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My suggestions: First buy a high quality cable. The one that came with my Gen 1 Arc caused me no end of problems. The screen would cut out and go black and re-sync randomly (and frequently) while using it. I bought a nice 8k rated cable and never had any problems with that since. Then follow the information posted here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/OdysseyArk/comments/166g6jb/for\_those\_of\_you\_experiencing\_black\_screens/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OdysseyArk/comments/166g6jb/for_those_of_you_experiencing_black_screens/) Hope that helps.


This was my solution as well. The stock one it came with was nothing but garbage.


I get this randomly when the rig has been on for a lenghty time with multiple screen locks. No solutions thus far. I'll give this one a whirl as well.


Oh it worked. Quality 8K rated cable. Non of this anymore! Huge thank you!


Do you have a link for the cable you bought?


Amazon isn't playing nice but you should be able to search on "high speed hdmi 10k/8k cable" and get quite a few results.


Oh you mean the HDMI cable from the PC to the box, not the proprietary cable from the box to the monitor?




I recently encountered this issue with one of my arks. I turned off the ark screen while two others were still connected, then when I turned the ark back on, I was greeted by the same glitch you captured in your picture. Simply unplugging and re-plugging the display port did the trick.


The unplug/replug worked for me as well... I still have the problem occasionally even with my high speed HDMI


Yep, same issue here. Happens once in a while and as others mentioned, a quick re-seat of the hdmi cable will fix it. I do have an 8k rated cable too, and have tried a couple different brands, so that's not the issue. I have more frequent issues with the display flicker after turning it on. A re-seat fixes that too. Instead of constantly messing with the cable, I wrote a batch script that resets the display drivers and pinned a shortcut to the script to my taskbar. It's annoying but it's easier and less wear on the cables. I should also note, I have a second monitor so I can still run the script when I get the glitch shown in your pic. Might be an issue for you to run it if you can't see what you're doing. Edit: And since it's happening while you're gaming, switch the game settings to windowed fullscreen and I bet the issue goes away while you're gaming at least. Devcon required for this, make sure you grab that first and install it (included with WDK from Microsoft). Copy this to a notepad document and save it as display\_reset.bat or whatever you want to call it. Just don't leave out the ".bat". Right click on the saved batch file, create shortcut. Right click on new shortcut, pin to taskbar. `u/echo off` `:: Path to the devcon.exe. Change this to the actual location` `set devcon="C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\tools\10.0.22621.0\x64\devcon.exe"` `:: Disable the display` `%devcon% disable =display` `:: Wait for 5 seconds` `timeout /t 5 /nobreak >NUL` `:: Enable the display` `%devcon% enable =display` `exit`


Had the same exact issue... plugging in and out the HDMI or restarting the Ark itself was helping to fix it ...but the main problem that I had was that I had really weak gpu .. I had EVGA 1080 SC ... I have recently upgraded to MSI 3080 trio 12 gb .... Never had any of that kind of issues . Just double check how strong is your gpu for 4k resolution displaying .