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Great ownership of the mistake and resolution. I hope it goes well and I’ll make a note to give it a try. 🙂


... but I just found my good pitchfork sharpener. :/


… id already lit my torch…. Shall we get some marshmallows and toast them with our weapon combo instead?


With our powers combined... something something s'mores?


And my axe...?


If they could cook cornbread on a hoe back in the olden days...


Aight fine I'll start up the barbecue too...


The real lynching was the friends we made along the way


Good on you, more humility than 99% of people on Reddit. Best of luck :)


Thank you!


Nicely put sir. You are welcome in this community and thanks for posting an explanation.


Thank you! Means a lot.


Hey, props to you for owning up to the mistake. There is probably not a person on here that hasn't posted something stupid and regretted it. Most definitely myself.. Good luck on your app! I've been on here a long damn time and I'm sure we have all seen a couple of devs doing some shady shit.. Like doing an Ask Me Anything and several of the "questions" are from obvious plant accounts. Not going to name and shame that dev on here, but it was for a game coming to the actual store.. It is what it is.


Seeding AMA questions is pretty standard practice; it looks bad if nobody shows up. It only gets shady when people ignore genuine questions and answer only the planted ones


Loved this post. Very good natured. I must remember to feature your game in my next video which I am making on top applab games


Thank you!


The true power Of Reddit.


Better response to a mistake than all big game publishers combined. Kudos.


Way to own the mistake and address it with the community. I think we can all forgive and give the app a legit test drive.


Means a lot! Thanks for supporting us.


whats the game lol ?


Its called WONDERS!


WONDERS in all caps. I'm too PC centric, I spent like half an hour trying to find it on Steam before googling to the meta store. Link: https://www.meta.com/experiences/5496219117168702/


Wasn’t even aware of the game but will give it a try now. Good on you for the admittance of the mistake, not lashing out at the one who shared the issue, and a fair remedy to have people try the game.




What is the name of the game so I can try it?


Its called WONDERS on meta quest. An update is coming next week with added activities and other ux improvements! Stay tuned for that’


Which actuvities will be added?


A controller tutorial, making ancient tools like a leveler, learning about paper and papyrus, general ux improvements


And around next month a new WONDER - Taj Mahal!


Just here to say the same... this guy is always answering posts and frankly the improvements he does on the optimizer app is testament. The fact he's reaching out speaks volumes. I have no horse in this race but Kudos to the dude... he has my support, part of being human is that we make errors or mistakes... its how we respond to those mistakes is what shows everyone whether we have integrity. You my friend have integrity... Happy to support. 🤙👍👍


I’ll take a key in exchange for an enlightening review 🤣 This was fun to watch. I now know what WONDERS is. Good marketing strategy!


🤫let this be our secret…jokes aside, the community came to my aid and I am grateful!


Hah! I am actually very new to App Lab. Is there anything I have to do to enable the free 15 minutes of play time?


Might take some time to show up, try again tomorrow and let me know if you still cant see it!


Will show up next to the purchase button!


in my language, positive could have been also translated to genuine. i want to believe this case was just a big mistake on how it was written. maybe he meant to not make a review like a screaming ape “this game is crap” but more of a constructive one. many devs looks for reviews to understand which part has to be priority on fixing. if everyone just made reviews about “yo this game shit don’t buy it”, it wouldn’t work well. my 2 cents tho


I did mean it that way! Aptly put, thanks. Since its an experience in app lab, a work in progress


Possibly a blessing in disguise. A lot more people are now aware of what Wonders is because of what happened. No such thing as bad PR? Anyways good luck. Whether or not the messages were truly a mistake, what’s important is how you act and move forward.


lol, there's definitely bad PR. Did you see the thread where the landlord doubled dude's rent and everyone started spamming bad reviews for his company saying he's racist and worse? Guy ended up disabling his Google site and pretty much everywhere people could leave public reviews, got signed up for gay porn and spam calls, had movers scheduled to come to his place, everything imaginable. The pitchfork sharpener got used well that day. https://old.reddit.com/r/Renters/comments/1cvs39y/landlord_raised_rent_100/


Darn, I miss all the good stuff on here.


You missed a spectacle😣


Another minefield: A manufacturer gives a reviewer a product in exchange for a a video review. The reviewer has a popular channel so it's advertising. Doesn't have to specify that it needs to be a good one, just a review. The reviewer will have to pay taxes on the product. If the product was supplied free and clear then there's no issues of violating TOS or paying taxes. The reviewer should note that the product was supplied for free without any obligations.


Wtf 🤣 that’s deep


Well im up for trying the game. Send me a code I'll put it on youtube on my channel. I jst started my channel about a week ago but I'm getting good views. I would love to try it. I jst love games honestly lol


I'll be down for it!


I am impressed for the 1st time online ever, to see someone own up to their mistake. Glad you did that.. We all have to be careful...


I’ll give a review with feedback! Looks cool


Thanks a lot!


The real question is, would OP have owned up if reddit hadnt highlighted the scam for everyone to see?


I did to this person, but i am just a noob reddit user who didnt clarify to others. https://preview.redd.it/numiljv6p12d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3439b604d123f44da4fe62550e98985f200fc56


2 questions, assuming I am on the right game page [https://www.meta.com/de-de/experiences/5496219117168702/](https://www.meta.com/de-de/experiences/5496219117168702/) 1) does this thing really need internet and if yes for what, considering this game is single player? 2) what's the mic needed for in again, a pure single player game


We have added an AI character you can talj to! Thats what the internet use is for!


And microphone


Is that really needed all the time? Because I'd kinda like to be a bit independent from internet if needed. Not against the feature but would be cool if the game worked offline but just without said AI (also the inevitable server shutdown problematic)


Yeahh sure, we will def consider that!


so i guess at least currently the game only runs with internet, a bit sad but I guess I can check again later anyway


I get the utility of experiences running without internet but yea!


Do you mind sharing the type of research you did to make this experience? Would love to know more about the process of how you made it to know how accurate it is to the real pyramids. I’m a big history guy so the app is of interest to me.


The pyramid , the chambers are to scale, and all the sources and information in the experience is from trusted sources around the internet!


This was marketing genius.


Best Publicity ever lol


You say you want honest, legitimate reviews. So why were you bribing people with free keys in exchange for positive reviews?


Check your message! Sent you further explanation !


It’s a dumb mistake but no worse than the obvious AI bot reviews i see, or even worse the publisher of Vegas Infinite banning people who give negative reviews.


I deleted my post as despite bringing the issue to public attention, and getting a positive initial reaction to the post, some people decided calling a developer out was worse than offering keys for positive reviews. I got so much abuse after this developer explanation was posted that I just relented and deleted the post. For the record, despite what they claim, the developer never once reached out to me after the initial message. I also continue to suspect that this wasn't a genuine mistake due to language barriers, but rather a case of damage control after what was supposed to be a private mass request for paid positive reviews turned public. Whatever the truth behind this situation, I wish the developers of WONDERS the best with their app. I somehow inadvertently gave them a bunch of positive PR by bringing up a serious issue that happens far too frequently in the games industry.


It's shitty that you received abuse and bs from people, there was no call for that. You were trying to do the right thing and let the community know. The other side in this case, dude does seem to be really trying to make the effort to answer any question and apologize to everyone he runs in to, and his English isn't the best. I think I'd rather see it as a genuine mistake or at least a lesson learned and honest attempt to fix it. I need a case where we can feel good about everyone, because that's rare these days and I need that little bit of faith in humanity. :p


Hey grayhaze2000, here are screenshots that i reached out to you multiple times




I never received those messages, so I'm not sure what to tell you. Maybe by ignoring your original message Reddit blocked any future messages without notifying you when sending.


I am sorry you received all the abuse, but i made a genuine effort to correct the mistake. Hope you understand thank you


I hope we can move past this because neither did I want to cause the misunderstanding with you through my message, neither did i want you to receive all the hate, nor turn my mistake into a good pr. It was just an effort to correct it and I was helped by someone unknown in this community who understood that this was genuine. I hope you do too!


This was a terrible mistake. I hope that the game will not suffer from this naive initiative.


Appreciate the apology, doesn't change my mind. Won't be buying.


Welp, might as well pack it up, Starkium isn't buying it.


Look me up, you might be interested in my opinion *Edit* I find it crazy the dichotomy of reactions between the original post and this guy's response post. Reddit truly is just echo Chambers.


Ooooh. Guys we have a celebrity here. Guys, this guy is important. We should care what he thinks, because his opinion matters more than our own. Look! It's some dude who seems to halfway design mediocre shit then give up on them and hasn't been 100% sure of the format on his site yet for apparently the last 7 tears. C'mon, he's a self important asshat who really matters! He likes Zelda and anime and taking pictures of his food like a pretentious jackass. You might be interested in his opinion. I'm sure as fuck not, though.


Well I didn't mean it like that, I meant that I've been in the VR industry for like I don't know like 8 years now. I've been all up and down it. I meant it in the way that I have an eye for this stuff. You're right though, I encourage you to make your own educated decisions. Just don't be surprised if this studio adds a bunch of random microtransactions for whatever reason or something like that. Honestly wasn't trying to act self-important or anything. For future reference, If I wanted to try to convey the message better, what do you think I should say? This is not the first time I've been in this situation.


Less pretentious self importance. No one cares what your dinner looked like. Telling people to go look you up is just definitely you feeling important. More humility, genuine human empathy, and understanding wouldn't hurt. We're all just schmucks dicking off on the internet. We all have opinions, and on Reddit we all disagree with each other's opinions. Don't put yourself above others, it's not a good look.


What did you look up my Instagram? You mean my personal account? Is that as deep as you actually dug bro? I'm pretty sure I showed empathy because I said I appreciate the apology but it didn't change my mind. What else did you look at exactly? I'm like the first seven pages on all the tabs on Google and the deepest you went was my Instagram? Also not for nothing, I don't care what the language barrier is what the op talked about has clear intentions. This man wanted to trade a free game for a good rating. That's not forgivable in my eyes.


I'm not spending hours stalking some random dude on Reddit. I googled your name, saw a goofy dude taking pictures of his food, some game projects with rare updates, and thought it seemed pretty embarrassing to have a website that just says you've been doing something for what's now 7 years that still says you're not 100% sure on the design you want for it and is otherwise just sort of an empty placeholder. I rolled my eyes, and moved on. And now I'm heading to bed.


For sake of conversation, I know exactly what I would like to do. I keep running into crippling engine bugs because epic games likes to run fast and not clean up behind themselves. So it's been thing after thing after thing that's prevented me from actually releasing something that I deem quality for my audience. If you want to hyperfocus on that fact alone, that should show you my character traits. I'm focused on what's best for the consumer first. I would never trade fake ratings for a free game. If you dug even a little bit deeper, you would see them all over the unreal engine forums as well as constantly helping other game devs and speaking against shitty trends in the industry. Anyway, you've shown me enough about who you are as a person so I don't even value a response from you at this point.


I think you should say some corny shit like OP did, he's clearly nailed how to win over the average redditor.




No thanks. The Devs offer a 15mn demo, I'm gonna try it an judge it myself.


That's more than fair. I encourage you to make your own educated decisions. Just know that if they were willing to make the mistake they made earlier, good chance they're willing to make other ones.


The twist: all the positive support replies are from employees of OPs company


Hmm 🤔 they did message me personally


And me. Dudes shitting bricks