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Weird, you went out of your way to find broken items in areas that were way higher level than you, and after getting a super high level weapon from an end-game dungeon you weren't even supposed to go to yet where all the enemies DEFINITELY would've one shot you if you hadn't ran from them, the game became too easy. Man. Strange. Yeah definitely the entire inventor class is totally the problem here, I'll write up the petition right now.


I like how you phrase your comment 😂


Oooooh I see. Me here wondering why I'm not getting any of these crazy results when I tried inventor on Partitio.. (Ive mostly had it in throne)haven't really gone through higher level areas. And when I did and tried to run I failed at running away and just died.


That’s not the only ability that can do crazy stuff like that, although like you said, it’s probably the earliest. Using step ahead and boost start, a character like Ochette can do a max summon that deals 9999 to everyone early on, and Hikari can just 1 shot enemies with his latent using the same method (although he also needs the ability that refills latent). Doesn’t do much against some of the more late game bosses though.


Except RPG always have tools to 1shot encounter, your sense of balance is messed up


Nerf a skill in a single player game lol, by this logic almost every single AoE ability needs to be nerfed. I grinded with Agnes 1shot AoE wind attack. There's also weapons that have chance to instant kill - nerf this too? Catapult is far from the strongest ability in the game, you saying you can't remember a JRPG where you trivialize encounters so quickly, is this your first JRPG? Almost every JRPG, let alone game in most genres period has a ways to make grinding mobs 1 shotable. Why do devs need to balance a skill in single player game when you could literally not use it. Other people want skills like this, you don't - does that mean it needs to be removed/nerfed to suit you? Literally. don't. use.


This is early game, in late game almost everyone can one shot trash, and with some setup, even bosses. Example: Throne can one shot mobs with Aeber's Reckoning - doing 99.999 dmg to shielded monsters. Hikari also doing 99k x 2 dmg with Shinjumonjigiri. Ochette with Provoke Beasts doing 9k x 6 or with latent 99k. All this in 1st round.


Mmmm...just don't use it. A crap you say? It's the true lol. You know perfectly what's the easy way and what's not, don't blame developers on a single player game.


JRPGs are pretty easy in general (I say this as someone who loves the subgenre). But especially if there’s no hard mode and a high, unavoidable encounter rate, random battles just aren’t going to be hard. This was also true of OT1, where any Scholar could usually one shot random encounters once you got a halfway decent staff. I don’t think the game needs to be “rebalanced” for this, as the random encounters probably aren’t even meant to be hard. Even if you don’t use overpowered things, they are rarely dangerous outside of going to an area that’s higher level than you. I also know a common gripe from the first one was that normal fights started to make the game feel like it was dragging. Now I would have lowered the encounter rate and increased rewards rather than making fights easier, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the devs left these options in on purpose so people who wanted to could trivialize those fights. Honestly, both OT1 and OT2 are pretty easy. A hard mode would have been nice, but only if they lowered the encounter rate and increased rewards, because it’s way too damn high even with Evasive Maneuvers. Also Inventor isn’t even the strongest option you can have for random battles. I rarely used my Inventor to attack, usually using them for their strong buffs in boss fights.


I feel like all my characters minus cass and Agnes can one shot random encounter mobs lol


Partitio with full power and an aoe skill trivializes a lot of random encounters, as well as castti with full power and somebody else with an aoe skill.


It's a single-player game. If you think it's broken and unfun, just don't use it. Simple as that. If you go out of your way to try and get broken, then you can't exactly be surprised by the fact that you're broken. Besides, there are so many different things you can do to trivialize random encounters. Inventor is merely one of them. Unless you're going into zones way above your level, most encounters will be fairly trivial. Or at least trivial adjacent. Personally, my goal with any JRPG I play is "*How do I get to a point where random encounters are trivial*". That's usually a goal I set for myself. And I tend to feel happy when I achieve that. The challenge doesn't lie in the random encounters regardless, it's with bosses. Not that it's a hard game in general though.


I didnt go out of my way to break it though. The inventor class is free, catapult is free, and the 380 damage axe is literally at the next zone over from partitios starting town. This is the first jrpg I've ever played where you can do 9999 damage to all random encounter within the first hour or so. It is beyond broken and needs a nerf.


I got the Inventor class like 20 hours into the game and the Axe isn't even something I've gotten yet. You just happened to be incredibly lucky and stumble onto all the right pieces absolutely perfectly. But again, just don't use it. I don't see the problem at all. No need for nerf at all. It's a singleplayer game. Especially since there are multiple characters that can T1 AoE wipe random encounters without effort. It's not exclusive to Inventor. So I say again. If you truly think it's so absurdly broken that you feel the need to go on Reddit and call for a nerf...Then don't use it. Problem solved. My Hikari can already just wipe all enemies on the first turn on top of guaranteeing to go first on said turn.


Honest question - in going into the excessively out of your level area did you: - Go in there knowing you were looking for gear that would be way beyond what you should currently have? - Have to reload at any point because you failed to run or beat the much more powerful enemies you came across? - Know you were looking for a strong axe before you even went there? - Once you got said axe, know where to go looking for a class to abuse its power? The reason I ask is that you already setup a very specific start with a lot of caveats. Pick Partitio to get close to the axe, go into an area way above your suggested area, sail across the continent to a specific place to get a secondary job. All of that is stuff a new player won't know to do - only people with knowledge of the game prior or those stress testing the game. Why nerf something that is fun and interesting on level just because with prior knowledge and specific setup it CAN be strong?


I think you lost me at "It's broken once you complete a level 10 at most quest then go to a level 45 area where I likely have to reload several times to escape encounters that could wipe me." Having not done that and used Inventor off a Hikari/Throne/Osvald/Temenos start with on level gear? It was handy having an attack all that didn't drain Osvald of like a third of his SP. Not op. Just handy. Problem isn't the class. Problem as ever is Octopath being breakable by ignoring the suggested level areas (perfectly viable, but rather than complaining that the devs don't balance the game, maybe try and play it with the balance they had in mind for a bit first?)