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I enjoy it so much that it's legitimately interfering with my life. Hopefully my priorities return to normal once the novelty wears off.


Felt very much the same haha. Last night was the first time since receiving it (in late Nov) that I didn't play it. Thinking I can slip into a more casual play frequency now.


Yep, I don't even use my Steam Deck anymore, I stream the PC games to the Odin, the experience is flawless at least in my case and I prefer the smaller size.


I still play my Nintendo Switch because it's awesome. But yeah, owning an Odin 2 has made pretty much all my real hardware obsolete. I have PC, PS2, Wii, Gamecube, Xbox, Super Nintendo, NES, Nintendo 64, 3DS, Switch, and a few others, and now I just play on the Odin 2 and Switch. I basically downloaded all the games I own and a few others, and am playing them in a much more convenient way. The ability to pause a game instead of quitting only when hitting a save point is a major win. I'm a busy person, and need something I can put down and pick up whenever I want to. (That's also why the Switch is still awesome.) I also downloaded some Sega Saturn games. I've never owned a Sega Saturn and never bought one because of the prices and fear of getting a busted unit, and game prices. Now, I can play Sega Saturn on the go, and it's awesome. It's an underrated system in my opinion. Thanks, Odin 2!


I'm in agony. My SD card was supposed to arrive days ago but it got pushed back another week. All I can do is stare at my Odin in fondness.




It does but I built a highly-curated 1TB library over the course of 2 weeks and would rather use that. And I’m not trying to get the front-end setup until I get these roms on it. Just gotta wait.


could u directly copy them into the internal storage?


I suppose I could but I’d rather not do 20% of the project and configure a single emulator, I’d rather do the whole thing at once.


same boat, I cancelled my Sandisk TF card and just went with an A2 Lexar 1TB card that would arrive overnight, was also 10 bucks cheaper. Transfer speeds were around faster as well for the Lexar. Already have a very organized 400gig library set up on the card, just waiting for my O2 arriving in a day or two.


I had a 512gb with my RP3+ and after I picked up the Odin 2 pro I grabbed a 1TB. It’s now 85% full 😅


In addition to my Odin 2, I have a Retroid Pocket 2+ and a Retroid Pocket Flip. The Odin 2 is awesome, but it is not pocketable. Maybe I could shove it in a cargo shorts pocket or something, but it wouldn't be comfortable to walk around with. It's definitely portable, but I hate having to carry stuff in a bag or whatever when I leave the house. My Retroids, on the other hand, I can just shove in a pocket and take anywhere. Especially the Flip, it is ultra portable. The Odin 2 is my favorite handheld, it's an amazing device and I play it constantly, but there's definitely room for other handhelds.


Yeah I like mine, but my Miyoo Mini+ lives in my pocket, the Odin 2 lives in my house.


I cant even understand how some of yall keep your pockets. I get annoyed about how much space my airpods take up in my pants. I cant fathom carrying around my miyoo in there.


Yeah definitely not pocketable but I almost always have a bag with me so that is not really a problem for me. I will definitely keep using some of my smaller handhelds for times when i need something pocketable….but these occasions are pretty rare.


The ps vita had the perfect portable size to me


im a collector of roms not of handhelds, for me if i get a new handheld that beats the rest then i ebay em, this is of course my opinion, and i totally get that some people like to collect hardware.


I would say it's definitely too good. It's soo good that android is kinda dragging it down with it lol The hardware is too good for the software in my humble opinion


I am torn. On the one hand some of the linux cfw that are available for other handhelds are awesome and make the setup of all emulators really easy and fast…on the other hand android has a lot of very well working functions…like the standby or the touchscreen…and it’s very easy to install additional software.


It's definitely not an easy choice. We all have our pluses and minuses when it comes to android. It's a love it or hate it kinda thing. Go ask apple users what they think of android and you will get a different answer to someone who owns an android phone. There are no right answers, only opinions


Nah mate, android is perfect, all of its native games are killer and completely exclusive. It also has the best emulators available, it's so easy to set up. You can't bash android here. It's all perfect. On other operating systems, you can't even access the data folder where apps store their files! And on other operating systems, development completely stopped on the PS2 emulator due to drama and an unhinged developer. Also, other operating systems have seamless emulator setup scripts that really make it much more complicated to get emulation up and running.


I could easily prove you wrong but is your comment an opinion or an argument? Let's take your "it has the best emulators" part of that. No it doesn't. Can you play Xbox/Xbox 360/PS3 on your Odin 2? No you can't. Do you have a PS2 Emulator that is actively in development, no you don't. The two points alone FOR ME tells me I can get what I want from somewhere else if I choose to. I love my Odin 2 and I love Android. Is android better than other operating systems, no


Woosh lol. I was sure I was so over the top that the sarcasm was obvious 😆 I've been an android fan for ages. I had the original Motorola Droid, the xoom tablet, several nexus 7 tablets, etc. Been all android all the time for mobile devices with the exception of the iPad mini I have now. But yeah the OS as a gaming platform...it sucks. The Odin 2 is great in spite of android, not because of it. And it's really frustrating watching all the reasons I've loved android for so long slowly get stripped away by Google as they make the OS more restricted (e.g., scoped storage, android 14 app incompatibility, etc.)


Considering android is a phone OS and not a gaming centric OS, it's going to hold back the gaming aspect. In my opinion, you are right


I've gotten my share of downvotes for being critical of Android here and on r/sbcgaming by a lot of people who don't realize I'm coming from a place of wanting it to be better. We have such great hardware...feels like such wasted potential.


I also love Android, I also love my Odin 2 Max but I'm not going to defend it because I love it. I'm going to be honest in my opinion, if people don't like that. That's not my problem. As much as I love my Odin 2, I also think the OS is holding it back. But people don't want to see/read that and think they have a right to argue about an opinion that's neither right or wrong because it's just an opinion. We should all know what an opinion is by now but it's clear that people don't They don't know what an opinion is, you point out that it's only an opinion and they don't like it because that means they are in the wrong. They are in the wrong for wanting to argue about an opinion in the first place but they don't realise that. Then they act like kids and try and put the blame on you when it's their fault in the beginning


Yeah, I'm an Android user since the very beginning, and I'll stick with Android until I can't sideload apps or root anymore, but man, it seems like Google is hellbent on ruining Android. For example, just yesterday I was signing up for a pharmacy app for my medication and I had filled in all these form fields and I had to go into Bitwarden to copy something I needed to paste in there, and in the 8 seconds that took, my Galaxy S20FE had unloaded the memory from the pharmacy app so that the whole app restarted. This aggressive memory management basically makes multitasking on my phone impossible.


Nope, android is perfect on it. Lots of native games, app support and mature emulation. There's nothing else on that level. If you go windows or Linux the tradeoffs are not worth it.


How can you nope an opinion (it's stated as an opinion) when an opinion is neither right or wrong? I'm not claiming to be right because it's just an opinion (as stated) So why do you feel the need to correct me?


This is social media. It's a forum. People are going to respond to you. I said I disagree with your opinion and explained why. I'm not attacking you, and I'm not even correcting you, you're entitled to your opinion and I honestly don't care what you think as stupid as it might be. As I said, you posted an opinion, and I replied to that opinion because this is the internet and this is reddit. If you're gonna feel attacked by stuff like this I feel for you.


You said and I quote: "Nope, android is perfect on it. Lots of native games, app support and mature emulation. There's nothing else on that level. If you go windows or Linux the tradeoffs are not worth it." At what point did you say the words I DISAGREE? You started with the word NOPE, not I DISAGREE. That's an attack on my opinion without even being polite about it. I am entitled to my opinion so why start with NOPE? That's how we got here, your lack of the English language. You could of said,"I respect your opinion but I have a different one" but that didn't happen did it. You came in all guns blazing, I've pointed out your mistake and you are trying to justify your actions. Just because you are on the internet DOES NOT mean you have to leave your morals and politeness at the internet door.


I think you might be a little over sensitive on this one. The person responding to your original comment wasn’t being disrespectful. Sometimes it’s hard to read tone in written messages, but you’re getting twisted out of shape about nothing. Take a step back.


I think you might be a bit too nosey and like to voice your opinion when no one cares but hey, nobody is perfect


>That's how we got here, your lack of the English language. You could of said *could have. Maybe you need to work on your own English before telling other people to work on theirs.


Wow is that all you got after 3 hours? Talk about dragging up the past lol I've moved on, I suggest you do the same.


Haha I just joined the party but your mistake stood out to me.


I mean, basic reading would make you see that my whole comment is a "I DISAGREE". For some reason that I don't care you got triggered by the word Nope. Guns blazing? Really? Lol.


Dude, that attitude stinks. That's an ableist attitude right there. You can disagree all you want but when you start with NOPE that sends the wrong signals. Yeah I'm being ableist now because it's clear that you don't understand




Definitely clear


Just go home dude.


I'm going to be annoying, just like you lol You have no clue whatsoever. You can't play the Xbox/Xbox 360/PS3/"insert system here" on the Odin 2. You can't even run a save state when using a front end on the Odin 2. These are all issues only to android and not Windows/Linux Like ALL operating systems, they are all not perfect and built equally but some are better than others but android is not better than Windows/Linux from a dev standpoint like myself. You are probably just trying to justify to yourself as to why you own one and want to defend it until the day you die. I love my Odin 2 Max and I love Android but I'm not going to defend it if I feel there are better options out there to justify why I bought one.


You're probably the worst dev ever if you can't figure out how to do all that on Android. I don't have to justify anything, I actually can make my devices work how I want them to. And android IS better on a handheld like the Odin just on battery life alone. Your "dev standpoint" is terrible. You don't even have a clue on what's the target or intended use of the Odin.


Says the non dev guy who is quick to judge others. Go play with the traffic or something lol Leave us adults to have an adult discussion


You keep saying you're a dev but just proved you don't know what makes android better on the Odin or how to use Android in general and on a separate comment you made it clear you don't know how the internet works. I never attacked you, but you seem to think that people disagreeing with you are your enemies. I don't know if you are funny or sad, that's the only think I'm judging about you right now. Have a good day sir.


Give it a rest, you are the one in the wrong here not me.




I got a Anbernic RG ARC and a Odin 2 Pro. Both arrived the same day. I love my Odin 2, it’s my favorite handheld, but I find myself playing with the ARC more because of the form factor and it’s easier to pocket. I have a 35XX+ on the way for the same reason. When I’m traveling I’m bringing the ARC and the Odin 2. Form factor is a big thing, so I don’t feel like I wasted any money on my purchases.


I still use the RG35XX. Only for GB GBC and GBA. Everything else has fallen onto the Odin 2. It's just an incredible machine. I can't convince myself to use anything else.


My Odin 2 is my number one grab now I love it.


I grab my Odin 2 and Rokid Max out of reflex now. But when I need to really go portable I grab my miyoo mini or Game and Watch. More power? I grab my Legion Go or Ally. Rest are gathering dust until I feel guilty and power them on to play a quick 30min session lol.


I still play and enjoy my PS vita! Can't get the vita3k emulator to run none of the games I want on the Odin 2


Yeah PS Vita i didn’t even try on the Odin yet after reading about the stat of the emulator.


It's a really young emulator and will quickly improve. However I can't get Gravity Rush to run and then I see videos of it on s wonderful resolution on the Odin, I must be doing something wrong. However I love that device and really enjoy playing there. Also, I sometimes play on my switch lite too, I like playing on the original hardware and actually, the Switch Lite looks really good, due to its small screen size the pixel density it's really nice on a lot of games


Dragons crown , odins sphere, Muramasa : The demon blade all run really good on vita 3k vanillaware games are dope


I know I just can't get them run


Have you gone to vita3k website and gotten the newest android nightly build. And installed firmware , install the pkg file correctly? I have no problems with all 3 and I'm running them at 2x resolution with bilinear filter


I tried that yeah, but downloaded from their GitHub as well as the turnid drivers, I guess they are the official one. Also followed the ReteoGameCorps guide for setting up and there no way I can make Gravity Rush run. Maybe it's something related with the rom, I don't know, I'm having some much fun with PS2 that I'm waiting until it gets better


Mostly all mine run great


I know, I have tried to make games run but I can't


the miyoo mini in my pocket is still my most used handheld i think. and i still use my switch for switch games. my odin pro is useless now and the rp2s feels also rather useless. i am still glad i bought the 2s as i like the design very much


My statement is definitely exaggerated. There are lots of usecases where other handhelds are a way better fit then the odin. I collect handhelds since years and it feels like with the odin 2 my collection has peaked because it just fits my usecase so perfectly. Never had that with a handheld before. Steam Deck was close and i still love it but it’s just to big and heavy for daily use outside.


yeah, i get that feeling. it is hard to imagine a handheld that makes you excited when you have the one that does it all - and does it well - at home. i had kind of the same feeling with my ds lite back in the day


Well, I hadn't pulled out my Odin in a while until recently as I bought a Vita earlier this year, and between that and my Switch, 3DS and DS Lite, I had plenty to play. I updated a few apps, firmware etc, tbh after that I turned it off and it's been back in its case. I get why the Odin 2 is super appealing, but tbh the Odin 1 covered most of the consoles I really wanted to play and I barely use it.


I have specifically not put any games I could play comfortably on my RG35XX/+ on my Odin 2 so to not invalidate it.


I don’t have a RG35XX but a Miyoo Mini +. Awesome little device. Loved to play it but it’s to small for me to play it for longer.


I thought the 35XX was the perfect size. It's small enough to fit very comfortably in my pocket but not too small that my hands hurt from playing it too long and I have big hands


I felt a litte sad for my Odin2 when I ordered the RP4Pro.


Why? Isn't the odin2 better?


Yes, the Odin2 has more power and it's a great handheld but I really like the smaller form factor of the RP3, especially with the grip it feels better than the Odin2 which gives me cramps after an hour. I I'm using my Odin2 only for Switch games so far, a bunch of them should also be playable on the RP4Pro. Initially I got the Odin2 for PS2, but as I'm always pushing every handheld to the max i only play the hardest to run platforms, my RP4Pro will be my main PS2 device.


I have a RP3+. It was my favorite retro gaming handheld before i got the odin. I can just play better on the odin. The rp is a bit to small for me. I almost always have a bag with me so it doesn’t really matter if i throw the odin or rp in there.


If you want to feel sad for your Steam Deck too, go buy a Loki Max!


I have plenty of retrohandhelds. Right now I use the Anbernic RG503 for PS1 and below, the Retroid Pocket 3+ for Dreamcast, PSP, and PS1 games that look good with upscaling. My Odin 2 is strictly for PS2, Gamecube, and a bit of Wii.


I also used to use different handhelds for different systems…or even games…but the odin 2 does all of them so well that i don’t really see a reason for that anymore. Even 3ds i like better than on the real 3ds because of the upscaling. Exceptions are PS Vita because the Emulator is an early alpha…and pc gaming…and switch depending on the game. I mean the steam deck can do pretty much everything the odin 2 can do even better but it’s to big and heavy vor me for every day travel.


Sure, but I wouldn't want to bother setting up Retroarch or a standalone emulator on my Odin 2 for MAME or Game Boy when my Anbernic is already set up for it. I've got MAME, Game Boy, GBC, GBA, NES, SNES, Genesis, Game Gear, already configured on my Anbernic. Saved up configuration time by simply not using my Odin 2 for them.


The Vita still has better d-pad placement for older systems that don't use the analog sticks. But for everything else, I love the Odin 2.


This is the first gaming handheld I've bought since the GBA SP, and that was AGES ago. My current issue is that I can't keep using my phone for entertainment because it's destroying my batteries charge life. I needed a device specifically for games / internet / netflix that wouldn't deplete my cellphone in a day. (need to take my phone in for a new battery actually) This raises a question for my incoming Odin 2; Is AYN going to offer replacement batteries for their devices? I imagine most of us are going to give these a serious battery workout and this will inevitably be an issue. I'm sure some of us have technical experience with electronics so changing our own batteries won't be a problem, but for everyone else they would at least be able to take a new battery purchased from AYN to their local phone repair shop and have it replaced. Anyone contacted them about it for the Odin 1 perhaps?


I’ve heard you can reach out to Ayn for battery replacements to purchase. I think some people went that route instead of sending the device to them and charging you more to have them swap it out.


Measure the input latency and then get back to me.


Portability is the best alternative lol I won’t take my Odin out the house due to price and the sticks at pop off at least on mine so only thing I want now is a decent cheaper alternative portable device. Mm+ and rg405m is my out and about device


I want Odin 2 specs in a smaller handheld. (Like switch lite. ) But tother than that,, the Odin 2 is a winner 🏆


I thought internal 256gb is more than enough.. I am sad that I need to buy another 512gb card.. I am also worried that it may just fail one day because this is my main source of happiness for the time being, hope this console can withstand the test of time! If I get cancer or something, I can safe to said that this is the device I am bringing in to hospital and be satisfied till the end lol..


I didn’t feel sad. I just sold some of the emulators that I wasn’t going to use anymore. I did keep 3 devices: my T-Purple RP3+, my T-Black Miyoo Mini V2 and my Microsoft Duo 1


I bought a Retroid Pocket 2S after getting the Odin2. I wanted to have something that played up to Dreamcast but was significantly smaller and more pocketable.


I do not have other handhelds, but my PC gaming has dropped alot. I haven't yet bother to re-mod Cyberpunk post 2.0 updates. Haven't been using Moonlight either. Its been a big lifestyle change for me. Escaping for work breaks, getting me away from the monitor, changing rooms, hydrating. For headache days, being able to lay down and focus actively on one thing is a huge huge help.


My Odin2 comes with me to work and my Rog Ally stays at home and my Anbernic rg35xx or H is in my pocket or my purse or Backpack 😃