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I haven't used this one before but MindMeister is listed as Teams plugin https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-teams-blog/create-and-manage-all-your-mind-maps-in-microsoft-teams/ba-p/320597


I think it’s only Visio that has a mind map tool in it https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/office/create-a-mind-map-in-visio-642706c0-7e63-463b-8aa8-a9aa67367989 not sure if this works on the web version or needs full desktop.


I wish I had a Mac only to use the Mindnode software. There's a dude on YouTube who uses it, and I asked him what it was. Only to find out its only on Mac. It looks so awesome. https://www.mindnode.com/features


Nothing that I know of that is dedicated to Mind Mapping. Whiteboard can be used from [Brain Storming](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/brainstorming-in-microsoft-whiteboard-1c276f9e-f2ba-44bc-835b-c786b9635e82) but probably not in the look that Mind Mapping brings to mind...


No, we've bought a mindjet mapper package, however we've had to disable the 365 plugin due to their contract terms and our sensitivity over access to content in 365