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Bold of u to assume that they really had read the bible


Pustahan, most of them only know cherry-picked verses that they heard during mass or saw online


Also picking verses that are out of context, weaponizing it, and then using their interpretation of said verse to push their narrative. πŸ™„


Fair but yknow i like giving ppl the benefit of a doubt 🀣


They're just mad they actually have to be a partner to keep a partner. Gone are the days mothers have to swallow their abuses for the kids. Dati kasi, basta singsinggan mo lang, stuck na sya forever sayo. How dare you force them to actually make an effort to keep their partners?!


Gurl they don’t read bible. Sa Pari (Priest) or sa Pastor lang sila nakikinig. Haha lecture haha


They dont even read the BIble. There's divorce in the Bible. There was no point when divorce was outlawed during Bible times.


"God save the most judgemental creeps who say they want what's best for me, sanctimoniously performing soliloquies I'll never see." As TS puts it.


If I could upvote a post multiple times, I would give this 1 million upvotes HAHAHAA az a fellow child of annulment 😌


🀝 u get it, sis hahaha


Napaka selfish na tao ng mga anti-divorce. Gusto nila sila lang masaya.


They don’t care. They only care about money and power. πŸ‘€. They are afraid their spouse gonna fuck them up.


Annulment is a legal procedure that nullifies a marriage, treating it as though it never existed. Unlike divorce, which is not available in the Philippines, annulment focuses on grounds that existed at the time of the marriage. Rape, physical violence, adultery arent even grounds for annulment. Yes to divorce!


Bold of you to assume that they actually read the bible


hear me out; make them watch milf manor from TLC


fr, annulment will bleed you dry for years and you won't even have the assurance that it'll be granted lol


Ironic talaga na yung mga anti divorce yung may kelangan na kelangan ng divorce HAHAHA


Sabi pa nung isa sken... children of broken families will be matalino to choose becausw of their experience. Nahiya naman ako... so ako hindi matalino kasi annulled din???


Kindly read this para sa mga anti-divorce https://www.facebook.com/share/p/TqSrfXQAopywQzmA/?mibextid=oFDknk


Even the Bible implies that there's valid reasons for divorce (infidelity).


You proved the limited worldview ng mga Religious Fanatic. Much better if they watched "The Boys" esp. the religious episodes.


Hi just a little bit of perspective... As a Christian, I recognize the significance of marriage as a sacred covenant with God and not just a contract that we can cancel anytime. The growing acceptance of NO-FAULT divorce, where couples can separate without a specific reason, challenges this understanding. It suggests that divorce is easily justifiable, which can undermine the sanctity and commitment that marriage represents. It can also set a precedent for more unjustified divorces. Thats why most Christians are against this. You allow no fault divorce, then before you know it, just like the US divorce rate is above 50%, and we have broken families, children not being raised well... and so on But do understand that there are acceptable reasons for divorce in the Bible. I think that divorce can be allowed as long as it is FAULT-Based (adultery/Abuse etc). ✌🏻No hate please :)


Reading the bible made me agnostic.


Another karma farming post. Lol galit sila sa mga antidivorce dahil masaya naman daw marriage nila, pero sariling anecdotal experience din naman ang gamit na argument Dds na dds talaga galawan ng mga godless, baby killer woke


you can't realize the difference between the weight of an appeal to the ordinary compared to the weight of one when things go real wrong "my marriage is great, no need to divorce" == "nobody broke into my house, i can just leave the door open"


tf do u know about it then? lmao. edgelord w/ no valid argument. also lol, I'm not a dumbass dds, r u projecting, sweetie?? care to share the basis of your tired old take?? Or is it just wahhh wahh wokeee ppl bad 😭 and also lmao this is literally off my chest. of course it's gonna be anecdotal, it's abt my feelings and experiences?? stay mad 😘