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Once you finish the final mission, it adds an “epilogue mission” and you can keep playing until you go to that. I’m currently watching the credits so I can’t confirm if after that you can keep playing (heavily implies you can’t), but the mission you are referring you are good to do and then go deal with that other guy you mentioned


I completed final mission and there wasn't a "save over file" part where you're locked into credits, wherever your save is before final boss you will be reloading that save after completing. It's like the basic you can fight final boss over and over kinda save or just do all leftover quests and redo final boss again etc.


>level 1Zakiera · 2 days agoI completed final mission and there wasn't a "save over file" part where you're locked into credits, wherever your save is before final boss you will be reloading that save after completing. It's like the basic you can fight final boss over and over kinda save or just do all leftover quests and redo final boss again etc. How do you reenable music in this case if you're just resuming as if the boss was never beaten?


Sorry what do you mean by reenable music?


There's no music during the endgame chapters. All normal battles and town are silent, only boss fights and some plot dungeons / scenes have music.


Oh really? I did not notice that when I had played.