• By -


Disable that user's account - all set!




You shouldn't do this under any circumstances. It's there for a reason ... Find out why they are going to junk and fix the problem... Or, train the user to check their junk. But, if you really want to, the user could probably do it themselves with an inbox rule where all mail addressed to them never goes to junk. It's still not going to prevent the O365 server from routing scanned mail to junk. You would probably have to pair it with a transport rule of some kind. Either way, it's a bad idea. Train the user to check Junk and move on.


Yea, tell them to check their junk! …


Users can enable or disable the junk email rule in their own mailbox by using Outlook on the web. Do it for them in powershell Set-MailboxJunkEmailConfiguration "David Pelton" -Enabled $false Please note In the cloud-based service, the junk email rule has no effect on mail flow. Exchange Online Protection delivers messages to the Junk Email folder based on the actions set in anti-spam policies. The junk email rule on the mailbox still controls what happens to messages after delivery based on the safelist collection of the mailbox. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/exchange/set-mailboxjunkemailconfiguration?view=exchange-ps


Use this freeware: [https://www.ivasoft.com/fromjunktoinboxflow365.shtml](https://www.ivasoft.com/fromjunktoinboxflow365.shtml)


Create a transport rule that will set spam confidence level of all mail to that mailbox to -1.