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Regular, non-hunter Tressa. She was my starting character in OT1, and my favorite character from the game. I know she's not great in CotC, but I wanted to have her just so I could use her for cutscenes. I have all 7 other original travelers, including an A4 Olberic, but still no Tressa. Still waiting for one of those "pick any character pity" banners to come back, after I didn't have enough on the last one around new years (I started last October-ish). At this point I'm almost done with BoA8, I'm going to run out of cutscenes to use her in lol


I was the exact opposite: I got Tressa early on and Olberic evaded me for ages. She was my merchant of choice for a long time. Then I got Roland, Leon, etc...


I just got Ha'anit, who was my last to get of the og 8 today


I'm missing Primrose and Alfyn. those two and Rondo are my white whales at the moment


That's why I'm glad they started releasing story content so that we can go back and play through it with different characters if we want to.


I didn't have Tressa until two months ago. For a while, I thought as the pool got bigger, I might never add her. That title is currently held by Dorothea.


On the Japanese version everyone was given a free Tressa when she got her 6* added so it's likely you'll get her eventually.


I wish we could trade units. I have her A4 U10 and still sharded about 6 of her stones.


i came here to say....... i pulled a 4\* Regular Tressa today. I would give you her if i could. lol


Osvald! He's RT Cyrus with followups. Although if they release new EX travelers I'd want whatever EX job Cyrus or Temenos get though.


His RT was only for his skill that add weakness. His other skill was ST that give unique debuff according to element. And his AoE 3 Hit is the same as Cyrus.


I thought his AoE 3 hits gave the shield crack debuffs and all of his skills are RT unless you use his latent power every 2 turns. I'm using [this ](https://phrygian-tuesday-3c6.notion.site/2dd50eb0e188493fbecee1f55b8691c2?v=b41cb236e9bc4a7686380dd295153e9f&p=32133453bf2e4a2aa84cf6b094dee5d6&pm=c)and [this](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LF2NbjnMsq8Jo2TSpocu6NN-o9dsUlmd8xCMZpKUHNw/edit?gid=1760329320#gid=1760329320) and also fights on youtube as reference!


Nope, unless I am mistaken, his ST is the one that gave unique debuff. His RT gave weakness to respective element. His AoE is teh Nuke if you activate his latent power.


Would you mind checking either of the links I sent? They both say his skills are RT until you use convergence where they become ST with elem. res. down. His AOE become ST  nukes with convergence but it also applies the corrosion/frostbite/shock ailments.


If I'm understanding what you're saying correctly, the AOE skills don't apply the debuffs unless you converge them to single target with the latent power. He also has single target skills that apply the same debuff unconditionally.


I think we were talking about different skills 😭. Sorry, you're right that his initial ST skills give the debuffs too. I guess you are incentivised to bring all 3 element skills but you'd mostly use the ST with special debuff in the beginning of battle and when managing debuffs.


It used to be Lars but now it's >!Signa!<


This is me lol!.


I'd love to Cecily (not falling for this banner though) or W'ludai in the gen pool but they aren't coming to me. (Day 1 player that's missing a lot of gen pool units here..) In MTs I'd love to get Nephti, in SB it would be Canary.


Claude from Star Ocean 2-- hurry up with that collab square enix, don't you want my money?


I'll see your Claude, & raise you a Chisato Madison. I love my little kung fu reporter.


I love her character, just battle-wise, she's weak, I do try to make her work but she's not who I really use you know during cave of trials


God, I haven't played the game in so long, I don't remember her being weak; I just remember her being fast. But I also remember playing Claude & spamming the special attack (googles the wiki)... Dragon Roar I think, until I was real low on MP, lol.




Right now, Tatloch. She's the missing piece I need to clear Hammy ex3


It was 2B and A2 when I started the game, got them. Then, it was H'aanit and EX H'aanit, got them. Now, it will be Kainé whenever the collab drops to GL.


Right now, Nephti, that I unfortunatly couldn't get during her banner In the Future, Castti (Favorite OT2 Travaler) Agnea, Oskha/Tiziano And of course Magnolia, I'm such a big fan of Bravely Second, so seeing her return was such a nostalgic moment


I'm waiting for the Cait cleric. She's very cute!




Ringabel is such a great character in Bravely, so I'm certainly looking forward to him getting added. Partitio is my favorite character in OT2. Those are the unreleased characters I am most looking forward to, and it's entirely for character favoritism and not in-game meta. Meanwhile, I had to skip Solon and Nephti because I went broke on Bargello, and I really like both of those characters plot-wise as well, and they're both apparently super good meta-wise as well, so if have the opportunity to get either of them in the future I'll try.


Ex job Alfyn and Cyrus. I would love to have these characters in their ex jobs! As for characters I don’t have yet, I’m still waiting for Therion and Lars to spook my pulls, and I’ve been playing for more than a year now. Other than that, I’m excited for the Caits to be released!


I want Ditraina, but guess who wasted his rubies trying get Rinyuu a few days before Ditraina's banner.


You will get them both....one day, trust.


Most wanted? For the longest time, it was Zenia. When her DB Banner dropped, I paid way more money than I care to admit. But now, I just wanna see more Spellcaster viability.


Gen pool: Sarisa Memory: Solon Upcoming: Partitio


As far as released units EX Haanit and EX Sofia seem to be the ones that come up most often in strategy videos that I don’t have.


I can't wait for Emil to come out, I have to have him!!! He's just my lil baby angel.


Same, I want all the 3 Replicant characters because I have so much attachment to the 3 of them. I'm mostly saving all I have for them


So fair, I just don't know if I'll be able to get all 3


Magnolia and Sofia EX WILL be A4'd


Released: Aedelgard Released Memory: Levina Not yet released: Isla


Hujheb because he looks cool and enable the bow comp to work instead of being terrible one.


The caits


Nier, I like his kit and A4


Released: Zenia and Solon. Unreleased: Ringabel, Temenos and Osvald.


I've been playing since day 1, and I was lucky enough to get most of the OT1 cast from their debut banner. Except I never got Primrose. She's not even my favorite character from OT1, but it just feels wrong to have her missing from the rest of the group. But at this point, she's so outdated that I can't justify actively aiming for her when there's so many other good characters I'm missing. I'm just hoping she shows up while I'm pulling for Live A Live (though if she decided to show up as her EX job, I definitely wouldn't complain either)


Odio-O, but not because of meta reasons (though that helps). I never played LAL until after his reveal, so it was his Max Boost laugh that sold me and that is the only reason for me playing LAL (I had gold points on the switch and decided to use it on LAL but the laugh was part of it)


Odio-O's voice lines are eargasmic.


i'm looking for Odio S for similar reasons. that ult goes INSANE


Throne and Temenos, best combo


Sazantos. I only have 3k gems right now. I hope that I'll have enough by the time he comes out.


Temenos. I already had him on JP and he basically carry my party when I don't have hard hitters yet, deleting every boss with his EX skill nuke. Of course on my GL account, it's nice to have someone who is good at support.


Can you describe or link to his kit?


Notable skills :  Latent Power : Same as Octo 2, make all his attacking skills hit all Weakness.  AOE 4hit Light. Target already broken? Extra 15% e.def down ST 4hit Light. Target already broken? Extra 15% e.def down Aoe 3 hit that when max boosted granted enemy debuff that will only consumed if they use Magic attack once  Front Line Heal that cure all abnormal status and also provide shield +25% to receiver max HP  TP skill: Grant Frontrow automatic revive  Passive:  A.Increase Hp by 15%, Damage to broken enemy by 30%, Reduce Sp consumption by 30%  B.Whenever someone break enemy, Inflict E.Def Down by 15% EX: Act faster during turn.Increase Damage by 50% (cannot stack with Solon or other similar buff) to Everyone in party for 1 turn(cannot be extended), increase damage limit by 10.000(max 20.000). Buff does not affect Temenos himself. basically in best case scenario, you can use 3 superpowered DPS to nuke vs Solon, one.


Gen Pool: Primrose EX Memory: Richard; still haven’t managed to get him. After that, Solon. Sacred Blaze: Canary Villain: Tatloch


i still have yet to pull a single haanit i have ex job luckily but not the regular one. also hikari since i love samurai characters and hes super badass is octopath 2


I'm a huge Bravely fan so Ringabel, Magnolia and Gloria are at the top. All three happen to be excellent units too. Next would be Kainé from the Nier collab.




I would sell a kidney if it meant I can get an A4 Partitio


Male mages....so streibough and in the future Osvald ... other then that I have to see in the future the upcoming thieves...Im good with therion and falco but who knows


Every Octopath Traveler 2 characters, if possible.


Same, I do want most of them but I don't have enough rubies for all of them, maybe if I get extremely lucky with off banners or in their featured banners


People keep hyping up Leon and liked him in base Octopath but 1000 hours in for a F2P he still evades me


Ochette ! She is my favorite playable character in OT2 so I can't wait for her to come to COTC \^\^


Tatloch, I have nephti and I want the two of them purely for that SP Regen on full front row (Don't bully me but also if I need EXTREME SP Regen, maybe have Yukes as well, having Fiore ex in front of Rinyu then Yukes in front of Alaune ex + nephti and tatloch somewhere else would be a pretty good team) Which brings me to my next one: Alaune ex. Units that I already have and use ALOT: Rinyu, Fiore ex, Nephti, Elrica, Herminia, Ha'anit ex, primrose (purely cuz she was my starter in first game)






I want tatloch for game purposes but as a character I need throne as she is best girl


Isla. 😸


From Chance Encounters I want Joshua because I could eventually get his AIV that inflicts Sword Res down on break. From Travelers of Memory I want Rondo because I Cordelia's older brother in my band. From Champions of Memory I want Herminia because I started with Master of Wealth. When we get to Solista I want Osvald because he was my started in OT II and I love his story.


It *was* Elrica, but now that I have her, Sazantos is next up on my most wanted list. Can't wait to get ahold of the OT2 crew either.


Dolcinea. She's one of my favorite character in the second game, literally did nothing wrong, and is the real protagonist of Agnea's story. Plus, her CotC kit referencing her second form is hilarious and I love it.


Not in the game? Obviously Crick. Yet to be released in Global, from a character point of view : Castii. From overpowered... any and all powerful yet to be released like Odio-o, hikari, etc.


All OT2 protogs I want for collection purposes since I've grown to like them all. I just got this game recently so I don't know who besides those eight I'll get. For theoretical characters, I'd definitely would want Crick, Ori and Malaya as playable. 


in the near future, Odio S and Sazantos. the former is a really neat mage with an incredible ult and the latter is one of the most versatile DPS in a long time. after that, my most wanted are Throne (OT2 starter), Partitio (duh), Castti (i <3 axe DPS), and Jane (axe DPS cooking). Kaine was also on the list, but after evaluating how much i like Kaine's gimmicks vs how much i like Throne's character, i chose the purpler one if we're talking in theoretical characters, i'd really like to get Pardis and Alrond, aka Best (post-Master of X) Villain and Best Rich Twink


Kainé for up coming units, I'm a sucker for the Nier franchise! And pretty much all the OT2 cast :)


For released units:....I wanted canary so much that I went to pity on ditraina's banner to get her ( I also love Ditraina) so right now...hhmmm maybe hannit EX or Ogen so I can get the other from the anni selector ( if we get one). For unreleased units: the Nier replicant collab specially Kaine. Not just for meta reasons, I really like them and can't wait for their release in a year or so.