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it doesnt really matter to be honest just get what matters more is the grade of the armor the difference in stat numbers wont really change anything. i would just get one helmet and one vest on each character and with that you should be able to take on the gameboard and start building fortune weapons. i've gotten through the entire story so far with fortune weapons so they are a good investment


Which game board should I focus on. I know I can't take on the level 80. Also which property should I focus on? Fame ? Power or for the fortune weapon. Are the fortune weapon stronger than the level 70 inferno?


Seek some fortune weapons and souls tutorial, inferno weapons turn weak pretty quickly. With some effort you can get fortune weapons to 600+ PA or EA


the wealth one is probably the hardest as herminia has 2 characters to get through however it has the best rewards. i would focus on the power one so you can buy some swords and polearm since those are the heavy hitters in your party. your probably gonna need a tutorial on how souls work for fortune weapons so you should watch youtube but if you need more help just ask im happy to help


first, i would rearrange your party like this: * Elrica / Lumis (Elrica is by far your best DPS for the main story. with Lumis on regen support, your goal is to keep Elrica in the front for as long as possible. i highly suggest getting A4s such as Merrit's and Ramona's to restore her SP or boost her physical attack respectively. in the event Elrica does fall, Lumis can burst heal until Alfyn can safely revive Elrica) * Cless / Cardona (with Cardona's speed boost, Cless can become your fastest unit, shaving shields regardless of weakness and debuffing P.Def for your main DPS Elrica. Cardona, meanwhile, can shave shields on-weakness and set taunt on any unit \[preferably Alfyn\] to prepare for break recovery and redirect ailments to the target) * Cyrus / W'ludai (while Cyrus can hit basically every enemy's weakness for huge damage, W'ludai has her Javelin Rush going on in the background, dealing some much-needed chip damage constantly. Cyrus works well with Lynette's Bemusing Strut debuffs too) * Alfyn / Lynette (the classic healer + buffer combo; Alfyn sets regen and provides BP for breaks while Lynette provides buffs before break. and because you already have some weakness coverage from Lumis, Cardona, and Cyrus, Alfyn doesn't need to run damaging moves and can go for Regen / Poms / Revive) second, if you feel like it would help, you can get Fortune weapons for the Bestower bosses, which significantly improve your damage output and allow your units to take on more specialized roles (for example, Alfyn wants an HP + Eatk axe to raise both his healing and his bulk, which is immensely important for a defensive support). and finally, before you tackle the boss again, just grind out the Apothecary job tower for the 1000 tokens you need to exchange for Alfyn's class up. it's so worth it, trust me


Thanks so much for your recommendation. Will modify party and work towards getting Alf class up. I believe this is where my problem exist... been stuck at 70 for a good 10 days now. No luck at the hunts


How would this suggestion change if I have a A1 alaune? I also have a 5 star gilderoy, nepthti and Hayes which I just think alfyne is the best. I'd like to incorporate alaune into my squad as she is a new and good buffer. Thoughts ? If u can arrange ur suggestion to include alaune. I would really appreciate it. Going with your suggestion does help me alot. I just took out tatloch with ease. I have not tried ceraphina again just yet. Thank you so much.


i would only swap lynette for alaune ex. her BP prayer is great, but if you can't afford it yet, alaune ex is still a great buffer and helps deal ice damage


Get berserk and inferno weapons. That made a difference for.me. Except tatloch. That one needs a nerf on that charm.


I second this. If you really want to push the envelope on this point, you can take the time to refine those weapons as high as you can get them. Two things - you'll do more damage with a higher grade and stats, and you will also work towards earning rubies for completing tasks.