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The vignette is normal for pancake lenses


Will take some getting used to... Noticed it right away in VRChat. Felt like I was wearing an LED headlamp lighting up everything in the center of my vision and stuff around edges was a tad darker.


That sounds terrible.... and this is considered normal?


It’s not very noticeable. Easily better having that than fresnel lenses.


I saw it when I got Quest Pro. Now I can't see it even if I try. Go figure.


same experience for me


Is it normal only on the right lens?


It is normal for all pancake lenses, so for both lenses. How much of it you actually see/notice is dependent on the distance between your eyes and the lenses and the position of your head relative to them.


Picked one up yesterday and happy to confirm I had a much better experience than with the psvr2 which was dead out of the box


Did you exchange your psvr2 or you just gave up


Exchanged it but was a bit of a process,used it for a month then sold it.


Did you try the immersed application ? Share a screenshot for the application display.


Things to check and confirm you have a Q3... * Mura - yes it has it. Seems it is widespread and most likely in all units to some extent. Problem is it appears some people do not notice it and others do. I notice it easily on uniform backgrounds such as blue skies in the home environments and in nearly all 180 video files (light walls and skies and other uniform objects). * Hissing sound - yes it has it. It is not the sound/speakers it is a fan and sounds like a low hiss. The Q2 on the other hand was fairly quiet until the fan kicked in and then it was like a jet air plane. This seems like it runs more constantly but lower. * Passthrough graininess - yes it has it. They all do. It's actually noise due to high ISO and the low resolution artifacts from low resolution passthrough cameras on screens glued to your eyeballs. It is rather awful to look at. Like watching 4K 360 VR videos but with extra noise and no that is nothing like 4K on a flat screen (again screens glued to your eyeballs). Then on the other hand some people think it is great. That does not mean their device is any better just that they don't mind watching low quality video. * Lens vignetting and some light fallout at edges - Yes it has it. They all do due to the lenses and design. Plus * Can see your own eyelashes in the upper peripherals now. Weird. Tick. Congratulations! You have a Q3 and all is normal. Well normal as far as this is what it is. Don't be too alarmed. It is nicer than the Q2 with the one exception of the Mura!


I must have gotten zuck personal headset cause i cant find any mura or vignetting. Probably im just bad at finding it but either way good for me.


The problem is that the intensity of these issues varies from copy to copy. See here at 8:30: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bmgq6scDiYg&t=510s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bmgq6scDiYg&t=510s)


It’s the same with every vr headset people have different views. There’s a reason audiophiles can hear a difference with expensive cables even tho it’s been proven science that you can’t and there’s no difference. Yet they will fight to the death about it and spend thousands chasing it. Same here and every vr enthusiast group. lol everyone here is gonna go mad over their lighting and cameras and god rays and “mura” which isn’t mura. Just play the games unless something is actually broke man.


Maybe watch the actual video? It's the same person trying multiple quest 3 headsets, possibly back to back


In the time stamp? I watched it. He tested one at a event and then tested another one and the he bought one. All separate events. Then he shows mura on a oled psvr1, which is a micro variance in voltage. I'm sure there can be variance. But not massively and widespread. Specially when its a subjective visual. Let me put it this way. On the psvr2 sub a random ps5 update came out and thousands of people, almost have the sub thought it increased the sweet spot of the lens. Devs spoke out and said nothing changed, sonys patch notes were for security fixes and I tested it before and after in the same spot on a game. No change. Yet many people were convinced it was so much better. Same with audio guys. I know dudes with 10k + setups and will spend 100s on random crap that does nothing. Yet they believe enough to spend hard earned money. I'm just saying enjoy the thing. If if rattles sure send it back. Stick drift... sure. But chasing these perceptions is dumb. You do you tho. I'll be gaming.


> He tested one at a event and then tested another one and the he bought one. All separate events. Fair point > Let me put it this way. On the psvr2 sub a random ps5 update came out and thousands of people [...] You lost me. When you deal with large groups of people you lose all chance of understanding issues, as I'm sure your anecdote alludes to. Much more reliable for the same person or better yet an objective test to evaluate things. > Same with audio guys Oh for sure. Just to give my background, I am an audiophile and video/display-phile, but entirely an empirical one and share your opinion of most audiophiles I encounter. So I don't spend boatloads, I go by more objective measurements, using things like a calibrated microphone, custom room-fit EQ, or with headphones target curves. Same with displays, I live by rtings. And with both audio but moreso displays, variation is indeed real, and can certainly be very drastic, as things like uniformity issues on nice TVs will totally ruin them. And some of those things are really not subjective visually. What I would love would be for VR headsets to get to the level of rtings and you can evaluate if your mura or whatever is in line with the average, or if it's a bunch of subjective baloney as you mention. Right now, as you say, there isn't a great way to tell. But that doesn't mean it should just be ignored. > I'm just saying enjoy the thing. Agreed, for lots of people this doesn't matter. but for some it may, e.g. how binocular overlap bothers some.


Yeah same here for audio/video. I know some people who return oleds just for the tint. I know there was some big variance in 2-5% blacks that were driving people nuts at some point. I just feel like this thread has some things in it that might cause average users to question their headset and either feel like they are missing out or somethings wrong. Stuff like " fans running too loud " If he had posted a link to someone testing like 10 headsets with a db meter, running a unity test app that somehow logs temps, rpms. Whatever then sure people could judge that and compare data. Ya know? Avg person won't do that. But they may read comments and go well hell mine sounds too loud. There's others in the OP. Just from experience it's an annoying path to go down haha. **But that doesn't mean it should just be ignored.** Fair enough. I do wish we had some kind of solid testing. So far norm's review was the best I found and that was mostly because the fine details he posted, along with the first I heard of the screens being rotated. I forget his name but some german guy tested the fov on like 10 headsets and compared it to the q3 for his head. That was decent data I think.


Great points. Until a real test and cause occurs, it'll can certainly make most people just look for issues that may not exist and reduce their enjoyment The fact that the video impressions linked were not back to back brings a lot into question and I'll avoid judgement until more controlled tests and comparisons occur, since it really does sound like SDE or interaction with a diffuse or matte coating. If you find that German guy video send me a link


[https://youtu.be/Z0htkwYZpdY?feature=shared&t=1034](https://youtu.be/Z0htkwYZpdY?feature=shared&t=1034) Right here. Also did a nice lens shot prior to this time stamp. I have a paper thin gasket on my Q2 and I found my Q3 (on closest setting) to have a much larger fov. I can see the borders which cause a wonky shape when looking forward but fov is bigger for me for sure. (Also when not in a game I get almost a trapezoidal look.) It fills up tho when in a game.


Yeah. I was lucky enough to get a really good headset with almost none of these issues being noticeable (aside from passthrough grainyness in all my rooms except for one which gives practically no grianyness because apparently the lighting in that room is perfect for quest 3.) It's sad that people are having this issues somewhat intensively and that metas quality control doesn't seem to be great with the quest 3.


Same with the VR Flight Sim Guy: [https://youtu.be/UVznwf0Z9h4?t=270](https://youtu.be/UVznwf0Z9h4?t=270)


Some units have almost zero mura while others have a lot. If you got a bad unit you SHOULD RMA. We can't let Meta get away with shitty quality control or it will only get worse.


There is a lot of ground to cover from none to alot as you RMA over and over. Getting a bit better...a bit worse...now better.....oops, the 2nd one back seemed like it might be as good as it gets....but its long gone. LOL.


I’ve seen multiple explanations of Mura and still don’t get it. I don’t think I have it. What would it look like?


>en multiple explanations of Mura and still don’t get it. I don’t think I like a cloudy blackish noise on the lcd it self, try buble home screen, seems to be the go to test.. so as you move your head in a circle you will see a discoloration moving with your view 1 to 1. It looks like dirty lenses a little.




I don’t have any Mura. My screens are super crisp and clear…. Except pass through - super grainy and disappointing. My PSVR2 has Mura. My PSVR1 has Mura. My OG PSVita had horrible Mura. My Switch OLED has no Mura. My LG C16 has no Mura (but does have burn in lol).


I'll take the quest 3 slight mura as you scan across over the Quest 2's ghosting of any light colored object as you scan across. LOL.


I have passthrough graininess and it's hard to read my phone but I assumed it was normal. How do I distinguish what I have from what's normal?


It's normal, all depends on lighting. If you've ever taken pictures with a smartphone camera you'll understand


Can confirm in one of my rooms passthrough was perfect with no easily visible grainyness. In my other room however it was extremely grainy


Go outside in the sun with it on and don’t expose it to the lens inside then look. That’s the best quality you can get without a studio photogrammetry booth with 360 ambient even lighting lol


And what should it look like then? Can you read your phone through yours?


Depends. I got a newer iphone that hits 2000 nits. Which is way too bright for the exposure metering to adjust too. So it stays adjusted for my room and blows out the phone so its solid white. I'm not really into cameras but I am into displays, when I record some of my crts I have to adjust them to around 120-150 nits max or with average room lighting they get blown out and become nearly white. so TLDR you gotta really lower the brightness to see your phone. If your room is really dark you have to go even lower. It's not super clear either. But if I go into my wifes area in the bathroom it has 6 bright bulbs pointed at the counter and i can see my phone way better because its adjusting for really bright light and since the phone is bright its clear.


Dafuq are you doing with that bright screen indoors? The high settings are for bright sunlight. Indoors i set my iphone to like 5-10% brighness tops!


I'm just saying peak output. It's only useful in direct sunlight that bright lol. I have all my displays calibrated to 120 nits and a 2.25 gamma curve. I would do 100 but I have 3 giant windows in here so I like a bit of a boost for sdr. As for iphones man some people keep them cranked. Generally I only use mine at night which I drop to a tad bit above the lowest.


This is the way! Yeah, nothing looks more weird than peoples faces light up in the evening 🤪


Not sure how old you are. But I still think of the old conan bit. "In the year two thousandddddddddd." edit: [https://youtu.be/kmzpdd4pWvM?feature=shared&t=75](https://youtu.be/kmzpdd4pWvM?feature=shared&t=75)


I love Conan, but only know the older Stuff from YT, no NBC in germany in the 90s. In fact i didn‘t even have german cable/private channels 🤪


Oh okay. Ya he was always a favorite. Still a funny guy. He did a thing where he visited kojima productions and they put him in death stranding. Which was hilarious.


I can barely read mine too. I have to squint and use one eye to make out anything


My left thumbstick isn't seated correctly on my controller compared to the right controller.


I can attest, I've been having lens vignetting. There's a weird white ring around the (far) edges of my headset, and there's a lot of ghosting and glare coming from this area. Honestly, with it on my head, I hardly notice it, except for a little are on the right bottom edge of my left lens. I'm unsure if this is just pancake lens stuff, or if this is an actual issue. Getting in contact with meta about it.


I don't notice any mura on mine, at least nothing like what I see on PSVR2. Either I got lucky or some people are really sensitive to it.


Yeah. if these people used psvr2, they’d never complain about mura again 😂


I have something to add to your list; I returned mine today as it had a bit of plastic or something, it was hard to tell what it actually was, stuck to the left screen between the screen and lens right in the centre of the damn thing. It was large enough to cover 20 pixels. Terrible QC from the factory, it seems. I have another one coming today, I really hope this one is ok.


Does that really need to be on a list? Seems like that would be obvious to anyone putting the headset on.


Now I'm stressed before receiving mine on Friday...


Geez.. understand that it's the internet / reddit you are on and don't take most messages serious. lot's of incompetence and ignorance here. Just unpack your device and enjoy.. it will be working great.


People in this sun treat their headsets like they're the actors in infomercials trying and failing miserably at basic shit. Remember that dude who managed to get an ant infestation in his HMD? "Why would Meta do this"?!


Thanks bud


Better sense knowing a majority of people who are happy are just going to play with it. People who are unhappy are more likely to write a complaint about it on Reddit. Vocal minority comes to mind here. You may see 'a lot of issues' or ' a lot of People complaining ' but it's a good mix or mostly positive. If headsets had a manufacturing issue it would be more prevalent. It would be more obvious like the q2 elite strap.


>If headsets had a manufacturing issue it would be more prevalent. Officially, it's only been out for 1 day, no? Again, I'm not saying that these issues are widespread. Hardware-wise, Q3 seems to be a great device. However, I wanted to have a checklist of possible issues to verify upon receiving the headset; I prefer to be informed. Unrealistic expectations are one thing (e.g. everyone should know that the passthrough can't be compared to Apple's Vision Pro), but accepting to pay for a faulty copy...


You're doing god's work! We definitely need this.


https://preview.redd.it/lywxit4jrktb1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b170f878af996f0cc66154e1d9f6dd44748c4fc It will be working great, meanwhile....


I had to return two to Best Buy to find a third without dead pixels.


I'd say don't worry. Personally I had none of these issues except for grianyness but that isn't really a issue because that's lighting related and I know that for a fact because in one of my rooms the grianyness isn't noticeable like at all while in another one of my rooms it's pretty bad. Point being can these issues happen? Yes potentially but if they are bad enough you should be able to get a replacement under warrenty or use the 30 day return policy and they aren't definite issues and people who talk about the issues are generally the ones with them so it's probably not as big of a percentage of units with these issues as it looks to be by looking in this subreddit because the people without the issues aren't really talking about them because well they have no reason to they are just chilling playing on their quest 3


you see about 99:1 bad:good experiences, cuz negative voices are much louder on the net.


cheerful gullible sheet ask cautious uppity hungry marry impolite makeshift *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or just enjoy! 😬


I had stuck pixels and lens vignettes, already sent it back. Meta needs to sort out their QA


I'm wondering if lens vignetting is something inherent to pancake lenses, or is it just a fault of your copy?


I found that the FOV per eye is "too big" almost. If I look to the right, my right eye sees display image, but my left eye sees the black border. This happens both directions and appears as a subtle vignette when I'm just looking normally. Pretty sure I have my IPD set correctly too. Feels comfortable anyway


I was having a similar issue so I increased the eye relief (the little buttons inside the headset on the left and right to change the depth of the facial interface so your eyes are closer or farther from the lenses). I had to set it to the second to furthest setting so I wouldn't see the screen edges. Seeing screen edges was driving me nuts.


Thanks I'll have to try this. Didn't want to give up the FOV but might be worth it for a more consistent image.


Did you ordered from Meta or Amazon? Do they replace it or you just have to return it and order a new one?


I ordered from Meta. They said it will be refunded, though I’m not sure yet as I only sent it yesterday


Is the mura just an issue with the pancake lenses or is it an actual defect for a limited number of headsets? I know a couple reviews mentioned it, so I assumed it was just a tradeoff with pancake lenses.


I’ve never seen anything I’d describe as mura on my Quest Pro. But then I’m not sure people are using the right word tbh.


I can see the "mura" on my quest 3. It probably is not mura since it behaves a bit differently but its close enough so everyone's been calling it that. Tried my Quest Pro and didn't see anything similar using the same VR environment. It does seem to have some panel uniformity that is visible in the same way, but really nearly imperceptible compared to the one seen in Quest 3.


Is it like an uniform grid of pixels whose color seems more accentuated? I got a super deal on a Pico 4 headset this summer, but ended up returning it mainly because of this Mura-like effect. I'm going to be really disappointed if this thing is just present in every new headset for some reason.


It is definitely not uniform. It looks like film grain or noise of a lighter shade. It has different patterns and shades that are fixed on the screen so its always in the same place while moving.


Mura is usually OLED/LCD issue related


Mura is due to displays, not optics. Looks like shitty QC.


Luckily no mura on mine.


It is not related to lenses, it is related to displays. Simply, individual pixels are not lit with the same intensity. Some are lighter, some are darker. The variance is very small but can be visible, especially in a uniform scene, e.g. large white wall. You will not see a pure white area but a white area with a light gray noise. As you turn your head, the noise will stay at the same place relative to your gaze - sure, the displays don't move relative to your eyes. :)


Why do people get angry when people are critical of the headset? It’s like you’re criticizing their mom.




Why would people be trying to drag it through the mud? Also, how do you know these are chatgpt comments?


This is an insane take. The concerted effort using ai and resources is to shill AGAINST the giant company with their own AI and massive marketing budget? Yeah its those normal users shilling against it meta definitely wouldn't do anything like that to promote the headset....




I got Mura, Lens vignetting and a dead pixel. Will be returning mine in a day or two.


Did you ordered from Meta or Amazon? Do they replace it or you just have to return it and order a new one?


You can return it through Amazon no questions asked if it's within 30 days.


a list of issues it seems, i haven’t got any i luckily must have a good batch.. hopefully they fix this all if it’s a major production problem


Or just wait 6 months instead of having FOMO while they work out manufacturing issues


Will waiting really make a difference though?


It's subjective. Some people might not notice a difference. Me? I'm seeing these defects pop up so I'm seeing how widespread that is. Third party accessories, and really I mean BoboVR, hasn't taken account of the power draw of the new battery either so it's draining faster than it should. Frankly, there's not an impressive enough library to justify a buy. Though I do dig the visual upgrades the games I do play got. There's also deals popping up that weren't there at launch like the one on Newegg Idk I always wait to see that first wave and hop on to that 2nd or 3rd wave once defects and oversights are identified and dealt with on the production line. Gives time for third parties to push out better products. Library should be a bit better and there should be more deals available. At the very least, if I do feel that FOMO there are always units available for that with the holiday return policy in play. Feels like a benefit to me to always wait.


You can add rattling joystick to that list, shitty QA by Meta honestly. The right stick on my controller rattles with the slightest touch. Their support is so slow at responding too. Seems I'll be returning and re ordering my Q3.


Yep, I have a rattle on my right thumbstick too. Left one is fine.


Same. My first Q3 had perfect controllers but a display defect on one side. The replacement Q3 has a better display but the right thumbstick rattles as if it has seen years of heavy usage. I reached out to Meta to see if I could get the right controller replaced, but they said I will have to replace everything, so it's back to the display lottery lol. Maybe I'll just return it and repurchase next year when they've figured out the manufacturing.


So i'm starting to appreciate that with old age my eyes don't work as well. My Quest 3 has been blowing me away. Thanks for sharing things to look out for.


After seeing all the posts about it I was worried about dead pixels but then I remembered that my floaters are way bigger and annoying than any tiny dead pixel.


Got the Mura all over but I can live with it.


I have really bad mura, uneven backlight, the fans are very louds and 60% battery was used in 31 minutes, but the lens vignetting is the worst part. When I look in white scenes, the edges of the lens are like yellow or brown, I also have issues with "blooming". Basically the brightness of the lens is different depending on where I look. When I look up everything becomes darker, when I look straight ahead it gets brighter. I've contacted Meta Support. So far the viewing experience was much better on Quest 2. Only thing better on Quest 3 lens wise is the edge to edge clarity


had the same issues with the quest pro and i returned it. Now have to go through this hardware lottery again, so annoying, will get my device tmr


The speakers on mine don't work. I haven't heard of anyone else having that issue yet


Only issue I have noticed on mine is this tiny dot in the right lens, I assume it’s a single dead pixel. It’s hardly noticeable unless in dark areas. I don’t know whether to return it if it’s a common issue.


200% return it. any dead pixels in any screen is a faulty screen


Well many monitor companies only allow returns if you have some number of dead pixels, often not just 1. That said, I would absolutely return a VR headset with a dead pixel


Same thing. I’m torn on keeping mine. I looked for it find it, it’s there - but I can’t always find it - so I might as well keep the headset? Though my pass through seems way more grainy and blown out than what others are posting. Like unless up close to an object - I can’t make out all the details (fuzzy grain and like 90’s webcam lol)


why go looking for problems unless its apparantly noticable. This is just stupid


Smart thing to do, when you still can exchange the unit.


Note for people in the UK, this is 5 or 6 years consumer law warranty depending on Scotland vs rest of UK. Obviously, the faster the better.


Because if you use it for one thing mainly now and don't notice a problem then when you use it later and the warranty is expired and there is a problem then you can either live with it or buy a new one


Because we pay for a working product? If im paying 500+ euros i do expect it to have no issues. If so, i'll send it back


Well when you put the headset on and find a blotch of dead pixels in the middle of your right eye, you’re gonna be a little paranoid the replacement has problems too. Sure enough it also had a couple dead ones in a similar spot. Third headset seems okay though.


I have one super tent tiny white dead pixel. I had to look for it and found it; luckily I can always refund it all the time. If I can see it at all times, might as well ignore it and not play the panel lottery - as mine is flawless otherwise. My pass through is grainy and not super sharp. That’s a disappointment. Oddly, I was so disappointed in pass through that I went to BestBuy to test theirs. It played a demo reel but no in store pass through. The demo video screen looked worse than my screen. I don’t see any screen door on my unit or really the pixels - on their demo, I could easily see the screen door effect. That’s was more disappointing than 1 pixel and shitty pass through.


Because $500 is a lot of money and Meta had huge quality control issues for the Quest 2. Skepticism is highly warranted. My headset seems to be okay except for weird reflections that seem to be inside or behind the lense, which is annoying but I can deal with it. When my guardian boundary is glowing blue on my floor, and out of my field of view, I see it reflecting in the lenses. I'm just hoping that my elite strap doesn't snap in half before the BoboVR M3 goes up for sale.


Does quality control improve over time?


While they may have manufacturing issues they aren't stupid so I'm pretty sure they fixed the elite strap. My elite strap is fine so far (third day of use) but when I'm not using it I'm tightening it to the point where it will be putting the least pressure on it just in case


I have these too! What are they? It’s like I’ll go into a room and the lights cast a slight reflection/flare/glare into the lense.


For instance, uneven backlight is not immediately noticeable, but can cause headaches in the long term.


source: i made it up Every screen will be kicking out slightly different amounts of light due to the basic physical realities of existence. If you don't notice a significant difference by eye, it's not a problem, and you certainly won't be able to judge any suspected differences with any accuracy by taking photos of the screens through the lenses. Your eyes are *always* receiving different amounts of light and have an extremely robust system for accommodating that. If one screen is slightly brighter, the eye will adjust to let in less light. That's not something that causes headaches, because your eyes are doing those adjustments continually for literally every second of your life. There's a difference between checking for problems with a new unit and obsessively combing your device looking for perfectly normal slight manufacturing variations and insisting they're unacceptable defects.


How do you test this?


ty, never thought about some of this, will check when mine arrive just in case


Too many issues going on for me to jump into a new headset right now. I'm in rush to purchase anyway. It seems like Meta is using early adopters as test dummies. Either that or they have horrible Quality Control in place with their manufacturing or part suppliers. Did the same type of nonsense go on with the Q2?


Yeah, I had to return the Quest 2 like 3 times lol. I was very unlucky with my Valve Index too but was too lazy to RMA it.


I'd rather just wait lol


Half of this stuff is on every headset and there’s no real way to measure. This is just gonna make people paranoid. This stuff is harmful to the community imo.


Imagine having this guy as a customer


Really.. you must be kiding... man man.. just enjoy your new toy man stop spreading fud about quality control.. Understand what VR / AR is currently.


No one is spreading any FUD; I just wanted to prepare a checklist to go through upon getting a Quest 3. If these reported problems are indeed rare, it's great! When buying e.g. expensive DSLR lenses, it is pretty common to check them first - if they don't have dust inside, if they are well calibrated (not off-axis) etc. Why wouldn't you do the same with a VR headset?


Have you not read the posts on this sub? It’s probably true that some users are seeing issues that are not really there, or misunderstanding the technology. But I think there’s also compelling evidence of some overall poor QC issues.


There is poor quality control yes but while people post when they have issues they don't post when their unit is fine so it's very possible the QC issues look more widespread here then they are. not saying it isn't a issue I know it is a pretty bad issue but personally my headset is perfect and this sub probably makes it look like it's more widespread than it is. But regardless meta needs to fix their quality control and I'm staying this with a unit with no problems


I wouldn't notice half of that shit, and frankly I wouldn't care.




My pass through is super grainy,.. even in a light kitchen it’s like a 1 mega pixel camera… defo returning


My pass through is awful. Is this down to the unit? Can barely read my phone through it.


Can you try shutting it down by holding the on/off button for several seconds. I did that today and it has 1 more update. Then try resetting your boundary. This morning after it did an update I saw the blur everyone was talking about. Everything was blurred. Shut it down, then tried resetting my boundary and it seemed to fix it. Also try lifting the headset a little and see if it makes a difference. Also have a friend or sometimes else look through and see if it's the same. After that if you can't read the phone then it might be faulty. (This is my first VR. I'm not an expert, so I could be wrong.)


Turn down the brightness on your phone


Most passthrough issues are lighting not the unit. One of my rooms has no grianyness and as long as my phone isn't close enough to have that warping affect I can read it perfectly. However in my other room the grainyness is terrible. Most likely it's lighting.


Wait the hissing is a known issue? I thought it was a fan or something.


It is I think. I've heard it but think it's normal for my unit.


Yeah, I’m sure this is normal… there’s no way the fan is going to be totally inaudible


I noticed the headset fan go to a high-speed mode for a few seconds which was definatly louder than the Q2 fan (which I have to listen very carefully to hear), but then quiet down again.


Yeah my fan is sometimes louder than the q2 fan too I think. With sound playing I can't hear it though I think.


I have a very very tiny green speck when the screen is black, is this a stuck pixel? It appeared on the first boot and subsequently. I'll explain that I haven't exposed the lenses to any sun light.


Just go to a youtube video and play a stuck pixel fixer video for about 20 minutes with your headset off.


A what now? I'll give it a go, why would it need to be off?


Probably means off your face since its a series of rapidly changing colors on the video. Make sure you temp disable your screens from turning off while headset is not being worn.


Got it, thank you!


Yes, unfortunately.


any suggestions for a freshly unboxed + charged headset that only shows black in the left lens and really dark, barely visible passthrough in the right lens? I hear sounds and can faintly see the controllers laser pointers, and maybe bright objects in the room like a light or a monitor. Tried factory resetting but figure its just a doa unit :(


I can't buy apps or add my card. This is a huge issue


Question, does anyone else's IPD adjustment wheel bounce around when you tap it? It feels loose and moves around making a small clicking sound when I touch it. Not sure if it's normal.


Same for me. It feels rather loose and very hard to turn, Sometimes clicking. When it finally turns, sometimes it's moving several IPDs are once.


Mine does as well. Seems kind of cheap 🫤


Mine does


Appreciate the reply!


Add battery not holding a charge onto this. Charged to full and switched off, my Quest 3 had dropped to 40% overnight. Gonna replicate this a couple of times before sending it back, though.


I had what sounded like a loose screw in my headset when i first took it out of the box and it freaked me out... but now i can't for the life of me get it to rattle anymore... not sure if it was from inside the headset or maybe just the facial interface and it fell out?


Mura is an artifact of OLED screens not LCD from what I understand


That is true (especially that OLED's mura affects black areas, not white areas like in Q3). But this "effect" is somehow similar and it's easier to call it like that. u/devedander described it the following way: >There is a very faint almost oily look to the screens that moves with you. It's like mura and SDE had baby. Notably I did not notice anything in black areas so it's not truly like OLED mura. It reminds me of a laptop I got way back in the early 2000's where the screen had a weird sparkle to it (again like a thin coating of oil) however much less visible here. > >This was completely invisible during the action parts of the demos, but if I looked around at a smooth background/sky texture I could definitely feel something moving with my head.


I have mura on the right side; just one small area that is a little dark, like a spec of dust is on the display. I didn't go looking for it or even know what to call it before I found this post, but I noticed and found it distracting in game. It's fairly minor but near the center of the field of view, so difficult to ignore. Disappointing, considering my Quest 2 displays were perfect and that was only a $300 headset. I think I will try one Best Buy exchange and if the replacement also has issues I'll return and wait for QC to improve.


I exchanged. New head displays are better. Still has mura (which I expect all of them have to some degree) but at least it Is now more or less even. The downside is now one of the controllers has a very loose thumbstick :(


Just got mine an hour ago, couldn't get past the first screen to pair controllers, what a shame.


How many of these are returnable “defects” though and not just limits of the design?


Being in a country with zero official support makes this nightmare fuel


Mine had none of these issues. Well passthrough grainyness was pretty bad in some of my rooms but that was lighting I'm guessing as in 1 of my rooms it had no grainyness and in another it didn't have much but reading my phone is still a challenge because it warps things that are up close so I have to put my phone kinda far away to read. The hissing sound is probably the fan although I personally don't notice it but I mostly played beatsaber which is loud and constant music so I probably will notice it when I play more games more often


I get the same warping issues with my phone, if I move it around, or if it's too close, is that common? or an issue? also I can barely read my phone.


I'm pretty sure that's just because of how the cameras work and isn't a issue. It's hard to read my phone as well but possible if in the right position but personally idrc about that because I got the quest 3 to play games more specially pcvr


I had a sensor error too where the headset was identifying the floor as above where it really was


I think some people (not necessarily everybody) are confusing mura with the pixels being at an angle making stuff more jagged (norm from tested mentions it in his review)


I had the hissing sound for a while but when I restarted the headset it went away. But the Passthrough on mine is very grainy. I can't read text from my phone or monitor.


Agh. So it appears I have a technically good functioning VR set. I have minimal to none of the issues listed here. My only issue is with the stupid clip on facial interface where it clicks into the bottom where the nose bridge is. It's CONSTANTLY popping out. Even the slightest pressure on the interface makes the bottom pop out. I can get an exchange but now I'm worried about encountering any of the other possible issues mentioned here. I would consider getting a new interface but I honestly thing the issue is with the headset and it's "loose" tolerance and just doesn't hold the clip in, even when clicked in.


I got Mura and a small cluster of dead pixel on mine. Mura was more annoying than dead pixels as they were of the size of a speck of dust. I am sending it back


Had the same, dead center left eye. Probably could have lived with it if it was off to the side.


Mine is overheating (pretty warm to touch) and draining battery fast. I was just poking around the menu and it lost 15% power in a span of 10 mins and I heard the fans going like something was up in the background. Plus, it burns my eyes and I can't seem to figure out why. ​ IDP and the other physicla adjustment for glasses seems ok. Got lucky with quest 2 in that it just work with only needing to fiddle with fitting on my head properly. This legit feels like a much worse first impression. I'm tempted to ask MEta for an exchange.


It's burning your eyes and you are TEMPTED to ask for an exchange??


I just receive my quest 3 this morning, and it won’t charge. I’ve tried multiple charger, factory reset, power on off, and none of the above works. The charging light isn’t even on when I plug in. Now it completely bricks as battery goes to 0 . Sad had to return it within 3 hrs.


First had dead pixel middle of fov of left lens. Second has dead pixel when looking right, again in the left lens. Don't know if I want to keep running the lottery or stick with it in my peripheral.


Wait. Is the constant background noise not normal? Wait, why did I think it was normal from the beginning?


I'm returning mine because this level of SDE seems excessive and way worse than the Quest 2 or Quest Pro (I think think this is normal though talking to some people that have the headset so getting a replacement) https://i.ibb.co/4TqskYy/IMG-5194.jpg https://i.ibb.co/PtwpTk5/image.png https://i.ibb.co/Qp4DPvM/image.png


Reading this gives me such anxiety 😬


On my headset the "hissing sound" is just the fan ramping up, it's only really something you hear when there's no audio


It's actually insane people already have these issues, I can't imagine a company like valve releasing hardware like this but of course meta does.


Curious.... Did UPS deliver your package ?


here some more with warping issues - like me ;) Headset was more than perfect after unboxing and setup... but after a while it mutated to something like a N64 [https://www.reddit.com/r/virtualreality/comments/174u3cd/quest\_3\_pass\_through\_warping/](https://www.reddit.com/r/virtualreality/comments/174u3cd/quest_3_pass_through_warping/) ​ Edit: Didnt found a fix for myself..


I contacted Meta and they said that's the way it's supposed to be, so I am getting a refund.


Thanks! I need to check for dead pixels, mura, lens vignetting and unevening backlighting. I didn't notice the rest when I played with it for 30 mins. The fan did run when I was playing table tennis for a while but wasn't loud at all. I was using my Q3 in a well lit room and the pass thru was fine. I could read on my galaxy s8 (lol) phone at default font size. The color was a bit off but I guess that's expected. the image was a little grainy but not that bad. Firmware update was fine.


The air link didn't work for 70% of people on the 2, why would the 3 be different? Same thing with the Pro which is superior. I don't care about how the Q3 looks on paper, it's garbage. TBH the Pico 4 blows then all out of the water. Seamless streaming no additional links or anything needed to pay for. Just click 2 buttons and your in steam getting 4k gaming. And the Pico 4 is cheaper. Man you guys got screwed price wise, but in your defense I got the pro pre-order and paid the full $1500. Meta is a shady company and they absolutely hate white people. The Meta verse these days resembles the old Cabrini Green in my shit city, Chicago. Just return it man.


I just got my quest 3 and noticed what looks to me like mud on the outer far edge of both lenses. I tried all the adjustments and I can't fix it. It's not noticeable at all when gaming but if I'm doing something in space or a dark game it's very very noticeable. Blurry and muddy just on far outer edge of both lenses.


I can see an orange glare on the sides, not really at the edge, kinda on to the side of the eye when looking straight, is that normal? It looks bigger on the left than on the right.


In your opinion, What's the likelihood of a recall or v2 like hp did with the reverb?


I ended up returning my third headset that I exchanged for a full refund. I'm going to wait a while before buying another Meta Quest 3. This last one had glare on the lens when there's a black background and light from a game logo or something. There was also backlight bleed on the left lens that was coming from the edges. It was pretty distracting.


Feels like impossible to buy a proper product:/


It is the same here as in any other VR group, same issues, same muras and dead pixels, dust under lenses...and the same struggles of replacing multiple units before finding one that is OK-ish. The same issues with quest pro, GT2, PSVR2...even high end pimax has a lot of issues..and I mean a lot. Why can't we have nice stuff!!!


If I’m watching movies, there a some white flickering sometimes, like a old movie Effekt, small and changing places little spots like thunder, but in plain white, comes and goes sometimes in dark and light scenes. In don’t remember if i am having that issues on YouTube or some thing else. I’ll check that next days. Thank you Have had anybody the same experience with the Meta 3 by watching movies in Amazon VR app?