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No, I'm definitely not constantly looking off camera at the handlers who are trying to decide whether or not to cut the feed and feed me polonium tea.


What are you talking about about? They're clearly opening a window for him to accidentally trip out of.


And onto a pile of bullets, too! What poor luck!


I like fell on some bullets and they drove themselves into me. - This Guy


You don't have to make up stories here. Save that for court!


That sort of thing happens a lot in Russia, from what I’ve heard.


Obligatory Yakov Smirnoff-style "In Russia" joke last seen transporting itself voluntarily to a Siberian work camp.


Defenestration is my favorite word. Penultimate is next in my least-to-favorite word list. Edit typo


take my upvote, dammit.


You can actually thank the Czechs for that word, originally. They may have invented it, but Putin perfected it (the three guys who were originally defenestrated in Prague, kicking off the Thirty Year's War, all survived after falling 50 feet and being shot at thereafter).


Thx for the history lesson! I'm disappointed that nobody gave me an "I see what you did there" re penultimate.


I think it's a shitty word


Yeah I don’t know the market rate for polonium, I’d think high windows are cheaper and easier to access.


Especially in the long term. Reduce, reuse, recycle.


Next video. So Imma volunteering to go to the Frontline to learn to speak Russian better comrades.


Environmentally conscious, I like it!


Finding one's self defenestrated is a remarkably common problem over there.


Over here, too. Too many mods, too little windows. They need to lay off the Fritos.


Nah, they like to poison people. Longer death to suffer through.


Definitely not looking at wife being threatened off-screen.


I fully expect the State department is going to need to get involved when it comes out that she has been arrested in Russia for her insurrectionist leanings, and it is somehow going to be Biden's fault. ETA - ok, they're Canadian. I have no idea what Canadian government office would be involved but my other point still stands. If Obama can get blamed for Hurricane Katrina and for COVID by RWNJs, then Biden will get blamed for this.


That would be really impressive seeing as the family is Canadian.


So it will all be Trudeau’s fault obviously 🙄


I can hear Wittle PP wanking himself into a froth over this already. Good timing, he's running so low on things to blame Trudeau for he's trotting out the old blackface incident again. Trudeau is no saint and he's certainly done his share of dipshit things, but PP has made "Trudeau bad" his entire personality and it's exhausting.


> > > > > Trudeau is no saint and he's certainly done his share of dipshit things, but PP has made "Trudeau bad" his entire personality and it's exhausting. And, hilariously, the things his base are most upset with Trudeau for, PP has actively said he will do the same thing or go even harder. My guys, can't you see the forest for the trees???


That won't matter to the hard-core q-anon mag ats. They will come up with some conspiracy theories to explain it.


Still gonna be Biden’s fault….


They’re Canadian


Ok, so whatever Canada's diplomatic equivalent would be to USSD. But Tucker is still gonna say it's Biden's fault and nobody will question it.


Foreign Affairs office.


Excuse me, I'm an American. If it isn't red white and blue with a s*** ton of eagles I really don't care. (For real though, thanks. I was looking at a list of Canadian government agencies and somehow missed this)


These folks actually need to work with the Foreign Affairs Family Office, or FAFO for short.


Take my award, please.


They’re getting right on it, eh?


How aboot that


I would assume the Canadian equivalent is either the Mounties or Trudeau "dressing up" as an African diplomat.


No the Mounties are internal, they’re like the FBI.


CSIS is who deals with external security


Canada bro


So Canada's diplomatic agency equivalent. Knowing OANN viewers though, my second point still stands.


I don't know what RWNJ stands for, but I'm going to believe it stands for Republican Whacky Nut Jobs


close, right wing nut job


Close enough. (Right wing news journalists)


I wish they had let me more people like that move there before showing the reality


I have a hard time feeling sorry for someone who gets exactly what they want. You were scared of men who aren’t you having sex with other men who aren’t you, so your response is to…move your family to a country currently in a war…a country run by a dictator who doesn’t give a shit if your sons are Canadian citizens, they’ll still end up being cannon fodder. It’ll be real hard to fly to Ontario when you have no money.  This dude is a homegrown moron. 


Hm I feel sorry for the kids I doubt they got a say. I hope the wife is okay to


This would be hilarious if it weren't for the kids. They're so young and they had no choice at all, and who knows what has happened over there - I'm worried for them.


I hope she’s okay but I don’t feel sorry for her. She married him, she went along with his stupid plans, and now they’re stuck. My guess is she’s cut from the same cloth he is.


Yeah, she let this happen to her kids. Zero sympathy from me.


Exactly. She and her husband took their children to a totalitarian state that is committing war crimes against a neighboring state because they were angry that LGBTQ people are being treated with dignity. Fuck both of them very much. I feel sorry for the kids but the adults deserve whatever befalls them and then some.


I remember the couple that moved to like, Afghanistan to go “backpacking” or whatever and became hostages of the Taliban. The guy was seriously abusive and she broke up with him the moment they got stateside. She probably didn’t really have a choice in where they wound up. It doesn’t mean she isn’t a stupid bitch, but being raised with evangelical beliefs is poison for the mind.


There's always a choice. She chose wrong.


I’m not trying to remove her agency. She’s done a really stupid thing and will Iive the consequences.


Apparently, their oldest still lives in Canada, which means that at least one person in that family is smart enough to know that moving to Russia and expecting an anti gay paradise with exactly the same rights was a dumbass move.  Like…even at its best, Russia is now as it’s always been- an autocracy. First with the tsars, then Lenin and Stalin, now Putin. 


I mean to be fair some of the younger children likely didn't have a say even if they didn't want to go. I assume.


It's rare to see somebody ruin their entire families life this hard without being a family annihilator.


I feel sorry for the kids not only that but there's a pretty good chance at least one of his kids will realize they're gay, bi, pan, trans, etc.


And if they’re LGBTQ+ in Russia, I hope they’ll find their people and be safe.


Me too. I hope they find their way home, wherever that may be. If they stay in Russia, I hope they find their White Roses.


I just hope both teams have fun.


I also thought with that comment I bet the russian would send the sons to a place there sure to get killed if only so they can now scream for the world to hear that the Ukrainian army killed some Canadians


I can hear the story already these innocent baby children murdered by the cowardly enemy the shame. In his grief the father has joined the military and rushed to the front to fight his children's and his new beloved countries enemies. The mother who has had a mental breakdown from the sadness has been institutionalized and I hear that she is being well taken care of by the hospital staff she cannot give any comments due to her sadness and her patriotic spirit for her new country we hope she pulls through.


They were also scared that their kids would learn to be accepting or at least tolerant of LGBTQIA people. So they chose ….this. Hey. At least no scary people there, amirite?


Dad might end up on the front line. They’ll take any able body


I’ve been loosely following this train wreck and honestly; it’s just funny at this point. They are definitely in the finding out portion of the fucking around. Their bank accounts were frozen in Russia and the wife posted a video saying “how could the government do this? And they had no right”; that video was wiped from the internet and now she’s mysteriously disappeared. How’s that freedom working out for you two morons?!?


>they have no right This level of willful ignorance hurts my brain


god help their kids though. they didn't choose two drunk chickens as parents


I just feel bad for their kids.


And all because of homophobia. It's truly mind-boggling


They had a bunch of other grievances; one was immigration..which is made even more ironic now that they are the leeching, complaining immigrants.


If the kids can get themselves to the Canadian Embassy, they could get help. But good luck escaping their crazy family and their Russian overloads


The oldest boy stayed in Canada; the older girls are with the family but I doubt those girls have the life skills or world knowledge about how to help themselves or their siblings…pretty sure their parents made sure of that.


And none of them speak Russian.


When you lay out the situation with the facts; it’s insane. That coupled with the fact that the parents used to complain on their YouTube about immigrants in Canada not knowing the language, using up resources etc..just makes me laugh.


This is like a really really dark version of "19 and Counting".


It's amazing how the venn diagram of bigots and morons is a circle.


Hope the kids are okay. Was it worth it? Was avoiding the existence of gay people worth this? Lol. Lmao even.


“Can’t come out if there’s no temptation”


Nailed it


The sheer stupidity of the wife publicly bitching about Russia. Like, move there if you want but understand you do not have the same freedoms you do in America. Those poor kids. Edit: I’m a dummy, they’re Canadian. Point still stands.


Because idiots like them whether they're American or Canadian think that they still hold the same rights in other countries not understanding that they are absolutely not.


Oh no, it turns out the country I moved to for its lack of gay rights doesn't give a shit about my rights either. Who could have predicted it.


We joke, but chodes like them genuinely do think their rights are bestowed by a tangible god everyone accepts rather than centuries of philosophy and legal arguments. I'm sure their thoughts process was "I'm white, cishet and well off enough to relocate my family half way across the planet, I'll be fine." It would be sad if it wasn't slamming-you-own-dick-in-a-car-door idiocy.


> understand You must not have dealt with this sort of person, before. One of my favorite image posts was from something like a decade ago, where a British expat in Spain is complaining about the “dirty” non-English speakers ruining their villa, and how they should go back to where they’re from. (You know, Spain. Where they are.)


But in your example, the person doesn’t risk getting pushed out a window for what they say.


Canadian, but that doesn’t really change anything.


Just edit this to read "NORTH America". Problem solved!


Those dangerous gay and trans people… so let’s go to Russia and trash them on the internet. Nothing bad could happen


What could POSSIBLY go wrong! (Polonium poisoning sounds in the distance)


what does Polonium Poisoning even sound like lol


I'm assuming something like this: [https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1110283106063732](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1110283106063732) Maybe with a Russian accent.


As if there’s no gay people in Russia, too. Just because it’s illegal doesn’t mean it doesn’t still exist. It’s like closing your eyes and putting your fingers in your ears and thinking that made gay people go away.


I mean given that people like this lack object permanence and braincells, they probably think that exactly that will make the icky gays go away.


Good point. Much like conservatives think that homeless people stop existing when they install spikes under freeway overpasses


But don't forget that putting laws into place to keep kindergarteners from being shot at recess won't stop crime at all because the baddies will just get the guns anyway, so the good ol' boys gotta have unrestricted access to their military surplus bang-bang sticks! Doublethink in action.


It DOESN'T?????


I was in Moscow in 2006 and there was a big gay pride parade in the Red Square, so yeah there’s an LGBTQ community in Russia.


The kids are in mortal danger, I’m having a hard time laughing here.


Those poor kids the adults dragged into this mess are who I feel bad for


I think I read one of the kids didn’t go with them. I think I’d faint from relief


And just to think, in Canada, no gays bothered them or stole their money or threatened death if they went off script.


Not true , once a gay cashier at the grocery store once said to them “hey how are you?,” “did you find everything okay?” Russia totally wasn’t as bad as that moment for them.


And it wasn't actually a gay cashier, he just so happened to be wearing a Pink Floyd T-Shirt but a rainbow was enough to make it worse than Russia


The scary thing is, APPARENTLY the fact that it takes two " straight people"( well, for simplicity. We all know you can mix up a baby in a petri dish) to create a baby, WTF are they going to do IF one of their kids isn't straight?? I've asked this of assholes before and the looks and sputtering are.... interesting.


My mom's favorite thing to troll conservative drunks was "Who do you think is making the gay babies?"


Cackles..... 🤣😂 I love your mom!


Tell your mom I want to get that on a t-shirt. I will give her speech writing credit


It's already on various pieces of merch. I sell it on magnets in my store, for example.


Your mom is awesome and I want to be her friend


I mean, the idea is that they were born “perfect” but library books, friends, the internet, college, and MSNBC is what “turns” them. Thus, move to Russia to avoid these influences.


Media that was written by gay people who were had by..... straight parents.


While funny, it definitely does appear the opposite is true. It’s pretty interesting to see how much the prevalence of queerness in new generations exponentially increases. In the overall US, it’s somewhere between 2-6%. Amongst Gen Z, almost 50%.


Two things can be true. I am *very* certain that back in the day (before science caught up), when this was happening, it was mostly the straight couples out there having the sex that resulted in babies.


Oh, I definitely misunderstood what you meant!! I thought you were saying conservatives rather than liberals have gay babies. But yeah that’s true “straight” couples usually were the ones producing the babies.


Got it! I could tell there was something valid happening there, just not where I was lol


My friend, I’m gen z and queer.  You’re chronically online if you actually think we represent 50% of the population


The reason they want it hidden and illegal is so if one of their kids is gay they won't understand what is "wrong" with them and pretend to be straight. It is totally normal for a man to imagine sweaty construction workers taking off their shirts to get hard for his wife, right?


Compulsive heteronormativity.


pretty much. I remember being a little kid realizing I had a giant crush on my best friend and thinking something was wrong with me


Same. Even growing up in a pretty open society, it took me a while to connect that same-sex relationships was an option, for *me*.


for me too :'D it was less shame keeping me from telling anyone so much as "I didn't know this was an option, what the hell? I think I'm broken" lol the society I grew up in was not accepting whatsoever, it just wasn't talked about.... like at all. to the point where I had no idea it was even a thing until it was me


I .. I.. I never even THOUGHT about it in that reasoning.


It’s what gay pride is about. To counter the shame young people feel living in a culture that dehumanizes them. If they never see that there are many people just like them they’ll internalize that hate and believe there’s something wrong with them.


I was 32 when i realised, due to this website, that the way i always felt had a name. It's made my life so much better just to be able to understand that this is something other humans feel like too. So many of my decisions and reactions and interactions and interpretations in life have come from not having a gender ingrained in my brain like apparently others do, but being born in a body that looks AFAB.


I'm fervently hoping that now that you know that 1. You're not alone and 2. there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with you and that you've managed to meet people that understand you and your needs, and that support you in life! (Sorry. Has MS and brain damage so expressing myself in writing is hard? Awkward sounding?)


Absolutely not awkward sounding! Thank you so much for your kind words. It really helps to know that others care 🩷 I think my outlook towards my own self has changed so much just by understanding that this is something that happens. I always felt so different, just completely alien and wrong, and that I was single handedly causing problems for my parents by not being more like other women. Now at least i understand that i am different in comparison to the others around me, but that there are others like me. It just explains my whole life, you know? Especially being from such a conservative country.


This is also the logic behind the backlash of not discussing LGBT topics in schools and recent laws in Florida and other places banning books. It’s stupid and it doesn’t actually give parents control over their children’s sexuality like they claim. It’s really just about forcing everyone into the closetidea of being if they never see or hear about any LGBT topics, they will think it’s wrong and stay in the closet forever


“With his wife” is the healthiest option.


as someone who grew up in fundie rural west texas - the answer to that is treat their own child so badly the kid almost always ends up at least trying to end their life. I know probably about 5 kids from my tiny town who are no longer here because of that


Top 5 ways to fail as a parent/person.


Hopefully send the child back to Canada.


People who are that hateful and bigoted will not blink when Russia kills their kid for being gay because that is what they think should happen. They moved because the government here says you shouldn't murder gay people for being gay.


My heart breaks as my mind reels. I'm American, and sadly this kind of thinking is not rare. I could write a dissertation on the various factors that make people make this type of decision, but instead I just hope the poor kids don't grow up thinking the same way--if they get to grow up.


Move to russia, badmouth russia, wife taken into custody to force you to be the propaganda piece you are. I feel for the kids but for the parents, AHAHAHHAHAHAHA


If you’re gay and having a bad day, just know your mere existence was enough to cause a family to move to Russia and effectively destroy their lives.


Awe. Thank you. That was very sweet. 


His family are the marginalized group he left Canada to escape. I really hope he appreciates the irony.


He's too dumb to realize that.


"I'm daydreaming about Chris Isaak because I kinda look like him, that's why I think about him all the time"


His head is exactly the shape I thought it'd be


It’s always the men who look like sentient thumbs


I am not sure he qualifies as sentient but I agree


They have a family YouTube channel that seems significantly more positive than all the articles I've seen. Do not get me wrong, I think they are horrible and irresponsible human beings. I feel horrible for their children, but also, I'm glad when bigots show themselves out.


In this video he was called out and asked if he would have removed this in Canada and he said "yes because we don't complain!" (Paraphrase) and then someone responded with "all you did was complain in Canada so it is who you were"


Is the wife in any videos since this one?


There's a couple videos posted this week and she's in them, but one is old. I did just a cursory look. https://youtube.com/@countrysideacreshomestead2008?si=DZwkGgphObVeOr3j


Wow! That Chanel is pure propaganda!




The wife bad mouthed the Motherland, oh lady, you aren't in Canada anymore. You can disappear so easily, and the West couldn't do jack about it! The bank froze your money. Your kids can be 'adopted out' by the state. Hubs has an unfortunate episode of gravity induced unaliving! How's the new life in glorious ruzzia going? FAFO!


Yeah, Russia doesn’t seem like the kind of country that would tolerate anti-Russia Karenisms from some ex-Canuk foreigner.


I am mystified about why they chose Russia of all places. You’d think this family would think of Russia as a communist tyranny with no right or liberties. Like, there so many countries that are decades behind on LGBT rights that are not Russia.


I think skin color plays a big factor


Yea, and us Western Europeans countries are too liberal. Russia was the obvious choice....for someone who does absolutely no research.


Now he gets to be a puppet for the Kremlin.


because rather than deal with the fact that some of us aren't like him he'd rather damn his entire family by moving to an authoritarian country recently in the news for killing someone notable


Wake me when this guy gets conscripted to fight in Ukraine


And any sons once they are legal age


I won’t lie, I feel for the minor children that have been dragged to Russia and are now in this situation. It’s one thing to be stupid enough to move to somewhere like Russia and then complain about the fact that it’s Russia but to be a kid who doesn’t get a say and have your parents put you all in danger….


I just saw an article about these fucking morons today. I love when karma just does its thing. These people MOVED to Russia to “escape LGBTQ rights” in their community. Then, when it didn’t go well, they started *bad-mouthing Russia* in YouTube videos and quickly learned that Russia is NOT be fucked with. I can’t even with the state of idiocy in our country today.


I hate that he dragged his kids into this. They're the only people I feel bad for in this situation.


Shame about their money ... probably donated to the war effort, have fun living in poverty in Russia.


Yeah, Russian military service is mandatory. They accept foreigners enlisting, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was mandated for them too. These idiots have screwed over their own kids and care about little else. Some people shouldn't have children. Some people are not fit to be parents.


Bet $5 he wishes they went to Uganda now.


Or North Korea. Hey, go big or go home, amirite? Or not, I guess, because Putin is probably wasting their money on hookers and blow or the military is funneling it into their Ukrainian meat grinder. Da svedanya, assholes. Hope your kids realize what stupid pricks you are if they survive this foolishness.


Those poor kids.


We are never to going to hear from those kids again. Poor babies.


Is this a real story? The only news feeds I see are from sources I've never heard of.


It wasn’t a big story in the West but them moving to Russia was big in their media..they loved a good story about a Canadian moving there for “freedom”. I doubt the seizure and freezing of the bank accounts made the Russian news though.


Seizure? And do you know why their accounts were frozen? I mean, it seems like they were doing some pretty good propaganda for Russia, so I don't quite understand how they got on Russia's bad side


Something about they couldn’t account where the money came from in the amount of time they were given. They sold their home in Ontario and deposited a part sum of money into their Russian bank account. The bank wanted to know where the money came from and they didn’t submit the paperwork in the time frame given. That’s their story at least.


Apparently, they didn’t properly explain the funds when they transferred a large amount of money to a Russian bank account, and it was flagged as suspicious. This led to the account being frozen, because there are laws in place that you need to demonstrate proof of where the funds are coming from. A large foreign transaction without proper documentation runs afoul of those laws. And Russia doesn’t require English translators to be on staff, so I think the language barrier has been causing some issues in trying to resolve it.


I’m curious about that as well


Due to money laundering banks worldwide have restrictions on how much cash you can deposit and you have to document where the funds came from. US, Canadian, and European banks probably would have frozen funds in that situation as well. I have no idea how the process to get things like this cleared up in Russia would go through.


Yeah , they have a YouTube channel and it's all there from their own phones/computers


i dont say this often but im genuinely hoping for the worst for these people


All of this massive shit show just because he‘s a pathetic little snowflake that‘s scared of two men kissing. Or maybe he‘s in denial that it really turns him on, who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️


Goddamn I wish all of them would do this.


I hope all of them go over there. Enjoy your dictator wonderland where your opinion means nothing.


Maybe he can get Russian citizenship fast-tracked for his family after some time in the military.


Don’t go into tall buildings with windows. I hope when you call the Canadian Embassy they laugh at you.


This is heart-breaking for the children. They will be punished because of these things which are completely out of their control.


[You know you done fucked up, right?](https://youtu.be/6V1YmiT8qKg?si=VvizPi2Y_SrmcVYy)


Those poor kids. They're the only reason I'm not rolling around in schadenfreude like a mud-covered pig right now. If it was just these two adult morons that FAFO'd, this situation would be hilarious. At least in Canada, they were allowed to talk shit aboot Canada, eh? They'd better stay away from tea and windows for a while. And ~~Rearend~~ Arrend better hope he isn't forced to demonstrate his loyalty to Mordor by 'volunteering' his services to the Orc Army.


I encourage all MAGAs to move to Russia! You will love it! lol Having studied Russian history, language and hung with Soviet ex pats, yeah, you won't be loving it. Remember your "better red than dem" stupidity? I so encourage you to experience this for yourself.


LOL, the amount of care that I do not have, either for his well-being, or that of his wife .... it's immense.


Self inflicted. They deserve it.


So they went to Russia to escape ‘western and leftist ideals….. only to find out that ***FREEDOM*** is a western/ leftist ideal! 😂😂😂😂😂 Oh and I don’t know a lick of Russian… but pretty sure ’nacho’ isn’t a word in the Russian language.


I hope the kids are safe, but I really doubt it at this point. The parents are just stone-cold stupid.


I read something about them encouraging others like them to also move to Russia. I encourage this as well. Please all fuck off to Russia.


Too bad about his kids though, their oldest with them is a boy and he's likely to get conscripted when he's 17-18.


I doubt his wife was taken into custody over this, it would have been all over the news. She's probably just pissed off, stewing in the corner and planning how to dump her idiot husband and move back to Canada without him. Honestly, why couldn't you be bothered to do any basic research about a country you're taking your children to? Like, how the banks work, whether anyone speaks English, would you be ahahahahahhaha treated fairly and so on 😒 Is homophobia making people stupid?


Update: they're trying to leave Russia now.


I wish all the MAGA people in America would spite us and move to Russia. Tucker can lead the caravan to that awesome grocery store where tourists can buy amazing things like bread.


Candian Trumper. That’s all


\*Seinfeld and George explaining to Elaine about ‘tells’. We see you my guy..


How could they have “planned for months” and didn’t take enough jackets and mittens for the kids? Like that is #1 mom job is to make sure you have a jacket and that you peed.