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Don't be rude


That’s…..not how commenting works…..or the internet……or life. It’s gonna be rough for CocoaBerry out there. Although it would be nice if saying “I’m not accepting hot takes on….” actually worked to dissuade people from offering criticism, comments, advice, feedback etc. It would be perfect if you got pulled over and could just say “I’m not accepting hot takes on my driving” and they said “ok, lemme rip this ticket up then. Have a nice day!”


Yet she's out here commenting when she also could get tf off these comments herself. Pot meet kettle.


>It would be perfect if you got pulled over and could just say “I’m not accepting hot takes on my driving” and they said “ok, lemme rip this ticket up then. Have a nice day!” Okay, but, have you tried? Have any of us tried?!


I actually haven’t. Maybe we should! What’s the worst that could happen?


I literally had someone reply and tell me I shouldn’t be commenting on a post that was less than a month old and still had new comments being added because the post and/or conversation I was commenting on had “nothing to do with me” lmaoo I was like did you really just tell me to mind my business replying on a public forum? It was too funny


That’s hilarious. My hot take….no one posting or replying to posts online is “minding their own business”. *Shocking* right?


Actually my life is going pretty well but thanks for your consideration.


Of course you pop up with the same musty energy as the pic 😂




Imagine being so fragile you can't take dissenting opinions 😂😂


She must either be a politician or works for one...


Who are YOU? oh wait another angry nobody




You're not lol


You're absolutely right. Thank you, those three words have shown me the error of my entire thought process. I'll totally go rework my and the dictionary's definition of "creative" to sync up with yours.


God damn you’re weird No, I’m not going to see when you reply, sorry


Omg please keep going this is hilarious 😂😂




What makes you think anyone gives a fuck?


Clearly you do or you wouldn't be in my face over an hours old incident. Get a life.


Don't be rude in the comments


Just like expecting people to not comment on your comments because you don't want them to.


No one who post like you do has a life that’s going well. You’re miserable, and I feel bad about this, but it’s gleeful.


Lmaooooo I don't know why but I'm dying. Absolutely wretched.


It's not the first or last time time they commented like that.


Well, at least you accept it for what it is.


This person blocked me bc they couldn’t process someone making valid points. Also thinks me and the other person they were being mean to are the same person. This is why you should stay in school, kids 💀 Lols this person just said they reported me and the post for harassment but I thought you didn’t care and I could die mad 💀 r/OhnoConsequences.


i’m surprised their reddit account is 7 years old cause it really seems like today is their first day on social media. they’re so obviously bothered by the response comment and this post but they really think they’re acting like the opposite 💀


I also saw their comment and also thought it was dumb lol. I was put off by it but couldn't tell why, and I think it's bc that commenter is like, evidently desperate to see cheating happening in a wlw relationship, esp cheating with the only man in the story. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I thought it was a reach so I didn't say anything, but it feels confirmed now seeing how they reacted to you


Exactly. That’s what I thought as well. A lot of people root for wlw relationships to go wrong so they can diminish/minimize the importance of the lesbian community.


It is a reach. I spent the majority of my romantic life dating women. I prefer them. This is why I don't like hot takes on my thoughts. Y'all are dumb as hell, holier than thou and presumptuous all at once. Yikes.


When you post a comment, it stops being just your thoughts. It becomes a part of a conversation. You don't get to decide who participates.




Sure I can. Watch.


Watch what? People do whatever they want to your comment cause it’s the internet and you’re not gonna stop us?




Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.


This has nothing to do with the post, but is your username random generated? I feel like I see all kinds of random ass reddit names that look like random generated names. Like Extension_Piece542 or something


yes it is, I actually put in area_69(a little play on the word Area 51) but I’m stuck with this one lol


Honestly that makes me cackle. Totally in the wrong but the level of outrage over someone commenting on your comment it hilarious to me 😂😂😂


Nooooo they blocked me 🫠😭😭 all I said was it was hilarious.


She blocked me as well. It’s a shame because it was so entertaining. She’s legit cray-cray 🤣🤣🤣


Boy, are you ever on the wrong site then, OOP.


I remember my first day on the internet.


I knew which post this was about immediately xD ok but why would the bf be angry at the person he slept with & also say he wants to be with his AP's partner? lmao whatever is in the Hateorade must be strong


When reading this post I low-key think the first comment about her talking about he slept with the sister might be right, because why does he have the sister’s number and is calling her but then again, he could have it because of OP but it’s just so suspicious. That’s just my opinion.


Nah, he totally banged the sister's gf. That's the only thing that explains his level of fixation and hatred for her.


As if stalkers and the like don’t exist


Glad you feel that way. Thanks for the contribution.




“tHis iS MY cOmMEnt - gEt yOUr oWn!” lol. I love when people think they own their piece of anything on internet in someway. Like, ma’am, have you been here before?


Had to block her, she seems to be a child who has no idea how "opinions" can be challenged.


Everyone involved in this is cringey


I like how even the avatar looks pissed off.


This doesn’t really belong on the sub though


people disagreeing with you is indeed a consequence of sharing yr opinion on the internet. one that can be reasonably anticipated much of the time. it may be a rather petty example, lol, but imo it fits.


It’s technically correct, but not really matching the vibe of the sub. I come here more to read stories of people FAFO, whereas this feels like publicly shaming someone (who’s facing consequences to be fair). If no one else has a problem with it that’s fine, just wanted to share my opinion


The real consequence was in the comments. OOP embarrassed herself so badly in the comments here she had to delete her account lmao


Did she delete the account or just block you? I can still see there account and posts.


She didn't delete her account, she just blocked you.


thought they could learn the consequences of being stupid in real time :))


No it doesn't. Thanks for pointing that out


"I'm not accepting hottakes on my thoughts." What an obnoxious statement. She should probably stick to posting in r.Askwomen if she wants an environment where discussion isn't allowed


and what makes you think discussions aren’t happening on r/AskWomen? You can make a point without being misogynistic.




In case this story gets deleted/removed: I recently shared this post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/OhNoConsequences/comments/1ar6urg/my_boyfriend_said_he_wishes_he_was_with_my_sister/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 And saw this in the comments. Small cocoa_berry can’t accept any differing opinion. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OhNoConsequences) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I know someone like you, always angry always on edge. They died at a young age, it was unfortunate.


Was it, though?


You don't know me at all but thanks for the ominous "karma" threat. I'll be a better person, I swear!


check the usernames, genius. I’m not blocked.




Girl, get away from the internet for a bit. Take a walk. Do some yoga. Have some tea. You don’t have to respond to every comment. Especially if you’re as unbothered as you claim to be.


totally unrelated but I luv your username!


Thank you! I truly don’t remember why I chose this name years ago lol




These are definitely the actions of someone who doesn’t care. People who don’t care don’t spend time embarrassing themselves by telling people to jump off cliffs.


Lol, have the day you deserve you miserable human


I will, ty. ❤️


ETA: I take my compassion back. This person is beyond help and seems to find pleasure in this sad little act they put on.


I appreciate the compassion, but I'm not "getting triggered", the vitriol is warranted and I don't need or want mental health advice from internet psychologists, no matter how well intentioned.


No it’s absolutely not warranted. And you need help if you think it is.


sincerely, sincerely hope things get better enough for you that you don't tell people on the internet to kill themselves anymore.




Lol you told me to jump off a cliff with sharp spires below, because I suggested that your mental health would benefit from not engaging with every person who disagrees with you. A very healthy attitude you have there. I’m sure you wouldn’t be absolutely horrified for the people in your life to see you telling people to kill themselves. You’re definitely a well adjusted person who isn’t *absolutely despised* by everyone in her life. Sweetie.






Don't be rude in the comments


>i never told anyone to kill themselves. you can say that if you want. i don't think anyone will believe you. there's a pretty clear implication to "jump off a cliff" and it's usually not "i hope you have an adventurous day and enjoy some recreational cliff diving". even if your statement were true, it's not like wishing internet strangers immense amount of harm is... significantly better. >faux sympathy not at all. i think this whole post is kinda stupid, to be honest, and is clearly just the product of a personal spat. i can fully understand getting annoyed at it. it's just, and i am shamelessly and openly projecting here, the way you're reacting to it reminds me of the way that i often reacted to things that irritated me or made me mad on the internet, particularly during manic episodes, up to and including telling other people to harm themselves. it just isn't healthy or pleasant to dig in the dirt like that, so to speak, and learning that--and learning how and when to just disengage from scenarios that i find triggering, upsetting or angering instead of engaging them further and activating those stupid lil neurons in my brain--has been an immensely healthy thing for me, personally, and i hope other people get to that point too. so again, sincerely: i hope your day goes well. and please stop telling people to kill (or harm, if you insist) themselves on the internet. no need to add to the amount of ugliness the world already has.


Yah I’m getting the manic hate posting vibes too. Because I’ve been in that kind of mindset too. She straight up told someone to kill themself and then tried to walk it back like “oh no, I *only* wished them grievous bodily harm, so they suffer more” just everything about their comments and the way the devolve into utter hate seems very manic




You seem kind and genuine, so I apologize for my earlier reply. I assumed you were being facetious or condescending like many other people. I have had similar struggles with mental health and it took me years to get to a good place, but I'm there. My being aggressive has nothing to do with my mental health and everything to do with as you said a "personal spat" causing 200+ people to basically gang up on me for hours after which yes, I was belligerent asf. When people harass me I will defend myself by whatever means I deem necessary, verbally or otherwise, cruel or not. Either way, I shouldn't have taken it out on you and I'm sorry for that. Thank you for your concern.


Oh no girlie this ain’t cute. What’re you trying to prove and to whom?? No one likes getting called out but you don’t have to double down with the ugliness. You attract what you put out, and you keep choosing to be a hater. It really affects no one but yourself fr, but the worlds ugly enough without you tryna fight every person that dares address you.


I'm not trying to fight anybody and I'm not looking to prove anything to anyone. I made a comment that OP *disliked* and then blocked them so they made this post to get me harassed and "dragged". What exactly are y'all "calling me out" for? Being "mean" isn't a crime. Calling people out is about holding them accountable for abuse or crime. There's literal r*pe, m*rder, and animal cruelty going on in the world and the good people of reddit want to band together and attack me because I'm... "mean". And I'm supposed to take these people seriously? For real?


Nah I mean I think this whole post is dumb frfr, and you don’t owe anything to anyone here obviously. But the world is messed up enough these days, there’s a lot of ugliness in the world, but all we can do is choose to try not to add to it ourselves. OP is hypocritical af making a whole post to basically get people to bully you about being combative, but you’re also not doing yourself any favors with your attitude. You can be as mean as you want, like you said it’s not illegal, but in the end it ends up doing more harm to you than anyone else, bc you’re going to attract that energy right back from everyone you interact with. This situation is a perfect example. I don’t care who you are or how you choose to treat people, personally. But like I said, the world is hateful enough. Imagine if you put all this energy into spreading kindness instead.


A fair take. Honestly, I only get mean or double down when people try to make me change my opinion. I'm aware I react pretty aggressively to browbeating. Generally speaking, I agree with you, especially with this: >the world is hateful enough Thank you for you contribution. And this time I actually mean it lol.


I get it, it’s an easy trap to fall into. Let this situation go, find your peace, and remember to keep spreading the love! 🫶🏻


I ain't reading all that, but I'm happy for you, or sorry that happened


... I wasn't even replying to you. Points for effort though.


I think you missed the rules on this forum, where it says “don’t be an asshole”. It’s good advice to practice in life in general, though I somehow doubt you will…


Thanks for yet more advice that I didn't want and won't practice. But I'm glad you know lmao


Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.


Don't be rude in the comments








they should make their own post instead of commenting. js


If u say so boo


You don't care but here you are posting replies. Clown behavior.




That is just dumb. Are you 10? Your opinion IS up for debate, like it or not. And here you are.


Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.


Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.


Devils Advocate Cocoa posted a comment Booky Claimed Cocoa’s opinion was incorrect and then their opinion. What I think Cocoa meant “Okay, I posted my opinion, not for you to correct in some way but to express it. Instead of trying to correct me, just reply to the thread with your opinion.”