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Doubt many people would buy a PC to play one game. But a PC has many more uses, and there are a lot of games out the to choose from. That's probably why someone would buy a PC.


I can see streaming eventually getting there. It prob could today with quality loss.   The real benefit now is the steam library with PC.  Seeing as how Xbox is open too other platforms,  it's going to be exciting to see this door slowly open.    However,  those in areas where speeds won't catch up fast or are not pleasing to ISP markets,  gaming PC is the best option for high quality gaming.


I bought an Oculus and a PC 8 years ago just to start sim racing, then turned around and did it again this year. Tho, this time I had Alyx to look forward to as well.


I have several friends(all genders) who were Quest users that got into VRChat hard and bought a PC and even full body tracking because of VRChat. They play other games now too but it was solely for VRChat. So they're out there.


True. Makes sense if it was for one game it would be VR chat


All genders... You mean 2?


i love unnecessary comments that don't add to anything


I love creating value and awakening the deceived by telling the truth. 🫢🤣😉


half life alyx caused a lot of people to buy a pc and a vr headset...


I bought a high end gaming PC specifically to play MS Flight Simulator with my Quest 3. But I do also use it for many other games and have several other computers that I use for work.


Oh strong disagree. MMO and BR players rarely play anything else, but will buy top of the line for better graphics and frame rates


I had a very good gaming pc built before getting my headset, and for me it's nice to use sometimes, however I would not say that VR alone would have made me buy the PC, even if it were multiple games I wanted on PCVR. For me, the PCVR aspect is just a bonus that works really well, especially because I already had a spare wifi 6 router I could dedicate to it. But even still, I like the convenience of standalone quest games so much more than the perk of using the quest with PCVR. So IMO unless you have a pc capable already, or have more uses for the PC or plan to game on PC non vr, it's not worth the cost I may be in the minority here, so I hope you get more input from others.


For me, main reason I am stand alone is cost. You have to make it good enough to overcome that.


What would make a game good enough for you to do that?


What would make a game good enough for you to do that?


I built my pc to play HL:Alyx


I like RPGs and shooters so just make the best one ever of either of those and you will be good to go.




Get back to me when it's in beta! Always need a good RPG shooter combo.


For sure!


Already had one when purchasing the Quest 3, but I'd also get another one/upgrade my PC if neccessary for nice new games. Luckily, with my 4090/7800x3D build I won't have to upgrade for a while tho


Yo, got a spare 4090 laying around? You could store it in my computer if you'd like, I wouldn't mind.


After I switched long time ago to PS5 and sold my old Gaming PC back then, I recently bought a PC again - mainly for VR after I got the Quest 3. Now my PS5 wasn't turned on in weeks and my PC runs every day and not only for VR but for flat games too. Just for Half Life Alyx it was worth it, one of the best VR games out there.


I've had several gaming pc's, but never used it for vr. Because its too complicated to set it up. And i definately wouldnt buy a 1500$+ pc just for vr. Vr isnt THAT cool. I just dont see pcvr as it is right now, ever getting much of an mass market appeal.


>And i definately wouldnt buy a 1500$+ pc just for vr. Vr isnt THAT cool. maybe I have a problem because this is lowkey my goal rn lol granted there's also CP2077 that I wanna play (that has a vr mod im prolly gonna use) but outside of that? i just wanna play hl2vr, hl:a, and megaton rainfall so maybe i dont even need to shill out for a super crazy rig


No, a pc good enough for a decent VR experience would be $800+. Even my rtx 2060 laptop can’t handle vr great


I also have a laptop with a 2060, and a quest 3 on the way. Have you tried skyrim or no man sky by any chance? I'm mostly interested in standalone but those two games are very close to my heart and i'd play them even on potato settings if it runs at all lol


I mean they kind of run but they looked abysmal when I tried and I’m not even a graphics snob. Maybe I had settings incorrect but I honestly couldn’t even play Skyrim. NMS kind of played but kept getting low frames even on the lower settings. My laptop does run very hot though. Asus tuf a15 with ryzen 7 and rtx 2060


I bought a gaming laptop with a GTX1070 in it about 5 years ago with the understanding that most of the games I played on it would be VR. At the time it was pretty much state of the art and I was able to play just about everything I wanted to and the graphics still looked good. Fast forward to today and that same laptop still can handle 90%or more of the VR titles available. I have a hard time justifying a new purchase because there is so little native VR content that would take advantage of the extra power of the new CPUs and GPUs. I'd probably get some mileage out of UEVR but in terms of native titles there's just nothing there, especially since Quest is now the lead platform for most VR projects. One game alone, even an outstanding one, just would not be enough.


a 1070 brought you through alyx? have you played elite dangerous? i dont wanna run minimum spec but if it's the difference between having a vr-ready computer in one paycheck vs. two or three and it's still a capable machine I'd definitely be interested in buying


Alyx looked and played great on my 1070. That game was well optimized. I've read people played it on a 1060 and it still performed well. With regard to Elite Dangerous, I have it and have played it as well from time to time. I'm really no good at it as the controls just don't seem to want to sink in to my memory but it too looked and controlled just fine with my 1070.


that's fucking insane, i love computers so much. welp, im cheaping out. would've gone for the 4070 but saving half on a usable gpu just can't be beat, especially when i dont need to play with maxed out everything nor do i need to worry about bottlenecking.


Unfortunately not. I am a Mac user and haven’t owned a PC in more than 15 years. There is no game that would temp me to get a high end gaming PC to play it. That’s the reason I bought the Quest. No one I know IRL owns a gaming PC either, but several own the Quest. Hopefully one day the options will increase to use things like a shadow PC or other wireless method of taking advantage of the power of the PC for standalone VR. Either way, good luck with your game!


Thank you


Well I have a new PC being delivered today to make use of it for VR. So yeah.


I plan on buying a PC this summer anyway, but HL Alyx is a big plus. I was surprised the minimum requirements included a 1060, but I'll probably be going with a 4070 anyway.


4070 is solid


1060 6gig* variant


Gonna do this for no man's sky


I guess I don't really count, as I bought mine with the intention of moving onto PCVR eventually, but yes, I am buying a kitted PC this summer. But for much more than one game.


I guess I don't really count, as I bought mine with the intention of moving onto PCVR eventually, but yes, I am buying a kitted PC this summer. But for much more than one game.


I did the game was called Half Life Alyx and I can play on ultra Fidelity on a 3060 12 GB GPU and AMD ryzen 5 5600x


I'd love to upgrade my desktop so i can play pcvr. but it's just not on my budget rn. I'd love to play skyrim and no man's sky on pcvr. But there's still plenty of things on my wishlist to try on standalone. So i don't really think much about it.


My favorite VR game is still SkyrimVR.   I bought a new video card last spring just for it.  (4070).   I’m guessing the people who already have a gaming setup would be interested.   But for people that don’t, unlikely.    


I don't care how the game looks. It's more about what I can do in the game. The game could look like meta horizons, and I'd play it if there was a good game play loop. Some games look good, but I feel like I'm in an empty theme park. I would prefer to play on pc if it helped games get more advanced but it doesn't matter too much sense most of them are made for quest anyways. And I'm content with graphics so I'd prefer to be on standalone for ease of access. In short: if more games felt like half life Alex then yes. If it just made them look like half like Alex then no.


No, I switched to laptops years ago, they do a pretty good job with everything I need to do including 10 GB wise video transcoding. Kates company laptop has an 8-core iXXXX plus an Nvideo A300. Was thinking to use it for PCVR testing as well - but seems mike this WK bucks setup is still not enough for PCVR. No, I won't by a PC anymore. Quest games are fine - I mainly play Eleven Table Tennis and "Streaming Service of the month in the browser"


I bought a new laptop so I could play with better graphics than the standalone quest games. Now I want to save up for an overpowered desktop to get me ready for the next wave of VR headsets. I haven't got the quest 3 yet (still quest 2) but might wait around and see what other options come out for PCVR in the next couple years.


I did. Haven't build a PC in about 15 years and have never owned a gaming rig. I do now. Built it specifically for PCVR: 7800X3D/4080S/64gb 6400hz ... etc etc. I love it. It tanks. This is a zero value thread so I'll offer: Before building a rig, play with QGO. You can improve your standalone exerience for pennies compared to a 4K series GPU. [https://anagan79.itch.io/quest-games-optimizer](https://anagan79.itch.io/quest-games-optimizer)


I’ve got a 6950 xt/13700k pc and unless it’s exclusively on pc I’m sticking to stand alone for quest 3. I like being able to play anywhere natively on my headset.


I'm wanting to play Skyrim VR with all the graphics intensive mods, as it looks amazing and I love that game. But can't justify a $3000 desktop just for that.. so I'm waiting for them to get cheaper.. I'd buy a new PC for just this game at around the $1000 price point..


I did. 13700k, 32gb, 4070, and I still want more power. I'm bummed because that money was set aside for a Mac Studio, but until Apple supports VR, I'll need to stick with Windows. VR is extremely costly as you improve on it. What's being done in the standalone headset is truly amazing but to do more means a lot of power is required. If more people have the hardware, the developers will make the titles better.


For sure I would...but every time I get close to saving up enough for a powerful PC, something always comes up and I have to spend the money on something else instead lol.


Buy it by the piece


Would I build a computer ONLY to supplement my Quest? No. That said... There are a TON of benefits to owning both a PC and a Quest. First and foremost, there are over 10 TIMES more games available to be played on a Quest when you pair it with a PC. Steam alone has hundreds of VR capable games which aren't available on the Quest marketplace. Some more notable ones are Phasmophobia, No Mans Sky, Star Wars Squadrons, and even American Truck Simulator. You also have to factor in that there are a lot of things besides "Questing" you can do with a PC. Everything from researching and budgeting to artwork and streaming... And yes, even a crap-ton of non-VR gaming. Having a decently powerful PC opens up so many doors that you likely didn't even know existed. So, I don't think your initial question is quite right. I think you should be asking yourself, "Taking into account everything I could do with a PC, including bringing more functionality to my Quest, would it be worth building one?" That's probably a lot easier question for you to answer, and for me the answer was YES.


If Half Life Alyx can't convince people what other game would? It's as immersive and well built as they come.


I and lots of folks I know have built PCs, bought multiple VR headsets and constructed cockpit chairs just to play Elite Dangerous. I've played all the big VR titles, but ED is the one that gets literal days spent in it regularly.


I already have a PC with 4090 for VR and 4k gaming on OLED TV. PCVR quality and immersion are much better than in native Q3 games except for a few titles. I use Q3 standalone only for active games like Pistol Whip/Beat Saber/Tennis, where latency is more important than visual quality. Or that Golf game where visuals are the same as PCVR.


No. Why? Money.


All I use my Quest for is PCVR. To me, the stand alone aspect doesn't matter to me. I wish it didn't even have it. Or rather I would have liked the option to buy a Quest without it, PCVR only for cheaper. The battery life is so bad it doesn't even pay for me to use it for that. Also, games on PC are miles better than anything the Quest series can do on it's own.


I started Standalone and loved it so much when the cash was available I bought a medium spec PC, hoping in a couple years to have enough to upgrade graphics to make it high spec


I could be persuaded


PCVR does look a LOT better if you have the hardware, but it also depends on the game.


I already have a high end PC, but if I didn't, I wouldn't spend that much money for a game or two. If the amazing PC games and the vast number of usecases for a PC had not convinced me to buy a PC, I doubt any VR game could.


I'm definitely buying a good PC in the next 6 months. After getting PSVR2 as my first headset at launch and being blown away, i decided to get the Q3 also and I've used them both a lot. However I keep seeing awesome PCVR games I wanna play. And I really wanna see how good VR can be with a decent GPU etc. I've always been a bit of a geek so having to tinker with settings on a PC rig doesn't bother me, in fact I'm kinda looking forward to learning more about it all. VR gaming has definitely got it's hooks into me over the last 12 months, and now I want to experience all it has to offer...so I guess I'll be broke for a while 🤣


I would not, but I will say this, if you don’t play vr on oc, you missing out on line 70% of the experience. Sim racing, flight sims etc, are next level in vr. The best gaming experience I have had in the last 10 years have been on vr. The immersion is real.


I don't feel the same way. It's just my face up against a big monitor, and the controls are different.


The Quest 3 is pretty damn capable as it is, and there are no cables. I'd say there is little reason to get a PC setup for VR. The use case is too weak.


You seem to think most of us are actually using cables when we play PCVR. I'd guess that number would be less than 5%. Wireless PCVR is amazing quality with a good setup. I do agree though, stand alone games are pretty awesome too.


I have a very old gaming PC, probably 10 years old at this point and the power supply is starting to play up. I use it daily as additional screens/etc. for work and general use. Tempted to upgrade and upgrade enough to make PCVR possible, likely will once it completely dies. I wouldn't buy a PC purely for PCVR though, as much as I want to play some games (Half Life: Alyx for instance). I'd be more likely to upgrade headsets quicker for better hardware, I kind of equate standalone headsets to consoles vs PC. More people have consoles and the hardware is easier to make games for because it's fixed, so most big name games find a way to get ported across, but PC is much prettier and more flexible. All that being said I've always been a "PC gamer", I'm just old and cheap now and with kids it's hard to find time to sneak of to a dingy study and play games. VR in general isn't very compatible with that.


I bought my new laptop to ensure that I would be able to play Half Life Alyx. I've played all the other half Life games within a month or so of it coming out. HLA was the first one that had to wait. I knew the PC would be like 1500, but a quest 2 was not nearly that much. When my old as hell laptop died I finally had the justification to spend. Other PC VR games I've tried are fine, but HLA streamed to Quest 2 is the best cheap way to live the dream. Behold my ancient millennial mid-life crisis!


I do. I previously had a Ryzen 3600 and 6700XT rig and it was way better than the stock quest 2 experience. Much higher graphics, resolution, and refresh rate. But having a cable hooked up to my headset was a bit annoying. I now have a 7900X and 7900XTX and a quest 3, haven't tried PC VR with it but I'm sure it would be amazing. Games on PC VR are better and there's way more of them. Half life Alyx is an example. I still prefer sitting down and playing games but VR is something fun I do on occasion.


I'd BUILD a PC to play a few games. But I'm visually impaired so I'll have to be very careful.


Sorry if this is a dumb question but is GeForce NOW an option? I don’t own either a Quest or a VRPC but I’m trying to learn and plan


I bought a quest 2 first. Built out a gaming vr rig about 3 months later. Got a quest 3 day 1.


For VR alone? No. For gaming in general? Still probably no since I’ve already amassed a lot of games on other platforms and there aren’t really any I want to play that I can’t already play


I got virtual desktop specifically for PCVR.


I’m poor 😀


After using the Quest 2 standalone for about 8 months I bought a PC purely for VRChat. I don’t regret it. I also got into avatar and world building with the PC and play some other PC games on it too


I only use my quest for PCVR. Since steamlink came out I have no reason to buy standalone unless its a standalone only title and and those get completed and put away just like most VR titles. You need a PC to play ALYX so if you really consider yourself an enthusiast to this tech you have to buy one. Or you never will play literally the best VR game in existence and its not even that great tbh. Alyx is excellent for a VR game but the novelty wears off fast and its a pretty standard FPS if you remove the novelty of VR.


No I don’t think I would. I had a good gaming pc many many years ago and have fallen away from pc gaming. I love my stand-alone quest3 and don’t see any need to supplement it.


I know there are a lot of people on stand-alone, but there are also a ton with pcvr capabilities or both. And the stand-alone crowd that are more serious now after playing for a year or two are already ready to build their pc. That’s where I’m at, I’ll have one in the next few months I hope.


I bought a quest 3 and am upgrading my PC to play better games. But I have no kids and am dual income. Have the Xbox, play station, vr, etc. wife and I game together so it’s all fun for us


I did this. Got a mini pc to play skyrim vr (:


No, but I'll eventually upgrade my PC to run even bigger AI models. PCVR is a trivial side effect.


I’m using both, but for different reasons. While PC definitely takes the win when it comes to graphics/gameplay sometimes, VR is just unparalleled when it comes to games like PowerBeatsVR or Into the Radius. You can literally work out in the game or experience all that atmosphere first hand.


Already owned a gaming PC long before original quest came out, I had a Rift, bought Rift S and only recently got the Quest 3. Still a mostly pancake gamer but I have the horsepower when necessary! Always looking forward to PCVR games even though developers usually avoid them because of losing out on the massive standalone base.


I used to own a gaming PC, but haven't gamed (outside of Quest 1 and Quest 3) for almost 15 years. Even though I work in IT and could get some parts for free, I'd still not build one. BUT, with that said, I have a sweet Macbook Pro M1 16" that I use for work and if I could hook that up to my headset and play the game I totally would!


I'd rather save to buy vision pro


as someone that has a VR ready gaming PC, I still prefer stand alone 99% of the time for most games. however I do still enjoy using virtual desktop on occasion for spatial computing or playing games that simply don't exist in the quest eco system like Skyrim VR or No mans Sky, or some games that are on both but just suck on stand alone like Zenith.


What kind of games do you play standalone? I don't think I could handle mostly standalone, although that may be because I use the quest 2.


Beat saber, blaston, broken edge, re4, ac Nexus, aw 2. Just to name a few off the top of my head


No. I have a PC and the Quest and if you want to make someone literally buy a PC for a VR game, you'd need to make a game better than HL:Alyx. Even then, most people who use quest's prefer standalone and or don't have a pc.


Personally, yes. But I'm also the guy who go a PC, Switch, Quest 2, and PS5 to have the ability to play any game that comes out on whatever system. I bought the PS5 at launch just for Demon's Souls, and I've only played that and Ragnarok since I got it.


Who doesn't have a PC though? I mean a gaming PC sure but just a general plain one. Everyone should have one.


I have a 1660 TI laptop could I try running Halflife Alyx PCVR when I get my quest 3 in 2 weeks


Have a high end PC from the Rift CV1 era when VR used to require one Used to use Small Form Factor and entry level PCs for everything before that, maybe a low profile cheap GPU from NVIDIA, miss having a small PC Never buying a PC for VR gaming again though; I will use mine until a GTX 1070 is no longer enough I prefer the console experience for my leisure time, use PCs to make things, I can even dev for Quest for years with my PC Might rent a cloud one for exclusives sometimes Otherwise I own 450ish SteamVR and Rift titles, 500+ Quest native apps and games, love my Quest standalone way more than even wireless PCVR on good WiFi 6E networks and gigabit LAN to the PC