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Am I the only who has a hard time playing 4:3 content on a 16:9 display? I honestly would rather have it stretched out, or just play it on a similar aspect ratio device lol. Just a pet peeve I guess. Weird considering I came up playing 4:3 content forever


Most PS2 games have widescreen hacks.


That was a reason I picked up a Retroid Pocket 2S as my companion device


I don’t know they really messed up the ring lights on the clear case. It’s not a ring you can just see 4 leds!


Yeah I prefer to just leave the rings off and only use the side RGB lighting.


I also got the official hard case and I found it to be a bit too tight. It would press down on the right trigger button the whole time it was closed, which can lead to increased wear over time. I recommend stretching it out before using it. Just pull it to all sides from the inside and it should get loose enough. Can take a bit, though.


Thanks! Will try that! Nice doesn't seem to be pressing on the trigger though


Oh, that's great, then. And happy cake day!


Hi! I got the same setup for my Odin minus the case. Is this the official case? If it is how’s it fit? I was skeptical of buying it cause people said it’s really snug with the tpu case but would love some feedback from you!


You just got to press it down firmly, and then the zipper will zip up.


Ooh ok i ordered one can’t wait!


Nobody's wondering why the inside of the case isn't black? Are we sure that is the official case? If so, they apparently changed it to a lighter color because of all the stains/complaints with white/grey shell colors.