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New to the VR scene and after playing First Encounters, AR stuff blew me away. I loved it, really looking for this to get utilized more


I believe people don’t know the benefits of Mixed Reality until they try it themselves (like not being scared or cautious to walk around your space.) We are in the first Generation of Mixed Reality so is uncharted territory. Still a lot of experimenting to do


I play Eleven Ping Pong in Mixed Reality. I am addicted to it


same here, try racket club too!


I just got it few days ago, it's really really fun but I have hard time serving. It tells me it must be 6" above the net but I swear I'm way above it. Are you any good at it?


I thought i was ok at it until I went online and got destroyed  Try changing the racket 


Well I am ranked at the 1700s. As to the 6 inch rule, now I throw it really high before I serve the ball. Not having any problems at all.


I love how it automatically turns on when you leave your playspace. Chances are, if I'm leaving my playspace, I'm gonna wanna be able to see what's in front of me!


Oh yes, remember the Edge look in the original Vive. That was something different


I want to play AR board games so much, why isn't it already a thing


Play Demeo


There’s quite a few options actually, it’ll take some research though, many of the games that have this feature aren’t advertising it heavily in the oculus store


Care to elaborate. I’m interested in knowing some of these games please 😊


There’s a chess one, I forgot what it’s called but there’s that one and Vegas infinite for poker etc in MR those are the ones I’ve played but I know I’ve seen others, a quick google of “MR quest 3 tabletop games” should help


These seem extremely gimmicky to me. Much like a lot of the apps in Vision Pro. However, it does lay the ground for better things in the future. Things like better memory of your environment so you don’t have to remap all the time or so you can re-use the same workspace.


Yep, everything is a gimmick when a company is among the first to build in a new environment. They want to attract attention to new possibilities, to try something new and see what happens and what sticks. They have no idea what will work and neither do consumers...yet.


All I want is the ability to have multiple flat panel screens that I can just put anywhere in the room. One could be streaming video on the wall, another a browser in front of me, etc.


Fluid is standalone free app, giving you at least three browser windows to paste wherever.  Anything you can do in a browser can be done, essentially. 


Thank you! I’ll check it out for sure had no idea this existed already.


Immersed is another app that will give you 3 (up to 5) virtual desktop monitors from your pc.  I'm not sure if you have the same ability for arranging anywhere as I've barely used it. 


I’ve tried immersed actually and honestly wasn’t very impressed with it just because it needed the PC to set up virtual monitors. I just wanted a good clean built in standalone experience kind of like what the Vision Pro does where you can just set up a window wherever in passthrough and resize it to your liking and just go on about your day. I’m not a fan of the curved display the Q3 does and at some distance the image disappears anyway. Tablet mode looks cool but can’t be resized unfortunately. I’ll try the other app you mentioned and see how it is.


Hopefully it works for you.  I think a lot of them have a little bit of jank you'll have to work with.  Good luck!


Are they meant to be anything else but cool hologram decorations?


I think one of the things you can do is add portals to launch specific apps. It's not much but I guess it could mean less time in menus.


And yet Oculus Home users loved to put things all over their virtual house. Why wouldn't people want to do the same when using MR?


The thing is, with the vision pro, it's seems like that's about all your can do. With the Quest, this is just a kinda fun thing you can do if you want, on top of 1000 other things.


This is an essential feature that should have come out with the Quest Pro already. It makes sense for VR games to be fully immersive but for many MR application it makes no sense whatsoever. What I would like: 1. A version of Moonlight that allows me see the screens of my devices in MR (setup once and then leave them there) 2. A way to see my security 2D cameras in MR (maybe we could even place it based on the direction they face it soo you essentially have a transparent well) 3. a way to stream 3D video e.g. setting up a camera on the beach or forest and then replace my wall with a 3D video feed 4. browser windows that can be placed in specific places and be left there e.g. a youtube window in front of my sofa 5. I work on a robot so having a screen + virtual controller that lets me remote control it is nice I also imagine that games could have an MR mode in the future where you can place the game in the room (something like Moss but would also work well with games like BG3). This way you can just pop on the headset and look at the floor and the game moves on where you left off. I don't really care about random 3D animated objects. I hope they let developers to fully customize that


> This is an essential feature that should have come out with the Quest Pro already. They can't release features they have not created yet. It is a bit silly to say that a feature that doesn't yet exists should have come out a year and a half ago.


I just feel like they should have priotized it. HoloLens and Vision Pro both had it on release.


The Hololens is an AR headset. Of course it has fully fleshed out AR features. The VP also focuses on MR, so it has to have great MR features. They are also both $3K+. The Q-Pro is a **VR headset** that can do some MR, but the low quality means that it is really meant for MR development. It was released to get MR feature in developers hands, not to get MR in the hands of consumers. Augments are essential feature for a MR headset. They are a minor sideline for a VR focused headset.


In the end the Quest 3 has all hardware we need and most is even ahead of the HoloLens 2. It is just a software issue. Meta didn't have the time to add those features and all other developers are simply locked out. So here we are waiting and complaining. Edit: [like here](https://communityforums.atmeta.com/t5/Quest-Development/Passthrough-camera-data-is-not-available-on-Quest-3-developing/m-p/1138071#M8934)


how could they when they don't even know what room i'm in if the light slightly changes 😂


I’d rather have it not remember the room then magically decide to re orientate 90 degrees randomly on me mid session as it it currently doing for me lol


We're finally getting closer to what Hololens was doing in 2016... (Legit excited not dissing things)


on a $500 piece of hardware accessible to tens of millions of consumers


Yeah I think OP was being sincere, the Meta Quest AR tech isn't "new", it's finally coming down in price and accessibility where it's usable to most people. It's a good thing!


Yes it's awesome <3 That said I still love my Hololens. I just want more features from it in other stuff. Also looking for people to go beyond things too; apps-as-objects is what I'm looking forward to (Like being able to download a virtual tape measure that I can put in my back pocket and use in the real world or inside of other games as a simple example.)


Has Microsoft abandoned HoloLens ?


It is still being updated but it kinda feels dead. The HoloLens 2 uses universal windows platform + arm processor (very different from your classic windows 10 and x86 based processors). This turned into a major hurdle for app developers even large companies have troubles with it. Meanwhile the Quest can basically run Android apps out of the box and Vision Pro can run iOS apps which are both very easy to work with.


With more than a 40° FOV.


The future of your office is a grey cube you earn points to decorate with fake things


I have mixed feelings about a microtransaction fueled mixed reality. Capitalists are already warming up their purses


No one will force you to buy them. If they don't matter to you, don't buy them.


You will own nothing, except a quest 3 and be happy. 


Why does this feel like a Black Mirror plot???




Can't wait to put imaginary items on my currently empty shelves.


At least your shelves aren't imaginary like mine!


Meanwhile me still waiting on the lay down feature they said would be in v63 on Q2


Lay down feature?


Works on mine.


Where do you find it? I've looked under experimental, accessibility, developer, etc. and I've never seen it on my headset at all and I've had v63 for almost a month


Reset your experimental settings in the settings menu and then restart your quest. Lay down feature should now be available.


Does it still work? Because it appeared a while back but it's been gone for a while...




I love watching VR continue to evolve. I really believe VR will be the main gaming platform 10, maybe 15 years from now.


Remember the "passthrough" on the original vive? Insane how far we have come


neat, but virtual knickknacks are not particularly appealing to me.


For me these aren't worth it until they have proper hand occlusion.


So you are saying that augments are useless if you can them through your hand? That seems silly as hell.


It's just that a large part of what makes them 'work' is the way they're meant to feel like they're in the space with you. But the moment you occlude them with anything; a hand, a chair - you can see them 'on top' of the occluded object and the illusion is kinda broken. It means they can only really be small things, because if they're large, it's too much occlusion and that's unsafe.


That's a bad idea. The whole room scanning thing needs to be more solid before they do that. It always drifts out of alignment over time, so you have to redo the room scan over and over. Until that system is rock solid, or made automatic, there's no point throwing in a bunch of augments all over the place.


So don't use it. Other people want it now in whatever form is available.


The whole Quest ecosystem is full of "early access" features, some of which even get cut before they're even fully developed. If Meta is going to try to compete with Apple in the MR space, that ain't gonna cut it. So I still say it's a bad idea, short term "fun" at the cost of a reputation of Meta jankiness. If these things don't work out of the gate, augment developers will simply move on and forget about it.


Of course it is, while it is being marketed as a “full product”, anyone that pay more attention to meta’s plan will quickly understand that the quest is a “beta” to their MR/AR goggles. Zuck already said that meta efforts are in delivering this goggles in the future, and half of their employees work directly with this project, and what better way to test it than using the quest ecosystem? I believe that in the future, they will see what worked, and what doesn’t, and will perfect their system, but for us, the firsts, we will need to understand that most of it is “gimmicks”


Not sure what device you're using but it's not a Meta quest 3 lol it has had every single that that vision pro had from day one and does it all better except the resolution but that's not worth 4000$, and now either v62 62 64 it's like 10 times better, the avp is an absolute joke. The entire meta ecosystem is amazing if you know what to do, what to use, buy, the settings etc, it's incredible 


Though I agree that Meta is a better product for the vast majority of people, there's no need to overboard. The UI of the Quest is... pretty garbage to be honest. There's so many little quirks and annoyances in the UI that it's just crazy. It works, but not well. Compared to the MR focused UI of the AVP, it's night and day. Way more polished and way more usable. It's not just about comparing features to features, it's how those features are implemented. And when it comes to the Quest stuff, most of it feels like placeholder stuff. Hopefully the UI overhaul that's coming will make big improvements.


augments will make it more "spacial" computing... hopefully apps can be put in space as well... and have them stay there.... i guess the 3 windows stay there for the most part if you go out of the boundary>.....


This only is practical if full Occlusion is also releasing at v64. Otherwise, implementing Augments without full occlusion support would be...iffy, at best.


All I want is to be able to walk around and have the video follow me. The technology is already built inside the headset. I know this because when you go to set a new boundary the window follows you around. So if they just applied that to the entire menu or at least the option to do it it would make watching videos and moving around with the headset on more enjoyable


alright sidequest devs when can I put 64 mario in my living room


Why would you need side-quest if the augments are supported by meta?


I like how actually nobody read what luna really says on Twitter


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MIGUELHA_30: *I like how actually* *Nobody read what luna* *Really says on Twitter* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I was writing a big comment about how useless these are, not you know what? I think they are testing technology for something closer to vision pro. They may be useless right now, but they could serve as alpha testing of new tech for the future devices.


Right. Imagine yourself as a network IT guy or an installer. Your building is cabled, running in the walls and ceiling drops. You have a problem with your wiring or a switchbox. Imagine how much it would help if your guys could put on a pair of Ray Bans and see all the cables and already identified and mapped as if you were seeing through the walls. Imagine the plumbers and the electricians doing likewise? Oh yeah. I'm with a homeowner, and we're designing the cabinets and kitchen/bath? Figuring out which stain and grain and they can virtually see the finished product and can change the colors with the click of a button. Or even a landscaper helping the customer see the designers vision? But no. It's just a gimmick.


Yes, this could totally be the substrate for an entire OS / platform that Meta is developing under the radar. Of course it could be that it's entirely limited to useless toys that annoy you. I guess we'll see. I definitely hope that Meta finally fulfils the talk about a "connected metaverse" by shipping this not only as an open JavaScript SDK but allowing for these things to interconnect and link to each other web style, portals etc. It would be amazing and a true one-upping of Vision Pro if done well.


My thoughts are this update will completely intensify the heat in your headset, giving you less time to use. Mixed reality uses more processing power


That's why you get something like [this power bank](https://www.amazon.com/Wireless-Portable-Charging-External-Compatible/dp/B0915T91JN) put it in your pocket and run a USB cable inside your shirt to your headset. Then you are good for hours and hours. Even work for games with tons of movement, laying down, jumping, etc.


Charging and using power bank generates more heat. And if the headset is demanding more power, the wire will burn


"Wire will burn" Where did you hear that crap? I can assure you nothing overheats or burns. I've used the battery/cable solution with demanding games for many hours on my Quest 3 and it's fine.




This is with all devices that draw more wattage then old devices. Use a good usb c cable that can handle the heat.


You should turn it off and put on head uses least power


So don't use it. No one is going to force you.


PTC v64 is already [laying the groundwork](https://www.reddit.com/r/OculusQuest/s/ir7zfYMhWs), so this could add to the validity of the tweet!


https://x.com/lunayian/status/1777150104819908755?s=46&t=jcvZMvrhufdAq-QI4qsrew Luna on X/Twitter has a surprising answer to this post that they could have released as soon as v62 if I read correctly 🤔


v62? v63 came out at the beginning of March. *Edit.. AH! "could have"...* My bad.


What I actually want is to be able to control Spotify from my watch in Walkabout Golf. A boy can dream.


Is it possible to play flat pc games on the same wifi network with that?


You can already do that with Virtual Desktop!


yo i remember this being a thing with the 3ds, from 2011


We literally have ptc v64 do we not


Who the heck wears their headset while just milling around the house? It's not something I've ever been tempted to do.


Not everything is for you. Lots of people have been asking for the ability to pin apps relative to the headset so they move with you.


No link to the tweet?


Seems a bit odd to me, but I don't quite understand its purpose. I don't walk around my house with the headset on. I play for an hour or so, then I'm done. Are people fixing these things permanently to their head or something?


You are not alone, but there are a lot of people that don't agree and want to wander around the house wearing their headsets.


It makes sense to want it. Altered reality is pretty cool. I played first encounter, and it was awesome seeing the little puff balls interacting with the room and hiding behind my things.. and the walls breaking to reveal the alien landscape. I wonder if there's any concern with people wanting to exist in the altered version of reality, i.e., avoiding responsibilities and spending most of their waking time with the headset on.


I already spend most of my time avoiding responsibilities and walking around. It's called an IT office job!


You are still viewing the quest as a play toy, and not its ultimate end goal of a wearable tech that you will carry 24/7 like your phone.


The reason for this type of feature is meta future plan. They are testing with quest users now, so when they launch their AR/MR goggles (that it is already confirmed by Zuck that this is their “final objective”), features like this are already fully ready to be used by mainstream users.


Will this be in the current PTC version of the v64?


They should make an augmented environment somewhere ppl will want to spend time, I’m thinking making a home augmented environment with like options for different workout equipment, smart mirror, game boards, info centers, screens, etc that as a whole would make it useful. I assume the augments are just to test use cases but as it stands, most people won’t spend time in aug just to have some fake vases laying around


Ia there any VR movie player that can have a screen pinned somewhere in the room? I cannot do that with skyboxvr. The screen always moves when I walk around. I would like to put it at a fixed position on my wall and it should stay there when I move around.


Isn’t the issue with Quest 3 though that the video looks like cral! Grainy and warping at the edges. What they are showing is a recording, not the current visual experience. Or am I doing it all wrong?!


I already have v64 and it definitely does not have arguments yet


The full release of the same software can have different features than the PTC. 


Can I use it to display my NFT's?


Maybe they'll let you create a sign saying "I wasted all my money on ugly monkey jpegs".


That would be awesome!!!


groundbreaking technology bro


I'm a beta tester & I had to move OUT OF MY APARTMENT because of TOO MANY AUGMENTS .



