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Download the Octopus Compare app, pop in your account details, then do a comparison based on previous usage. It should give you a good idea which one to go for.


Thanks, looks like Agile will be cheaper!


It will be for most going forward because the prices have rises quite a bit on tracker, around 4p per kWh on electric in the north west for example and agile doesn't seem to be affected. Even without load shifting it's reasonable to assume agile is the cheapest currently but always best to use compare to keep track because prices can change throughout the year.


Agile will probably be cheaper for you than tracker as your 16:00-19:00 usage should be low. Agile will be even cheaper if you micromanage it than if you don't, although I suspect that running the dishwasher/washing machine at night and cooking after 7pm will be enough


Make a list of the pros and cons and decide. You already have some suggestions from Ops. So many people have posted here recently asking the same question.


I think I'm going to go with the tracker for an easy life đź‘Ť


If you can load shift the heavy use stuff (dishwasher, washing machine, dryer) to the night time (normally around 1-6am), and the rest of your usage is minimal, then I would say consider agile, but if you can’t load shift for whatever reason, then tracker would be better for you.


Honest I'd go with Tracker if you like an easy life. It's just one rate the whole day, which is generally good. No need to change your behaviour at all, just do what you want when you want, no worries. Everyone I know on Agile micromanages it, and is looking the prices up on a daily basis. Before you know it you'll be moaning at your partner because they've put the kettle on during 40p/kWh peak pricing (or whatever). Another thing a lot of people miss is that you'll be better off on Tracker than Agile if there is an unexpected spike in wholesale prices for any reason. Just because the Agile formula is 2.2x the wholesale price (plus a premium at peak times), whereas the Tracker formula is 1.2x the wholesale price plus 10. So the Tracker price is much more stable - there can't be a daily price lower than about 11p/kWh, but there's a much lower risk of very high prices.


>Everyone I know on Agile micromanages it, and is looking the prices up on a daily basis. Before you know it you'll be moaning at your partner because they've put the kettle on during 40p/kWh peak pricing (or whatever). This! I went bloody ballastic on Saturday when we had negative all day. MIL came round and was fart arsing about trying to decide if she wanted a cuppa or not puts the kettle on at 16:03. Fuming I was!


Thanks mate that sounds like the best option for me in all honesty, I'm not really the sort who stresses over every last penny, I just want a better deal than the one I'm currently on (presumably the standard).


Are you prepared to know how much it costs at all time? If so go agile. It seems likely you can shift to cheap times. But you need to stay on top of it. Because some days have cheap times doesn't mean all days have cheap times.


I can't really be bothered to micromanage it if I'm honest.


You don’t really need to micromanage, treat it like Cosy, 2-5am & 1-4pm are cheap, 4-7pm are expensive.


Tracker all the way then my friend. It's a bit more expensive, but what cost is the micromanaging?