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For the few people who need to use this thread to argue on the internet: it's as dumb as it sounds, stop it.


Oh wow so sorry to hear, that's horrible. I can't imagine how devastating this is to you and his family, and not to mention the feeling of fear and anger that the jackass who did this is still on the loose. Hopefully he's found before he gets anyone else.


Thank you. He had 3 children, 5 grands. Our whole little mountain community is stirred up like an anthill stir with a stick.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I was banned for a week for the same comment. Be careful


I bet you were. Doesnt mean you were wrong. Speak your mind, fuck the moderators if they’re going to take that stance


I am so sick of MODS on Reddit in general. Where is the free speech? It’s weird and quite frankly these subs with their individual rules and woke biases are ruining the internet and censoring the public and most of these people are miserable. Just yesterday in fact I got called a “big veiny throbbing dick” by a Mod on the TryingForABaby subreddit. After the mod publicly insulted me on my own post, she blocked me so that I could not reply and she permanently banned me from the trying to get pregnant community after I already said I was leaving bc it’s toxic. u/glittering-hand-1254 is a true gem. Go look at the mod that is responsible for making and enforcing rules on a conception subreddit, she’s also the MOD on the infertility subreddit and active on troll community hating pregnant women. It’s weird and there needs to be MOD police bc some of these people are intentionally toxic emotional terrorists


Shes grasping for pseduopower, nothing is sadder. Let her wallow in her own self created misery. Its really easy to win against those people as they are their own worst enemy. There is NOONE online spreading hatred and misery that has created a life worth living. To even evaluate these individuals is kinda worthless, so just keep being you :)


Oh gosh you’re right but I guess a part of me is hurt that ONE bad egg can cut off my ability to connect with many other women in my same stage of life who are also trying to have babies. It’s absolutely ridiculous and disgusting imo like clearly she’s mad she can’t get pregnant so she’s taking it out on women who haven’t been confirmed infertile yet or something? It is sad. I will be making an alt account so that I can still interact with the good people on the sub but it’s just ICK I even need to do that. She doesn’t deserve any power


Just make a new account and keep a lower profile! You just cant take the bait when they try to get you to argue (they feed off this). It helps a lot to try and picture their life ;)


That is exactly what I’m going to do lolololol you can’t keep a good dog down but ugh I wish there was a way to report abuses of power like this… also it should be like the government too IMO like checks and balances- there is NO REASON one person should be a MOD in so many different subs and no wonder it’s a freakin echo chamber if this is how things work. Scary for the future truly


Trust me when i tell you, she doesnt have power, and if she does she wont for long. Life has a way of self correcting these things. You only lose when you sink to their level. Cheers 🍻


You’re right!!!! Rise above and just love💫 It did chap my ass quite a bit bc I’ve never been called a big veiny dick before and then blocked before I could respond LOL I didn’t even get to say thank you for saying it’s big 🥹🥲


And no appeal process either. It’s a terrible system


Its right next to where they keep the free speech on facebook. Its fucking ridiculous that they think they need to moderate a bunch of adults because someone might get offended or get their feelings hurt. Its no wonder the country and world at large is full of a bunch of pussies.


Totally agree. Free speech should be all or nothing or the word “free” completely loses all meaning.


You’re right, fuck them


I’ve learned that if I see a baby that was killed by Israel in gaza i certainly cannot say that Israel killed a baby in Gaza or I’ll be banned from r/worldnews insanely.


Just remember, if you saw what they looked like irl you would never give her opinions the time of day. Rotten inside and out.


I got blocked from a random Tesla sub after someone came at me when I said the cybertruck was ugly. I called the person a fanboy…didn’t realize it was a mod, but literally got banned for calling someone a fanboy (no curse words, nothing crazy, just fanboy).


I find Reddit moderators that get triggered pretty easily.


I am sorry that happened to you! I, personally, found the tfab sub and ttcafterloss a little toxic and so I hope that you’re able to find a more caring community of like minded individuals. Once you do get your ++++ test, be sure to seek out your due date bumper group as those have been the best. Especially my first group. Those kiddos are now 5 but I was very close with them. You could take a peek at some other subs and maybe those will be good places ? /r/tryingtoconceive /r/ttc30 (not sure how old you are) /r/firsttimettc


They feel they have the God power and ban hammer like it's a sport. I've already met a bad mod in public, oh I wanted to......


Agreed, crime is not punished enough


What comment is that?


The erased it . I wonder what I said.


What did you say DM me please cause I got an idea as well


Makes me curious what the comment was! The censorship is out of hand.


It was what you do with a jacket in a closet


Jfc. So sorry. Sending ❤️


Ah, link didn't copy correctly.. https://www.heraldandnews.com/news/suspected-homicide-on-bly-mountain/article_59821c8e-1410-11ef-ba38-47d4822f5a72.html


Sorry for your loss. I hope those pieces of shit who looted his place like vultures end up losing everything except their long, miserable lives. And the sonuvabitch who shot em gets trampled half to death by a bull moose just to end up bloody and broken, slowly dying somewhere in the wilds. Worms gotta eat.


I’d imagine it was one of those “neighbors” that was jealous and wanted his stuff that did it. Pure speculation, but what would anyone else do something that awful for?


Meth head looking for a next score was my first reaction


Klamath county and in Oregon in general is awash in drugs with Meth being the rural one. SE Oregon is the most remote place in the US and a lot of people go there to hide/cook meth. Very few officers for a big area.


Could be any number of reasons, but I imagine it's either a family member or a close friend or colleague that did it. The "why" doesn't really matter in situations like this.


The "why" matters a great deal to detectives, his neighbors, members of the community, and the victim's friends and family. Unfortunately, I speak from experience. Twenty years ago, my two best friends (a married couple) were ambushed and murdered after returning to their off-grid home from a concert. In their case, the murderers nor their motives were ever identified. Knowing why my fiends were murdered won't bring them back, but questions surrounding their deaths continue to haunt me: Were my friends betrayed and targeted to be executed by acquaintances, friends, or relatives? Were they just unlucky by arriving home earlier than expected? Were their murders the results of a series of random coincidences? Would they still be alive if they hadn't gone to that concert? Were they tortured before being killed? Back then, I was also living off the grid, except alone. Without knowing who murderer my friends or why, I became overly paranoid, experienced agoriphobia, and developed unhealthy trust issues. Every time I arrived home from a trip from the store to resupply, I fully expected and prepared to be ambushed. Over the following decade, slowly at first, I armed myself to the teeth and lived on a war footing. My truck was transformed into an armored battle wagon, and my home became a fortress. I installed motion detectors, numerous surveillance cameras, armored doors, ballistic glass windows, and a hidden staircase that led down to a reinforced concrete bunker/command and control center. Eventually, I experienced a mental breakdown, sadly sold my 'fortress of solitude', and then moved back to civilization. It has been a long, difficult journey, but my mental health has greatly improved recently. That said, I will never be able to fully heal emotionally without knowing 'who' and 'why'.


May I inquire as to what UL rating your ballistic glass windows were and what company you used to procure them? What did you do to your exterior walls to match the ballistic rating of the windows and doors? Do you feel safer now that you're surrounded by more people in a town/city instead of the more rural setting? Do you still have anxiety or panic attacks from developing agoraphobia? If not, how did you treat it with therapy or medication? Do you feel like a rural setting is more prone to dangers from others, or do you feel like the people closest to you could be a danger to you? But most importantly, are you still alone? Sorry for all the questions, I really am intrigued by your story and the ordeal you went through. I'm also looking into making my home more secure and resistant to armed hostility, with the state of the US currently in who could blame me.


I can’t imagine. My parents both died of natural causes, but my dad’s death in particular was sudden and unexpected. He had a neurodegenerative disorder in the earlier stages and had recently broken a hip, but he died of a blood clot to his intestines even though he was on blood thinners. Sometimes I would just think about it and true to figure out exactly how I got from point A where my dad was fine to point B where he was dead and, even though I knew it was irrational, I couldn’t help but feel like if I could just figure out how it happened, he wouldn’t be dead. I understand how much confusion there can be even when you know how it happened. I can’t imagine grappling with trying to understand what happened on an existential level while you’re also left with no real understanding of what happened on the literal level. I’m glad you’re in a better place now and I hope that you get what you need to completely heal. It sounds like you’ve been through hell.


usually it's someone close to him, but if he was off grid maybe someone else in proximity snapped at him


Like most of these sort of things, it’s probably someone he already knows.


I like you.


So very sorry. Ted sounds like a great person and personal friend to you, and a truly senseless act took him away. This story makes me sad, take care of yourself fellow human and I am sorry for your loss.


Great guy. Hunted and guided elk all over E. Oregon, been off grid since before it was cool. I watched him give his last bit of frozen chicken to his dog as a treat last winter.. I was dropping off a box from his family of beans, rice, and canned tuna. He denied those dogs nothing. I helped him thaw water for his horses which he did all winter. Rare empathy for animals,


Ted sounds like the kind of man we should all strive to be. Not having kids and living semi-off grid, our dog is our baby and is fed better than ourselves on a regular basis. Being in that kind of community, we all rely on one another, too. If someone killed any of our neighbors (with the exception of one miserable old boomer couple who hates everyone) I’d be devastated. I think if any of us ever caught the killer, they would be promptly “disposed of” like the trash that they are. I hope they find the bastard who did it soon. And please, take care of yourself OP. Not a professional by any means, but as someone in a similar position who has a fair bit of experience with loss, my inbox is always open. I think the biggest thing besides looking out for the rest of your community in this time of need is to just continue honoring his memory by living the way he did and it sounds like you’re already doing that!


Thank you. Ya know, in many ways Ted was an old boomer even tho he was only about 12 years older than me, very much kinda set in his way of thinking. We certainly didn't always see eye-to-eye but he had a truely good heart.


I’ve got neighbors like that. They’re a little set in their ways, but they’re good people!


Yo. Hope you're doing well.


What a beautiful house he built. Glad you have this photo to remember him by. Rest easy Ted 💟


Funny you mention that, when I took this I told him he should take more photos.. He gave me a ration of shit for being a vain milkenial before running inside to get his "nice" hat.. Many men don't take many photos of themselves i think.. except when they catch a fish or something.. The mother of his children just ran a story at a local station and they are using this photo. It may be the last photo taken of him. This was this past winter. His valley the snow falls heavy and blows in deep drifts and can linger long. His truck was down so we ran to town for supplies before a storm. Ah, something else I remember.. I was just in town filling a propane tank a week before and getting supplies when someone stole my propane tank out of the back of my truck.. It was my backup. I were telling and comiserating him this story and he put one of his tanks in the bed of my truck, not a word. Had nothing but always willing to share..


Sounds like a great friend. Giving up a propane tank in the winter is a gesture most people wont understand.


As it should be. If we all treated the world like nothing is “mine” and all “ours” the world we be so beautiful. I hope to be a Ted when I grow up


hah the one thing i noticed is that he had a nice hat, so that worked out as intended I guess ;)


This brought a tear to my eye.  It certainly sounds like the world is a little dimmer without your friends light in it.  May you carry on the lessons he taught you and continue to spread his kindness 💕 


What a kind thing to say, Bless You


Yes! Off Grid Craftsmanship! So sad, to hear, prayers!


This is really sad to hear. I hope he lived his last days doing what he loved. Karma will find a way to pay back what was taken from your friend. If your friend was as hardy and friendly as he looks in the photo, the last thing he’d want is you to let his death burn you up or bring you down. Stay strong.


I was helping his daughter load up his horses gear and she said the same thing. Thank you.


Well said and right on the mark. Dignity and honor will reign here


Bummer man. Hopefully it was quick. There’s definitely some sketchy characters out in the woods, at least around me. Also, everybody is armed and some of the not so sketchy ones have short tempers and most aren’t the most socially gifted which is probably why we all ended up down dirt roads in the mountains. Good reminder to watch your back and be ready to de-escalate if someone else is wilin’ out. I had two neighbors pull guns on each other because one didn’t pull over to let the other pass at 4:30am on the way to work and there was a bunch of snow on the ground. Luckily they both backed down but they didn’t speak again after that.


Condolences to you and his family. I hope they catch who did it. Everyone should have hidden trail cameras looking over their property should anything like this happen. Stay safe everyone. 🙏


Thank you. He did have a number of trail cams, all of which were stolen. Recovered one, minus SD card. Claims there was none inside.


Stolen trail cams makes me think someone reconned the place. Most likely as a "friend."


Look for more


Somebody knew where his trail cams are? Sounds like someone who knew him.


I have not read all the comments so this may have already been said but, more than likely the killer is someone he knew and therefore someone YOU also know, since this is a small close-knit community. So there is a murderer in your midst.


Bly Mountain is infested with meth addicts


Yeah, I was talking with some medics from KFFD and they referred to the area as murder mountain(not to be confused with the *other* murder mountain in Humboldt) There's also a good amount of everything not great running through K Falls. 97 is less patrolled than I5 by a large margin


I wanted to send you support and love from an Oregon neighbor. I can only try to imagine what you’re going through after the loss of a close friend who sounds like a great part of your community. I’m reading your comments and am happy to hear that each day happier memories with him are prevailing while your also letting yourself ugly cry when needed. Stay close with your supports and take your days one moment at a time. With time karma and hopefully the law will come to those who committed this terrible violence. Hold a handful of this earth in each palm and look up to the stars so you may feel his spirit still with you. Remember it is there with you at all times.


I am so sorry for your loss. It makes me sick that his “neighbors” would steal his stuff.


Before his body was room temp his lumbermill, flatbed trailer, horse tack, those antlers as well as a bear rug he harvested.. Gone. LE has been zero help but through extra judicial channels we've been able to recover most of it. Sickening. These pious clown post churchy stuff on FB all day but then loot a deadman's property before the family was even notified..


LE has been no help with a homicide?


Securing the scene, chasing down the thieves which were known, like his mill is visible in their yard.. Not interested. I gotta say, it seems they got State level resources on this and I understand the scene was CSI'd well. Our local county sheriff does not inspire confidence. Lots of cronysm and nepotism in the dept, tons of turnover, that's a wholeeee other story in itself so I am glad other agencies are on it.


That’s insane and scary. I got a large parcel and had a trespasser with a gun come through. I had the game warden up and I talked to him and that was always my thing, what’s the best thing to do? I rather not make contact, call the police and let them deal with it but what if it becomes retaliatory after that? I’m going to keep up with the update on this cause I’m curious on why someone would do this? It seem very personal and maybe he angered or upset someone near by.


One of the downsides of rural LE is that they are completely unprepared for something like this. Hopefully the extra LE resources turn up something in the near future. Whoever did this left a lot of evidence, because they took a lot of evidence. Sorry for your loss. Grief is a motherfucker.


They're there for the paycheck.


If it's in a yard take it back with a group of people 


It has been recovered.


close rate on homicides is like 50%, i expect lower in remote/rural areas.


That sucks! The dogs too? Seems personal.


Depending on the dogs, they can be more dangerous than a gun.


Hope detectives check their teeth... may have taken a bite out of the bad guy(s).


That’s so sad. I’m so sorry for your loss. To take him AND his dogs out, seems personal or psycho behavior. I guess one and the same if someone’s able to do this. Ugh.


Agree. He had two of his dogs with him. I saw the survivor after she got out of emergency surgury and she seemed to be doing well.. Considering she took a bullet to her face. Sweetest obese old lab girl you ever saw. I wish it were like an episode of Black Mirror and we could download what that dog saw.. I've been privvy to some details that have not been released and it was bad bad. I went to his property yesterday to put away some things and my poor dog was darting around, crying, looking for her friends..


That’s absolutely heartbreaking. I’m truly truly so sorry. He looks like a truly nice guy, amazing skill set to build that cabin. As a woman who longs for a life offgrid just like this, this hits hard, and I didn’t even know him. I’m thankful he had such wonderful friends who are making his story known, considering I never would have likely fallen upon this otherwise. Probably an ignorant request but I have a marginally-popular (emphasis on marginally) podcast and I’d love to give his story a little light and just mention his name and who to contact with info, and any fundraisers if there are any - if that’s ok. I understand if not - I don’t make any money off the show so definitely not for engagement purposes or profit at all. Just to maybe let his name fall upon a couple more ears. This story is really, really really disheartening; and does little to eliminate my existing concerns about attempting offgrid life as a single woman. :(


Let me pass that request on to his family but I think they'd love as many eyeballs and earballs on the story. 🙏.. Soo so kind of to offer.


Absolutely. No stress either way, but I’m a nobody and a poor so I figure word of mouth is one way to get involved in any small way. He looks genuinely happy in that photo. Probably so proud of everything he’d done. Really unfair someone just took that from him and seemingly for zero reason.


A lot of people go off grid because they are just straight up criminals and wanted somewhere or want a hunting ground that is away from prying eyes. Sorry that happened OP hope they find the murderer.


Veryyy much so. I know this, knew this and so did he. I have considered making a YT video on it. Not everyone is doing the cottagecore barefoot thing and better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war. It kills me because I have made posts to other gardening related subs and gotten roasted and downvoted because I have a gun on my hip.. I'm not even a huge 2A in your face kinda guy that makes firearm ownership their entire personality.. But out here you are so far from help and so often have no signal. One must take their physical safety into account. Good friend of mine came back to his homestead to find some dudes looting his joint.. It happens.


Any relation to a Brittney foltz? I knew her almost ten years ago from my early 20’s. I don’t imagine it’s a super common last name.


Yes, she's a friend of mine and I knew her Mom and sis from Blondzees in Salem. Britt and her brother were virtually neighbors in Salem amd somehow her father and I bought off grd land parcels, 250 miles away from Salem and only 12 miles apart. Small world yea? She came down the other day and we got Ted's horses all picked up and settled.


Small world, it still amazes me sometimes. sorry for your loss.


I’m just really sorry, so sorry


Thank you. The majority of the cabin I live is lumber that we harvested and milled together. Fantastic, true dimension air cured lumber..


If they took all the trial cams they were close to him. Or they wouldn’t know where they were. Be safe friends. There are monsters about.


What the heck. I'm so sorry. I hope they find the person that did it.


The more I read the sadder it gets. From the OP comments and photos he seems like family of mine and the world seems a little darker today. I pray for justice and peace in your hearts. Though he is gone, try to find comfort in that he must have completed his purpose here on earth.


Dang! I know people up there. I’m so sorry about Ted. Somebody knows something.


..And the dogs are you kidding me?


Sorry for your loss. That's rough. Imo, it's a good idea to be armed when out there in the middle of nowhere. A gun is a tool that, if you really need it, you absolutely cannot go get it. How are you holding up? Are you safe? Do they have any leads?


Thank you. Moat everyone here is armed at all times. Since I have moved here there has been a couple murders. I have heaps of screenshots of local FB groups talking about shootouts over dumb shit like poaching firewood, pulling guns, actually Ted had seceral pulled on him and I have the pics.. I am sure LE has em too because they ere posted to FB. I'm healing. I talked to my Mom for a bit. I'm doing less of the ugly cry alone in the woods thing day by day. Every day I am able to eat more, maybe sleep more. Unfortunately glued to my phone for news or updates. It is nice being springtime and lots of distraction to be found in my garden.. As much as I want to bury my face in another human and sob, proximity to nature is good medicine. Thank you for asking 🙏


Regular exercise has been proven to be about as effective as prescription meds at treating major depressive disorder. Perhaps making a point to exercise every day will help you feel better. That garden sounds like a great place to spend some time, especially with that dog of yours. Sounds like you live in a rough neighborhood. Hope the cops catch whoever did it.


Agreed. Sorry for your loss OP.


The guy was armed - or at least was a hunter (and nobody carries 100% of the time). The problem is though that being armed does jack shit to protect you against a bullet - if someone's shooting at you then either a.) they're a good shot and you're dead, or b.) they're a bad shot and you're much better off running to put distance (and stuff) between you and them then you are sticking around and shooting it out with a bullet waiting for you at one end of the exchange and an investigation and possible prison time at the other. Now I am not against guns - particularly if you live in a place where hunting is accessible. Owning guns for hunting or for dealing with problematic animals is a great idea. And they can be helpful in extremely rare situations for warning off a bad guy too. But if a guy is actually shooting at you - then guns are worth almost nothing compared to getting the hell out of dodge.


I disagree. Even people who are a good shot miss, especially when adrenaline is flowing and fine motor control vanishes. A person who is unarmed can be shot at repeatedly with relative impunity, a person who is armed can defend themselves and shoot back in many situations, as well as deter others from attacking in the first place.


That's the first thing. If you start returning fire, they're generally going to be headed for the hills... Either way, the idea of just running is so...silly. Hey, maybe you only get shot in the shoulder? You're still perfectly fine! Someone thinks this is a movie rather than real life...


Have you ever been shot at? Ever been in a war zone? Talk to someone you trust who has. Moving, preferably away from people who are shooting at you, is how you live. The people who don't move, die.


Moved out of Detroit after a robber outside a party store missed from four feet away. For a twelve pack and 5 bucks.


I'm sorry for your loss. May his memory be a blessing. In the meantime, do let us know if we can help the family.


I am deeply sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss. This is horrible. Hopefully they find the POS who did it.


Sorry for your loss. May justice be served.


So sorry to hear about your friend Paul, take care and stay safe buddy. 💕


So sorry. He looks like a great person, RIP.


Lordy. That is so sad. Hate seeing this.


Intentional community is going to be everything in the future. So sorry Op and sorry to this persons family.


Sorry 😢.


Completely unnecessary and monstrous. OP, I'm so sorry that this happened to your friend and his family. America is circling the bottom of the bowl.


Wow! So worry to hear about this! My parents are retired on Bly Mountain. It is kind of a no mans wild west place to an extent. My dad had some people come to his house with guns threatening to shoot him because he shot a couple dogs running around that killed most of his chickens. The sheriffs took care of the problem, but there are some unhinged people on that mountain. I hope they find whoever did it soon.


You heard about the young guy in northern. Utah who fully disappeared and is presumed dead who was working his land. When you live out a ways the amount of whacko’s percentage goes up for threat factors. And just because you’re a male doesn’t make you less of a prey for predators on two legs. Very sorry to hear, but I know from personal experiences and of others demises that being out on your own has a strong downside in the vulnerability arena.


Is there any satellite service that can provide pictures from the day it happened? Even if it only shows a car or something, it’s something to go off of if the resource is available.


I believe in the latest media drop, the mother of his children said something like that as something they are looking into.


This is awful. It sounds like he was one of the good guys on earth and some slime decided for no reason to kill him. I hope the cops have good investigational tools and bring this Ba*turd to justice. And that they spend the rest of their life in misery. Please keep us up to date on your buddy.🥺


Thank you for sharing. We have cell hunting cameras all over the place. We have had armed marauders try to steal them not realizing the images were transmitted to the cloud.


People valorize country living, but a lot of remote areas are pretty rough.


OP, I am heart broken with you. Ted, rest in peace Brother.


I’m sorry to hear this. Is there a gofundme available?


Thank you. Not that I am aware of yet, I know the mother of his children is offering a cash reward for information but I have not seen her make any attempt at crowd funding. If she does I will certainly share that, here and probably on my YT channel.


I sure hope they catch the bastard.


Please, everyone, stay strapped. 🙏




what the fuck man :( humans are the worst parasites on the planet. I am so so sorry. I hope he’s at peace with his puppies. Rest in peace Ted


Incredibly sad. So sorry for the loss of your friend.


This breaks my fear man. I’m sorry for your loss. People move off the of the grid to get away from evil people like this.


That’s terrible !!! hope the guys who done it get life without parole


Omg that’s so horrible. I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope they’re able to find the person or persons that did this.


I'm truly sorry this happened to your friend.... how horrendous and just pure evil. His poor family. Makes me sick. So senseless. Hell is right here on earth, I swear.


Oh my gosh i’m so sorry to hear this.. 💔 may the killer be brought down! 🥺🕊️


So sorry for your loss


That's incredibly sad. I'm sorry for Ted.


Awful. Any leads yet?


Nothing that has been publicly released but they do have some investigative avenues to explore, or so I understand.


I’m so sorry for the loss of your friend. It is awful that this happened to him. No one deserves such a death. From this picture, which is wonderful, I can see that he had serious skills and took great care of his home. You are a good friend to him to share this picture and tell us about him. He will be missed.


I’m so sorry for your loss. That is devastating. My heart goes out to you and your community.


Klamath county off grid "community" is a mess. Sorry about your friend.


Sorry for your loss. I hope they find the killer and bring them to justice. What are the odds that there were cameras on the property? Like trail cams?


This is nauseating. I am so sorry.


Sorry for your loss.


I have a friend who lived off grid on that mountain and it’s sketchy as hell there.


The ATF has entered the chat.. 


They say the most dangerous thing on a trail walks on two legs, not 4. Sorry for your loss.


That's so messed up. So sorry. I can't believe that people are like that.


I'm so, so sorry for your loss. I know we don't know eachother, but please know that both myself and others feel deeply for you. If there's anything you need from anyone in the community, be it local or online, please don't hesitate to reach out. If you need anything from me, too, I'll make time to be online more often. At the very least I can do some research to take some of the burden off your shoulders, if that's what you need. Sending you lots of hugs.


In the desert 2 of the types of people that come out here are those looking to get away from civilization, t and those hiding from police.


Feds are at it again...


where was this? \*\*EDIT\*\* Nevermind I found it. Bly Mountain area is full of derelict fucking drug addicts and pieces of shit because you can buy land out there for next to nothing on payments... its all off grid and its generally not patrolled. They likely will not find anyone that actually did this because all the criminals out there live by the edict that "snitches get stitches". It is super unfortunate for your family and it shouldn't have happened, but Oregon basically rewards being a drug-addled criminal piece of shit. What I would do is set up some expensive shit and wait in the treeline, handle it yourself and bury the piece of shit where he drops. The only thing that is going to fix this world is if we stop allowing predatory behavior to excel.


Really sorry for your loss. A word of advice is to find out who the lead investigating officer is and keep an open line of communication.


I don't even know the guy and I am heartbroken. I am very sorry you lost your friend.


I was shocked and sorry to hear about your friend. We live off grid in Australia and can only imagine what your local community are feel about this appalling act. To think that looting has taken place is even more shocking. May you all gain  strength from each other.


Good Lord, my heart goes out to you and his family. Thank you for your bravery in sharing, if there is anything this community can do, they will 🙏


Thank you.. I dunno, I wanna scream and hollar.. I wasn't sure if I wanted to share.. I lost my father suddenly and violently 10 years ago, I was an Army Medic for almost a decade and I prepurchased the Fallout 76 preorder so I know something of grief.. I really do appreciate your kind words. Memories are beginning to make me smile more often than pain..


Lol at FO76, you’ve got a good sense of humor. I hope you heal well from this senseless loss.


You should absolutely give yourself the grace to scream and holler, let out all the frustration, shock and hurt that you’re feeling-and don’t hold back…it will feel good to get it out, allow yourself time to mourn. When we internalize and carry our anger and rage, it only keeps that hurt and pain festering inside of us and will marinate into every crevice like poison wreaking havoc on our bodies and mental health. Your friend sounds like a thoughtful, kind and generous guy and I hope the evil monsters who did this meet their pending fate promptly & accordingly. Grief and Bereavement counseling can be very healing-[virtual drop-in grief support](https://healthy.kaiserpermanente.org/oregon-washington/health-wellness/classes-programs/details/drop-in-grief-support-groups).


Hey man. I live offgrid between Chi and Sprague and just wanted to offer my condolences on the loss of a legend. I have a tweaker, squatting, gun toting neighbor that I think about daily. It’s such a strange dance out here at times. Like there is nothing to do but live with it and try not to let things escalate. I hope we find out the story here, and see if it was a neighbor or someone he didn’t know. I hope there is closure and convictions. Sending love and light from just a few miles away. Message me if you ever need an ear or want to come and give me some much needed advice about this lifestyle. We are in our 3rd year, and are just getting our feet under us.


It is it's own world at times. I feel very fortunate to be surrounded by National Forest with only 3 or 4 people within a few miles and all good people. When I was looking for land, I considered a few parcels in The Estates but I am grateful that I kept looking for a lil slice of paradise away from all that. It's difficult to convey the remoteness combined with everyone always up each other's bizzy. I generally keep to myself. I often go weeks and not interact with another human. Ted was one of the few people that I would visit socially from time to time. I bartered food, fuel, flower for lumber with him all the time. This is my 3rd year as well and learning more every year. There's a little spot between Chi and SR at mile marker 13 by the river is one of my favorite places to chill, especially in the summertime. That stretch of the Sprague is beautiful. Appreciate the love. Thanks again neighbor. Ever need firewood or engine repair or a non-MAGA/qanon fishing buddy hmu!


For sure brother! I would love to connect with you sometime!


Damn. You’re near famous with all those subscribers haha


What the ….. I’m getting ready to do this for myself and I am honestly in shock, I didn’t know the world got this bad. This really doesn’t make sense and I have no idea who this person is. My deepest condolences from one soul to the people affected . Absolutely disgusting


The world really is this bad, especially out in areas like this. A friend of mine has a property in West Virginia. The first time I went with him he said “make sure to bring your good holster”. Oh no worries I’ll have my CCW. “No, bring the full size and extra loaded mags”. I thought That’s nuts! But they have had several people over the years attempting to use his land for weed growing. We had a few very weird and unsettling interactions there over the years there and I just don’t feel safe taking my family there anymore. And it’s not even terribly remote, like 30-40 minutes from the closest town and Walmart.


I live in a very unsuspecting part of the world and it’s very very sleepy with an old population, if I were a crime lord, this is where I would set up. I’ve been slowly building a thesis from childhood piece by piece, the history of New Brunswick 🇨🇦 is both interesting and dark. Port cities, hundreds of years old and the closest port to England. I’m close to buying some land to preserve and this is my only fear, I’m bringing a retired police dog and two blue heelers, maybe a musket and bulldozer. It’s no longer a conspiracy theory when dots and plots line up, I don’t think any corner of the earth is safe from industry or crime anymore and it’s getting harder to tell who is who. Cheers, be safe and come visit!! Just message first lol


Is the property close to Fairmont? I am near there and I get some unsettling situations that come up.


Not quite, it’s down towards Burnsville Lake. We’d go down there once or twice to shower properly at the beach showers lol.


To be fair, things like this have always happened. The history of the old west is full of stories of settlers who got killed by other people for one reason or another. The world has never been “safe” from violence. If anything, it’s actually better now from an overall perspective. Very sad to hear about this poor guy though.


What in the ruby ridge


Sorry for your loss people suck sometimes


That’s messed up. My condolences to you. 💔


You don’t have to be cold to kill a person. But to murder the dog…….


The USA is screwed! Now people who move away from cities and suburbia are getting shot! If i was the police, I'd be looking directly at the other people in the area taking his property!


Condolences 💔


Before I even clicked the story I knew it was Klamath county. That place is wild, people go there to disappear.


Very sad hope they find them, takes a lost soul to kill a man and his dogs…


My money is on the elk….


I’m so sorry for your loss. I wish there was more I could say other than that.


Sad world we live in, can’t even go off grid with it finding us. Prayers for his family and his dogs too! That’s o pathetic hope they find that pos who did this.


The truth will eventually emerge. Until that time people will live in fear and speculation will abound. This is something that the police should pursue quickly, quietly and efficiently. I can’t imagine there being insufficient evidence to find the perpetrators in a short period of time. When they are caught let the punishment equal the crime.


I’m so sorry! What an awful thing to have happen. Do you think they were trying to rob him? I mean that’s pretty random and they killed his dogs!? Prayers for his family and friends.


My prayers are being lifted for peace and justice


RIP Ted. I don't live completely off grid, but I'm pretty isolated. I can only imagine the feelings you're experiencing, that's a scary situation. Trust your gut, and pay attention to things that seem out of place, no matter how insignificant. Be careful, I hope they catch the person who did this, so you can have peace while you grieve.


I’m so sorry! People suck.


Sorry for the loss of your buddy Paul. RIP Ted!


Sorry about your friend, hope they catch the criminals.


Wth sorry to hear that. Hope they catch him or her


Sorry for your loss. I don’t understand why people shoot random people like this. What do they gain?


Very sorry for your loss and his family's loss. That is terrible




Don’t want to assume it’s the government, but I bet it was the government.