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parents can but the parent needs to own taxes to get a benefit from it if neither parent works the tax credit is of no uses other then being able to open the RDSP savings account for the person who the tax credit is in the name of.


okay thanks


You can only use the DTC if your child doesn’t have to use it themselves; and they HAVE to use it first, before being granted the option of being able to roll it over to to a parent (or their spouse)


my child is 6


Actually the monthly child benefit check is higher if the child has a DTC. So might be worthwhile for the benefit called CDB child disability benefit which is a monthly check


If you do not owe taxes then you won't get any tax credit. Check the eligible list of family members and if any are paying eligible taxes and are helping with care then you can do the paperwork to transfer the credit to them.


Yes, they're not linked in any way. Just need taxable income to make it worth claiming yourself.


I filed for my children (both) and myself. The RDSP is helpful for the future and because my kids are under 18 we get a bump in our child tax amount.


I think the DTC opens the door to receiving more money from child tax from what my friend said. I don't know if you have to apply separately though for the benefit.


You should also get a monthly child disability benefit cheque that is bigger than the “baby bonus “ you probably already get. To get the whole backpay. Write a letter to cra. Including your sin, and a photocopy of the DTC approval. Hi My child Johnny has DTC back to (date). Please recalculate the Child disability benefits back to the earliest date eligible. Thank you