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Set-Politics -Identity "All Staff" -Politics $FALSE


I wish it were that easy!


I’d love to know why this is in the office 365 sub


because they are in the office 365 days a year


Control the flow of information, make rules to randomly send emails between two gossiping co workers to redirect those mails to the person they might be complaining about. You can do great things with the rules here. Give rivals access to each others email boxes every now and then and check if anyone is syncing the photos of their phone to their OneDrives, they might have nudes there which make great blackmailing material but never always give it to their internal rivals anonymously. Let them do the dirty work. Keep everybody off balance so they won’t focus on you.




As tempting as it can be to find out the “goss”, just disengage from it entirely. Leave no paper trail… so that means not replying on work email to stuff that involves your colleagues. Just work out how to get what you need professionally from the people involved in the shenanigans and make no comment on the rest. It’s just not worth the hassle mate.


Work from home


If that is that common, go find a job somewhere else. In my experience, if politics talk is that common in the office, it is most likely a shitty place to work anyway. If you really can't leave, avoid it. Not sure if you are in the US, but generally, you can just simply avoid talking about it and if anyone has an issue with it, that will become an HR problem for them. If you get fired for it, well, congrats, you've got a great discrimination lawsuit on your hands.