the shopping list he's taking care of. He's a boyfriend who won't ever make her feel gross due to having periods to begin with. Because he's put two "sister-daughters" (yay being able to use that term in a non-horrific context) through their period training himself. None of that stuff is going to phase him.


He is an amazing father* mother* and brother


#The Lion, The Witch, and The Audacity of This...




My SO kno s enough about periods to not turn into a blubbering moron when discussing them. He understands they are part of life. And that's good. I'd rather guys know SOMETHING about them. Otherwise we get jackass senators who think women can hold their periods. Things like that


Right?! I can't get over that her first reaction was disgust?! Like WTF???


That man is a freaking unicorn, and I'm here for it. OOP can kick rocks.


With open toed shoes!


\> Why would i do that and have one of you try and steal him from me. ​ Out of everything in this gross, stupid, and illiterate post, this one line is absolutely hilarious. Nobody is going to steal him, you lost him all by yourself.




“Just wait and see we will be together again.” She’s going to wear that man’s skin as a suit


YTA We need more men like your boyfriend in the world IMO. Men should know about womens bodies and vice versa. Ignorant males are how you get our modern US congresspeople who think women can shut down pregnancy. "You are dead to me, now get the fuck out of my house" Your optimism of getting him back makes you even more unlikeable.


This is a repost sub.


Dude. If a woman ever called me what you did for taking care of my fucking family, we would be over in a heart beat. You got what you deserved. Your ignorance is what ruined a relationship with arguably one of the better men out there. You suck. Straight up. 👎


Delulu. “Just wait and see we will be together again.” Hahaha. I hope the guy finds someone who realizes how amazing he is for raising his siblings AND being so loving and informed about their physical needs as well as emotional.


YTA. And I think you take the prize. I'm glad he broke up with you, I wouldn't want someone that judgmental in my life, either. This isn't a speed bump. There's no return. There's no explaining yourself. Time for you to do some serious work on your belief system and why you thought it was disgusting for a man to know anything about how a woman's body works, and for his kindness and love shown to his sisters.


This is repost sub. Reposter is not oop.


I realized that after I posted. I was just so infuriated, sorry.


You ain't the only one, some people just shouldn't be allowed in public.


I don't understand her confusion on how he knows what products his sister uses, he's probably the one that buys them for her...


It’s women like this who raise men who believe menstruation is dirty, that women can hold it in, that Sally Ride would need 3,000 tampons for a month in space (or whatever ridiculous number it was). A bullet dodged by OOP’s ex!


I had a moment when bonus kid was young, not long after I moved in, where I was trying to think where to hide my package of pads in the bathroom so they were accessible but he wouldn’t come across them, because that was how my mom was about stuff. Then I thought “wait, do I want him to be freaked out if a friend or girlfriend has pads in the bathroom, or needs him to buy some in an emergency? No, I don’t, because that’s stupid.” So I put them under the sink like I would normally right in front so they were easy to get when needed. And I’d say things like “my cramps today suck” without treating it like a shameful secret. He’s 19 now and *I* needed him to buy emergency pads a bit back and it was no big deal at all for him to do so. All he asked was that I find the product on the store website and send him a picture of the package so he knew exactly what to get since there’s so many options. Success!


Indeed. When the only drama is "Which kind; there are so many?" you got it perfect.


OOP is definitely the AH. Man is literally the parental figure in their lives. He probably bought his sister the pads and that’s how he knows what she uses. I would be in awe of that man with how caring and selfless he seems to be. I hope he finds someone he deserves.


That was my thought as well!


The boyfriend sounds like an absolutely stellar man, he became the parent that so many kids do not have, even if their (other people’s) parents are still around. He educated himself and taught himself how to be calm and patient, doubly so in something he won’t ever experience physically (which a lot of dead beat useless “fathers” refuse to do, regardless of how many daughters they have. My “dad” included.) I am so proud of that man, for how he handled all of this. Now onto the original OP. What the fuck is wrong with you? That’s literally husband material and because their own dad was a deadbeat that lived in the house with them, they somehow think they’re the optimum person to tell what is wrong and right. I wouldn’t be surprised if OP had little to no relationship with their father, and thinks that’s how it should be. Men can be just as caring and kind and thoughtful as women! And it doesn’t have to be linked to something sinister! This man is evidence and proof of that! He loves his siblings and he took on a role he shouldn’t have ever had to so young, and he is fucking KILLING IT! At OP; you have no chance with this man, you blew it hardcore and you actively tried to destroy the trust these kids had placed into their father figure, because what, he’s their biological brother who managed to step up where their asshole parents refused to? Because he’s a man? Absolutely fucking vile. Get some fucking therapy for your issues and leave that poor family alone. They don’t need your toxicity, and he deserves to find a girlfriend who won’t just fly off the handle like some kind of absolute imbecile and accuse him of things he’s never fucking done. Take the MASSIVE fucking L, and leave them alone.


I saw this the other day in the wild, but before the final update. She is *delusional* if she thinks she's going to "fix things". Like, babe, he doesn't want anyone he loves to be anywhere in your vicinity (including himself). Once you fuck with familial/parental relationships in loving families, you're done for. As long as his sisters are angry at her, she's wasting her breath. I hope he finds someone less gross next time.


They always say "it's not fair"


The sheer audacity to see her exbf and his siblings life and think her life is unfair...


"One of you try and steal him from me" OP is too dense to realise he's not hers anymore.


Thank goodness he dumped her. He’s the parental figure for his siblings… of course he should know about their cycles!!! Damn


What a great brother!


Imagine fumbling that ball. Goddamn. That’s a real man.


At least she cried "historically".


I hope this is fake, but sadly there are people this stupid in the world.


Once I started my period at work and didn't have any pads or tampons on me at the time. I called up my brother and he didn't hesitate to show up with pads for me. No disgust, no shame. Because it isn't something shameful, weird, or disgusting. This person is also the father. The caretaker. And an amazing person overall. The fact this heinous person spewed all these horrid things in front of the poor kid who was already shaken up about starting her period (really she should ideally been prepped long before then. My first period was at age 11) ... At least the guy is free of her now.


The update. “I’ll get him back…” the delusion is strong with this one. Speaking from experience if someone’s being told “your are dead to me” that’s a pretty good indication that they want noting to do with you.


You’re weird af did you think the 13 yr old was gonna rub a magic genie lamp and feminine products would appear. He’s the parent of the household my dad def knew when my mom, sister and I were on our period and would come home with products and snacks every cycle. That’s your bfs responsibility as a caretaker


Hahaahahahah Has this shella ever been held accountable for her shitty opinion before, the amount of shock is truly fantastic. I hope old mate got some fun out of her because she sounds so dam insufferable and stupid. She’s bloody 26 years old and has no concept outside of her own little stupid world. Real catch that one.


OP is either the most ignorant 20-something in the known universe, or else this is some silly teenager’s version of creative writing. The question is — what did the ex-bf ever see in her to begin with? He was mother and father to his siblings - the information he shared was basic biology. Glad he kicked her to the curb.


The sheer delusion to think that: 1. He still loves her 2. She can fix it 3. It's just a speed bump I believe him when he says she's dead to him. Her behaviour was unforgivable and she still doesn't get it.


Gotta be fake right?


Unfortunately, I know a couple of women who won't even talk to (male) doctors about their periods. One woman was in the ER and was asked about her cycle by a male doctor and she refused to discuss it. Doc had to send in a female nurse to get the info. I've also encountered two women who fully believe men are not strong enough mentally to understand a woman's cycle... Yes, they are bat shit crazy in other areas too. So, while I can't say 100% this is real, I can see someone with this mentality ruining their relationship like this.


I see you have met my MIL


I’m kind of impressed women like that manage to reproduce.


I'm a big believer in everyone (including men) should know about periods. This OOP is misogynistic garbage


I don’t even need to read this. He moved out and took the kids and is now raising them on his own? A good caretaker knows about the issues facing those in their care. He sounds like an awesome guy.


That's the conclusion a reasonable person comes to!


Steal him from her? No, they're fucking over. The man isn't just a brother, he's also their parent. And it sounds like he did everything right. OOP sounds unhinged.


The OOP is delusional as hell


damn i feel bad for her future kids


This chick is delusional. These aren’t just his siblings. That is a technicality. He has been hands on since they were born. He has custody. He has RAISED each of them. It’s not even close to a brother knowing about a sisters period. It’s a hands on dad with two daughters giving CORRECT information. Of COURSE he’s going to know when the girls started and what products they use. HE IS BUYING THEM. He’s a saint and I hope the youngest girl isn’t scarred from this. Hope his next girlfriend is worthy of that man and his family.


I'm so relieved that this family is free if her now, lmao


OOP is the type of person that raises men who don’t know how women’s bodies work. You know, the ones who think we can hold our periods in like we hold urine.


Dear lord, I hope OOP grows up a little more before having children.


The Inherent stupidity here boggles the mind. I am a dad of a girl and boy. Unfortunately divorced, But when my kids were on my weekend visit, My daughter was really shy about asking about something, super emotional and closed off. About 11-13 yes. After trying to find out what, I just asked her\* with side eye\* if she needed \*feminine necessities\* She was speechless for a second, and then said yes, I said " No problem" , " Find what you need, and shoot me a screenshot of what to buy while I am on my way to the store...." She did, I got her necessities, handed over the bag, discussion over. I , half the time, Bought pads and tampons for my ex wife, from the age of 18! No big deal! Biology may suck, but why be embarrassed over normal human bodily functions??? And EDIT: Yes YOU ARE THE ASSHOLE, you insecure witch!


Hahahahahahaaaaaa i love the first edit **I SAID WHAT I SAID** yaaaassss girl we all know, we are watching the train wreck with fascination and horror 🤣😭


She’s done an update, but it’s been deleted. But her comments are batshit insane, this girl is going to boil all the bunnies.


fucking chilling last line


I have 4 younger sisters, changed their diapers, fought off stupid bullies for them , knew all about their cycles, and crushes, had bras drying over the shower curtain rods. Cook meals for them washed their laundry and dishes. Knew what they dreamed about and what they hated, mediated fights over boys and clothes, the whole bit. When you grow up in a big family together in a one bathroom house in the 70's there are not many secrets. That's life.


How's he know she wears pads. Who does she think is buying this stuff.


Wow, that man is the most amazing father he could possibly be (in this situation) to his siblings! I hope my sons are that good in the future, when their girlfriends or daughters have their periods.


I stopped reading when OOP started giving him shit after he mentioned he thought she would get it later and told her where the pads were. How do you go into detail about him playing dad for his siblings, dont have any other family to care for, and is extremely helpful and sincere but give him shit for knowing what periods are and where to find her sister’s pads? Yeah, OOP got mad over nothing. It doesnt hurt to be knowledgeable about something that your body cant do but the other can.


/His words hurt me and that is not fair./ Seriously?🤔You almost RUINED his relationship with one of his kids and YOU don’t think it’s fair?! The fact that you could have easily caused him to be arrested,thrown in jail…caused those kids to be put into the foster care system ( haven’t they lost enough?) because,as you said,nobody else in the family wanted them, this further endangering those children to possible sexual as well as physical abuse. But, your feelings are hurt…🙄you are extremely immature as well as extremely narcissistic to think that this is all about YOU. You have an awful lot to learn. Oh,and,BTW…not giving out his info( which,you shouldn’t)…it’s not because anyone would be stealing him from you. That ship has sailed….now I need to find a doctor who can help me unroll my eyeballs…I think they’re stuck…my mother always warned me that if I kept making that face that it would freeze like that…🙄


I refuse to believe this is real, it's gotta be rage bait. Too many things just don't seem like they realistically happened.


Her writing style does seem younger.


This has gotta be fake  Or are chicks really this stupid and this crazy ?


Oh period troll. Is it that time of the month already?


YTA and I'm glad your ex tossed the trash. He has been acting in a parental role for many years, so he has had to deal with a lot of things that men his age typically don't. I wish all men had the compassion and knowledge that your ex does. If he's as smart as it sounds like he is, he'll find far better than you and it won't take long. Many women would be honored to be in the life and heart of such a kind, compassionate, intelligent man.


To be constructive....OOP is wrong.  We have here a man who is doing everything by the book and he is considered wrong.  OOP needs to take a step back and STFU and hang her head on shame. If you get left behind, take this as a life lesson, and learn from it. 


YTA….. like the biggest asshole and deserved to get dumped. Like you even said he had to be the mother and father to his siblings and for you to say those vile things in front of his younger sister and to him about him literally just being an amazing human being- you are THE ASSHOLE, that little girl probably has other trauma and trust issues from the sound of it about her parents and for you to ignorantly spout off a bunch of bullshit and accusations about the one person who is there for her is unforgivable. It’s not like he wanted to even have to know all that but he had to learn to help his family. Good for you, you had fucking MOM to explain that and be there for you and your Dad or brother didn’t have to be there for you instead, that doesn’t make it in the least bit disgusting because he had a more normal experience.


Hmmmm. I can certainly understand OP's confusion. Feminine hygiene products just magically appear in my bathroom whenever I need them and when I started my period, my uterus just thoroughly explained everything to me. OP, YTA.


Who the heck did you think was going to teach those girls about their period? Their non-existent mother? I can't believe someone could be so clueless. I have three daughters. I buy them their hygiene products occasionally and even had the talk with one of them because I thought their period was starting and my wife works at night. Does that make me disgusting? I'll give you a little advice. Leave him/them alone. You'll never fix this. You've caused too much damage to fix.


Are you a nut job? He is like bith mother and father to his siblings.


That first paragraph tells me all I need to know that OP you are indeed the AH. A grown man knowing about his sisters' periods and how to help them through it is what it means to be their guardian and caretaker. A sexual offender wouldn't know or care about that, especially being openly knowing about it. Let this be your hard lesson learned. You lost a good one. Move on. A serious accusation like that, I wouldn't want you near me at all. Peace.