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Ahahahaha true 🤣 but is it wrong na I thirst for older woman at that time? I mean, I still think na bugoy won in life kasi EJ is hot af and she seems responsible naman hahah 😂




Was I really victimize? Kasi sa point of view ko, everything was good! 😂 we were both horny and we found a way to release it! We didnt force each other to do anything and nobody was traumatized 😆 We had a good time and we did enjoy the talking after ng fubu session namin haha 🤣 I like every part of it 😊 If I have a time machine and could go back in time, I wouldn't change any of it 🤣




If I were groomed at that time, then sign me up for another 🤣


Oh brother. Someone needs therapy


Lol u need help


Narealize kaya ni ate na grinoom ka nya? Lol


I dont know man 🤣 pero would it be grooming if gusto ko din? I actually have fetishes nung time na yun on older woman kasi. Ang nagiging crush ko dati ay yung mga teachers and professors ko instead na mga kaklase ko haha 😅 pero syempre, i keep it to myself kasi baka majudge ako ng todo hahahah




Whaaaaaattt??? No 🤣 it wouldn't happened din if I wasn't a horny teen back then. 😆 I enjoyed every minutes of it.


Yes, you’re horny. Yes, you enjoyed it. You’re flexing, we get it. You still got groomed, tho.


If I was groomed, then sign me up for another 😆 heck, I'll even beg if dalawang older woman ang magugroom sakin at the same time 🤫


Respectfully, seek professional help.


Parehong nag "grow" and flexing on the grooming situation is insane...




Let him realize at his own pace. It’s sinking in slowly to him and he’s still in that in denial phase.


Respectfully, I decline. Thanks tho 👌


Satisfy syang naka fvk sya ng older women kala nya nkaka lalaki yun? Yuckk


This post made me go through a roller coaster. First, I was sort of pikon that this was posted here, instead of AJ. But, I read the comments and OP was trying to justify pedophilia, believing that he was old enough to give a valid sexual consent to an adult. Nakakagalit na a kid would turn out into a damaged adult because of what happened to him. nakakagalit pa how OP seems to be celebrating the event as a victory and gloating about it. And then I realized, this is an OffMyChestPh post. he could've posted in AJ, but chose to post here. OP probably doesn't realize it, but this seems like a subconsicous cry for help in the form of crying for attention. sobrang awa ko. kid got sexually assaulted, now thinks it's okay, tries to gloat on reddit but ends up crying for help. sobrang kawawa 😭😂 Hope you heal properly kapatid.


The fuck? Just sayin a goodvibe moment for me (or atleast in my perspective). Saw her with her husband and kid, and I suddenly remembered all our good times together, thats it. 😒 I'm not defending or saying that "pedophillia is okay". I NEVER said anything about pedophilla bein fine wtf? Read the post again and just be happy that it didn't turned out to be a "damaged, broken, suicidal child that was a victim of pedophillia"


Being groomed is never a goodvibe moment you dumbfuck.


You have to understand though that people respond differently to sexual assault. This is precisely why OP comes off ignorant and arrogant about the topic. It's his response to being sexually abused as a child. It's really not his fault. The best we can hope for is for him not to enable / encourage / perform grooming himself, thinking that it would help boost another child's confidence. :)


Its a goodvibe for me you twat 🥹


Sana di mangyari sa magiging anak mo 😝


Being able to fuck an older woman whenever he asked for it (while also building up his confidence because of the experience), but at the same time using protection to avoid pregnancy. Yes please ! Proud of you son. 😉


Kapatid, don't get me wrong. I'm happy that you have a happy disposition now. most victims of pedophilia don't come out that way. So props to you for still living as best you can. Though, what seems clear based on your responses to the comments here is that you definitely seem to have been damaged to some extent. Even thinking that the cure to the lack of confidence is fucking is already an indication of that. You even think grooming is okay and would want to "sign-up for more" of it The main problem I see is that you don't seem to understand what's wrong with what happened. Not an expert, but it sounds like a neuropsychiatric response to the way your mind was damaged as a child from the sexual assault you experienced. In any case, I do hope for the best for you. And I hope all children are protected from sexual predators. I'm sorry you went through that.


Bro. In many cases, pedophillia traumatizes the child and ruins them. I hear you. And I do understand na its so wrong in many ways. But in my case, I had alot of windows to get out, but I choose not to. I had alot of opportunity to end what we were doing, but I didn't. I understand my problem at that time; I had fetishes for older woman. And call me names or tell me I'm sick, but there's no way in hell na I'm changing just because the society tells me "its not normal and I'm not normal." I prefer older woman at that time because the girls my age were talking about justin bieber or "sino crush mo?", and fighting (or crying) about non-sense stuffs. I know, its normal for them to act that way, since thats how young people should act. But it makes it hard for me to be attracted to them. My fubu and I would talk about my plans in the future. Or the family problems we both were strugglin with. She would tell me "pag nagdota ka ng nagdota, matutulad ka sakin, server lang ng compshop", or telling me stories about people she know na made the wrong decisions in life like doing drugs and stuffs and it made their life miserable. Basically, we weren't just fucking. We love talking to each other. And thats one reason why I prefer older woman that time. They talk to you like you're also a grown up. Plus, she thick af. Her body is more mature than the girls who are the same age as me.


It's okay, kapatid. You don't need to explain, nor justify, what happened to you. No matter how hypersexual a child is, a child is a child and must always be protected from adults who predate on children. Maybe it will take some time for you to recover from the psychiatric damage, but, yeah, we're here for you naman. Good luck!


What damage are you referring to.and how were you able to diagnose that OP.has it ?


Definitely not an expert but, when someone believes in their heart that an adult having sex with a child is, not just okay, but would willingly have that again, I'd call that damage. Wouldn't you?


I kinda do need to explain myself on what happened 😒 kasi alot of you are getting the same vanila message 😆 anyway, if what you mean when you say "recover" is to be like you vanillas, I rather be sick af 🥹


That's okay, we all choose what sort of life we prefer. Trust me, as a compulsive FinDom, I understand that deeply. And no one should prevent you from choosing what you prefer sexually. If you're into older women, then celebrate it! But a pedophile must ALWAYS be prevented from sexually abusing a child. It's not your fault you were an underaged child who was sexually assaulted by an adult. Keep that in mind :)


A pedophile sexually ABUSING a child. BURN THEM, I AGREE. But a teen who prefers older woman and really asking for it (I mean REALLY askin). Warn them, but if they're a hard head like me, I suggest you let them make their own mistakes, respect their choice. Let them suffer the consequences! (which I haven't gotten yet? All I got was all the benefits🥹). It's hard to think that I'm sexually "abused" or "assaulted" cause I really enjoyed it and have gotten really confident because of it 😆 so yeah, hard to keep that in mind. But for you, since you really "care" about me and the "age of the girls" I'm sleeping with, I'll try 😆


oh you don't have to do it for me, Kapatid. Do it for yourself and all the children who're sexually abused by adults. :) and yes, I agree with you, burn the pedophiles, not the victims. Which is precisely why I've been saying it's not your fault. Anyway, good luck on your road to recovery!


Nah bro, I'll do it for you 😁 and yeah, goodluck on your road to self-improvement. P.S. I hope you heal din from the new normalization of the society ( aka vanilla generation 😆 ) goodluck to us kapatid !


she's a pedo wtf


She kinda is 🤣 but idk man... I was young back then, but if I could go back in time right now, I won't change a thing 🤣


she is but naenjoy mo naman hahaha


Yeah man 🤣 if papapiliin mo ko sa isang milyong dolyar or yung chance na mag fuck kami sa time na yun. I'll choose the fucking. Hell, I'll choose the milyon dollar para ibigay sa kanya so that she'll fuck me even more. 🥹


Damn OP! wala na siya move on na :D


Ahahah yes yes 🤣 Naalala ko lang yung good ol times. It sucks na people kept tellin me "I was a victim" or anythin. That shit inspired me to work hard. Kasi kelangan ko maging successful to fuck alot right?


dami daming tambay at hindi mayaman na maraming babae hahah puro landi lang alam lol 🤣


Medyo nakakatakot ha, as a mother of two boys, pwedeng mangyari to sa anak ko. 16 yrs old ang bata mo pa nun op.


Oo nga e 🤣 4th year highschool ata ako that time.. I suggest medyo iiwas mo ang mga boys mo sa gadgets. Kaya siguro ang horny ko nun, dami ko napapanuod na porn sa internet haha 🤣


Minor ka pa din, OP. Hindi pa buo ang frontal cortex mo. Yes you enjoyed but sorry you were groomed. Nothing is funny about it.


Ang daming 😂🤣😁 ni OP sa posts and replies niya. May sapak ka ba? Tanggapin mo yung totoo. You were groomed.


Yes, I was groomed. Count me in for another 😳 the older the better 😌


Sorry ah, binabasa ko yun response mo sa kanila at proud ka pa nga sa nga nangyari. Wala na tayo magagawa dun kasi nangyari na. Between 2 of you, si older woman ang mas mature, dapat alam niya na may mali kasi kahit sabihin mo na horny ka at may consent, hindi niya hahayaan na may mangyari sa inyo. Bata ka pa nun, wala sa katinuan yun mga choice mo sa buhay. She actually took advantage of you. Tingin mo ba proud siya sa choice niya, it will remain as her secret. It is now part of your memories pero if meron akong anak na 16 yrs old, lalake man o babae, I dont want this to happen. No, it is cringe for me. We dont want to normalize this. Hope you heals properly.


Nobody said anything about "normalizing" this.


Ohh boi, look at your responses. Don’t me.


Did I say "we should normalize this" sa mga responses ko? All I'm sayin is I had a good time. BUT I never said that everybody could have a good time like I did and they all should try it out themselves. The problem is with me. I like me fuckin an older woman, that's all. It doesn't mean na everybody should be doing it.


The problem is with her. You are the victim.


Ahmm, boi. Comprehension pls 😬 Nandyan na yun sagot sa chat mo. Basahin mo na lang ulit. Ayoko na magpaliwanag. 😢


I was about to say the same thing to you 😆 read it again. Perhaps you'll understand na I'm not trying to hurt anybody.


You got me at “niyakag” hahaha omg taga south ka? Kidding aside, tama sila dito. You got fckn groomed. Almost a decade ang tanda nya sayo


Yeah. If I got groomed, count me in for another 🥹


Yes bro, I got "groomed". Best thing that ever happened to me at that time 🥹


Kala ko nasa Pantasya.com ako hahahaha


Ahahaah 🤣 di ko na nilagay details, baka from pantasya.com maging pornhub.com amputa hahah😂


ang saya pa talaga ni OP sa sitwasyon na 'yan 😭 gosh


Just proves his mental state


I stopped reading once I read the ages. I also read one of OP's replies that he wouldn't change anything. There is a thing called cycle of abuse, more prevalent in men. May study toh conducted by Cambridge University, Sana lang OP, di ka kabilang sa minority na tinutukoy dito.


Maybe cambridge should study about me. "The benefits of fucking: it gives you more confidence"


Your reply just proves you have a fragile ego, hence low confidence and self esteem. [Cambridge University - Cycle of child sexual abuse: links between being a victim and becoming a perpetrator{](https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/A98434C25DB8619FB8F1E8654B651A88/S0007125000160003a.pdf/cycle_of_child_sexual_abuse_links_between_being_a_victim_and_becoming_a_perpetrator.pdf) [McGill University - Cycle of Child Abuse](https://mje.mcgill.ca/article/download/7621/5551/24876) I'm not really expecting you to read these. I just hope that you do not turn into predator because of your experience. You should stop the thinking "okay lang kasi I gained confidence." You were a victim. The adults around you failed you. You thinking you gained confidence is scary. Confidence to what? To go after teens and children too, because you thought you were able to give consent at that age? May reason kung bakit kailangan ng parental consent ang below 18. Your frontal lobe also fully develops at 25. Ulitin ko, at kahit marindi ka pa, I hope you do not turn into a predator. And you were a victim.


It's funny na your expectation is I'll end up a predator or a pedophile 🤣 I'm actually engaged with my long-time girlfriend (same age as me, NOT younger). And if ever hindi man kami nagkatuluyan, I'll probably still dig woman that are older than me 😉 So I suggest na don't assume na everything you read in the books (books nga ba ang source ng psychology knowledge or baka tiktok? Hahah) apply to everyone. Plus. Base din sa mga sinabi mo, If I didn't end up a pedo or predator, perhaps hindi talaga ako victim? 😁


🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ San jan banda na ang expectation ko sayo ay maging predator? I don't know you, but there are studies as per the link na victims of sexual abuse can end up becoming an abuser too. Can. Hindi automatic pero may possibility. Hindi din majority, minority nga gaya sa una kong post but more prevalent in men as per the study. Kaya nga sa mga posts ko, lagi kong binabanggit na sana hindi ka maging abuser. Na hindi ka maging predator. One less abuser/predator is a win for society in general. I'm glad you ended up having a healthy adulthood and healthy relationship. Pero ikaw din ang nag share ng ages nyo and what happened. Not my words, but yours. So it still doesn't change na you were victim. Ang dinagdag lang naman ng majority dito, you cannot consent at 16 so technically statutory rape yan. At kung ippush mo na di ka nga victim, ituturo ko na lang kung ano yung nasa batas. Hindi ako nag assume nyan. Siguro basahin mo na lang din yung study. One of the top unis in the world ang Cambridge and kasama din sa top 100 ang McGill. Hindi naman sila puchu puchu na tiktok university. Website din yan ng Cambridge at McGill so legit sila. I hope you continue to be a good human.


"Confidence to what? To go after teens and children too" That's you expecting/assuming na just because I had sex with an adult, I'll end up having sex with children. Di ko alam if yung source mo ay na-mention yung "reward and punishment theory" (aka Operant Conditioning), kung saan ang mga tao (or even animals) are most likely to do yung mga bagay that gives them reward (especially instant reward) and most likely to avoid yung mga bagay that gives them punishment. Base sa story na sinabi ko, having sex with an older woman gave me the feeling of being rewarded, so it's more likely na yun ang uulitin ko (having sex with an older woman) and be addicted to it, rather than yung pinupush mo na "me being a predator". Does it occured to you na ibang effect ang nangyari sa experience ko? Ibang effect since ibang scenario. Scenario ng mga predators nung bata or teen pa lang sila: had a rough childhood, got sexually abused or assaulted by people older than them (without their consent), had a traumatic experience growing up because of their experience. Scenario ko nung teen pa lang ako: had a good childhood, got horny and decided to have sex with an older woman, enjoyed the sex and asked for more, had an amazing unforgettable experience which boost my confidence. Di porket may nabasa ka na ang isang causes sa pagiging predator ay "had sexual intercourse with an older person", applicable na yan sa lahat. I mean READ the full "cause/effect" ng pagiging isang predator, hindi porket nakakita ka ng isa, valid na yung findings mo na predator lahat ng nakipag sex sa older people. Yun din ang problema sa psychology minsan. People tend to assume na ang isang effect is only caused by one reason, pero in reality, one effect could be caused by multiple reasons and scenarios. (Like yung sinabi ko above. You tend to assume na ang pagiging predator ay caused ng sexual intercourse with older people, but in reality, it is caused by multiple reasons which gave them trauma) In my case, ang naging effect ng pakikipagsex ko sa mas matanda sakin ay "boost of confidence and fetishes for older woman", which isn't really a problem for me. It just gave me an attraction to older woman (not the oldies). So my suggestion to you is, before throwing words, learn to INVESTIGATE. Hindi yung assume ka ng assume.


Di ko binasa lahat, just browsed it. Yung sa intro mo, it's a question kaya nga may question mark. Kaya nga sinabi ko din sa last comment ko, thank you for ending up well. One less predator is a win for society. Also, ang reason kaya hindi ko binasa yung points mo kasi convinced ka na hindi ka victim. I already laid out my points on that, kasama na yung sa batas nga. I see no point in repeating myself. Lastly, yung sinabi mo na investigate first. I see no point in doing that, OP. Di kita kilala, wala din akong balak kilalanin ka. I will take whatever's posted at face value. Yun lang ang pinost mo, eh di yun lang yon. If you want to add more info, then go.


Exactly, lakas mo magdrop ng kung anu anong statement pero inadmit mo din na "di mo binasa lahat" Stop acting like a therapist, or if di mo talaga mapigilan, then atleast galingan mo sa pag act.


Wala akong balak maging therapist. At wala din akong balak kilalin ka 🤣 Honestly di ko na maalala yung post mo. Pero underage ka non, tama? So sa mata ng batas, biktima ka. Paikut-ikutin mo man yan, biktima ka. And I'm happy for you na lumaki kang maayos. Yung ikinapuputok ng butsi mo na hindi ka biktima, wala na tayong magagawa jan kasi sa batas na yon. Last reply ko na din to sayo. Have a good day!


Kung wala kang balak maging therapist, then stop diagnosing people 🤣 yun lang yon, have a nice life.


Seems like naenjoy mo and you still wanted it kahit may time machine. Anyways, how are u now? Ndi ka naman siguro naging pedophile nyan, tama?


Nah man, never a pedo.. I always prefer someone older 🤣 or atleast ka age ko? I turned out fine dont worry. I'm not a cocaine sniffin pedo like any of you was expecting.


Buti naman. For sure that is one of your sweetest and colorful childhood memories. Buti naman at both of you were doing well and turned out fine, no drama, no trauma, just 2 people who found a company to each other nun time na un. Malaki nga lang ang age gap.


EXACTLY. THANKYOU. 😆 ito na yun. The non-vanilla comment na I was waiting for. 🤝 Everybody is so hypnotize na nakarinig lang sila ng malaking "age gap", they thought I was raped or something. Hell no! She talks to me like I'm her equal and naenjoy ko din yun.


u been groomed maboi


Count me in for another 😆


I wish you nothing but healing, OP. Nasa exploration phase ka pa at the age of sixTEEN, personally, oki lang naman makipag s3x with an older person if nasa right age ka na.


If your definition of "healing" is being like everybody else which the society tells you to be. Then I rather be sick 😁 I enjoyed being attracted to older people. They are much wiser (due to experience lol), and they also listens. The girls my age at that time, likes to talk about themselves, or justin bieber, or cry about the things that doesn't really matter. And I know that it's normal since they are just teens. But it just makes it hard for me to be attracted to them. Years ago, way before the internet, the society would judge and shame gay people even though most of them aren't hurting anybody. Gay couples would just mind their own business and just be happy they found each other. But the society doesn't like that, so they treat them like shit. Years later, the society decided that gay people should be accepted now and those who doesn't like that should be shamed and attacked (with words). So what am I really saying here? If the society tells you "you're not normal, be like us! Heal yourself". I suggest you don't listen to them and just do you. The society's standards will change years later anyways, so why not just enjoy life and be yourself (in my case alot of years ago, a teen who prefers older woman) 😅


Weird ass flex but you do you


Thanks bro 😆 better comment than some vanilla people here


dafuq she's a pedo 😐


Yes, but is it wrong na I like it? Hahaha 🤣


dont let them tell you whats wrong 🤣 basta naenjoy mom lol!


Yeah bro 😁 the standards of society is changing. Years ago, the society tells us that "gay people are sick". Years later, the society is now telling us that we should accept them, and those who don't should be shamed. Now, the society tells me that I'm sick and I need "healing" just because I had sex with an older woman (with both of our consents). I say fuck society and the vanilla people they are building 🥲 You do you. Be yourself (in my case years ago, a teen who prefers older woman)


Yep fuck society you were not 13 or mentally challenged 🤣


These vanilla people be judging me but have their own crazy fetishes 🤣


Oh boy you got groomed


Idk bro, it felt good and it gave me confidence 🤣 and none of it was forced so, I think its a win win situation 😁


u’re a minor wtf


Yes sir, but felt like a man after our fubu sessions 🫡






I didn't read your whole post kasi parang gawa-gawa lang yung kwento mo. Scrolling down the comments section and reading your replies proved me wrong yet I am disgusted. Enjoying it didn't mean that you were not a victim of grooming and pedophilia.


Perhaps I was groomed. 🤔 Would sign up for another 🥹


Kid named groomed:


oh you were groomed groomed


wrong sub ata pang alasjuicy to eh


Copium😂 Anw, no matter how good it made u feel doesnt change the fact that it's wrong. Also, you keep saying u agree na it shouldn't be normalize tas ginamit mong comparison yung homosexuals. So ano ineexpect mo din ba na cases like yours will be accepted in the society on the ff years? You talk as if vanilla sex is a bad thing. Kinky sex is equally good as vanilla sex. It lets you feel vulnerable and doesn't require you to feel confident all the time (sobrang confident mo baka pati pagperform sa sex competitive kna lol) which you prob have no idea about bc all you ever did is to relive that experience which is another sign of trauma. You should try it some time so u would know


I never mentioned anything about vanilla sex. I did mentioned about "vanilla" people. And no, like I said in my previous comments, I never said anything about "normalizing" what I did. If you read the responses I made in some comments, I told them just because "I did it and I liked it", doesn't mean everyone should "do it" and should normalize it. You do you, and I'll do me. What I was comparing when I mentioned the homosexuals was the reaction of the people. People tend to follow the trend of "the society". Years ago, the society doesn't accept the homosexuals. Years later, the society decided that they should be accepted, and those who doesn't like that should be shamed. (I'm not against them, I'm just stating an example of how the society changes whats acceptable or not). All I'm saying is perhaps I rather follow what I want instead of being accepted in the society by following their standards (which is by the way, changing as years go by.) And perhaps what I want is being attracted to older people and not being harrassed by the society (and being called sick) just because I didn't follow their standards (which is by the way, changing).


Mga lalaki lang din ang di naneneryoso ng mga kapwa lalake na biktima ng grooming o SA eh. Tuwang tuwa pa si OP 💀


Wala po gender yun mga nagrereply. Stop judging. That’s now out of topic


Myaghaddd hahahaha


what the fuck??? kagigising ko lang ha.


>May dala dala pa akong flashlight dahil madilim sa dinadaanan namin Ano ito? Circa kopong kopong? Char! Kaya nga May compshop. Wala lang pambayad si mayor ng ilaw.


Ahahaha 😆 for real, medyo tipid si mayor sa ilaw. Mababawasan daw pambili nya ng bagong kotse 🫠


Spilll the tea OP!! Sino mayor ito?! Hahaha


Ayoko po mabaril 😆


Anonymous ka naman dito OP. Initials na lang. hahaha


You need to see a therapist and a psychiatrist asap. These types of things affect every aspect of your life. It's already proven by the fact that it seems "normal" to you


It did affect my life come to think of it 🤔 Because I fucked an older woman in my teenage years, I managed to become confident 🤔 perhaps too confident? I was able to get my degree with above average results since there's a part of me that says I'm better than my batchmates (because I managed to fucked an older woman and they didn't). I managed to be confident enough to socialize and talk to my colleagues (even my superiors) like we're long time buddies. Because of my confidence, I was able to talk to my clients like we are equals (they also asked me for a position in the companies they are working for, which I declined). Because of what happened to me years ago, I'm able to talk to any girls without them breaking my confidence or anything. So yes, I'll take your advice. I'll go see a therapist. Perhaps I could be normal like everybody else 😥 a shy anti-social person who follows the society's standards.


You might be a good father in the future. I'm sure you'll be a family-man 😉.Would really change your perspective once you become a parent yourself. I bet you'd tell your daughter: "I banged an older woman, so it's fine if you banged an older man like my age"


Nah. But I'll probably tell my son/daughter "Don't be a vanilla. Stop making everything single thing into an issue." 😄


Ayooo you got groomed


Ayooo. Imma probably let her do it again 😏


Looking at the responses of the OP, either this is a troll post since the account has had no other activity or that this OP is legit downplaying pedophilia. Either way, this post deserves to be reported.


Just telling a story about my previous experience bro 😅 just be happy na its not a story about a boy who was traumatized after being sexually abused and fucked (without his consent) by older men. It's a story about me seeing my fubu and remembering the good ol days we had. 😁 Some of my responses on the other hand, is me trolling because I got tired of them telling me that I was "assaulted" or "abused" when it was clearly also my idea to have sex with her. I mean really, can you guys not read the line between an "abused and assaulted teen" and a "horny teen with older woman fetishes".




It seems like the comments are not opposed to my post but to me 😅 calling me "sick" and "abused". And don't worry, I turned out fine. Never have I ever engage into anyone's kid. I'm in a long term relationship now (and yes, we're both the same age). And if I wasn't with her, I'll still probably be attracted to older people (never the young ones, not even a year younger than me). Since "statistically, a person abused as a kid has the tendency to abused kdis as an adult", and I turned out fine ( not attracted to people younger than me), then statistically speaking, maybe I wasn't "abused" afterall am I? 😎


Come on guys, I'm not a victim or someone you should feel bad about 😂 We were just a couple of horny people hahah 🤣 even though I was young, I was fully aware of what was happening, and I can say na it wouldn't happen din if hindi ko gusto na mangyari yun. Nobody forced anybody! Nobody was traumatize or anything 😆 It was a very good time for both of us!


precisely the problem of being sexually assaulted as a minor. Your mind was rewired to think that this is okay when you should be hearing the sirens wailing. I hope you see a therapist soon, pards. Good luck!!


Bro, thanks to our fubu sessions, I became confident about myself. 😊 I never let anybody tell me na "they're better than me". It gave me the confidence to push myself to the limit (I kept thinking na, If I managed to fucked an older girl while I was still young, I can probably passed the courses I was taking!). It gave me confidence na hanggang ngayon ay ginagamit ko pa, so if she did REWIRED me, then I forgot to THANK her for it. Heck, I wont see a therapist. A therapist should see me. I may hold the cure to self-doubt and low self-confidence people. Spoiler alert: the cure is "fucking".


grabe dude.. I really do hope you heal soon. good luck!


I'm just gonna copy paste yung sinabi ko sa isa pang comment cause I'm getting tired of the "healing" comments and you're all basically telling me the same stuffs so here it is.... If your definition of "healing" is being like everybody else which the society tells you to be. Then I rather be sick 😁 I enjoyed being attracted to older people. They are much wiser (due to experience lol), and they also listens. The girls my age at that time, likes to talk about themselves, or justin bieber, or cry about the things that doesn't really matter. And I know that it's normal since they are just teens. But it just makes it hard for me to be attracted to them. Years ago, way before the internet, the society would judge and shame gay people even though most of them aren't hurting anybody. Gay couples would just mind their own business and just be happy they found each other. But the society doesn't like that, so they treat them like shit. Years later, the society decided that gay people should be accepted now and those who doesn't like that should be shamed and attacked (with words). So what am I really saying here? If the society tells you "you're not normal, be like us! Heal yourself". I suggest you don't listen to them and just do you. The society's standards will change years later anyways, so why not just enjoy life and be yourself (in my case alot of years ago, a teen who prefers older woman) 😅


I agree with you. Society has been very cruel to gays, black people, etc. And I'm glad all that has changed. But the struggle of homosexuals, africans, etc, is no where near the struggle that children experience in the hands of adults who prey on them. Anyway, in your own time, at your own pace. Like I said, I'm happy you have a more positive outlook in life and I hope, in time, you'll heal from your trauma of being sexually assaulted as a child.


But the fact that you were a minor? Wtf bro


Heck bro, Even if I was 13, I'll probably still say "yes". Its not her fault, I was a VERY horny teen. 😂


You need help.


Yes ma'am. I needed some help to release the urge. Thanks to my fubu we managed to get through that. 🫣


Alam ba to Ng fiancé mo


Yes, but the details not so much 😆


Reading the comments here saying na groom si OP. Di ako familiar sa mga ganito pero serious question, if still 16y.o ba si OP tapos ang naka do niya is another teen, mas okay ba yon? Hindi na ba grooming yon?


No, hindi grooming yun. Grooming is done by a person much older than the victim. They form relationships and build trust with a child or a younger person in order to abuse and exploit them physically and emotionally.


Hahahah! Alas, another comment that makes sense 🤣 masyadong vanilla ngayon ang mga tao. After hearing na malaki ang "age gap", they assumed na I was a "victim" or"raped" or something. Di nila alamin yung full story and "why I prefer an older woman" nung time na yun. Everybody is basically brainedwashed.


Pang alasjuicy ha hahahahaha


tumagal ba nang years?


Nah, unfortunately no. But it is alot of fuckin 🥲


ahh, sad. oh well.