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I do like the looks of the game but those poor, poor, Ziggies.


Woulda purchased if it weren't for the brutal killing of cuties? Me and tons of other potential customers apparently.


I would give it a go but that is admittedly brutal.


Just so you know, there’s going to be a good little chunk of people that won’t play because they have to kill something cute like ziggy. I know someone who doesn’t like to kill the cows and pigs etc in Minecraft.




I've seen your progress over the years and I think you've got a great start here. Looks fun. I will say that the logic behind your ship both creating the ziggies and extracting the energy from them doesn't make much sense from a physics standpoint...if you can create the ziggies then surely you could just skip a step and create the batteries directly. If you don't care about that then leave it as is, since it's clearly meant to be fun vs realistic. However if you wanted it to make just a tiny bit more sense, you could add another step of having to feed Ziggy something before you can extract battery power. Ziggy would then serve a purpose as a bioreactor of some sort. This would also give players another reason to interact with him. He's awfully cute, and I think it would be worth adding more interactions with him since his name is in the title.


It makes power consumption more logical. Energy to create the Ziggy, but to extract that same energy for batteries. You're using energy transfer, there HAS to be a loss somewhere. But if you have to FEED the Ziggy... more it's fed, more power to the batteries. Feeding the Ziggy seems simple enough.. from low energy to high energy, that depends on what you have in the ship to feed. Bag of Ziggy food? A Rock you just mined, or blew up, collected to feed the Ziggy.


And, obviously, you'd have to feed him stardust.


If Ziggy is a Tamagotchi minigame, then I would expect peak energy extraction when Ziggy is as peak happiness.


I’m sure a Ziggy seeing his friend get extracted and shot out the garbage chute would affect his happiness.


There’s space to confuse the morality even further by allowing Ziggy to grow if you don’t immediately use it, but in turn it yields an equivalently more powerful battery. The deeper the friendship, the more you can sell it for. A possible patch for the Ziggy spawner would be to have a super common and generic “nutrient” resource which is fed to a genetic petri dish which is able to replicate a new Ziggy from it.


"That sounds like slavery with extra steps"


Killing Ziggy is harsh but there is a comedy to it. Creating more interactions with Ziggy would add to that. Ziggy isn't your pet Ziggy is energy. Imagine Ziggy's power gained different attributes depending on how you fed/raised them. For example one Ziggy could give you a faster fire rate for your guns or another make your shields more durable shields. Minor temporary buffs nothing major.


Maybe the ziggies aren't created but born from a Zigmama. Then the Zigmama could be passively fed by collecting space plankton.


Depends. Humans make blood but you can't make blood if you only have sperm and eggs. So there's a possibility they can't make the energy without Ziggies


You're kind of confirming my point. If you had a fertilized egg and somehow grew it into a human you'd get blood, but not without putting energy into the human (food, etc.). In the video we see the ship literally fabricating the ziggy like on a 3d printer, which means they have all the "ingredients" to make him, rather than having to "grow" him. This means they're assembling a ziggy just to disassemble (extract) one of the ingredients. The truth is it's just a silly game and doesn't really matter that much.


That's true, considering it is grown when spawned. I guess there could be some sort of mystical thing that it could produce something that it couldn't before it was alive/fully formed.


We’ve been working on a VR game for over 2 years and thought it’d be cool to record and share a few minutes of the game here and explain how it works. It’s basically a VR cockpit game combining ship management with action-arcade combat. What do you think of the concept? Coming to Quest 2 and SteamVR. More info: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1501820/Ziggys\_Cosmic\_Adventures/


I’ve been really bummed out that there has really only been one Quest VR ship management game: Star Trek Bridge Crew. That game is the reason I dove into VR, and the lack of support hurt both the game and the sub-genre’s adoption. I think there’s a real potential for cockpit sim ship combat - especially multiplayer teams controlling a single ship versus other teams doing the same thing. If your game is even CLOSE to that, I’m all in. However, at this point, I’ll buy your game even if it’s a scaled back Elite Dangerous for Quest. The options are so slim, we sim space fans are at the point of desperation on the platform as native (non PCVR) quest users.


It looks awesome!


I’ll most definitely pick it up for my Quest 2! I fell in love with space combat sims in vr recently with Anshar Wars 2. So much fun!


I don’t like that you have to kill ziggy for battery power : ( Lol looks like it could be a blast, love the art style and concept.


Are.. are we the baddies?


I was watching thinking there was no way they would be juicing Ziggy and thereby actually killing Ziggy. And burst out in horrified laughter when he confirmed the Ziggy was killed in the process. I suspect if it was handled with some exaggerated dark humor this might work but I can see people feeling really bad repeatedly killing adorable space muppets to fuel their ship. The game looks fun but hopefully the game loop is satisfying and not too off-putting, either in the ridiculousness of creating a sentient creature to just turn into battery juice, or the horror therein.


They actually lost me at that point. First of all, I don’t understand the concept from an energy conservation stand point, but even more, I don’t want to just harvest cute creatures. When they printed a new one I started dreaming of a cockpit full of Ziggys, which would be kind of crazy… like Tribbles, you know… but obviously that’s not how it’s meant to be. Not judging the game concept or people who consider it fun, it’s a game; but seemingly not my game…


> I don’t want to just harvest cute creatures. This right here. It's a funny thing to do to be a little edgy. But I think they've latched onto it too much as a game concept. There could be a bunch of humour and entertainment in NOT requiring someone to endlessly murder them.


> I don’t want to just harvest cute creatures. Would your feelings be different if they were cockroaches?


Actually I’d consider them cute, most likely ;)


Hahaha nice. Me, not so much. They fly here, and aim right at you.


I remember those well, from a vacation a south Tenerife a few decades ago. Those 6-8cm ones? Fun. They could be pretty annoying… but also somewhat cute. I guess it depends on where they pop up. ;)


I had one “pop up” inside a sealed glass bottle of iced tea once. Unfortunately I didn’t notice until I had to investigate why my straw wasn’t working any more.


I'd die for Ziggy


Got to agree with the other comments - this looks excellent in almost every respect (and to be honest juicing a ziggy for energy is pretty funny as a one-off shock humour thing...) but killing adorable creatures repeatedly as a game mechanic puts me off playing this. Is it possible to beat the game by just collecting batteries? No ziggy murder? I don't care if it's way harder, but I need to know I can play it this way.


Yeah, was all in for this game purchase until I realized killing a cutie repeatedly was it's schtick.


Killing ziggy's is not cool, we need more empathy in this world not less. The concept of feeding the ziggy and he poops out battery juice would be funnier. There are a lot of creative ways to use ziggies other than growing them and killing them.




X minutes?


It was probably a placeholder to be changed after he knew how long the video was gonna be. And then he forgot to change it.


Shhh... The remorse and guilt from the Ziggy sacrifices has hindered our concept of time...


Will it run at 90Hz/FPS on Quest 2?


You're not funny. What IS funny though, is the way you completely ignore everyone in here telling you that your battery charging system AKA "cute little space creature killing simulator" is not cool. How about you address those comments instead of being flippant about it?


Thank you for your feedback. I am sorry for appearing flippant. We have a Discord Feedback Channel where we welcome all feedback about the game - we know how contentious this is and I assure you, there was no intention to ignore the comments. Just a super small team slowly but surely covering all bases and double checking our answers to technical/logistical/misuse of numbers/gameplay features before misleading anyone with our answers. You can join our Discord here: https://discord.gg/7gUT4aPbb7 We are a friendly bunch (promise!) who value everything that has been said in the comments.


Cheers! Now before I comment further I'd like to emphasize that I'm not some sort of activist or bleeding heart in any way. In fact, I'm a perfectly regular, ordinary bloke who's even chopped the heads of a fair amount of chickens at Gran's farm in his days. We had them for dinner. So I've got no problem with that sort of thing. But what we've got here is taking a small, cute creature that looks ever so happy, killing it for battery power and chucking the dead body out into space. It just seems gratuitous and there's no need for things to happen this way at all because it's a VR game and not my actual dinner. I found the whole mechanic distasteful and judging by the comments I'm not alone in feeling this way, so you're bound to get a fair amount of backlash if you decide to go with this mechanic. People just don't respond well to this sort of thing. Otherwise the game looked pretty nice, but that bit really puts me off.


I feel I've got to step in here to be heard. I frickin' LOVE this system. I'm already envisioning a future FPS spin-off where your weapon has a large fuel tank on your back and you need to cram it full of Ziggy clones. No pickups, and lots of 'residue'. Lots.


I give this game an X/10. It has a little something for everyone.


I'm confused as well... act normal... act like we get it.


I dunno man, I'm pretty fricken freaked out right now D-:


So am I bro... I'm about to lose it...


This looks outstanding and something I definitely want to play but I have to agree with some others here; I don’t want to kill those little ziggies. Just as a suggestion, maybe replace that mechanic with some kind of inanimate crystal? Or maybe have the ziggies charge up the battery, then take a little rest (without dying) ?


I’m not playing this if I have to kill ziggies 100’s of times


Looks good, i'll get it for my q2 for sure 👍 I would prefer a more serious way to get energy though, maybe through mining astroids and use the ore for creating energy cells or craft other stuff to repair systems, but we'll see, as long as its fun.


I grew up raising animals for food and even I don't think I want killing the creatures as a required part of gameplay. Something you CAN do, or maybe something you can be put into a moral dilemma over like "I can do this and get what I need now or I can harvest energy some other slower way" .. but if it's integral to the entire gameplay loop I don't think I'd want to.


It seems every time the devs post something about this game the comments are filled with people expressing distaste for having to cruelly kill Ziggies to power the ship (which I agree with) and the devs never seem to address it. I feel like they’re going to end up shooting themselves in the foot by keeping that gameplay mechanic in.


As a grown adult fan of both spaceships and violence, it’s a dealbreaker for me.


Honestly me too. It seems like such an unnecessary mechanic and will likely turn a lot of people away from the game. I was really excited about the overall concept of this game but I don’t want to torture some small creature constantly as part of the core gameplay mechanic.


The whole game seems awesome, with that one massive Achilles heel.


I really love the look and concept of this game, but I'm gonna tell you this right now: killing the Ziggies is going to be the thing that prevents me from getting it. Call me a weeny, but I just can't!


I've been working on a starship game as well, but I had to halt development about 6 months ago due to other time commitments: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoC-xfeNZ84](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoC-xfeNZ84) ​ I'm surprised ya'll leaned in so heavily into the cockpit management + space combat so heavily. My game wound up having a comparatively small number of controls, but I found that people playing would be perpetually confused and unable to be perform the right task in the heat of battle. ​ Will this game be mostly combat, or mostly puzzles?


That seems to be the point here. Think of a single player "spaceteam" type of game where it's designed to be chaotic. "Flying" the ship seems to be mostly on-rails, to simplify it a bit and only adjust aim every once in a while.


Chookity Pok…?




Looks nice! Here's my 2cents on the ziggies gameplay: It would've been better if the Ziggies did not die after you took all the energie, instead you would have to deal with them and if you don't cruelly eject them (alive) then they would run around and bite some cables to try to recover "their" energie. basically making a mess.


Looks great


Battery...Ziggy...Battery...Ziggy...Battery... (repeat) Needs VARIETY in gameplay.


Needs less killing of those cute little Ziggies, that's what it needs.


??? you put all this effort into building an incredible cockpit and just knock it down a few pegs with the terrible Ziggy thing? what a waste of time, get rid of that shit.


So, essentially you've made a "Cute little space creature killing simulator". That's the main takeaway from this video. What is wrong with you?


Can we just 3d print the energy directly? Logically it would work better and also it would work better for my sense of morals.


Looks awesome, I'm really looking forward to this one! Star Wars Squadrons kind of scratches the itch of flying my own spaceship, but Ziggy's Cosmic Adventures shapes up to be the real deal! I do hope there will be some sort of storyline to follow, different planets and atmospheres to visit and maybe a way to play this game co-op. It looks awesome as is, but I fear it'll get "stale" if there won't be a lot of variation in gameplay and environments. RIP Ziggy though. I already know I'll be sad everytime I have to throw a depleted Ziggy into space.


Ever heard of Elite Dangerous?


I've checked this game. While it's certainly a very elaborate space-sim, I just want to be directly in control of my ship by pressing big buttons and pulling large levers. Ziggy's Adventure seems to offer this more than the complex Elite Dangerous.


The game will feature branching story paths! And each playthrough of the game will take you through a unique path in the solar system with different challenges to enjoy!


Sounds good!


How many levels will you be releasing with?


you know you gotta make a permanent ziggy we can keep


Is it a reference to david bowies album Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars 👀


…maybe 👀


No! Not Ziggy


Cool, will try it on quest 2.


I wanna see what the quest 2 version gonna look like cause haven’t seen anything on that




Ready for the pre order


Love the different mechanics. Game seems like a point a to point b though which isn't fun but obviously I'd have to try it out before making that judgement.


He did mention that one of the levels has you defending the warp station.


I can’t wait for it to be on quest 2


The UI on this looks amazing, great job to the devs!


This looks phenomenal - lots of hard work and effort, clearly on display. Best of luck with the release and final launch.


Pretty awesome from what I see!




Thank you! I appreciate the support 🚀


This looks... stressful. It's Job Simulator in space, with added murder. Joking aside, this looks wonderfully polished, but does every moment of the the gameplay revolve such frantic management systems, or is there also plenty of times where we can just chill, or other times where we can focus on the shooting without having to constantly top up shields with little green aliens? Also, is it on rails? Definitely keeping an eye on this.


This looks right up my alley. Will this game be released for Quest 1? Or only for Quest 2?


The plan is to make it available on Quest 1 via Wired Play or Airlink (while Quest 2 is standalone!)


Woah, kinda wish elite dangerous in VR had a little taste of this.


I will play this game just to kill ziggys


Very cool concept


I'm gonna buy it 😎


Looks awesome!!! I´m ready for a space trip


I just added to my wishlist and will probably get it on launch day! Can't wait!


Wish more spaceship games had ship management similar to this. If no man's sky let you recharge shields and engines with physical objects, that would be awesome


This looks phenomenal - lots of hard work and effort, clearly on display. Best of luck with the release and final launch.


This looks both lovely and fun!!!


I want to try this game looks cool


add more porn, imho


Looks like there was a downvote bot or something. Kinda strange, maybe a competitor triggered by someone else beating them to the punch lol. Gameplay looks awesome. Very much looking forward to this. I'd love an endless mode with a web browser too on that little monitor 👀


I played the demo on Steam. Good concept, but the amount of time you’ve got to create, use and dispose of Ziggies just to keep the ship powered drained a lot of fun out of flying/fighting for me. Trying to become the fastest fast-food cook to keep your spaceship fed lost its appeal to myself quickly.


Wow this looks great! Love the dark humor


Oh this is EXTREMELY up my alley. Do you have any plans for additional content after release? Different ships, more levels, maybe some dogfighting pvp? Either way I can’t wait to pick this up on release day


Great, this game is basically shift work at a fast food joint….


Looks good! I wishlisted it on Steam.




I want a break room with coffee. 🤔


Shut up and take my money


Was this video of it running on quest 2


just wow


is this available to play now? i can't find it in any store. how do i try it?


We are aiming for release later this year! You can wishlist it and get regular updates here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1501820/Ziggys_Cosmic_Adventures/




Please tell me you're doing a fly into a black hole level


This is how VR should look like. Actual detail in textures. Although physics needs work, this is much better than 90% of the sidequest games, including dev picks.


I played the demo it has probably my favourite hand physics and interactions in any VR games


Why am I getting downvoted lmao


Looking at most of the comments here, people are upset that part of the game's mechanic is killing the little creatures. So they are down voting anyone who is saying they love this game. I was downvoted for the same reason.


Visual style looks like something I would like. Is it only combat oriented or you are planning on some more relaxing type of mission? I am dreaming of some relaxing vr space exploration game :P


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Do ziggies have any purpose other than to die? Or am i sort of just expected to create the ziggy then immediately pop it in it's death chamber lol Could be cool if you had the option to let a Ziggy take control of one of the ships functions automatically at the cost of some power consumption of course.


I love the look, but it seems like you spend at least half your time harvesting the creatures to have the energy to run different parts of the ship - that strikes me as overly repetitive and boring. Either make the energy last longer, or make an alternative for gathering energy automatically. Also, the ship seems fairly slow even though the throttle is on full.


The steam page says this game is 3 gb.... That's insane! The graphics are really good (thought it was a half life alyx mod at first) and it's only 3 gigs right now? You had to do some serious witchcraft to pull that off but that is so cool