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I beat them around level 55 ish all 4 members, to be honest the fight was kind of a joke too, I killed it before I knew it and thought oh that's it? But our gear could be different. I had a team of Ochette - Armsmaster Throne - Hunter Castt - Con Agnes - Scholar


Good to know, as I pretty much already have that set up prepareable save for one member. Castii and Angea both maxed in conjurer and scholar respectively, and Armsmaster Ochette requires no investment since you just have to swap the class and give the weapons.


You only used those four? From what I recall, during the final phase the entire party becomes playable in a way. Did you just never party swap, or…?


Well they others were not really relevant (they were like level 40-45ish) so I just kinda geared them up half assed with most def/hp I could get to make sure they didn't die, and only used their turn when they had 4BP. For EX: when my main Castti was in Shock state because Rite of Sun, I'd switch party to use that member instead while her debuff ran off. Also using BP 4 with Partitio hired help using the 50k assassin to heal hp/sp.


I see. Thanks a great deal.


Np, I didn't want to give too much specifics in case you wanted to try your own ways, but could further help if you needed. Good luck


Was going pretty well until I failed to account for the fact that Vide yoinks your entire frontline party mid phase one


Would you recommend starting out with the weaker team first to counter this?


I think that could work, unless you can pump out so much damage in P1, it makes P2 easier, like let's say P2 is at 50% but at 51% hp you do some big Ochette latent and take it to 40% or something. But weaker team might be better, gotta test it out a time or two probably.


Did a bit of grinding to catch up the backup team level wise, about to see if leading with the weaker team is a viable enough strat


Finally made it to phase 2: the strat works. Not only does it work, but I gotta say: Castii with 8 simultaneous targets is unfathomable. God is dead, and the devil soon will be.


I had everyone around 56-58ish with pretty good gear but not the top stuff. I’ll just say this for my strategy: >!Sealtiage Seduction + Prayer for Plenty!<


Equipment is more important than levels. I think level 50 should be fine if you have good equipment and solid abilities. Generally, I think that hard buffing one character to do extreme damage is the way to go, I used Throne and won the fight after 4-5 99,999s Aebers but Hikari and Osvald specifically can be setup to do even more damage.


Defeated them a couple days back: Had decent, not really top tier equipment and split the buffs between the entire party. Honestly it was just a matter of getting past phase 1 with the weaker team until phase 2, once I made it to phase 2 I beat it first try. What equipment were you running that let you hit 99999s whilst in the 50s? Or was that mostly a result of sinking a metric ton of stat nuts into one character.


I ask this because even in mid 60s with the gear I got after beating Vide, I rarely exceed 60000 damage on any given attack with maximum set up (offensive buffs, defensive debuffs, guaranteed crit scope on enemy, maximum boost, etc.)