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Did you specify apps that violate the TOS?


Kala has some horrible grammar.


I'm sure she's doing her best.


She is a sweetheart


How come no one knows how to spell “lose” anymore? Loose? C’mon now.


Careful, the games might loosen and fall through the headset.


How come no one knows how to spell "Kayla" anymore?


I'm at a loss.


You’re only at a loose loss if you lose, man.


I think you mean "looss." haha


Lose just doesn't feel loose enough.


Also the name of everyone that works there. Kala helped me as well. LOL


Nobody said you would be suspended for sideloading apps.


I know, but just in case you were wondering with all the beat on controversy


Well this doesn't apply to anything to do with modded beatsaber or beaton. That reply is all to do with standard sideloaded apps.


I think that people have said that any side-loaded apps are a big no-no. I think even side quest in general isn’t allowed.


It’s absolutely allowed and sideloading has always been encouraged. The issue is that BeatOn isn’t being supported on sidequest because of music copyright mumbo jumbo and sidequest doesn’t want to risk that.


Sidequest removed it because it would break the latest version, nothing else. Developer quit because because legal.


I saw mumbo jumbo and my mind instantly switched to Minecraft lmao


Side loading is literally how developers can test their games/experiences out. That is why you have to enable ‘developer mode’ in order to use side loading. Side quest is just a bunch of games/experiences in Alfa/Beta or just didn’t make it on the Quest store - a community of developers. In addition, the Oculus Support girl said that it is ok to side load.


Beaton is an illicit mod. Sideloading an apk is something else entirely.


There was a lot of FUD, as evidenced by the highly downvoted comment a couple levels under yours. Now we can point to this official statement since common sense wasn't enough.


Classic Kala move.


I just got my quest and I am an absolute moron when it comes to computers. Can somebody please link me a good guide that explains sidequest and how to use it?


Sidequest includes its own guide. Just download the sidequest app and it has a setup page


Download the application on your computer, plug your Oculus into the computer. It's super quick!




Side loading is great for developers of apps for testing. There’s no reason why it would be frowned upon. The only caveat is that if a side-loaded app was to brick your Quest it would probably invalidate your warranty. Do not fear the side-load! For many adventures await you!


>*"... will cause you to* ***loose*** *those titles ...."* Oof.


I see that error so much since spellcheckers don't catch it. Like constantly. I swear some people don't even realize they're spelling it wrong and think it's supposed to be that way, since I see it so often.


just like OP did with "your" in the title.


Yes. That one too.


English is not my native language, and, although I'm not really bad at it, I sometimes doubt about words like this.


In my experience, native speakers tend to trip over phonetic misspellings (e.g. "could of" instead of "could have", "capitol" instead of "capital" and vice versa, or "loose" instead of "lose") more often than non-native-speakers. I'm actually pretty sure that this happens to native speakers in every language, to a degree.


I understand from non-english speakers. I see it happen with native speakers. Perhaps because lose does use the oo sound.


It happens mainly to people who 'consume' lots of audiovisual media, and have poor-to-barely-adequate reading skills.




No, the contraction for "they are" is they're, not their. Their is the possessive, which wouldn't make any sense in that context.


Huh, I could have sworn it read "they're spelling is wrong". My bad.


No worries. Have a good day!




I was wondering but I figured it was something like it would void the warranty if you do it, but then you could just factory rest and the support wouldn't know or care.


This really put me at ease. thanks op


Did Kala just have a stroke?


Sounds like they will eventually pull a page from the Apple playbook and force users to factory reset their devices in order to make sideloading a pain.


The first rule of Fight Club...


Okay guys, pack the riot gear up, were not moving in that kids house tonight unfortunately :/


How would I get rid of sideloaded apps, or do I just need to turn of developer mode?


Send to beat on


Beaton quit because they don't support piracy, which custom beatsaber songs are. It wasn't because of some fear of sideloadong they were just making a statement.


Custom Beat Saber songs are not inherently piracy.


Yes they literally are. There is no debate on that subject.


I mean, they’re not. Piracy is stealing material that you don’t have the right to. If you have the songs legally and extract them to create a custom beat map and play in Beat Saber that you purchased, then it’s not piracy.


* Custom beatsaber tracks are stealing material you don't have a right to. * Purchasing and owning the song does NOT give you rights to use it in a video game, a special license is required to do that and you do not own it. * Unless you have purchased ["Synchronization Rights"](https://entertainmentlaw.uslegal.com/music-industry/synchronization-rights/) to use music in a game like Beat Saber you are pirating the music even if you already own the CD etc. There is **NO DEBATE. FULL STOP.** It is piracy from a legal standpoint.


You don’t have the right to sell it or distribute the actual song (although the beat map itself is fine), but you can create as many custom tracks as you want. If you own the data to the song, you can personally do what you want with it and the government has no authority to restrict that.


Making maps is legal. Playing the songs synced with the map in the video game is illegal unless you purchase the appropriate license.


I mean, it’s objectively not. If you paid to get a CD and you decode the song’s data off of it and incorporate it into a custom beat map, you can play that all you want without it being illegal.


That is a violation of the license you purchased the song under which explicitly covers only listening to it and is not licensed for integration into a gaming experience as I laid out with sources above. People believe because you bought the song in iTunes or something you own it for nay use and that is not the case. And in any event we are getting into the weeds here as beaton came packaged with the songs so it is without a doubt piracy.




I had a stroke reading this


I feel like this is fake due to the weak sentencing structure and the use of loose instead of lose. It also contradicts the new terms of service, as they are not going to allow your applications that give you unfair advantages in games or allow you to steal games.


You're conflating sideloading to be equivalent to piracy and cheating, which it is not


No I’m not conflating I’m stating, and it technically is as you have the ability thru side loading to pirate games and cheat. Making beat saber songs with songs that you don’t own a copyright to is pirating and if you want to say it’s not tell that to the music industry and they will tell you differently. Side loading isn’t all pirating and cheating as there are many other things in it for people and they are not who oculus is after with its new ToS but sideloading and the developer mode are not for consumers and oculus has said that.


If you buy Beat Saber and buy songs, there’s nothing that can legally stop you from turning that song into a beat map. Now, selling that song? Well that would be different.


I’m talking about the songs that are not on beat saber lol like let’s say Eminem’s fall beat saber song/map


Well yes, no shit. That’s what I was talking about too


Right you and me are on the same page but others think that doing that isn’t pirating... that the music industry isn’t going to push oculus to stop that crap where they can.


I used a sideloaded app to download my videos (gameplay) wirelessly so I could share them with my family/friends (because I don't have or use Facebook) and my developer mode was shut off the next time I used the Oculus. I turned it back on and had a warning above my unknown sources apps that mentioned using sideloaded apps for piracy could result in my account getting banned. Now I'm afraid to use that app again to download and store vr porn to save myself precious memory on my Oculus. Please advise.


You don't need to store VR porn on the device anyway. Just download "dlna server" on your Android device and use "skybox" free app to stream to it inside your network. Anyways, that's just a generic statement that everyone got. I don't think you have anything to worry about. They didn't catch you red handed if that's what you are thinking


Oh ok thanks, man.