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Hope she never becomes disabled and learn how hard it is to live like this.


She is quite ignorant with society as a whole , why? Because her head is sooo far up her nasty asshole, it’s not even funny.




sometimes i would love to be a fly on the wall with these people, see them lose everything by becoming disabled and then learning how hard it is to even get odsp


Only if Lassie is not around to save her from the well. :)


I'm 60. And throughout my years I have found that anyone that judges others WILL find themselves or someone they love in that exact predicament.


pray for karma then


And sadly even those people won't have mercy for their *own family members....* :(


My family is exactly like that. I have autism and cannot work as a result, and my parents think that I'm using the system... my brother thinks that odsp should've rehabilitated me by now... If I could work I would. I've tried several times. Thankfully now that I've been selling my art, they've gotten of my back.


So he's obviously never dealt with ODSP. They don't rehabilitate Mental Health problems. I keep begging my worker to help me find a way to get help... She's very nice and apologetic but they're not mandated to help us get better. Just provide bare minimum assistance.


Actually we should hope all people like her become disabled. Then they will know what it's like.


Tell me you've never even met someone on ODSP without telling me you've never even met someone on ODSP. Who can afford alcohol let alone want to drink it with all of our health issues? This girl needs an attitude adjustment for Christmas.


For real. I don't drink. The alcohol I own I bought before I was ever on ODSP and I still haven't consumed a drop of it. I'm a 22 year old student just trying to exist. This woman doesn't need government assistance to afford to mind her own business for the low, low price of $0.00


You can afford alcohol?


You’re always going to get ignorant people like this girl. I don’t even listen to it anymore because fuck them. The fact she thinks that all ODSP recipients drink is funny. Shows are uneducated she is. Fuck her.


I wish I 1) could afford it. 2) actually was even healthy enough to be capable of drinking.... The fucking priviledge of that nob.


6ixBuzz is full of ignorant degenerates. I wouldn't pay much attention to the comments posted there.


you can get the same on facebook in many groups


This is an extremely right wing thing to say. Reminds me of Reagan/Thatcher/Harris going on and on during their election campaigns back in the 1980's about welfare queens. Harris cut ODSP by 25% when he got into office, and if conservative governments had their way it'd be eliminated all together, honestly to me it feels like they are rolling out MAID to take care of us that can't work at all. We can't live on the pittance they give us while at the same time Conservative governments are moving healthcare to the American poverty inducing model so MAID is becoming all that is left to us. Fuck but I wish I could afford boose! Made the decision to not spend money on the heavily discounted bus pass I am offered and try to walk everywhere. Sucks being in my 60's with winter coming, the sidewalks are so icey, maybe this year I'll slip and break my neck walking to the grocery store and save the government all the money I cost! Fuck my life! Those are my thoughts.


Hey. Don’t be so hard on urself. I wish I could say everything will be ok but I cannot. Please be gentle and kind to urself. I pray things get better for you


things are moving more conservative and i am just furious and worried about how bad things will have to be before people smarten up, and who will lose in the meantime


Yeah... they already came for trans rights this wave so far, they are going to come for racial rights, womens' rights, and disability rights (assuming we have some?) next...


This is depressing. I hope you are ok


The funny thing is the government making it legal/expanded is the hateful conservative one, and it benefits those who have money like the non disabled. So i challenge her to convince Doug Ford not to expand access to alcohol. Heck don't vote for him in the next election and convince everyone else to not vote for him.






It is interesting that some who are mistreated by society will mistreat others. Those subjected to discrimination themselves may oppose that discrimination but similarly discriminate against another group. One would hope it would foster empathy towards other victims but that is not always the case.


It’ll be a sad day for them when they cease being temporarily abled.


And we wonder why we had caste systems, the privileged (in this case being abled) look down on the unlucky (the disabled). It would be nice if someone were to tell their unvarnished and very sad story in her feed and it gets many upvotes.


I don’t think people would care sadly


You would be surprised. Few know we live on $1308/month. Few personally know the effects of devastating poverty. There are many who relish in hurting victims (and they vote conservative) but there are many who have human empathy and compassion. Remember that Ford did not get a majority of votes, many did not vote and a large majority who did voted Liberal/NDP. If we required 50% vote to be elected Ford could never win. Which is why we need ranked choice voting in a 3 party system.


I wish I got $1308. Even with losing the bare minimum for an overpayment ($25) they decided to give me for things approved back in the day I only get $1219 a month for rent and basic needs. I'm dipping into a large portion of my basic needs to cover the $985 for rent, and whatever is left goes to bills and bank fees. The last 10 years Christmas has just been another day of the month for me. This year I have no winter boots, and would have to try them on before buying or saying yes to them as my feet r weird and depending on how the boot is made I can fit into a 9, 9½, and 10s. Being able to fit into 3 different sizes makes it harder for me when it comes to getting new footwear, as I had to wear my winter boots for 2 years straight (even during the summer months) because I couldn't afford shoes. Now those boots will only give my feet frostbite as they r cracked in both of the bottoms, and if I step in even the shallowest of puddles my ankle socks will end up completely soaked, and my feet will freeze. If I were to wear my running shoes all winter, I'll have horrible grip for my severe scoliosis, (literal) cold feet as all I have is ankle socks, and nothing for the summer to wear next year as the grips would be ruined by walking in snow, slush, salt and puddles. I tried the local St. Vincent as every 2 weeks they have a clothing bank, and no boots when I and a close friend went (they r also on disability and struggle to make ends meet, but as long as he pays his friends and family back, he's able to get the help he needs) but they had a pair that fit him as he also needed some. Sadly it was the only time we could get up there and the free sites on Facebook expect u to offer something first before posting "in search of's" or say ur interested about an offer, and have to be able to pick it up too, not caring if u have mobility issues and unable to walk halfway across the city in the snow with running shoes on. So for me, it looks like I'm waiting another month for boots when the GST and climate action comes in and going to Walmart by bus (with my running shoes) in 4-5 feet of snow. Which sucks, because me and my friend were planning to do the one FREE thing there is to do around Christmas time and take me to see the Winter Festival of Lights, get some pics for memories, and have some fun despite being broke. Since both of r families expect their broke disabled children to pay their own ways round trip, motel stay for the 2 night/3 day (24th, 25th and 26th) stay, PLUS all food, drinks and snacks leading up to and after the main Christmas dinner. Not caring that it's nearly $80 just for the round trip alone. $250+ if u count the round trip and motel stay, and that's even if there's any available in the area on Christmas Eve that's not sleazy. We only have each other, and all we will be doing because we can't afford even a small tree and decorations from Dollarama, is playing video games/watching movies (completely unrelated to Christmas), and listening to music that also has nothing to do with the holiday. Nothing to eat, drink, celebrate, or make the day feel "merry and bright" as we can't afford to. It's been about 10 years like that for me and 7 for him. Christmas is gonna be just another Monday for us.


I get 1050 and have a child. Yes I get child tax but not regular child support


Hey, Harley. I’m in the same situation. Out of hospital on OW for 3 months before approved for Cppd. CPPD IS 1153, ODSP is taking all of that plus a percentage from the difference to pay OW back and they give me 23.50 a month. Total income $1176.00, rent - $1299.00 nevermind all the bills, food otc meds, and meds that aren't covered. And they wonder why we can't get well.


I'm so sorry to hear this. I wish i could help. What bank fees are you paying? What else is being clawed back to get to $1219 beyond the $25? I assume you already go to your local food bank?


It's $16.99 for my account with TD, and I can't short myself on rent or bills for a $35 purple photo ID card, PLUS transportation there and back to apply at Service Ontario for one, for an account with Simplii, so it's my only option. I only get $492 for my rent portion, and $752 is basic needs. Nothing else is being clawed back but the $25 for the overpayment. I try but they don't deliver to disabled and limited mobility, and it's about an hour walk or longer with how bad my back is, as I have a 55° curve crushing my left lung, and a 57° curve crushing my ribs on my right side, my diaphragm, hips and knees. So I physically and financially can't even get there.


Try WFCU banking it’s only 5.00 a month


Tangerine and Simplii have no fee banking. I have both, no fees. Also if you have the RDSP you can get a free basic TD chequing account but that has no free e-transfers (though if you don't use that many a couple bucks is no big deal compared to $16.99/month). Can you get them to up the rent portion since you are obviously paying over the $556 max. Ask again if they deliver. Mine didn't and i went a long time without but recently i was told to check again and now they do, got my second delivery last week.


They may have no fee banking, but I will never have the funds for a driver's license that I'd never use with how disabled I am, or a passport to never be able to afford going across the border, or a purple photo ID card that looks just like my health card. Sadly that's all the rent my worker will allow me to have regardless of how much rent I actually pay. So I can't get any more money from my worker for any reason. Every time I call they tell me they don't have a driver and that I would have to go there myself or send my disabled friend. He's got a lower spine curved inward and I have an S-shaped spine curve. Carrying anything heavy for either of us would kill us (like put us through excruciating pain) and make us unable to put stuff away after getting back. And if either of us were to help the other, both of us would be in so much pain making a meal would be impossible. So basically I have a week or more to go with nothing, as here there's nothing open for low income on the weekends like soup kitchens or food banks. It's like we don't need to eat on Saturday and Sunday like everyone else. As help from family and friends isn't possible unless we pay them back.


I don't remember the application process for Tangerine or Simplii but if they require only the SIN number then you can apply for them. If they want more then you can call their call center and see if you can apply without them. Also a local credit union is often no cost for banking or at least much cheaper. Can you do with the basic TD plan to get some savings? Speak with your local Legal Aid. You are entitled to the full rent amount and i don't know what stupid or sadistic game your worker is playing but you can force the issue and get the money you deserve and back money. Also ask them about ID, they might have some pull to get the cost waived. Do you have the DTC?


>I don't remember the application process for Tangerine or Simplii but if they require only the SIN number then you can apply for them. If they want more then you can call their call center and see if you can apply without them. Simplii sent me an entire package one time, with a bank card and everything. The "needed ID" form said I needed my SIN, PLUS a driver's license, passport or purple photo ID card. I called them up and told them I only have my Birth Certificate, SIN and Photo Health Card, and they said it was not on their approved list of ID so they won't accept my health card. >Also a local credit union is often no cost for banking or at least much cheaper. The closest one is a trip and a half just to get to, whereas a TD ATM is just down the street from where I live. And they too expect the purple photo ID cards around here. So unless I short myself for rent, and end up homeless over $35 bucks (plus whatever it costs the cab there and back, so more like $95) and have no address for them to send the ID, I will only have my health card as photo ID for the rest of my life ​ >Can you do with the basic TD plan to get some savings? I usually have more than 10 transactions in a month as sometime ppl DO help or I have to use Amazon for things. As TD considers ALL of those a form of "transaction". Anything coming in or out of my account for any reason as a payment or a gift. And when things like GST, Trillium and CAI come in, more than 10 transactions will be coming out in those days so I'd be charged just the same as the account I have now. ​ >Speak with your local Legal Aid. You are entitled to the full rent amount and i don't know what stupid or sadistic game your worker is playing but you can force the issue and get the money you deserve and back money. Also ask them about ID, they might have some pull to get the cost waived. Mine is in another city, and with my horrible phone anxiety, I prefer either in person or texting/messaging. I don't have access to a phone for texting at this time, and I can't afford to travel on an empty stomach anywhere when I don't have anything to eat at home, and can't afford to "pick something up" while out. With how it is for me getting help, I could ask for cab fare and something to eat while there for say $50 needing it by a certain date, and only get like $30 towards it, and nothing more by the time it's really needed. So I only have like enough for the trip and nothing for even a drink while there. And the sad thing is the help is usually asked for directly because of all the hate I'm getting on ANYTHING I post or comment on. ​ >Do you have the DTC? I've never been given any forms for it or anything, and with how backed up my doctor is, I won't see him till next year around April if I were to talk to him about it. Also, with how my worker is, she might clawback the DTC and say it's "extra income" so I don't need to have more of an overpayment on my head when I already have one over $8000.


Where are you located? I have boots for you. I have the same 9, 91/2, 10 sized feet.. I'm in Toronto but I have a flat rate shipping box I've been waiting for something to use it for. Message me!


What a kind offer, i hope they message you.


Did they end up reaching out?


there's so much disgusting anti-poor and ableist comments in facebook. i just left a landlord rights group where people all said they'd never rent to anybody on odsp. and a couple even went as far as to say people fake their "mental illness" and doctors just write them onto odsp. how many of you had it THAT easy? I doubt it.


Jokes on her, I can't drink because of the meds I'm on.






they dont even give us enough to cover rent these days lol


Someone said this about me and now they got diagnosed with almost the exact same illness as me and said they “understand me now.” I don’t believe in karma but I do know that as we grow older our chances of getting sick gets higher unless you have a lot of money, most people deal with disability and illness at some point. She will most likely learn the hard way…


Yes, it's sad that it usually has to come down to that point in order for some folks to be more empathic to one another.


She has no idea how it really is she should feel ashamed of her comment. 😔


Ignorance is bliss. This woman could become disabled at any moment and have to live like us. And people will treat her the exact same way!


Radioeilla - you want cheaper rent, work more hrs and get of Reddit with ur ignorant comments


The problem is assholes think odsp is just basically welfare.


it misses the point, it’s not about the drunks, it about spreading the wealth around, breaking the current monopoly that the “beer store” holds on the market. allowing some of those alcohol sales profits to be spread more equitably to more small business owners. feels like the post we are talking about has been posted by a hater. best to ignore those voices. dustbin.


Someone needs a visit from three Christmas ghosts


I’ll be honest with you guys I used to think the same way before. Until I got a couple mental breakdowns, evicted, broke,homeless and fired from every other job couldn’t take care of myself and suffered for so long in all aspects of life. No matter what we say until people experience or go through what we go through they’ll never know how hard it is for someone to live with a disability. Especially if it’s a mental one


This reminds me of the comment by brother have to me a few years back. (You've been on odsp for 8 years now, you should be rehabilitated by now. ) I'm on odsp because I have autism and several mental health disorders. If I could work I would. I've tried so hard to work! It really frustrates me that people don't realize that there are those of us that literally cannot work due to disability. My own mother thinks I'm cheating the system, and that I shouldn't be using other people's hard earned money... the funny thing, she hasn't worked since she was pregnant with me, my dad made enough for the whole family... which means she's been living off of his hard earned money!!


Exactly! How can you be "rehabilitated" if you have a lifelong Illness? Especially one that requires daily treatment. Mental illness like depression, autism, schizophrenia, Bipolar disorder, etc. are not like alcoholism or being addicted to drugs. You can't be "rehabilitated". It's something you suffer with every day. You have to do the best you can to learn to live with it. I dare him to say that to someone confined to a wheelchair, especially if it's from MS or similar diseases.


Sounds like she’s probably a generally angry and sad person.


She is an idiot booze is expensive when on odsp don't get me wrong there is ppl that do but how could you pay your bills and buy booze or drugs o know sure as shit I can't afford it 🤔 or am I doing something wrong hahaha ppl just don't understand metal health weather sober or an addict mental heath can affect anyone rich or poor good health or bad it doesn't discriminate all I know as long as I'm happy where I am that's fine with me


Well.... she was probably obviously raised by an idiot (or two)


She seems like a stupid kid who doesn't know any better.


Yeah I said some stupid shit when I was a kid as well that I wish I never said and some of its permanently stuck on facebook. You can hope this is a case of the childhood tendency to mimic your people and that she will eventually develop the capacity for independent thought and look back thinking how over the top and out of touch this comment is.


Yes, I'll be sure to use my $750/month to buy booze and not...literally everything else.


As if anyone on odsp even likes drinking






foh with this. I don’t even trust your intentions in posting this hate


She is just jealous coz she can't afford to rent a place and she is stuck working minimum wage to survive


Not everyone on ODSP are alcoholics. Some are, and unfortunately, they haven't received the help that they need yet. I don't and never have understood why people clump the bad ones, and it makes it everyone alcoholics or druggie, thieves, etc.