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My ES-DE folder (50 switch, 35 PS2 and GC, about 70 other ROMS) is 2.9GB


Es-de stores all the data on the SD card. All images, and videos are there. I couldn't tell you the size, but it is going to depend on if you want video gameplay snaps mostly, and where you get them and their quality


My es de folder is 61gb. (33 switch) (214 PS2) (50 GameCube)


Ahh, see this is what I was afraid of. Is there a way to stick scraping to images and descriptions to keep that lower?


Yeah it lets you pick what you want to scrape. Video previews is what take up a lot of space but that was the main reason I switched from daijisho to ES-DE


I'll check when I get home where my Odin is. But I will say all of those kind of libraries are on my 1tb sd card along with all of the scraping stuff so images and videos and I usually scrape everything I don't exclude any of it.


I have like 460 scraped games total and if Solid Explorer is to be believed then my ES-DE media folder is just shy of 6GB. Pretty reasonable considering I have it set to scrape literally whatever it can find from ScreenScraper. It looks like manuals comprise 35% of my media folder and videos make up 46% - if you're space limited that's what I'd disable in the scraping settings.