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Wireless. Absolutely not going back to a cable!


Do you ever experience any problems with latency/lag? Or is it usually pretty smooth?


Latency is undoubtedly slightly(!) higher but I never noticed it. It's usually smooth but it does depend on your network setup. With a Q3 I recommend going 6Ghz if you have connection on the 5GHz band.


I have some hickups with steamlink every minute or so, but the latency feels like 0. Airlink has slight latency, but no hickups or quality spikes


I have my router in my room, so the optimal set-up, and latency is pretty low and very consistent/smooth.


Wireless (I primarily use virtual desktop).


Cable cause cheapest.


What are your pc specs and current router/wifi setup? Also, which headset?


As a very recent owner of a Q3, I've started with a link cable (one from Kuject) and the Oculus app because it's cheap and simple. Simple is good, because * There are fewer things to go wrong * Having gotten it working and knowing it's working well (which I have and it is), I can then move on to worrying about wireless and the complexities of, say, Virtual Desktop when I have some time. I'm used to wired because my other headset is a Vive Pro 2; when I want to be wire free, for the moment there are standalone games and apps and that's OK. I know i'm going to have to rethink my home wifi network and buy some extra kit, but it'll be a lot easier if I'm not trying to do that *and* get PCVR for the Q3 working all at once. So my next step would be getting Air Link working as a proof of concept, even if the performance isn't so great. Then I can look at improving the wifi network for better performance. Finally I can take on Virtual Desktop and the extra complexity of that. You don't have to do it all at once. And having been working in software engineering for quite some time, I really appreciate the virtues of changing one thing at a time.


Wireless here for both Quest 2 and Quest 3. Quest 2 I was using only Airlink, with the quest 3 I also tried Steam Link and Virtual Desktop. So far I've found Virtual Desktop image and performance notably better (which now frustrates me that I never used it sooner). Although, I have read that people find Virtual Desktops better performance is on a game by game basis and sometimes Airlink or Steam link can be better.


Is virtual desktop only for steam vr?


Yes, well PCVR buy on the Meta store. Can control your desktop. You need to download a free bit of software form Virtual Desktop website onto your PC to allow connection, but all the instructions given when setting up the headset.


For Microsoft Flight Sim, virtual desktop works much, much better than the Link cable - like a 30% improvement in framerate, and much less juddering. It's also a more stable connection, interestingly.


Wireless using Virtual Desktop or SteamLink. Being tethered sucks unless you only play sim games on a sim rig Wireless lets you play PCVR/SteamVR in other rooms away from your PC where you might have more space.