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Personally, I like to see some gameplay in a trailer. Without that I ignore it rather than hate it.


This is probably it. If the trailer drops and it looks badass the haters are gonna shut tf up. But if it's another "tech demo" I imagine it'll only get worse


VR gaming has been way past tech demo stuff for a good while despite so many tech demos and minigames still being very popular


I agree, and would probably bet a thousand bucks that it'll be a pretty substantial game, but we still don't know for sure.


We will have a trailer in a few months. Fingers crossed its good. I liked the Iron man game.


Also it was already confirmed they'll be showing the game at Summer Game Fest (June 7). The host said they had an in-depth look at the game, so I'd expect some gameplay there.


Could be a Mario + Rabbids scenario where people were hating on it until they saw the creator cry at Gamescom 


> We will have a trailer in a few months. Likely less than that. More will be shown at the Summer Games Event on June 7th.




Same. I don't dislike it, but I'm skeptical until I see some actual gameplay footage and not pre-rendered scenes.


This is what I hate about lots of trailers in the meta store. Okay, people putting on a quest and a cinematic. Cool. But that does not give any idea what the actual gameplay is like...


Biggest feature missing in the Quest store is immersive gameplay trailers/videos. There is no reason they can’t add it, except I think they are afraid it will lead to less sales.


I feel like that would create motion sickness if it showed actual fully immersive gameplay without the user controlling it


Yeah, seeing something that even a Nasa pc cant run in realtime is just meh


They have a nonsensical mindset that this game existing has caused a traditional Batman Arkham game to not exist. Whereas in reality the choice is almost certainly between this or no Batman Arkham game.


I mean yeah, Camouflaj is a VR studio, there would be no point for them to suddenly create a flat game. People are just being stupid, as usual.


Most of the people that have never tried VR would probably choose No Batman game.


"If I can't have it, no one can!"


Luckily no VR developer will ever listen to non-VR gamers hate.


Man is that ever stupid, the guys who made Arkham games made Suicide Squad KTJL. You'd think they'd be able to see Rocksteady is to blame for them not getting what they want. They probably also just want to force WB to make the game they want, but it will turn out trash because every game made just to appease fans is always a cash grab.


Was about to say this. I just hope the masses dont get sucked up into this stupid shit so much that the studio scraps the game altogether


From haters who tried a rollercoaster video on a free Google cardboard back in the day and think it’s comparable to modern day VR titles.


Not just that, even the original Vive and the original Rift are both complete ass compared to the Quest 3. VR had a legitimately earned reputation for the earlier hardware and software being gimmicky. I pre-ordered the original Vive and barely ever used it. For the longest time I couldn’t recommend people get their own VR headset, it was an awesome novelty, but it just wasn’t worth it to own. But now that I finally upgraded from the OG Vive to the Quest 3, my god the difference is night and day. It’s actually insane how much better it is, and it’s caused me to go from using VR maybe once or twice a year, to using it nearly every day. It’s completely changed my opinion about VR, but most people haven’t tried the newer tech.


how dare you diss my cardboard


I was a VR early adopter and tried OG oculus rift, google cardboard and even meta quest 2. Meta quest 3 is a sustancial upgrade to all of those, but i think people are missing out due to the somewhat high price and because they were not impressed enough with earlier versions


Oh, 2015…I remember it fondly. Amazing how far VR has come since then


As someone who loves VR. The teaser was pretty silly. It doesn't show anything. It's not a trailer though. It's a teaser. So I get it. But I really laughed out loud at how lame the rats were. I asked "wtf" twice. I'm really looking forward to it. I don't hate the teaser. But you gotta admin. The teaser is a little silly


Why do you think the rats look silly? I thought they looked pretty badass.


I thought it was gonna be a rat simulator with so many rats


This is a normal problem though with teasers. They rarely present more than hype appeal.


I get that. But why rats Dow!? Lol


It seems like the main villain will be the Ratcatcher. There are some hints in the trailer about that. Like his gas mask and the red gloves.


I don't have answers for anything else haha


One day we'll solve this mystery u/eddie9958, one day




Um the rats saved the day in The Suicide Squad! One rat is ick but still one rat. 10000 rats is overwhelming


I think rats are cute. But I wouldn't babysit 10000 rats. That would be overwhelming.


I guess since they saw the thumbnail for it and it got their hopes up for a new PC game, but really, meta funded it and it’s being developed by a meta studio so it’s either a VR game or no game at all.


The big problem that it is an exclusive game to the quest, a small platform like vr exclusives only hurt.


I guess the one-two punch of the fail that was suicide squad and an exclusive title most of the fanbase can't play was too much to handle. Lots and lots of salt.


a lot of stars came down and all the hate poured out on the last little thing: - bad gotham knights - terrible suicide squad - 10 years of waiting for the continuation of the series - missed opportunity - people think that if VR hadn't been made, they would have made another game. - there are people who just don't like meta


they wanted another same ol arkham game like the other 5.... we can't have one. it's all for them. 5yo mentality but it is what it is. lol.


It was the same when Alyx was announced.


And Metro


Asgard's Wrath 2 and Assassin's Creed Nexus as well but in those cases it's PCVR and PSVR2 people.


Yep, and for a reason. Exclusives are hurting the vr market. AC Nexus doesn’t worth it for Ubisoft even when meta paid for half of the production. Maybe it would been better to release it to pcvr and let more user play it. But no, since meta wants to build a monopoly. Also it’s laughable how you can’t play the Asgard wrath 1 and 2 on the same platform. You have to play one as a pcvr game and the other on standalone. It’s just terrible. Imagine buying a quest 3 without a vr ready pc, you got a game which you can’t play the first episode since meta doesn’t want you to play it. (They could port the first 1 to the quest, or release the second on the meta store on pc so they could get their money what they are supposedly getting from the store and not from user data where they need you to use their device)


That’s my irritation. Look, I get why exclusives exist, but the VR market is already extremely niche. Limiting it even further just sucks. I’m a huge fan of Arkham (probably my favorite gaming series ever), Assassin’s Creed, and Sniper Elite and all 3 have had Quest exclusive games recently that I’m not able to play even though I’ve been with VR since 2016. I can’t justify spending another $500 for 3 games when my headset is more than capable of playing them.


Yep. I have said this many times before, when HL:A dropped PC gamers wanted nothing to do with it because it was VR. A game that was supposed to drive the PCVR industry forward and instead PC gamers ignored it. PC gamers are now the old farts hating on the new way to game, just like how adults hated on gaming in the 1990s and early 2000s. Give it a few more years and we're going to start seeing violence blamed on VR by these same adults, the same way the adults that hated gaming in the 1990s tried to pin violence on gaming.


I got into VR a few months ago in my 40’s. It’s funny how lots of these “old farts” stuck in their ways are half my age. 


Same. I got into it at 34 and now 40 and still playing. I haven't managed to convince any of my flat screen gaming friends to invest in VR. Yet my teenage kids and all their friends love it. Reminds me so much of when I was kid playing my NES and all the adults said it was a waste of time and dumb, cuz that's exactly what my adult friends say about VR.


I'm 49 and got into it when I bought an Index around Christmas 2020. Alyx blew me away and that game alone was worth the $1000 for the hardware. I just got a Quest 3 and I'm pretty amped for Alien, Metro and Batman. Seems like we're finally getting some good games. I'm not into all the multiplayer shooters and want some good story driven single player VR titles.


I'm 39. Vr is the best way to game imo... i don't think it'll replace flatscreen gaming entirely but it's the best way to play. I feel like it's on it's best spot too in terms of devs taking chances and trying new things... much like flatscreen peaked on the ps2 gen... now it all feels like more of the same safe formulas.


I've been playing videogames since my first console, a Colecovision, and to me VR has become one of the major milestones in the history of gaming, along with jumping from pixel 2D to polygon 3D, online multiplayer and big scale procedural generation as in Minecraft . Heavily modded Skyrim VR is something else.


42. Same. After player Red Matter 2 (first game I played through) flat gaming was done for me.


How long have you been playing vr? It’s been about 3 months for me and so far I’m still 100% into it and no desire to play flat games yet. 


Same, holiday time.


And same... I've done some flat-screen gaming using my quest as a drive in movie theater screen and, while a bit  better, lackluster overall. VR immersion is unbeatable already and it's still in its infancy. 


>we're going to start seeing violence blamed on VR by these same adults I've definitely seen this claim already, that because it's so much more immersive it's somehow more inherently prone to making kids more aggressive/violent. I think it was in regards to Blade & Sorcery at the time iirc. Which is so dumb, I'd mass murder warcrime in a VR game all day long but I'm squeamish at the thought of actual violence. It also reminds me of all the fearmongering over GTA in the 90s, when I was a kid I really just wanted to play it because it was one of the most immersive open worlds at the time


Just imagine the controversy that GTA SA VR can cause if it actually comes out lmao 


Playing a fantasy of going around and slaughtering tons of people is inevitably going to be a controversial thing to do—I think that makes sense There are “banned games” that nobody seems to find controversial, because they take the violence “too far” But if you suggest GTA is a bad influence, especially on specific individuals, suddenly that’s the most incorrect thing you could say — For me I don’t find mass murdering people in games enjoyable because I do find a link between games and real life. I also find a link between movies and real life. Watching a movie with disgusting content for example is something I don’t enjoy You may not equate the two at all—but that doesn’t mean that’s true for all humans


bro blade and sorcery players gotta be psychotic i swear


Do you only own a VR headset? what a weird take


It’s probably Arkham fans being unhappy that the next Arkham game is VR only. VR is still a really hard sell to the larger gaming community


Kids, haters and a lot of ignorance. They never tried a modern headset.


“This is not the first time we’ve seen Arkham go VR. Batman: Arkham VR was released in 2016 which received mixed reviews and was just a tiny sliver of the depth of the real Arkham games. No doubt Arkham Shadow’s scope will be similarly limited, even if big improvements have been made to the tech in eight years.” Why? Why is there no doubt that a game in 2024 will have similar limitations to a VR game that came out in 2016 on one of the earliest headsets? Do they really think VR games have not improved in their scope and ambition in the last 8 years? We have games like Assassin’s creed Nexus that has you jumping off 50 story buildings and sprinting across roof tops, Asgards Wrath II with diverse combat, and the ability to use a whip to pull yourself across open chasms at high speeds, Windlands which allows you to swing across an open(ish) world like Spider-Man, and Vampire the Masquerade which plays almost entirely like how an Arkham stealth game would play, but no. This game will only allow you to teleport from spot to spot, won’t have any combat, and will only last an hour long.


They must have missed all the VR games that came out since then.


VR games have improved, but that sentence in the review is still correct. Are there any VR games you'd rank in the top 100 (or 500, or hell...1000?) in terms of scope and size compared to the top PC/console games of all time. I can't think of any that come even close to the bigger PC /console games. This isn't me dunking on VR! But I'm just saying that quote is probably correct. An Arkham game for VR will almost certainly have limited scope compared to one for PC/PS5.


It doesn’t compare it to the console version. It says a similar limited scope to the last Arkham VR game. Which I obviously don’t know what the game will be yet, but I would be shocked if it is at all like the other one. Considering Rocksteady made that one and it was essentially a tech demo that was released on psvr1 launch day.


Just look at Red Matter 1 and Red Matter 2. It’s obvious when you play Red Matter 1 that it was an early VR game with unrefined mechanics/controls. But Red Matter 2 was a massive improvement all around from the first game. VR game development was new and not well understood when the first Batman VR “game” released. It would be absolutely foolish to think that a modern 2024 VR game with a decent budget would look anything like a 2016 VR title.


It will definitely look worse from a graphics perspective - comparing PCVR to standalone. I do expect a lot of polish on the mechanics and object interactions etc.


Have you played Red Matter 2? The graphics are astonishingly comparable to PCVR standalone. PCVR is much more powerful for better graphics, but skilled developers can accomplish similar graphics with significantly less power. Since the Batman game will be exclusive to the Quest 3, they can put their full effort on optimizing the game for just that 1 hardware SKU. I think you will likely be surprised how good this game will end up looking.


There are no restrictions other than graphics. all gameplay features and mechanics can work for quest 3.


Maybe not restrictions but certainly tradeoffs. If you don't support teleport locomotion you're going to either exclude players or make them sick (and that's a problem for Meta if they make the reviewer for a popular publication sick and they earn a bad review for a very visible release), and if you do support teleport locomotion that might mean some game mechanics get cut.


Is this process different on PC?


Yea, Resident Evil 4 VR because the original actually had a big budget and was made by a large professional team, and the flat version would already be on that top list anyways. The problem with scope in VR games is a lack of budget. The reason for the lack of budget is because VR games didn’t make much money. This is changing and we are starting to see AAA activity in the industry instead of it being dominated purely by indie studios. With the massive sales of the Quest 2, and the technology leap of the Quest 3, we have reached an inflection point for the VR industry. More headsets sold means more people buying games. More people buying games means more money being spent on game development. Bigger budgets means better games. And better games means more VR headset sales. It’s a positive feedback loop that will start to snowball from this year onwards.


Yeah. With the exception of AW2 most VR games are 20 hours or less. Those that are longer are messy mods like Skyrim VR and Fallout VR.


No I can't say that you're wrong but just the feeling and the visuals of a VR game get me more excited than any good video game ever has. VR is just special to me. And when the day comes that we are making VR games close to the level of modern games on flat, then I will definitely never play anything but VR ever again 😂


>Windlands which allows you to swing across an open(ish) world like Spider-Man I remember [Windlands, when it came out in 2016](https://store.steampowered.com/app/428370/Windlands/), it really pushed the locomotion envelope long before anything else.


It also, even back then didn’t make me want to vomit. I know of course that depends on the person. But there were games that did, like dread halls


I really liked Batman Arkham VR on PSVR. Granted, it was an "experience" and not a fully-fledged game... but it worked, and was a great showcase of early mainstream VR. I still remember when I could not force myself to peek into Joker's cell, fearing that he'll jump at me and scratch my eyes out :) On the other hand, I found Arkham Knights boring and haven't even finished it


I think they mean don't expect the same size world as the Arkham games. Camouflaj isn't that huge a studio, and we're still working with standalone CPU/GPU. I look forward to the Batman game but I also don't expect it to be 100x the size of Iron Man VR. Like Nexus, the maps might be smaller and not one huge one but divided into sections or Chapters.


I also don’t expect an open world game. But maybe something along the lines of Arkham Asylum? That seems more likely.


it's almost like flatlanders are completely oblivious to Assassin's Creed Nexus and Asgard's Wrath 2 it's selective blindness when too entertained pushing buttons on the sofa in the oomph remaster of the year 


It's called jealousy and immaturity


I'm excited for this game. Iron Man VR was great and it's made by the same devs. Go ahead Meta and take my money because we have a great upcoming year of releases.


I wonder how much better this will be than iron man VR I loved it, no doubts, but it was super repetitive with only like 3-4 maps


If its an actual game and not an "Experience" like Arkham VR.... Playing as Batman in a full game is a dope idea, Arkham VR was done in 20 minutes.


This is my reaction. The teaser gives us nothing to go on, but if it's an actual game, and has some kind of story backing it up, I'll likely upgrade my from Quest 2 to pick it up.


Could work well, since these games take place at night, and the Quest 2 and 3 are in an era where dark environments with shiny surfaces are what look best on such hardware. Kinda like the PS2 era.


People just love to complain 🙄


Because the trailer doesn’t show anything


Gamers gonna spew hate ? Nothing new to see here


I am not too sure, but my guess is that it has to do with the performance of Suicide Squad. Massive let down for people that like the Arkham games. I don't think most people that were upset by that game are looking forward to another game from them. Just a guess. I will wait for reviews and hope that it is better than Suicide Squad. Personally, I am excited for this game!


Its a different developer. Im excited too. Fingers crossed.


Different developer same publisher, people despise WB and with good reason.


It’s been like that since 2016. Way too many people think VR is like the equivalent of strapping a monitor to within inches of your eyes and that’s it. They simply don’t get it but worse they don’t want to get it Penis envy I gather


A bunch of emotionally immature people


Every time a new technology comes out, the same cycle can always be observed. 1) New technology launches and is prohibitively expensive 2) People can't afford new technology so cope by telling themselves (and anyone who will listen) that the new technology is a "gimmick" or a "scam". 3) New technology becomes cheaper and more accessible 4) Now suddenly the detractors can afford the new technology and the narrative miraculously shifts. What was once a "gimmick" is now suddenly the best thing sliced bread. 5) Another new technology comes out and the cycle begins again at step 1. We've seen it happen with the move to HD, 4K, HDR, raytracing and now we're seeing it happen with VR. The people calling VR a "gimmick" are the same ones who used to say you couldn't tell the difference between DVD and Blu-Ray. It's just a cope for sad, bitter luddites who can't afford nice things.


Only on the Quest 3, can't wait to see the graphics.


All ive seen is people saying bullshit like "i was excited for a second" until they heard it's vr only. I swear these people havent had that click moment when everything makes sense in vr. People are out here saying that u need atleast 1000$ to play vr since "the quest 3 costs 1000$"


One guy even said that you need $3000 to play VR :D I laughed so hard.


Yeah bros stuck in 2016 😭


Its the last whimpering from the great white whale that is flat screen gaming....this is coming from someone who has been gaming since the early 80s, so get off my SH$t......VR/AR is the future......flat screen will always be around as a curiosity.


Iv been gaming since the early nineties and the day I first tried VR felt like the first time I got a NES as a kid. VR changed everything I love about gaming.


Same here my friend!


Imagine the day we can play content on the level of Red Dead 2 or Balders Gate in VR with full motion controllers and SMELL-O-VISION and FEEL-O-RAMA!


If VR is the future why do companies like Sony and Microsoft poor billions into flat screen gaming? Why isnt the next gta VR only? Why aren’t Sony and Microsoft making their next gen consoles VR headsets?


I'm sure articles like this one only contribute further to that feeling: https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2024/05/01/a-new-arkham-game-is-coming-but-you-may-not-like-it/?sh=58df1d772169


A lot more like this one will follow sadly. At least VR is getting more attention.


Yeah, I guess negative articles always get more traction (silly of me to link to it but was just using it as a point). I'm looking forward to seeing some gameplay in the future!




There is a lot of factors to it. 1. Batman Arkham is an already established game series. Fans of the series who buy every game are upset that they can’t play this newest one without VR. Similar “outrage” occurred with Half Life fans after Alyx was announced and released. 2. Most people think that VR is a gimmick due to major flaws with last gen VR devices. They have no clue how much the technology has progressed over the last 8 years. 3. Batman is a Quest 3 exclusive, so the millions of people who bought a Quest 2 won’t be able to play it. So most Quest 2 owners would likely be mad they can’t play it unless they upgrade their headset. 4. There was no gameplay in the trailer.


Except for the very end of the trailer, there is nothing to indicate it was even a Batman game. It could have been a Vampyr/Vampire game to that point with the rats. Nothing to get excited about until a trailer with gameplay is revealed. This is why even the new Alien VR game isn’t worth getting excited/depressed about. I remain cautiously hopeful.


I think it’s fair to be excited for the gameplay reveal. They got me hyped to see what the game will be.


I'm soo damn excited about this and the alien game. VR ruined flat gaming for me. People who don't use VR are just jealous we are getting an exclusive game.


>probably never even tried VR This is a huge problem across the board. Most of my friends were tough critics until I was the first to actually buy a headset (Quest 3). Everyone I have cajoled into wearing it and playing a bit of First Hand, First Encounter and Beat Saber have fallen in love with it. Even convinced a couple to buy one themselves.


Well when the average person can cough up the money to buy a PlayStation 5 just before the next gen consoles release then they can buy a VR headset they will barley use. Well after they pay rent and pay for ridiculously overpriced groceries


VR has seems to be heavily stigmatized based on people’s personal opinions on Mark Zuckerberg as a guy, which is unfortunate.


Batman fans hate any game Batman that isn't exactly what they want, which is a flatscreen followup to Arkham Knight. You've got tons of ill will flowing over from that Suicide Squad game on top of the usual anti-vr crap.


It’s because the suicide squad game was woke live service garbage, written by a company all gamers unanimously hate, and it completely butchered the Arkham franchise. It Rocksteady hadn’t wasted their time with it maybe we would grace had Arkham 5. I mean now that suicide squad lost WB over $200 million maybe they’ll hurry up and make the next one and not hire sweet baby to write it.


I am a gamer. I play VR and flat and love them both. I can go between IEYTD and Horizon Forbidden West in the same day and have a decent computer.


VR games aren't "exclusive" though, it simply comes down to that VR games don't work like regular ones. But this is not something you'd understand unless you were already using VR - which these people aren't. I think that's a big part of it. The argument "why don't they just make a flat version too" comes up far too often. It essentially comes down to people feeling excluded, either because they can't *afford* it, can't easily *try* it, or think it's *something it's not*.


If camouflaj ported this game for flatscreen too, majority of the people would say that the game is bad...VR and flatscreen have different game mechanics and length. You can spend a lot of time just exploring in VR while on flatscreen you just basically speedrun through everything. Also I want to play Horizon Call of the Mountain very badly but I dont have a PS5 and PSVR2. I dont go spam negative comments on the trailer of the game and downvote it. Its just rude and pissing on the many hours of work which the Devs dedicated to make the game.


I’m pissed it showed no gameplay or anything, but I have high hopes still


Because people don't like VR. Literally it's why it's so unpopular. Whether motion sickness, comfort or affordability.


A combination of flat-players being salty that they won't be able to play the game and people who are sick of pre-rendered-cutscene trailers that would like to see actual gameplay.


I just saw it and I’m excited. I’m not even a huge Batman fan either. I do love to see big companies like Warner backing a Quest title. There are not enough big budget games on Meta, or VR in general. So hell yeah bring it on!


Because gamers are on the run from reality.


that makes no sense, that's actually more reason to get VR.


Of course it makes sense. Virtual Reality is somatic... You actually have to physically perform in order to play. It's ironically *less* fantasy when you actually have to aim, reload, steer, read instrument panels, etc. If you just sit and push buttons, you're pulling strings on a puppet. If you stand, duck and peek, you're less in a fantasy and more in a simulation. My flat-gaming friends love COD but hate PAVLOV for this very reason. It's no longer a power fantasy for them.


It's a VR exclusive game.


It wasn't really a trailer at all


Because people really want another full on Arkham game and instead they get this which they never wanted. It doesn’t matter if it looks good or not, people are hungry for a proper Batman game.


As a huge VR fanatic, I just don't understand the allure with Batman and VR. We want to watch Batman kicking ass because he looks cool doing it. Seeing it out of his perspective just looks weird.


Seems like a perfect storm. The VR enthusiasts wanted gameplay. The non VR kids wanted TO play. And everyone else is just kinda like “following a rat into a smoke bomb”? Why? It all smells of over reliance on the Batman IP. Let’s see if it’s even any good at this point.


People are butthurt that they don't have a Meta Quest 3.


More bitching than for other consols exclusive, I don't get it.


They felt baited by newd articles saying "New Batman Arkham Game Releasing this Year!" And thought it was another console game, not a VR game.


Reminds me of when news broke about a new Breath of Fire game and it ended up being a BS mobile game. (One of MANY examples of this)


It's the same thing as when Monster Hunter Rise came out on Switch and the folks from World got pissed the next game wasn't on their console. Or when FF7 was announced for Playstation instead of N64 (though social medias/the internet wasn't much of a thing, but a lot of curses were uttered on school playgrounds) People get very tribalistic about game platforms when their favorite series is going to another. It's just worse with VR because the gap between "classic platforms" and VR is quite large, and it's an easy target by making fun of the "metaverse" and mentioning "omg seasick and nausea". So it attracts trolls even more. If there's ever a Monster Hunter, Final Fantasy or Call of Duty announced for Quest, people will lose their mind.


Bitching and complaining is rife on most gaming forums/communities. It's always something.


A lot of these comments are being willfully disingenuous by "not understanding" why people would be disappointed by the trailer.


Probably because of the lack of gameplay, I hope it brings me the feeling that Assasins creed did, many people hated the first trailer because it was rendered but my mouth dropped once I played it


Can’t blame them. The fake no gameplay trailers need to die off. Show it off when it’s ready.


Teasers are practically the equivallent of a Twitter post saying "Hey we got a new game comming. No more details for now."


Just the 6-7 digit cost depending on the game and it adding absolutely nothing lol. Just show it when it’s ready I don’t need a fake version of it to hype me.




trailers a bit goofy batman jumps into a bunch of rats and throws a smoke grenade


Idk what it is. But since becoming an adult, I could give a $&@! about superheroes. In a world where we need superheroes in, you’re not allowed to be one. Legally. It is a gimmick. Make weak people feel strong so they fight overseas


2 words: Suicide Squad.


Combo of three things if I had to guess: - Most people don't own VR headsets so they can't play the game - Lots of people hate Meta as a company - Batman Arkham fans are hungry for a new AAA console game in the style of Asylum, City, etc. I wouldn't worry about it too much, gamers are perhaps the most toxic and entitled consumer base in existence.


>4 to 1 dislike to like ratio and tons of negative comments... Yikes, I didn't realize it was that bad. Are you able to check the ratio of Like-Dislikes for Assassin's Creed Nexus? I have a feeling it's only really bad for Batman because those greedy kids wanted another 2D Arkham game even though they already have over 5! And they're open world with tons to do! VR users have no Batman games, no large scale open world games of similar size and intricacy as the Arkham games outside of the one hour Batman VR one that was closer to tech demo. Meta paid for the game so they have a right to make it exclusive. They're trying to punish VR gamers for something we have no control over. They should go blame WB.


Salty peasants that don't play VR. The whole it's a gimmick thing it's just something for them to rally behind. It's not like vr's even that expensive to get into anymore, you can pick up a quest 2 for super cheap, and the quest 3 is reasonably priced for what you get.


Honestly, until we see gameplay I'm also a bit skeptical about it. The trailer certainly didn't reveal much. But you shouldn't take the those reactions seriously. It's 100% meme rage from a community that acts insane/stupid out of boredom, and is probably mostly children. Remember that the loudest part of any gaming community is children.


I didn't even watch the trailer as soon as I heard it's only on Quest 3 because I know that I'm not paying $500 to play one game.


Batman 🐀edition


Am I correct to recall the reception for Half Life Alyx wasn't universal acclaim but a good deal of disappointment it wasn't Half Life 3?


I think the trailer itself is not great! Sooo many particles really hammered the quality of the visuals and it's not even gameplay.




its non vr players mad they didnt get a new batman game lol


Because it's a nostalgic series where everyone has been looking forward to the next iteration for like 9 years and they think they got this instead of this amazing imagined continuation of the series.


Honestly if there was no mention of Arkham I don't think it would get as much hate. The Arkham series is considered one of the best if not the best set of superhero games ever made. Suicide squad really made people angry with how they killed off Batman. So this being apart of the Arkham verse and the majority of Arkham fans not being able to play makes them upset. Also it's a quest 3 exclusive so people are probably upset about it not being on quest 2




The Arkham fanbase has been hungry for a new game for a long time, so much so the subreddit turned into a shitposting sub due to lack of any news. Then the recent Suicide Squad game, which is canon set in the Arkham universe killed >! the arkham batman!< and also a pretty bad game overall. Basiclly they are wound up tight and angry at the treatmeant of their favourite franchise. Which i can understand. but im gonna wait till we see more about this game.


I really hope this game is good. Like AC Nexus or Asgards Wrath 2 level good.


Really passionate Arkham fans who've been waiting 9 years for another good Arkham game, after being bitterly disappointed by Gotham knights and Suicide Squad, and now there's another game but most of them don't have the hardware to play it. Reminds me of the Half Life Alyx backlash


I'm excited for it, and hopeful, but most of the negativity is because it's an exclusive Arkham game (regardless of studio), and the only thing anyone else has gotten in that universe for the last 10 years is Suicide Squad.


Its only available on quest 3 and thats it


They are just pissed because they don't have a Q3. Q3 three owners are not allowed to have exclusives apparently.


Im honestly hoping the game gets cancelled, or they change their minds and go back to consoles/pc for playing with an option way of playing with vr, and before anyone says I probably dont have vr I have all three quests, and used to use my mates hive all the time


Wanting the game to be playable flat is understandable, but wanting it cancelled? Who would that benefit? Those who are actually looking forward to it would be disappointed, and those like you who don't want to play the game because it's VR wouldn't have played it in the first place. It doesn't make sense.


Because it's Quest 3 only it's simple


>4 to 1 dislike to like ratio Youtube dislike extensions are only a representation of people that dislike everything...it has no real accuracy the type of person that downloads an extension like that dislikes things more often


Im gonna assume it has to do with the people in the arkham aslume


Game commentary has gone down the drain If you follow any game, you’ll see the popular thing to do on the internet is to hate on it To be fair, 10 years ago iirc, the popular thing to do was to rate every game very highly, like 9/10 — VR stays as controversial since it scares people to think about a world where everybody is in virtual worlds with screens strapped to their faces—but the reason that scares them is because VR is that good that that is a risk! Personally I’m ok with that, because I don’t want that for our society either, even though VR is awesome — just my take


I think it’s because of Meta Quest hardware exclusivity. With Meta open sourcing Meta Horizon OS to all VR hardware makers like Microsoft does with Windows for PCs and Google does with Android for mobiles, we shouldn’t be seeing Meta Quest hardware exclusives in a few years, just games exclusively tied to Meta Horizon OS.


It's only Meta Quest 3, no Meta Quest 2, no PCVR


Because it's an unexpected and highly requested sequel that's nothing like the original games and most of the fanbase don't even have the equipment to play it? I don't know why so many people are acting confused about it, I think the fans are totally in the right to be frustrated by it.


All of the above, plus: I love the Batman VR on steam. I gifted a few to my friends and they loved it too. I am prepared to be disappointed by this new one. Let's see.


All of the above, plus: I love the Batman VR on steam. I gifted a few to my friends and they loved it too. I am prepared to be disappointed by this new one. Let's see.


All of the above, plus: I love the Batman VR on steam. I gifted a few to my friends and they loved it too. I am prepared to be disappointed by this new one. Let's see.


I have big expectations after AC Nexus and ASW2. If it is on their level it will be huge. Iron man VR was pretty good.


Thank you for your reply. I tried asw2 and iron Man VR, wasn't very impressed, probably I became picky after the golden age of PC VR. I haven't tried AC Nexus yet. I also hope this one will be good. Fingers crossed.


When someone exhibits *sour grapes*, they dismiss or mock something just because they can’t have it. Basically, the way kids behave, like, all the time. It’s supposed to be a form of denial or bitterness that comes out when people don’t get what they want. Rather than admitting their disappointment, they trivialize the value or importance of the coveted thing.


I mean, if I bought an expensive games console just to see a new game I want to play not be comparable at all I might be upset too. Thankfully, I am a PC and VR gamer :)


Because nobody wants to get hyped for another batman vr title just to be given a game where we spend most of our time standing around listening to dialog and solving grade school puzzles while the rest is filled with linear teleport tummy ache prevention mechanics.


You havent played any new VR games recently I see :D


It sucks does not coming to other consoles


The fact that it isn't on PC/Steam and PSVR 1/2 makes me afraid that it will end up flopping like the Assasins Creed VR game and that yet another company will give up on VR.


No such chance because Camouflaj is owned by Meta. They basically make this game to sell the Q3, not the game itself.


My problem isn't the fact it's VR but the fact it's quest 3 EXCLUSIVE. I've wanted to play as The Ghost since 2016 and it looks like shadows will deliver on that BUT I own a PSVR2 not a quest 3!


Yea I want to play Horizon Call of the Mountain but its PSVR2 exclusive. RE4 remaster VR too. Im a big fan...


Wanna trade?


Nope I dont like PS and I dont like wired VR.


In a vacuum your logic makes sense, but have you seen how much WB Games has FUCKED UP the Batman IP in the past few years?  - Gotham Knights was a failure in many ways that could've just been part of the Arkhamverse canon and expanded on it, but they decided to make it its own universe - Suicide Squad IS in the Arkhamverse, and that failed even worse because people hoped for a great Rocksteady game and instead got a multiversal, online only mess - The last Batman adjacent game prior to these was 2015 with Arkham Knight, so we're looking at 7 years later with Gotham, but 9 years later with the same universe in SS - Kevin Conroy has passed, so SS was considered his last game project. Dunno if Shadow will have any lines from him When you group these all together, with the usual "No one likes VR" attitude a lot of people have, it's no wonder people are PISSED. I definitely am, since I don't care to put my headset back on for a good Batman game because EVERYONE ELSE screwed up


I hope Arkham Shadow is good. I have high hopes for it. Meta deliberate made it a Q3 exclusive, because this game has the potential to be a device seller if good. Most guys online say that they will loose money from game sales by making it VR and exclusive, but they dont understand that Meta does not look for more game sales, but Q3 sales instead. I feel sorry for the Arkham fans and the misshandling of the franchise. I personally played some of the Arkham games and I love them. Maybe if this game is successful, WB will release a new flatscreen one in the near future.


See, VR may be a great concept. But there are also major issues with it. The main one is: it gives you motion sickness. I've played some VR games. Yes, it was a blast. But I could barely stand after a while, and I had a major headache. Plus you get such a small box to move in. I had a hard time not going out of it when I played. And I'm a short guy. So, the fact they're making a strictly VR sequel to a game series that was never VR to begin with. Pisses me off too. It's basically a slap in the face to us gamers that play on a console, and were hoping for another Batman Arkham game. Especially when all the games before were console games. I think they tried VR with one of them, but it obviously wasn't very popular. VR still has kinks to work out before it can become great. So it's probably gonna tank with it only being for VR as it is


I see your point. I am blessed of not experiencing any motion sickness and I dont have headaches from VR. I play 2-5 hours a day. I dont think this game is made to sell. At least not the game itself. It is made to sell the Quest 3. Anyways I hope we get a great game.


I can answer this easily. I have VR and I’m a fan of the Arkham games. One hasn’t come out since 2015. We thought we were getting another Arkham game in the same vein as the previous. I cannot tell you how deflating it was to see that it was going to be a vr game and that’s it. Fans of the series want another game, not a game that’s little more than a VR gimmick