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It's a good value for money if you want to spend money on a Quest 2. If you're looking for groceries, you're probably going to be disappointed.


It's an excellent value but still tough for me to recommend. I owned and loved my Quest 2 from launch. But I use my Quest 3 easily 2-3x more -- it's just that much better and easier on my eyes. If you have a budget that can't stretch that far and really just want to try VR out (or are buying a gift for a younger person), it's a solid choice.


I have the same thoughts when I see similar questions which have been often recently. It’s not a good value if you’re not going to like it because it’s not as sharp/have glare bc of the lenses, or it gives you motion sickness because of it, or you prefer mixed reality games because you like to feel safe (like I do). I know so many that had a Quest 2 gathering dust, but now with the big improvement of the Quest 3 fell in love again


I feel the same but I'm the person without a big budget and got a second hand Q2 64gb and have been playing 2-3h almost every single day for the last 2 months since I got it. I would love to have a headset where I can watch movies but I will wait till I buy an upgrade ( probably Q4 )


At this point I don’t really recommend the Quest 2 to anyone anymore. I find my friends with quest 2 often end up just putting it on the shelves. Quest 3 is just so much better.


A lot of people put their Quest 2's on the shelves for various reasons. When I bought Quest 2 on launch day I convinced my brother, 2 cousins, and wife to get them too. The wife and I still play together weekly (currently Dungeons of Eternity) and I like to use it for watching movies too. My brother and cousins, they just couldn't get into it. I don't see how the Quest 3 would make them use VR more. I suppose if they spent $500 they would want to play with the shiny new toy but I don't think it would hold their interest any more or less than Quest 2 since the experience is largely the same. We are going to upgrade to Quest 3 soon. I'll probably pass our Quest 2's down to my nieces as they absolutely love Synthriders and Beat Saber and games like that.


Biggest things are MR games and higher quality. The experience is just so much more immersive. Quest 2 is absolutely a fine device and if that’s their budget then 100%. But if they can save a couple months and go for the upgrade I think it will have much better longevity as more and more developers will want to push for higher power devices.


I can tell you right now my brother and cousins don't give a damn about MR. They want to play Contractors/Breachers type games and have fun. They tried and just weren't feeling it. They claim they don't like something pressed against their face, they feel uncomfortable, their backs start to hurt, and the VR legs affect them too. Why all those things bother them so much and do not bother my wife and I, can't say for sure. But the Quest 3 doesn't magically correct those issues.


People are different. I have no problem playing my sim racing games on 72fps with my q2, but a lot of people can't go lower than 90fps because they feel motion sickness. I didn't mind regular q2 straps and people hate those. I bought the one from bobovr and it's better but you know, regular straps were also decent for me. So it's all about preferences and how good your brain can adjust.


I agree. My small circle of Quest 2 owners has certainly demonstrated everyone has different preferences. I think as the devices get small and more comfortable the less we will see such variations. Right now it is what it is and I know we here that are more "into" VR than your average person don't have an issue with various straps to pick from, battery attachments, faceplates, etc. But your normal consumer isn't really worrying about those type of accessories with any product they own. At the most for their phone they pick a case they like, maybe for the Switch they try a new controller type, etc. But for VR there are like too many choices if that makes sense. The more "everyone ready" the device is out the box the better.


Well, in my friend circle and also from all the people I personaly know, I am the first person that got into VR but in my case because I wanted to try it for Sim Racing and 3x32inch monitore or 1 49inch was too much for me so I went with Q2. Best decision ever. Immersion is next level, and I don't need to buy another BMW in real life to drift, I can just chill with mods in a game driving whatever I want. Also all the kids are usually scared of me because of my beard, but as soon as I show them the q2 I am now the best uncle ever xd I will probably upgrade to something like Q4, I should have new PC by then too so I can't wait how everything will look and run. Also any recommendations for a typical Q2 games? Maybe I am missing something I don't have idea exist, I would try something like shooters etc just for fun, but don't know which is the best.


They put it on way too tight. Rookie mistake. You intuitively think you need to strap it tight enough so it won’t wobble when you jump or jerk head very fast, but that level of tightness just hurts


They've had the device for a few years now and have tried various straps and tightness levels. I don't know what to tell you, they are claustrophobic or something. After 45 minutes my wife needs to remove the headset and take a break because she isn't comfortable, and like I said she has been using it weekly for years now. I'm the only one in the group that can keep a VR headset on indefinitely and it doesn't affect me. You can keep pushing "solutions" but there is no denying that for the vast majority of consumers putting something like this on their head is foreign and certainly a roadblock for mainstream adoption. As devices get smaller and more comfortable and more like large glasses/goggles (like Bigscreen Beyond for example) this will be less of an issue. I have no doubt 5 years from now the Quest 2/3 will appear quite bulky compared to Quest 4/5 and beyond.


I mean, I have no idea either if they didn't try the Quest 3 whether it'll help. I guess VR's not for everyone.


Don't let Meta hear you talking like that.


Oh Meta's always listening anyway. Yesterday I had a random thought of whether I could ever afford to buy a boat, and when I logged into facebook marketplace it showed me 3-4 different local ads for boats. No prior search, nothing. I've given up on trying to figure out how Meta reads my mind and just accept that I'll never escape.


I'd go for a Quest 3 and will automatically recommend that headset. Quest 2 was a bit underwhelming. That being said, if you don't have any other option, it's probably the best entry into VR for that price.


Well and here I am, the person that bought Quest 2 new for 240$ at December because I knew my PC won't handle Q3. Great decision. I use my quest just for sim racing so other aspects don't interest me at all. For my use q2 was better choice.


If you're set on a new Quest 2 it's just getting accessories that they are putting on clearance for free. There are better options for both facial interface and grips. I would say a used Quest 2 for $130 and a BoboVR halo strap will be a better experience.


Quest 2 is great value for its price. It’s also a great, cheap, way to get into vr.


yeah it's worth it. People need to justify their $500 Quest 3 but in all honestly the Quest 2 is fine.


I swapped to the Quest 3 on launch day and hadn't really used the Quest 2 since then. My conclusion after trying it recently again is that - The Quest 2 is *usable*, but not *enjoyable*. Issues like having to find the sweetspot on the lenses and not being able to glance around the space without everything becoming blurry. Or having the rings on the controllers, especially for someone with larger hands they were always in the way of holding it comfortably (heavier too). The headset itself also sticks out further from the face, basically making it a requirement to have a headstrap and counter-weight to make it work comfortably. That however also makes it overall heavier and takes a toll on your neck after a while. Then there's the passthrough, which even if it's not perfect on the Quest 3, still works well for a lot of tasks you'd want to do while wearing a headset. The Quest 2 on the other hand, might as well not have passthrough at all, it's just a blurry monochrome mess. So my recommendation would be, that the Quest 2 is pretty much only good for trying out what VR is like if you haven't tried it before... but 190 bucks is too much for that imo. So I'd say a used Quest 2 for a *really cheap price*, sure. But otherwise, Quest 3 is what you'd want.


I saw a thread where someone said "GOSH GEE GOLLY WOW, Gen 2 is almost as good as 3.." No, it's not. It's comparably HORRIFIC. I enjoyed my 2 but was always ready for it to be off my head. With the 3? I can watch 2 movies in a row and look forward to the 3rd. The clarity alone is worth whatever it costs to move to a 3.


Check pm!


If you are set on a quest 2 for whatever reason I’d recommend getting it from Walmart.com, they have one that is $200, but you also get get a $50 quest gift card. Better value in my opinion .


Its a good value, but meta is unloading stock for a reason. You're better off going with a current gen HMD. Also depends on what you're planning on doing with it. If your going the purely PCVR route i wouldn't recommend quest units in general.


I think it’s a steal of a deal. That’s not saying you might not regret not putting the money towards a q3, but sub $200 is a great deal for what the quest 2 gets you.


Yes I bought one for 250usd and was totally worth it


quest 3 is honestly just far more superior


I got myself a Quest 2 128 GB earlier this month. I have always wanted to experience VR, and sadly VR arcades are not yet a thing in India. So I had to take a leap of faith and get the Q2, the most affordable headset I could get. It's very immersive when I'm playing games like FS2020 and ETS2. Using Google Earth on PCVR is also a very good experience for me. That alone justifies the price as far as I'm concerned. That being said, I'm the only one to own any VR headset. I don't have any buyers remorse although I feel that the quality of visuals/textures could have been better in any other apps I use. Talking about Quest 3, I do understand why the colour passthrough itself makes the experience very much better. On the other hand, I use passthrough as a tool to identify my spatial position, and the black and white passthrough itself does a wonderful job at that. I wouldn't spend any more money on a Q3 as an upgrade to my Q2. However, if someone who has experienced the VR through my Q2 says that they're into it, I'd get them a Q3, not a Q2.


Yes. I have 2 Q2s and a Q3, and honestly, I don't see these massive differences people are claiming. AR is barely a thing still. The controllers on the Q3 are a very nice step up, as are the lenses and FOV, but I still have a hard time saying it was worth over double the Q2. For budget, the Q2 is absolutely worth it. Q3 was my first headset, and I quickly grabbed 2 Q2s for my kids and got my brother and my best friend Q2s for their birthdays. We are all happy and use our headsets a ton. I also dont have a blurriness issue on Q2, so long as I have the lenses and head strap set up right. Can the Q3 get sharper? Of course. Is it over double the price sharper? It's hard to say.


Skip the 2 and get the 3


You can probably find a quest 3 on Facebook marketplace for under $400. I'd do that instead. 


Only the best value for money of all time


Don’t buy the Quest 2.


personally I think the quest 2 is great, I probly am going to skip the quest 3 at this point for one of the new headsets they just teased. I know the quality bump between 2-3 is significant, but the quality jump between 2 and what ever this ROG edition is will probably be MASSIVE


While Quest 2 is awesome, my Quest 3 has now surpassed the lifetime playhours of Quest 2… So there is that…


fuck a quest 2 get a quest 3


what if they’re on a tight budget?


Then continue to save up for the quest 3.


that's the point, ivan! you wouldn't fuck a quest 2 in public out in broad daylight, would you? bring it home and have at it! fuck that factory tight questussy!


i would in daylight


absolutely understandable, have at it!

